The Star Agreement

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[2018] FWCA 1342

Fair Work Act 2009
s.185—Enterprise agreement

The Star Pty Ltd T/A The Star Sydney



Hospitality industry


Application for approval of The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017.

[1] An application has been made for approval of an enterprise agreement known as The
Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017 (the Agreement). The application was made pursuant
to s.185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). It has been made by The Star Pty Ltd T/A The
Star Sydney. The Agreement is a single enterprise agreement.

[2] Subject to concerns that have been addressed by way of undertakings, I am satisfied
that each of the requirements of ss.186, 187 and 188 of the Act as are relevant to this
application for approval have been met.

[3] As noted, pursuant to s.190(3), I have accepted undertakings from The Star Pty Ltd
T/A The Star Sydney. In accordance with s.191(1) of the Act the undertakings are taken to be
a term of the Agreement. A copy of the undertakings are attached to this decision.

[4] Pursuant to s.202(4) of the Act, the model flexibility term prescribed by the Fair Work
Regulations 2009 is taken to be a term of the Agreement.

[5] The “Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union”
known as the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) and United Voice being
bargaining representatives for the Agreement, have given notice under s.183 of the Act that
they want the Agreement to cover them. In accordance with s.201(2) I note that the
Agreement covers these organisations.

[2018] FWCA 1342

[6] The Agreement is approved and, in accordance with s.54 of the Act, will operate from
13 March 2018. The nominal expiry date of the Agreement is 30 June 2020.


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[2018] FWCA 1342


In the Fair Work Commission

At Melbourne

FWC Matter Number: AG2017/SS71

The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Pursyant to sec;ti<:>n 190 of the F~ir Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) and Regulation 2.07 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth),
The Star Sydney pty Ltd provides the following written undertakings, which applies to The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement
2017 (the enterprise agreement) in respect of employees covered by the enterprise agreement.

1. An employee on an annualised sala1y pursuant to clause 5.3 of the enterprise agreement will not be disadvantaged.
The salary paid to an annualised salaried employee over a year will be sufficient to cover what the employee would
have been entitled to if all the enterprise agreement overtime and penalty rate payment obligations had been
complied with. In the event of termination of employment prior to completion of a year the salary paid during such
period of employment will be sufficient to cover what the annualised salaried employee would have been entitled to
if all the enterprise agreement overtime and penalty rate payment obligations had been complied with.

2. Where in a pay cycle a part time employee will be paid in total less under clauses 5.1 wage rates and clause 6.11
penalty rates of the enterprise agreement than they would have recEived in total pursuant to clause 20 minimum
wages and clause 32 penalty rates of the Hospitality Industry General Award (the Award), The Star Sydney will top-
up the employee's pay so the employee is paid at least what they would have received had the Award applied.

3. In place of agreement clause 7.7{c) of the enterpri se agreement: a team member may take a period of unpaid
parental leave concurrent with the primary care giver for up to 8 weeks (concurrent unpaid parental leave).

4. In relation to clause 8.3 of the enterprise agreement, where an employee is absent from work for three consecutive
days without prior notice and/or reasonable explanation, The Star will use this only as prima facie evidence of
abandonment of employment, not as a matter having been deemed to be the case.

Signed for and on behalf of The Star Sydney Pty Ltd:

Greg Hawkins

Managing Director

Address: 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrrnont, NSW

Who is duly authorised to sign this undertaking for The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017 on behalf of the company

Note - the model flexibility term is taken to be a term of this agreement and can
be found at the end of the agreement.
Note - this agreement is to be read together with an undertaking given by the
employer. The undertaking is taken to be a term of the agreement. A copy of it
can be found at the end of the agreement.
The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017
Rollout Version, 24 October 2017
Arrangement of Agreement

Part 1 Preliminary .................................................................................................................................. 2

1.1 Operation of Agreement. ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Definitions .....................................................................................................................................................3
Part 2 General Employment Matters ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Individual Flexibility Arrangement ....................................................................................................................4
2.2 Workplace Consultation .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Consultation About Changes to Rosters or Hours of Work .................................................................................. 6
2.4 Dispute Procedure ..........................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Team Member Consultative Committee ............................................................................................................7
2.6 Right of Union Delegates ................................................................................................................................7
Part 3 Types of Employment .................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Employment Status ........................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Contract of Employment .................................................................................................................................8
3.3 Commitment to Permanent Employment ..........................................................................................................8
3.4 Full Time Team Member .................................................................................................................................8
3.5 Part Time Team Member .................................................................................................................................8
3.6 Casual Employment ........................................................................................................................................9
3.7 Casual Conversion ..........................................................................................................................................9
3.8 Maximum Term Team Member ........................................................................................................................9
Part 4 Classification Structure ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Career Progression ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Training ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.4 Classifications Tables .................................................................................................................................... 11
Part 5 Wages, Allowances and Related Matters ...................................................................................... 11
5.1 Wage Rates ................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Apprentices .................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.3 Annualised Salaried for Culinary .................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Higher Duties ............................................................................................................................................... 12
5.5 Superannuation ............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.6 Reasonable Expenses ................................................................................................................................... 12
5.7 Payment of Wages ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5.8 Allowances ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Part 6 Hours of Work ........................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 Attendance .................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Daylight Saving ............................................................................................................................................ 14
6.3 Permanent Team Member Working Hours ...................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Early Outs .................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.5 Shift Give-Away and Shift Pick-Up .................................................................................................................. 15
6.6 Roster Swaps ............................................................................................................................................... 16
6.7 Meal Breaks ................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.8 Rest Breaks .................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.9 Call Out ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.10 Alternate Engagement .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.11 Penalty Rates ............................................................................................................................................... 17
6.12 Overtime ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Part 7 Leave ....................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Annual Leave ............................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Personal Leave ............................................................................................................................................. 19
7.3 Compassionate Leave ................................................................................................................................... 20
7.4 Unpaid Leave ............................................................................................................................................... 20
The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

7.5 Public Holidays ............................................................................................................................................. 20

7.6 Requests For Flexible Working Arrangements ................................................................................................. 21
7.7 Parental Leave ............................................................................................................................................. 21
7.8 Paid Parental Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 22
7.9 Long Service Leave ....................................................................................................................................... 22
7.10 Community Service Leave ............................................................................................................................. 22
7.11 Domestic Violence Leave ............................................................................................................................... 22
Part 8 General Employment Conditions ................................................................................................. 23
8.1 Termination of Employment .......................................................................................................................... 23
8.2 Confidentiality .............................................................................................................................................. 24
8.3 Abandonment of Employment ....................................................................................................................... 24
8.4 Deductions ................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.5 Paid Special Leave ........................................................................................................................................ 25
8.6 Redundancy ................................................................................................................................................. 25
8.7 Damage to Clothing, Spectacles and Tools ..................................................................................................... 26
8.8 Uniforms ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.9 Transport. .................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.10 Licenses ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
Part 9 Savings Provision .................••...........................•..•••.........................••.•........................•............. 27
9.1 Green-Line Buyout. ....................................................................................................................................... 27
9.2 5 Weeks of Annual Leave .............................................................................................................................. 27
9.3 Part Time Team Member............................................................................................................................... 27
9.4 19 Day, 4 Week Cycle ................................................................................................................................... 28
9.5 Classification Savings .................................................................................................................................... 28
9.6 Wage Rates and Allowances from Making of Agreement .................................................................................. 28
9.7 Back Payment .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Part 10 Signature Section ...................................................................................................................... 29
Attachment A - General Classifications Table ................................................................................................ 30
Attachment B Handyperson & Technician Classifications Table ........................................................................ 35
Attachment C- Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2017 ............................................................................... 37
Attachment D - Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2018 ............................................................................... 38
Attachment E- Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2019 ................................................................................ 39
Attachment F - Preferred Shift Policy ............................................................................................................ 40

Part 1 Preliminary

1.1 Operation of Agreement

(a) The title of this Enterprise Agreement is The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017 and in this document it will be
referred to as the Enterprise Agreement.

(b) This Enterprise Agreement covers The Star Sydney and all team members of The Star Sydney, who are employed in
the position classifications contained in this Enterprise Agreement.

(c) This Enterprise Agreement will commence on the first day of the pay cycle following its approval by FWC and its
nominal expiry date is 30 June 2020.

(d) This Enterprise Agreement operates in place of any award (including a modern award) or agreement whether
approved by FWC or not unless specifically referred to within this Enterprise Agreement.

(e) No term of this Enterprise Agreement will operate to exclude the National Employment Standards (NES) or any
provision of the NES.

(f) A copy of this Enterprise Agreement will be readily available to team members covered by it.

(g) The parties undertake for the period of operation to the nominal expiry date of this Enterprise Agreement not to
pursue any extra claims, award or other which are related to matters dealt with in this Enterprise Agreement
(including any claim related to decisions handed down by FWC).

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

1.2 Definitions
(a) 'Act' means Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) as amended from time-to-time.
(b) 'AMWU' means the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.
(c) 'chosen representative' means a person, or organisation that a team member has chosen to represent them
including, but is not limited to, United Voice, a colleague or confidant.
(d) 'confidential information' means all information of any kind, including but ·not limited to, any commercially sensitive
or valuable information concerning the business, affairs, patrons and team members of The Star Sydney or any
member of The Star Entertainment Group and includes employee information, information containing patron data,
player trip and play details, internal control and procedures, research materials, patron lists, trade secrets, financial
statements, projections, business plans, business strategies, new product developments, acquisition plans, software
and computer programs, whether confidential information of (a) The Star Sydney or any member of The Star
Entertainment Group; or (b) a third person where The Star Sydney or any member of The Star Entertainment Group
has an obligation to keep such information confidential.
(e) 'continuous service' means service for any team member in accordance with Section 22 of the Act.
(f) 'culinary' means a Commi Chef, Demi Chef, Chef de Partie.
(g) 'flex up hours' are ordinary hours worked by a part time team member beyond their minimum contracted ordinary
hours, up to a maximum of less than 152 hours per 4 week cycle or less than 76 hours per 2 week cycle (whichever
is applicable), paid at the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay.
(h) 'FWC' means Fair Work Commission.
(i) General Management Team consists of The Star Sydney General Managers or their representatives.
G) 'immediate family' means:
(i) A spouse (including former spouse), de-facto partner (including former de-facto partner and same sex partner),
child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the team member; or
(ii) A child (including adopted, step and ex-nuptial), parent, grandparent, grandchild (including step grandchild) or
sibling of a spouse or de-facto partner of the team member.
(k) 'NES' means the National Employment Standards in the Act and Regulations.
(I) 'operational area' means one of the following 9 operational areas at The Star Sydney: Table Games, Gaming
Machines, Finance, Food and Beverage, Property Services, Security, Hotel, Facilities, VIP International.
(m) 'ordinary hourly rate of pay' means the ordinary hourly rate of pay as expressed in the Enterprise Agreement Wage
Rate tables in Attachments A to D excluding entitlements such as overtime rates, penalty rates, allowances.
(n) 'ordinary hours' means for a full time team member 152 hours per 4 week cycle or 76 hours per 2 week cycle
(whichever is applicable) and for a part time team member the minimum contracted ordinary hours plus any flex up
hours worked within the range of ordinary hours (as set out in clause 3.5(a)).
(o) 'penalties' are the additional amounts above the ordinary hourly rate of pay for work from 7pm to midnight on
Monday to Friday; work from midnight to ?am on Monday to Friday; work on Saturday; work on Sunday; and work
on a Public Holiday.
(p) 'permanent team members' means full time team members and part time team members.
(q) 'per occasion' is each occasion a member of the team member's immediate family or household requires care or
support because of a personal injury, personal illness or an unexpected emergency affecting the member.
(r) 'Regulations' means the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth) as amended from time to time.
(s) 'rostered day off' (RDO) means any continuous 24 hour period during which the team member is not required to
work between the completion of the last ordinary hours shift and the commencement of the next ordinary hours
shift on which a team member is rostered for duty.
(t) 'shift' means the period of time elapsing from the time a team member commences work to the time the team
member ceases work.
(u) 'shift cycle' means the broad pattern of shifts (eg day shift, afternoon shift and night shift) a team member works on
a forward rotation basis.
(v) 'shiftworker' is a 7 day shiftworker who is regularly rostered to work on Sundays and public holidays in a business in
which shifts are continuously rostered 24 hours a day for 7 days a week.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

(w) 'The Star Entertainment Group' means The Star Sydney and any entity that is connected with The Star Sydney by a
common interest in an economic enterprise, for example a related body corporate (as the term is defined in the
Corporations Act 2001) or a joint venture partner.
(x) 'team member' means a person employed by The Star Sydney who is covered by this Enterprise Agreement.
(y) 'the 2013 Enterprise Agreement' refers to The Star Enterprise Agreement 2013 (AG2013/6713).
(z) 'The Star Sydney' means The Star Sydney Pty Ltd (ACN 060 510 410).
(aa) 'The Star Sydney premises' means the property or properties owned, leased or controlled by The Star Sydney where
team members covered by this Enterprise Agreement work, or usually work.
(bb) 'trainee' means a team member who upon commencing employment with The Star Sydney is bound by a Training
Agreement under a traineeship (excluding a Trainee Dealer).
(cc) 'traineeship' means a system comprising structured on-the-job training and may include off-the-job training in a
recognised and relevant training institution.
(dd) 'weekend' means two consecutive shifts between the hours of Spm on Friday anc;J 4am on Monday.
(ee) 'union(s)' means either United Voice or the AMWU or both United Voice and the AMWU.
(ff) 'United Voice' means United Voice.

