Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Preliminary Science Report
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Preliminary Science Report
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Preliminary Science Report
NASA TM X- 58173
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
February 1976
APOLLO-SOYUZ TEST PROJECT 6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.
16, Abstract
This document summarizes the experimental concepts and preliminary analyses (as of
December 1975) for each of the 28 scientific experiments conducted during the Apollo-Soyuz
Test Project from July 15 to 24, 1975. The scientific topics areX-ray and extreme ultra-
violet astronomy, solar astronomy, gamma-ray detectors, Earth studies (including the upper
atmosphere, meteorological phenomena, hydrology, oceanography, geology, desert studies,
and gravity field studies), microbiology, heavy cosmic particle interaction with live cells,
vestibular system studies, and materials processing (including high-temperature and ambient-
temperature processing of industrial materials and electrophoretic processing of biological
"For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Stock No. : 033-000-00639-0
Section Page
INTRODUCTION ..................... xi
Chester M. Lee and Glynn S. Lunney
Section Page
G. C. Weiffenbach and M. D. Grossi
Section Page
EXPERIMENTMA-011 .................. 20-1
R. E. Allen, G. H. Barlow, M. Bier, P. E. Bigazzi,
R. J. Knox, F. J. Micale, G. V. F. Seaman,
J. W. Vanderhoff, C. J. Van Oss, W. J. Patterson,
F. E. Scott, P. H. Rhodes, B. H. Nerren, and
R. J. Harwell
EXPERIMENTMA-014 ................. 21-1
K. Hannig and H. Wirth
EXPERIMENTMA-010 ................. 22-1
A. Boese, J. MeHugh, and R. Seidensticker
EXPERIMENTMA-041 ................. 23-1
R. E. Reed
Section Page
This report discusses the joint experiments and the U .S .-condueted unilateral
experiments. It provides detailed descriptions of the scientific concepts and exper-
iment design and operation. The results of scientific analyses are preliminary.
Although much analysis remains to be done by the scientists involved in this pro-
gram, the preliminary results indicate significant scientific achievements. The
Summary Science Report, to be published in the latter part of 1976, will contain
more detailed results of the experiment analyses. The scientific value of this
international venture will contribute significantly to the development of future
international science collaboration on the Space Shuttle flights and other projects.
R. T. Giuli a
The life sciences experiments addressed three primary topics. One was the
effects of cosmic particle bombardment on live cells: the human eye retina (light
flash), dormant eggs and seeds (biostack), and growing fungi (zone-forming
fungi). (The fungi experiment also studied the effects of space-flight factors on
biorhythm.) The second topic was the effects of space flight on the human immune
system from the aspect of microbial transfer and ability to cause infection and
from the aspect of the ability of the immune system to resist infection. The third
topic was the effects of reduced gravity on the calcium metabolism of the killifish
vestibular system. The purpose was to assess the feasibility of using the killifish
vestibular system as a model for future investigations of space-flight effects on
human calcium metabolism.
The materials processing effort addressed two topics: the separation of
live cells and the improvement of physical properties of solid materials. The live
cell separation was performed by each of two electrophoresis methods in which an
electric field was applied through a buffer solution containing a mixture of cells
with different biological functions (and hence with different negative surface
charges). The cells separated into groups of cells with like biological function,
each group being characterized by a unique value of cell surface charge. Each
group thus acquired a unique speed through the buffer solution. The solid
materials were processed both by a high-temperature (melting) technique and an
ambient-temperature (crystal growth from solution) technique.
The first known pulsar outside our galaxy was discovered (jointly with a
rocket experiment by the sameinvestigator) by the Soft X-ray Experiment
(MA-048). The pulsar is contained in a binary star system in the Small Magellanic
Cloud, which is a companion galaxy located approximately 200 000light-years
from our own. It is the most luminous pulsar known, by at least a factor of 10,
and it radiates predominantly at X-ray energies greater than 2 kiloelectronvolts.
Its period is 0.7 second, which is half that of the next fastest binary pulsar.
Op!y two other binary pulsars are known.
Extreme ultraviolet radiation from four stars was positively detected by the
Extreme Ultraviolet Survey Experiment (MA-083). Two of the stars are very
strong sources of EUV radiation; they are very hot, nearby white dwarf stars
HZ 43 and Feige 24. Although these stars were previously known by means of
their visible radiation, their extremely high temperatures (approximately
100 000K) were not previously known. The star HZ 43 was also detected by the
Soft X-ray Experiment, which confirmed the high temperature. The soft X-ray
preliminary results imply a temperature as high as 150 000K, as compared with
the EUV result of 110 000K. There is thus no doubt that HZ 43 is the hottest white
dwarf known.
(UVA) Experiment (MA-059). The results compare excellently with results
obtained previously by less direct means:
UVA results Previous results
The absorption spectroscopy and the solar extinction methods are complemen-
tary. Eventually, they may be used for long-term monitoring of the atomic, molec-
ular, and particle composition of the atmosphere.
An extensive northward extension of the Red Sea rift system was successfully
identified and recorded during the Earth Observations and Photography Experi-
ment (MA-136). The Red Sea rift system branches into three well-established
fault lines from a point situated north of Beirut. The photographs led to the inter-
pretation that the primary motion of the Arabian subplate is counterclockwise
rotation about the branch point of the fault lines. The Arabian subplate was pre-
viously believed to be translating eastward. This is the first observational detec-
tion of rotational plate motion.
S. N. Hardeea
The Apollo-Soyuz mission was the first manned space flight conducted jointly
by two nations. The United States and the U .S .S .R. achieved a substantial degree
of success in (1) obtaining flight experience for rendezvous and docking of manned
spacecraft and developing a docking system that would be suitable for use as a
standard international system, (2) demonstrating in-flight intervehicular crew
transfer, and (3) conducting a series of science and applications experiments. The
Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft, with minor exceptions, were similar to those flown on
previous missions, but a new Apollo module, the docking module, was built specif-
ically for this mission. The mission started with the Soyuz launch on July 15, 1975,
followed by the Apollo launch on the same day. Docking of the two spacecraft
occurred on July 17, and joint operations were conducted for 2 days. Both space-
craft landed safely and on schedule; the Soyuz landing in the U.S .S .R. occurred
on July 21, and the Apollo landing near Hawaii occurred on July 24. Twenty-
eight science experiments were performed during the mission.
The first international manned space flight, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
(ASTP) (fig. 2-i), was highly successful. The primary objectives of the joint
U. S.-U. S.S .R. project were to test systems for manned spacecraft rendezvous and
docking that would be suitable for use as a standard international system and to
demonstrate crew transfer between spacecraft. An additional objective was to con-
duct a program of science and applications experimentation. Joint and unilateral
experiments that provided data and experience in the fields of Earth resources,
Earth gravity, Earth atmosphere, astronomy, solar science, life sciences, and
space processing were conducted. (The arrangement of these experiments within
this report is given in the Table of Contents.) Some of these experiments were
conducted in pioneering fields. For example, the first measurements of atomic
nitrogen in the Earth atmosphere at orbit altitudes were made, and a search for
discrete sources of 5- to 100-nanometer (50 to i000 angstrom) extreme ultraviolet
(EUV) radiation outside the solar system was made for the first time. In addition,
space science awareness was promoted through extensive commercial television
(TV) broadcasting and filming of flight experimentation and through in-flight
science demonstrations.
An overview of the two spacecraft and the docking module (DM) is shown in
figure 2-2, and the ASTP experiment locations are shown in figure 2-3.
The Apollo spacecraft used for this mission was similar in most respects to
those employed to ferry crews to and from the Skylab space station, but it differed
in some significant aspects that will be pointed out in this discussion. The signif-
icant differences among four generations of Apollo spacecraft are summarized in
table 2-I.
Command and service module.- The Apollo command and service module
(CSM) flown on the Apollo-Soyuz mission was closely similar to the command and
service modules used for the Skylab flights, but some modifications were made to
fit mission needs. Additional controls for the docking system and special CSM-to-
DM umbilicals were added together with experiment packages and their controls.
Also, the steerable high-gain antenna used for deep-space communications during
the Apollo lunar missions but not needed for the Skylab missions was reinstalled on
the Apollo-Soyuz command and service module. The antenna was used to establish
a relay link with Applications Technology Satellite 6 (ATS-6) in synchronous orbit
to provide communications with the Mission Control Center for 55 percent of each
Docking module.- The doeking module was basically an airlock that permitted
the crewmen to transfer between the two spacecraft, which had different internal
pressures and atmosphere constituents. The docking module had docking facilities
on each end that enabled rigid coupling of the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft and was
a cylindrical pressure vessel with an internal diameter of 1.42 meters and an over-
all length of 3.15 meters between the docking interfaces.
The Soyuz spacecraft consisted of three modules, which are discussed in the
order of their proximity to the Apollo spacecraft when docked.
The orbital module, which provided the Soyuz portion of the compatible
docking system, was used for work and rest by the crew during orbit. The module
contained a side hateh for crew entry before launch, a forward hatch for crew
transfer to and from the docking module, and an aft tunnel for crew transfer to the
descent vehicle. Two windows were provided: one forward of the side hatch for
earthward viewing, and the other on the opposite side of the module for outward
The descent vehicle, with the main controls and crew couches, was occupied
by the cosmonauts during launch, dynamic orbital operations, descent, and landing.
The instrument assembly module, which contained subsystems required for
power, communications, propulsion, and other functions, was located at the aft end
of the Soyuz spacecraft. Two sets of winglike solar battery panels were mounted
180° apart on the exterior of the module.
Flight control personnel maintained contact with the Apollo and Soyuz space-
craft through the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (STDN). This network
consisted of a complex of fixed ground stations, portable ground stations, specially
equipped aircraft, and an instrumented ship. The mission was supported by 14
Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network stations, as well as by a U .S .S .R. network
consisting of 7 ground stations and 2 ships. Communications opportunities with
the use of the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network alone encompassed 17 percent
of the mission time; but, for the first time, an Applications Technology Satellite
that increased the total communications coverage to 63 percent was employed
(fig. 2-5). The increased coverage with the ATS-6 was of significant importance
to several science experiments. The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project communications
are shown schematically in figure 2-6.
to extract the docking module from the launch vehicle. Although these operations
were generally normal, the removal of the docking probe was hindered by a mis-
routed pyrotechnic connector cable. A corrective procedure given to the crew was
used successfully to remove the probe, and extraction was completed at 22:24 GMT.
After performance of an evasive maneuver to avoid recontact with the launch vehi-
cle, a circularization maneuver at the third apogee, and additional phasing and
plane correction maneuvers, the first day of maneuver activities was concluded for
both crews.
Before the end of the day, several science experiment operations were per-
formed. The Zone-Forming Fungi (ZFF) Experiment, which had been photographed
at 12-hour intervals beginning July 13, 1975, was again photographed at 12:30
Soyuz ground elapsed time (GET). Simultaneously, the Biostack Experiment was
activated for approximately 12 hours of operation. The first Geodynamics Experi-
ment data take was initiated at 15"12 GET and continued through the next three
ATS-6 passes by the Apollo spacecraft. Major mission events and data collection
periods are shown in figure 2-7.
Joint Phase
Docking occurred on the 36th Soyuz orbit and the 29th Apollo revolution. The
time of docking was 51 hours 49 minutes Soyuz GET on July 17, 1975. The Apollo
and Soyuz spacecraft remained docked for approximately 2 days.
After docking, hatch 1 was opened, and several transfers of both crews,
television tours of both spacecraft and of the United States and the U .S .S .R., a
news conference, and official ceremonies were conducted. The Surface-Tension-
Induced Convection Experiment in the multipurpose furnace was continued during
this period, and the collection of microbial samples for the Microbial Exchange Ex-
periment was accomplished by the two crews. The multipurpose furnace was shut
down at 58:05 GET and was reinitiated for the U .S .S .R. Multiple-Material Melting
Experiment at 58:45 GET.
Several other science experiments were conducted during this first docked
phase. The Zone-Forming Fungi Experiment was photographed again; several
Earth observations and geodynamics data takes were made; the Microbial Exchange
Experiment was conducted; the U .S .S .R. multiple-material melting was concluded;
and the zero-g processing of magnets in the multipurpose furnace was conducted.
After the two spacecraft had been docked for nearly 44 hours, the first un-
docking was performed normally, and the joint Artificial Solar Eclipse Experiment
was performed. A second docking was then performed at 96:14 GET to test the
docking system with the Soyuz docking system active.
Final undocking was at 99:06 GET, after which the Ultraviolet Absorption
Experiment was conducted to conclude the joint phase of the flight. The Apollo
spacecraft began stationkeeping 18 meters ahead of the Soyuz spacecraft. The
Apollo spacecraft then was maneuvered to a 150-meter displacement out of the Soyuz
orbital plane. At 99:40 GET, a 10-minute data take was performed as the command
and service module swept through a 30 ° are at the 150-meter radius from the Soyuz
spacecraft. Similarly, a 500-meter out-of-plane data take was made starting at
101:18 GET. After the 500-meter data take, the command and service module was
positioned back into the Soyuz orbital plane, and an in-plane final evasive maneuver
was begun at 102:22 GET.
During the 150-meter data take, no reflected signal was detected by the
spectrometer. Assessment of the problem by ground personnel indicated a contam-
inated Soyuz side reflector or possible locking of the star tracker onto a different
light source. Therefore, the Soyuz aft reflector was used for the 500-meter data
The Soyuz deorbit maneuver was performed at 141:50 GET. The reentry
vehicle was brought to a safe landing in Kazakhstan at 10:51 GMT on July 21, 1975,
after a flight of 142 hours 31 minutes.
The Apollo spacecraft continued in orbit for approximately 5 days after sep-
aration from the Soyuz spacecraft. Following the ultraviolet absorption joint phase
data takes, one revolution of Apollo out-of-plane data was obtained and a spacecraft
test roll maneuver of 360 ° was performed to measure resonant fluorescence back-
ground and ambient atmosphere gas pileup. The experiment was shut down at
107:07 GET.
then examined and photographed before the Helium Glow Experiment scans were
made. Helium glow data-take periods consisted of sweeping the 15° field of view
across regions of the celestial sphere by rolling the Apollo spacecraft about the
longitudinal axis. Several excellent roll scan data takes were made. The killifish
observations were again made during this period.
The docking module was jettisoned at 199:27 GET to prepare for the Doppler
Tracking Experiment, which required a 300-kilometer separation of the command
and service module from the docking module. After jettison, the Apollo crew
photographed the docking module and then maneuvered the command and service
module to the same orbit as the docking module at a range of 300kilometers. The
data-take period began at 204:20 GET and continued for approximately 14 hours
with intentional command and service module attitude changes during the interim.
During these 14hours, periodic crystal growth, zone-forming fungi, geodynamics,
and Earth observations operations were continued.
The Apollo deorbit maneuver was performed at 224:17 GET, and, after a
flight of 217hours 28 minutes, the command module landed approximately 1.3 kilo-
meters from the target point. The time of splashdown was 21:18 GMT on July 24,
1975. The commandmodule assumed the Stable II attitude for approximately
4.5 minutes after splashdown. The crew remained in the command module during
recovery operations and were onboard the U.S.S. New Orleans approximately
41 minutes after splashdown.
After shipboard ceremonies, during which the crewmen appeared to be in
good condition, it was learned that they had been exposed to oxidizer vapors for
several minutes when an arming function and a manual backup function were over-
looked during the entry phase of the mission. The crewmen were immediately given
intensive medical care. The necessary changes in medical examination schedules
and the therapy given the crew potentially affected the Cellular Immune Response
Experiment and the Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte ResponseExperiment. These ex-
periments were complementary experiments that were conducted by preflight and
postflight blood sampling and analysis. Despite this impact, scientifically useful
results were obtained in these experiments.
Command module
Experiments Stowable X X
Coldplate mounted
Service module
aLunar-landing missions.
TABLE 2-I.- Concluded
Spacecrafi adapter
Panels Jettisonable X x x
Deployable X
SLunar-landing missions.
"_, ,,
,, Soyuzspacecraft
O,, emeOV,
" rve,/,/ """",'..._",'_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ / ._
,r, ,tsi
w, Dockingmodule
.///_. an.d"-.
MA-_I2_8 ",, ""MA-OlOMultipurpose Furnace
a ///" +_, _MA'OSg axis ',
g ./" v . -
(usedalso for ,-'" ", MA-059 Ultraviolet Absorption
MA-128 Geodynamics)/ ',,
Orbital module
, ', ("Experiment apparatusinside
/ / ', | spacecraf_
," / ",, | MA-Ol| Bectrophoresls
,,_._,_ MA-059retroreflectors ', | MA-014 Electrophoresis
/ _ \ ,;;_;", ',, / MA-(_P8Crystal Growth
/, _ ,_'_..-'::_ ; "._ AR-O02 MicrobialExchange
_ _ ,,"/___ _._ :_.$_' | MA-11T/Biostack
"" "_'_- .... Instrument / MA-14/Zone-Forming Fungi
MA-148 axis.. _ _ _I ,_m'_JJJ_JJ,_/] assembly / MA-I06 Light Flash
+Xv _ _ _ }J_ _ modue / MA-032 Leukocyte
._ [ ",%/,-:-_. / MA-O31Cellular Immune Response
/-'/ :_ _ ' '__olar pane, _, IW-151 Crystal Activation
VHFIFM antenna 131 I l_ppler antenna,, External plumbing/
I Cabinvent ',,, wiring cover
', \
(a) Exterior.
,Oxygenstoragetank 12)
Compatibledockingsystem\ /
\ .-- Cosmonaut
..-'"" junction box
Cabin vent module
adapterattach point (3) -_VHFIFMantenna (3)
(b) Interior.
8 percent
ATS-6 and
g percent
No signal
37 percent
ATS-6 only
46 percent
ATS-6 Apollo
S-band (2256,20//.4MHz) I
U.S. voice
U.S. data
U.S.S.R. voice
U.S.S.R. data
VHF/AM (259.
7, 296.8 MHz) VHF/FM (121.7.5
MHz) U.S.S.R. voice
U.S. voice U. S. S.R. voice
U.S.S.R. voice U.S. voice
/ /
Note: MCC-H = Mission Control Center-Houston
MCC-M = Mission Control Center-Moscow
AM = amplitude modulation
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The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Soft X-ray Experiment was designed to observe
celestial X-ray sources in the energy range from 0.1 to 10 kiloelectronvolts. The
instrument that was used in the experiment obtained energy and fast-timing data to
characterize both the spectrum and the variability of known X-ray sources. Data
were obtained on approximately 12 sources. During the mission, the instrument
developed an intermittent high-voltage discharge problem that resulted in the loss
of approximately 75 percent of the anticipated data, including the scans intended
for mapping of the low-energy diffuse X-ray background.
The objectives of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Soft X-ray Experi-
ment were to study the spectra of a large number of known celestial X-ray sources
in the range from 0.1 to 10 kiloelectronvolts, to search for periodicities and other
variability in these sources, and to more precisely map the soft X-ray diffuse
background. Celestial X-ray sources have been observed from rockets and satel-
lites for approximately a decade, and more than 200 sources have been located. Fig-
ure 3-1 is a map of the sky in galactic coordinates showing the sources located by
the Uhuru small astronomy satellite (SAS-1). The concentration in the galactic plane
indicates a class of sources within the galaxy, and the uniform distribution at high
latitudes indicates a class of extragalactic objects.
_Principal Investigator.
Second, the low-energy parts of the spectra (less than 2 kiloelectronvolts) are af-
fected by absorption in the intervening interstellar material. A measure of the ab-
sorption can be used to establish a fairly precise distance scale for the X-ray
sources. The distances in turn yield the absolute luminosities and the relationship
to other features of galactic structure such as the spiral arms.
The search for periodicities and fast-time variability was conducted by re-
cording the counts in 3-microsecond intervals for three broad energy bands. The
objective was to search for new pulsars (presumably rotating neutron stars) and
for other types of sources where intensity variations on a fast-time scale might pro-
vide information on the source structure, size, and emission mechanisms.
The third objective of the experiment was to map the soft X-ray background.
At energies of approximately 0.25 kiloelectronvolt, there is an observable diffuse
emission from all directions in the sky. Figure 3-2 is a map obtained from data
taken during an Aerobee rocket flight. To map a significant portion of the sky dur-
ing the 5-minute flight, a wide field of view (10° by i0 °) and a rapid scan rate were
used. As a result, the statistical precision of the map is poor, and the minimum
contrast features that can be detected are quite bright. The increased observing
time available with the ASTP instrument provided the opportunity to use a 4° by 4°
field of view and to obtain approximately 10 times as much data in each resolution
element. With increased resolution, an attempt is being made to determine the
origins of the soft X-ray diffuse background.
response of 4° . The effective area for X-ray detection is 1200square centimeters.
The front face of the detector, including the honeycomb and support ribs, is shown
in figure 3-3.
The electronic design of the instrument is shown in figure 3-5. There are
two sets of anodes in the detector, one for X-ray data and one for the veto of
charged particles. Each set has a separate preamplifier and discriminator. A data
pulse is accepted and analyzed only if no pulse is detected within a few microsec-
onds in the vet_ section. Data pulses that are accepted are then pulse height ana-
lyzed, and the pulse height is stored for telemetry readout. The analysis is accom-
plished by a 9-bit analog-to-digital (A-D) converter that uses a successive approx-
imation scheme. Each pulse height is also sorted into one of three energy bins for
accumulation in the 3-microsecond fast-timing bins. The electronics are mounted
on the rear of the detector as shown in figure 3-4.
The crucial parameters of gain and resolution were measured during labora-
tory calibrations. These parameters are required to determine the spectrum of
X-rays incident on the detector. The detector response is convolved with the inci-
dent photon spectrum to give the counts observed in each pulse height bin of the
spectral data. Mathematically, this is described as follows:
where N is the counting rate, V 1 and V2 are the boundaries of the pulse-height
channel, T(E') is the window transmission as a function of energy, A(E') is the
gas absorption as a function of energy, R(E' ,E) is the resolution function, N(E')
is the incident photon spectrum, and G(V) is the pulse-height gain function. The
functions T and A can be calculated from measurements made at a number of dif-
ferent laboratories. The gain G(V) and the resolution function R(E' ,E) are de-
termined by laboratory calibrations with monochromatic X-rays incident on the de-
tector. The peak in the spectral data yields the gain, and the shape of the spectral
data yields the resolution function. At most energies, the resolution function is
Gaussian; however, at low energies, a Poisson function gives a better fit because
the parameters must all be greater than zero.
The flight window was installed on the detector in April 1975. The leak rate
measured in vacuum was approximately 3 cm3 Pa/min (3 cm3 arm/rain). This rate
remained stable through testing, installation, and launch. No degradation was ob-
served during the flight.
The X-ray experiment was activated together with the other scientific instru-
ment module (SIM) bay experiments approximately 35 hours after launch. Several
minutes after the initial activation and calibration, an excessively high count rate
was noted in the lowest spectral channels. This pattern of several minutes of normal
operation followed by a period of high count rates was observed several times dur-
ing the mission. The problem apparently was caused by a high-voltage breakdown.
Problems with high-voltage breakdown in proportional counters have been evident
in all programs using these detectors. In addition to the usual problems of compo-
nent failures and potting breakdowns, the gas gain region of the detector amplifies
any discharge or breakdown caused by sharp points, metal chips, or inadequate
spacing of elements. The following paragraphs give a brief operating history for
the flight.
The X-ray experiment was operated on day 5 during the raster scan for the
Extreme Ultraviolet Survey (EUV) Experiment. The count rates went full scale, and
a gas purge was scheduled in anticipation of a possible instrument problem. After
purging, the instrument was operated on the sixth day of flight, and 25 minutes of
satisfactory data were obtained before the problem reappeared. On day 7, a test
was performed in which the instrument was operated with the high voltage on for
2 minutes and then off for 2 minutes. The instrument operated properly for approx-
imately 3 of the 5 minutes during which the high voltage was on. The experiment
operation procedure for day 8 was revised to incorporate the 2-minute-on mode of
operation, and at least 30 more minutes of satisfactory data were obtained.
On days 8 and 9, an engineering test was performed in an attempt to deter-
mine the cause of the instrument malfunction. At the end of the data take on day 8,
the instrument was left in a "contingency powerdown" mode, which evacuated the
gas volume of the detector. The detector was allowed to pump down to a hard vac-
uum overnight, and, on day 9, the high voltage was turned on with no gas in the
detector. No counts at all were observed for 30 minutes or longer. This result in-
dicated that the malfunction occurred in the gas gain volume of the detector. High-
voltage potting, power supplies, and the other high-voltage components external to
the gas volume of the detector were thus eliminated as possible causes of the
The high voltage was turned off, the detector gas volume was refilled to a
nominal pressure of 111457.5 N/m2 (i. 1 atmospheres) and the high voltage was
activated again. The detector malfunction reappeared in approximately 2 minutes,
thus reaffirming the conclusion that the malfunction occurred in the gas volume of
the detector.
The available data are currently being interpreted to hopefully obtain a better
understanding of this malfunction. Several hypotheses have been suggested, and
some laboratory tests may be needed to determine whether the characteristics of the
problem can be reproduced. At present, however, no simple hypothesis convinc-
ingly explains both the intermittent nature and the preponderance of low-energy
spectral counts.
Analysis of the X-ray experiment data has been slowed considerably by the
high-voltage breakdown problem because considerable care is required to find the
times during which the detector was functioning properly. Extensive real-time
mission replanning was required. Without this coordinated effort, the scientific
return would have been far less than was achieved.
The spectral data are first plotted as shown in figure 3-9. Each plot gives
the count rate in a certain X-ray energy band as a function of time. Each point rep-
resents an integration of 2. 784seconds, the spectral data accumulation time. The
high-voltage problems are readily identifiable as places where the 0.18- to 0.28-
kiloelectronvolt count rates average more than 10 000 counts/2.784 sec. To
thoroughly examine the good low-energy data, the data must be replotted on a
greatly expanded scale. The data from figure 3-9 are shown replotted in figure
3-10. Note that the X-ray source Cygnus X-2 is more readily apparent in the 0.5-
to 2-kiloelectronvolt plot. A detailed spectrum of the source can also be obtained
from the data as shown in figure 3-11. The incident spectrum that gives the best
fit to the data is also shown.
One of the most exciting observations was made during the final orbit of
prime data. Both the EUV telescope and the soft X-ray instrument were pointed at
HZ 43, a white dwarf. Both instruments detected the object in their respective
energy ranges. From the EUV measurements, the spectrum appears to be that of a
black body with a temperature of 100 000 K. The X-ray count rate in the lowest
energy range, 0.18 to 0.28 kiloeleetronvolt, is shown in figure 3-12. (The occa-
sional spikes appear to be due to a milder form of the high-voltage breakdown. )
At the time the astronauts began maneuvering the instruments away from the target,
a marked decrease in the count rate is seen. The counts attributable to the source
can be found by subtracting the background level (dotted line) from the source
level (solid line). The result is approximately 10 counts/sec. This count rate
appears to be consistent with the upper range of black-body temperatures derived
from the EUV data, which was approximately 150 000K.
Galactic North Pole
Galactic South Pole
“Source designations from t h e catalog.
3- 7
Figure 3-3.- Front view of the ASTP Figure 3-4. - Rear view of the ASTP
X-ray detector. X-ray detector with the electromag-
netic interference shield removed.
stretcher converter
7 bits
3 Accumulator
Preamplifier +Discriminator- Compressor 3-psec
c 3-pseC
Veto accumulator
- Preamplifier iscrirninator
4 3-rseC
3- 8
K --7 Mn - manganese
In - indium 8O
Si - silicon
._/ Ti -aluminum
AI - titanium
,C K F - fluorine
..... SiK B - boron
,--____AI K C - carbon 6O
,____F K --
i i I I I I I I I
o i® 3® 400
Pulse-height channel no.
Figure 3-6.- Laboratory gain calibra- g
tion of the ASTP detector.
Mn K 5.98 keY
Z 4 6
Energy, keY
0 I I
250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Pulse-height channel no.
High-voltage breakdown.....
o 250
E t3
41 _ _ ...A.---_, - -_
"._ oo
}5°°° I I I I l I ' l I I
o 4
& JU ,-- LB. __
....... J
80 160 240 320
Bin number (2.784 sec/bin)
Figure 3-10 .- Replotted count rates as a function of time during the flight.
dE . AE-lexp [.o.(E) N H - E/kT
% t
A =1.6 [
NH =i'l_ '
.l .2 .5 1 2 5 10
2000 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 8O
Binnumber (2.784
Figure 3-12.- Count rates as a function of time during the observation of the
white dwarf HZ 43 (0.18 to 0.28 kiloeleetronvolt).
S. Bowyer, at B. Margon, a M. Lampton,aF. Paresce,a and R. Stern a
EUV observations has been the opacity of the interstellar gas resulting from photo-
electric absorption by neutral hydrogen and neutral and singly ionized helium. How-
ever, recent spectroscopic studies of interstellar matter toward nearby stars (refs.
4-5 to 4-7) indicate that in many directions neutral hydrogen concentrations are as
low as 0.01 to 0.1 atom/era3. Then, the absorption cross sections given in refer-
ence 4-8 indicate that direct EUV observations of sufficiently hot stars should be
possible to distances of 20 to 100parsecs.
The parabolic optics were fabricated from aluminum coated with a nickel alloy
and then overcoated with a fine layer of gold. The filter wheel included an opaque
filter that permitted nearly continuous monitoring of the detector background during
the mission. The field of view of the instrument was circular with selectable diame-
ters of 2.5 ° or 4.3° full width at half maximum obtained by commanding either detec-
tor into the focal position. The detailed construction of the detector modules is de-
scribed in reference 4-13. The detector not at the focal position was also monitored
to establish further the stability of the background count rates. Count rates from
both detectors were telemetered each 0.1 second together with the filter wheel posi-
tion and other auxiliary information.
The entire system was calibrated in the laboratory with collimated radiation
at numerous wavelengths between 4.4 and 265nanometers (44 and 2650 angstroms).
Absolute intensities were established by using National Bureau of Standards-
calibrated vacuum-photodiode secondary standards above 20 nanometers (200 ang-
stroms) and propane proportional counters below 20 nanometers (200 angstroms).
The various filters, in combination-with the efficiency characteristics of the mirror
assembly and detector, defined the wavelength bands illustrated in figure 4-2. The
detailed response of the system is summarized in table 4-I. The filters and their
bandpasses at 10 percent of peak transmission, the energy-integrated effective area,
or grasp G = fA(E)dE, and the effective energy E f EA(E)dE
table 4-I. e = G are given in
The experiment was mounted to a shelf in bay 1 of the service module (SM).
A protective cover enclosed the instrument assembly at all times when the experi-
ment was not in operation. At appropriate times in the Flight Plan, the erew activa-
ted a switch in the command module (CM) to open the cover. The remaining experi-
ment controls consisted of a POWER ON/OFF switch and a two-position detector-
selection switch. Both switches were loeat_d in the CM and operated by the crew.
The EUV telescope functioned perfectly during the entire mission. The back-
ground count rates remained low and reproducible, and analysis of quick-look data
shows no evidence of degradation in instrument sensitivity from the laboratory-
measured values.
compensate for any changes in alinement from the nominal values caused by vibra-
tion or thermal stresses. However, analysis of the revolution 65 raster scan data,
obtained on the stars I Aql and K Aql, indicated, to an accuracy of 0.3 ° , that no
change from the nominal alinement occurred.
The most interesting target data examined thus far were obtained on revolu-
tion 109. As part of the observing schedule, the ultrasoft X-ray source in Coma
Berenices (refs. 4-14 to 4-16) was observed for 7 minutes starting July 22, 1975, at
22:26 GMT. After taking background data for 1 minute, a 3° spacecraft roll maneu-
ver brought the center of the instrument line of sight to a point 1 ° north of the in-
tended target. Thus, the target was just at the edge of the 2° field of view of the
instrument. Several roll and pitch motions of approximately 0.5 ° resulted from space-
craft motion within the attitude dead-band box and moved the field of view off and on
the source. Finally, additional sky background data were obtained 3 ° off the target.
ergs/cm 2 sec).
support the identification of the EUV object with the Comasoft X-ray source. This
figure clearly indicates that the spectrum peaks in the EUV band at approximately
30 nanometers (300 angstroms).
The collected data can be satisfactorily fit by any of these trial spectra pro-
vided that the free parameters are appropriately chosen. Figure 4-5 shows the de-
rived parameter constraints for these models. In each case, contours are drawn at
the _min + 6.25 level appropriate for 90 percent statistical confidence with three
free parameters (ref. 4-17). These constraints are compatible with, but much
stricter than, the parameter regions derived from the soft X-ray rocket data given
in reference 4-16.
Positional information on this source can be derived from the fact that, as the
spacecraft pointing varies, the count rates are occasionally interrupted. Telemetered
data on the CSM aspect have been combined with in-flight data on the experiment
alinement to obtain four independent position zones for the source. These zones
define a commonregion that is shown in figure 4-6 superposed on the relevant
star field.
3.83 X 1033ergs/sec. These parameters are in reasonable agreement with white
dwarf models. Although these data do not uniquely require a blackbody stellar spec-
trum, with this explanation and identification, HZ 43 has the highest temperature of
any known white dwarf.
Additional observations obtained on revolution 109indicate the probable de-
tection of EUV radiation from an additional target. Although detailed aspect data
are still being reduced, it appears that the source may be the M-dwarf star Proxima
Centauri. Detections appear in the 5.5- to 15-nanometer (55 to 150angstrom) band
and possibly the 11.4- to 15-nanometer (114 to 150angstrom) band. Both detections
are at an intensity substantially less than the Comasource.
Data from targeted observations on revolutions other than 109have not been
processed but will have sensitivity similar to that described previously. In addi-
tion, a substantial volume (several hours) of supplementary data was obtained by
the EUV telescope while it was being used with the Helium Glow Detector or the Soft
X-ray Experiments. These data will be processed to search for discrete sources of
EUV radiation and to derive information on the spectrum, intensity, and isotropy of
the ultrasoft X-ray/EUV cosmic diffuse background radiation. The data are the most
extensive ever obtained on the latter problem.
All the primary goals of the EUV Survey Experiment were achieved. Data were
obtained on 30 different targets belonging to a variety of different classes of stars.
Extensive and sensitive data on the EUV background radiation were also acquired.
Preliminary analysis of the data indicates the detection of at least one strong source
of EUV radiation, which is the first nonsolar source to be detected in the EUV band
and proves the feasibility and value of astronomical observations at the wavelengths
indicated in this report.
4--1. Hills, J. G.: An Explanation of the Cloudy Structure of the Interstellar Me-
dium. Astron. &Astrophys., vol. 17, 1972, pp. 155-160.
4--2. Rose, W. K. ; and Wentzel, D. G.: Ultraviolet Stars and the Interstellar Gas.
Astrophys. J., vol. 181, 1973, pp. 115-123.
4--3. Greenstein, J. L. ; and Sargent, A. I.: The Nature of Faint Blue Stars in the
Halo. II. Astrophys. J. Supp. Series, vol. 28, no. 259, 1974, pp. 157-210.
4--4. Carnochan, D. J.; Dworetsky, M. M.; Todd, J. J.; Willis, A. J.; and Wilson,
R.: A Search for Ultraviolet Objects. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A,
vol. 279, 1975, pp. 479-485.