Part 2 General Employment Matters

2.1 Individual Flexibility Arrangement

(a) The Star Sydney and a team member may agree to make an Individual Flexibility Arrangement (IFA) to vary the
effect of terms of this Enterprise Agreement if the IFA deals with one or more of the following matters: ·
(i) Arrangements about when work is performed;
(ii) Overtime rates;
(iii) Penalty rates;
(iv) Allowances;
(v) Leave loading.
(b) The IFA must meet the genuine needs of The Star Sydney and the team member in relation to one or more of the
matters outlined in paragraph (a); and the arrangement must be genuinely agreed to by The Star Sydney and the
team member.
(c) The Star Sydney will ensure that the clauses of the IFA:
(i) Are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act; and
(ii) Are not unlawful clauses under section 194 of the Act; and
(iii) Result in the team member being better off overall than the team member would be if no arrangement was
(d) The Star Sydney will ensure that the IFA:
(i) Is in writing; and
(ii) Includes the name of The Star Sydney and the team member; and
(iii) Is signed by The Star Sydney and the team member and if the team member is under 18 years of age, signed by
a parent or guardian of the team member; and
(iv) Includes details of:
• The clauses of the Enterprise Agreement that will be varied by the IFA; and
• How the arrangement will vary the effect of the clauses; and
• How the team member will be' better off overall in relation to the clauses and conditions of his or her
employment as a result of the IFA; and
• States the day on which the IFA commences .
(e) The Star Sydney must give the team member a copy of the IFA within 14 days after it is agreed to.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

(f) The Star Sydney or the team member may terminate the IFA:
(i) By giving no less than 28 days written notice to the other party to the IFA; or
(ii) By both The Star Sydney and the team member agreeing in writing - at any time.
(g) Where a team member informs The Star Sydney that they are to be represented by United Voice or AMWU (or other
representative) The Star Sydney will take all reasonable steps to facilitate the representation.

2.2 Workplace Consultation

(a) This clause applies if:
(i) The Star Sydney has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to production, program, organisation,
structure, or technology in relation to its enterprise; and
(ii) The change is likely to have a significant effect on team members of the enterprise.
(b) The Star Sydney must notify the relevant team members of the decision to introduce the major change.
(c) The relevant team members may appoint United Voice or the AMWU or other representative for the purposes of the
procedures in this clause.
(d) If:
(i) A relevant team member appoints, or relevant team members appoint, a representative for the purposes of
consultation; and
(ii) The team member or team members advise The Star Sydney of the identity of the representative,
The Star Sydney must recognise the representative.
(e) As soon as practicable after making its decision, The Star Sydney must:
(i) Discuss with the relevant team members and their representative (if any):
• The introduction of the change; and
• The effect the change is likely to have on the team members; and
• Measures The Star Sydney is taking to avert or mitigate the adverse effect of the change on the team
members; and
(ii) For the purposes of the discussion - provide, in writing, to the relevant team members and their representative
(if any):
• All relevant information about the change including the nature of the change proposed; and
• Information about the expected effects of the change on the team members; and
• Any other matters likely to affect the team members.
(f) However, The Star Sydney is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the
relevant team members or their representatives.
(g) The Star Sydney must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about the major change by the
relevant team members.
(h) If a clause in this Enterprise Agreement provides for a major change to production, program, organisation, structure
or technology in relation to the enterprise of The Star Sydney, the requirements set out in sub-clauses (b), (c) and
(e) are taken not to apply.
(i) In this clause, a major change is ,ikely to have a significant effect on team members' if it results in:
(i) The termination of the employment of team members; or
(ii) Major change to the composition, operation or size of The Star Sydney workforce or to the skills required of team
members; or
(iii) The elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for promotion or tenure); or
(iv) The alteration of hours of work; or
(v) The need to retrain team members; or
(vi) The need to relocate team members to another workplace; or
(vii) The restructuring of jobs.
U) In this clause, 'relevant team members' means the team members who may be affected by the major change.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

2.3 Consultation About Changes to Rosters or Hours of Work

(a) This clause applies if The Star Sydney proposes to change a relevant team member's regular roster, or ordinary
hours of work, The Star Sydney will consult with the team member.
(b) The relevant team members may appoint a union or other representative for the purposes of the procedures in this
(c) If:
(i) A relevant team member appoints, or relevant team members appoint, a representative for the purposes of
consultation; and
(ii) The team member or team members advise The Star Sydney of the identity of the representative, The Star
Sydney must recognise the representative.
The Star Sydney will:
(i) Provide to the relevant team members, and their representative (if any), information about the proposed change
(for example, information about the nature of the change to the team member's regular roster or ordinary hours
of work and when the change is proposed to commence);
(ii) Invite the relevant team members, and their representatives (if any) to provide their views about the impact of
the proposed change (including any impact in relation to their family or carers' responsibilities); and
(iii) Consider any views about the impact of the proposed change that are provided by the relevant team members
and/or their representatives.
(d) The requirement for The Star Sydney to consult under this clause 2.3 does not apply where a team member has
irregular, sporadic or unpredictable working hours.
(e) The Star Sydney is not required to disclose confidential or commercially sensitive information to the relevant team
members or their representatives.
(f) This clause will not apply where other clauses in this Enterprise Agreement makes provision for changes to rosters or
(g) In this clause 2.3, 'relevant team members' means the team members who may be directly affected by the change
to a regular roster or ordinary hours of work.

2.4 Dispute Procedure

(a) In the event of a dispute in relation to a matter about this Enterprise Agreement, or in relation to the NES, the
following Dispute Procedure will apply:
(i) In the first instance - a team member wishing to raise a problem will personally raise the matter with their
immediate supervisor who will reasonably endeavour to resolve the matter within 2 working days (however
this does not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
(ii) If unresolved - the team member will raise the matter, in writing, with their immediate supervisor's manager who
will reasonably endeavour to resolve the matter within 2 working days (however this does not include
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).
(iii) If unresolved - the team member will raise the matter with the Human Resources Department. The matter and
all relevant circumstances relating to it will then be fully reviewed and all reasonable steps to resolve it will be
taken. A reply stating the reasons for the decision will be given to the team member and the union
representative or the chosen representative (if involved in this procedure).
(iv) If unresolved - either party may refer the matter to FWC for conciliation.
(b) A team member may choose to be accompanied or represented by a union representative or by a representative of
their choice at any stage of this procedure.
(c) During the Dispute Procedure and for the period of operation of this Enterprise Agreement, work will continue as
normal without disruption to operations.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

2.5 Team Member Consultative Committee

(a) The purpose of the Team Member Consultative Committee is to discuss issues of a collective nature arising from:
(i) This Enterprise Agreement;
(ii) Rostering;
(iii) Policies and the application of such policies within The Star Sydney; and
(iv) Major Change that has occurred.
(b) The Enterprise Agreement Consultative Committee will consist of the following members:
(i) The Star Sydney representatives;
(ii) A United Voice Official;
(iii) An AMWU Official;
(iv) A maximum of 11 team member representatives (no more than 1 per operational area except for Table Games
and Food & Beverage who may have 2 representatives each); and
(v) A maximum of 11 union delegates (no more than 1 per operational area except for Table Games and Food &
Beverage who may have 2 representatives each).
(c) The 22 committee members will have a maximum tenure as a committee member until the nominal expiry date of
this Enterprise Agreement.
(d) The Team Member Consultative Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year.
(e) The Team Member Consultative Committee will use its own charter in relation to conduct of meetings, preparation of
agendas, distribution of minutes, timing of meetings, communication to the workforce and any other issues which
might require resolution.
(f) Where a committee member seeks to add an item to a meeting agenda, the committee member must bring to the
meeting information that provides appropriate supporting information and a suggested reasonable alternative
(g) The terms of any arrangements agreed by the Team Member Consultative Committee will be documented by the
Team Member Consultative Committee and forwarded to the General Management Team for consideration.

2.6 Right of Union Delegates

(a) For the purpose of representing team members in industrial matters, who have chosen to be a member of United
Voice or AMWU, The Star Sydney will recognise duly elected and appointed United Voice Delegates and AMWU
(b) United Voice Delegates may be elected and appointed from the following 8 operational areas and will represent
members employed within or across those operational areas: Table Games, Gaming Machines, Finance, Food and
Beverage, Security, Property Services, Hotels, VIP International.
(c) AMWU Delegates may be elected and appointed to represent members employed in Facilities or as Electronic
Gaming Technicians.

Part 3 Types of Employment

3.1 Employment Status

(a) Team members under this Enterprise Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories:
(i) Full time team member;
(ii) Part time team member;
(iii) Maximum term team member; or
(iv) Casual team member.
(b) At commencement of employment The Star Sydney will inform each team member of the terms of their employment
and in particular whether they are to be employed as full-time, part-time, maximum term or casual.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

3.2 Contract of Employment

(a) Team members are expected to perform their duties based on their skills, competence and training and in
accordance with reasonable or lawful directions. Permanent team members will be employed by the fortnight.
(b) Due to the need for The Star Sydney to maintain a 24 hour, 365 day a year operation, team members will be
required to work according to a roster which may require them to work public holidays.
(c) Activities undertaken within and across the skill levels will be done by capable and suitably qualified team members.
(d) Team members may be required to perform a wide range of duties I tasks within their skill level and competency.

3.3 Commitment to Permanent Employment

(a) The Star Sydney aims to develop long-term career opportunities for its team members so will seek to promote
permanent employment. However, all parties recognise there is a need for casual employment.
(b) The Star Sydney will maintain its commitment to providing a predominance of permanent employment to casual

3.4 Full Time Team Member

A full time team member will be employed to work either 152 ordinary hours per 4 week cycle or 76 hours per 2 week
cycle. ·

3.5 Part Time Team Member

(a) The Star and a part time team member will agree to a set number of ordinary hours (the 'minimum contracted
ordinary hours') of between a minimum of:
(i) 16 ordinary hours per week and less than 76 ordinary hours per 2 week cycle; or
(ii) 16 ordinary hours per week and less than 152 ordinary hours per 4 week cycle;
referred to as the 'range of ordinary hours'.
(b) A part time team member may work beyond their minimum contracted ordinary hours, as flex up hours up to a
maximum of less than 76 hours per 2 week cycle or less than 152 hours per 4 week cycle (whichever is applicable)
and be paid at their ordinary hourly rate of pay (being the 'flex up hours').
(c) A part time team member and The Star Sydney will agree on employment the span of days that the part time team
member is available to work. This availability may be altered during the team member's employment by mutual
agreement. The Star Sydney will roster the team member's minimum contracted ordinary hours of work and flex up
hours within the span of the team member's available days.
(d) A part time team member will be taken to have agreed to work flex up hours under clause (c) above, if:
(i) The Star posts a roster that includes the flex up hours and the part time team member attends work
and performs those flex up hours without informing Workforce Management within 4 days of the posting
of the roster that they do not agree to work those flex up hours; or
(ii) At any time, where The Star and the team member agree in writing to vary an existing roster to include flex up
(iii) The team member picks up a shift (Shift Give-Away and Shift Pick-Up clause 6.5) or swaps a shift with another
team member (Roster Swap clause 6.6).
(e) The Star will not roster flex up hours where the part time team member has indicated they do not want to
work any flex up hours. However, The Star may reasonably require a part time team member to work hours
in excess of their minimum contracted ordinary hours as overtime.
(f) Where a leave entitlement accrues progressively on the basis of ordinary hours of work, a part time team member
who has agreed to work flex up hours for a period will, during that period, accrue that leave entitlement
progressively calculated on the basis of the minimum contracted ordinary hours and flex up hours.
(g) Any work done outside the range of ordinary hours including any flex up hours (except where otherwise provided for
in this Enterprise Agreement) will be paid at the applicable overtime rate of pay. Payment for overtime worked
outside the range of ordinary hours including any flex up hours will be made at the end of the part time team
member's 4 week cycle or 2 week cycle (whichever is applicable).

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(h) A part time team member will receive on a pro rata basis equivalent pay and conditions to full time team members
who perform the same work.
(i) Where possible The Star will offer flex up hours to part time employees over casual employment.

3.6 Casual Employment

(a) A casual team member is a team member employed as such that is paid by the hour and whose employment may be
terminated by giving one hour's notice.
(b) A casual loading of 25% calculated on the relevant ordinary hourly rate of pay for permanent team members will be
paid to casual team members. The casual loading is paid as compensation for annual leave, personal/carer's leave,
notice of termination, redundancy benefits and the other entitlements of full-time or part-time employment.
(c) A casual team member is entitled to unpaid carer's leave and unpaid compassionate leave in accordance with the
(d) Casual team members will be paid fortnightly.
(e) On each occasion a casual team member is required to attend work he or she is entitled to a minimum payment for
4 hours work.
(f) The Star Sydney will only cancel a casual team member's shift if 4 hours' notice is given.