4--5. Rogerson, J. B.; York, D. G.; Drake, J. F.; Jenkins, E. B.; Morton, D. C.;
and Spitzer, L.: Spectrophotometric Results From the Copernicus Satellite.
III. Ionization and Composition of the Intercloud Medium. Astrophys. J.
(Letters), vol. 181, 1973, pp. L110-L115.
Bohlin, R. C.: Copernicus Observations of Interstellar Absorption at Lyman
Alpha. Astrophys. J., vol. 200, 1975, pp. 402-414.
Dupree, A. K.: Ultraviolet Observations of Alpha Aurigae From Copernicus.
Astrophys. J. (Letters), vol. 200, 1975, pp. L27-L31.
Cruddace, R.; Paresce, F.; Bowyer, S.; and Lampton, M.: On the Opacity
of the Interstellar Medium to Ultrasoft X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radia-
tion. Astrophys. J., vol. 187, 1974, pp. 497-504.
4-10. Henry, P.; Bowyer, S.; Cruddace, R.; Lampton, M.; and Paresce, F.: An
4-11. Henry, P.; Cruddace, R.; Paresce, F.; Bowyer, S.; and Lampton, M.: An
Extreme Ultraviolet Search of the North Galactic Polar Region. Astrophys.
J. ,vol. 195, 1975, pp. 107-110.
4-12. Margon, B. ; and Bowyer, S.: Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy From Apollo-
Soyuz. Sky and Telescope, vol. 50, no. i, 1975, pp. 4-9.
4-13. Hoshiko, H. H.: Helical Channel Multiplier Package Design for Space Instru-
mentation. Rev. Sci. Instr., vol. 46, no. 3, 1975, pp. 331-332.
4-14. Hayakawa, S.; Murakami, T.; Nagase, F.; Tanaka, Y.; and Yamashita, K.:
Transient Soft X-ray Sources. Proc. IAU/COSPAR Symposium on Fast
Transients in X- and Gamma-Rays, XVIIIth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR
(Varna, Bulgaria), May 1975.
4-15. Hearn, D. R. ; and Richardson, J.A.: New Soft X-ray Source. IAU Circulars,
no. 2890, June 17, 1975.
4-16. Margon, B.; Malina, R.; Bowyer, S.; Cruddace, R.; and Lampton, M.: An
Ultrasoft X-ray Source in Coma Berenices. Astrophys. J. (Letters), vol.
203, 1976, pp.L5-L8.
4-17. Margon, B.; Lampton, M.; Bowyer, S.; and Cruddace, R.: Soft X-ray
Spectroscopy of Three Extragalactic Sources. Astrophys. J., vol. 197,
1975, pp. 25-29.
4-18. Eggen, O. J.; and Greenstein, J. L.: Spectra, Colors, Luminosities, and
Motions of the White Dwarfs. Astrophys. J., vol. 141, 1965, pp. 83-108.
_ v
._ _ _ v
_ v
_ V V
= _ _ •
•" _ _ ,._ I_ 't_
Revolution Target
88 a CMa B
._; ,ha.
Alinement .,'"" _
p /;\_ ",i !
1.0 ,. !
Parylene N
Aluminum plus carbon
! /I 1 ,
A _ e .
.... Tin
60 ,
l _, l , ',l V,A,,
; ', t I,.;I ,.,
• " l III I _,
t I II _t Y '
/I ri I i a ,
";_ ;_ , :, j Il \
'_[l'!,Vr_,_!, '_' 3 _ " " '_'
• A _
"!_A /!
" Vii
" i
,! i
U " !_ i_ m . .
3O -- I 9 _1\
I .Barium fluoride _ "'_ _ A
I,_ '_ _.,. "
Ill ,'"
%aque r,,,,,
I I I I I I I I 1
22:22 22:24 22:26 22:28 22:30 22:32 22:)4 22:_ 22:)8
July 22, 1975,GMT
Figure 4-3.- The EUV data obtained during a portion of revolution 109. The
trends in the aluminum and tin band passes are due to the spatial variations
in the geocoronal foreground radiation. This behavior was repeated on
numerous orbits. The barium fluoride count rates are dominated by the
occasional observations of known blue stars.
Photon energy, eV
1001° I I I I loo
I I I I ,op
.01 tl i I I I I I I I I I I I
1000 _100 10 l O.
(10 000) (1000) (100) riO) (1)
Wavelength, nm (A/
19.5 -
19.0 -
18.5 - Blackbody
18.0 I I 18.0 I I 1 I
4.5 5. 0 5.5 -13 -11 -9 -7 -5
Logtemperature, K Photon index
• .
• • •
0 ++ • o
E .°
• o
• o
• ."
• ,Q
o. • •
B • !,
Figure 4-6.- Positional error box for the EUV source in Coma Berenices derived
from the revolution 109 data (solid line). The broken line is the error box
for the soft X-ray source observed from Small Astronomy Satellite-3 (ref.
4-15). The white dwarf HZ 43 is also marked in the center of the photograph.
Enlargement is from the blue Sky Survey plate (copyright by the National
Geographic Society- Palomar Observatory Sky Survey; reproduced by per-
mission of the Hale Observatories).
As the Sun moves through the local ISM, the motion of gas atoms in that
medium is affected by the pressure of sunlight and by solar gravitation. The
resulting patterns of gas motion and distribution are determined not only by the
effects of these two forces but also by the initialconditions of temperature, velocity,
and density that the gas possessed before entering the solar system. The primary
goal of the helium glow experiment was to determine those initialconditions by
observing the local distribution of interstellar helium gas over the entire sky.
Axford, Blum and Fahr, Holzer and Axford, Wallis, and Johnson (refs. 5-1
to 5-5) have described the dynamics of the local ISM as it passes through the solar
system. If the interstellar gas is sufficiently cold that the thermal speeds of gas
atoms are negligible compared to the bulk speed of the gas with respect to the Sun,
then the number density of a specific atomic species at a given point in the solar
system may be determined as follows.
Let V be the bulk speed of the distant ISM with respect to the Sun, G be
the gravitational constant, M be the solar mass, and _ be the absolute value of
the ratio of the pressure of sunlight to the force of gravity on a gas atom.
Let C = V2/[GM(1 - _t)].
In any plane containing the Sun and the bulk velocity vector of the distant
ISM, choose polar coordinates r and _/, with the Sun at r = 0 and with _ = 0
pointing toward the direction from which the ISM approaches. Each point (r,_/)
in this plane is the intersection of two gas atom orbits. Atoms moving in these
two orbits will have angular momentumper unit mass
where j = 1,2.
r i = _0re2/V, and let N be the number density of the gas atoms in question, far
from the Sun.
n(r,e,(9) = Z 1
The Sun emits strong, broad spectral lines at 30.4 and 58.4 nanometers that
are resonantly scattered by singly ionized helium and neutral helium, respectively.
A general formalism describing the radiation in the ISM is well established (ref.
5-10). An observer viewing the gas through a spectral filter that transmits all of
one of these lines would see I photons per second per square meter per steradian,
where I is given by
The outer integral is taken along the ray from the observer toward infinity
along the observer's line of sight. Points along this ray are specified by their
distance s from the observer. The inner integral is taken over frequency v,
between limits sufficiently far from the line center to allow for the combined effects
of solar line width, thermal-Doppler line broadening, and Doppler shifts due to
radial motions between the Sun and the gas and between the gas and the observer.
in which xF0 is the total solar photon flux in the spectral line of interest at the
radius r of the Earth orbit, a is the standard deviation of the Gaussian profile
of the solar line, r(s) is the distance from the Sun to the point P(s), and v 0 is
the frequency at the line center. In equation (5-3), the quantity aj (v,s) is the
scattering cross section per atom at frequency v and point P(s), given by
2 1
.__1_I ex p
_-- Av /
of free space, me is the electron mass, c is the speed of light, and f is the
oscillator strength for the transition in question.
Av =v0 2_ _T (5-6)
c_ m
v0 v0 + V r,j(s)
p(s)= 3{1 + cos2 [0 (s)]l
in which e (s) is the angle included between the Sun, the point P (s), and the
The Problem of the Terrestrial Geocorona
If the observer does use a gas absorption cell, equation (5-3) must be
modified to include a third integral, taken over the cell transmission as a function
of radial speed between the observer and the gas.
The helium glow detector (HGD) onboard the Apollo spacecraft during the
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project flight is shown in figure 5-2. The unit was approxi-
mately cubical, 0.35 meter on each side, and had a mass of 23kilograms. It was
mounted below the bay 1 shelf of the service module, close to the instruments for
the soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet survey experiments, as shown in figure 5-3.
A small door in the spacecraft skin protected the instrument during ascent and dur-
ing the in-flight venting of liquids and gases and was opened by the astronauts
for observations. The HGD consisted of three main subassemblies: the detector
(including the helium gas system), the electronics, and the instrument housing
and mechanical structures.
Detector Subsystem
Each gas absorption cell was alternately filled with helium to a pressure of
approximately 130N/m 2 and evacuated. The pressure cycles of the two cells were
exactly out of phase, so that one cell was full when the other was empty. Each
cell was equipped with a thermocouple-type pressure gage and with a thermistor
for measuring temperature.
Figure 5-4 is a schematic diagram of the helium gas subsystem. Helium was
supplied to the cells from a tank at a pressure of approximately 6000kN/m 2. The
gas flowed through a master solenoid valve to a regulator, where the pressure was
reduced to approximately 10 kN/m 2. The gas then flowed through adjustable
needle valves into small transfer manifolds. To pressurize either gas cell, the
cell fill valve was opened briefly, releasing into the cell the gas in the transfer
manifold plus a small amount that leaked through the needle valve. The transfer
manifold volume was chosen to contain insufficient helium to fill a cell to design
pressure, and the needle valve was adjusted until the total amount of gas re-
leased produced the correct pressure.
Detector channels 2 and 4 observed the 30.4-nanometer radiation. The
bandpass for this wavelength was defined by a single thin filter, composed of a
layer of aluminum and a layer of carbon. Each of the four channels had a field
of view of approximately 15° full width at half maximum.
Electronics Subsystem
electron multipliers. To minimize single-point failures, each detector had an
independent high-voltage power supply (HVPS).
The amplifier (A) system for each detector channel accepted signals as small
as 10-14 coulomb at a maximum random rate of 105seconds-1 To stay within a
reasonable threshold level for the discriminator, a 10Xinterstage amplifier was
used. A pulse pair resolution of 1.0 microsecond ensured that statistical counting
losses remained below 10 percent, even at the maximum count rate.
The compressor and register for each channel accepted serial event pulses
from the discriminator and produced an 8-bit output word representative of
the number of events detected in each 0.1-second accumulation interval. The
binary word was then converted by the digital-to-analog (D-A) converter to an
analog voltage compatible with the Apollo telemetry system. The output voltage
was updated every 0.1 second in synchronization with the sampling of that voltage
by the telemetry system.
Data compression was necessary because the 8-bit word employed by the
telemetry system allowed only 256 distinct output signals, whereas the event rates
from the detector ranged as high as 104per sampling interval. The system chosen
produced an output word that varied approximately as the logarithm of the detector
count rate.
Mechanical Structures
Careful calibration of the HGD was vital for successful interpretation of the
data telemetered from orbit. A complete calibration facility was established at the
University of California. It included a vacuum chamber large enough to contain
the instrument, a grazing-incidence monochromator, several sources of EUV
radiation, reference diodes calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards, ion
and electron guns, and such supporting equipment as pumps, manipulators,
collimators, laminar flow benches, and dehumidifiers.
was provided by a gas discharge lamp using argon, helium, hydrogen, and neon
to provide strong spectral emission lines (ref. 5-12).
The shape and angular response of the sensitive area of each detector was
determined by shining a narrow monochromator beam into the entrance pupil
while tilting and translating the HGD with a manipulator. In this way, a detailed
map of the detector response was produced.
The behavior of the gas absorption cells was studied by recording the detec-
tor response with the cell full while the monochromator wavelength was slowly
swept across the 58.4-nanometer spectral line. The observed response agreed
well with the response calculated from theory.
Intense sources of ions and electrons were used to verify that the detectors
would not respond to tl_e high fluxes of charged particles in the Earth ionosphere.
Various combinations of visible light and ultraviolet light were shined into the
vents and viewports of the instrument to make certain that photoemission of elec-
trons from internal sources would not cause false counts.
Ground-Support Equipment
The helium fill apparatus was used to service the helium tank in the HGD.
The fill apparatus contained a large cylinder of high-pressure, high-purity helium,
plus the regulator, valves, hoses, and plumbing necessary to purge the HGD tank
and fill it to its operating pressure.
Design Philosophy
A great deal of technology and experience from previous space missions was
available for design of the HGD. Approximately 70 percent of the electronic cir-
cuits used in the HGD and its ground-support equipment had been previously
developed, tested, and produced for other programs, including the Atmosphere
Explorer Satellite and the Skylab Apollo telescope mount SO55Aspectrophotohelio-
graph. Somemechanical components, such as the HGDhelium tank and the instru-
ment shipping containers, were Government-furnished equipment from earlier
Apollo missions.
To reduce drafting and manufacturing costs and to facilitatemaintenance,
the HGD was designed with a high level of interchangeability of parts. For
example, the electronics modules containing the channel electron multipliers were
interchangeable, as were the gas filtercells and the collimators. Furthermore,
the design similarities between the HGD and the instrument for the EUV survey,
which had the same Principal Investigator, made possible the design of a single
ECE unit to support both instruments.
The HGD and its protective door were controlled by switches and circuit
breakers in the Apollo command module. When data were to be taken, the astro-
nauts opened the door, waited a few moments to allow the pressure in the instru-
ment area to drop from approximately 0.1 to 1.0 N/m 2 (door closed) to 0.001 N/m 2
or less (door open), and turned on the helium glow experiment power. The short
wait before activation was necessary to avoid possible corona discharge from the
high-voltage electronics at pressures greater than 0.1 N/m 2.
The astronauts also controlled a switch that could interrupt the flow of
helium to either gas absorption cell. This switch would have been used if declining
tank pressure or corona discharge had indicated a leak in either gas cell. Corona
discharge would have been detected as a very high spurious count rate in one or
more detectors.
The HGD was pointed at selected areas of the sky by maneuvering the space-
craft. These maneuvers were carefully and elaborately planned before the flight
and consisted mostly of slow rolls about the spacecraft long axis, with that axis
pointing in a specified, fixed direction. In the course of many such rolls, the HGD
surveyed most of the celestial sphere, with particular attention given to the region
in which the pronounced helium density increase mentioned previously was pre-
dicted to occur. At the time of flight, that region was approximately 30 ° from
the side of the Sun opposite the Earth, as shown in figure 5-8; therefore, because
of perspective, the region was less than 30 ° from the Sun in the spacecraft sky.
Particular attention was also given to the patch of sky, approximately 30 ° in
diameter, that can be viewed while looking down the shadow cast by the Earth in
the geocorona, as shown in figure 5-1. These latter observations provided
especially significant data from the 30.4-nanometer detectors.
One interesting possibility for extracting additional information from the data
deserves mention. The 58.4-nanometer count rate seen with the gas cell empty is
the sum of the contributions from the ISM and the geocorona. The rate seen with the
cell full includes no geocoronal term. Thus, the ratio of the rates seen with the
cell full and with the cell empty is a lower bound for the value of that same ratio
that would have been seen with no geocoronal flux present. The no-geocorona
cell-full count rate can be predicted by a modification of equation (5-3), and the
no-geoeorona predicted ratio can be calculated. This ratio turns out to be a
moderately sensitive indicator of the dispersion in radial speeds of helium along
the line of sight, whether caused by thermal motions, collisions, or turbulence.
A lower bound on the ratio may thereby possibly provide additional insight into
the dynamical state of the local interstellar medium.
The goals of the helium glow experiment were to observe the patterns of
concentration of interstellar helium as it flows through the solar system, and to
deduce therefrom several uncertain properties of the local interstellar medium.
A four-channel extreme ultraviolet photometer, sensitive at spectral lines of neutral
and ionized helium, mapped the sky from orbit during the Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project flight. The instrument used helium gas absorption cells to eliminate from
the observations any contribution due to photons scattered from neutral helium in
the Earth geoeorona. The experiment operated satisfactorily, and adequate usable
data were produced.
5--1. Axford, W. I.: The Interaction of the Solar Wind With the Interstellar Medium.
Solar Wind. NASA SP-308, 1972, pp. 609-660.
Blum, P. W.; and Fahr, H. J.: Interaction Between Interstellar Hydrogen
and the Solar Wind. Astron. & Astrophys., vol. 4, no. 2, 1970,
pp. 280-290.
5--3. Holzer, T. E.; and Axford, W. I.: Interaction Between Interstellar Helium
and the Solar Wind. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 76, no. 28, Oct. 1971,
pp. 6965-6970.
Wallis, Max K.: Local Hydrogen Gas and the Background Lyman-Alpha
Pattern. Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., vol. 167, Apr. 1974,
pp. 103-119.
Blum, P. W.; Pfleiderer, J. ; and Wulf-Mathies, C.: Neutral Gases of
Interstellar Origin in Interplanetary Space. Planet. & Space Sci., vol. 23,
no. 1, Jan. 1975, pp. 93-105.
5--7. Danby, J. M. A.; and Carom, G. L.: Statistical Dynamics and Accretion.
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., vol. 117, 1957, pp. 50-71.
Wallis, Max K.: Collisional Heating of Interplanetary Gas: Fokker-Planck
Treatment. Planet. & Space Sci., vol. 23, no. 3, Mar. 1975, pp. 419-430.
Fahr, H. J.: The Extraterrestrial UV-Background and the Nearby Inter-
stellar Medium. Space Sci. Rev., vol. 15, Feb. 1974, pp. 483-540.
5-11. Jacchia, L. G.: Revised Static Models of the Thermosphere and Exosphere
With Empirical Temperature Profiles. SAO-SR-332, Smithsonian
Institution Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Mass., 1971.
5-12. Paresce, F.; Kumar, S.; and Bowyer, C. S.: Continuous Discharge Line
Source for the Extreme Ultraviolet. Appl. Opt., vol. I0, no. 8, 1971,
pp. 1904-1908.
. .. . . . . . . .' - . .
. . . . .
, . . Geocorona . . . . .
. .. . . '
. . . . . . . .
. . . .
', ' L----'-i.L-A--A-
, . ' Possible photon trajectory , ,'
. . . .. . ,
. . . . . .. .
. . . , . . . . .
. . . ' _
. . . . . . . .
, . ' . . . . . . . '.
. . . . . .
. , . . . . . . . . . . . .
Transfer manifold--------
4' /valves
relief valve----
,ri -- Transfer
.. ., manifold
Figure 5-2 The helium glow detector. --..-Vent
The four large holes are the view-
ports for the four photometer chan- Figure 5-4. - Schematic diagram of the
nels. HGD gas subsystem.
5- 12
[ .. +
D-A converter
I .. ""..."..
M Housekeeping telemetry
monitors channels
Gas system
28 V dc
5- 13
I Pulse generator I
re, enc
r .... 7
Pulse shaping
adjuster Oscillator network
-- Filter wheel
manual step _
Spacecraft si mulator I
On/Off I
Gas system A I
t t t Helium glow
I experiment
Gas system B _ On/Off I _"
I power supply
Low -voltage .-- I
Instrument I
powe r
Ammeter On/^ff I
i _,-v°c__' "----"
28 V dc
V ac power supply QV) Voltmeter I
_I I =
I 1 pulse/s
._ 1.O-pulsels J I
oscillator ] I
Data readout
Function I I
selector I I housekeeping
switches I I data
converter Channel
Printer f
switches analog data
10 samples/sec
distant ISM
On July 19, 1975, the Apollo spacecraft successfully occulted the solar disk
from the field of view of a camera mounted in the Soyuz spacecraft while performing
a spacecraft separation maneuver to permit the outer solar corona to be viewable
by the Soyuz camera. The camera operated automatically, and 55 frames were
developed for scientific analysis.
The Artificial Solar Eclipse Experiment is one of the five experiments that in-
corporated joint activities between the U.S. and U.S .S .R. crews during the Apollo-
Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. In this U.S .S .R.-proposed experiment, the
Apollo crew was responsible for performing the required spacecraft maneuvers and
for photographing the eclipse shadow on the Soyuz vehicle, and the Soyuz crew was
responsible for photographing the corona. As agreed, the U.S.S.R. investigators are
responsible for the scientific analysis of the experiment and publication of the scien-
tific results within 1 year after the ASTP mission. This preliminary report contains
a description of the experiment background, equipment, and operations.
The solar corona is the extended atmosphere of the Sun. Whereas the Earth at-
mosphere extends above the Earth surface to a distance of less than 1 Earth radius, the
solar corona extends to many solar radii. The inner corona is about 1 million times
fainter than the bright surface of the Sun, and the outer coronal regions are hun-
dreds to millions of times more faint. Thus, to observe the structure of the extended
corona, the intense radiation coming directly from the surface of the Sun must be
excluded from view, and the corona must be observed against as dark a background
as possible. Both of these conditions occur during a natural, total solar eclipse, in
which the Moon occults the Sun and significantly reduces the intensity of the local
daylight. An artificial eclipse of the Sun above the Earth atmosphere may reduce
the daylight much further and permit the most extensive possible detection of the
corona. The ASTP Artificial Solar Eclipse Experiment provided this opportunity on
July 19, 1975, at approximately noon GMT. The objective of this experiment was
to detect the extended region of the corona by photographing it from the Soyuz space-
craft against the black space background while the disk of the Sun was occulted by
the Apollo spacecraft.
The artificial solar eclipse was effected by separating the Apollo from the
Soyuz shortly after orbital sunrise in such a way that Apollo occulted the Sun from
view of the orbital module (OM) hatch window. Apollo backed away from Soyuz
toward the Sun to a separation distance at which the apparent diameter of Apollo was
about 2 solar diameters. Apollo totally occulted the Sun during the separation ma-
neuver, and Soyuz performed automatic sequence photography in the solar direction
during the entire separation maneuver.
Before orbital sunrise, the Soyuz crew set up a camera on the inside of the
closed OM hatch window. The 50-millimeter camera had a 90-millimeter focal length
lens with no filter. The photographs were taken in "white" light over the wavelength
range of approximately 400to 750nanometers. A mechanized magazine containing
highly sensitized Kodak 2485 film was mounted to the back of the camera. On the
outside of the hatch window, the Apollo crew deployed a U .S .S.R. light baffle de-
signed to minimize the amount of scattered and reflected light that entered the optical
path of the camera. The Soyuz crew retreated to the descent module, and the Apollo
crew retreated to the commandmodule (CM). The Apollo crewmen oriented the docked
spacecraft with the longitudinal (X) axes alined to the Sun-spacecraft direction, as
depicted in figure 6-1. At 75 seconds after orbital sunrise, the Apollo undocked and
coasted for 15 seconds. The undocking occurred at 95: 43:20 ground elapsed time
(GET), or 12:03:20 GMT, July 19. At position 2 (fig. 6-1), the reaction control
system (RCS) of the Apollo spacecraft was fired in the four-jet mode for 3 seconds
to back away (minus-X direction) from the Soyuz spacecraft. A second coast period
of 12 seconds was followed by another four-jet, RCS, minus-X firing (position 3,
fig. 6-1). The two-thrust sequence was adopted to expedite achieving the desired
separation rate of approximately 1 m/see, while respecting thermal constraints asso-
ciated with RCS gases impinging on the Soyuz spacecraft. At 4 minutes after un-
docking, the separation of the two spacecraft was approximately 220meters, at which
time the Apollo fired the RCS (four-jet) in the plus-X direction for 16 seconds (fig.
6-1, position 5) to return to Soyuz. During the entire separation time, the space-
craft maintained attitude hold with both X-axes alined in the solar direction. The
sequence of events is listed in table 6-I, and the views from the Soyuz hatch window
at the beginning and end of the 1-m/see separation phase are given in figures 6-2 (a)
and 6-2(b), respectively. The field of view from Soyuz (fig. 6-2) was determined
by the light baffle; the vignetting in the Earth direction was intended to minimize
the light that entered the optical path of the Soyuz camera from the illuminated cres-
cent of the Earth beyond the terminator. The Soyuz camera operated during the
entire separation phase in an automatic sequence of exposures of 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, and
10seconds. Each cycle lasted 27seconds, and the cycles were repeated continuously.
Also during separation, the 16-millimeter Apollo data acquisition camera (DAC)
was mounted in a CM window to view along the Apollo plus-X axis. The 75-millimeter
focal length lens of the DAC automatically operated at 12 frames/see, exposing SO-242
color film at 1/125 second. The purpose of the DAC photography was to monitor the
motion of the umbra on the Soyuz spacecraft. The DAC photographs reveal that the
edge of the umbra did not reach the Soyuz docking ring until 120to 150seconds
after undoeking. The light baffle was not apparent in the photographs, but the
Apollo crew reported seeing the edge of the umbra reaching the light baffle at approx-
imately 170seconds after undocking.
95: 43:20 Delta-V of 0.10 m/sec along Soyuz minus-X axis and 0.05 m/sec
along Apollo minus-X axis because of spring-release mechanism
95:43:54 RCS engines cut off; range, 12.8 m; range rate, 1.03 m/sec
95: 47:20 Apollo achieves 220-m separation distance from Soyuz and performs
a 2-m/sec, 4-jet, plus-X RCS maneuver to null the separation rate
and return the Apollo vehicle to the redocking position
95: 50:58 Apollo achieves a relative range <17 m and performs a 1-m/sec,
4-jet, minus-X RCS maneuver to null the closing range-rate
Apollospacecraftattains 220-m separationdistance,
and a 2-m/sec plus-X maneuver is performedto
return to Soyuz spacecraft.. /
,," ,Terminatorcrossing
Secondminus-X ApolloRCS maneuver
/' //
Figure 6-1 .- Artificial solar eclipse orbit profile during the 57th revolution of
the Apollo spacecraft and the 65th orbit of the Soyuz spacecraft.
15o-15° -I0
I° -5
I° 0I 5°
I I0°
I 1515° 15°-15° "lO°l -5° 0 5° I0° 15_5°
_5o - -- _5 ° .5 ° -5 °
/_ w//////////////////////z
-I0° -lO°
-10° -10°
Figure 6-2 .- View of the Apollo spacecraft after the second RCS burn as seen
from the Soyuz spacecraft. The field of view is 30 ° with the Sun in the
center of the view.
The Crystal Activation Experiment consisted of two sample packages that were
flown in the command module and returned to Earth for analysis of the radioactivity
induced in them during the flight. The objective of the experiment was to define the
background caused by detector activation that interferes when gamma radiation is
measured in the 0.02- to 10-megaelectronvolt range from Earth orbit. These meas-
urements, together with accelerator beam activation measurements and theoretical
calculations, will be used to estimate this background for future or planned experi-
ments. To aid the calculations, metals selected for their cross sections for specific
neutron and proton energies were included in the samples in addition to the germa-
nium and thallium-activated sodium iodide (NaI (T1)), which are the usual detectors
for low-energy gamma-ray measurements.
Preliminary results show that the activation of the NaI (T1) crystal was a fac-
tor of 3 below that from a similar measurement on Apollo 17. The identification of
certain species and the level of activation observed show an important contribution
from the interactions of thermal and energetic neutrons produced as secondaries in
the spacecraft. That the activation was reduced by only a factor of 3 compared
with the Apollo 17 experiment, despite the geomagnetically shielded orbit, possibly
indicates more efficient secondary neutron production by the more energetic cosmic
buniversity of Maryland.
tprincipal Investigator.
showed that the level of activation was considerably enhanced by significant fluxes
of secondary neutrons produced in the heavy spacecraft by cosmic-ray proton
interactions (ref. 7-6). Results from activation packages flown on Skylab (ref.
7-7) also showed the presence of secondary neutrons but indicated less thermaliza-
tion of this flux than that indicated by the Apollo 17 data.
The two assemblies shown in figures 7-1 and 7-2 were flown in the command
module of the Apollo spacecraft during the Apollo-Soyuz mission. An Nal (Tl)
crystal (fig. 7-1) physically identical to those flown on the Apollo 15 and 16
missions was used in this experiment. This assembly did not include the photo-
multiplier, the proton antieoineidence mantle, and the thermal shield that were
used during the Apollo 15 and 16 missions, but it was identical to the assembly
used on the Apollo 17 mission. Thus, direct comparison of the results from the
two missions can be made. The detector was a 7- by 7-centimeter right-cylindrical
crystal, hermetically sealed in a steel cylinder with a glass plate at one end.
Magnesium oxide was used as an optical reflector inside the crystal assembly
exeept at the glass window. This assembly made possible the simple procedure
for optically coupling the crystal to a photomultiplier tube after flight. The second
assembly (fig. 7-2) consisted of a 724-gram sample of high-purity germanium; a
small intrinsic germanium detector 32 millimeters in diameter by 8.75 millimeters
thick, with a 0.12-millimeter layer of indium on one face; and 100-gram foil disks
of yttrium (Y), scandium (Sc), and depleted uranium (U) sealed in a cylinder iden-
tical to that used for containing the NaI (T1) crystal. The lid of the container in this
second assembly was made of 55 grams of titanium rather than steel.
Before the mission, background counts were taken on all materials in the lab-
oratories where postflight low-level counting was anticipated. After splashdown,
the flight (i.e., activated)NaI(Tl) was returned to the recovery ship and optically
mounted on a photomultiplier tube, and pulse height spectra were obtained. The
erystal counting was started approximately 2 hours after atmospheric entry of the
command module. Befo.re splashdown, a control (unactivated) crystal was opti-
eally sealed to the samephotomultiplier tube, and the background was determined
in the steel shield.
A 10.2- by 10.2-centimeter NaI (T1) detector was used to measure the gamma-
ray emission flux from the Nal (T1) crystal and from the germanium after removal
from its eontainer. These measurements were also performed inside the steel
shield, starting approximately 1.5 hours after atmospheric entry of the command
module. Counting continued for 4 hours onboard the recovery carrier.
The detectors, bulk germanium, and foil disks were then returned to labora-
tories in the United States for further counting. The intrinsic germanium detector
was returned to the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory where the detector material
was mounted on a cryostat, cooled, and low-level-counted. The foil disks and the
steel container were delivered to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory for analysis.
The Nal (T1) crystals and the bulk germanium material were taken to the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, where the internal Nal (T1) measurements were continued,
and lithium-activated germanium (Ge(Li)) and low-level coincidence spectra were
accumulated on both materials. High-resolution Ge(Li) spectra were also taken of
the bulk germanium at the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
The internal Nal (T1) spectrum taken onboard the recovery ship approximately
4 hours after splashdown is compared with the equivalent data from the Apollo 17
experiment in figure 7-3. The radionuclides identified from the Apollo 17 data are
shown. Although the statistics are poorer, the Apollo-Soyuz data have the same
general shape and are lower in intensity by a factor of approximately 3. The bulk
germanium data did not show any identifiable lines but indicated a low-energy
excess consistent with the presence of gallium-67 (67Ga) identified in the data
taken at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
The detector was successfully brought into operation on the first attempt
and showed the samenoise and resolution characteristics that had been observed
during preflight tests. Counting commencedat the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
approximately 24 hours after splashdown.
The earliest spectra showed some excess count rates in continuum regions up
to at least 1000kiloelectronvolts, and perhaps as high as 2000 kiloelectronvolts;
however, counting statistics will severely limit the quantitative results that can be
obtained from these spectral distributions. Simple hand analysis indicated deeay
with (probably) more than one half-life, in the few-tens-of-hours range, but
definitely shorter than the 78-hour half-life of 67Ga.
half-life, and the delayed-coincidence results described in a later paragraph. Iden-
tification of 71Geis also considered conclusive, although it is based on less evi-
dence, namely observation of the appropriate energy X-ray peak, which decays
with (nearly) the 71Gehalf-life.
The metal foil disks arrived at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory 23 hours
after splashdown. Analysis of the exposed foils was conducted as follows.
4. The yttrium disk was dissolved and analyzed for 87y, an energetic
neutron- and proton-induced reaction product, and for zirconium-89 (89Zr), a low-
energy-proton reaction product.
5. The titanium lid was chemically processed for scandium radionuclides
produced by 1- to 20-megaelectronvolt neutrons.
6. The stainless steel can was nondestructively analyzed for activities pro-
duced from iron.
Preliminary results are as follows. The thermal neutron flux was 0.26
neutron/era 2 see and the epithermal neutron flux was 0.004 neutron/cm 2 sec.
Energetic neutron and proton fluxes were much lower than previously observed on
Apollo and Skylab missions. The neutron plus proton flux on this mission as deter-
mined from the 238U(n ,f)99Mo reaction was a factor of 3 to 4 less than that observed
in the Skylab mission by solid-state track detectors. A limit on the fast neutron
(1 megaeleetronvolt) flux of 2 neutrons/cm 2 see was established from the absence of
positive results for the high-energy activation reaction. These preliminary results
will be tentatively correlated with the neutron spectra from the track detectors
flown onboard the Apollo-Soyuz spacecraft.
Both internal and external monitoring of the NaI crystal show an activation
spectrum similar to that shown by the Apollo 17 crystal but at approximately one-
third the intensity. Gallium-67 has been positively identified in the intrinsic
germanium as well as in the external counting of the bulk germanium. Germanium-
71 has been tentatively identified internally and 72As, externally.
7--2. Dyer, C. S.; Dunphy, P. P.; Forrest, D. J.; and Chupp, E. L.: Proceed-
ings of the 14th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 1975, p. 3122.
7--5. Trombka, J. I.; Metzger, A. E.; Arnold, J. R.; Matteson, J. L.; et al.:
The Cosmic Gamma-Ray Spectrum Between 0.3 and 27 MeV Measured on
Apollo 15. Astrophys. J., vol. 181, 1973, pp. 737-746.
7-6. Dyer, C.; Trombka, J. I.; Schmadebeck, R. L.; Eller, E.; et al.: Radio-
activity Observed in the Sodium Iodide Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Returned
on the Apollo 17 Mission. Space Sci. Instrum. 1, vol. 3, 1975.
7-7. Fishman, G. J.: Neutron and Proton Activation Measurements from Skylab.
AIAA/AGU Paper 74-1227, Nov. 1974.
I Resilient
Glass _ 7.625cm packing
-- 7.048cm_
0.635 cm L._6.985 cm
-I 0.25cm
Intrinsic High-purity -- 1
oxide I,_
_---- 6.985 cm_'_m
Na (T) .
6.985 cm
cm I germanium
cm 8.493cm
II 0.86 cm
__ i ,,_
0.58 cm
7.736 cm _
Figure 7-1.- The Apollo Nal (T1) crys- Figure 7-2.- Sample package showing
tal assembly. location of metals and intrinsie ger-
manium detector.
x x ./1231
x * Apollo-Soyuzdata
x x x Apollo17 data
xX :o X
X X • : Xx
X X IL • _ j/ /s , ii z
10 • _,'6 . "•'-,.
• "% • _ x"xx xxxXX
• J°ee • o•
* ..'..
• o I° • • *:* .,.'"
o• o• ° •
l ] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I l I l I
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520
Channel (~2. 5 keVlchannel)
10 2 -
=I0 keY
-_10 z
• OOoo oe• a•
• • • • o• • • ooo •eoo • •
auniversity of Michigan.
bNASA Lyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter.
CUniversity of Pittsburgh.
dHarvard University.