3.7 Casual Conversion

(a) A casual team member who has more than 12 months continuous service with regular and systematic hours of work
during that period may request in writing to have their employment converted to a permanent team member (ie.
either full-time or part-time). Casual team members who work on an occasional, non-systematic or irregular basis
are excluded from this clause, regardless of their length of service.
(b) The Star Sydney will consider the request and may consent or refuse the request within 21 days of receipt, based on
reasonable business grounds, including but not limited to:
(i) The size and needs of The Star Sydney;
(ii) The length of time the team member has worked in a particular operational area/role;
(iii) The nature of the work the team member performs;
(iv) The skills, qualifications and training of the team member;
(v) The trading patterns of The Star Sydney, including cyclical and/or seasonal demand factors.
(c) If the request is consented to, The Star Sydney will advise the team member in writing as to the new terms of
employment offered, including whether it is part-time or full-time employment, the commencement date of the
change etc.
(d) Once a team member converts to permanent employment, the team member may not revert back to casual
employment without the written consent of The Star Sydney.
(e) A team member must not be employed and/or re-employed on a basis to avoid any obligations under this casual
conversion clause.

3.8 Maximum Term Team Member

(a) A maximum term team member is one who is engaged for a designated period of time.
(b) A maximum term team member will receive on a pro rata basis equivalent pay and conditions to permanent team
members who do the same work and the. same ordinary hours.
(c) At the conclusion of the maximum term, the employment of the maximum term team member will end with no
notice of termination or payment in lieu of notice. In addition there will be no payment for any other compensation,
apart from accrued but untaken leave entitlements.

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Part 4 Classification Structure

4.1 General
(a) The Star Sydney will classify each team member in the appropriate Classification Level in The Star Sydney
Classification Structure of this Enterprise Agreement according to the skills they possess and the competencies in
which they perform their duties.
(b) Team members must undertake duties as directed by The Star Sydney within the limits of their skills and
competence. lhis may involve performing other job roles for which they have the relevant skill level and
(c) New team members who wish to have their previous experience recognised for the purposes of The Star Sydney
Classification Structure (Attachments A and B) may be required to undertake appropriate competency assessments
by The Star Sydney.
(d) Team members may be temporarily required at their ordinary rate of pay to perform duties at a lower level than the
level they are currently classified provided that duties performed at a lower level are not designed to erode their
(e) Prerequisites for progression to a higher level Classification Level will be the team member satisfying The Star
Sydney with respect to their skill and competency level, together with a position being vacant at a higher level.
(f) Reclassification to a Lower Classification Level
(i) The Star Sydney may permanently reclassify a team member at a lower Classification Level where the team
member, after counselling, has failed to satisfy The Star Sydney in respect of work, skill, competency or
performance at the level on which the team member is currently classified.
(ii) To reclassify a team member to a lower Classification Level The Star Sydney is required to give a minirrlUm
period of notice of one week.
(g) Classification Task Flexibility
(i) The Star Sydney Classification Table reflects the need for flexibility, progressive development of skills, multi-
skilling and the performance of incidental and peripheral work.
(ii) The Star Sydney may at its discretion move a Classification Level to a higher Classification Level after
consultation with the relevant union.
(iii) New positions created by the changing operational or business requirements of The Star Sydney will be classified
by The Star Sydney in the Classification Structure after consultation with the relevant union.

4.2 Career Progression

(a) The Star Sydney aims to ensure team members are provided with opportunities to progress their career within The
Star Entertainment Group. To achieve this The Star Sydney's preference is to promote internal candidates and to
provide opportunities to internal candidates to grow their career.
(b) Whenever a vacancy or new position arises at The Star Sydney within the classifications of this Enterprise Agreement
such positions will be advertised internally to allow existing team members to apply. These include:
(i) Changes in classification levels;
(ii) Opportunities to move between full time, part time and casual employment.
(c) Merit based selection processes will apply for all vacancies.
(d) Where a team member's application is unsuccessful, the team member will be offered verbal feedback from The Star
on their application.

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4.3 Training
(a) The Star Sydney is committed to the training and development of its team members. The Star Sydney will support
flexible arrangements to ensure access to training and will, as far as possible, release team members for approved
training within their ordinary hours. If this is not possible, time spent on approved training will be paid at the
applicable ordinary hourly rate of pay.
(b) Training initiated by the team member that is not related to the duties that they perform will be unpaid.
(c) Access to training will be in accordance with the requirements determined by The Star Sydney for each training
module and will include an assessment of the team member's capability to complete the training to the required
standard, their work performance in their current role, the operational requirements of the work area and personal
circumstances of the team member.
(d) The Star Sydney may provide education assistance to undertake courses at other institutions. This assistance may
include financial support for courses which The Star Sydney considers may assist in furthering a team member's
career at The Star Sydney.

4.4 Classifications Tables

(a) The General Classifications Table that will apply to all team members covered by this Enterprise Agreement, except
for team members employed in Facilities and team members employed as Electronic Gaming Technicians, is set out
in Attachment A to this Enterprise Agreement.
(b) The Handyperson and Technician Classifications Table that will apply to team members employed in Facilities and
team members employed as Electronic Gaming Technicians is set out in Attachment B to this Enterprise Agreement.

Part 5 Wages, Allowances and Related Matters

5.1 Wage Rates

(a) The Wage Rates that will apply from the first full pay period following approval by FWC of the Enterprise Agreement
are set out in Attachment C to this Enterprise Agreement.
(b) The Wage Rates that will apply from the first full pay period in July 2018 are set out in Attachment D to this
Enterprise Agreement.
(c) The Wage Rates that will apply from the first full pay period in July 2019 are set out in Attachment E to this
Enterprise Agreement.

5.2 Apprentices
Any agreements and/or regulations made by the NSW State apprenticeship board or industrial tribunal apply to any
section of the trade to which such agreements and/or regulations are expressed to apply, despite anything contained in
this Enterprise Agreement.

5.3 Annualised Salaried for Culinary

A full time team member employed in Culinary may agree in writing to enter an annualised salary arrangement with The
Star Sydney. The Star Sydney and the team member must genuinely make the agreement without coercion or duress. If
so the following conditions will apply:
(i) The team member will be paid a minimum of 25% above the applicable ordinary hourly rate of pay contained in
Attachments C to E - Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates at a rate equivalent to an annualised salary (for
example: (125% x the applicable ordinary hourly rate of pay x 38 hours x 52 weeks);
(ii) Clause 5.8 Allowances, clause 6.11 Penalty Rates and clause 6.12 Overtime of this Enterprise Agreement, will not
apply to the team member;
(iii) The team member's working hours will be recorded and a team member may request an audit of their
annualised salary arrangement (no more than once every 12 months) to ensure it is sufficient to cover all
relevant and applicable monetary entitlements specified in this Enterprise Agreement during the relevant period.
If the audit determines the annualised salaried arrangement is insufficient, any payments owing to the team
member will be paid in the next pay cycle after the audit is finalised;

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(iv) The team member or The Star Sydney may elect to opt out of an annualised salary arrangement on giving 4
weeks' notice; and
(v) The rate paid under this annualised salary arrangement will be for all purposes.

5.4 Higher Duties

(a) Where a team member is directed to perform higher duties, the team member will be paid for the hours worked at
higher duties at the relevant ordinary hourly rate of pay for the higher duties position (plus applicable penalties) with
a minimum payment of 4 hours.
(b) The higher duties allowance will not be paid to team members who work in a position at a higher level of skill or
additional responsibility where that work is undertaken as part of structured training being accessed by the team
(c) A team member will not be directed to accept a higher duties position if they are unwilling to do so.
(d) Dealers Only: A team member, who is a Dealer, can only perform higher duties as a Dealer/Supervisor if the team
member is employed at level 5 of the General Classifications or above. Where a team member has been specifically
rostered to perform work as a Dealer/Supervisor, the team member will be paid the relevant ordinary hourly rate of
pay for the Dealer/Supervisor position (plus applicable penalties) for the entire shift.

5.5 Superannuation
(a) The Star Sydney will contribute superannuation on behalf of all eligible team members to a fund of their choice or
the Default Fund in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee Legislation.
(b) The Default Fund will be HostPius superannuation fund.
(c) On commencement of employment team members will be provided a superannuation Standard Choice Form and a
HostPius Form. Upon advice from the team member's chosen superannuation fund that membership has been
accepted, The Star Sydney contributions will be made to the chosen superannuation fund from the next
superannuation payment cycle.
(d) The minimum level of contribution will be adjusted when necessary to comply with the Superannuation Guarantee
Charge Act 1992 (Cth) as amended from time-to-time.
(e) The Star Sydney will be required to make superannuation contributions to a team member's fund where the team
member's earnings from The Star Sydney are $150 or more in a calendar month.
(f) A team member may elect to change superannuation funds at any time, however only 1 change can occur in a 12
month period.
(g) Superannuation contributions will be made by The Star Sydney in respect of all actual weeks of continuous service of
a team member including periods of paid leave and the first 26 weeks of a period of workers compensation.
Voluntary Team Member Contributions
(h) Any salary sacrificing superannuation contributions made by a team member must be directed to the same
superannuation fund chosen by the team member ie splitting of contributions to different funds is not available.

5.6 Reasonable Expenses

All reasonable expenses incurred by a team member with prior approval of The Star Sydney, such as, but not limited to,
use of motor vehicles, travel expenses and phone will be reimbursed typically before the end of the pay period in which it
was claimed provided all appropriate receipts or supporting documentation is provided.

5.7 Payment of Wages

(a) Wages including loadings, penalties, overtime and allowances will be paid fortnightly except for part time team
members who are employed on a 4 week cycle as set out in clause 3.5(g) of this Enterprise Agreement.
(b) Payday, once determined, cannot be changed without a minimum of 1 months' notice unless exceptional
circumstances arise.
(c) Wages will be paid into the team member's bank account by electronic funds transfer, without cost to the team

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(d) A team member may elect to salary sacrifice for superannuation by completing the appropriate form authorising The
Star Sydney to make such deductions.
(e) Should a team member's wages not be in their account, due to an error made by The Star Sydney of which
The Star Sydney is aware, The Star Sydney will ensure that alternative arrangements are made so that the
team member is paid on the next (business) banking day. However, where an application by a team
member is made and there are exceptional circumstances, The Star Sydney may approve an alternative
payment method(s).

5.8 Allowances
(a) Dealers who can deal five major games or more will receive an allowance per fortnight as detailed in the Allowance
(b) Housekeeping Attendants that are instructed by their supervisor and/or manager to clean protein spills, ie: vomit
and/or defecation in an area(s) other than a toilet, during their rostered shift will be paid an allowance on a daily
basis as detailed in the Allowance Table.
(c) Facilities team members that attend an event where a major sewer or waste water line blocks up causing effluent to
be discharged from the floor grates or vents and an electric or hand held eel is used to unblock the line will be paid
an allowance per occasion as detailed in the Allowance Table. Where an electric or hand held eel is not used,
payment of the allowance per occasion will be at the discretion of the supervisor I manager.
(d) Broken Shift Allowance: team members who mutually agree with The Star Sydney to work a shift that is broken in
two by more than 90 non-working minutes will receive the Broken Shift Allowance per occasion. The Star Sydney will
take into account carer's responsibilities raised by a team member during the process of seeking mutual agreement
to working broken shifts.
(e) Security Allowance: security team members employed prior to the certification of The Star City Enterprise Agreement
2000 will receive an allowance per fortnight as detailed in the Allowance Table.

Allowance Table

From first full Qa'i Qeriod after: Date of AQQroval b'i FWC 1 Jul-r 2018 1 Jul-r 2019
in 2017

Dealers (5 Major Games)- per fortnight $31.82 $32.77 $33.75

Housekeeping - per event $7.60 $7.83 $8.06
Facilities - per occasion $7.60 $7.83 $8.06

Broken Shift- per broken shift $16.89 $17.40 $17.92

Security - per fortnight $25.42 $26.18 $26.97

Part 6 Hours of Work

6.1 Attendance
(a) The Star Sydney is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week operation. In order to meet these requirements team members
may be rostered at any time including public holidays and weekends unless agreed otherwise with a team member
in writing.
(b) Team members are required to be at their designated work area ready and able to commence work at the
commencing time as rostered. Any period of time a team member uses to make ready for work prior to being at
their designated work area is not counted for the purpose of ordinary hours. Team members who are not in
attendance at their designated work area ready and able to commence work will be subject to deductions to their
wages for the time of such non-attendance. In these circumstances, the minimum ordinary hours of work as
prescribed by this Enterprise Agreement will not apply to the team member for that shift or roster cycle.

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(c) If a team member is unable to commence work at their rostered commencement time or will be absent from their
shift they will give at least 2 hours' notice (except where they are genuinely not able to do so) prior to the start of
the shift. This applies to all absences including those due to personal leave. The notice must include:
(i) The reason for not being at work or being at work on-time;
(ii) The type of leave they are applying to take; and
(iii) How long they expect to be away from work.
(d) Where a genuine reason exists. for not providing 2 hours prior notice of the absence and it is not possible for the
team member to give prior notice of absence, the team member must notify their supervisor or appropriate
representative from their department by telephone at the first opportunity.

6.2 Daylight Saving

During any working period in which clocks are put forward or back because of daylight saving starting or ending, payment
of wages will be in accordance with the hours actually worked instead of by the time at which the working period ends.

6.3 Permanent Team Member Working Hours

(a) The permanent team member rosters establish the start and finish times and days of work for each 4 week cycle or
2 week cycle (whicheyer is applicable).
(b) The Star Sydney aims to provide rosters to meet operational requirements and, where relevant to a section or
operational area, to ensure a fair distribution of weekend work and/or penalty shifts. The Star Sydney will also aim
to take into consideration the working hours of a team member's partner who also works at The Star Sydney.
(c) Where due to operational reasons The Star Sydney requires a change to established rosters or shift cycles,
consultation with affected team members will occur which will include briefings for affected team members inclusive
of reasons and any adverse effects.
(d) Rostering requirements for permanent team members each 4 week cycle or 2 week cycle (whichever is applicable)
(i) A full time team member will be rostered to work their ordinary hours of work;
(ii) A part time team member will be rostered to work their ordinary hours (and flex up hours where applicable) in
accordance with clause 3.5 of this Enterprise Agreement;
(iii) No more than 10 hours each shift (except at daylight saving changeover) unless the team member (or a group of
team members) mutually agrees to work 12 hours (exclusive of meal breaks);
(iv) A minimum of 7.6 hours each shift for full time team members and a minimum of 4 consecutive hours each shift
for part time team members (exclusive of unpaid meal breaks);
(v) No more than 20 shifts per 4 week cycle or 10 shifts per 2 week cycle (whichever is applicable);
(vi) No more than 7 consecutive days (unless mutually agreed otherwise);
(vii) At least 4 days off each fortnight, 2 days of which will be consecutive unless a request is made by a team
member for single days;
(viii) Where broken shifts are worked, the spread of ordinary hours can be no greater than 12 hours per shift; and
(ix) A minimum break of 10 hours between the completion of one shift and the commencement of work on the next
shift except a minimum 8 hour break may occur when a new roster commences or where mutually agreed.
(e) Rosters will be posted a minimum of 7 days in advance of the roster period to which it relates.
(f) Once a roster is posted, a change to the rostered hours can only occur:
(i) Where The Star Sydney has no control over the circumstances and on the giving of at least 3 days' notice (eg
operational circumstances which impact on the continuity of customer service, absenteeism, sickness,
(ii) As mutually agreed between the team member and The Star Sydney; or
(iii) Following consultation with the team member and then on the giving of 7 days' notice by The Star Sydney.
(g) Copies of rosters will be displayed in a prominent place within in the relevant department or on The Star Sydney
intra net.
(h) The Star Sydney will endeavour to provide 14 days' notice of rosters for the Christmas, Easter and Chinese New Year
periods. When determining rosters for Christmas in a particular year, consideration will be given to the posted
rosters from the previous year when determining the allocation of shifts.

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6.4 Early Outs

(a) Where a team member and The Star Sydney mutually agree, a team member may work a shortened shift. This
arrangement is known as an "early out". The team member will only be paid for the actual hours worked on an early
out and this will be recorded in their fortnightly pay slip as such. An early out is considered to be leave without pay
for all accrual purposes with the exception of annual leave.
(b) The following process will be adopted in respect of an early out:
(i) Where a team member proposes to work an early 'out, the proposal is to be recorded by an entry in the Early
Out Register at the beginning or during their shift.
(ii) The Star Sydney may approach a team member and suggest that if they are interested they may place their
name in the Early Out Register.
(iii) A team member can nominate for an early out from 4 hours prior to the commencement of their shift.
(iv) The entry in the Early Out Register must only be recorded by the team member requesting the early out.
(v) Where The Star Sydney agrees to accept an early out, The Star Sydney will approach team members in the order
their name appears on the Early Out Register subject to the skills requirement of the team member and The Star
Sydney's operational needs.
(vi) A team member may decline to accept the early out when approached by The Star Sydney.
(c) Where an early out is granted, the minimum hours of work as prescribed by this Enterprise Agreement will not apply
to the team member for that shift or roster cycle.

6.5 Shift Give-Away and Shift Pick-Up

(a) A team member may apply to give-away a shift or pick-up a shift subject to the following conditions:
(i) A team member may only pick-up a shift if he or she is of the same skill, position and classification as the team
member who is giving-away the shift;
(ii) Shift give-aways and shift pick-ups may only occur subject to technological rostering capabilities and prior
approval from the Workforce Management Department;
(iii) Once a shift is picked up, the team member who picked up the shift cannot cancel the shift;
(iv) Where a shift is picked up by a casual team member The Star Sydney will not cancel the shift accepted by the
casual team member and the 4 hour shift minimum will apply;
(v) Shift pick-ups applied for by a team member must be within the rostering requirements of this Enterprise
Agreement (clause 6.3(d)), such that no overtime payments are incurred by The Star Sydney as a result of the
shift pick-up;
(vi) The Star Sydney has the right to refuse a shift pick-up where The Star Sydney does not require the hours given-
away to be replaced; and
(vii) When a shift give-away or shift pick-up has been approved by the Workforce Management Department, the
Workforce Management Department will notify the team members of the change in rostered hours.
(b) Payment of wages for the team member working a shift pick-up will be in accordance with this Enterprise
(c) Once a team member requests to give-away a shift in accordance with this clause 6.5 and prior to the shift being
picked up, The Star Sydney may decide that its operational needs no longer require anyone to work that shift. If
The Star Sydney makes such a decision, the team member who has requested to give-away the relevant shift will,
during the time that he or she would have been at work for that shift:
(i) Take annual leave; or
(ii) If the team member has an insufficient accrued annual leave entitlement, it will automatically be approved as
unpaid leave.

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6.6 Roster Swaps

(a) Team members may agree to swap rostered shifts subject to the following conditions:
(i) Unlimited roster swaps may occur each calendar year subject to technological rostering capabilities and prior
approval from the Workforce Management Department;
(ii) Roster swaps will require the rostering requirements of this Enterprise Agreement to be complied with;
(iii) A roster swap must be made by the relevant team members at least 48 hours prior to the commencement time
of the relevant swapped shifts;
(iv) When a roster swap has been approved by the Workforce Management Department, the Workforce Management
Department will notify the team member of the change in rostered hours;
(v) Roster swaps will not be approved where overtime will be payable to the team member working a swap shift if
such overtime would not have been payable if the roster swap had not occurred;
(vi) Once a shift is swapped neither team member can cancel the swapped shift;
(vii) Where a shift is swapped to a casual team member The Star Sydney will not cancel the shift accepted by the
casual team member and the 4 hour shift minimum will apply;
(viii) Payment of wages will be in accordance with the hours actually worked;
(ix) A swap will not normally be approved if the minimum break between shifts is less than 8 hours; and
(x) Roster swaps must be between two team members of equal skills, position and classification level under this
Enterprise Agreement.
(b) This clause in its entirety does not apply where The Star Sydney initiates a roster swap.

6.7 Meal Breaks

(a) Team members, other than Table Games, will be allowed an unpaid continuous meal break each shift equivalent to
not less than 30 minutes.
(b) This unpaid meal break is not counted when calculating ordinary hours of work.
(c) In the absence of agreement to the contrary, no team member will be required to work more than 5 hours from the
commencement of their shift without an unpaid meal break where their rostered shift is a maximum of 10 hours,
and 6 hours from commencement of their shift where their rostered shift exceeds 10 hours in duration.
(d) The Star Sydney will provide a meal free of charge to each team member where their shift working hours, including
a broken shift, exceeds four hours.

6.8 Rest Breaks

(a) All team members, except Table Games team members, will be entitled to one paid rest break of 15 minutes except
where they are working less than four hours on a shift.
(b) If a team member is required to work more than 10 ordinary hours in a shift then a further paid rest break of 20
minutes will apply. In such cases the team member will be provided with another meal free of charge.
(c) Rest breaks will be taken at times to suit operational requirements. Where practicable these times will accommodate
team member preferences.
(d) The Star Sydney and a team member may agree to any variation of a rest break entitlement to meet operational
(e) Dealers, other than supervisors, will operate on the basis of one hour worked, followed by a 15 minute paid rest
break throughout a roster except that at the end of the last hour when the team member has completed their
rostered shift no rest break is provided. The exception to this is a Dealer may mutually agree to continue to work
past the 1 hour limit until a game has completed.

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6.9 Call Out

(a) A team member recalled to work after leaving The Star Sydney premises, whether notified before or after leaving
the premises, will be paid for a minimum of 4 hours work at overtime rates.
(b) The team member may be required to work the full 4 hours even if the job the team member was recalled to
perform is completed within a shorter period.

6.10 Alternate Engagement

(a) Permanent team members may be engaged on an alternate basis as casuals under the following circumstances:
(i) The work carried out on the alternate engagement is done in an operational area or in a section of The Star
Sydney premises separate from the team member's usual work section;
(ii) The alternate engagement enables the team member to attain additional skills and, where necessary, training is
to be provided;
(iii) The alternate engagement is not designed to avoid overtime obligations and does not disadvantage other team
members; and
(iv) The alternate engagement must be at the instigation of the team member and be subject to mutual agreement
between the team member and both of the Department Managers for whom the team member will work.
(b) A minimum payment for 2 hours work will apply to each alternate engagement shift.
(c) Team members working alternate engagements must access sufficient rest and recuperation from working time so
as to reduce· the possibility for fatigue.
(d) A team member will not work alternate engagements unless part time team members and casual team members
who usually work in the department or section have, where reasonably practicable, been afforded the opportunity to
work the additional ordinary hours on offer.
(e) Where an alternate engagement follows the end of a shift, the team member should be allowed 20 minutes unpaid
time to make themselves ready for their shift.
(f) A team member working an alternate engagement will receive at least one continuous 8 hour break in any 24 hour

6.11 Penalty Rates

(a) A team member performing work on the following days and times will be paid the following percentage of the
relevant classification ordinary hourly rate of pay:

Penal!;y Rate Table

Permanent Team member Casual Team Member*

Monday to Friday- 7am to 7pm 100% 125%

Monday to Friday- Midnight to 7am 115% 140%

Monday to Thursday- 7pm to Midnight 115% 140%

Friday- 7pm to Midnight 150% 175%

Saturday- Midnight to 7am 150% 175%

Saturday- 7am to 7pm 125% 150%

Saturday- 7pm to Midnight 150% 175%

Sunday 150% 175%

Public holiday 250% 275%

*Casual team member percentages include the loading of 25% paid to casual team members as per clause 3.6(b)

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6.12 Overtime
(a) The Star Sydney may require a permanent team member to work reasonable overtime, paid at overtime rates, for
any hours worked in excess of the rostering requirements set out in clause 6.3(d). Notwithstanding anything else in
this Enterprise Agreement, overtime will not apply to:
(i) Ordinary hours of work;
(ii) Part time team member flex up hours of work;
(iii) A RDO, due to a roster swap; or
(iv) An alternate engagement under this Enterprise Agreement.
(b) A team member may refuse to work overtime in circumstances where working overtime would be unreasonable
having regards to:
(i) Any risk to the team member's health and safety;
(ii) The team member's personal circumstances including any family responsibilities;
(iii) The needs of the workplace;
(iv) The notice (if any) given by The Star Sydney of the overtime and by the team member of their intention to
refuse it; and
(v) Any other relevant matter.
(c) Overtime will be paid at 200% of the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay for any overtime hours worked,
except on a gazetted public holiday recognised by this Enterprise Agreement when overtime will be paid at 250% of
the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay for any overtime hours worked on the public holiday.
(d) Overtime worked on any shift stands alone.
(e) The Star Sydney will only cancel a pre-confirmed overtime shift if 4 hours notice is given.

Part 7 Leave

7.1 Annual Leave

(a) Only permanent team members are entitled to annual leave.
(b) For each year of continuous service such a team member will be entitled to annual leave as follows:
(i) 4 weeks of paid annual leave; or
(ii) 5 weeks of paid annual leave for shiftworkers.
(c) Annual leave entitlements accrue progressively on a team member's ordinary hours of work (including, where
applicable, flex up hours for a part time team member).
(d) The pay rate for annual leave is the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay, plus 20% annual leave loading.
(e) Accrued annual leave may be taken at any mutually agreed time and for any mutually agreed period (eg 1 day up to
4/5 weeks). No annual leave requests will be unreasonably refused.
(f) Where a gazetted public holiday falls on a day that a team member is on annual leave, the public holiday will not be
counted as a day of annual leave.
(g) Annual leave payments will be made in the normal pay cycle with payments based on the team member's ordinary
hourly rate of pay for the team member's ordinary hours of work for the period. Annual leave will be payable in full
to the team member before going on annual leave if the team member so nominates and the annual leave is for 10
days or more.
(h) Any accrued but untaken annual leave entitlements, inclusive of annual leave loading, will be paid to a permanent
team member upon termination of employment.
(i) A team member may elect, in writing, to cash out a particular portion of their annual leave. The Star Sydney may
agree to the request if it meets its operational requirements. Paid annual leave will not be cashed out if it would
result in the team member's remaining annual leave accruals being less than 4 weeks. Annual leave loading will be
paid on any annual leave cashed out. Any annual leave cashed out will no longer be available as annual leave.