#Co-Principal Investigator.
measuring the concentration of a given gaseous species -- atomic absorption spec-
troscopy. This method is probably the most reliable available tool for quantitative
analysis if the cross sections or oscillator strengths for absorption are known, if
proper precautions are taken to ascertain the frequency dependence (or line shapes)
of light sources and absorbers, if optical properties of the measuring devices are
measured, and if corrections are made for absorption by other species (or impuri-
ties). A complementary technique, the quantitative observation of resonance
fluorescence in which atomic or molecular species scatter resonance radiation from
a light source into a detector, is a powerful one and was used in the ASTP UVA
experiment. The species chosen for detection and measurement were neutral
atomic oxygen (O) and neutral atomic nitrogen (N). The first was selected for
several reasons.
R = r m(FA/_x2)e-2°xnfQT (8-1)
where m is the number of reflections, six in the present case; o is the mean
absorption cross section; and n is the attenuation coefficient. Obviously, r is
assumed to be the same at each surface for a given wavelength.
The flux F of 130.4-nanometer radiation was 5 X 1013photons/see into a
solid angle of 0.75 steradian. Typical values for the other terms in the equa-
tion are as follows.
r= 0.75
A = 55 square centimeters
Q = 0.12 electron/photon
- -13
= 10 square centimeter
In an experiment such as this, the spacecraft velocities are greater than the
average thermal velocities of the gas particles at 1000K (by a factor of 8 for
oxygen). Hence, the frequency of the lamp signal will be shifted far away from the
absorption frequency of the atoms by the Doppler effect if the light is radiated in
the approximate direction of the Apollo velocity vector. It is therefore necessary
to conduct the experiment with the vector between the spacecraft nearly perpendic-
ular to the spacecraft velocity vectors. A simple calculation shows that, if the angle
between the direction of emission of the light signal and the Apollo velocity vector
were 78° with the two spacecraft 100meters apart, the absorption by 4 X 109 atoms/
cm3 of oxygen would be only 30 percent compared to 82 percent if the angle were
90° . This effect could, however, readily be turned into an advantage if the ex-
periment were performed in such a way that one spacecraft (for example, Apollo)
slowly drifted past the other at a fixed range and the angle between them varied
through approximately 30° centered on the normal to the orbital velocity vector.
The reasons are twofold. First, it would not be necessary to determine by some
independent measurement when the angle of observation was 90° to the direction
of the relative wind. This information would automatically be determined as the
point at which the counting rate became minimum. Second, the change in counting
rate with angle would define the Doppler line shape of the absorbing atom. Hence, the
functional form of this variation would enable measuring the temperature of the ab-
sorbing atoms.
In practice, it is necessary to consider the fact that the light flux F varies
with wavelength _. for each fine structure component of the resonance lines, and
that the absorption cross section a is also a function of wavelength. Thus, the
term Fe-2anx in equation°(8-1) must be replaced for each fine structure compo-
nent by
where F i(_) depends on the effective lamp temperature TL and c(k) values depend
on the gas temperature T G. When there is no relative motion between source and
absorber, the functional form of F(_) may be written
1/2 2 2
(mc2/2_kTL_oi21 exp I-me2( _ -_Oi)_2kTLkoi ]
where k0i is the line center wavelength of the i-th fine structure component, m is
the atomic mass of the gas species, e is the speed of light, and k is the Boltzmann
constant. When u is the component of the atmospheric velocity along the light
beam in the coordinate system in which the Apollo vehicle is at rest, o (k) becomes
o 0 exp 2 2
I-mc2 I( k- k0_-uk01
2kTGk 0 e
Finally, because the spectrometer does not resolve the fine structure components
in the spectrum, it is necessary to sum over fine structure components to obtain
the predicted counting rate.
R = ZR i (8-6)
The spectral parameters for the gases involved in this experiment are shown in
table 8-I.
Figures 8-2 (a) and 8-2 (b) show the counting rates as A function of spacecraft
separation when u = 0 for atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen, respectively, at
typical gas concentrations. Figures 8-3(a) and 8-3(b) show, for various values of
T G , the variation in atmospheric transmission as a function of the angle between the
direction of observation and the perpendicular to the wind velocity vector in the
coordinate system in which the Apollo spacecraft is at rest. The lamp output (inte-
grated over wavelength of all spectral components) is assumed to be 1013 photons/
sec for the oxygen 130.4-nanometer triplet and 3 X 1012 photons/sec for the nitrogen
120.0-nanometer triplet.
IL(X)no(k)expr-2n/o(X)dx']d_. dx 2 (8-7)
L j
where x 0 is the distance from the light source at which the outgoing beam crosses
the spectrometer field of view. To evaluate the actual counting rate due to these
scattered photons, it is necessary to evaluate the overlap of the outgoing beam with
the effective spectrometer field of view. For example, the field of view is filled
gradually and not abruptly at a distance x0 along the beam. This evaluation is
being conducted for the instrument actually flown. A reasonable approximation
for the counting rate from resonance fluorescence RF is
x0 0
p = the focal length of the collecting mirror (16.5 centimeters)
x 0 = 75 centimeters
The resonance lamp light sources, the retroreflector array, and the optical
transmitting and receiving systems had to be designed around the spectrometer in
such a way as to maximize the signals received. The spectrometer choice was
governed by availability and by the schedule for experiment preparation. The
instrument has an entrance slit of 0.2 by 5.7 centimeters, with an f/5 collecting
aperture corresponding to a solid angle of 12 ° by 12 ° . The ultraviolet lamps have
a i-centimeter source diameter and emit into a solid angle of approximately 56 ° full
width, or 0.74 steradian. The flux from each lamp is collimated by a mirror placed
12 centimeters from the lamp. Because the source diameter in the lamps is 1 centi-
meter, the beam leaves the collimating mirror with a spread of approximately 5° .
to the collected light originating from point x is then the shaded overlap of the
collecting mirror and the hexagonal area 6.6 centimeters in diameter and centered
at point x. The size of the return beam from all points on the collimating mirror O
is shown by the broken line. The collecting mirror must be protected from stray
light coming from the lamps by means of baffling because the most intensely illumi-
nated region is that adjacent to the collimating mirror.
Figure 8-7 shows how the fluorescence and transmitted signals should vary
with wavelength around 130.4 nanometers. This calibration was done by convolut-
ing the previously computed signal intensities in each of the three components of
the oxygen triplet with the spectrometer slit function. The latter was assumed to
be triangular with a full width of 1.15 nanometers at half maximum. The ease shown
is for an Apollo-Soyuz separation of 100meters, an oxygen density of 4 × 109 cm-3,
a lamp temperature TL of 600 K, and a gas temperature TG of 1050K. The curves
are normalized. The difference in wavelength at the peak occurs because most of
the transmitted signal is in the weaker 130.5- and 130.6-nanometer components,
whereas most of the fluorescence signal is from the 130.2-nanometer line.
The flight lamps and backup lamps were calibrated to determine the flux of
photons emitted. For this calibration, a monochromator and a double ionization
chamber (for the 120.0- and 130.4-nanometer lines) were used, and a measurement
of the photocurrent in the monochromator detector (for the 135.6- and 149.3-
nanometer lines) was made. The data obtained for the flight lamps were redueed to
absolute intensities by comparison with similar measurements made with the same
system on another lamp that had been absolutely calibrated at the University of
Pittsburgh. The detector used at Pittsburgh to calibrate the standard lamp had
been calibrated by a measurement of its response to radiation at the four wave-
lengths in question emitted from a beam of O and N atoms of known density excited
by electron impact. The flux from the flight lamp is given in table 8-1II.
The first exercises of the UVA experiment began when the lamps were turned
on at 27:00 ground elapsed time (GET) on Wednesday, July 16, 1975. The counting
rate as a function of cam position closely reproduced that obtained with the door
closed in the last thermal-vacuum tests before the apparatus left the laboratory
(table 8-IV). At 28:30 GET, the cover was opened and the spacecraft was pointed
toward the star Vega. The purpose of this exercise was to calibrate the COASand
to test the star-tracker system designed to lock the field of view on a target. Dur-
ing this test, the obtaining of resonance fluorescence signals in the oxygen 130.4-
nanometer channels was verified. One problem was discovered, however; the star
tracker indicated lock while the COASindicated star movement from 3° to the right
to 2.5 ° to the left. This difference occurred because a spacer was inserted between
the lens and aperture of the star tracker to increase the size of the light spot on the
photocathode and thereby to change the slope of the star-tracker response curve.
This change moved the focal point approximately 0.25 centimeter in front of the
aperture and enlarged the star-tracker field of view to the limits of the star-tracker
tube, 5.5 °, due to vignetting. To avoid operating with the retroreflector out of the
field in yaw (even though the star tracker indicated it was in the field), the chart
on the COASreticle was marked at +1.5° and the crew was instructed to prevent
straying of the retroreflector image beyond these limits. In fact, the crew was
asked to keep the retroreflector as near as possible to the center of the COAS.
Five additional data-taking exercises were performed. After the final undock-
ing on July 19, 1975, the Apollo vehicle assumed a stationkeeping position 18 meters
ahead of the Soyuz vehicle as the two spacecraft approached the morning terminator.
The UVA power was turned on at approximately 98:55 GET, 30 minutes before the
first observational exercise, to permit stabilization of the lamps and the photomul-
tiplier tube. During this period, calibration data were obtained using the door
reflectors. Table 8-1V presents results for comparison with those obtained during
the final thermal-vacuum tests conducted at the Applied Physics Laboratory of
Johns Hopkins University. The counting rates during flight were approximately
0.8 those obtained on the ground. This effect can be attributed to use of the detec-
tor head from the backup unit to replace that of the flight unit on the launch pad
shortly before flight because of an electronics problem. A comparison of the
ground-test product of QT values for the two units (table 8-IV) shows that the
ratios are about the same as the flight to ground-based counting rate ratios. At
99:25 GET, the Soyuz crew activated circuits to unlatch covers over the Soyuz ret-
roreflector arrays. Two arrays were mounted on top of the vehicle, one facing up-
ward and the other facing starboard. A third array was mounted on the rear of the
spacecraft facing aft. The Apollo crew verified with binoculars that the covers on
the top-mounted retroreflectors had opened. (If the starboard array had not opened,
a contingency plan would have permitted a Soyuz yaw so that its aft-mounted retro-
reflectors could be used in the experiment.) Power to the UVA was briefly turned
off while the door of the instrument was opened after the terminator had been
passed. (The powerdown precaution was necessary so that large flashes of light
would not damage the detectors as the door was being opened or closed. ) Beginning
18 minutes before the data-gathering run, the Apollo vehicle moved out of the
orbital plane (fig. 8-8) until it was 150 meters from the Soyuz vehicle and oriented
so that the retroreflector could be illuminated. At this time, the angle between the
perpendicular to the Soyuz velocity vector and the Apollo vehicle was 15 ° . The
Apollo vehicle then was maneuvered through a 33 ° circular arc sweep passing through
the normal to the velocity vector while the crew attempted to keep the retroreflector
illuminated following procedures described previously. Both the star-tracker output
and the COAS observations indicated that a lock was obtained. A problem occurred
during the first several minutes of the run because the Soyuz flashing beacons and
orientation lights were not extinguished. After the data-taking maneuver (lasting
10 minutes) was completed, the Apollo vehicle returned to a stationkeeping position
50 meters from the Soyuz vehicle but facing in the direction of motion, as the Soyuz
yawed 180 ° to face the Apollo.
The procedure followed during the 500-meter data take was very similar to
that described at 150 meters (fig. 8-9). It occurred during the next eclipse period.
Calibration data with the door closed were obtained starting at 100:30 GET (about
35 minutes before the run). The Apollo vehicle maneuvered, as shown in the
figure, to a position 500 meters from the Soyuz vehicle out of the orbital plane and
15 ° behind. The Apollo vehicle then executed a circular sweep through 32 °
(-15 ° to +17 °) in a horizontal plane that contained the Soyuz vehicle; the maneuver
required 10 minutes. Very early in this maneuver, clear indication was obtained
in all UV channels that reflected radiation was being received by the UVA spectrom-
eter. Reflected data were received (as indicated in the 135.6-nanometer channel)
throughout the sweep. Figure 8-10 is an example of the strip-chart records show-
ing a complete spectral scan taken during the sweep for comparison with a spec-
trum obtained from the UVA door just before the sweep (fig. 8-11). The observed
ratio of the counting rates at 130.4 and 135.6 nanometers was 5.7 + 0.5 from
101: 17:38.13 to 101: 17:40.25 GET. (The sweep began at 101: 17:37 GET.) The
" ° .-
ratio obtained from the door (after correction for the reflectivity of the door) was
5.72. The ratio of 130.3 to 135.6 nanometers obtained during the run is shown in
figure 8-12. There was an anomaly during the run; the 135.6-nanometer counting
rate dropped by a factor of 5.5 from a plateau of about 250 counts to about 45 counts
between 101: 17:39.37 and 101: 17:41.49 GET. It remained at 45 counts thereafter.
A similar effect occurred in the 149.3-nanometer channel. These anomalies are
being analyzed. Because the returned 130.3-nanometer signal contains a strong
component of resonance fluorescence and because time and spacecraft attitude have
not been correlated, there are no reliable estimates of O or N densities currently.
During the warmup period for the next eclipse pass, the signals reflected
from the door were normal during the first several minutes; this observation
indicates that no change in the lamp output, coUimating mirror reflectivity, or
receiver QT was responsible for the drop in signal during the second part of the
500-meter pass. However, the calibration signal dropped by a factor of approxi-
mately 4 in all channels during the last several minutes of the warmup period and
remained low after the door was opened for the 1000-meter data take. As shown in
figure 8-13, these data were obtained in the orbital plane during separation of the
Apollo and Soyuz vehicies. The upward-looking retroreflector was used, and the
range varied from 800 to 1300 meters during the sweep from +15 ° to -15 ° with the
Some reflected signals were detected, although the retroreflector was only
in the field of view sporadically. Use of the COAS and the star tracker was very
difficult because bright moonlight was illuminating the top of the SCSTuz spacecraft.
An attempt was made to use the COAS to keep the Apollo vehicle pointed toward the
Soyuz beacon and navigation lamps instead of trying to lock on the retroreflector as
in the out-of-plane observations.
After the Apollo departed the neighborhood of the Soyuz, two resonance ex-
ercises were performed. During an eclipse phase, the Apollo X-axis was oriented
normal to the orbital plane and one full orbit (from 105:10 to 106:46 GET) of
resonance fluorescence and airglow background data was obtained. This exercise
was followed during the next eclipse phase (from 106:55 to 107:10 GET) with an
observation of the resonance fluorescence signal obtained with the Apollo X-axis
still oriented normal to the orbital plane and with the ApoLlo vehicle executing a
slow roil through 360 ° . The purpose of this exercise was to determine the variation
in population of thermal oxygen atoms between the ram side of the docking module
and the lee side (fig. 8-14). The atoms near the aperture consist of ambient undis-
turbed atmosphere and atoms that have been scattered from the vehicle. Obviously,
the higher densiW wiLl be on the ram side of the vehicle. Some of the atoms striking
the vehicle will have become thermalized, and then reflect. Some will recombine
and become 0 2 molecules. The recombining fraction should be determinable from
the data obtained, because the 130.4-nanometer fluorescence signal was found to
depend strongly on the roll orientation.
8--2. Ghosh, S. N.; Hinton, B. B.; Jones, L. M.; Leite, R. J.; et al.: Atomic
Nitrogen in the Upper Atmosphere Measured b_ Mass Spectrometers. J.
Geophys. Res., vol. 73, no. 13, July 1968, pp. 4425-4426.
8--3. Hickman, David R. ; and Nier, Alfred O.: Measurement of the Neutral Compo-
sition of the Lower Thermosphere Above Fort Churchill by Rocket-Borne
Mass Spectrometer. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 16, June 1972,
pp. 2880-2887.
8--5. Lin, Chorng-Lieh; Parkes, David A.; and Kaufman, Frederick: Oscillator
Strength of the Resonance Transitions of Ground-State N and O. J. Chem.
Phys., vol. 53, no. 10, Nov. 1970, pp. 3896-3900.
Z 0
0 0
Z 0
4 .i--I
0 0
0 0
0 _d
_ 0
,< o m
0 i 0 0 rJl
r_ X
oo _ a
o _ o
@,I _ I
c_ 0_
< ¢_
_ M
o o o
r_ m
O 130.4 I0.4XI013
135.6 1.78
N 120.0 .634
149.3 1.45
E_ o(3'
Z ._
rJ I
L_- _ _1
0 _ _
= , o_. °_
L) 0
r_ 0
g "g4 '_
Z •
o._ oo _-_ _ L_
_1 O0 L_ _D _11
_'_ L'_ L_ _'_ I_
,_ _ _1_ _D
10 7 =
10 5
•-_ 5 fluorescence\\\\\
'u 10 -__signal
levels _\\ ^ 3
-- ....[01 = 8 x lOv cm °
--......... ......
xlOgcm-3 Resonance
fl uorescence
signal levels
10 2
\ iN]-0 cm-3
",,|NI - I x 108 cm -3
"IN] 3 x 107 cm -3 t
I x 107 cm -3 ......._L
lO 2! [O]'2[:'lO:_cm-_'-_.n__'3 "
I I I Illill " I I I I_"_JlllV_'"l ]_
I I I I]ll 101
lO 10 2 10 3 10 4 101 102 I0 3 10 4
Distance between spacecraft, m Distance between spacecraft, m
Oxygenatoms f o _'_'.
.9 x - 100m _,,o _ o,oS
[0] - 4xlOgcm -3 •r /ss °-
TL - 600K / ,/ s"
.8 - 130.Onto /s //o
.7 /// lOcm
.t---r?- .... T G - 700K
f [_" ...... T G - ]050K
.6 //sO0- ....... TG - 1400K
.o ///
"_ .5
l I l I I I
3 6 9 12 15 18
Observationangle 8, deg
.8 k = 120.0 nm S_//ss
.......... TG -700 K
• _e"
.4 I I I I L I I
3 6 9 12 15 18 2l
Observationangle O, deg
Spectrometer _ Lamp _,_
To "'..... ,,
mirror __ _
spectrometer _// ,_. 3°
Tocorner reflector
/ Ii
Fromcorner reflector
• |
I /
Baffles"-"- 3° D
Tocorner reflector
I' 9.9cm
_- 1.0
I' Ox_en Nitrogen
--3. 3 cm---_
/ rns
i L ,.!col
i .2
li "'.. I _Z '_ .4
_t_L_ ._-_,__/
// ',\
Visible _- 0 I 1 I
129.0 130.0 131.0 132.0
.... Return beamdimensionsfrom single point on lampmirror Spectrometerwavelength, nm
----- Return beamdimensionsfrom entire lampmirror
' Behind
i I_ ,_
,I I _ /
, / i \/
Figure 8-8.- Illustration of the 150- Figure 8-9.- Illustration of the 500-
meter out-of-plane data take. The meter out-of-plane data take; V is
symbol V represents the velocity velocity vector.
.m ,m
0 I I I t I I I I I J
101:17:37.1 101:17:38.1 101:17:39.1 101:17:40.1 101:17:41.1 101:17:42.1 101:17:43.1 101:17:44.1 101:17:45.1 101:17:46.1 101:17:47.1
_ Veloci._ vector
Velocity vector
Apollo Apollo
ahead beh nd I
40_ I I I I I
auniversity of Wyoming.
bNASA Langley Research Center.
tPrincipal Investigator.
The total extinction coefficient was obtained from the variation of the solar
intensity as a function of total airmass distributed along the line of sight. At the
effective wavelength of the photometer and the photographic system, the extinction
was principally produced by the atmospheric aerosols; the measurements are being
used to determine the aerosol concentration.
The photometer (fig. 9-1) used for the SAM Experiment utilizes a pin diode
detector having a 10° field of view (FOV), which was used to look at the Sun
through the CM window at a wavelength centered at approximately 0.84 micrometer.
The detector was used in the photovoltaic mode to detect the solar signal, and sam-
ples were taken at a rate of 10 samples/sec using a 12-bit analog-to-digital conver-
ter. The signal output of the converter was recorded and transmitted by the CM
data system.
The photometer was equipped with a projection sight system consisting of a
post whose shadow was projected onto a grid that could be observed by the astro-
naut to ensure that the photometer system was properly alined with respect to the
Sun. The instrument also included a green light to verify that the power was
properly connected and a switch that the astronaut could activate to send a known
signal over the telemetry system to verify proper installation of the photometer in
the CM.
Ground-based lidar measurements were used as part of the ground truth for
the experiment. Generally, laser radars operate in the following manner. A Q-
switched laser emits a pulse of nearly monochromatic light approximately 30 nano-
seconds in duration. Molecules and suspended particulate matter (aerosols) scatter
and/or absorb this radiation as the pulse propagates through the atmosphere. A
small portion of this light is scattered directly back toward the laser. A receiver
composed of mirrors and/or lenses collects this backscattered radiation and diverts
it onto a photodetector the output of which is measured as a function of elapsed time
after laser emission, or range. The backscattered energy incident on the photode-
tector is examined spectrally at or near the laser output wavelength with color
filters, interference filters, or spectrometers. This enhances the signal-to-noise
ratio by reducing unwanted background radiation and determines whether elastic
or inelastic techniques will be used.
The lidar measurements for the SAMexperiment were provided by the Langley
Research Center (LaRC) 122-centimeter (48 inch) laser radar system (fig. 9-3),
which consists of two temperature-controlled lasers (ruby and neodymium-doped
glass) mounted on either side of an f/10 cassegrainian-configured telescope com-
posed of a 122-centimeter (48 inch) diameter, f/2, all-metal primary and a 25.4-
centimeter (10 inch) diameter secondary. The output from the detector package is
recorded by a high-speed data acquisition system. Analog signals are amplified and
bandwidth limited, digitized at a 5- or 10-megahertz rate with 8-bit accuracy, and
recorded on magnetic tape. A 16-bit-word storage eomputer is used to control the
data acquisition system and to process the data. An X-band microwave radar, co-
incident with the laser system axis, is used to ensure safe operation in the atmos-
phere. A rotating shutter reduces laser fluorescence after Q switching. The entire
system is mobile and can scan in elevation and azimuth at a slew rate of 1°/see.
The SAMExperiment was designed to observe four events. In the 95th revo-
lution, measurementswere made of a sunset observation off the coast of New Jersey
(lat. 39° 10' N, long. 72° 45' W)1 and of a sunrise observation over the Indian Ocean
off the coast of Australia (lat. 43° S, long. 99° 55' E). In the 96th revolution, a
sunset observation was taken over Kansas City, Missouri (lat. 38° 57' N, long. 95°
06' W), followed by a sunrise observation over the Indian Ocean (lat. 42° 55' S,
long. 77° 39' E). The SAMphotometer was used to obtain radiometrie measurements
during each of these four events. Preliminary inversions of the data for two of the
events are shown in figure 9-4. Because the final spacecraft ephemeris was only
recently received, these data may shift in altitude or be extended in altitude when
the final analysis is complete. Notice that the total extinction is greater in the
Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. This difference in aerosol
content is believed to be due to the injection of material from the Volean de Fuego
in Guatemala (lat. 14.5° N) that erupted in Oetober 1974. The general meridional
circulation of injected mass into the atmosphere would normally be northward at this
time of the year. This movement reverses in the summer with the buildup of aero-
sols in the Southern Hemisphere. This was just beginning at the time of the ASTP
mission. The slight difference in altitude of the peak extinction is believed to be
due to seasonal differences in the height of the tropopause.
Photographs were made of the first sunrise and the second sunset with the
HDC. Figure 9-5 is a composite of several of the photographs taken during the first
sunrise and shows the observed refracted images of the solar disk superimposed on
a grid showing the horizon and tangent altitudes of the Earth. These photographs
confirm that, at spacecraft altitude, the refracted image of the Sun must be a factor
in the design of future solar occultation experiments.
Ground-truth data were obtained with the Wyoming dustsonde and the LaRC
lidar. Data from the Kansas City balloon flight (lat. 38.8° N, long. 94.7° E)
launched on July 21, 1975, at 23:58 GMT are shown in figures 9-6 and 9-7. Figure
9-6 presents the measured temperature profile, and figure 9-7 presents the measured
aerosol concentration for particles larger than 0.3 micrometer in diameter. The
LaRC lidar system was used during the nights of July 21 and July 22 to obtain laser
backscatter measurements of the stratospheric aerosols above Kansas City. Fig-
ure 9-8 shows the backscatter ratios 2 obtained during one of these measurements
made above Kansas City on July 22 at 04:51 GMT. Note the agreement in the altitude
of the peak aerosol concentration obtained by three different techniques.
Figure 9-1.- The photometer used for
making stratospheric aerosol meas-
Figure 9- 3 . - The NASA Langley Re- <O - 4 lo-*
search Center 122-centimeter (48 Total extinction, km-'
inch) lidar system.
Figure 9-4.- Inverted SAM data of ex-
tinction a s a function of altitude,
Event 1 (lat; 39O10' N , long.
72O45' W) was measured at sunset
(07: 04 GMT) on July 22, 1975.
Event 4 (lat. 42O55' S , long.
77O39' E ) was measured at sunrise
(02: 14: 39 GMT) on July 22, 1975.
ot I I I I 1 I 1 I
-2.5 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 125 I5 17.5
Time, sec
Figure 9-5 .-
Composite of photographs
taken during the first sunset. I
9-7 i
5OO 5O0
(5) . 35 (5)
i I
% 150)
20 _
50 000
(500) 5
50 000
(.500) 5 21m9
100 000 0
(1 000) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
100 000
-333 -313 -293 273 293 Aerosol concentration, particles/cm 3 >0. 3 _m diam
(-80) (-60) (-40) (-20) (0) (20)
K (°O Figure 9-7.- Measured dustsonde aero-
sol concentration (>0.3 _m diameter)
Figure 9-6.- Measured temperature above Kansas City, Missouri. Cur-
profile above Kansas City, Missouri. ved lines indicate moving ratio.
60_ 0
Cirrus cloud
The Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab missions showed that orbiting astronauts can
provide valuable data composed of visual observations and photographs. For this
reason, the primary objectives of the Earth Observations and Photography Experi-
ment of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project were to photograph various terrestrial struc-
tures and to use the capabilities of man as a trained observer in visually studying
Earth features and phenomena. Man's special capabilities include the sensitivity
of the eye to subtle color variations and the speed with which the eye-brain system
can interpret what is seen and select targets for photography.
The experiences of the Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab Programs proved that
scientifically interesting features can be selected and photographed by observers
in space. Photographic records of these programs include a plethora of valuable
scenes taken from orbital altitudes, both from Earth orbit (e.g., refs. 10-1 to 10-4)
and from lunar orbit (e .g., refs. 10-5 to 10-7).
During the Apollo Program, it became apparent that the orbiting astronauts
could see more than what was recorded on film. To test this capability, plans
were made, beginning with the Apollo 13 crew, to train Moon-bound astronauts to
make visual observations. However, because the Apollo 13 mission was aborted,
the first attempt at making visual observations from lunar orbit was made on
Apollo 14. The results were encouraging (ref. 10-8), and a program was developed
for the systematic acquisition of scientifically relevant data on Apollo 15 (refs. 10-9
and 10-10), Apollo 16 (refs. 10-11 and 10-12), and Apollo 17 (refs. 10-13 and
tprincipal Investigator.
10-14). Emphasis was placed on the command module pilot (CMP) of each Apollo
mission because he spent more time in lunar orbit than did his crewmates. Also,
premission training and data acquisition were limited to the field of lunar geology
during the Apollo missions.
6 To report the results and the possible applications to future space flight.
To achieve the primary objective, both photographic mapping and visual
observation sites were included in the Flight Plan. A total of 11 mapping sites
(table 10-II) and 12 visual observation sites (fig. 10-1) were selected. The 12
visual observation sites were chosen according to geographic localities and included
60 specific targets of prime scientific interest (table 10-III). This method of target
identification made it possible for both planners and astronauts to easily discuss
and locate targets selected for scientific investigations.
Crew Training
One of the main objectives of the Earth Observations and Photography Experi-
ment was to utilize the capabilities of man as a trained observer in orbit. In
accordance with this goal, an extensive training program consisting of classroom
sessions and flyover exercises was initiated 1 year before the mission.
These flyovers were valuable in showing the astronauts how to select the
optimum conditions for observations and photography. For example, they found
that sunglint was especially important in observing ocean features such as currents,
eddies, and internal waves. On land, high Sun angles were best for observing
color variations, whereas a low Sun angle enhanced relief and facilitated observa-
tions of faults and sand dunes. The flyover exercises gave the crew valuable
practice in making visual observations and acquiring photographs.
Photographic Systems
Three types of imaging systems (video, cameras, and scanners) have been
successfully used in Earth-orbital surveys. The ASTP photographs of observation
and mapping sites were made with a video tape recorder (VTR), a 70-millimeter
Hasselblad reflex camera (HRC), a 70-millimeter Hasselblad data camera (HDC),
a 35-millimeter Nikon camera (with exposure control), and a 16-millimeter data
acquisition camera (DAC).
The 70-millimeter HDCwas usually bracket mounted and could accept both
60-millimeter and 100-millimeter lenses. An intervalometer was used, and the
frequency of frame usage was calculated to provide stereoscopic coverage with
a 60-percent overlap. The HDC was equipped with a reseau plate to improve
geometric accuracy and to allow the construction of controlled photomosaics. In
general, the photographs obtained with the HDC are excellent, with the exceptions
of a few short segments of unplanned photography that were out of focus and one
mapping pass over the northeastern United States in which the wrong lens was
Thirteen magazines of color film were used for the scheduled mapping sites
(type SO-242) and observation targets (type SO-368). The SO-368film was
specially coatedwith the equivalent of a Wratten 2A filter to improve the color
sensitivity of the film by eliminating the effects of short wavelengths. Two maga-
zines of type 2443 color infrared film were also used to facilitate identification of
features such as volcanic rocks and red tide blooms.
Visual Observation Aids
The human eye-brain system is similar to a camera in that it has a lens and
an iris, it generates images with good resolution and geometric fidelity (the
resolving power of the unaided human eye is 0.0003 radian or approximately 0.60 °
(ref. 10-9)), and it is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in the visible region.
Under laboratory conditions, the eye is estimated to be able to distinguish 1 X 7.56
color surfaces, a precision that is 2 to 3 times better than most photoelectric
spectrophotometers (ref. 10-16).
The eye can easily distinguish subtle color variations to a greater extent
than any commercially manufactured film, but the brain cannot recall these after a
given period of time has elapsed. Real-time calibration of desert and water colors
was achieved by the use of a two-sided color wheel composed of carefully selected
Munsell colors (fig. 10-2 and table 10-VI). These colors can be compared to the
photographs to apprise users of the color sensitivity and fidelity of the film.
However, the crew indicated that it was sometimes difficult to make good compari-
sons because variable lighting conditions inside the spacecraft often resulted in
the color wheel being in the shade.
The principal onboard aid was the "Earth Observations Book." This book
was divided into three major sections. The first section contained (1) a time line
summarizing the visual observation tasks and mapping camera configurations and
(2) a stowage list and a review of operational procedures. Information in the second
section pertained to specific visual observation targets and was arranged according
to site numbers. For each site, there was a summary page with a map showing
revolution groundtracks followed by a page (one for each target) that included
specific questions, appropriate diagrams and photographs, and camera settings.
The last section was a reference appendix that included maps of the distribution of
volcanoes, ocean currents, July cloud cover, etc., and diagrams of various Earth
features such as drainage patterns, ocean phenomena, dune types, and faults.
Flight Planning
crew. These proved to be very useful exercises because the need existed for
verbal communications with the astronauts during the mission. The Earth
observations team supported the mission and was in contact with ground-truth data
collection parties on a 24-hour basis throughout the mission.
Ground-Truth Data
During the real-time operations of the ASTP mission, the largest air, sea,
and ground support team of any manned mission collected ground truth to expedite
the postmission interpretation of orbital observations and photography (fig. 10-3).
This support included the acquisition of metric and multispectral photography by
high-altitude aircraft. Aerial photography was acquired simultaneously during
several ASTP photographic passes to link ground-based studies with Earth-orbital
observations. Ocean research vessels obtained data on sea surface temperatures,
salinity, water color, current directions, and cloud types and heights. On land,
ground-truth teams collected data to support geological, hydrological, and desert
research projects in India, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States, and Egypt. A
summary of the reported support operations follows.
ANZUS Eddy (site 11D).- The Australian ship Bombard, stationed in the
Tasman Sea, surveyed the warm water ANZUS (Australia-New Zealand-United States)
Eddy. Oceanographic data indicated that the nearly circular eddy was 145 to
160 kilometers in diameter with surface temperatures 2 ° warmer than the sur-
rounding water. Ship personnel also reported a cumulus cloud formation over the
center of the eddy and a number of trawlers fishing for tuna within the eddy.
Eg_ypt (sites 9E and M7).- For the revolution 71 mapping pass over Egypt,
geologists from the Ain Shams University in Cairo will provide ground-truth data
to be used in support of a photogeological investigation of the Western Desert of
Egypt. Field work will be carried out at Abu R_wash, Oweinat Mountain, and the
Faiydm, Bahar_ya, and Far_fra Oases (fig. 10-4). Ground investigations include
detailed mapping, characterization of the structural and topographic setting, and
studies of desert erosion patterns and grain transportation. The major objective is
to use the geological data in verifying color zonation and other features recorded
on the ASTP film.
England (sites 6A and 6B).- The Royal Air Force flew a 3-day sequence
over ocean waters off southern Ireland and England. Expendable bathythermo-
graphs (XBT's) were dropped from the planes to provide data on water temperature
as a function of depth.
Gulf of Mexico (site 5A).- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-
tration (NOAA) research vessel Virginia Key made a transect of the Gulf of Mexico
from Miami to the Yucatan peninsula and obtained data on the location of the Gulf
Loop Current. Approximately 20 NOAA ships were also stationed around the
Mississippi River Delta.
New Zealand (site 1).- The Royal New Zealand Air Force flew P-3 airplanes
along th-ere_n i-7 gro'undtrack starting from East Cape, New Zealand, then
north-northeast over the Pacific Ocean to obtain photographic data and to plot cloud
types and heights. A New Zealand Navy research vessel made a transit along the
same line and acquired oceanographic data, including water temperatures and sound
velocity measurements.
Strait of Gibraltar (sites 9K and 9J).- The U.S. Navy research vessel Kane
obtained oceanographic data along a line paralleling the revolution 73 groundtrack
from the Canary Islands to Spain. These data were obtained to support crew
observations of a current boundary extending north and south off the western coast
of Portugal. The Navy also flew a P-3 aircraft along this line dropping XBT's.
East of the strait in the Mediterranean Sea, the carrier U.S.S. Kennedy obtained
oceanographic and meteorological data.
United States (sites 2A, 4A, 4B, 5B, 5E, and 5F).-Several high-altitude
flights were flown over the United States with a B-57 aircraft based at the NASA
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and a U-2 aircraft based at the NASA Ames
Research Center. Metric and multispectral photography was obtained with a metric
RC-10 camera and a multispectral Vinten System A camera. Sensor data are pro-
vided in table 10-VIII. Photographic coverage was acquired over the East Coast
(coastal areas of New York, Massachusetts, and Maine), Florida (coastal areas),
the northwestern United States (Washington, Idaho, and Oregon), and the south-
western United States (from Kingman, Arizona, to Santa Maria, California).
Mission Data
Geological investigations on the ASTP mission included observations of
major active fault zones, river deltas, volcanoes, and astroblemes (ancient impact
scars). Studies of global tectonic patterns were madeby observation and photog-
raphy of somemajor areas of continental crustal fracturing. One of these areas
was the Levantine Rift, a fault complex formed as a result of the motion of the
Arabian subplate. The crew was asked to observe the northern extensions of this
rift and to obtain photographs necessary to an understanding of the locations and
mechanisms of displacement. Excellent photographs were obtained of the entire
area (e.g., fig. 10-5). The photographs support the theory that motion of the
Arabian subplate is counterclockwise drift rather than eastward rotation. Astronaut
observations of the area provided additional data:
The one thing I noticed was that if you look at the 9Gmap
[fig. 10-6], the dotted line on the left up near the end of it,
makes a bend to the left and follows a new tectonic line or
fault which goes along parallel to the Turkish coast. In
other words, the one on the left, number i, goes up . . . and
then makes a left turn and parallels the Turkish coast. Two
seems to be obscured and it just ends in a lot of jumbled
country up somewhere slightly beyond where the number 2
is, and it seemsto end right in this jumbled area. Three, I
could trace clear up to a river which - I'll have to see a map
later. But I could trace the faults out, going rather eastward.
You could see them through the valley silt, clear up to a
river which must be inland in either Syria or Turkey. So
the overall pattern of these is a fan; three going, almost
eastward, and one bending finally to the north, and two
going to the northeast. (CMP)
In the field of oceanography, a study was made of major ocean features such
as eddies, currents, and internal waves. Because large areas can be rapidly
surveyed, the global view of oceans from space is especially useful. As previously
stated, extensive ground-truth data collection (fig. 10-3) was coordinated with
photographic passes to aid in postmission data interpretation. Areas of prime
scientific interest include the following.
Area Interest
The crewmen remarked that the ease with which oceanographic targets were
discerned was a function of several factors; Sun glitter was identified as the most
influential parameter. For example, the following remarks concerned the visual
identification of internal waves west of the Strait of Gibraltar (fig. 10-10):
I was looking for all these things and suddenly they popped out
within a second right there. Just suddenly when the Sun angle
changed, everything was there, the waves and the boundary were
all there and we just snapped a series on them. But before that,
there was nothing but just solid blue water and then they just
suddenly popped . . . You have to be ready and the Sun angle
has to be just right. And it's there for just a short period of
time and then it's gone. (ACDR)
A study was also made of red tide occurrences off the New England coast.
The crew was informed during the mission that support ships off the coast of Maine
had located a zone of discolored water near the mouth of the Damariscotta River.
This area was observed by the crew, and the DMP later reported:
looked to me like it was coming out of the river mouths and is
really sediment. And I hesitate to term it red tide. Weshot
some pictures; maybe we can psych it out later.
Desert Studies
Deserts occupy nearly one-sixth of the Earth's land masses, but first-order
surveys of most desert regions are inadequate. Size, remoteness, and inaccessi-
bility make conventional aerial surveys impractical and costly. Photographs
acquired from space, however, can provide reliable data that are useful in the
preparation of base maps and in the evaluation of eolian landforms. Orbital images
of large areas can be rapidly acquired for the construction of mosaics and for
distribution analysis of large-scale phenomenasuch as color variation and sand
dune patterns. As part of the ASTP investigation of deserts and arid lands, visual
observations and photography of the following types of features were scheduled.
Feature Interest
addition, a mosaic to be constructed from the mapping photography of Egypt will
be used in a study of the Western Desert of Egypt by a team of geologists from Ain
Shams University, Cairo.
We're going over the Simpson Desert right now. And it's just
fantastie. It's got dunes in it, looks like they are very long,
and they look like road tracks, there are so many of them - like
hundreds of parallel road tracks, it's just plain spectacular. (CMP)
Yeah, and the long red streaks are matching about color 10, I
would say on [the color] wheel and some of those long sand
streaks, could have either gone to the 9, between 9 and 10, about
like 9A. (ACDR)
ACDR Okay, it's right over the edge of the Andes Mountains . . .
And you could really see how they were crescents; it looked
like occasionally maybe the head of the crescent would wash
out, and it would tend to be a linear one with lineations on
the side. There are all those other little crescents up on
the left. That was the area that you wanted me to look at?
ACDR I'd remembered that there was some type of linear feature.
There were two rays. One was on this edge down here,
which is nearly linear. But the big thing was those huge
crescents; then something else linear caught my eye. I
see what it is now, those very minor ones in the center
left part of the picture.
ACDR On that little field up there, it's just the way the boundary
was very well defined, as opposed to the other where this
kind fades out into like a dry lake bed.
Co-I Does it look about like the ones you see in the southwestern
United States in terms of color?
ACDR I think it's close. We have early morning light there and
low Sun angles. It didn't have the redness like the
Simpson does or anything like that.
volume of water reaching drainage systems for use in irrigation and the control of
floods. Targets for snow cover photography included the Cascade Mountains in
the northwestern United States (fig. 10-15), the Andes Mountains in South America,
and the Himalaya Mountains in southern Asia. Coverage of the Cascades and
Andes was acquired; however, the Himalayan photography was not successful
because of cloud cover.
Visual observations of glaciers and firn lines were also scheduled to test
the limits of the eye's resolution. The crew was successful in distinguishing firn
lines and remarked that this was a function of both texture and color. The following
remarks were made during the postmission debriefings.
CMP Texture and color and even shininess, you might say.
Surface texture, I guess.
ACDR Yes, it goes from white to gray. And the firn line
wasn't just a straight line; it was kind of jagged. It
wasn't a clear line.
A study was also made of major lakes including Lake Chad, the Great Salt
Lake, Lake Eyre, and the Caspian Sea. Lake Chad, once one of Africa's largest
lakes, lies in the Sahel region between the savanna land and the sandy desert.
To the northeast, it is bounded by fossil dunes; from the south, tropical rivers
flow into the lake, bringing sediment and freshwater. The rapid decrease in lake
size has been attributed to three factors: the influx of sand from the Sahara, the
accumulation of sediments deposited by inflowing rivers from the south, and the
evaporation of surface waters.
The possibility that Lake Chad might eventually dry up presents a problem
because the southern part of the lake is biologically productive and rich in fish.
The ASTP photography will be compared to Skylab data to determine the rate of
change in the size of Lake Chad. Many more dunes are now visible within the lake
(fig. 10-16).
The ASTP photography of the Great Salt Lake in the United States will also be
compared to Skylab imagery. Construction of a railroad causeway in 1956has
essentially divided the lake into two basins. Almost 90 percent of the lake's inflow
now enters the southern half, resulting in a rise in water level and a decrease in
salinity in that half. Conversely, waters in the northern basin have become
oversaturated with salts and minerals. This change in salinity is easily detected
from orbit because the presence of different types of algae has given each half a
different color. These factors have had a serious effect on both the ecology of the
lake region and industrial development.
Environmental Studies
The crew was also asked to observe and photograph several areas designated
by Jacques Cousteau as potential sites for "sea farming." Three sites were sched-
uled in real time and included the Adriatic Sea, the waters south of Cuba, and the
Strait of Georgia.
Evaluation of the scientific return of ASTP observations of the Earth has just
begun. It is difficult, at this stage, to determine the most significant contributions.
The following are only examples of what has been learned in the considered fields
of Earth science.
Geology.- Although many fault systems were studied from orbit, the obser-
vations and photographs of the Levantine Rift zone are most prominent. Three
major faults were traced to their northernmost extremities where very little was
known about them. These faults appear to branch out in north and northeast
directions. Branching appears to start at a pivot point for the counterclockwise
rotation of the Arabian crustal subplate relative to the African crustal plate. This
indicates that fractures in that zone are not simply the result of a rip-apart motion
but a complex rotation of the entire Arabian peninsula. The results of detailed
mapping of these faults from the ASTP data will add significant insight into the
tectonic regime of the Middle East.
Environment.- The outflow of the Orinoco River into the Atlantic Ocean was
described, and the observations were documented with photographs. In addition
to sediments, the Orinoco River outflow includes an unusually high concentration of
humic compounds that result in the discoloration of the ocean waters for hundreds
of kilometers. The ASTP information combined with real-time ground-truth data
collection will allow a better understanding of this phenomenon.
2. A trained observer is probably essential to the study of features and
phenomenacharacterized by transient visibility. An example is internal waves
that are visible only under very restricted conditions.
3. An observer in orbit can make immediate interpretations that significantly
contribute to solving the problem under investigation; for example, the explanation
of the tectonic setting of the Levantine Rift area.
10-1. Earth Photographs From Gemini III, IV, and V. NASA SP-129, 1967.
10-2. Earth Photographs From Gemini VI through XII. NASA SP-171, 1968.
i0-3. Cortright, Edgar M., ed.: Exploring Space With a Camera. NASA SP-168,
10-4. Lowman, Paul D., Jr.: The Third Planet. Weltflugbild. Reinhold A. Muller
(Zurich, Switzerland), 1972.
10-5. Musgrove, R. G.: Lunar Photographs From Apollos 8, 10, and 11. NASA
SP-246, 1968.
10-6. Kopal, Zdenek: A New Photographic Atlas of the Moon. Taplinger Publishing
Co. (New York), 1971.
10-7. EI-Baz, Farouk: New Geological Findings in Apollo 15 Lunar Orbital Photog-
raphy. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT
Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 39-61.
10-8. E1-Baz, Farouk; and Roosa, S.A.: Significant Results From Apollo 14 Lunar
Orbital Photography. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference,
vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 63-83.
10-9. E1-Baz, Farouk; and Worden, A. M.: Visual Observations From Lunar Orbit.
Sec. 25, Part A, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
SP-289, 1972.
10-10. E1-Baz, Farouk; Worden, A. M.; and Brand, V. D.: Astronaut Observations
From Lunar Orbit and Their Geologic Significance. Proceedings of the
Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.),
1972, pp. 85-104.
10-11. Mattingly, T. K.; E1-Baz, Farouk; and Laidley, Richard A.: Observations
and Impressions From Lunar Orbit. Sec. 28 of the Apollo 16 Preliminary
Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
10-12. Mattingly, T. K.; and E1-Baz, Farouk: Orbital Observations of the Lunar
Highlands on Apollo 16 and Their Interpretation. Proceedings of the Fourth
Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.),
1973, pp. 49-56.
10-13. Evans, R. E.; and E1-Baz, Farouk" Geological Observations From Lunar
Orbit. See. 28 of the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
SP-330, 1974.
10-14. E1-Baz, Farouk; and Evans, R.E.: Observations of Mare Serenitatis From
Lunar Orbit and Their Interpretation. Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar
Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1973,
pp. 139-147.
Discipline Affiliation
bprincipal Investigator.
TABLE 10-I.- Concluded
M1 Gulf Stream The Gulf Loop Current and the Gulf Stream
from eastern Florida to its confluence with
the Labrador Current
MII New England Eddies and gyres in the Gulf of Mexico, the
Mississippi River Delta, Chesapeake Bay,
and coastal waters off New England
8A Falkland Current
Southwestern United States 8B Chilean Andes
8C Dune field
2A Southern California 8D Paran_i River
2B Baja California 8E Circular structures
2C California Current
2D Great Salt Lake
2E Guadalaj ara Africa and Europe
9A Afar Triangle
Weather Belt 9B Arabian Peninsula
9C Guinea Current
3A Cloud features 9D Desert colors
3B Tropical storms 9E Oweinat Mountain
3C Hawaii 9F l_/ile Delta
3D Kuroshio Current 9G Levantine Rift
9H Niger River Delta
9I Algerian Desert
Northern North America 9J Tripoli
9K Strait of Gibraltar
4A Snow peaks 9L Alps
4B Puget Sound 9M Danube Delta
4C Superior iron 9N Anatolian Fault
4D Sudbury nickel 90 Volcanics
9P Bioluminescence
Southwestern United States Dune patterns at White Sands and Great Sand
Dunes National Monuments
Circular structures in the San Juan Mountains
Copper mines
aEach designation indicates hue, value, and chroma in the form H V/C. Hue is
divided into 10 groups (red, yellow-red, yellow, green-yellow, green, blue-green,
blue, purple-blue, purple, and red-purple); each group is further subdivided by use
of numerals (2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 for the ASTP color wheel). Value is specified on
a numerical scale from 1 (black) to 10 (white). Chroma is indicated numerically
from 0 to 12 (for the ASTP color wheel).
46 2E, 4D CMP
78 3C, 4A DMP
135 Mll DMP 3B, 5A, 5G, 5F, 6A, 9L, 90, 9P CMP
aACDR, Apollo _mm_der; DMP, docking module pilot; CMP, command module pilot.
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(b) Eastern Hemisphere.
- -
(a) Desert colors.
Fig1 re 10-2.- Color wheel used for assigning desert and ocean colors during
the ASTP visual observations. The color chips are from the Munsell color
system (see table 10-VI) , and their grouping resulted from testing during
flyover exercises.
(b) Ocean colors.
' "_ I I
)_1_1 " Ll__snowcover- " _ I Channel_"# r .J ..................
,_,b__ tt f_ _.:_,e_,and'----I--r'.'_._ _ _ 'SRO
,'_ I .... I . I., red tide ., _ ,"
I / SouthernCahfornia_ _ /_. le [ Z._:__.__^. I-,alayas,,
-I I / I I I I_l" t'='f=_-Flor=daredhde_b[ral(°! A_ua(ar_ "- :_..c'"
_ I / .I I !._: (.._E1._L Gibraltar -'_ _ []-L_
i0 Kuroshio Current Big Bend, Texas _._._1_ it=,... /l Western_ _ l]_
_IX- i "*- l [ Guf'ofMelxco'"_'--/--__ Eastern l -_-- Desertof'_--i_)_
I c__
I _ New
Eddy ,1 Guatema'a
zealandI I I I/Jl
_ ,_'Se,--
I I I "_1 _:_"-[-(South Pacific) I I I) 21 I I I I I
L IL i i ,zlI It I
0 Aircraft support I SRO - Indian Space Research Organization
[] Oceanography support ( aircraft support )
Ground support
Figure 10-3.- World map illustrating locations of support efforts of the ASTP
Earth Observations and Photography Experiment.
+ Siwa Oasis Oasis_
WESTERN DESERT!!i::i::iiiiii
ya Oasis _DESERT
.:_i_ii_iiiiiiliiiii!ii!iii RED SEA
+ Dakhla Oasis
,.Oweinat Mountain
24 28 32 36
Longitude, deg E
Figure 10-4.- Sketch map of Egypt showing the extent of photographic coverage
(dotted area) by the mapping camera on revolution 71 (solid line). A support
team from the Ain Shams University in Cairo will provide ground-truth data
from the Oweinat Mountain area; the Far_fra, Bahar_ya, and Faiyum Oases;
and the Abu R_wash region.
Figure 10-5. - The southern part of the Levantine Rift, extending from the Dead
Sea to the Sea of Galilee, is distinguished by the linearity of the Jordan River
Valley (arrow). To the north, a "fan shaped" complex system of arcuate
faults characterizes the rift. One prominent fault parallels the Syrian coast
and then makes a noticeable bend to the northwest (AST-9-564).
Figure 10-8.- The Nile Delta is an excellent example of a triangular-shaped
arcuate delta. Patterns of surface texture and boundary layers, easily seen
in the Sun's reflection, possibly result from a density difference between the
freshwater from the Nile and the more saline water of the Mediterranean Sea
Figure 10-9.- The Kufra Oasis, in the lower half of the photograph, is charac-
terized by circular irrigation patterns. T o the north, two faint rings (arrows)
are possible astroblemes (AST-16-1244) .
(a) The Atlantic Ocean appears homogeneous with no visible ocean features in
this oblique photograph looking toward the Strait of Gibraltar (AST-27-2365).
0)The change in Sun angle in this photograph taken shortly after figure 10-10 (a)
has made a number of features visible. Orbital photography of the oceans
has revealed that the occurrence and magnitude of internal waves is greater
than expected. The internal waves in this photograph are approximately 50
to 60 kilometers long (AST-27-2367).
Figure 10-11.- In this photograph of the Bay of Fundy , the red water color
is probably due to the deposition of red clays by inflowing rivers. There
is a fairly heavy sediment load in the bay; high tidal activity maintains
water turbulence (AST-1-67).
Figure 10-12 This vertical photograph was taken with the mapping camera
over the Western Desert of Egypt. A sharp color change marks the bound-
ary between the younger, yellow sand sea to the north and the older,
orange-red desert associated with the Gilf el Kebh region in the lower part
of the photograph (AST-16-1247).
Figure 10- 13. - The color difference between the dark-red Simpson Desert
and the yellow Western Desert of Egypt in figure 10-12 is readily apparent.
The radiating linear dunes in this photograph, described by the crew as
"hundreds of parallel road tracks ,'*seem to constitute the characteristic
dune pattern in this region (AST-16-1133).
Figure 10-14.- In this excellent photograph of a little-known dune field in
Argentina, the transition between the alluvial fan at the base of the moun-
tain and the dune field is very sharp. The general dune pattern is cres-
centic with a superimposed secondary linear pattern. To the east of the
dune field is a smaller field, the existence of which was previously un-
known (AST-27-2340).
Figure 10-15. - This photograph of the July snow cover was taken over the
Cascades in the State of Washington. Snowpack distribution is being
mapped to estimate the volume of water reaching drainage systems for use
in irrigation (AST-19-1540).
Figure 10-16. - In this photograph of Lake Chad, the number of emergent
dunes within the lake attest to the fact that the lake was once considerably
larger. However, various factors, such as the influx of sand from the
Sahara, have contributed to a significant decrease in its size (AST-9-550).
Figure 10- 17.- This photograph of an unusual cumulonimbus convective
system was taken along the western coast of Mexico over the Gulf of
California (AST-9-545).
Figure 10- 18. - The unique, wedge-shaped linear features in this photo-
graph taken over the Pacific Ocean west of southern California are signif-
icantly larger than contrails. Their mode of formation is not yet under-
stood (AST-1-42).
The Doppler Tracking Experiment was designed to test the feasibility of im-
proved mapping of Earth gravity field anomalies by means of the low-low satellite-
to-satellite tracking method. All prescribed data have been retrieved and are cur-
rently being reduced and analyzed. Baseline data taken while the docking module
was still attached to the command and service module indicated that the equipment
operated satisfactorily. The efficacy of the two-frequency ionospheric-correction
method has been demonstrated, and preliminary reduction of a data sample has
successfully removed extraneous signatures down to the 50-millihertz level, where
the rotational motion of the docking module is revealed. Photographs of the docking
module, taken shortly after jettison, show that its rotation was stable.
Interest has recently focused on mass density anomalies with scale sizes of
100 to 700 kilometers in the subcrustal region of the Earth, the asthenosphere. It
is likely that these anomalies are important factors in the physics of the mantle and
plate tectonics and in the reconstruction of important aspects of the evolution of
the Earth, such as continental drift. Small-scale anomalies near the surface of the
Earth have been studied for many years by means of surface gravimetry; and large-
scale anomalies, greater than 2000 kilometers, have been investigated for almost
20 years by observing artificial-satellite orbit perturbations. The spacecraft-to-
spacecraft Doppler Tracking Experiment conducted by the Smithsonian Astrophys-
ical Observatory (SAO) during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission was
designed to determine gravity features having an intermediate horizontal scale of
250 to 1000 kilometers. The ASTP mission was particularly suitable for this experi-
ment because it provided two platforms with a controlled separation within the same
orbit at an altitude low enough for enhanced sensitivity to these short-wavelength
gravity anomalies.
The experiment consisted of measuring, by means of a phase-coherent, dual-
frequency, very-high-frequency link, the relative velocity, or Doppler shift, be-
tween the docking module (DM) and the command and service module (CSM). Both
orbiting at a height of 220 kilometers, these two modules had an initial separation
of 317kilometers which increased to 475kilometers by the end of the data take.
From their relative-velocity data, localized anomalies in the Earth gravitational
field can be measured with a threshold sensitivity of better than 0.15 mm/sec2 (15
milligals). The geometric range-rate error induced by the ionosphere can be re-
moved by applying the dual-frequency (162 and 324megahertz) correction.
The structure of the Earth gravity field has been of considerable scientific
interest for some time because it provides one of the few available clues to the in-
ternal distribution of mass in the Earth. The recent development of the plate-
tectonics hypothesis has placed added emphasis on the need for information on
specific features in the gravity field that have horizontal wavelengths of 100to
Evidence from studies of seismic-wave propagation shows that the outer por-
tion of the Earth consists of (1) a high-velocity zone, the lithosphere, which gen-
erally includes the crust and uppermost mantle, has significant strength, and is ap-
proximately 50 to 80 kilometers thick under the oceans and somewhat thicker under
the continents; (2) a low-velocity zone, the asthenosphere, which is a layer of low
effective strength on a geologic time scale and extends from the base of the litho-
sphere to a depth of several hundred kilometers; and (3) the lower remaining por-
tion of the mantle, the mesosphere, which may have strength and is relatively pas-
sive in tectonic processes.
field in the upper portion of the Earth, to a depth of 700kilometers or so, would be
of considerable importance in determining the basic mechanisms underlying plate
The distribution of mass within the Earth uniquely determines the external
gravity field. Hence, measurements of the external gravity field contain informa-
tion on the density field, although the external field does not define the unique in-
ternal mass distribution. Generally, a density anomaly within the Earth will pro-
duce a lateral variation in the external gravity field of a scale comparable to the
depth of the anomaly. Thus, the density field within the upper mantle at depths of
100 to 700 kilometers will generally be reflected in horizontal variations of the grav-
ity field having wavelengths of 100 to 700 kilometers. These results indicate that
measurements of intermediate-wavelength (100 to 1000 kilometer) features in the
gravity field will be fundamental to advancing the understanding of plate tectonics.
Measuring the Earth gravity field has been a continuing occupation of geod-
esists for many years. The traditional method has been to use gravimeters at
fixed locations in land areas and on ships, submarines, and, more recently, air-
craft. This method provides accurate measurements of the detailed structure of
the gravity field, particularly on land. However, surface gravimetry has several
deficiencies: the cost and time involved in covering large geographic areas (par-
ticularly in rough terrain), the reduced accuracy of gravimeters on mobile plat-
forms, and the loss in accuracy of large-scale gravity variations synthesized from
gravimeter data.
More recently, the structure of the gravity field has been calculated using
orbital dynamics from accurate tracking of artificial satellites. Because satellite
orbits are uniquely determined by the forces acting on the satellite and because
gravity is by far the dominant force, the gravitational force can be inferred from the
observed orbits and an appropriate orbit theory. This orbital-dynamics approach
has been used successfully to measure the large-scale structure of the gravity field
with considerable accuracy. However, the orbital-dynamics approach is not suit-
able for measuring intermediate- or short-wavelength gravity-field features. Spe-
cifically, spherical-harmonic terms of a degree higher than 20 are impractical, both
because of the rapidly increasing complexity of the theory and its computer mecha-
nization and because of the need for many more satellites in different orbits. Thus,
this method is restricted, for practical reasons, to gravity features having horizon-
tal wavelengths greater than 2000kilometers.
Of course, the actual situation for the experiment is more complex, not only
because of the internal mass distribution of the Earth and its effects on the satellite
trajectory, but also because the velocity of the satellite must be measured from
another satellite. A detailed analysis of more realistic cases has been reported by
Schwarz (ref. 11-3).
2. The lateral scale of the shortest wavelength gravity feature that can be
recovered using this method is approximately equal to the orbital altitude.
Schwarz's computer experiments suggest rather convincingly that the ASTP
Doppler Tracking Experiment should produce accurate determinations of gravity
anomalies having horizontal wavelengths in the range of 300to i000 kilometers over
those geographic regions for which measurements are obtained. The lunar-mascon
experiment confirms this conclusion even though the geometry was somewhat dif-
ferent because one of the "spacecraft" terminals was located on the Earth.
Useful data can be obtained when the spacecraft are within line of sight of
each other, when the line between them lies above the troposphere, and when their
separation is greater than 200kilometers. It is important to note that gravity field
information is obtained only for geographic regions in which Doppler measurements
are made. The scientific usefulness of the experiment thus depends on the geo-
graphic coverage.
The acceleration produced by atmospheric drag a was computed for the case
in which the spacecraft velocity vector is parallel to its long axis, with an effective
area-to-mass ratio A/m of 0.005 em2/g. The following equation was used.
Cd A 2
a- 2 m pv (11-1)
Ionospheric Studies Using Satellite-to-Satellite Doppler Data
r (t)
_l(t ) =_f nl(r)dr
when the spacecraft is at a height r(t). The symbol _ denotes the phase shift
imparted to the transmitted signal due to passage through the ionosphere, and its
time derivative is
r (t)
41 (t) -- (°ld
e _t- f nl(r) dr (11-3)
where c is the velocity of light in free space, n (r) is the index of refraction at
height r, and • is the frequency shift due to ionosphere passage. The change of
the phase path with time is due in part to the spacecraft motion and in part to tem-
poral changes of the index of refraction along the vertical path between the space-
craft and the ground. If there are no temporal changes along the path and the space-
craft is assumed to be at height r0 at time to, the resulting equation is
= -_ - I (to)nl(rO) +
an I (r)
at d rl (11-5)
r(t) anl(r)
represents the temporal variation of the columnar refractivity in the entire vertical
path between the spacecraft and the ground.. If this temporal variation is not
determined, the inference of n l(r 0) from _l(t0) will be erroneous.
Whenthe effects of the Earth magnetic field and the collision frequency on the
index of refraction are disregarded, equation (11-4) can be rewritten as
where _/ is the electron density and e and m are the charge and the mass of the
electron, respectively; 2_e2/m = 1587.6, if N is expressed in electrons per cubic
meter and if coI is expressed in radians per second. From equation (11-4), the
local index of refraction, and hence the electron density, can be determined at the
spacecraft height by monitoring the received Doppler shift and by knowing, inde-
pendently, the velocity of the spacecraft and the frequency radiated. With a single
frequency, it is necessary to know these two parameters very accurately. However,
by adding a second frequency _o2 , the equation of the differential Doppler shift in
the spacecraft-to-ground link, when temporal changes are neglected, becomes
8_ = _l(t) co2 _2(t)
r (t)
Ic dtd / [nl(r)-n2(r)
__° 1
e r(t0) Inllr0) - n2(r011 (11-7)
If the refractive effects of the Earth magnetic field and the collision frequency are
disregarded, the results are
Equation (11-8) indicates that the contribution to the measurement error arising
from an error in estimating the link frequencies is virtually eliminated.
Equation (11-6) indicates that an error in frequency contributes directly to
the error in _l(t0). However, equation (11-8) shows that the error in frequency
must now be multiplied by the quantity (n 2 - 1)/_012, which is usually very small.
For instance, if COl/CO2 =n= 2 and if co I=2_X 300X 106 rad/see, then (n 2- i)/
_°12 = 8.6 × 10 -19; therefore, the influence of the frequency error in the overall
(measured along the local vertical z) and Ns is the local value of the electron con-
centration at that height; q_s is the angle of incidence at the source measured from
the loeal vertical z. The parameter
N dz (ii-i0)
z S
is the mean value of the integrated electron concentration in a column having a cross
section of 1 square centimeter. The coefficient a 0 is
I 1 1
In figure 11-2, rs denotes the time-dependent radius vector joining the
point of observation O to the moving source C, which is assumed to be approach-
ing the observer and located at height z s. The radial, horizontal, and vertical
velocity componentsof the source are denoted, respectively, by rs (along the
line of sight), xs, and Ys and zs.
In the general case, the electron concentration can be written as
x = ROe (11-13)
y = R0X
R (t)
d f
8(_(t) = a0 _- N (x,y,z,t) cos q_(t)
8_ = a 0 [ Ns
cos Cps
+ Nx
sl ]
co_ }Ps
- NyYs
- N (11-15)
When the further simplifying assumption is made that the medium is plane parallel
(i.e., neglecting Earth sphericity), the various parameters of equation (11-15)
(ref. 11-8) are defined as follows.
- _ 1 /'Ndz+
1 / aN
Nx zs _)_ zs sin q)0 cos q)0 _ z dz
_ 1 f aN z dz
Ny z s cos q_0" b-_ > (ii-i6)
Nt c°1 q)0 _T dz
85 = $1(t) - co2_;2
Assuming the two spacecraft remain at a constant separation (have a relative velocity
of zero), the results obtained will be
85 Col
/ a [n l(x) - n 2(x) ]0x -_- dx (11-18)
By neglecting the refractive effects of the Earth magnetic field and the collision
frequency, equation (11-18) can be rewritten as follows.
/ 2 2\ CSM
°_1 2_e 2 I_1 - ¢°2 _ f _N
8_=_-- _ _-o-_2Z2- _ /D_M _-_ _ dx
S (DN/Dx) (z) dz
and not just DN/Dx at the ASTP orbital height of 220 kilometers. Therefore, a
model must be constructed of (DN/ax) (z) in the lower ionosphere, with the con-
straint of satisfying both the value measured at 220 kilometers by the DM-to-CSM
link and a value equal to zero measured at the bottom of the ionosphere. A linear
variation of the gradient between these two values thus seems to be an acceptable
In the DM-to-CSM link, the transmitting antenna is linearly polarized and the
receiving antenna is circularly polarized. Therefore, the Faraday rotation (rotating
Doppler) phenomenon cannot be observed.
The two major Doppler Tracking Experiment components are the transmitter
(fig. 11-3), located on the DM, and the receiver (fig. 11-4), complete with the
Doppler processor, located on the CSM. Each weighs approximately 7 kilograms.
output and drives a power divider. One power-divider output drives the 162;
megahertz input of a diplexer; the second power-divider output is frequency-
doubled, then drives the 324-megahertz diplexer input. The diplexer provides
input isolation and filtering. At least i00 milliwatts of output power is delivered to
the dual-frequency antenna at each of the two frequencies.
The receiver, shown in block diagram form in figure 11-6, provides a Dop-
pler output that is compatible with transistor-to-transistor logic for each input
frequency to the processor. The frequency and phase variations of the 162- and
324-megahertz inputs are retained through the use of second-order phase-lock
loops. Thus, the receiver outputs are actually bandpass-filtered and constant-
amplitude replicas of the input signals, translated from 162and 324megahertz to
1 kilohertz. The choice of 1 kilohertz as the center frequency for the processor
represents a compromise between a desire for high accuracy, which means a low
frequency, and the need to avoid the ambiguity that could result if the Doppler
signal shifted this frequency negatively by more than 1 kilohertz. Because the
maximum anticipated Doppler shift is approximately 350hertz, a 1-kilohertz center
frequency leaves an adequate margin without significantly degrading the attainable
measurement accuracies.
Both the transmitting and the receiving antennas are dual-frequency units.
The former is a vertical monopole that acts as a quarter-wave antenna at frequencies
of 162 and 324 megahertz. At 324megahertz, an inductor near the midpoint of the
antenna isolates the top section from the bottom section; at 162 megahertz, the in-
ductor acts as a small loading coil. The receiving antenna is approximately 1 meter
square and contoured to fit against the side of the service module. It is a strip-line
conformal array in which tuned stubs are used to couple its sections at 162 mega_
hertz and to isolate the sections at 324megahertz.
A diplexer at the receiver input divides the single input from the dual-
frequency antenna into two channels. A preamplifier and a mixer follow the
diplexer. These stages have a noise figure of less than 8 decibels and a first
intermediate-frequency (IF) image-rejection capability of greater than 60 decibels.
For each channel, a second IF image-rejection capability of at least 60 decibels is
achieved by means of a crystal filter. The first IF amplifier includes two automatic-
gain-controlled stages, and the second includes four active filters with amplitude
limiting at each stage. The second IF amplifier is followed by sine and cosine phase
detectors and filters; the first develops the loop filter voltage fed to the voltage-
controlled oscillator (VCO), and the second provides both the automatic-gain-
control voltage for the first IF amplifier and a lock/out-of-lock signal to the Doppler
processor. The VCO module output fed to the first mixer is derived by multiplying
and filtering the output of a crystal VCO having a frequency of 22.5 megahertz.
onds, t_ = t 2 + 10 seconds, etc. The points tI and t 3 are determined by the first
positive-going zero crossing that occurs after times t O and t 2, respectively. For
= Z (11-20)
9.996 - At
where At represents the contents of the vernier counter. Because the zero-
crossing counters and the vernier counters are 15 and 13 bits wide, respectively,
an unambiguous measurement of any Doppler frequency shift less than or equal to
-+750 hertz is ensured.
The Doppler processor also performs other functions. For example, it moni-
tors lock/out-of-lock signals from the receiver. If an out-of-lock condition occurs,
the processor reestablishes lock status and loads out-of-lock data into a format that
can be detected during subsequent data reductions. In addition, the Doppler proc-
essor supplies 324-megahertz phase-lock status information to the astronauts by
means of a panel meter, and supplies that information plus frame numbers to telem-
etry. Based on this phase-lock status information, spacecraft maneuvers can be
performed to regain 324-megahertz lock if required. (If the 324-megahertz channel
is locked, the 162-megahertz channel probably also is locked, because of its higher
signal-to-noise ratio.) From the telemetered frame number, the tape-recorded data
can be correlated with the position of the CSM/DM pair relative to the Earth. In
another function, data on roll, pitch, and yaw rates of the CSM are received by the
processor and tape-recorded to enable compensation for the effect of the CSM motion
on the Doppler shift during data reductior_. Finally, 7-bit parity words are gener-
ated by the processor as a protection against substitution and synchronization
The experiment produced 108 Doppler data frames, each containing 73 data
words; each data word is a 10-second sample of an integrated Doppler shift. The
total data span was 21 hours 54 minutes. The CSM/DM separation occurred during
data frame 16. The CSM orbital changes, to attain the intended 300-kilometer CSM/
DM separation, ended with data frame 40. The prime data take included frames 40
to 108; thus, the prime data span covered 13 hours 47 minutes, or approximately
nine orbital revolutions.
The CSM Doppler receiver lost lock twice during the prime data take (shown
in the plot of Doppler signals from the prime data take): once over eastern Siberia,
where ground transmitters having the same frequency used in the experiment are
known to be operating, and once during an incorrect CSM maneuver, which turned
the CSM Doppler antenna away from the DM line of sight. (The maneuver was in-
tended to aim the high-gain unified S-band (USB) antenna at Applications Tech-
nology Satellite 6 after a sleep period. )
To avoid occultation of the transmitting antenna by the DM, that antenna was
mounted parallel to the planned axis of rotation (the Z-axis). In a series of slightly
more than 100 frames of 16-millimeter motion picture film taken by the astronauts
showing the DM shortly after separation, the DM appears to be rotating as predicted
at a rate of approximately 1.0 rpm about the Z-axis. Some precession is seen,
which was probably caused by undetermined separation forces and enhanced by
the near equality of the moments of inertia about the Y-axis and the Z-axis.
so that an accurate DM orbit could be calculated. The USB tracking of the CSM re-
sulted in data that will be used by SAO for computing a CSM orbit. By means of
spacecraft telemetry, SAO has accurate times for the start of several data frames;
these times provide a correlation between the Doppler data and the orbital position
of the spacecraft.