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(j) The Star Sydney may reasonably require a team member to take annual leave by giving at least 4 weeks' notice in
the following circumstances:
(i) As part of a close down of its operations (or part of its operations); or
(ii) Where more than 8 weeks' annual leave is accrued.
(k) A team member affected by a close down (as set out in clause 7.10)) will be required to take approved unpaid leave
if they do not have sufficient paid annual leave to cover the close-down period.
(I) If the period during which a team member takes paid annual leave includes a period of any other leave (except for
unpaid parental leave or unpaid community service leave) the team member is taken not to be on paid annual leave
for the period of that other leave or absence.

7.2 Personal Leave

(a) Personal leave includes sick leave and carer's leave.
(b) Only permanent team members are entitled to paid personal leave. For each year of continuous service with The
Star Sydney, such a team member is entitled to 10 days of paid personal leave.
(c) A team member's entitlement to paid personal leave accrues progressively during a team member's first year of
continuous service according to the team member's ordinary hours of work (including, where applicable, flex up
hours for a part time team member) and accrues in-full up-front on the team member's anniversary of employment
for each subsequent year of continuous service (pro-rated for part time team members based on their minimum
contracted ordinary hours of work in accordance with clause 3.5(a) of this Enterprise Agreement). From their first
anniversary of employment part time team members will also progressively accrue paid personal leave on flex up
(d) Personal leave accumulates from year to year.
(e) If a team member requires personal leave they must contact their manager as soon as reasonably practical and
inform them of the type of leave sought and expected length of the leave.
(f) Team members are not entitled to be paid for their accrued personal leave on termination.
(g) Personal leave may be used by a team member when:
(i) The team member is not fit for work because of a personal illness or personal injury (sick leave); or
(ii) The team member needs to provide care or support to a member of the team member's immediate family, or a
member of the team member's household, who requires care or support because of a personal illness or injury or
an unexpected emergency affecting the member (carer's leave).
(h) Where a team member takes paid sick leave, The Star Sydney requires:
(i) Except as provided in sub-clause 7.2(h)(iii), a medical certificate for every absence once the team member has
had 3 single day absences in an anniversary year (ie a calendar year commencing on the anniversary of the
commencement date of the team member's employment) not supported by a medical certificate.
(ii) A medical certificate on any occasion during an anniversary year where an absence exceeds one day.
(iii) The Star Sydney may require a medical certificate for every absence in any anniversary year where the team
member has taken more than 10 days sick leave in their previous anniversary year.
(i) If a team member's personal leave exceeds 3 consecutive rostered shifts, the team member must give The Star
Sydney at least 12 hours notice of their intention to return to work. This notification is necessary for rostering
purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may affect The Star Sydney's ability to roster the team member
for work upon their return and may result in the team member being required to take unpaid leave as a result.
(j) Team members will be paid for personal leave taken in accordance with this clause based on the team member's
ordinary hourly rate of pay for the team member's ordinary hours of work for the period taken as personal leave.
(k) When taking carer's leave the team member must, as soon as reasonably possible, provide the following information
to The Star Sydney:
(i) The name of the person requiring care and support and his or her relationship to the team member;
(ii) The reasons for taking such leave;
(iii) The estimated length of absence; and
(iv) If required by The Star Sydney, establish by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration, the
illness and/or injury of the person who requires the care.

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(I) Unpaid carer's leave of 2 days per occasion (as defined) is available to a team member who has exhausted their
accrued paid personal leave.
(m) Where a team member is taking unpaid carer's leave, the team member may elect, with the consent of The Star
Sydney, to take paid annual leave (if the team member has sufficient paid annual leave entitlements).
(n) Unpaid carer's leave of 2 days per occasion (as defined) is available to casual team members.
(o) Upon termination of employment, team members that have accessed paid personal leave prior to having accrued the
leave will have the unaccrued portion of personal leave accessed in advance deducted from their final pay.
(p) If a team member is receiving workers' compensation payments, he or she is not entitled to personal leave

7.3 Compassionate Leave

(a) Only permanent team members are entitled to paid compassionate leave.
(b) Team members may take 2 days compassionate leave per occasion where a member of their immediate family or
household contracts or develops an illness or sustains an injury which poses a serious threat to their life.
(c) Team members may take 3 days compassionate leave per occasion where a member of their immediate family or
household dies.
(d) The Star Sydney may require reasonable evidence to substantiate a claim for compassionate leave.
(e) Compassionate leave can be taken as consecutive days off or single days off.
(f) Compassionate leave for permanent team members is paid leave, at the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay
for their ordinary hours of work for the period taken as compassionate leave. Compassionate leave for casual team
members is unpaid leave.

7.4 Unpaid Leave

(a) A team member may request to take a period of unpaid leave.
(b) Any period of unpaid leave does not count as service (ie no leave entitlements accrue during unpaid leave) but
continuous service is not broken.
(c) While absent on approved unpaid leave team members will not be eligible for payment of any public holidays that
fall within the period of the unpaid leave.
(d) Requests for unpaid leave will be considered by The Star Sydney on a case by case basis.

7.5 Public Holidays

(a) The Star Sydney will recognise as a public holiday any day declared by the NSW Government to be observed within
the State (not including a day named as a substitution for a public holiday or a day excluded by the Regulations) or
within the Sydney CBD.
(b) Public holidays generally gazetted by the NSW Government but which may change from time-to-time are:

• Good Friday • Easter Monday

• ANZAC Day • Queens Birthday

• Christmas Day • Boxing Day

• Easter Saturday • Labor Day

• Australia Day • Easter Sunday

• New Year's Day (8pm New Year's Eve to 8pm New Year's Day)

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(c) A full time team member whose ROO falls on a public holiday will be paid an extra day (note: for the purposes of
this sub-clause 'day' means 7.6 ordinary hours). This sub-clause applies on a pro-rated basis to a part time team
member where the payment for the extra day will be based on the relevant part time team member's ordinary hours
of work over the previous 12 months from:
(i) The commencement of this Enterprise Agreement (or an average of a lesser period of employment where
applicable) and thereafter;
(ii) The commencement anniversary date of this Enterprise Agreement.

7.6 Requests For Flexible Working Arrangements

Team members, including eligible casual team members, are entitled to make requests for flexible working arrangements
in accordance with the NES.

7.7 Parental Leave

(a) Team members, including eligible casual team members, are entitled to parental leave in this section in accordance
with the NES.
(b) If a permanent team member has 12 months' or more continuous service and the team member has or will have
responsibility for the care of the child, the team member will be entitled to access unpaid parental leave. Unpaid
parental leave will be 12 months. A team member may request to extend their parental leave for a further period of
up to 12 months. Requests to The Star Sydney for extensions to parental leave must be in writing and be provided
at least 4 weeks prior to the end of the first 12 month period of parental leave. The Star Sydney will respond in
writing to the request within 21 days of the request being made and will only refuse the request on reasonable
business grounds.
(c) A team member may take a period of unpaid parental leave concurrent with the primary care giver for up to 3 weeks
(concurrent unpaid parental leave).
(d) A casual team member will be entitled to parental leave provided:
(i) They are employed on a regular and systematic basis for an ongoing period of employment with The Star Sydney
of at least 12 months immediately preceding when the team member is to commence parental leave; and
(ii) They have a reasonable expectation of ongoing employment on that basis.
(e) Annual leave or long service leave accrued by a team member can be taken as part of the team member's approved
parental leave.
(f) Whilst on parental leave, as a primary care giver, a permanent team member may be employed by The Star Sydney
on a separate employment contract as a casual team member. This can only occur on The Star Sydney receiving a
written request from the team member and The Star Sydney agreeing to the request. If The Star Sydney terminates
the casual contract of employment due to misconduct, the team member's permanent employment will also be
terminated. The Star Sydney will offer hours of work to such a team member subject to the normal principles of a
casual employment and The Star Sydney's operational requirements. A permanent team member on parental leave
may not work on a separate casual contract during that period where the team member is receiving any payment
under a Federal Government parental leave scheme.
(g) In order to take parental leave:
(i) The team member must provide 10 weeks' written notice of the proposed parental leave along with the amount
of leave sought. A medical certificate evidencing the need for the parental leave must accompany this notice;
(ii) At least 4 weeks prior to taking parental leave the team member needs to advise The Star Sydney, in writing, of
the date they will be commencing the parental leave;
(iii) The team member must advise The Star Sydney whether their partner is also taking parental leave and related
details (eg date of the partner's intended leave);
(iv) The team member must give 4 weeks' written notice of their intention to return to work;
(v) On return to work the team member is entitled to the same position they held previously- if this position is no
longer available the team member is entitled to any vacant similar position on similar pay; and
(vi) Parental leave does not break a team member's continuous service but it does not count as service (in
accordance with clause 7.4(b)).

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7.8 Paid Parental Leave

(a) A permanent team member with 2 years continuous service who has been granted parental leave after the approval
of this Enterprise Agreement by FWC as the primary carer will be entitled to 10 weeks of that leave paid at the
ordinary hourly rate of pay they earned prior to commencing the leave.
(b) To determine a part-time team member's entitlement to paid parental leave an average of the hours they worked
over the previous 12 months will be calculated then multiplied by the team member's ordinary hourly rate of pay.
(c) Where a full time team member transferred to part time employment because of the pregnancy on a short term
basis or they return on a part-time basis after the parental leave they will be entitled to payment at the rate of their
ordinary hourly rate of pay they were receiving prior to transferring to part time employment.
(d) Paid parental leave will be paid as follows:
(i) Upfront payment of 100% of the entitlement at the commencement of parental leave;
(ii) Payment of the entitlement as part of the normal pay cycle; or
(iii) Payment of the entitlement at half pay in the normal pay cycle.
(e) A permanent team member with 12 months or more continuous service who is taking concurrent unpaid parental
leave to support a primary care giver may elect to use 2 days of their accrued personal leave for the purpose of
having concurrent unpaid parental leave at the time of birth/adoption. Where possible the team member must notify
The Star Sydney of their intention to take the leave at least four weeks before the expected birth/adoption and
provide any required documentation supporting their request.

7.9 Long Service Leave

Team members are entitled to long service leave in accordance with the Long Service Leave Act 1955 (NSW).

7.10 Community Service Leave

(a) A team member who engages in an 'eligible community service' is entitled to be absent from employment to engage
in that service plus reasonable travel time associated with the service and reasonable rest time following the service.
(b) 'Eligible community service' includes:
(i) Jury service;
(ii) Voluntary emergency management activity*; or
(iii) Any activity prescribed by the Regulations.
*This includes an activity that involves 'dealing with an emergency or a natural disaster' which is voluntary provided the
team member is a member of the recognised management body and was requested to engage in the activity (or it was
reasonable for them to assume a request would be made).
(c) A team member must provide The Star Sydney notice of the leave as soon as practicable including notification of the
expected period of the leave. The Star Sydney may require a team member to provide reasonable evidence they
have been engaging in an eligible community service activity.
(d) Community service leave is unpaid leave apart from jury service which is paid for permanent team members.
(e) For jury service: The Star Sydney may require the permanent team member to provide The Star Sydney reasonable
evidence the team member has taken all necessary steps to obtain any amount of jury service pay to which the
team member is entitled (even if it is nil). A permanent team member is not entitled to be paid for jury service
unless the team member provides the requested evidence. If the team member provides the evidence the total
amount payable to the team member is reduced by the total amount of jury service pay already received by the
team member.

7.11 Domestic Violence Leave

(a) Domestic violence leave may be used by a team member when they are the subject of violent, intimidatory,
threatening or other abusive behaviour by a person who is in a domestic relationship with the team member, that
causes the team member such fear, physical harm or psychological harm, that the team member is rendered unfit
for work as a result.
(b) Domestic violence leave may be taken for occasions such as attending AVO hearings, providing statements to the
police, finding emergency accommodation, obtaining medical assistance.

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(c) Permanent team members experiencing domestic violence may take up to:
(i) For full-time employees: 5 days paid domestic violence leave per year;
(ii) For part-time employees: the pro-rated amount of 5 days paid domestic violence leave per year based on the
greater of the part time team member's average weekly ordinary hours of work over the previous anniversary
year of the Enterprise Agreement (the anniversary date) or their weekly minimum contracted ordinary hours.
(d) Domestic violence leave entitlements accrue in-full up-front on the date of commencement of this Enterprise
Agreement and each the anniversary date. If a new employee commences after the anniversary date, the leave is
accrued up-front on a pro-rated basis calculated on the expected length of service until the next anniversary date.
The same calculation applies if a casual team member converts to permanent employment.
(e) Team members will be paid for domestic violence leave taken in accordance with this clause based on their ordinary
hourly rate of pay for the team member's ordinary hours of work for the period taken as domestic violence leave.
(f) If a team member requires domestic violence leave they must contact their manager (or other person/department as
The Star Sydney directs) as soon as reasonably practicable and inform them of the reason for taking the leave and
the estimated length of absence.
(g) On each occasion take domestic violence leave, team members will be required to provide evidence acceptable to
The Star Sydney in support of domestic violence leave such as documents issued by the police, a court, medical
practitioner, a domestic violence support service, a lawyer, or a counselling professional.
(h) If a team member's domestic violence leave exceeds 3 consecutive rostered shifts, the team member must give The
Star Sydney at least 12 hours' notice of their intention to return to work. This notification is necessary for rostering
purposes. Failure to comply with this requirement may affect The Star Sydney's ability to roster the team member
for work upon their return, and the team member may be required to take unpaid leave as a result.
(i) Domestic violence leave does not accrue from year to year and team members are not entitled to be paid for their
accrued domestic violence on termination.