Doppler data taken before CSM/DM separation were intended to give measure-
ments of relative (transmitter compared to receiver) oscillator stability and a check
of correct operation of the flight hardware. When the two spacecraft are docked,
neither Doppler shift nor ionospheric effects can occur. Thus, the time variation
in the sequence of 10-second integrated-frequency measurements at each frequency
is a measure of the stability of the transmitter oscillator relative to that of the re-
ceiver oscillator. The difference between simultaneous 324- and 162-megahertz
observations is a test of the balance of the flight circuitry.
The 324-megahertz data for the time before separation are plotted in figure
11-9. Figure 11-10 is an expanded plot of the 3 X 10-10 frequency shift visible in
figure 11-9 2000 seconds after the start of the data take. It is clear that the two
channels track closely; therefore, the frequency shift must be attributed to one of
the two oscillators. A shift of this kind is not unusual in a crystal oscillator that
has not attained its designed operating temperature; the shift probably results
from the inadvertent turnoff of the Doppler transmitter for an interval of 10 minutes
after the 50-hour warmup period and before the start of the data take. The
4 X 10 excursion at 10 000 seconds, just before separation (fig. 11-9), may be
the result of vehicle spinup, which applies a small gravitational load to the oscilla-
tor crystals. The slope of the curve in figure 11-9 between 3000and 9000 seconds
indicates a relative drift of 1.6 X 10-9 per day between the transmitter and the re-
ceiver oscillators. This drift is sufficiently small to be considered insignificant.
In summary, the frequency measurements made while the CSM and the DM
were rigidly attached indicate that the flight hardware for this experiment was op-
erating properly, with the exception of a 250-second oscillator excursion of
3 X 10 Such an excursion is not likely to have been repeated during the prime
data take some8 hours later.
Figure 11-11 illustrates the clear Doppler signatures of DM jettison and CSM-
orbit-adjust rocket firing. The 1.40-hertz step change in frequency corresponds
to a 1.30-m/sec initial separation velocity.
Figures 11-12 and 11-13 display the Doppler data acquired during the prime
data take. These data have been corrected for ionospheric propagation effects. A
comparison of these graphs with figures 11-14(a) to 11-14(d) illustrates the efficacy
of the two-frequency ionospheric correction; the large (as great as 6 hertz peak to
peak) ionospheric signals of figure 11-14 are absent from figures 11-12 and 11-13.
The large, nearly sinusoidal oscillations shown in figure 11-12 have a period
identical to the spacecraft orbital period and are the result of differences between
the CSM and the DM orbits. The fact that these oscillations diminish in amplitude
and show an increasing departure from a sinusoid indicates that the difference be-
tween the two orbits varied with time and very likely resulted from atmospheric
drag, which would affect the two spacecraft differently because of their different
area-to-mass ratios. These orbit differences will be verified by using the USB
tracking data to calculate an accurate CSM orbit for comparison with the DM orbit
derived from the DMA tracking network data.
The preliminary results for the second.ary goal of the Doppler Tracking
Experiment are as follows. The traces of 80 obtained after the orbit adjustments
show quite large excursions q as great as 6 hertz peak to peak q on successive
orbits. This value is approximately 10 times greater than any simulated value ob-
tained from the average ionospheric model. However, if an averaging interval
equal to that used in the simulation were applied to the measured 80, the amplitude
variation would be of the same order of magnitude. Differential Doppler measure-
ments for four consecutive revolutions are shown in figures 11-14(a) to 11-14(d).
Calculations to accurately establish the CSM orbit have not yet been per-
formed. Until the baseline length and directions have b.een more precisely deter-
mined, it is difficult to assign visible features of the 80 record to known or ex-
pected ionospheric, conditions. It does appear, from examining the periods be-
tween peaks in 80, that the baseline is somewhat shorter than the nominal 300
kilometers. It also appears that traveling ionospheric disturbances were repeatedly
intersected by the DM/CSM Doppler baseline.
ii-i. Isacks, Bryan; Oliver, Jack; and Sykes, Lynn R.: Seismology and the New
Global Tectonics. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 73, no. 18, Sept. 15, 1968,
pp. 5855-5899.
11-2. Muller, P. M.; and Sjogren, W. L.: Mascons: Lunar Mass Concentrations.
Science, vol. 161, no. 3843, Aug. 16, 1968, pp. 680-684.
11-4. Jackson, John E.; and Seddon, J. Carl: Ionosphere Electron Density
Measurements With the Navy Aerobee Hi Rocket. J. Geophys. Res., vol.
63, no. 1, Mar. 1958, pp. 197-208.
11-5. Seddon, J. C.: Propagation Measurements in the Ionosphere With the Aid
of Rockets. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 58, 1953, pp. 323-335.
11-6. Alpert, Ya. L.: A Method for Investigating the Ionosphere With Artificial
Satellites. Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, vol. 64, 1958, p. 3.
11-7. Alpert, Ya. L.: On the Results of Ionosphere Investigations With the Help of
Coherent Radio Waves Emitted by Satellites. Space Research V, Proceed-
ings of the Fifth International Space Science Symposium, D. S. King-Hele,
P. Muller, and G. Righini, eds., North-Holland Publishing Co. (Amster-
dam), 1965, pp. 652-686.
11-8. Alpert, Ya. L.: Radio Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere. The Ionosphere.
Second ed. Vol. I, Consultants Bureau (New York), 1973, pp. 61-77.
Ii-i0. Garriott, Owen K.: The Determination of Ionospheric Electron Content and
Distribution From Satellite Observations, Part 1. Theory of the Analysis.
J. Geophys. Res., vol. 65, no. 4, Apr. 1960, pp. 1139-1150.
ii-ii. Garriott, Owen K.: The Determination of Ionospheric Electron Content and
Distribution From Satellite Observations, Part 2. Results of the Analysis.
J. Geophys. Res., vol. 65, no. 4, Apr. 1960, pp. 1151-1157.
11-12. De Mendoza, F.: Ionospheric Studies With the Differential Doppler Tech-
nique. Radio Astronomical and Satellite Studies of the Atmosphere, J.
Aarons, ed., American Elsevier (Amsterdam), 1963, pp. 289-312.
11'13. Misyura, V. A. ; Solodovnikov, G. K.; and Migunov, V. M.: Gradients
of the Integral Electron Content in the Ionosphere. Geomagn. & Aeron.,
vol. 4, 1964, pp. 872-874. (Primary source--Geomagn, i Aeronomiya,
vol. 4, 1964, pp. 1124-1126.)
increase F._'/__ Velocity
Battery ....
Dual -
multiplier -.
electronics -.
m_: Indtira_
'_aa_et, j'I"'I
i X2 multiplier _ O. lW
324 MHz
X2162 MHz
I oscillator
.asterII ,.0_.,z[Bu,feramp,i,ier.l
V _I
I X4 multiplier I
Battery !
Doppler signal
I amplifier
at 324 MHz
IF El Phase I
(at 36 MHz) amplifier _ comparator ]
(at 13 kHz)
I kHz
324 MHz MHz
t3 kHz To Doppler
1 kHz
__tppler signal
162 MHz
Control of Control of shift
taperecorder register buffer
_= Vernier counter
Frl ne I recorder
signal [ -_1 Dopplerpulse I --T-- cou ter
162 MHz "_] counter [
Frame 1 (730-sectime-
timer J basegenerator)
from and lO-sec
master time-base
5 MHz [__
oscillator generator
Figure 11-7.- Block diagram of the Doppler processor.
10 sec
9. 996sec
to tl t3 to t_
• o-
oo %%e_, o
• -• :... .'..
85O • . ..........-.;.;,t, .•
• • e e * •
o. o
": .•....;•..... • ". "%" ,.,,%
t a-
l .. ..
3 x 10-11 j
CSM/DM separation
..-•- .-.
I I ? i i I I I I J t 1
7500 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000
Time, sec
324 MHz
oooooooo ]62 MHz
/ _L
• o / 3_-Ii
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
Figure ii-I0.- Expanded plot of frequency shift seen shortly after start of the
data take. Vertical scale shows the output of the receiver Doppler processor
with a 1020-hertz instrument bias subtracted.
1.4-Hz step= 1.3Omlsec
CSM propulsion
L ..... .....
CSMI DM separation
3 x 10.9
5 I I I I i I I I I
19:40 19:45 19:50 19:55 20:00 20:05 20:10 20:15 20:20 20:25
GMT, hr:min
of 3 X 10 -9
15 I l I I I I I I I I I I I
01:00 02:00 03.00 04:00 05:00 06.00 07:00 08.00 09:00 I0:00 II:00 12:00 13.00 14:00
GMT, hr:min
Figure 11-12.- Doppler signals from prime data take, corrected for ionospheric
propagation effects. Vertical scale shows the output of the receiver Doppler
processor with a 1000-hertz bias subtracted (July 24, 1975).
3 x 10 -1°
__ 100
-20O 06:00GMT
-3OO i
-40O I I I I I I ' I I i I I I I I I I I I ,I I
48 OOO 48 500 49000 49 500 50 OOO
Time, sec
Figure ii-13.- Doppler data corrected for ionospheric propagation effects; long-
period variations have been removed (July 24, 1975).
U- . L ..... A I
tlm:tlo= _z+41;imo
i_i_o l,,m_mmm if[m= tml+.+
Figure 11-14.- Differential Doppler shift, which is due to the ionosphere, for
four consecutive orbital revolutions.
vIv v+ +v I
3. To test the recoverability of short-wavelength features of the Earth gravity
r2' Apollo and ATS-6 r3' and ATS-6 and Madrid r4 (ref. 12-3). This analysis
concentrates only on variations of the range rate between Apollo and ATS-6 PA'
which is a dot product of the spacecraft velocity vector v and the unit vector
between Apollo and ATS-6 N0 as seen in figure 12-2.
PA =(_0. _) (12-1)
One of the first experiment tasks was to evaluate the noise characteristics of
the total system. An analysis performed before the experiment was the basis for a
predicted range-rate noise level of approximately 0.05 cm/sec using a 10-second
integration time (fig. 12-3). The actual experimental range-rate noise level,
approximately 0.03 era/see, was lower than predicted. These values were obtained
using a small portion of an orbit to minimize possible orbit modeling errors. These
noise values have been rather consistent throughout all the experimental arcs
Two approaches were taken to test the detectability of gravity anomalies. The
first approach consisted of assuming a single mass anomaly Am and of computing,
in a simple analytical manner, the expected variation of the spacecraft velocity
AV due to this anomaly (ref. 12-2). The velocity variations in the radial and
horizontal components, respectively, are then
Am l+x AO
AV -
p m Vhoriz
2(1- x)2 1- I + x. Ae2
(i - x) 2
+_x in Ae + 1+ (i -- x) 2 Ae
Av e = Vhori z (12-2b)
+x 2-2xcosAe
where x = (R---'W'H)
Ae =vot
t - 0 to 150 seconds
d = anomaly depth
H = satellite altitude
Equations (12-2a) and (12-2b) assume that the spacecraft travels directly
over the anomaly and are only valid for variations in true anomaly of as much as
+5 °, which corresponds to approximately 1.5 minutes of flight time. The dashed
curve in figure 12-4 represents the radial velocity variation due to a 5-milligal
anomaly (4 ° by 4°). The size of the anomaly block is roughly twice the orbital
height and represents the area of sensitivity of a spacecraft in orbit to an anomaly
on the ground (ref. 12-4). Because of the extremely low noise in the data and the
actual geometry (i.e., the spacecraft was not directly over the mass and it was an
extended mass rather than a point mass), a second approach, using computer
simulation techniques, was necessary to improve the analytical results.
The dotted line in figure 12-4 depicts the result of the computerized analysis•
As shown in figure 12-2, the value _ is defined as (ref. 12-5)
This is the range rate as actually measured at the Madrid Applications Technology
Satellite Ranging (ATSR) station• However, only the range rate between the Apollo
spacecraft and the ATS-6 spacecraft PA' which is the dot product of the spacecraft
-_ -_0
orbital velocity vector v and the unit vector p between Apollo and ATS-6, is of
interest (eq. (12-1)). The ATS-6 orbit is almost independent of any gravity varia-
tions because of its extreme height (36 000 kilometers) ; therefore, the range rate
between ATS-6 and Madrid can simply be subtracted from the measured range
rate. That is,
PA P - p(ATS-6/Madrid) (12-4)
which reduces to one the quantity needed for further analyses. This range rate is,
however, a function of the state vectors and the gravity field.
PA : f(XA'XATs'G) (12-5)
where XA and XAT S are the Apollo and ATS-6 state vectors, respectively, and
G represents the gravity field. The major aim in this experiment was to determine
the relationship between.surface gravity anomalies Ag and the Apollo/ATS-6
range-rate variations APA. Again, because only the variation in PA is of
interest, equation (12-5) is varied as follows.
XA-DD_A-f(XA_ G)
Because (aXA/aG) is the variable to be determined, equation (12-9) can be rewritten
in the following manner, assuming interchangeability of differential operators; that
-_XA " _--G+
where V=U +T
T = _-_- IIAg S (4) do
block (4 ° by 4 ° , as an example)
D2 DX A _)2
= 2 _(U +T) _+DXAa G (U+T)
An orbit of one to one and one-half revolutions was computed for the Apollo
spacecraft using the Preliminary Goddard Solution 108 (PGS-108) gravity field and
all available tracking data (ground station as well as SST). From these Apollo
orbits, together with the ATS-6 orbit, the range rates PA between ATS-6 and
Apollo were computed. These computed range rates were subtracted from the actual
measured ones to yield the A_A shown in figures 12-5 and 12-6. These values of
APA are finite rather than zero because the gravity field, which would necessarily
include all the gravity anomalies, is not known to a very high accuracy. To obtain
more precise knowledge of the gravity field, of course, is the essence of this
Experimental data were collected in the Eastern Hemisphere region where the
Apollo-Soyuz spacecraft was in range of the ATS-6 satellite, which is positioned
over the Equator at approximately longitude 35 ° E to perform the Indian Communi-
cations Experiment. The duration of each Apollo orbit visible to ATS-6 was
approximately 50 minutes, or slightly greater than one-half an orbital revolution.
To minimize atmospherically disturbed data, the actual SST data passes used were
limited to approximately 40 minutes. All data were successfully collected using the
ATS-6 spacecraft and the Madrid ATSR station as the prime ground station. Pre-
liminary results confirm that the range-rate noise of 0.05 cm/sec computed before
the experiment was improved by the experimental data, which show an average
noise of approximately 0.03 em/sec (fig. 12-3). Figure 12-7 shows the groundtrack
of Apollo revolution 115, which coincidentally passed over two anomalies in the
African area. The gravity variations shown resulted from the difference between
Goddard Earth Models 7 and 8 (GEM-7 and GEM-8). The even-numbered models
are constructed using ground and satellite data, whereas the odd-numbered models
are constructed only from satellite data. Thus, this difference reflects essentially
the surface gravity anomalies, which are somewhat filtered by the models. These
two anomalies have a variation of approximately +5 milligals. Figure 12-5 depicts
the theoretical variations of a 5-milligal anomaly (fig. 12-5Co)) and superimposed
model data (fig. 12-5 (c)) resulting in a total characteristic signature one would
expect. Figure 12-5(c) also depicts the observed radial velocity variations. A
fairly good agreement exists between the simulated and observed variations of the
radial component of the spacecraft velocity except for a time delay. The dashed
line shows the time-shifted simulated variation of _PA"
For this analysis, the PGS-108 field of order and degree of 25 was used. In
that particular case, the gravity anomalies of approximately 5 milligals extended
over 300 to 2000 kilometers and were actually observed because the wavelength of
the gravity anomaly and the resolution of this field are roughly compatible. Thus,
the usefulness of SST data for resolving anomalies of approximately +5 milligals on
the Earth surface is demonstrated.
The second test area (the Indian Ocean Depression) is shown in figure 12-8
using GEM-6 augmented with 1 ° by 1° surface gravity data. In figure 12-6(a), four
orbital passes (revolutions 8, 23, 83, and 113) are plotted. These orbits pass over
the Indian Ocean Depression as well as the Himalayan mountain range. Fig-
ures 12-6(b) to 12-6 (e) depict the actual measurement residuals obtained; that is, the
observed minus the computed values. Both the Indian Ocean Depression and the anom-
aly in the Himalayan area can easily be "seen" in the actual data. The shape of the
range-rate variations from the Indian Ocean Depression actually fits the expected
shape computed in a similar manner to those shown in figure 12-5. Detectability
of the gravity field perturbations has thus been demonstrated to be manifested in
the expected form of small spacecraft velocity variations. The peak values of these
variations could, in most cases, be closely correlated with anomalies shown on the
detailed map of the global geoid. Other features may have been detected but cannot
be verified at this time because of a lack of surface gravimetric data in these areas,
particularly in the southern portion of the globe. One may assume, however, that
the detected gravity signatures in the southern part of the Earth represent existing
anomalies that are not well known.
12-1. Vonbun, F. O.; and Mengel, J. T.: Tracking and Communications for
Planetary Manned Missions. J. Spacecraft & Rockets, vol. 5, no. 5,
July 1968, pp. 863-865.
12-3. Schmid, P. E.; and Vonbun, F. O.: The ATS-F/Nimbus-F Tracking and
Orbit Determination Experiment. 1974 IEEE Intercon Technical Program
Papers, 1974, pp. 34/6-1 and 34/6-2.
ATS-6 spacecraft
2.25 GHz
6 GHz
3.8 GHz
.3 GHz
__ ATSR/Madrid
ATS -6
_'4 rl
_= ;'1+ ;2 + ;'3+ ;4
Required is only PA " _'0 ._"
Figure 12-2 .- Schematic showing range-rate measurement for the ATS-6 and Apollo
Predicted level
-- O. 05 cm/sec -_.
"I F • •
<3_].| I I I I I I I I & I I I I I I I I I
0 60 120 ].8O
Time, sec
curve 20
............. 5040 30 20 10 0 10 I 20I 30I 40I I
50 I
60 l
70 I 90
ff-*---F--_ E
Longitude, deg
(a) Groundtrack.
I I I 1.0
-1 i
"-02.0 -l.O 0 1.0 2.0 F 5toga! _5 mgal
Time t,rain , .
(a) Plot.
-1.Ol I I I I
7.91 8.00 8.08 8.17 8.25
GMT, hr
Co) Independent computed range-rate
signatures due to each anomaly.
, [ 1.00
me shifled
,J I
Figure 12-4.-
(b) Schematic.
A _J "" Simulated
simulated range-rate signature for -1.00 I I I I I [ I i I I
a 4 ° by 4 ° , 5-milligal anomaly. 7.78 7.85 7.92 7.99 8.05 8.12 8.19 8.26 8.33 8.39 8.45
GMT, hr
I t t t t I t I I I I I [ I I I 1 I I I I [ I I I I I I I [ I V I I I Ill I1i1 IIII II Ill lililfli lilll]lllll
-- _ 0
4O o Rev113--.
20 /) FO/_:/// Indian Ocean j..,,.r'7,j_,. -
180 160 140 120 I00 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
W -" ', _ E
Longitude, deg
(a) Groundtrack.
anomalousarea ://
.Q. -.9
<3 -I.5 <2
I I I I I -6.0 I I I I I
07:02 07:12 07:22 07:32 07:42 07:52 06:37 06:47 06:57 07:07 07:17 07:27
GMT, hr:min GMT, hr:min
(b) Revolution 8, July 16, 1975. (e) Revolution 23, July 17, 1975.
Figure 12-6.- Range-rate signatures of four revolutions in the Indian Ocean and
Himalayan areas.
2.0 1.5
.0. ".7
,¢3 ,<3 -1.5
-3.3 Himalayan
-4.5 -
-4.7 area
-6.0 I I I I I -6.0 I I I I I
05:18 05:28 05:38 05:48 05:.58 06:08 04:39 04:49 04:59 05:09 05:19 05:29
GMT, hr:min GMT, hr:min
(d) Revolution 83, July 21, 1975. (e) Revolution 113, July 23, 1975.
Longitude, deg
Figure 1.2-7.- Residual Earth surface undulations for the GEM-7 and GEM-8 models.
Contour interval is 5 meters. Times are Greenwich mean times on July 2 3 , 1975.
Longitude, deg E
Figure 12-8.- Global detailed gravimetric geoid based on the GEM-6 Earth model and
loby losurface gravity data. Contour interval is 10 meters.
Light flashes caused by the interaction of cosmic particles with the visual
apparatus have been observed by astronauts on all space missions since Apollo 11.
The character of these flashes and the mechanism whereby they are elicited have
been investigated both in flight and in ground laboratories for the past several years.
tprincipal Investigator.
The Apollo 11 lunar module pilot first reported these visual phenomena, which
were predicted in 1952 by C. A. Tobias (ref. 13-7) who'hypothesized that astronauts
were likely to see flashes of light from cosmic particles when they were outside the
shielding provided by the magnetic field of the Earth. The site of action of these
cosmic particles, and whether cosmic particles actually caused the light flash phe-
nomenon, were subjects of conjecture in 1970 when this phenomenon was first re-
ported. Many known causes for luminous phosphenes exist, including ionizing
radiation, mechanical pressure, electrical currents, magnetic fields, stimulation
of the cerebral cortex, and central nervous system pathological conditions. For
example, flashes can be seen during stages of retinal detachment, and the retina is
sensitive to externally applied currents as small as 0.3 milliampere. In 1970, these
phenomena were believed to be caused by carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen nuclei
which traverse the spacecraft and the body at frequencies of 1 to 2 nuclei/min/cm 2
when outside the magnetic shielding of the Earth. Of continuing controversy is the
conjecture that the major mechanism for these visual phenomena is Cerenkov radia-
tion (refs. 13- 8 to 13-11).
the predominant mechanism. The exact mechanismwhereby the retina is stimulated
by ionizing particles at velocities below those necessary for emission of Cerenkov
light is still unclear. Experiments in which nitrogen ions were stopped in nine po-
sitions in the cerebral cortex have shown that the brain and the optic nerve are not
stimulated by ions (ref. 13-15). Possibilities are electronic excitation resulting in
near-ultraviolet (uv) radiation in the vicinity of the retina, ionization in a confined
region associated with delta rays around the ion track, or a shock wave phenomenon
from energetic charged particles passing through the tissue matrix.
The purpose of this experiment was to ascertain quantitatively the frequency,
character, latitudinal dependence, and identity of cosmic particles that cause the
light flash phenomenon. The ultimate objective was the assessment of radiation haz-
ards for long-term Earth-orbiting and interplanetary missions. The special features
of this experiment included measurement of dark adaptation, measurement of the
characteristics of the cosmic particle environment in the vicinity of the eye, and
continuous onboard accumulation of the light flash observations from astronauts and
particle detectors throughout one continuous revolution.
Two revolutions were devoted to this experiment. During revolution 110, the
silicon telescope-spectrometer was deployed for the measurement of the trajectory,
atomic charge Z, and velocity of cosmic particles with a stopping power of 10 keV/
_m or greater. During revolution 111, the Apollo commander and the command
module pilot made continuous observations of visual sensations while dark adapted.
The docking module pilot (DMP) operated the experiment control unit, which re-
ceived data from the silicon detectors as well as from silver chloride cadmium-doped
(AgC1(Cd)) crystals that were used to register particle tracks in four sectors of the
orbit corresponding to northern latitudes, equatorial latitudes, the SAA, and south-
ern latitudes.
The hardware for the experiment consisted of two dark adaption masks, two
pushbuttons, two cosmic-particle detector boxes, and a control and power unit that
housed a data tape. The masks and pushbuttons were manned by two astronauts
and the control and power unit was controlled by the third astronaut, who monitored
the experiment (figs. 13-2 to 13-4).
Each dark adaption mask was made of Lexan plastic approximately 2 milli-
meters thick and was fitted with a light-emitting diode (LED) behind a pinhole aper-
ture approximately 2 centimeters from one eye. The masks, held to the head by
straps, were fabricated from molds of each astronaut's head. The head molds were
made by the LBL group using techniques adapted from fabrication of similar molds
used for head positioning in radiotherapy of the pituitary gland. Plaster of paris
head casts were made from the molds. The Lexan masks were then made by press-
ing near-molten Lexan over these head casts. A foam rubber insert was used to
ensure a perfect light-tight fit, and each mask was then custom fitted to each crew-
The effective brightness of the LED was controlled by the duration of a con-
stant voltage. The duration ranged from 5 microseconds to 1.7 milliseconds in six
different levels and produced the expected response on normal subjects in terms of
the rapidity with which each level of dark adaption was reached. Level 5 was
reached approximately 15 minutes after commencement of dark adaption.
Detector Boxes
Each of the two detector units contained AgC1 (Cd) crystals and a silicon solid-
state telescope-spectrometer. Each detector box was composed of two units. The
first unit (4.1 by 5.5 by 12.7 centimeters) was an aluminum housing in which there
were four compartments (each 1.84 by 3.5 by 2.75 centimeters) for AgC1 (Cd) crys-
tals and small lights. The AgC1 (Cd) crystals were 1- by 2-centimeter wafers 0.03
centimeter thick. Two crystals were placed in each compartment on either side of
two white 6-volt lights, which were filtered to give predominantly yellow light by
using 0.06-centimeter-thick Kapton plastic sheets between the lights and crystals.
The AgC1 (Cd) crystals are nuclear part{cle detectors developed in Germany
(ref. 13-16). They are similar to nuclear emulsions but have a unique property
that allows evaluation of the time at which a particle traverses the detector. A nu-
clear particle passing through the crystal leaves a latent track of dislocated elec-
trons and displaced silver or cadmium atoms. Within a few minutes, the migration
of electrons and atoms will return the crystal to its original condition. However, if
the crystal is exposed to visual spectrum photons, the latent track is fixed or stabi-
lized. Hours or weeks later, if the crystal is exposed to ultraviolet light, the stabi-
lized but still invisible tracks are developed, thus giving a permanent record of the
nuclear particle track. The distribution of residual silver around the track is re-
lated to the charge and velocity of the ion as well as to the intensity and spectrum
of the near-ultraviolet light used to develop the stabilized tracks. The time period
between implantation of a latent track and fading is a few minutes, but the period
between the time a stabilized track is made and fading is more than 1 week. Crys-
tals were loaded into each of four compartments so that the particle environment
could be measured in the four sectors of the orbit corresponding to the northern
latitudes, the equatorial latitudes, the SAA, and the remaining minutes of the orbit
over the Pacific Ocean.
The second unit (4.3 by 9.6 by 12.7 centimeters) of each detector box housed
the electronic detector, which consisted of two sets of silicon solid-state wafers.
Each set consisted of two individual wafers i. 7 centimeters in diameter and 0.03
centimeter thick. On each wafer were four active strips each 3 millimeters wide
separated by 0.5 millimeter. The telescope was made by rotating one wafer 90 °
from the other. This set of two wafers gave 16 possible combinations (4 by 4) for
particle position. The second set of two wafers was placed 1.5 centimeters from the
first set, and a 0.5-centimeter-thick copper energy degrader was placed between
the sets. This arrangement allowed measurement of the trajectory and energy loss
of particles passing through the telescope.
The control and power unit consisted of power distribution, logic circuits,
and a digital cassette tape recorder that received 16-bit word groups from the ob-
server pushbuttons and the silicon detectors. The word groups from the silicon
detectors contained information on the trajectory and energy loss of particles that
passed through the silicon detector. Elapsed time and detector selector switch po-
sition information were also recorded.
The AgC1(Cd) crystals were transported to Frankfurt, Germany, where they
had been produced and calibrated. These crystals are being analyzed for the abun-
dance of tracks that are related to protons, alpha particles, or heavier ions. The
data are further separated into categories of stopping power and direction.
The characteristics of the cosmic particle environment inside the spacecraft
were determined by converting the spectrum and abundance of particles outside the
spacecraft to the number of particles with various stopping powers and residual
ranges, using shielding data for 512sectors of solid angle around the spacecraft.
The shielding data were supplied by the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
The input abundances from free space for Z > 3 were obtained from Webber
et al. (ref. 13-17), and the abundances for hydrogen and helium were obtained from
Smith et al. (ref. 13-18). The spectra were assumed to be the same as those for
carbon and oxygen, which were obtained from Juliusson (ref. 13-19). These free-
space abundances were converted to the abundance outside the spacecraft at a 225-
kilometer altitude using the spacecraft orbital parameters and B1 and L2 data ob-
tained from the 99-term field of Hendrieks and Cain (ref. 13-20) extrapolated to
1975. Vertical rigidity cutoffs were estimated by the empirical formula
P = 15.96 L-2"005 from Smart and Shea (ref. 13-21). The present spacecraft
orbit routine is based on the Flight Plan and assumed circular orbit because the
ephemeris data are not yet available.
The energy-range relationship was derived from an empirical formula that
gives range R as a function of kinetic energy:
where A is the atomic number, Z is the charge, and E is the kinetic energy in
Energy transfer in the eye is calculated using equation (13-2) and a = 1.88 X 10-3
and _ = 1. 802.
A total of 82 events was reported by the two astronauts (table 13-I). No in-
creased activity in the SAA and no graying of the darkened visual fields occurred.
The relative expected distribution of cosmic particles with stopping power of
greater than 15 keV/_m in the eye is superposed on the histogram of reported
events in figure 13-8.
The results of the light flash experiment indicate that the abundance of ions
that cause the light flash phenomena is minimal between latitudes 30 ° N and 30 ° S.
The frequency of light flash events between latitudes 30 ° N and 50 ° N and 30 ° S and
50 ° S is 25 times that noted in equatorial latitudes. There were no reports of in-
creased flash phenomena through the SAA, as might be expected from a Skylab 4
report of increased activity through the SAA (ref. 13-15). However, at the 225-
kilometer altitude of the ASTP spacecraft, the proton flux is much less than at the
Skylab altitudes, which were approximately 440 kilometers. Also, the shielding of
the Apollo spacecraft is greater than that of Skylab.
Through the SAA, the number of protons with a stopping power of 15 keV/_m
that would intersect the astronaut's eye was approximately 2 protons/min for each
eye under the shielding conditions of the Apollo spacecraft. The range of these
particles in the retina is approximately 100 micrometers. Based on the assumption
that protons with a stopping power of this energy will produce visual phenomena
and on the fact that two observers reported events at less than 1 event/rain through
the SAA, the efficiency is concluded to be approximately 10 percent. If the thres-
hold is 10 keV/_un, then the efficiency is reduced to 5 percent. The efficiency
should be a function of stopping power. Ground-based experiments with stopping
protons are being conducted to corroborate these observations.
velocity increases. Thus, a slow helium ion with a stopping power of 20 keV/_m
might give a thinner and less efficiently seen streak than an iron particle at the
same stopping power, because the distribution of delta rays is much greater in the
latter situation.
13-1. Chapman, P. K.; Pinsky, L. S.; Benson, R. E.; and Budinger, T. F.:
Observations of Cosmic Ray Induced Phosphenes. Proceedings of the
National Symposium on Natural and Manmade Radiation in Space (E. A.
Warren, ed.). NASA TM X-2440, 1972, pp. 1002-1006.
13-2. Budinger, T. F.; Tobias, C. A.; Lyman, J. T.; Chapman, P. K.; et al.:
Light Flash Phenomenon Seen by Astronauts. Proceedings of the Collo-
quium on Space Biology Related to Post-Apollo Program. ESRO, Paris,
France, 1971, p. 209.
13-3. Benson, R. E.; and Pinsky, L. S.: Visual Light Flash Phenomenon. See.
27, Part C, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
13-4. Pinsky, L. S. ; Osborne, W. Z.; and Bailey, J. V.: Visual Light Flash
Phenomenon. Sec. 27 of the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report.
NASA SP-330, 1973.
13-5. Pinsky, L. S.; Osborne, W. Z.; Bailey, J. V.; Benson, R. E.; and
Thompson, L. F." Light Flashes Observed by Astronauts on Apollo 11
Through Apollo 17. Science, vol. 183, no. 4120, Mar. 8, 1974,
pp. 957-959.
13-6. Pinsky, L. S.; Osborne, W. Z.; Bailey, J. V.; and Hoffman, R.A.: Light
Flashes Observed by Astronauts on Skylab 4. Science, vol. 188, no. 4191,
May 30, 1975, pp. 928-930.
13-9. McNulty, P. J.: Light Flashes Produced in the Human Eye by Extremely
Relativistic Means. Nature, vol. 234, no. 5323, Nov. 12, 1971, p. 110.
13-10. McNulty, P. J.; Pease, V. P.; Pinsky, L. S.; Bond, V. P.; et al.: Visual
Sensations Induced by Relativistic Nitrogen Nuclei. Science, vol. 178,
no. 4056, Oct. 13, 1972, p. 160.
13-11. McNulty, P. J.; Pease, V. P.; and Bond, V. P.: Visual Sensations In-
duced by Cerenkov Radiation. Science, vol. 189, no. 4201, Aug. 8,
1975, pp. 453-454.
13-13. Budinger, T. F. ; Bichsel, H. ; and Tobias, C. A.: Visual Phenomena
Noted by Human Subjects on Exposure to Neutrons of Energies Less Than
25Million Electron Volts. Science, vol. 172, no. 3978, May 21, 1971,
pp. 868-870.
13-14. Tobias, C. A. ; Budinger, T. F. ; and Lyman, J. T.: Biological Effects
Due to Single Accelerated Heavy Particles - Problems of Nervous System
Exposure in Space. In Life Sciences and SpaceResearch XI (P. H. A.
Sneath, ed.). Academie-Verlag (Berlin), 1973, p. 233.
13-15. Budinger, T. F.; Lyman, J. T.; and Tobias, C.A.- Visual Perception of
Accelerated Nitrogen Nuclei Interacting With the Human Retina. Nature,
vol. 239, no. 5369, Sept. 22, 1972, pp. 209-211.
13-17. Webber, W. R.; Damle, S. V.; and Kish, J.: Studies of the Chemical
Composition of Cosmic Rays with Z = 3-30 at High and Low Energies.
Astrophys. Space Sci., vol. 15, Feb. 1972, pp. 245-271.
13-18. Smith, L. H.; Buffington, A.; Smoot, G. F.; Alvarez, L. W.; and Wahlig,
M.A.: A Measurement of Cosmic-Ray Rigidity Spectra Above 5 GV/c of
Elements From Hydrogen to Iron. Astrophys. J., vol. 180, no. 3, Mar.
1973, pp. 987-1010.
13-19. Juliusson, E.: Cosmic Rays at Very High Energies. Vol. I, Proceedings
of the 13th International Cosmic Ray Conference 1974, pp. 373-377.
13-20. Hendricks, S. J.; and Cain, J. C.: Magnetic Field Data for Trapped-
Particle Evaluations. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 71, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1966,
pp. 346-349.
Florida to Brazil 2 3 0 5
SAA 2 1 0 3
Short streak e e ht,l::ki
Light-tight mask
Light-emitting diode
Detector box
Si I icon telescope-sped rometer
AqCIKd) crystals
/ 7
Long streak
(thin line
of light) light points)
(wide line
of light)
13- 12
Cosmic particle detector box
Communication earpiece
2.678 10
v; 500
& o
2 150 -
0 50 100 150 200 250 350 400 450 500
Total energy in first detector, MeV
July 22, 1975
Revolution 111
60° _-
150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0 30° 60° gO° 120° 150° 180° 150°
W--,----I-_ E
Figure 13-7.- Histograms of pushbutton events by time and latitude. Except for
a few cases, pushbutton events agree with verbal reports.
" 10
® 8
" 4
50 40
] 30 20 I0 0 I0
20 30 40 50
50 40 30 20 I0 0
,, I0 20 30 40 50
N: : --S S_ : -:N
Latitude, deg
"_ 4.0
i,.°_ I
0 I I
I-I I I I I t I I I I
50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50
N_ : =-S S_ : =N
Latitude, deg
/ >15 keVlFm
-_ .5
The Biostack III experiment onboard the Apollo spacecraft during the Apollo-
Soyuz Test Project complemented the Biostack I and II experiments of the Apollo 16
and 17 missions• The objectives of these experiments were to study the biological
effects of individual heavy cosmic particles of high-energy loss (HZE) not available
on Earth, to study the influence of additional space-flight factors, to obtain knowl-
edge on the mechanism by which HZE particles damage biological materials, to get
information on the spectrum of charge and energy of the cosmic ions in the space-
craft, and to estimate the radiation hazards to man in space.
auniversity of Frankfurt•
buniversity of Marburg.
Cuniversity of Toulouse.
duniversity of California•
euniversity of Kiel.
fUniversity of Siegen.
iUniversity of Strasbourg.
Juniversity of San Francisco•
tPrincipal Investigator•
For these purposes, the Biostack experiment includes a wide spectrum of
biological objects, and various radiobiologieal end points are under investigation.
Bacterial spores, protozoa cysts, plant seeds, shrimp eggs, and insect eggs were
included in the Biostack experiment packages together with different physical
radiation detectors (nuclear emulsions, plastics, silver chloride crystals, and
lithium fluoride thermoluminescence dosimeters). The biological objects in the
Biostack are stacked alternately between physical detectors of HZE particle tracks.
By using special arrangements of biological objects and physical track detectors,
individual evaluation of tracks was obtained that permitted the identification of each
penetrating particle in relation to the possible biological effects on its path. A
precision micromanipulator was developed that allowed the transfer of a single bac-
terial spore from the flight plates to the nutrient medium, thus permitting observa-
tion of the growth of known hit spores for changes in development, growth kinetics,
and cell morphology. The response of the different biological objects to space flight
and HZE particle bombardment varied in degree, presumably depending on the abil-
ity of the organism to replace the cells damaged by a hit. The results help to
estimate the radiation hazard to astronauts during long-duration space missions.
The Biostack III experiment was designed to study the biological efficiency of
individual particles of galactic cosmic radiation that penetrate biologic matter during
space flight. Of special interest were the heavy (high atomic number) high-energy
(HZE) particles with a high loss of energy as the particles pass through material.
To determine this biological efficiency and to correlate the biological effect with the
energy deposition, layers of several biological species in resting states were
stacked alternately with various track detectors (fig. 14-1). The possible interac-
tion with other space-flight factors (e.g., weightlessness) can be recognized by
comparing the results of spacecraft-borne, balloon-borne, and accelerator-exposed
The Biostaek Ill experiment onboard the Apollo spacecraft during the Apollo-
Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) complemented the Biostack I experiment of the Apollo 16
flight and the Biostack II experiment of the Apollo 17 flight. The Biostaek I and II
experiments have demonstrated several developmental disturbances and anomalies
in different biological objects (fig. 14-2).
The dose contribution of the HZE particles was only 0.5 percent of the total
space radiation dose. Therefore, the results of the observed radiation effects
required the development of new approaches to dosimetry. The objective of the
ASTP Biostaek experiment (Biostack III) was to confirm, complement, and enlarge
the results of the Biostack I and II experiments by applying improved and advanced
methods of localization and physical and biological evaluation, by performing
advanced experiments based on the Biostack I and II data, and by including addi-
tional biological specimens and radiation detectors. This experiment will contribute
to a more complete knowledge of the biological effectiveness of the highly structured
cosmic radiation. Furthermore, a comparison of the data of Biostack Ill with the
data of Biostaeks I and II will show the differences in radiation composition and the
relative biological effectiveness of the radiation inside and outside the geomagnetic
field. Generally, the viability of the flown biological objects did not appear to be
affected by any additional random space-flight factors. From these observations,
a scientifically profitable evaluation of the Biostack III experiment is anticipated.
To appraise the hazards of cosmic radiation from HED events, dose equivalent
indices are inadequate, as already outlined in 1966by the International Commission
for Radiation Protection (ICRP) Task Group on Biological Effects of High Energy
Radiations (ref. 14-9) and in 1973by the National Academy of Sciences (ref. 14-1).
Recently, Schaefer (ref. 14-10) came to the conclusion that, in the absence of a
dosimetric system and considering the urgent need for recordkeeping on HZE parti-
cle exposure in manned space operations, all that can be done is to measure the
basic physical parameters of the exposure.
To determine all the physical, chemical, and biological consequences of an
individual HZE particle penetration, a length of particle track is needed (for simple
statistical reasons) that exceeds system dimensions of commonradiobiological
procedures. Also, in the region where the classical dose concept becomes valid,
the question arises of what insight into biological consequences can be gained from
examining living organisms that have experienced a "shotgun volley."
Experiment Preparation
The Biostack III experiment consists of eight biological experiments (table 14-I)
and seven dosimetric experiments (table 14-II). For flight, the biological objects
(bacterial spores, plant seeds, and animal eggs) were arranged in monolayers, and
most were embedded in polyvinylalcohol (PVA). These layers were stacked between
track detector sheets so that (1) the particle tracks could be located in relation to
the biological objects and (2) the physical quantities of these particles could be deter-
mined. In principle, each biological experiment had the same arrangement
(fig. 14-3). The dosimetric experiments consisted solely of stacks of detector sheets.
The Biostack III experiment was contained in two cylindrical aluminum con-
tainers. Container A had the same design as the Biostack I and II experiments
(fig. 14-1, refs. 14-12 and 14-13) and enclosed a stack of 277 sheets of biological
and dosimetric experiments. Container B (fig. 14-4) was equipped with small
lamps, a filter system, and batteries. It contained a stack of silver chloride (AgC1)
crystals, which were illuminated by yellow light during flight to stabilize the
particle tracks. This stack consisted of two dosimetric experiments andtwo biolog-
ical experiments; some of the AgC1 crystals were covered with monolayers of bac-
terial spores and animal eggs (table 14-I). Container B also eonta/ned two detector
stacks for dosimetric investigations.
Flight Performance
The Biostack IIIexperiment was stored in the R-1 compartment of the Apollo
command module, the same storage area as used for Biostack I and II onboard the
Apollo 16 and 17 spacecraft. The bottom of container A was directed toward space
and the flange toward the cabin. Container B was positioned conversely
(fig. 14-5). The backup units of the experiment were used as ground controls.
The ASTP mission duration was approximately 218 hours. After the flight, the
experiment was returned to Frankfurt. An external inspection of the Biostack
experiment revealed no damage.
In addition to the postflight procedures used for Biostack I and II (refs. 14-12
and 14-13), four new techniques were developed and used: micromanipulation of
spores, pinpoint etching of plastic detectors, computer-supported track measure-
ments, and track decoration by copolymerization in plastics.
Each track can be evaluated with this new etching method. This is an advan-
tage for the ASTP Biostack III experiment, which encountered a smaller flux than
the Apollo 16 and 17 Biostack I and II experiments.
Computer-supported track measurements.- The evaluation of the plastic
detectors is performed with a modified microscope; signal transducers allow the
automatic recording of local position in three orthogonal axes. Online processing
with a minicomputer results in several improvements compared to the method used
for the Biostaek I and II experiments. Measurement time is decreased. Appropriate
data handling facilitates further analysis such as programed reconstruction of com-
plete particle tracks or establishment of range/cone-length diagrams (needed for the
linear energy transfer (LET) calibration). A further improvement concerns the
determination of particle track location in the seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana. These
seeds may be treated as a good approximation of rotational ellipsoids. Their size
and orientation in three dimensions are determined together with the particle etch
cone. If a particle penetrates a given grain, the coordinates of the points of inter-
section with its surface are given in the system defined by the main axis of the
seed (fig. 14-10). Thus, it can be determined immediately whether the particle
has crossed internal structures (e.g., cotyledons, radicles, or stem-meristems)
because these structures can be recognized in the partly translucent seeds.
First, the particles of LET350 that varied between approximately 1.8 and 5.5
GeV cm2/g contribute only to a small degree to the "explained" variance of the
biological factor. Second, the atomic number Z of the particle appears twice and
is the most important component in both factors because it contains the physical
characteristics of the event. This may indicate that, apart from the LET, a quantity
that depends on the square of Z has to be looked for, a quantity that is possibly
connected more directly to the biological effectiveness of these HZE particles. Alper
et al.1 recently reported that Z2/_2a2 (where _ is the particle velocity expressed
as a fraction of the speed of light and a is the distance between the particle path
and the center of the biological object) was a more appropriate parameter than LET
for interpreting results of the oxygen enhancement ratio for heavy ions, which is at
least consistent with the arguments mentioned previously. In the Biostack Ill experi-
ment, an attempt has been made to use multiple factorial analysis for all biological
Dosimetric Data
From a first partial evaluation of the AgC1 detector foils 1-1 to 1-9, the flux
The first dosimetric data of Biostack III obtained from the plastic detectors were
compared with those of Biostack I and II (table 14-V). The values measured during
the ASTP Earth-orbital flight were essentially lower than those obtained during the
Apollo 16 and 17 lunar missions, which are in agreement.
First Biological Observations
The etching of the cellulose nitrate (CN) sheets, which carried monolayers
of biological objects, was performed by a specially developed procedure
(ref. 14-13). The CN sheets showed well-developed etch cones (fig. 14-14).
Determination of the localization of the tracks in relation to the biological objects is
in progress. In the Bacillus subtilis experiment, tracks with Z > 12 have been
selected; the point of their penetration through the spore layer has been determined
with an accuracy of +0.2 micrometer; and.the spores near this penetration point
have been evaluated in regard to changes in spore outgrowth, cell morphology,
and growth kinetics. The new techniques of pinpoint etching and micromanipulation
were applied and worked without complications. Deviations from normal develop-
ment have been observed; e.g., monstrous swelling during growth of the first
vegetative cell (fig. 14-15). Such anomalies have been reported to be produced
by X-rays or deuterons (ref. 14-15). A multiple factorial analysis, which will be
applied after the complete set of data is processed, will show the contribution of
HED events to such phenomena.
The analysis of the CN layers for the Zea mays experiment indicates that 52
of 79 seeds were hit by HZE particles with LEToo > 1.5 GeV/cm. The first one-fourth
of the flight seeds were planted approximately 90 days after the mission. No signif-
icant difference in seedling development between the flight seeds and the control
seeds has been observed. The germination is 94.28 percent in the flight group and
96.97 percent in the control group. The average length of the embryonic leaf is
52.39 millimeters for the flight seeds and 52.00 millimeters for the control seeds.
The average length of the first leaf is 115.42 millimeters for the flight group and
119.10 millimeters for the control group.
The Biostack II results on the development of Artemia salina eggs (table 14-VI)
indicate that the biological importance of nuclear disintegration stars is comparable
to that of HZE particles. Even those flight eggs that were not affected by HZE
particles showed remarkable disturbances in development. The high level of
embryonic lethality in these eggs compared with the flight eggs penetrated by HZE
particles leads to the conclusion that the observed reduced emergence is a radiation
effect. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the 15 000 stars/cm 3 measured
in the adjacent emulsions permit the calculation of a "dose" contribution by stars in
Artemia salina eggs that is approximately the same as that of HZE particles.
Causal interpretations of effects found during space flight are possible only
if the influence of all known environmental factors is considered. The Biostack
experiments proved that significant radiation damage has resulted from the passage
of a single HZE particle (refs. 14-12 and 14-13). Some indications were found of
the comparable effectiveness of other HED events. In view of these results, the
influence of HED events may have to be incorporated into the interpretation of the
observed effects in space biological studies. This assertion is strengthened by the
assumed contribution of nuclear disintegration stars to biological radiation events
in space.
The question remains of how relevant to man are the effects that have been
shown to be produced by HZE particles in animal eggs, plant seeds, and bacterial
spores. Table 14-VII compares the radiation sensitivity of man with that of some of
the biological objects used in the Biostack experiments. Of this group, man is the
most radiosensitive object. The sensitivity of the hatching of the two groups of
insect eggs is of the same magnitude, but hatching of the Artemia salina shrimp
eggs is approximately 10 times more resistant. In these animal eggs, developmental
defects have been produced by a penetrating HZE particle. This confirms the
assumption that HZE-particle-induced damage might become manifest if nonreplace-
able cells are destroyed. In manned space flight, the primary concern would be
the nervous system, which consists of highly differentiated nonreplaceable cells.
Occurrence of sublethaUy damaged cells that could possibly produce late radiation
effects should also be considered. However, the risk to man from HZE particles
during spaceflight can be sufficiently lowered if the maximum possible shielding
against HZEparticle bombardment is ensured in the design and construction of
future space vehicles.
14-2. B_icker, H.; Horneck, G.; and Hildebrand, D.: Effects of Individual
HZE-Particles in the Biostack Experiment. Proceedings of the 4th Sym-
posium on Microdosimetry. Euratom EUR 5122 d-e-f, Sept. 1973, p. 1071.
14-3. Fleischer, R. L.; Price, P. B.; and Walker, R. M.: Tracks of Charged
Particles in Solids. Science, vol. 149, no. 3682, July 23, 1965,
pp. 383-393.
14-5. Fain, J. : Energy Density Deposited by a Heavy Ion Around Its Path.
Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Microdosimetry. Euratom EUR
5122 d-e-f, Sept. 1973, p. 169.
14-6. Muga, M. L.: A New Model Describing the Energy Deposition Profile
Along the Path of a Heavy Ion. Paper presented at 5th International
Conference on Radiation Research (Seattle, Wash.), 1974.
14-9. Upton, A. C.; Chase, H. B.; Hekhuis, G. L.; Mole, R. H.; et. al.:
Radiobiological Aspects of the Supersonic Transport. Health Phys.,
vol. 12, 1966, pp. 209-226.
14-13. B_icker, H.; Horneck, G.; Reinholtz, E.; R_ither, W.; et al.: Biostack
Experiment. Sec. 25 of the Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report.
NASA SP-330, 1973.
14-14. Monnin, Michel M. ; and Blanford, George E., Jr.: Detection of Charged
Particles by Polymer Grafting. Science, vol. 181, Aug. 24, 1973,
pp. 743-744.
14-15. Donnellan, J. Edward, Jr.; and Morowitz, Harold J.: The Effect of
Charged Particle Irradiation on Germination of Bacillus subtilis. Radia.
Res., vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 1960, pp. 67-78.
14-17. Akojew, J. G.; and Jurow, S. S.: The Molecular Principles of the Action
of High Energy Hadrones and the Results of Space Biological Investiga-
tions. Izvestija Academia Nauk, SSSR, Seria Biologiceskja. Nr. 1, 1975.
0 Oc_ 0 o 0 0 0
._ _
._ _o _ _ _.._
• ° • •
r3 0
0 0
o 0"l
,,., 0 0 0
Izl 0 _
_._ o_°=
_ _._ _._ 0
N =
r=,1 0
m I
ba 0 m
..._ _ "_._
0 ca
Z "_ <
_ _._
_ _ "_ _ _
di_ 4_
_-_-_+ ._+
_d'_._ _ _m _ _ _1"_ .
_ m
A _
•_ _'_ o _
'_ mm
_._ m ::,.
C,.} F_
Flight unit
Ground control
A L1 Bottom 11.3
L7 Middle 10.9
B B3 Middle 11.7
0o o
o o
0 o
L'-- o,1 c",,1
c_ _J
0 0 0
._ o
o o o
0 bl
Z r_
0 0
0 o
Z < 0 0 0
< i.o i.o o
0 0
> Z
0 0
c_ o o
_ ta
_ _i ___ _ _.
r_ o,'o
Z (_ _
_ g
0 ,,_
• _ _._ 0
(a) Photograph of components.
Figure 14-2. - Malformations of
Artemia salina induced by HZE
particles that penetrated their
eggs *
2 Honeycomb:
Face sheet - 15-7 stainless steel, 0.020 cm thick
Core - 15-7 stainless steel, 1.229 cm thick;
cell diameter, 0.476 cm; cell wall, 0.0025 cm
Face sheet - 15-7 stainless steel, 0.020 cm thick
4 Honeycomb:
--- Face sheet -2014T6 aluminum, 0.025 cm thick
\ Core - 5052 H39 aluminum. 2.286 c m thick;
cell diameter, 0.476 c m cell wall, 0.0038 cm
Face sheet - 2014 T6 aluminum, 0.025 cm thick
Figure 14-6. - Manipulation equipment.
Figure 14-7.- Manipulation and growth of a single Bacillus subtilis spore. The
spore to be removed is shown at the end of the needle in (a); the spore has
been removed in (b) Increasing incubation times to 250 minutes are shown
in (c), (d) , and (e), and the colony after 24 hours is shown in (f)
Cover glass, ,Spores
;. Detector
' 'I
• . ;.-.l.-. i-.._ • !""t"""*
ooo..,00. • .o.
04o • o .°,,,
percent _
" !i .,I ."i',
" =!1_i _. .:.... :'. i......".[........! : "" "__ • .?
'_ _ o: ° •
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...... r t/_
. )"--3'
o,°,4...._ •
._c • l: 30"8percen
E / o•
"'lilt. .
e e ..._ ........ .'- • .°. • ; /
,.< • i: I:l .ll
: • : I i • /
• il -; :-:
"_.L':,I: • i. • ,_ ! li •
• ="H'"'_-." :_ • :-._-I .... 1"': FactorB
• eel - • (particlecharacteristic)
I o Z - 83.8 percent
LETs5• - 15.8 percent
LETs5o Z
•"_ .'-"'-I"
.-_:,__x..._..._..... :_
• :
• :.::,
; ""-'[" _';"
... °"
':.'_'"'_'.: J. per_nt _
' .-".: "":
.: • \ •
....... •%, ....... _.
.= • \
eoi • \
Factor C
•==.i L_ "',.._ ": i:" t:.. i :'.-
(environmental quantity)
b -'--_ • • ....."......
t .,:.'.;
% • 0 I
=_ • Z - 58.0 percent
Cell density - 32.6 percent
Probability of hit - 7. 8 percent
Probability of hit Cell density
2 \ -\
\\ \ [-------Space
side ‘ Y
tPrineipal Investigator.
The objective of the experiment was to investigate the influence of space-
flight conditions on the rhythms of vegetative and spore phase characteristics of
Streptomyces (Actinomyces) levoris. To assist in accomplishing this objective,
five aspects of the experiment were studied.
1. Cultures that had been initiated with a 12-hour phase shift were ex-
changed during the flight.
Characteristics of secondary cultures that were derived from different
sectors of the primary cultures (which were developed during preflight, flight,
and postflight periods) were studied and compared.
Optimum phasing of the vegetative growth and spore production cycle was
facilitated by using a 12-hour light-dark regimen of approximately 100 lux with
the lighted phase occurring from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. central daylight savings time.
The light-dark cycle was maintained until the cultures were selected for the ex-
periment and placed in the flight devices.
The bacteriophage T4B r+ was incorporated into an agar medium and dried to
form a thin film. These films were placed in the flight devices beneath the lower
layer of plastic dosimeters so that specific genetic alterations of the bacteriophage
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which were induced by the action of high-energy
particles, could be studied (ref. 15-1).
Radiation Detectors
Flight Devices
The flight devices for performing the experiment consisted of four containers
(figs. 15-1 and 15-2). Each device was designed to hold two petri dishes (60 by 5
millimeters) that contained Streptomyces cultures. Radiation detectors were situated
beneath the petri dishes as well as in the movable lid. A bacteriophage film was
also placed beneath each of the radiation detectors under the petri dishes.
The main body of each device consisted of separable halves that were com-
posed of anodized aluminum. A protective glass, fitted with a biologically nonreac-
tive siliconized rubber ring, was inserted beneath the movable lid in the top half
of each device. This glass served as a protective cover and permitted observation
and photography of the cultures. The bottom half of the device, which included the
petri dishes with cultures, spacing rings around the dishes, and siliconized rubber
rings below the dishes, was fitted with the top half of the device to complete the
Portable Incubator
The "Thermocont" (fig. 15-3), which was used as a portable incubator for
the cultures enclosed in the flight devices, had an ac/dc power capacity with a
temperature range of 273 to 313 K (0 ° to 40 ° C) and was equipped with an electric
digital thermometer. The Thermocont held four flight devices.
In the United States, the control cultures were maintained in the Thermocont
during the entire course of the experiment, including transportation to and from the
launch and recovery sites. The flight cultures were maintained in the Thermocont
during the preflight and postflight periods.
In the U .S .S .R., the Thermocont was used to maintain and transport the
control and flight cultures to and from the launch and recovery sites. During the
mission, the controls were maintained in the Thermocont. Following recovery,
both control and flight specimens were maintained in the Thermocont until the
experiment was terminated.
Photography of the specimens was initiated after selection of the cultures and
loading of the flight devices. All flight and control specimens were photographed
at 12-hour (+3 hours) intervals from the time the cultures were selected for the ex-
periment until termination of the experiment. Exceptions were made during space
flight because of schedule time lines.
In the U .S.S .R., photography was with a 35-millimeter camera with an f/2.8
(50 millimeter) lens. Photographs were recorded on black-and-white film (type
KH-z, ASA 55). In the United States, a Nikon 35-millimeter camera with an f/2.8
(55 millimeter) lens was used. All photographs were taken with Kodak SO-168 film
(ASA-500). Special devices were used to position the cameras 30.4 centimeters
from the specimens (figs. 15-4 and 15-5).
At JSC on July 13, 1975, four flight and four control cultures were selected
and assembled together with radiation detectors and the bacteriophage film. The
devices and specimens were then placed in a .Thermocont and transported to the
launch site. Two devices (A-19 and A-22) were placed onboard the Apollo space-
craft approximately 13 hours before launch.
Four flight and four control cultures were selected at the Baykonur Cosmo-
drome on July 15, 1975, and assembled with radiation detectors and bacteriophage
film. The devices and specimens (C-12 and C-31) were placed onboard the Soyuz
spacecraft approximately 2 hours before launch. The controls were maintained
in a Thermocont at the Baykonur Cosmodrome at 300 K (27 ° C) until July 21. After
recovery, the flight and control specimens were transported from the recovery site
and maintained in a Thermoeont until the experiment was terminated on August 16.
After the launch of Apollo, the control specimens were returned to JSC and
then transported to the Apollo recovery site on July 21. Both the flight and control
specimens were then returned to JSC on July 26 and were maintained in the Ther-
moeont until the experiment was terminated on August 11.
During the joint activities of the Apollo-Soyuz crewmembers, the U.S. cul-
ture A-19 was exchanged with the U .S .S .R. culture C-12 on July 17. On August 29,
following termination of the experiment, the Thermocont and specimens from the
United States were shipped to the laboratory in the U .S .S .R. On October 7, the
radiation detectors were marked for position and were removed from the flight and
control devices in the presence of science representatives of both the United States
and the U.S.S.R.
The general scheme of the experiment was carried out according to the proj-
ect outline. All the flight and control cultures of Streptomyces exhibited growth
during the preflight, flight, and postflight periods of the experiment without
apparent contamination.
Data on the total number of spore rings formed by the control and flight cul-
tures at the end of the preflight, flight, and postflight periods are shown in
table 15-I. Similar data are shown in table 15-II for the specimens that were
exchanged during the mission. Photographs of the respective flight and control
specimens (U.S .S .R. and U .S.) that were taken on August 1 are shown in fig-
ures 15-6 and 15-7.
Cultures were initiated for the experiment in both the U .S .S .R. and the
United States on July 9. However, at the respective launch times on July 15, the
rate of vegetative growth and subsequent spore ring development (biorhythm) was
different (tables 15-I and 15-II). The difference in growth rate between cultures
initiated in the United States and those initiated in the U.S.S.R. continued through-
out the experiment. This growth-rate difference between the respective cultures
reflects differences in the nutritional media used by the two laboratories, although
all attempts were made to standardize procedures and components. In practice, the
culture medium formula was identical, but specific chemicals were not obtained
from the same sources. The variation in the number of spore rings in the U .S.S .R.
cultures at the end of the preflight period may suggest inherent differences of
growth rate rather than nutritional effects, because the cultures were grown on
identical media (tables 15-I and 15-II). Studies are in progress to determine
whether this difference was due to nutritional or genetic variation, or a combination
of both.
The controls cultured in the United States grew at the same rate when com-
pared with each other within a given time period (preflight, flight, or postflight),
with the exception of number 2 of A-25, which exhibited a slight decrease in growth
rate during the postflight period (table 15-I). In the U.S.S.R. controls, the two
cultures of C-35 had three spore rings and C-36 had two spore rings at the end of
the preflight period. At the time of Soyuz recovery on July 21, the number of spore
rings of C-35 and C-36 was the same. During the postflight period, number 2 of
C-36 exhibited a distinct increase in growth rate when compared with the other
U.S.S.R. controls Gable 15-I).
Differences in growth rate between flight and control cultures occurred
(table 15-I). Either space-flight factors or the reduced temperature in both the
Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft could have contributed to this slower growth rate.
During the in-flight period of Apollo, number 1 of A-22 developed four spore
rings. When compared with the growth rate of the controls, and when considering
the reduced temperature in Apollo, this growth rate appears as expected. In the
postflight period, the growth rate of number 1 of A-22 was similar to that of the
The morphologic appearance of the spore rings of the flight specimens that
formed during the preflight and in-flight periods was distinct and generally uni-
form. The spore rings that developed during the postflight period were irregular
and indistinct. This alteration of morphologic appearance between adjacent rings
(the last in-flight ring and the first postflight ring) may suggest an influence of
space-flight recovery factors on spore ring formation. The comparative aspects
of these features are shown in figures 15-6 and 15-7.
In number 1 of A-19, the last ring formed during the in-flight period exhib-
ited two distinct areas in which spores failed to form (fig. 15-9). As subsequent
spore rings developed, these two regions remained void of spores. As the next
ring was formed (the double ring that developed in the early postflight period), a
portion of the spore development occurred in part of the void region (fig. 15-10).
The first postflight spore rings that formed in both cultures of A-19 and in
number 2 of C-31 were double rings (figs. 15-10 and 15-11). Based on the time
of their formation, it appears that factors related to reentry and recovery resulted
in this abnormal spore ring development. This feature was not observed in any of
the subsequent spore rings of these cultures or in any of the other cultures during
the remainder of the experiment.
After the exchange of the temperature profiles of Apollo and Soyuz, the
influence of temperature on the characteristics of Stre_3tomyces will be studied.
Studies on the radiation detectors and bacteriophage aspects of the experiments are
in progress. These data will be used for assessing the effects of radiation on
specific areas of the primary flight and control cultures. Studies are in progress
for comparison of morphological and cultural characteristics of secondary cultures
derived from the preflight, flight, and postflight growth regions. These studies
will provide data with which to determine whether the noticeable changes of growth
biorhythm observed in two of the eight specimens during the in-flight period are
permanent or temporary alterations related to space-flight factors. As these data
become available, they may help to achieve a better understanding of the biological
effects of space-flight factors that may influence the biorhythm of vegetative growth
and spore production of Streptomyces (Actinomyces) levoris.
15-1. Akoev, I. G.; Yurov, S. S.; Leontyeva, G. A.; Kusin, I. A.; et al.:
Mutagenic Action of Secondary Radiation of 70 GeV Protons. Studia
Biophysica, vol. 41, 1_73, pp. 167-180.
0 _ 0
_7 u_
;._ o
I ¢)
Z _
0 0
o_4 ._
,e..t _ _._
m z
o N
z _ 0 . _
,...4 N NI
0 _ 0
_ m I.o
o _ _.
Z _
_ g
,-_ 0
Figure 15-1. - Examples of flight de-
vices. The "A" series was used by
the United States and the tfC" series
by the U.S.S.R. Each device holds
two petri dishes (60 by 5 m i l l i -
meters), which are designated as
I? I??and .
Figure 15- 3 , - The portable incubator
(transport container) "Thermocont"
that was used to maintain cultures at
300 K (27O C ) during various phases
of the experiment in the United
. .
States and the U S, S .R It has both
ac/dc power capability.
Figure 15-2 Photograph of the com-
ponents of a flight device.
(1) Upper half of device with mov-
able covers. (2) Siliconized rubber
ring that fits around the protective
glass. (3) Protective glass and
rubber ring, which are inserted in-
to the upper half of the device and
serve to protect the specimen in the
petri dish. (4) Bottom half of the
device. (5) Metal spacing ring.
(6) Siliconized rubber washer that
fits in the well of the lower half.
(7) Radiation detector that is placed
in the bottom of the device under the
petri dish. (8) Radiation detector
in movable cover. (9) Petri dish Figure 15-4. - Photographic apparatus
and specimen. . .
used in the U .S S .R for ground-
support photography of the experi-
ment. A similar bracket was used
in flight with another type of camera.
15- 10
Figure 15-5. - Photographic apparatus
used in the United States during
both ground-support and Apollo in-
flight photography of the experiment.
Figure 15-9 Photograph of spore Figure 15-11.- Example of another
ring deletion that occurred in the culture exhibiting the double-ring
last ring formed i n flight. formation.
This report evaluates the operational aspects associated with the experiment
and the activities of medically important micro-organisms recovered from the Apollo
crewmen. The majority of activities were performed as planned, and a large per-
centage of the anticipated data will be forthcoming. A variety of potential pathogens
was recovered from each of the prime and backup crewmembers before and after
flight. However, no disease events were reported. Candida albieans and
Staphylococcus aureus (type 52, 52A, 80, 81) were shown to be transferred
from one erewmember to another during the flight. No other medically significant
changes in the microbial population were observed.
tprincipal Investigator.
More recently, Nefedov et al. (ref. 16-2) have observed that alterations in
microbial flora have been observed on several flights and appear to be dependent
on "environmental parameters," the duration of the exposure to different environ-
mental factors, and the work-rest schedules. The same authors point out that one
of the most consistent phenomena appears to be the interchange of micro-organisms
between subjects (ref. 16-2).
The advent of the U .S .S .R. space station, Salyut, enabled in-flight samples
to be taken from the three crewmembers. Postflight analysis of these samples re-
vealed changes in autoflora and microbial interchange. However, the death of the
crewmembers prevented postflight sampling and analysis.
The interest of the U. S. S .R. Space Agency concerning this research and
their philosophy, which led to their participation in the Microbial Exchange Experi-
ment, was offered during the first meeting of the U .S .-U .S .S .R. Joint Working
Group in Space Biology and Medicine in Moscow. During the meeting, U.S. S .R.
investigators made the following observation.
The results of the study of the automicroflora of the integumen-
tary tissues of the cosmonauts, indicating the development of dysbac-
teriotic changes in its composition during the space flight, have neces-
sitated more detailed scientific studies in this area. Studies to clarify
the role of the environment of objects in space in terms of the appear-
ance of unfavorable changes in the composition of the automicroflora
of the cosmonauts are most important in this respect.
The review by Fox (ref. 16-9) indicates clearly that the results of the early
NASA autoflora studies were analogous to those done in the U .S .S .R. Both studies
have indicated significant alterations in the microbial population as well as definite
transfer of species between crewmembers.
With the advent of the Skylab missions, it became possible to evaluate the
microbial alterations resulting from space flights with durations as long as 85 days.
Complete autoflora studies were conducted on each of the prime crews (refs. 16-10
and 16-11). Preliminary evaluations show that while gross contamination of the
Skylab environment did occur and while there were several in-flight disease events
(presumably of microbial origin), such events did not prove to be limiting hazards
for long-term space flight. Evaluation of the major groups of micro-organisms,
comprising the microbial population tested, tended to support the theory of micro-
bial simplification for anaerobic bacteria (refs. 16-2, 16-12, and 16-13) but not
for other microbes. Intercrew transfer of pathogens was indicated. The data did
not support the theory of postflight microbial shock (refs. 16-13, 16-14, and 16-15).
autoflora and immunocompetencelevel of each crewmember was established before
flight through repeated sampling and analyses. Therefore, quantitative and quali-
tative changes occurring during or after flight could be measured and evaluated,
and instances of intercrew transfer of marker organisms could be identified. In
addition, selected micro-organisms recovered from the crew and spacecraft were
examined to detect changes in the ability of the micro-organisms to become patho-
genie, infective, or toxic to man. At the same time, certain immunological
parameters of the blood and saliva of each crewmember were studied to detect
changes in the ability of the individual to resist infection.
All four sets of swabs were launched in the Soyuz spacecraft. The two kits
to be used in the Apollo were transferred from the Soyuz at the end of the first joint
activity (58:20 GET) and returned to the Soyuz near the end of the last joint activity
(79:50 GET). All samples collected during flight were returned to Moscow for pre-
liminary analysis and division between the U .S. and U .S .S .R. laboratories as out-
lined in the following discussion. In-flight se_mples consisted of the first six areas
outlined in table 16-II as well as the spacecraft sites presented in table 16-III. It
should be noted that Soyuz spacecraft samples C-7 through C-15 were taken from
the part of the spacecraft not returned to Earth. Accordingly, these samples were
not collected after the flight. To assist in spacecraft sample collection, black lines
demarking a 100-square-centimeter area had previously been painted at each of the
specified sites as shown in the two examples illustrated in figure 16-3.
Because the specimens collected during flight had to be returned to the lab-
oratory for analysis, considerable delay was unavoidable. To equate results from
these specimens with results of specimens collected before and after flight, a group
of samples was collected the morning of launch and immediately upon return from
the flight. These samples were held at room temperature for 4 days to simulate the
delay imposed on the in-flight specimens. These comparative specimens were col-
lected from all 10 crewmembers and both spacecraft using the same type swabs used
during flight.
Saliva from the parotid gland was collected from each of the 10 crewmembers
before flight and from the 5 prime crewmembers after flight according to the sched-
ule shown in table 16-I. The special saliva collection device, shown in figure 16-4,
was attached by pressure to the inner surface of the oral cavity over the opening of
the parotid duct. The parotid fluid was collected for 10 minutes with the flow being
stimulated by a sour candy drop placed in the subject's mouth. The resulting
saliva was frozen at 233 K (-40 ° C) and stored for future analysis. No saliva was
collected during the flight.
Venous blood was collected from the antecubital fossae of each of the 10 par-
ticipating crewmembers before flight and from the 5 prime crewmembers after flight
as outlined in table 16-I. From each sample, whole blood was smeared onto slides
and subsequently treated with Wright's stain (ref. 16-16) for leukocyte differential
counts. The remaining blood was allowed to clot for serum separation. The re-
sulting serum was used to determine humoral antibody levels and bactericidal
The contents of each swab, gargle sample, and fecal specimen were serially
diluted under aseptic conditions and subsequently inoculated onto the surface of
the nutrient media (table 16-1V). The variety of media, number of plates inoculated,
and dilution range were selected on the basis of what was required to isolate and
quantitate the autoflora components present in each sampled area. The SAB plates
were incubated at 303K (30° C) for 5 days. The CMMY plates were incubated at
298 K (25° C) for 7 days, and all others were incubated at 310K (37° C) for
A discrete specimen number was assigned to each isolate by the host labor-
atory, and a bilingual data sheet (fig. 16-6) was completed to accompany the speci-
men when it was transferred to the guest laboratory. A unique identification num-
ber and a bilingual data sheet were processed with each isolate so that unequivocal
traceability of each isolate was established in a method intelligible to both U .S. and
U. S. S.R. investigators.
The proper collection of preflight and postflight samples from the cosmonauts
and the Soyuz spacecraft was the responsibility of the U.S .S .R. Principal Investi-
gator. The proper collection of preflight and postflight samples from the astronauts
and the Apollo spacecraft was the responsibility of the U.S. Principal Investigator.