Part 8 General Employment Conditions

8.1 Termination of Employment

(a) Unless the team member is entitled to a greater period of notice under their contract of employment with The Star
Sydney, The Star Sydney will provide the following period of notice (or payment in lieu of notice) in order to
terminate the employment of a permanent team member:

Team members Continuous Service Period of Notice

Less than 1 year 1 week

At least 1 year but less than 3 years 2 weeks
At least 3 years but less than 5 years 3 weeks
At least 5 years 4 weeks

(b) A permanent team member over 45 years of age who has completed at least 2 years of continuous service is entitled
to 1 extra week's notice.
(c) If The Star Sydney elects to make payment in lieu of notice it will be calculated on the team member's ordinary
hourly rate of pay and penalties, loadings and allowances the team member would have received had the team
member continued to work until the end of the notice period.
(d) The following team members are not entitled to notice of termination under this clause:
(i) Casual team members;
(ii) Team members dismissed for serious or wilful misconduct;
(iii) Team members engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific task or tasks, or for the duration of a
specified season, where the employment terminates at the end of the period of time or on completion of the task
or tasks or at the end of the season; and
(iv) Trainees whose employment under a traineeship agreement or an approved traineeship is for a specified period
or is, for any reason, limited to the duration of the agreement, where the employment has terminated at the end
of the training arrangement or approved traineeship.

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(e) The notice of termination due to resignation required to be given by a team member to The Star Sydney is one week
in their first year of continuous service and two weeks thereafter provided the first year of continuous service is
completed. If a team member fails to give any of the required amount of notice The Star Sydney has the right to
withhold any monies due to the team member to a maximum amount equal to the ordinary hourly rate of pay for
the number of hours of notice the team member was required to, but did not, provide The Star Sydney.
(f) To the extent possible, any termination payments will be made in the next normal pay cycle.
(g) Where The Star Sydney has given notice of termination to a team member, a team member will be allowed up to 1
day off without loss of pay for the purpose of seeking other employment. The time off will be taken at times that are
convenient to the team member after consultation with The Star Sydney.
(h) The Star Sydney will provide a Statement of Service on request from a team member whose employment
has terminated.

8.2 Confidentiality
(a) At all times during and after employment ends (for whatever reason) with The Star Sydney, a team member must
keep confidential and not disclose any confidential information of The Star Sydney or any member of The Star
Entertainment Group, to any person other in the performance of their work duties, as required by law or with the
prior written consent of The Star Sydney. In this context, team members must not (during or after their employment
with The Star Sydney) use any confidential information for the benefit of any person, including them, except The
Star Sydney.
(b) During employment, any breach of a team member's obligations in relation to confidential information will be
considered serious misconduct justifying summary dismissal.

8.3 Abandonment of Employment

(a) A team member will be deemed to have abandoned their employment if they are absent from work for 3 consecutive
rostered shifts without prior notice and/or reasonable explanation to The Star Sydney.
(b) A team member deemed to have abandoned employment under this clause is entitled to payment for work
undertaken up to the end of the last worked shift, plus any outstanding leave entitlements, less an amount equal to
the value of the required period of notice by the team member to The Star Sydney and any other amounts owing to
The Star Sydney or otherwise permitted to be deducted from their final pay under this Enterprise Agreement.

8.4 Deductions
(a) The Star Sydney will not deduct any sum from the wages or income of a team member in respect of breakages or
cashiering underings except in the case of wilful misconduct.
(b) In the case of overpayment of wages or leave to a team member, The Star Sydney will notify the team member in
writing of the overpayment and how it is made up. In the notification The Star Sydney will advise the team member
they may use the Disputes Procedure if they do not agree with how The Star Sydney propose to recoup the
overpayment. The Star Sydney will endeavour to reach an agreement with the team member as to the method of
recovery of the overpayment. If a team member unreasonably withholds agreement, The Star Sydney may recover
the amount of the overpayment through deductions from the team member's wage in any future pay period or
periods, after notification to the team member in writing.
(c) The Star Sydney is entitled to withhold any payment due to a team member on termination of employment for any
reason pending the team member's return to The Star Sydney of all security identification, keys, uniforms or other
The Star Sydney property.
(d) Where a team member ceases employment and fails to return any property belonging to The Star Sydney, The Star
Sydney may deduct from any outstanding termination,entitlements (including wages, leave accruals etc) owing to
the team member the cost of replacing such property. The Star Sydney may also recover from any outstanding
termination entitlement the value of any cash advances that had been made to the team member prior to the
termination of their employment.

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8.5 Paid Special Leave

(a) If on reasonable and explainable grounds The Star Sydney suspects that a permanent team member has been
involved in misconduct/ The Star Sydney may1 if an investigation is required 1 place the team member on paid special
leave on full pay in order that The Star Sydney can properly investigate the alleged misconduct.
(b) The Star Sydney will ensure that1 as far as reasonably possible 1 the investigation will be confidential/ balanced and
(c) Whilst on paid special leave/ a team member is to be ready and available at all reasonable times to assist with the
(d) If a team member so requests they may be accompanied by a union or other representative at any stage of the

8.6 Redundancy
(a) Redundancy occurs if The Star Sydney decides it no longer wishes the job the team member has been doing to be
done by anyone and this is not due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour.
(b) The NES redundancy clauses apply to any permanent team member made redundant except as otherwise provided
for in this clause.
(c) The redundancy payment schedule for relevant team members is:

Period of continuous service Redundancy Pay

Less than 1 year Nil

At least 1 year but less than 2 years 4 weeks' pay

At least 2 years but less than 3 years 6 weeks' pay

At least 3 years but less than 4 years 7 weeks' pay

At least 4 years but less than 5 years 8 weeks' pay

At least 5 years but less than 6 years 10 weeks' pay
At least 6 years but less than 7 years 11 weeks' pay

At least 7 years but less than 8 years 13 weeks' pay

At least 8 years but less than 9 years 14 weeks' pay

At least 9 years 16 weeks' pay

Additional Entitlements
(d) Where a team member is transferred to lower paid duties by reason of redundancy the same period of notice will be
given as the team member would have been entitled to if the employment had been terminated and The Star
Sydney may1 at The Star Sydney's discretion 1 make payment in lieu of notice.
(e) A team member given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy will be allowed up to 1 day off without
loss of pay during each week of actual notice for the purpose of seeking other employment. If the team member has
been allowed paid leave for more than 1 day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment/
the team member will 1 at the request of The Star Sydney, be required to produce proof of attendance at an
interview or they will not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration will be
(f) A team member who is made redundant may terminate his or her employment during the period of actual notice
and, if this occurs 1 will be entitled to the same benefits and payments under the Redundancy Payment Table in
clause 8.6(c) had the team member remained with The Star Sydney until the expiry of such notice (providing the
team member is not currently being investigated for any form of misconduct). However/ in this situation the team
member will not be entitled to any payment in lieu of notice.

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8.7 Damage to Clothing, Spectacles and Tools

. (a) Compensation to the extent of the damage sustained will be made where in the course of work at The Star Sydney,
clothing, spectacles, hearing aid or tools are damaged or destroyed by fire or through the use of corrosive
substances provided that The Star Sydney's liability in respect of tools will be limited to such tools of trade as are
ordinarily required for the performance of the team member's duties.
(b) Compensation will not be payable if the team member is entitled to workers' compensation and may not be paid
where a team member was not properly using safety equipment provided by The Star Sydney or where the team
member disregarded established safety and reporting procedures required by The Star Sydney. The Star Sydney
may ask for reasonable evidence of any loss or damage.

8.8 Uniforms
(a) Where team members are required to wear uniforms they will be supplied free of cost to the team member and
replaced as required on a fair wear and tear basis. Where the uniform is damaged, other than through fair wear and
tear, the team member will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged item(s).
(b) The Star Sydney will require all team members wear a particular type and colour of shoe as notified by The Star
Sydney from time-to-time. This requirement is not regarded as special clothing but The Star Sydney will make every
effort to ensure that the required standard of footwear is available readily and at discounted rates. Team members
in turn must comply with the requirement.
(c) The Star Sydney will provide, maintain and launder uniforms at no cost to the team member.
(d) Where a team member is engaged upon work of an unusually dirty nature, The Star Sydney will provide, maintain
and launder suitable protective clothing at no cost to the team member.
(e) Upon termination of employment or in circumstances where the team member is no longer required to wear a
uniform, the team member will return the uniform to The Star Sydney immediately and in good condition, subject
only to fair wear and tear.

8.9 Transport
The Star Sydney will provide a service free of charge to team members on the Light Rail system at least for the period of
the contract between The Star Sydney and the operator of the Light Rail system for this service. The Star Sydney will hold
discussions with the unions prior to the termination of the contract.

8.10 Licenses
The Star Sydney will pay for:
(i) Security licenses required by the Security Industry Act 1997 (NSW) (as amended from time-to-time);
(ii) Gaming licenses as required by the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW) (as amended from time-to-time) where any
such a license is required by a team member to perform their role;
(iii) Forklift licence to assist a Level 4 warehouse team members obtain the skills of a Level 5 of the General
Classifications; and
(iv) Truck driving license for Level 5 warehouse team members moving to a Level 6 of the General Classifications as
or when positions become available.

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Part 9 Savings Provision

9.1 Green-Line Buyout

2017 Payment
(a) Any team member who immediately prior to the approval of this Enterprise Agreement by FWC was receiving a
green-line allowance in accordance with clause 9.1(a) of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement will be paid, subject to the
team member's eligibility, a green-line buyout payment calculated by The Star Sydney as follows:
(i) Take the team member's current green-line allowance per hour as at the date immediately prior to the approval
of this Enterprise Agreement by FWC, and minus;
(ii) An amount equal to 50% of the team member's annual wage increase per hour payable on approval by FWC of
this Enterprise Agreement ((i) minus (ii) resulting in 'the 2017 green-line amount payable per hour');
(iii) Note where (i)-(ii) is a negative amount this clause (a) does not apply;
(iv) Calculate the team member's total hours for which they have been paid (either actually worked or on leave) from
4 July 2016 to 2 July 2017 minus the amount of hours for which the team member has been paid (either actually
worked or on leave) from 3 July 2017 to the date of approval of this Enterprise Agreement by FWC ('the 2917
green-line buyout hours');
(v) Multiply the 2017 green-line amount payable per hour in (ii) by the 2017 green-line buyout hours in (iv) equals
(the '2017 payment').
(b) The 2017 payment will be paid (less applicable taxation) to the team member within 4 weeks of the approval of this
Enterprise Agreement by FWC.
2018 Payment
(c) Any team member who received a 2017 payment will be paid, subject to the team member's eligibility, a further
green-line buyout payment calculated by The Star Sydney as follows:
(i) Take the team member's 2017 green-line allowance payable per hour, and minus;
(ii) An amount equal to 50% of the team member's annual wage increase per hour payable in the first full pay
period of July 2018 ((i) minus (ii) resulting in 'the 2018 green-line amount payable per hour');
(iii) Note where (i)-(ii) is a negative amount this clause (c) does not apply;
(iv) Calculate the team member's total hours for which they have been paid (either actually worked or on leave) from
3 July 2017 to 1 July 2018 ('the 2018 green-line buyout hours');
(v) Multiply the 2018 green-line amount per hour in (ii) by the 2018 green-line buyout hours in (iv) equals (the '2018
(d) The 2018 payment will be paid (less applicable taxation) to the team member by the end of July 2018.

9.2 5 Weeks of Annual Leave

Any team member who was employed prior to the approval of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement and who at the date of
FWC approval of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement (being 5 June 2013) was receiving 5 weeks annual leave for each year of
continuous service will continue to receive 5 weeks annual leave per year regardless of whether they are a shiftworker in
accordance with the applicable shiftworker definition.

9.3 Part Time Team Member

(a) For the purposes of clause 3.5(a) of this Enterprise Agreement, the minimum contracted ordinary hours per 4 week
cycle or 2 week cycle (whichever is applicable) for a part time team member employed prior to the commencement
of this Enterprise Agreement will, unless mutually agreed in writing otherwise, be either:
(i) If the team member has a written contract of employment with The Star Sydney that has contracted ordinary
hours, those contracted hours; or
(ii) Where the team member was employed prior to the commencement of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement (being 5
June 2013), the minimum hours of the part time team member's range of ordinary hours in accordance with
clause 12.10 of The Star City Enterprise Agreement 2009.

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9.4 19 Day, 4 Week Cycle

Any team member who at the commencement of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement was working a 19 day, 4 week cycle will
only be required to work a 20 day, 4 week cycle where mutually agreed.