The safe and expeditious return of samples collected during flight was the responsi-
bility of the U.S.S.R. Principal Investigator. The preliminary analysis of all sam-
ples, culminating in and including distribution of specimens to both U.S. and
U. S. S .R. investigators, was the responsibility of the Principal Investigator of the
country in which the sample was collected. All preliminary specimen analyses
conducted in the U. S. S .R. laboratories were to be conducted in the presence of a
science representative of both the United States and the U.S.S.R. Although this
arrangement was also available in U.S. laboratories, the U.S. S .R. investigators
had the option of exercising this procedure. These joint activities were to include
dilution and plating of specimen materials, isolation of microbial colonies, and
evaluation of growth properties on the initial isolation media. Crewmembers and
spacecraft were sampled independently.
For this report, analyses are limited to two areas: an analysis and evaluation
of the operational aspects of the experiment and a thorough analysis of the activities
of medically important micro-organisms recovered from U.S. crewmembers.
Most of the activities were performed as planned, and a large percentage
of the cooperatively derived data will be preserved. At present, all samples have
been collected and divided between the two laboratories, with the exceptions pre-
viously noted. Analyses of specimens are currently progressing according to the
joint laboratory procedures previously approved by the U .S. and the U .S. S.R.
The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), a unique space flight in which two
teams of erewmembers from different geographical areas joined in space with two
different spacecraft, presented an unusual opportunity for cross-contamination.
Accordingly, it was necessary to identify and trace all micro-organisms of potential
medical importance present in the population. This report covers such an analysis
of the three prime and three backup Apollo crewmen.
The Eseherichia coli species is generally accepted as the most reliable evi-
dence of fecal contamination. Outside the intestinal tract, under certain conditions,
it often produces diseases such as the following: urinary tract infeetions (cystitis
and pyelitis), peritonitis, gallbladder infection, wound infection, septicemia, and
enteritis. This species was repeatedly recovered from the groin of the prime CMP
and occasionally from the upper respiratory tract of the other two Apollo prime crew-
members. In all cases, neither the recovery pattern nor the quantitation indicated
medical significance.
The Enterobacter aero_enes micro-organism often occurs in the large intes-
tine of man, although the number present is considerably smaller than that of
E. coli. The pathogenic significance of E. aerogenes is similar to that of E. coli.
As indicated in tables 16-VI and 16-VII, this species was always carried in the nose
and mouth of the prime CMP and DMP and was frequently isolated from the backup
ACDR and DMP. Although this is not a common occurrence, it should be noted that
this species was not shown to spread to the prime ACDR or to more sites on the
carriers during the flight. Also, there was no postflight increase in quantitation.
This occurrence is an excellent example of a potential pathogen, carried by two
Apollo prime crewmembers, apparently being unaffected by the conditions of space
Members of the genus Proteus may cause infections of the urinary tract and
abscesses. Additionally, these microbes have been associated with outbreaks of
enteric infection, particularly gastroenteritis. More often, they are secondary
invaders of infections of the middle ear, mastoid process, meninges, wounds, and
urinary tract. P. mirabilis is the most frequent species of this genus found in hu-
man clinical material. This species was carried, in low numbers, in the nasal pas-
sage of the prime ACDR throughout the monitoring period. As with E. aerogenes
previously described, this unusual event provides a good model system for analyz-
ing the response of Gram-negative rods to space-flight conditions. The ASTP mis-
sion had no detectable affect on the qualitative or quantitative presence of this
Four species of Haemophilus were isolated from the oral cavity of each ASTP
astronaut as outlined in tables 16-VIII and 16-IX. Although each of these is to some
degree a common inhabitant of the human mouth, each is a strict parasite requiring
certain growth factors present in blood. A discussion of the potential medical im-
portance of each follows.
from two Apollo crewmembers and the quantitative reduction in contamination of the
ACDR is contraindicative of a space-flight-mediated increase in infective potential.
The recovery of this species from ASTP crewmembers in connection with pre-
vious space flights is presented in table 16-XI. The prime DMP had not previously
been assigned to a space flight, rendering such data nonapplicable. Strains of
S. aureus were recovered from all the other five ASTP astronauts in connection
with at least one previous space flight.
strain of S. aureus. Type 52, 52A, 80, 81 was carried by the prime DMP and was
transferred to the prime ACDR during flight. Apparently, colonization did not
ensue because this strain was not recovered again from the prime ACDR.
Taylor, Gerald R.; Henney, Mary R. ; and Ellis, Walter L.: Changes in the
Fungal Autoflora of Apollo Astronauts. Appl. Microbiology, vol. 26, no. 5,
Nov. 1973, pp. 804-813.
16-9. Fox, Leo: The Ecology of Microorganisms in a Closed Environment. Life
Sciences and SpaceResearch, IX, COSPAR, Akademie-Verlag (Berlin),
May 1971, pp. 69-74.
16-10. Brown, Lee R. ; Frome, William J. ; Handler, Sandra; Wheatcroft, Merrill G. ;
and Rider, Linda J.: Skylab Oral Health Studies. The Proceedings of the
Skylab Life Sciences Symposium. NASA TM X-58154, 1974, pp. 75-97.
16-11. Brockett, R. M.; Ferguson, J. K.; Graves, R. C.; Groves, T. O.; et al.:
Skylab Environmental and Crew Microbiology Studies. The Proceedings of
the Skylab Life Sciences Symposium. NASA TM X-58154, 1974, pp. 121-143.
16-12. Lebedev, K. A. ; and Petrov, R. V.: Immunological Problems of Closed
Environments and Gnotobiology. Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, vol. 71,
no. 2, 1971, pp. 235-252. (Translation available from Joint Publications
Research Service, Washington, D.C.)
16-15. Spizizen, J.: Microbiological Problems of Manned Space Flight. Life Sci-
ences and Space Research, IX, COSPAR, Akademie-Verlag (Berlin), May
1971, pp. 65-68.
16-19. Wooley, Bennie C.: Apollo Experience Report - Protection of Life and
Health. NASA TN D-6856, 1972.
16-21. Taylor, G. R.: Space Microbiology. Ann. Rev. Microbiol., vol. 401,
1974, pp. 23-40.
16-23. Ginsberg, H. S.: Immune States in Long-Term Space Flights. Life Sci-
ences and Space Research, IX, COSPAR, Akademie-Verlag (Berlin), May
1971, pp. 1-9.
16-24. Huppert, M.; Cazin, J., Jr. ; and Smith, H., Jr.: Pathogenesis of
Candida albicans Infections Following Antibiotic Therapy. J. Bacteriol.,
vol. 70, no. 1, July 19 55, pp. 440-447.
16-25. Buchanan, Robert E. ; and Gibbons, Norman E.: Bergey's Manual of Deter-
minative Bacteriology. Eighth ed., Williams & Wilkins Co. (Baltimore),
b_ 0_
0_ b_
Z 0
0 ¢;
(0 0 I X
co I
X r/l
v-M 0
_Q _Q
0 0 °_-,t
0 0
0 0 ._ _ _ ._
7 Axilla 20-cm area below hair on each side
C-3 Control panel in the de- A-3 Crew couch, right stabili-
scent vehicle zer beam
C-13 Floor surface near OM food A-13 Top of video tape recorder
locker module
C-14 Transfer hatch under the A-14 Panel 251, waste manage-
handwheel ment dump
BTB e 3 100
SAB f 5 100
Ears I
Blood 2 l0 0 to 10 5
Gargle (natural)
Mannitol 3 10 0 to 101
CMMY 4 10 0 to 10 2
3 10 0 to 10 3
Rogosa g
Choc h 3 10 0 to 10 5
CMMY 10 0
Gargle (centrifugate)!
BTB 10 0
SAB 10 0
aBlood agar.
gRogosa agar.
TABLE 16-1V.- Concluded
CMMY 100
SAB 100
SAB 5 I00
CMMY 4 10 °
BTB 3 10 0
SAB 5 lO 0
U°S° U .S .S .R.
z Z Z z
z_ z
0 ¢,,I _'q
0 • _
o_ 0
z_ z
< o0
• °
_ o _ e_
o o_ 0
z_ Z
0 0
Z z
° °
o _
Z Z_
o _ _ o
• . .
g _" 0 0 0
n_ e_
• ° °
0 0 _ _
e_ ¢.,
o o
0 _
> 0
o z zN
Crew- Species of
Quantity of bacteria, log10 colony-forming units/cm 3 of gargle or swab diluent
member Haemophilus
R+O 1 R+18 [
Throat swab
H. parahaemolyticus 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0
H. influenzae 5.77 0 0 0 0 O 0 0
H. influenzae 0 0 O 0 4.00 0 0 0
H. parahaemolyticus 0 0 0 0 0 O 5.11 0
H. parahaemolyticus 0 O 0 0 0 5.00 0 0
H. influenzae 5.69 O O 0 O 0 0 0
H. influenzae 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 0
Throat swab
0 4.60 0 0 0 0
ACDR H. haemolyticus
H. influenzae 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.30 0 4.11 0 0 0
H. parahaemolyticus
CMP H. haemolyticus 0 0 0 0 0 0
H. influenzae 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 5.04 0 0
DMP H. haemolyticus
0 0 0 0 0 0
H. psrahaemolyticus
H. influenzae 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
H. parahaemolyticus
CMP 0 0 0 0 0
H. haemol_,ticus
H. influenzae 0 0 0 0 0
DMP 0 0 o 0 0 0
H. haemolyticus
H. influenzae 3.00 0 0 0 0 0
+ Z
r/l m
L_ o
_ n
dl d, _
m m
m _
F-5 Nose 85
Mouth NT
F-14 Groin NT
F-14 Nose NA
R+0 Nose NA
o _
o Z "_Z_ _ Z
_t _ 0_ _o_" __ _- .
_ z o z _ z
_ z
r 4
P/N: I_POBB! 9KHI3A_A EE "A_O220H"'
_'.i S/N: TME:
Airspace. [:I mm
Cotton swab............ I .'-2
I' 280mm 'I
.................. ]T--[;,,:_o_,[_-Ex_.-..-_,
' i
,Ii S/N_
.,. ,,..oo..-.o,_"_'Ti
DATE OF MFG: 4-24-74
-] I
................. A.L__ -----------------------_-J
(a) A-8: panel 325 below window (b) A-7: right girth shelf above
(S-74-33254). panel 278 (S-74-33259).
F ]i I; SAB Ii F IVlannitol salt ]_ F Blood agar (BA) ]i
_ tT .......
Chocolate ;i
I BTB t I CMMY I I agar t II Rogosaacjar _ I I
_ i i I Bloodagar i i I bacitracin
t , L F ' , [ J t F ' "- I '
Stripplate 308 K.(35
r_ ° C) ; 308 K.(35° C) F,.T
- "---_, F.---L---_ _- -_
.... ] |
-| _ativR
I i I I i TSB + i i TSB - I [SB - i _ram I
I Incubate 7 days I I I Tween + I I Tween + i, Tween - I stain I
Pre_ent' '
Absent I ':
(I.JpophiVc acilli)
1,.a entou.
I I Yeastao,
fungi yeastlike Gram'stain
r--6-z_E;_---I Aliquot for host
laboratory Aliquot for guest
laboratory ., I--Sh_p-
t_ _ -I- --' _.--_l
_ II Gramstain
New isolation_Incubate 18 hr Isolation streak_(Upon_ I K__o,ru_I
broth _ 308K(35°C) _ to blood agar _ receipt) I resui_s j
---q ,p' _ l
Subculture each Endo I_<c Gram stain Incubate 18 hr 308K (35° C)
morphologically_ medium
differenttype I
I Incubate 24 hr I" I results I Mixed culture Pureculture
Giss cultu re I_- ' ' ,_,_. on bloodaqar on blood agar
310K (37° C)
medium plus I I &Incubate 18 hr '._"'"'."C." I - I
I '_ _ ,-,_o,-,,
_slreaK io i
] percent lactose Gram stain I 308r, _ t._ blood agar I
I TSB . Indicatespure
Incubate24 hr
310K (37° C)
Incubate 18 hr
308K (35° C)
Aliquot host
Aliquot guest _
broth culture ....
-- - J i
Pure brolh culture
lactose-positive lactose-negative stain laboratory laboratory Cocci Bacilli
bac II bacilli
Gram-positive i , Gram
coccus G ram G ram hegative
I positive negative I
Coagulase I _ Lactose
TSB - trypticase soy agarbroth
Positive Negative Catalase _ _
Positive Negative
IMicr°c°ccaceaelI streptococcus
B. S. Criswell a
The cellular immune response of the three astronauts of the Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project (ASTP) space flight was studied before and after the 9 days of flight. The
findings are to be correlated in the future with lymphocytic changes that were noted
during the Skylab space flight. Briefly, the functional capacity of lymphocytes at
splashdown of Skylab 3 and 4 was depressed along with a suppression in the T-
lymphocyte numbers. No changes of this type were noted following a 14-day bed-
rest study. In the present study, which involved a shorter flight, functional sup-
pression was again noted but no quantitative changes in lymphocytes occurred.
Lymphocyte Preparation
separator. Cells in the resulting suspension of mononuclear cells were washed
three times in minimum essential medium (MEM); they were then adjusted to a final
concentration of 1 X 106cells/ml.
Lymphocyte Classification
the unstimulated cultures. Allantoic fluid was used separately as a control on re-
activity of each individual crewman to chick embryo proteins.
Table 17-I shows the mean and one standard deviation (SD) of the WBCcount,
lymphocyte count, and lymphocyte percentages for respective days preflight and
postflight. Significant increases in WBCnumbers were noted on R+0 (day of
splashdown) and R+I, which represented polymorphonuclear leukocyte increases.
Normal laboratory values are given for comparison.
Table 17-II gives the results of the T-lymphoeytes, B-lymphocytes, and non-
reactive lymphocytes. Fluctuations are indicated but values remain within the one
SD for normal laboratory values.
Table 17-1II shows the culture findings for the nonspecifie mitogens. The
stimulation indexes for PHA dropped at R+0 and at R+I for all three astronauts. By
R+8, the three astronauts were back within normal ranges. Interestingly, a reverse
situation is indicated for the Apollo commander (ACDR) at R+0with Con A stimula-
tion enhanced. Other crewmembers began and remained at low-level ranges for
Con A throughout the preflight and postflight periods. Considerable individual
variation was noted in the PWMdata and no consistent trend was obtained.
One of the three astronauts responded to influenza virus Hong Kong strain
antigen in cultures. All three astronauts responded to influenza virus England
strain preflight. Because these antigens are quite variable in response patterns
even in known and diagnosed influenza illnesses, changes or losses in reactivity
are not significant. Total lack of reactivity may reflect influenza susceptibility.
Significant changes were found for all three crewmen in PHA responsiveness
of the lymphocytes. No significant quantitative changes were noted among the
lymphocytic population. Variations were noted in the stimulation indexes of the
subjects for Con A and PWM; however, because of the rapid exchange of cells be-
tween different compartments in the body, variation in the indexes may be expected.
It has been noted during space flight in Skylab 4 that PHA responsiveness of
lymphocytes was extremely depressed on splashdown. Previous bed-rest data
showed no significant change in PHA reactivity for a 14-day period. Because a
depression was observed in this 9-day ASTP mission, one must conclude that time
in space may not be the controlling factor in the functional suppressiveness of the
lymphocytes. Perhaps, because no quantitative changes were noted in lymphocytes
for ASTP but were present for the Skylab 3 and 4 missions, these changes in B-
and T-lymphocyte numbers may reflect the longer period in space.
17-1. B6yum, A.: Separation of Leukocytes From Blood and Bone Marrow. Scand.
J. Clin. Lab. Invest., vol. 21, suppl. 97, 1968, p. 7.
17-2. DeFazio, Sally R. ; Criswell, B. Sue; South, Mary A.; Kimzey, S. L.; and
Montgomery, J. R.: A Paraprotein in Severe Combined Immunodeficieney
Disease Detected by Immunoelectrophoretic Analyses of Plasma. J. Clin.
Exp. Immunol., vol. 19, no. 3, 1975, pp. 563-570.
17-3. Jondahl, M.; Holm, G. ; and Wigzell, H.: Surface Markers on Human T and
B Lymphocytes. 1. A Large Population of Lymphocytes Forming Nonimmune
Rosettes With Sheep Red Blood Cells. J. Exp. Med., vol. 136, no. 2, Aug. 1,
1972, pp. 207-215.
F-30 ACDR 34 3 5
CMP 34 26 50
DMP 41 16 114
F-15 ACDR 65 25 43
CMP 47 11 14
DMP 95 12 41
F-5 ACDR 66 12 27
CMP 46 32 29
DMP 74 6 34
CMP 11 11 24
DMP 12 12 11
Mean of three 20 _+ 15 58 _+ 80 45 + 48
R+I ACDR 9 20 40
CMP 21 49 11
DMP 5 6 4
Mean of three 12 +8 25 + 22 25 _+ 15
R+8 ACDR 72 12 11
CMP 45 18 11
DMP 18 8 9
aACDR, CMP, and DMP mean Apollo commander, command module pilot,
and docking module pilot, respectively.
R. R. Martin a
The results of this experiment are being analyzed and correlated with a
large amount of normal data in which the same laboratory methods were used.
The experiment went as planned, and all blood samples were obtained during
baseline, postflight, and later convalescent periods. The unplanned inhalation of
propellent gases and subsequent hospitalization of the astronauts with the
administration of adrenal corticosteroid therapy provided an opportunity to evaluate
these factors in relation to leukocyte function.
The PMN is a critical cell in the defense of the host against infections. The
ultimate function of the PMN is the phagocytosis and killing of micro-organisms that
invade the tissues of the body. To carry out this function, however, a sequence
of earlier steps is important. Because the majority of leukocytes at some time pass
through the bloodstream, they must be able to leave the circulating blood and reach
the tissue spaces where potential infections occur. To do this, the leukocyte must
adhere to the surface of the blood vessel, work its way through the walls of the
small blood vessels, migrate through the tissue spaces, and collect in the area of
inflammation accompanying early infection. Abnormalities in function leading to
the impairment of any one of these steps can potentially cause increased suscepti-
bility to infection.
The PMN is present in the circulating blood for a matter of hours, as the
cells travel from the production sites in the bone marrow to the tissues where they
function to protect the host from invasion of foreign organisms. As a result of this
rapid turnover, changes in the well-being of the host may be reflected in altera-
tions in circulating leukocytes. The usual clinical data of total white blood cell
counts and differential counts can be considerably supplemented by a variety of
functional tests.
The in vitro techniques used in the present studies have been adapted from
methods in widespread use among investigators of leukocyte function. These tests
have been standardized by using a large number of normal subjects. This experi-
ment was performed using concurrent controls.
The total white blood cell counts and differential counts have been useful to
clinicians for many decades as indices of the status of the host. The leukocyte
eounts are well recognized to fluctuate with infections (ref. 18-1) and with stress
reactions (ref. 18-2). Histochemical staining for acid phosphatase and for alkaline
phosphatase can correlate with leukocyte "activation" (ref. 18-3) and fluctuate with
physiological abnormalities (ref. 18-4). The property of leukocyte adhesion can
be quantitated in vitro and is altered with several clinical states associated with
increased susceptibility to infection, such as alcohol ingestion, and corticosteroid
administration (ref. 18-5). Chemotaxis experiments were performed using a
variation of the Boyden chamber technique developed in this laboratory (ref. 18-6).
Similarly, phagocytosis studies were conducted using tissue chamber slides and
previously described techniques (ref. 18-7).
The experiment was successfully carried out as planned. All blood samples
were obtained from the Apollo commander (ACDR), command module pilot (CMP),
and docking module pilot (DMP) during the interval from 30 days before flight
(F-30) to 30 days after recovery (R+30). The backup crew was studied during the
preflight period and served as a normal control for this interval. Three other sub-
jects (A, B, C) were studied both in preflight testing and during recovery testing
onboard the U.S.S. New Orleans. Two other subjects (D, E) who had been tested
repeatedly served as internal controls.
The total white blood cell counts were fairly stable and reproducible for each
subject (table 18-I). Abnormalities include low preflight values for the DMP
(particularly on day F-5) and the occurrence of elevated leukocyte counts in all
three astronauts for 2 days after recovery and on day R+8 (when steroid adminis-
tration was a factor).
The differential leukocyte counts for the study group are given in table 18-II.
These values are used to calculate the total PMN counts in table 18-11I. Note that
the total PMN counts are extremely reproducible among the group of normal controls.
The total number of PMN's staining for the lysosomal enzyme, acid phospha-
tase, were similarly determined (table 18-VII). The DMP again had low values
during the preflight period; the number decreased to a level of 990 positive cells on
day F-5. All crewmembers showed an elevation in the number of cells that stain
for acid phosphatase during the postflight interval. The total leukocyte acid
phosphatase scores (table 18-VIII) and the mean acid phosphatase scores
(table 18-IX) were not significantly different from the values found in the concur-
rent controls.
tests were much more stable on the day of recovery (R+0) and on day R+I, possibly
making the decreases in PMN adherence in members of the prime crew significant.
However, because of the fluctuations, the serial values in the prime crew are not
significantly different from those obtained for the controls.
The ability of leukoeytes to migrate in a modified Boyden chamber was
measured both without a chemotactic stimulus (table 18-XI) and in response to the
chemotactic agent casein (table 18-XII). A chemotactic index, expressed as the
ratio of migration with casein compared to migration with no chemotactic agent, is
presented in table 18-XIII. In general, the migration of leukoeytes as quantitated
in this manner remained within the normal range throughout the period of observa-
tion. Slightly decreased migration was noted on day R+8, but this decrease was
also noted in the normal control. Because this test was performed at a temporary
facility in Honolulu, comparative values obtained under the same field conditions
are not available to determine whether migration was actually depressed or whether
this decrease was a result of the testing conditions. The chemotactic index was
preserved normally in the tests performed on day R+8.
The phagocytic capacity of PMN's was measured by allowing the leukocytes
to form monolayers and then adding heat-killed staphylococci. The percentage of
PMN's that were phagocytic was determined microscopically (table 18-XIV). Although
somefluctuations occurred, the leukocytes retained the ability to ingest staphylo-
cocci in cells from the prime crew. When the total number of phagocytic PMN's was
calculated, increased numbers of phagocytes were found in the prime crew following
recovery (table 18-XV). This increase reflects the total increase in the leukocyte
count. Whenthe number of leukocytes containing large numbers of staphylococci
(five or more) was calculated, the values for the prime crew were not as markedly
elevated when compared to the controls (table 18-XVI). The conclusion concerning
the phagoeytosis test would be that no impairment in PMNphagocytic function was
demonstrable using these techniques. In fact, because of the increased numbers of
circulating leukocytes, the phagocytic capacity of the blood was enhanced.
flight was detected. Before the effects of space flight on polymorphonuclear
leukocytes can be accurately determined, however, testing of samples obtained
during flight without the influences of reentry, gas inhalation, and corticosteroid
therapy will be necessary.
Wintrobe, M. H.: The Leukocytes in Clinical Hematology. Lea and Febiger
(Philadelphia), 1962, p. 214.
White, A.: Hormonal Steroids, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, and Thera-
peutics. Proceedings of the First International Congress of Hormonal
Steroids, vol. I, Academic Press (New York), 1964, p. 571.
18-3. McCall, C. E.; Katayama, I.; Cotran, R. S.; and Finland, M.: Lysosomal
and Ultrastructural Changes in Human "Toxic" Neutrophils During
Bacterial Infection. J. Exp. Med., vol. 129, Feb. 1969, pp. 267-293.
18-4. McCall, C. E.; Caves, J. ; Cooper, R.; and DeChatelet, L.: Functional
Characteristics of Human Toxic Neutrophils. J. Infect. Dis., vol. 124,
July 1971, pp. 68-75.
18-6. Martin, R. R.; Warr, G. A.; Couch, R.; and Knight, V.: Chemotaxis of
Human Leukocytes: Responsiveness to Mycoplasma Pneumoniae. J. Lab.
Clin. Med., vol. 81, Apr. 1973, pp. 520-529.
Cline, M. J.: A New White Cell Test Which Measures Individual Phagocyte
Function in a Mixed Leukocyte Population. I. A Neutrophil Defect in
Acute Myelocytic Leukemia. J. Lab. Clin. Med., vol. 81, Feb. 1973,
pp. 311-316.
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H. W. Scheld, at J. F. Boyd,b G. A. Bozarth, b J. A. Conner, c
V. B. Eichler,dp. M. Fuller, "e R. B. Hoffman,fJ. R. Keefe,e
Experiment packages were mounted on the docking module wall and photo-
graphed periodically during the mission to record the swimming activity of the fish
and the condition of the eggs. At splashdown, vestibular sensitivity of the juvenile
fish and of hatchlings from the eggs was tested in a rotating, striped drum. Sub-
sequently, additional vestibular orientation tests during parabolic-trajectory flight,
light orientation tests, and geotaxis tests were performed. Samples of juveniles
CRiee University.
dWichita State University.
euniversity of Louisville.
fNRC-NASA Resident Research Associate•
#Principal Investigator.
and hatchlings/embryos were fixed for microscopic examination at splashdown and at
selected times thereafter. Sampling for microscopy and testing of vestibular func-
tion will be continued through maturity of the fish.
The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) killifish experiment was the second in
a series of experiments to evaluate the hazards inherent in the exposure of living
organisms to the space environment during eritical portions of the life cycle or for
extended periods. The points of primary emphasis were the function and develop-
ment of the vestibular system and calcium metabolism, particularly as it relates to
otolith development.
(21 parts per thousand dissolved solids) and 50 fertilized eggs (5 days past fertil-
ization) in a separate compartment with 50 milliliters of seawater. Initially, the
juveniles exhibited obvious disorientation reactions (swimming rapidly in loops
and circles), but over a period of several days in orbit, they gradually adapted to
the weightless environment and to dependenceon visual cues for orientation. In
this state of adaptation, the locker door surface to which the plastic aquarium was
attached served as "down." Adaptation was not complete, however, and occasional
disoriented swimming activity occurred. Nearly all the 50 eggs hatched in space,
and because of a delay in hatching of the flight fish, several returned alive to Earth.
However, a series of unfortunate events resulted in the death of these animals
shortly after return. The space-hatched Fundulus fry exhibited no observable
tendency toward disoriented swimming activity, and their apparent dependence on
visual orientation cues both onboard the Skylab spacecraft and on the recovery
ship suggested the possible absence of vestibular input. Preservation of the re-
turned hatchlings was insufficient to prevent deterioration and did not permit defi-
nite conclusions regarding the condition of the vestibular system. Typical otoliths,
however, were not visible in microscopic sections of the flight fish.
The ASTP killifish experiment was designed to confirm and extend the Skylab
3 observations of vestibular disturbance and embryonic development. Calcium loss
has been observed in humans after exposure in space, and otolith development is,
in fact, largely concerned with calcium metabolism. Therefore, observations of
otolith development are important not only because of the importance of the vestib-
ular system in balance but also because of the possible use of the otolith as a model
for space research on calcium metabolism in general.
Experimental Design
2. Laboratory air control (package C-II): Immediately after packing, the
fish and egg packages were placed in a 295-K (22° C) incubator under standard
atmospheric conditions until recovery. Subsequent handling was similar to that
for the flight treatment package.
4. Launch control: Smaller samples of eggs (10) and fish (2) were prepared
in parallel to the flight controls and the 48-hour lag controls and were transported
with these treatment packages. At lift-off, these samples were killed and fixed to
provide a record of developmental condition at lift-off.
Experiment Theory
Embryos of different ages (table 19-I) were obtained by stripping ova and
milt from adult Fundulus (ref. 19-4) and combining these to effect fertilization at
the given prelaunch times. Fertilized eggs were then incubated in plastic petri
dishes containing synthetic seawater (21 parts per thousand dissolved solids) at a
constant temperature of 295 K (22 ° C). Each petri dish contained a maximum of 50
eggs that were washed daily with filter-sterilized synthetic seawater to ensure re-
moval of metabolic products and contaminating micro-organisms. Between 30 and
26 hours before launch, all eggs were sorted, given a final wash, and sealed into
the compartments of the plastic flight package.
switch to dependence on the visual system for orientational cues. The entire proc-
ess is of more than passing interest because it parallels in many ways the patterns
reported for human adjustment to weightlessness, and findings regarding vestibular
adaptation in fish could usefully be applied to humans (ref. 19-5). Because of time
and space limitations, the experimental schemewas not intended to produce profound
conclusions; it was simply an attempt to refine previous measurements of rate of
adaptation and to define the nature of the visual stimulus (light direction or back-
ground surface) in the apparent habituation of fish to null-gravity conditions. Of
equal importance was the observation of readaptation of the partly space-adapted
fish to one-g conditions.
Data Collection
The data yield of the experiment consisted of visual observations from the
flight, motion picture recordings of the condition and activity of experimental ani-
mals during and after the flight, animals for microscopic examination that were
killed and fixed at recovery and at subsequent selected sampling times up to ma-
turity, and results of vestibular sensitivity tests taken at recovery and for an inde-
terminate time after recovery.
Postflight testing was performed on both fry and hatchlings from the flight
and control treatment packages with the objective of detecting and measuring dif-
ferences in orientation behavior attributable to null-gravity exposure during devel-
opment. The tests used were the rotating striped-drum test, the light orientation
test, the geotaxis test, and brief exposure to null-gravity conditions during
parabolic-trajectory flight. In each case, the response of the vestibular system
was measured.
The classical fish otolith tests (ref. 19-6) are based on measurements of the
fish longitudinal-axis tilt from the horizontal when the direction of water currents
or of illumination is varied. At the University of Mainz, an additional otolith test
that works especially well with very young and small fish has been developed. The
fish tank containing the unrestrained fish is placed inside first a vertical and later
a horizontal rotating striped drum. In the vertical drum, the fish visually lock with
the stripes and swim around inside the drum keeping pace with the moving stripe
(fig. 19-2 (a)). In the horizontal drum, the fish are prevented from looping solely
by action of the otolith system (fig. 19-2 (b)). However, if the fish face the stripes,
their bodies are tilted in the direction of stripe movement. The fish that are turned
90 ° away from the stripes roll to a measurable degree in the direction of the drum
rotation, but again are prevented from tilting further by the action of their otolith
system. Abnormal tilt indicates a lowered sensitivity of the otolith system. The
fish tested were inside a sealed tank, which was placed inside the drum for varying
times of at least 1 minute in both horizontal and vertical drum positions. Tilt angle
and movements were recorded by a motion picture camera for later single-frame
In addition to the rotating striped-drum test, a light orientation test was given
to the juvenile fish. The purpose of this test was to further evaluate the ability of
the juvenile fish to orient in the geogravitational environment after a 9-day exposure
to weightlessness. Although it is well known that fish maintain their relative verti-
cal orientation by integrating sensory information from the influences of both gravity
and light (ref. 19-6), it was not known whether the exposure only to light cues dur-
ing a 9-day period would affect this integration when the fish were reintroduced
into the normal one-g environment.
In this test, each juvenile fish was placed in a clear Plexiglas cylinder and
its dorsal fin orientation was measured after a 40-watt bulb was placed 14 centi-
meters to the right of the fish (90 ° relative to the vertical plane) for 30 minutes and
then to the left for the same period. One minute of dark adaptation was permitted
before each test interval, and right and left tests were randomized. Each fish was
given one trial (left and right orientations) in any given test day. All fish were test-
ed sequentially until four trials per fish were made over a period of several days.
A geotaxis test for small fish has been developed at JSC. In this test, a fish
is gently placed just below the meniscus of the synthetic seawater in a graduated
cylinder filled to the 500-milliliter mark. The amount of time spent in the upper
half of the cylinder is recorded over a 2-minute interval as a measure of the geo-
taxis response. This diving response is very strong in the majority of Fundulus
heteroclitus; therefore, the test was a measure of whether or not this innate vestib-
ular program was modified by an exposure to null-gravity conditions during
embryonic development.
Experiment Execution
Execution of the flight portion of the experiment was, relatively, the simplest
part. The prepared flight package was transported to the launch site in a T-38
aircraft between 26 and 23 hours before launch and placed in a storage locker of
the command module approximately 9 hours before launch. At approximately 30
hours after launch, the metal and glass cloth flight container was opened and the
experimental packages were mounted on the docking module wall for the duration
of the mission. Motion pictures were taken of the fish package at this time. No
photography or observations were scheduled during the joint phase of the mission
because of the heavy demands placed on the crew during that time. Daily observa-
tions were recorded in the flight notes, and motion pictures were made on mission
day 6 and all subsequent days of the mission. Following photography on mission
day 9, the packages were returned to the flight container and stored for reentry.
Eight hours after recovery, the flight package was removed from the com-
mand module and photographed to record initial swimming activity. Hatching was
induced by agitation on a rotary shaker, and samples of eggs, hatchlings, and
juvenile fish were killed and fixed for microscopic examination. Additional samples
were fixed at selected intervals after recovery. Upon return of experimental ma-
terials to the laboratory 2 days after recovery, selected specimens were injected
with tritiated thymidine and killed after a 1-hour exposure.
Testing for vestibular sensitivity by the rotating drum method was begun as
soon as the fish and hatchlings were removed from the flight packages and was con-
tinued for several days after splashdown. Following return to the laboratory, test-
ing of light orientation response was initiated and continued for several weeks.
The first test of orientation in parabolic-trajectory flight was completed 5 days after
The experiment was accomplished as scheduled. The only major loss of data
was the initial photography, apparently because of an improperly seated camera
magazine. Looping swimming activity similar to that on the Skylab 3 mission was
observed in juveniles and in hatehlings from the 336-hour egg group. Some adapta-
tion to null-gravity conditions apparently occurred during the 9-day mission, but
when the flight package was opened 8 hours after splashdown, all juveniles and
hatchlings initially exhibited a typical diving response suggesting that vestibular
systems were in relatively good working order. After recovery from their initial
fright, most fish swam in a manner that indicated low buoyancy, probably as a re-
sult of deflated swim bladders. No radical alterations in orientation behavior or
vestibular function were observed. Any alterations were relatively subtle and will
be apparent only from careful statistical treatment of the data.
Films from the flight, from postflight testing in the rotating drum, and from
tests in parabolic-trajectory flight are currently undergoing single-frame analysis.
Results from these tests will be reported when the analyses are complete.
The results of light orientation tests on the juvenile fish are presented in
table 19-II as the group means of the roll angles for the light orientations. The C-I
group was omitted because only four juveniles survived and two died midway
through the test period. The roll angles were highly variable for all groups, and
the mean values for each group for four trials were similar. There were no signifi-
cant differences. The ASTP flight juveniles were slightly more variable, particu-
larly for 90 ° light orientations on the right side of the fish, but this deviation is
mentioned only for the sake of data completeness.
The geotaxis tests on the hatchlings are in progress.