9.5 Classification Savings

Level 4 Guest Services Attendant

(a) Any team member who was employed in the classification of level 4 Guest Services Attendant, prior to the approval
of the 2013 Enterprise Agreement by FWC, will remain as a level 4 of the General Classifications level while the team
member performs that role.
Level 3 Recreation Attendant
(b) Any team member who was employed in the classification of level 3 Recreation Attendant, prior to the approval of
this Enterprise Agreement by FWC, will remain as a level 3 of the General Classifications while the team member
performs that role.
Level 7 HD Dealer
(c) Any team member who was employed in the classification of level 7 Dealer/Supervisor, prior to the approval of this
Enterprise Agreement by FWC, will remain as a level 7 of the General Classifications while the team member
performs that role.

9.6 Wage Rates and Allowances from Making of Agreement

(a) The Wage Rates that will apply from the making of this Enterprise Agreement by team members by vote (within the
meaning of section 182 of the Act) will be a 3% increase on the wage rates applicable to the team member's
existing classification under the 2013 Enterprise Agreement as follows (inclusive of the 3% increase):

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Houri~ Rate

OrdinarY Houri~ Rate of Pa~ Monda~ to Frida~ - 7am to 7Qm

Introductory $18.77 $23.46

The Star Level 1 $19.67 $24.59
The Star Level 2 $21.03 $26.29
The Star Level 3 $22.01 $27.51
The Star Level 4 $23.73 $29.66
The Star Level 5 $25.65 $32.06
The Star Level 6 $27.11 $33.89
The Star Level 7 $28.69 $35.86
The Star Level 8 $30.25 $37.81
The Star Level 9 $33.00 N/A
The Star Level 10 $36.30 N/A

(b) The Allowances that will apply from the making of this Enterprise Agreement by team members by vote (within the
meaning of section 182 of the Act) will be in accordance with the Allowance Table of this Enterprise Agreement at
clause 5.8(e).

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

9.7 Back Payment

(a) Each team member will be paid a lump sum back payment for the period 3 July 2017 to the day prior to the making
of this Enterprise Agreement by team members by vote (within the meaning of section 182 of the Act) ('the back
pay period') calculated as 3% of the team member's 'earnings' over the back pay period (less applicable taxation).
(b) 'Earnings' for the purposes of sub-clause (a), is inclusive of ordinary pay, leave payments, penalties, overtime,
loadings, allowances and superannuation guarantee entitlements (paid to the team member's chosen fund) but not
including, bonuses or commissions.
(c) The back payment will be made in the first full pay period following the date this Enterprise Agreement is made by
team members by vote (within the meaning of section 182 of the Act).

Part 10 Signature Section

Signed for and on behalf of United Voice:

o.J..U. ). f:t. (Date) (Date)

Greg Hawkins Mel Gatfield

Managing Director NSW Branch Secretary
Address: 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW Address: Level 1, 187 Thomas Street, Haymarket, NSW

Signed for and on behalf of AMWU:

....................................... (Signature)

....................... (Date)

~\\\L~.~~~~\~~~~~~.~~tional Area) Tim Ayres

NSW Branch Secretary

(Date) Address: 133 Parramatta Road, Granville, NSW

Address: 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

9.7 Back Payment

(a) Each team member will be paid a lump sum back payment for the period 3 July 2017 to the day prior to the making
of this Enterprise Agreement by team members by vote (within the meaning of section 182 of the Act) ('the back
pay period') calculated as 3% of the team member's 'earnings' over the back pay period (less applicable taxation).
(b) 'Earnings' for the purposes of sub-clause (a), Is inclusive of ordinary pay, leave payments, penalties, overtime,
loadings, allowances and superannuation guarantee entitlements (paid to the team member's chosen fund) but not
including, bonuses or commissions.
(c) The back payment will be made In the first full pay period following the date this Enterprise Agreement is made by
team members by vote (within the meaning of section 182 of the Act).

Part 10 Signature Section

Signed for and on behalf of The Star Sydney: Signed for and on behalf of United Voice:

~2 .
-- 2.?. . ......... . :?. ... :=::-:--.. (Signature)

O.J..I.LJ..f.:t. (Date) .'?..../J.~./.J ..... (Date)

Greg Hawkins Mel Gatfleld

Managing Director NSW Branch Secretary
Address: 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW Address: Level 1, 187 Thomas Street, Haymarket, NSW

ehalf of AMWU:

~2hk.lJ::!... (Date)
~~~~.~~~~.\~~?,~~~.~~tional Area) ~ (2.-o~t-1 ~
N~ ·~S.l~T ~ ~y
-~.\~~\~~~.' (Date) Address: 133 Parramatta Road, Granville, NSW
Address: 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment A- General Classifications Table

Level and Roles Descri[;!tor

The Star Level 1 Team members at this level have no formal training, but can
demonstrate skills to undertake routine tasks requiring low skill levels,
under continual supervision, with no decision making. Team members
at this level will have acquired some knowledge of The Star systems.
Indicative tasks only:

Food &
Bar Porter
Bus Person
..• Collecting glasses I plates I cutlery
Kitchen cleaning 1 dishwashing
Line serving
* Food and Beverage • Set up work area
Server • Bar I pantry I stock maintenance
* Bar Attendant • *Limited experience in the industry
* Cocktail Server

The Star Level 2 Team members at this level have some formal training (but principally
on-the-job training), can demonstrate skills requiring a higher level of
skill than The Star Level 1 but who can also perform to The Star
satisfaction the full range of tasks at The Star Level 1 and can make
limited decisions with respect to their duties. Team members at this
level can work under less continual supervision and/or in a team
environment and have acquired a wider knowledge of The Star
systems to the point where they can give basic guidance to team
members at a lower level.
Indicative tasks only:

Food & *Bar Attendant .. Food 1 Beverage serving I waiting

Beverage *Cocktail Server
Steward .. Snack bar duties
Supply I mix alcoholic drinks
General Hand
*Food & Beverage Server .. Restaurant I Function room setup
Preparation of bar activities
Maintenance and cleaning of beverage dispensing

.. equipment
Ensure consistent service levels to customers

.. Greet I escort customers

Basic cooking duties
Advanced kitchen equipment cleaning, maintenance and

. advance chemical training

*Completion of 3 months continuous service

Hotel Housekeeping Services Room Attendant

Recreation Attendant
.. Greet I escort customers
Laundry I linen activities
Bell person
Wardrobe Attendant
..• Handle guest luggage
Park Cars
Room Service
House person

Carpark Attendant
Guest Service Attendant
.• Carpark duties
Cloak Room I Valet duties

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment A- General Classifications Table

Level and Roles Descri12tor

The Star Level 3 Team members at this level can make routine decisions with respect to
their work, have limited training responsibilities for team members at
lower levels, and have a sound knowledge of The Star systems and
knowledge of product associated with duties. Team members at this
level can work under routine supervision.
Indicative tasks only:

Trainee Dealer ..• Dealer in first 6 months of continuous service •
1 major game
Stadium Dealer
. Deals minor games only, does not handle cash or chips
Guest interaction and hosting

Gaming Gaming Attendant • Minor repairs to electronic gaming machine and electronic
Machines table games

Food & Bar Attendant . Premium Guest Service

Beverage Cocktail Server
Food and Beverage Server
..• Exceeding performance expectations
Training of lower levels (competency based SOP training)
Cooking duties

Hotel Housekeeping Service Room Attendant

Trainer .• Dry cleaning I major linen repair
PABX operations
Seamstress • Stock activities
Front Office Agent

Security Customer Liaison Officer

.• Vetting entrances
Welcome guests

The Star Level 4 Team members at this level have formal qualifications or equivalent
competencies with respect to their duties (which may be task specific),
and can demonstrate a wide and detailed knowledge of The Star
systems and the industry generally, are capable of co-ordinating
and/or training small numbers of team members at lower levels and
take responsibility for their own work performance. Team members at
this level can work under minimal supervision.
Indicative tasks only:

Warehouse Storeperson
Warehouse Clerk
.. Assist in beverage stores
Operate mechanical lift devices I machines including pallet
Facilities Clerk
.. jack
Operate ticketing systems

.. Packing and delivery activities

Stock activities

.. Invoicing and requisition activities

Assist in communication with stakeholders
Data Entry

Dealer .. Completion of 6 months continuous service
1 major game plus 1 minor game

Gaming Gaming Attendant .. Customer sign up and hosting

Machines Gaming Service Host
.. Minor repair to Keno and Tab equipment
Sell TAB and Keno products
Cash reconciliation and balancing

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment A- General Classifications Table

Level and Roles Descri~tor

Finance Casino Cashier .. Credit control

Count Team Attendant
.. Inventory I stock control
Entry level front window cashier
Count team duties

Food & Cellar Person .. Co-ordination of staff in outlets

Beverage Trade Waiter
Senior Food and Beverage Server .. Specialised fine dining activities
Operate ticketing systems
Food & Beverage Server
.. Maintain breakage and Micros variation records
Design I mix cocktails

. Co-ordination of beverage products in bar areas

Co-ordination of cellar

Hotel Reservations Services Agent

.. Reservations
Inventory I stock control

Security Security Officer .. Transferring cash & chip

Roving duties (safety)

The Star Level 5 Team members at this level have trade qualifications or equivalent
competencies and/or have formal training with respect to their duties
(which may be task specific), and are responsible for their own work
performance, can make decisions with respect to their own work, can
demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of The Star systems and
apply those systems to their own work. Team members at this level
need the capability to co-ordinate and direct subordinate team
members within their work area in day-to-day operational matters and
can work under limited supervision.
Indicative tasks only:

Table Dealer • 2 major games plus at least 1 minor game


Butler Services Executive
Reservations/VIP Specialist
. VIP guest skill

Gaming Gaming Attendant • VIP customer skill

Machines Gaming Machine Host
• Cash reconciliation and balancing

Finance Revenue Audit Officer • Transaction reconciliation

Casino Cashier
Count Team Attendant .• Reconcile and audit credit card transactions
Monitor and maintain computer room supplies
General cashier
.• Front window cashier
Count team duties
• General cashiering

Food & Commis Chef • Cooking (including trade level baking and pastry cooking)
Beverage • Position is engaged in cooking duties which carries out a
wide range of cooking duties such as a Ia carte cooking,
baking and pastry cooking, butchering.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment A- General Classifications Table

Level and Roles DescriQtor

Property Warehouse Storeperson • Store person with more than 12 months of continual service
Services Truck Driver I Warehouse Storeperson at Level 4 and detailed knowledge of warehouse systems

. including B2 Warehouse & Offsite Warehouse

Forklift license including high reach
• Operate ticketing systems

..• Assist in communication with stakeholders

Audit and monitor stocks
Truck Driving

Security Security Officer .. Security co-ordination

. Monitor alarm and security systems
Provide access to restricted areas

The Star Level 6 Team members at this level can make decisions with respect to their
work area, can co-ordinate the work of other team members and/or
can perform their own tasks with a greater degree of skill and
proficiency than team members at lower levels, and accept greater
responsibilities and a wider range of tasks than team leaders at lower
levels. Team leaders at this level need extensive knowledge of The
Star systems. Team members at this level need the capability to co-
ordinate and train other team members and accept responsibility for
the work performance of their area, and work under general
Indicative tasks only:

Dealer . 3 major games plus at least 1 minor games

Finance Casino Cashier . Front window cashier

General Cashier
.• Fill bank duties
General cashiering

Food &
Demi Chef . Position is engaged in specialised cooking duties a Ia carte
cooking, baking and pastry cooking, butchering

.. Manage stocks and deliveries

Senior Warehouse Storeperson
. Truck Driving

The Star Level 7 Team members at this level have extensive product knowledge and
can undertake close & constant co-ordination I inspection of other
team members in the performance of their work and/or who can
accept responsibility for productivity I performance of their immediate
I designated work area.
Indicative tasks only:

Dealer I Supervisor . HD Dealer I Supervisor
Dealer • 4 major games plus at least 1 minor game

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment A- General Classifications Table

Level and Roles Descri(2tor

The Star Level 8

Team members at this level can exercise wide responsibilities with
knowledge of a high degree and can accept major financial
accountability and responsibility for the performance of the tasks of
lower level. Team members at this level can demonstrate a high
degree of proficiency and skill.
Indicative tasks only:

Finance Casino Cashier .. Front window cashier

General Cashier
.. Fill bank duties
Main bank duties
General cashiering

Food &
Chef de Partie .. Supervises and trains other cooks and kitchen employees
Menu creation and costing

Note: A Minor Game is any game which requires training equal to or less than 25 hours. A Major Game is any game which requires
training totalling more than 25 hours.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment B Handyperson & Technician Classifications Table

Level and Roles DescriQtor

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 1

Handyperson 1 Less than 12 months of service and no trade qualification
EG Technician 1 Less than 24 months service

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 2

EG Technician 2 More than 24 months of services and:
• Has successfully completed the Skills Passbook on Procedures and machines maintenance &
• Meet the productive requirements of the daily work &
• Must have completed Certificate III in Telecommunications or relevant

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 3

Handyperson 2 More than 12 months of service, no trade qualifications and successful completion of skills passbook
on procedures

Handyperson & Technician Level4

EG Technician 3
.More than 60 months service and:
Has undertaken WHS (level to be confirmed) &
• Has consistently shown initiative with the ability to co-ordinate minor works &

.• Consistently meets the productivity requirements of the role &

Undertaken a train the trainer course or equivalent & can train other staff according to the

. training matrix &

Co-ordinating EG Technicians at a lower level

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 5

Handyperson 3 More than 72 months of continual service and successfully completed the Skills Passbook on site

.qualifications which include either:

Any additional recognised trade qualification (awaiting opportunity to apply for relevant Trade
position) &

.• Has detailed knowledge of the complex &

Consistently meets the productivity requirements of the work order system (Maximo) .

Has detailed knowledge of the complex &

.. Has undertaken WHS (level to be confirmed) &

Has consistently shown initiative with the ability to coordinate minor works &
Consistently meets the productivity requirements of the work order system (Maximo) &

• Undertaken a train the trainer course or equivalent & can train other staff &
Co-ordinating Handypersons at a lower level

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 6

Maintenance Technician 1 Less than 12 months of service and recognised trade qualifications

Hand'(Qerson & Technician Level 7

Maintenance Technician 2 More than 12 months of service, with a recognised trade qualifications and successfully completed
the Skills Passbook on Procedures

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment B Handyperson & Technician Classifications Table

Level and Roles Descri1;1tor

Hand~1;1erson & Technician Level 8

Maintenance Technician 3 More than 72 months of continual service and successfully completed the Skills Passbook on site
qualifications, which will include either:

• Any additional recognised trade qualification &
Has detailed knowledge of the complex &
• Consistently meets the productivity requirements of the work order system (Maximo) .
Detailed knowledge of the complex &
Undertaken WHS &
• Consistently shown initiative with the ability to coordinate trade works &
• Consistently meets the productivity requirements of the work order system (Maximo) &
Detailed knowledge of the plant & equipment relevant to the trade and able to fault find to

. minimise downtime of the equipment &

Undertaken a train the trainer course or equivalent and can train other staff &
• Undertaken Maintenance Technician 3 Passbook and able to perform these tasks as assigned
. by the Supervisor (this is not a Licenced role) &
Co-ordinating Maintenance Technicians at a lower level

EG Technicians:
The Star must provide relevant courses to a team member within 12 months of the team member meeting the timeframe
Existing level 5 Gaming Technicians II will become EG Technician 3 when the conditions are met and any additional EG Technician 3
positions are based on business requirement.
Maintenance Technicians:
The Star must provide relevant courses to a team member within 12 months of the team member meeting the timeframe
Recognised Trade - is a trade utilised in house by The Star Sydney. Currently these trades are Painter, Locksmith, Tiler, Fitter,
Electrician, Electronic, Carpenter.
Higher Duties -Training can be undertaken from Maintenance Technician levels 2 & 3 and can only perform the duties of a Facilities
Supervisor when licenced to perform the duties of a Facilities Supervisor.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment C- Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2017

General Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

OrdinarY Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday - ?am to 7Qm

The Star Sydney Level 1 $19.67 $24.59

The Star Sydney Level 2 $21.03 $26.29
The Star Sydney Level 3 $22.01 $27.51
The Star Sydney Level 4 $23.73 $29.66
The Star Sydney Level 5 $25.65 $32.06
The Star Sydney Level 6 $27.11 $33.89
The Star Sydney Level 7 $28.69 $35.86
The Star Sydney Level 8 $30.25 $37.81

HandyQersons and Technicians Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

OrdinarY Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday - ?am to 7Qm

Handyperson & Technician Level 1 $27.11 $33.89

Handyperson & Technician Level 2 $28.69 $35.86
Handyperson & Technician Level 3 $30.25 $37.81
Handyperson & Technician Level 4 $30.55 $38.19
Handyperson & Technician Level 5 $31.46 $39.33
Handyperson & Technician Level 6 $33.50 N/A
Handyperson & Technician Level 7 $37.02 N/A
Handyperson & Technician Level 8 $38.32 N/A

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment D - Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2018

General Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

Ordinarv Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday - ?am to 7Qm

The Star Sydney Level 1 $20.26 $25.33

The Star Sydney Level 2 $21.66 $27.08
The Star Sydney Level 3 $22.67 $28.34
The Star Sydney Level 4 $24.44 $30.55
The Star Sydney Level 5 $26.42 $33.02
The Star Sydney Level 6 $27.92 $34.90

The Star Sydney Level 7 $29.55 $36.93

The Star Sydney Level 8 $31.16 $38.95

HandyQersons and Technicians Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

Ordinarv Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday - ?am to 7Qm

Handyperson & Technician Level 1 $27.92 $34.90

Handyperson & Technician Level 2 $29.55 $36.93

Handyperson & Technician L~vel 3 $31.16 $38.95

Handyperson & Technician Level 4 $31.47 $39.34

Handyperson & Technician Level 5 $32.40 $40.51

Handyperson & Technician Level 6 $34.50 N/A

Handyperson & Technician Level 7 $38.13 N/A
Handyperson & Technician Level 8 $39.47 N/A

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment E- Enterprise Agreement Wage Rates 2019

General Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

Ordinact Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday - 7am to 7(2m

The Star Sydney Level 1 $20.87 $26.09

The Star Sydney Level 2 $22.31 $27.89
The Star Sydney Level 3 $23.35 $29.19
The Star Sydney Level 4 $25.18 $31.47
The Star Sydney Level 5 $27.21 $34.01
The Star Sydney Level 6 $28.76 $35.95
The Star Sydney Level 7 $3D.43 $38.04
The Star Sydney Level 8 $32.09 $40.12

Handy(2ersons and Technicians Classifications

Classification Permanent Team Member Casual Team Member Hourly Rate

Ordinact Hourly Rate of Pay Monday to Friday- ?am to 7(2m

Handyperson & Technician Level 1 $28.76 $35.95

Handyperson & Technician Level 2 $30.43 $38.04
Handyperson & Technician Level 3 $32.09 $40.12
Handyperson & Technician Level 4 $32.41 $40.52
Handyperson & Technician Level 5 $33.38 $41.72
Handyperson & Technician Level 6 $35.54 N/A
Handyperson & Technician Level 7 $39.28 N/A
Handyperson & Technician Level 8 $40.65 N/A

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Attachment F- Preferred Shift Policy

1. The Star Sydney Pty Limited (The Star Sydney) has developed this policy in relation to application and selection for
preferred shifts so that a fair and transparent system applies for all team members seeking to have regular hours of
work rather than work on a rotating shift roster.


2. This policy applies to all permanent full-time and part-time team members who have completed at least 12 months
continuous service working in Table Games at The Star Sydney (team members) may apply for a preferred shift in
accordance with this policy.

What is a preferred shift?

3. The Star Sydney recognises that team members may experience times when they would benefit from access to more
regular hours of work. As a result, "preferred shifts" have been developed by The Star Sydney so that team
members can request the same "shift" for a period of up to one year.

Can The Star Sydney review or change preferred shifts?

4. The Star Sydney will review its allocation of preferred shifts in accordance with its operational requirements and
usually on the provision of three months' notice to affected team members. Generally, this review will occur every

5. When a review of preferred shift is called by The Star Sydney all currently allocated preferred shifts will be reviewed.
Any new applications by team members not currently on a preferred shift will also be considered.

What if I don't want to work on a preferred shift anymore?

6. If a team member who has been offered and has accepted a preferred shift is no longer able to work the preferred
shift they must provide The Star Sydney four weeks' notice in writing of the team members election to withdraw
from the preferred shift and the reasons why.

What is the process of applying for a preferred shift?

7. A limited number of preferred shifts will be available due to The Star Sydney's patron and operational requirements.

8. The Star Sydney will seek applications from eligible team members interested in obtaining a preferred shift, usually
on an annual basis. Criteria will be clearly displayed on the preferred shift application and include how team
members will be reviewed against the selection criteria.

9. The Star Sydney will adopt the following application process:

(i) All team members will be notified that the preferred shift review is upcoming and that applications will be
accepted over a 4 week nomination period.
(ii) Any team member seeking to apply for a preferred shift (including those team members already currently on a
preferred shift) must complete an application form for each review process and provide this to The Star Sydney
within the 4 week nomination period.
(iii) It is the team member's responsibility to complete all relevant sections of the application form correctly and hand
it in on time (including all necessary supporting documentation). Any applications or supporting documentation
received after the nominated cut-off date will not be accepted.

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The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

(iv) All applications received by The Star Sydney will be reviewed by a Preferred Shift Review Committee (selected by
The Star Sydney) on an anonymous basis in accordance with the selection criteria (as set out below).
(v) Team members will be advised of the outcomes of the Preferred Shift Review Committee within 4 weeks of the
closure of the nomination period.

Can I obtain a preferred shift outside of a review process?

10. Where a preferred shift vacancy occurs outside of a review process (for example, due to a resignation of
employment), The Star Sydney will fill the vacancy based on the Preferred Shift Review Committee's outcomes from
the most recent prior review process.

What are the criteria for successful selection for a preferred shift?

11. Due to the large number of applications The Star Sydney receives for preferred shift, it is necessary to review the
details of all applications in a fair and transparent manner.

12. The review of applications is considered against "primary criteria" and "secondary criteria". Team members will be
considered for preferred shifts based primarily upon:
o The team member's need for the shift;
o The team member's performance, conduct and formal disciplinary records within the previous 12 months;
o A minimum 12 months' continuous service criteria; and
o Any other relevant factors.

13. It is in The Star Sydney complete discretion as to which team members are offered preferred shifts. The decision of
the Preferred Shift Review Committee is final.

14. The Star Sydney may accept or reject a preferred shift application or make a variation to the offer of a preferred
shift where there is a duty of care, legal consideration or operational or business need that is required to be taken
into consideration.

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Model flexibility term Schedule 2.2

Schedule 2.2—Model flexibility term

(regulation 2.08)

Model flexibility term

(1) An employer and employee covered by this enterprise agreement
may agree to make an individual flexibility arrangement to vary the
effect of terms of the agreement if:
(a) the agreement deals with 1 or more of the following matters:
(i) arrangements about when work is performed;
(ii) overtime rates;
(iii) penalty rates;
(iv) allowances;
(v) leave loading; and
(b) the arrangement meets the genuine needs of the employer and
employee in relation to 1 or more of the matters mentioned in
paragraph (a); and
(c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the employer and
(2) The employer must ensure that the terms of the individual
flexibility arrangement:
(a) are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Fair
Work Act 2009; and
(b) are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Fair Work
Act 2009; and
(c) result in the employee being better off overall than the
employee would be if no arrangement was made.
(3) The employer must ensure that the individual flexibility
(a) is in writing; and
(b) includes the name of the employer and employee; and
(c) is signed by the employer and employee and if the employee
is under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of
the employee; and
(d) includes details of:

Fair Work Regulations 2009 113

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C00008

Schedule 2.2 Model flexibility term

(i) the terms of the enterprise agreement that will be varied

by the arrangement; and
(ii) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms;
(iii) how the employee will be better off overall in relation to
the terms and conditions of his or her employment as a
result of the arrangement; and
(e) states the day on which the arrangement commences.
(4) The employer must give the employee a copy of the individual
flexibility arrangement within 14 days after it is agreed to.
(5) The employer or employee may terminate the individual flexibility
(a) by giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other
party to the arrangement; or
(b) if the employer and employee agree in writing—at any time.

114 Fair Work Regulations 2009

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2014C00008

In the Fair Work Commission
At Melbourne

FWC Matter Number: AG2017/5571

The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017

Pursuant to section 190 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the Act) and Regulation 2.07 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (Cth),
The Star Sydney Pty Ltd provides the following written undertakings, which applies to The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement
2017 (the enterprise agreement) in respect of employees covered by the enterprise agreement.

1. An employee on an annualised salary pursuant to clause 5.3 of the enterprise agreement will not be disadvantaged.
The salary paid to an annualised salaried employee over a year will be sufficient to cover what the employee would
have been entitled to if all the enterprise agreement overtime and penalty rate payment obligations had been
complied with. In the event of termination of employment prior to completion of a year the salary paid during such
period of employment will be sufficient to cover what the annualised salaried employee would have been entitled to
if all the enterprise agreement overtime and penalty rate payment obligations had been complied with.

2. Where in a pay cycle a part time employee will be paid in total less under clauses 5.1 wage rates and clause 6.11
penalty rates of the enterprise agreement than they would have received in total pursuant to clause 20 minimum
wages and clause 32 penalty rates of the Hospitality Industry General Award (the Award), The Star Sydney will top-
up the employee's pay so the employee is paid at least what they would have received had the Award applied.

3. In place of agreement clause 7. 7( c) of the enterprise agreement: a team member may take a period of unpaid
parental leave concurrent with the primary care giver for up to 8 weeks (concurrent unpaid parental leave).

4. In relation to clause 8.3 of the enterprise agreement, where an employee is absent from work for three consecutive
days without prior notice and/or reasonable explanation, The Star will use this only as prima facie evidence of
abandonment of employment, not as a matter having been deemed to be the case.

Signed for and on behalf of The Star Sydney Pty Ltd:

Greg Hawkins

Managing Director

Address : 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW

Who is duly authorised to sign this undertaking for The Star Sydney Enterprise Agreement 2017 on behalf of the company

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