Exposure of the eggs to agitation during the recovery procedures, which in-
volved routine shaking on a rotary shaker for 20 minutes each day, resulted in ex-
tensive hatching in all treatment groups. The eumulative hatching curve in figure
19-3 is typical of the results obtained. If hatching rate and ultimate hatch can be
considered an index of health and development rate, it is safe to conclude that the
flight animals did not suffer in any case. Temperature and atmosphere profiles of
the flight environment were duplicated relatively closely in the ground controls,
and baseline experiments indicate that relatively large deviations would be required
to produce the observed results. Photographs of the egg packages in flight show a
remarkably even distribution of eggs throughout the packages. It is known that
crowding of eggs results in slowed development, and it seems likely that the even
distribution resulted in improved dissipation of toxic metabolites and thus in in-
creased development rate. No significance is attached to this result other than as
an indieation that poor health is not a causal agent in any possible morphological
anomalies uncovered by the histological studies in progress.
19-1. Armstrong, Philip B. ; and Child, Julia Swope: Stages in the Normal
Development of Fundulus heteroclitus. Biol. Bull., vol. 128, no. 2, Apr.
1965, pp. 143-168.
19-4. Boyd, John F.; and Simmonds, Richard C.: Continuous Laboratory Produc-
tion of Fertile Fundulus heteroclitus (Walbaum) Eggs Lacking Chorionic
Fibrils. J. Fish. Biol., vol. 6, no. 4, 1974, pp. 389-394.
19-5. Von Baumgarten, R. J.; Simmonds, R. C.; Boyd, J. F.; and Garriott, O. K.:
Effects of Prolonged Weightlessness on the Swimming Pattern of Fish Aboard
Skylab 3. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 46, no. 7,
July 1975, pp. 902-906.
19-6. Von Holst, E.: Uber den Lichtrackenreflex bei fischen. Publ. Staz. Zool.
Napoli., vol. 15, 1935, pp. 143-158.
19-7. Pfeiffer, Wolfgang: Equilibrium Orientation in Fish. Int. Rev. Gen. Exp.
Zool., vol. 1, 1964, pp. 77-111.
Launch Return
6 6 Blinded White
aNumber of samples.
Figure 19-1 .- Experiment package consisting of fish packet and egg packet.
_I -
< _ _
o Tr_t<0_tr0,
A Laboratory air control
_ / . _ 0 48-hour lag control
E40/; / _ in ASTP-simulated air
20- _ i I I I I
0 lO 20 30 40 50 60 70
Days after fertilization
The separation of human kidney cells produced the most exciting data. Anal-
ysis shows electrophoretic separation throughout the entire column with at least
four bands of viable cells. The isotaehophoresis experiment definitely demonstrated
the isotachophoretic separation of biological cells in a near-zero-g environment•
The following biological materials were contained in the sample slides for the
eight experiment stages.
1. Columns 1 and 5, three species of fixed red blood cells: rabbit, human,
and horse
and placed the column in the CF for return to Earth. The isotachophoresis columns
were neither frozen nor returned but only photographed in orbit during their
provide more reliable release of the samples in the columns. Although each sample
was inserted correctly, the insertion mechanism allowed buffer to leak out of the
columns before the eleetrophoresis began, and a bubble formed in each column.
The sample bands were severely distorted by electro-osmosis, which caused buffer
flow along the walls of the columns counter to the direction of electrophoretic migra-
tion of the latex particles. Although the parabolic bands observed in space were
explained by subsequent analysis, a clear separation of the two sizes of polystyrene
latex particles was not obtained because of the electro-osmosis. Electrophoresis
according to size did occur in the columns containing single species of the latex,
and the photographs clearly show distinct boundaries and sharply defined fronts.
The deleterious effects of gravity-induced sedimentation and thermal convection on
particle electrophoresis can be seen by comparing the results of the Apollo 16 elec-
trophoresis demonstration with those of ground experiments.
For the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), experiment plans included reuse
of the parts of the Apollo 14 and Apollo 16 systems that operated correctly, improve-
ment of the techniques used to accomplish sample insertion, elimination of the
charge condition along the column walls, and avoidance of bacterial degradation by
using proven sterile techniques. A sample insertion technique was devised to en-
sure precise injection of the sample into the electrophoresis column without affect-
ing the properties of the sample or disturbing the fluid column. The Apollo 14
method of inserting a thin rectangular vane containing cylindrical sample disks into
the column was slightly modified and used. Buffer leakage and bubble formation
were avoided by specific design techniques. Each sample disk was kept frozen,
and the entire insertion slide was stored in a CF that was kept at liquid-nitrogen
(77 K (-196° C)) temperatures.
The advantages of a separate insertion vane containing frozen samples are
as follows.
1. The frozen disks can be inserted into the column and allowed to thaw in
contact with the buffer while any fluid disturbances induced by the sample inser-
tion are damped.
Kidney Cells
The isolation and production of the enzyme urokinase (UK) has interested
biomedical laboratories for more than 20years (ref. 20-7). This enzyme is capable
of effecting the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. This conversion is necessary
to accomplish blood clot lysis. Originally, UK was extracted from urine; however,
at least 1500liters of urine were required to produce a single UK unit dose consist-
ing of 4 million CTA (Committee on Thrombolytic Agents) units. The production
cost was $1200/CTA unit dose. Another source was subsequently discovered; UK
has been isolated from cultures of cells located in the cortex of the kidney as follows.
Human fetal kidneys are trypsinized to disperse the cells and then tested for viability.
The cells are grown out in cultures on mass tissue propagators from which the UK
is harvested. Currently, the demand for UK greatly exceeds the capability to pro-
duce it. Bernik and Kwaan (ref. 20-8) in 1969observed that only approximately
5 percent of the cells in the cortex of the kidney produce UK. Obviously, if these
"producing cells" could be isolated and subjected to subculturing techniques, a
twentyfold increase in the yield and a corresponding reduction in the cost of
this lifesaving drug might result. Electrophoresis has been used to try to iso-
late these "producing cells." The disadvantages of separation on Earth are the
loss of resolving power due to sedimentation of the cells and convective mixing
due to the heating effects of electrophoresis. Under zero-g conditions, these
disadvantages should be eliminated or minimized.
separations (runs 4 and 8) were performed using rabbit and human red blood cells.
Run number 4 contained formalin-fixed red blood cells and run number 8, fresh red
blood cells.
Eleetrophoresis Unit
The EU (fig. 20-1) was the apparatus in which the experiment was performed.
External envelope dimensions of the unit (cover closed), excluding mounting lugs
and fasteners, were 20.32 by 20.32 by 40.64 centimeters (8 by 8 by 16 inches).
Launch weight was 13.61 kilograms (30 pounds). The EU was designed to be
mounted to the Eleetrophoresis Experiment (MA-014) adapter rack near command
module locker A-6 with four thermally stable fasteners. Subassemblies provided
by the EU were as follows.
9. Cover with one knurled screw fastener latch to protect the EU when not
in use
10. Camera attachment assembly for mounting the camera to the EU cover
The EU control and display panel (fig. 20-2) is described as follows. In the
ON position, the POWERswitch energizes the fluorescent light assembly and the EU
digital displays and also activates the TE module cooling blower.
The TEMP SELECT switch has positions FREEZE, COOL, and OFF. The
FREEZEposition is selected to freeze the electrophoresis eolumn after each elec-
trophoresis separation has been accomplished. A thermoelectric temperature con-
troller allows a minimum temperature of approximately 233K (-40° C). When the
COOLposition of the switch is selected, the temperature controller will control the
TE units to temperatures as high as 278K (5° C). The switch is placed in this po-
sition at the beginning of viable cell eleetrophoresis separations and remains in
COOLuntil the separation is aeeomplished. Because performance of the isotacho-
phoresis portion of the experiment required neither cooling nor freezing of the
column, the OFF position was used for isotachophoresis.
The MODESELECT switch has positions ELECTRO, OFF, and ISOTACH. The
ELECTROposition is selected to perform the electrophoresis. When the ISOTACH
position of the switch is used to perform the isotachophoresis, the buffer pump,
which is not needed for this part of the experiment, does not operate.
The TIME SELECT (MIN) switch is used to select a time period of 45, 60, or
75 minutes for experiment operation.
The CURRENTSELECTswitch is used to select the level of current flow
through the experiment column to either 4.00 milliamperes (HI) or 1.31 milliam-
peres (LO). The electrophoresis samples were processed with the switch in the
HI position, while the LO position was used for isotachophoresis.
The COLUMNVOLT (DC) digitally displays the voltage sensed across the
experiment column electrodes. The range of the display is from 0 to 99 volts in
increments of 1 volt, with an accuracy of +2 percent.
The COLUMN TEMP (°C) displays the buffer solution temperature in the
electrophoresis column. The range of the display is from -99 ° to 99 ° C in incre-
ments of 1 ° C, with an accuracy of +2 percent.
free air by a 208-volt ac, three-phase blower. The cradle holding the electropho-
resis columns during the experiment is attached to the TE assembly cold plate.
The cold plate contains a thermistor device to sense the cold plate temperature. A
thermal cover joins the column cradle to provide thermal continuity around the pe-
riphery of the column. The thermal cover is designed to remain in place for all
freezing operations and during eleetrophoresis of lymphocytes and human kidney
cells. The column assemblies can be isolated from the TE cradle by using special
thermal spacers or slide devices.
A double peristaltic pump, mounted on one side of the EU removable tray as-
sembly next to the buffer solution reservoir, circulates the buffer solution through
the fluid system to allow removal by the phase separators of gas bubbles generated
at the electrophoresis column electrodes. The pump receives buffer solution from
one side of the fluid system (e.g., the column anode side) and circulates it to the
other end of the column (fig. 20-3). The capacity of the pump is 35 ml/min.
Two phase separator assemblies were located on the EU removable tray assem-
bly. The phase separators are identical and consist of two cylindrical membranes.
One membrane is hydrophilie (porous polyethylene) and the other is hydrophobic
(porous polytetrafluoroethylene). The buffer and gas mixture enters between the
membranes. The hydrophobic membrane allows passage of gas to either the cabin
atmosphere or the hydrogen adsorber, and the hydrophilic membrane allows pas-
sage of liquid to the storage reservoir. One separator is connected to the column
anode side of the fluid system and removes the oxygen gas liberated in the buffer
solution at the anode. The oxygen is vented to cabin air. The other separator is
connected to the cathode side of the fluid system and removes hydrogen gas liberated
at the cathode. The hydrogen is then routed to the hydrogen adsorber assembly.
The separator assemblies return the liquid buffer solution to the reservoir.
Cryogenic Freezer
The CF (fig. 20-4) was used to freeze the experiment samples before inser-
tion into the experiment columns for processing and to maintain the frozen elec-
trophoresis columns after the separations had been accomplished. The sample
slides were launched in the CF, and the frozen electrophoresis columns were re-
turned to Earth in the CF.
The CF consists of two flasks (one contained within the other). The space
between the flasks is evacuated for thermal insulation. The inner flask has an out-
side diameter of 31.12 centimeters (12.25 inches) and has a cavity to accommodate
a cylindrical sample storage canister with dimensions of 4.98 centimeters (1.96
inches) diameter and 48.26 centimeters (19 inches) length. The maximum launch
weight of the CF, when charged with liquid nitrogen, is 10.4 kilograms (22.9
The cooling medium used in the CF was liquid nitrogen, which was contained
in the inner flask and surrounded the sample canister cavity. The CF maintained
the samples at a temperature no higher than 188K (-85° C) for 20 days. The sam-
ple canister had space for eight experiment sample slides with samples, one experi-
ment sample column for the German Electrophoresis Experiment (MA-014), and three
cylindrical cavities for return of the electrophoresis columns (two columns per
Electrophoresis Columns
A drawing of the electrophoresis column assembly is provided in figure 20-5.
The assembly electrical schematic is shown in figure 20-6.
Isotachophoresis Columns
The assembly containing the palladium cathode had a cavity into which the
sample slide was inserted for experiment operation, A blank slide was contained in
the cavity before processing the column. The blank slide had two 0.13-centimeter
(0.05 inch) inside-diameter threaded holes used to fill the column with buffer solu-
tion before flight.
Sample Slides
the removal tab and pulling the slide out of the canister. Every two slides removed
from the canister exposed a return storage space in the canister for two electro-
phoresis columns. In addition to the slides to be processed, four "control" slides
with sample material were stowed in spaces on the circumference of the sample
canister. Two control slides contained lymphocytes and two contained kidney cells.
These "control" slides were designed to assess the effects of the flight environment
on the viable sample materials; they were returned to Earth without processing.
The EU, the CF, and the data collection assembly met the required objectives
with satisfactory experimental results. The fluid connect lines (located in the elec-
trode housings) of some of the columns were clogged during assembly. Without a
fluid washout of the electrode housing, chemical and gas products of electrolysis
accumulated in the electrode region. This accumulation triggered changes in the
buffer which were manifested as column voltage fluctuations and pH changes in the
column fluid. These anomalies were seen in columns 2, 5, and 6. Operation of the
remaining columns appeared normal.
In the laboratory, the frozen buffer containing the processed samples was
separated from the glass electrophoresis columns. These frozen ice columns were
sliced into sections (5 millimeters in width) for processing by each Co-Investigator.
The results of the analyses available to date are presented in the following sections.
The fixed red blood cells were selected as a standard, or control. The pho-
tographic record clearly demonstrates separation of the sharp bands of cells in col-
umn 1. The volume of cells loaded in the sample slide was 5.22 × 106 rabbit cells/
0.06 ml, 3.44 × 106human cells/0.06 ml, and 7.26 × 106horse cells/0.06 ml. The
volume of the sample slide was 0.06 milliliter for an electrophoresis slide. The
bands appeared to spread during separation. Histograms have been completed
showing less than 43-percent recovery of cells in column 1 and a 54-percent re-
covery of cells in column 5 with a 60-minute operation time. To identify specific
eeUs, mobility data for column 1 (fig. 20-7) were collected using microelectropho-
resis techniques. The highest mobility was shown by horse cells, the next highest
by human cells, and the lowest by rabbit cells.
The pH of column 1 was 7.2; however, column 5 had a pH range of 6.0 to
9.2. This condition, together with an unexplained dispersion of the bands, was
responsible for the lack of distinct bands in column 5. Mobility data for column 5
(fig. 20-8) indicate the occurrence of cellular separation, but not to the concentra-
tion necessary to show distinct bands in the photographs. The pH problems were
induced by the fluid line blockage already discussed.
Human Lymphocytes
Approximately 1.5 X 107human lymphocyte cells were loaded into the 0.06-
milliliter volume of the sample slide. Migration of the cells was not detected in either
column. In column 2, current was established for less than 3 minutes because of
fluid line blockage, which resulted in the formation of gaseous products around the
electrodes. These gas bubbles blocked current and prevented operation of the ex-
periment. In addition, the cell viability was only 6 percent. No explanation can be
found for this observation, as the pH of the column fluid varied from 6.69 to 6.85.
In the human kidney cell experiments, approximately 2.0 × 106 cells were
loaded into the sample slide. Only column 3 was electrophoresed in orbit. Analysis
showed that the electrophoretic separation proceeded throughout the entire column
(fig. 20-13). The experiment was active for approximately 75 minutes. All the
cells returned were viable. The pH was 7.45 _+0.40. All returned samples were
planted on culture media on August 28, 1975, and showed attachment characteristic
of growing cell cultures. Controls were planted 1 day later. However, after ap-
proximately 1 month, only sample slices 11, 13, 15, and 17 were capable of produc-
ing an assayable product. The lack of assayable byproducts from the other slices
• has not been explained. The only product assayed to date has been UK. Because
the number of cells differs for each sample, an assay was performed on September
26, 1975, to determine the number of CTA units and the number of UK units per
100 cells being produced (table 20-I). These data show that the amount of UK pro-
duced per 100 cells is higher than the amount seen in the mixed culture controls.
Assays for other products of interest from these same cells are in progress.
The predicted overall migration rate was 1 ram/rain for both samples. The
last four frames of the fixed cells have confirmed this migration rate, but the over-
all migration rate appears to be substantially lower than expected (0.68 ram/rain).
With the fresh cells, the migration rate was still lower, ranging from 0.55 to 0.64
ram/rain depending on mode of calculation. Interpretation of these mobility differ-
ences is made difficult by several possible contributing factors such as possible
variation in time, power, and starting position.
With the successful separation of the standard particles (fixed red blood
cells) and the human kidney cells, it has been shown that electrophoresis can be
performed under zero-g conditions. The absence of significant electro-osmosis,
the loading and returning of a sterile system, the capture of the resulting separa-
tion, and the preservation of the viable cells in orbit and during the subsequent
return represents many "firsts" for space electrophoresis. In addition, the newer
methods of separation represented by the isotachophoresis runs proved the feasi-
bility of conducting large-particle processing by this method. The red blood cells
in both columns demonstrated sharp front boundaries indicative of successful iso-
tachophoresis. However, the experiment was not totally successful because the
fluid lines in someof the columns were blocked. Although each column was thor-
oughly tested before even being considered for flight, the fluid lines could not be
checked without contaminating the encased sterile buffer.
Significant steps have been made toward future plans for providing a separa-
tion facility in orbit for space-processing experiments. Important areas necessary
for future operations were considered in the Electrophoresis Technology Experiment.
In both zonal electrophoresis columns (1 and 5), sharpness of boundaries
deteriorated with time, as evident from the photographic record. In column 5, two
specific instances of sudden disruption of boundaries can be pinpointed.
20-3. Wiersema, P. H.; Loeb, A. L.; and Overbeek, J. Th. G.: Calculation
of the Electrophoretic Mobility of a Spherical Colloid Particle. J. Colloid
& Interface Sci., vol. 22, no. 1, July 1966, pp. 78-99.
20-4. Seaman, G. V. F.: Electrokinetic Behavior of Red Cells. Red Blood Cell,
Vol. 2, Douglas N. Surgenor, ed., Academic Press (New York), 1975.
20-5. Bier, M.; Hinckley, J. O. N.; and Smolka, A. J. K.: Potential Use of
Isotachophoresis in Space. Protides of the Biological Fluids: 22nd
Colloquium, H. Peeters, ed., Pergamon Press (New York), 1975,
pp. 673-678.
20-6. Donald, D.; Hutchinson, F.; Macleod, T. M.; and Raffle, E. J.: Electro-
phoretic Mobility of Human Lymphocytes --An Investigation of the Tech-
nique of Cytopherometry. J. Immunological Methods, vol. 6, nos. 1
and 2, 1974, pp. 151-156.
20-7. White, Wilfrid F. ; Barlow, Grant H. ; and Mozen, Milton M.: The Isolation
and Characterization of Plasminogen Activators (Urokinase) From Human
Urine. Biochemistry, vol. 5, no. 7, July 1966, pp. 2160-2169.
Flight b
11 28 000 90 0.32
17 74 000 225 • 30
Control c
B 61 0.28
D 81 .40
Electric camera
Camera mount
Electrophoresis unit
.rrrr_ ®
Figure 20-2.- Eleetrophoresis unit
_==,SOT^C,_CLOC_ control and display panel.
peristaltic pump
! reservoir
Sample slide
Electrophoresis column
.--Absorbent material
t_ Control(4) slide
Vacuum chamber
Cathode Anode r j
Thermistor I
r I
Mobility, percent
11 23 42 35
MorDholoqV Der 100 cells
a 17 41 41
9 12 27
Sample slice 10 11 23 66
11 10 34 56
Cell type
Slice Rabbit Human Horse Figure 20-8. - Mobility and morpho-
logical data from column 5.
Mobility, percent
1 19 22 59
3 11 17 72
4 12 38 50
Morphology per 100 cells
1 17 26 57
3 19 48 33
4 15 31 54
Figure 20-10 Flight photograph of Figure 20-12. - Flight photograph of
electrophoresis column 5 showing electrophoresis column 5 showing
disruption of boundaries seen in disruption of boundaries seen in
figure 20-9 (AST-26-2183). figure 20-11 (AST-26-2187).
lOOxlO 3
Z/l/ ////
//// iiii
"_ 1/11 ////
//// ////
_50 - ,/H //// IIII III IIII
IIII r/h
ll/J ////
• -- NH rlz, iii I//Z
/i/# //// III IIII
I/I/ rz/J
///J //// /// ////
l/I/ N/J
NH ///I //// 171 IIII
//II i/ii ////
I//I rllJ
#/I/ i/]1 //// ///
/// Y/X
/11t ill# ////
1/11 IIII NIl
//// ///
NIl IIII iiii
//// //"/_ lib III
/// I_//I/_/ Nil
/11/ ill/ ////
//i/ IIII lib till ////
III/ ill/ ////
II// N// I///
_'1// //// ///
/11/ NIl
//// ///
/// _/// NH //// //// /// ////
//I/ fill
III/ //// III II// IIII ////
Illl //// III IIII
/111 t/i/ I111 ////
/Ill I/// IIII
/ill fill ////
llll III/ /// ////
rlz# I/// /11/ /Ill ////
IIit III/ ////
I/// tllJ iii/ NIl f/I/ ////
//11 t//j IIII III/ /111 ////
III/ ///
I/// I11t
illJ I//I
NIl 7//,
N/J z//J I///
7//, I/I/
III/ I/i/
/k// ,//,
Left 5 10 15 2O 25 Right
Fraction number
Figure 20-13.- Histogram of viable kidney cells for each sample slice in column 3.
K. Hannigat and H. Wirth a
The preliminary results indicate that all monitored systems operated cor-
rectly during the experiment. The optical system produced a light that was too
bright to discern true cell distributions, but data were received that show a dis-
tribution of separated cells.
The reason for using eleetrophoresis to investigate these problems concerns
the properties of the cell membrane surface, which is the site of many important
biological phenomena. Transformation and differentiation processes are often ac-
companied by changes of the cell surface charge density. Charge density, however,
determines the electrophoretie behavior; i.e., the electrophoretic mobility. There-
fore, electrophoresis is a highly efficient method of separating cells or other bio-
logical particles according to functional criteria. Furthermore, cell electrophoresis
is one of the few physicochemical processes that can be applied to living cells with-
out producing damageor loss of viability.
Because electrophoresis is established as one of the most effective separation
methods used in biological study, it is considered an essential tool for investigation
in space. The expectation was that the separation capability would be increased at
zero-g, resulting in new applications that depend on improved resolution.
The capability of quickly switching to the optimal experimental conditions
combined with a completely automatedoperation makes this electrophoretic principle
applicable to routine analytical separation problems. Thus, it would be possible to
separate as many as 100samples/hr to obtain analytical data concerning the compo-
sition of the samples to be examined.
The extent of the previously mentioned effects on the resulting band broaden-
ing has been theoretically and experimentally examined. The results are reported
in reference 21-1, from which the following remarks were taken.
Many proposals also merit further irr_'estigation. These propo_. _ls concern
the effect of gravity on cell functions arid the ability of cells or whole organisms
to adapt to changes in gravity. One example is the cu, ltivation of cel'ls, the inves-
tigation of their synthesis efficiency, arid their contact inhibition without gravity.
Assuming that it is p_ssible to isolate highly pu'rified cell pop_lations grDwn under
zero-g conditions, the state of weightlessness will offer an excellent opportunity
to examine the pherromena of cell differentiation arid the exchange of information
between diffe_gnt cells.
Some of the r_e_-,essary ol_mr_ation_l eo_ditioms can be tesled only with complete
absence of s edinten_ation. The clarification of these phenomena is not or_fy of great
seientifie intel, est but also of practical significance for the regulation of detailed
biological processes.
The import_mee of new findings of th_s kind for medicine can be anticipated.
Thege irrvestigafior_s require _ s'epa'ration method tha4 aIlows s'epmmtion of the car-
riers of specific syntheses or of the s,._nthesis p-r,0ducts thern_eI_zes. This p_rpese
may be fulfilled in _pseelab by using eIeetrophoretic separation methods. However,
the applieability of space eleetrophore_is for the Froduction of biological material
for commercial purposes eannot yet be predicted. At this point, researchers are
just learning how electrophoresis in space is to be used. The EPEcan therefore be
essentially regarded as a pilot experiment.
Equipment Design
The design goal for the EPEapparatus (fig. 21-3) was to develop experimental
equipment meeting the ASTP spacecraft requirements. The apparatus functions
automatically, requiring minimal crew intervention. Known biological samples were
used and it was not necessary to collect the separated biomaterial fractions. An
optoeleetronic analysis of the separation was performed. A preparative separation
was not used. A quantitative evaluation (by use of an optical system) is sufficient
to determine the applicability of the method and to study the sharpness of separation.
The separation chamber is the main part of the apparatus. It consists of two
cooling plates that are adjusted to be exactly parallel to supply laminar flow and
form a gap of approximately a 28- by 3.8-millimeter cross section. Along the sides,
electrodes (180 millimeters long) provide the electric field perpendicular to the cell
buffer flow. The electrodes are separated from the cell buffer by ion-exchange
membranes. The electrodes are located in channels purged by the electrode buffer
to remove the hydrogen and oxygen (H 2 and O 2) gases generated by the electrolytic
processes. The gases are separated from the fluid and absorbed by means of catal-
ysis. The fluid flow is kept constant by controlled pumping at a rate sufficient to
transport the total volume of gas generated. The electrode buffer is separated from
the eell buffer, which has a lower concentration, by the two ion-exchange diaphragms.
The separation buffer flow was achieved by means of a peristaltic pump. Be-
fore starting the experiment, the buffer was pumped through the heat exchanger,
which is in eontact with a eold plate of the spacecraft, and cooled to the appropriate
operation temperature of 278 _+3 K (5° + 3° C). The buffer leaves the storage con-
tainer and enters the cell somewhat upstream of the sample inlet to achieve a con-
stant laminar flow in the cell parallel to the electrodes. After having passed the
separation chamber, the mixture of sample and cell buffer entered the waste con-
tainer, which is combined with the storage container but separated by a membrane.
The angle of deflection for a particular particle was determined by the separation
buffer flow rate and the field gradient. The program included two flow rates for
each sample so that the influence of buffer velocity could be studied.
The sample containers were designed so that no air entered the circuit and
none of the samples were split when the containers were inserted into the equip-
ment. The containers have a volume of 2 milliliters, consist of a metal tube with
handling knob, and are totally gold plated. On the upper end, they are closed by
a pressure exchange membrane and sealing. The lower end has a bore connected
to a needle with a valve that is opened by inserting the container into the sample
inlet closed by a rubber sealing.
The sample containers were stored in a freezer at 273 to 278 K (0° to +5° C).
For experimental operation, they were removed from the freezer and inserted into
the equipment so that the sample flow entered the buffer flow. This flow was di-
rected by a peristaltic pump similar to that of the buffer flow circuit.
Experiment Sequencing
2. Power supply
7. Data recording
8. Switching and displaying of experiment operations and experiment states
The main purpose of the program sequencer was to operate the experiment
automatically as much as possible, thereby reducing erewmember participation.
The program sequencer was designed to perform the following functions (fig. 21-4).
2. Generating nominal values for voltage and flow rates according to the
sequence step
All experimental data were recorded in digital form by two tape recorders that were
integrated into the experiment. Both recorded digital data at a bit rate of 2.5
4. Rat lymph node cells with the addition of human erythrocytes as markers
(Sample 4 was the only frozen sample.)
With the exception of sample 2 (erythrocytes), all samples were freshly prepared
on July 14, 1975, 15 to 20 hours before lift-off. They were stored at 277 K (4 ° C)
for approximately 45 hours before the start of the experiment. Sample 2 (erythro-
cytes) had been prepared 2 weeks in advanee at the Max Planck Institut ffir
Biochemie in Munich, and the cells were preserved by fixation in 2 percent
glutaraldehyde. The preparation of cells from different lymphatic organs was accom-
plished under sterile conditions (autoclaved material, clean bench) at 277 K (4 ° C)
in the NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) laboratory.
Bone marrow cells of rats (Wistar) were prepared, and cells were flushed
out of the bones with Puck TC solution combined with 2.5 percent bovine serum
albumin (33 percent) by using a syringe. A single-cell suspension was prepared
by passing the cells several times through a plastic syringe without a needle. The
cells were then washed twice (150 grams, i0 minutes) with the same buffer and
finally resuspended in ampholine buffer.
Cells from spleen and lymph nodes of the rats were prepared by teasing the
organs in Puck TC solution at 277 K (4° C) with injection needles. Cells were
washed twice with the same solution (150 grams, 10 minutes), filtered through
cotton wool, and resuspended in ampholine buffer.
For sterile tests, cell suspensions and buffer solution were spread on blood-
agar dishes and incubated for 5 hours at 301 K (28 ° C). This test, as well as light
microscopical control, showed no bacterial contamination of cell suspensions and
buffer solutions. The viability of the prepared cells (tested with trypan-blue
exclusion test) was more than 90 percent in each sample.
All containers of the flight unit were sterilized with formaldehyde (2.5 per-
cent) and washed five times with 20 milliliters of sterile ampholine buffer. A
special apparatus for filling the sample containers was sterilized in the same way.
At 4 days before Apollo lift-off, the special "deep freezing container" was filled
with a 0.8-milliliter mixture of rat lymph node cells (25 X 106 cells/ml) and human
erythrocytes (30 X 106 cells/ml) and kept in liquid nitrogen. At 14 hours before
Apollo lift-off, the other three sample containers were filled with 1.4 milliliters of
the following preparations.
The exact composition of all buffer systems used for cell preparation and for electro-
phoretie separation is shown in table 21-I.
The experiment began on schedule on July 16, 1975, at 32:40 ground elapsed
time (GET) and lasted for one complete Earth orbit until 34:25 GET. Radio commu,
nication from the Apollo spacecraft confirmed that, according to the signal lamps,
all functions were operating properly.
The first playback took place at the Max Planck Institut with the aid of a so-
called "unit tester." All housekeeping data carrespond to the expected course
except fc_r the chamber temperalure, which for unknown reasons was indicated as
being too high. Nevertheless, the measurements were within the tolerable range
far biological material.
The scientific data re,vealed that the light for Uae optical deteation of the sep-
aration must have been too bright. The lamp cheek sh_we.d excessive lighting
resulting in a saturation of the pho.todiades in the op.tieal detection system. The
quantitative estimate of error revealed that the light must have been 42 percent too
bright, although the lamp cheek indicated normal functioning during the preinstal-
lation cheek. For this reason, only abs,orp.tians above 30 percent were registered.
This amount corresponds to the maximum expected absorption of a separated
fraation zone.
In the entire separation process, no "true" cell distribution curve was ob-
tained. The baseline of registration in all cases was above the maximum absorp-
tion obtained in the peaks. Because of this finding, an analysis of the experiment
seemed at first to be impossible. Howcav, er, during the stati_1_ary phase of the
separation (after adjustment to constant exlaerimental conditions), i .e., du_ng
90-second separation time, irregularly occurring pulses (called "events") were
recorded. This patter_a refl_cte.d the expected .course _f t_e separation eurv, es
(fig. 21-5). These pul&es seemed ,to be caused by cell aggregatian in the region
of the sep_rate_d bands. This assumption was confirmed in the fallowing tw, o ways.
1. An aliquot of the sample used in the ASTP flight was separated under the
same comdiNons on mission day at KSC in an i_lentieal aplaaratns under one-g con-
ditians (eleata-ophoresis engineering model (EM) with a 0.7-millimeter buffer film
thickness). In addition to the expected eell distribution curves (fig. 21-5), anal-
ysis of this undisturbed tape showed stray pulses caused by cell aggregation that
had a greater absorption. The accumulation at the same location (frequ_ency distri-
bution of the events) during a separation time of approximately 2 minutes yielded
distribution curves similar to normal separation curves (fig. 21-5).
1. Bone marrow cells: Although only a few events (73) could be analyzed
because of the tendency of these cells to form no aggregations, the dis.tribution
curye is that of an excellent separation.
3. Spleen cells: The best result was ob.tained with this sample. The amount
of information (358 events) was sufficient to identify fine de.tails of the sep, ar,_.tion.
The separation in erythrocyte peak can sometimes be indicated in good separntions
under normal one-g conditions as well. This finding indicates an essentially g.o.od
separation sharpness under zero-g eondi.tions.
4. Lymph node cells with the addition of human erythroeytes (frozen
sample): A large number of events (549) were detected. A good separation effect,
similar to sample 3, was inferred here as well as under zero-g conditions.
Postflight Examination
Postflight examination of the flight unit, which took place in Munich, yielded
the following information.
1. All housekeeping data were within the tolerance range.
2. The buffer and sample amounts corresponded to the required specifica-
tion according to the volume measurements carried out.
In a separation chamber of large cross section, the temperature conditions
required for biological material could be fulfilled. The same applies for the cor-
rect laminar buffer flow.
The possibility of separating living cells under zero-g conditions was demon-
strated. The cell aggregations that formed in the cell suspensions need not corre-
spond to a decrease in cell viability.
21-1. Hannig, K.; Wirth, H. ; Neyer, B.; and Zeilter, K.: Theoretical and Experi-
mental Investigations of the Influence of Mechanical and Electrokinetic Vari-
ables on the Efficiency of the Method. Z. Physiol. Chem., vol. 356, Aug.
1975, pp. 1209-1223.
Substance, g/liter
Triethanolamine ......... 5.16 1.71
Potassium acetate ........ 0.90 0.30 0.61
Glucose ............. 0.90 14.61
Sucrose ............. 7.88
Calcium acetate ......... 0.033 0.05
Magnesium acetate ........ O. 46
Glycine ............. 21.55
Ampholine (pH 3.5 to 10) .... --w 20 000
1', I
L Buffer flow Electrophoreticmigration
Buffer curtain velocityprofile
I I -o
v (-)
Electro-osmotic velocity profile
nnmmnnnmtnr II
• _ Fractions
buffer 1
L Ill
..... D
}® M = membrane
','i'i'i" I
Figure 21-3.- Functional diagram of experimental setup. Buffer system: (1) cell,
(2) cell buffer, waste container, (3) pipe pump, motor, pipe. Sample system:
(4) sample container (exchangeable), (5) separation membrane, (6) pipe-pump,
motor. Electrode wash system: (7) electrode chamber, (8) electrode, (9) dia-
phragm (membrane), (i0) phase-separation O 2 + H 2 (catalytic burner), (11)
pump, motor, (12) electrode buffer container. Cell cooling system: (13) cell
cooling tank, (14) Peltier cooling tank, (15) pump, motor. Freezer system:
(16) samples container, (17) Peltier cooling unit, (18) heat radiation plate.
Buffer flow rate
•185 cm3/sec F
0 cm31secL
5 cm3/hr /
Sampleflow rate
1 cm3/hr I
0 cm31hr-
Electrical field
60 V/cmF
40 V/cm F
0 V/cm/
o iL I
Halogen lamp
o iL_l I
200 300 400 550 700
-, _ ,_,,_--_*_---__ .
Start Prerun Step ] Step 2 Step 3 Postrun Standby
Time, sec
Bone marrow
i i i i
Spleen rue
_-'_ population,
_[I] ........... J , , II_:_lllllllllli_;,
Lymph node - human erythrocytes
Lymph node - h
The n_tivating concept for the MA-010 experiment was that, at the present
stage of the space-processing progr_n, there are many useful preliminary space
experiments that can be performed simply by applying prescribed heating and cool-
ing programs ar_d/oT known temperature distributions to selected experimental sam-
ples of materials. For e_smple, the simple process of growing a Bridgman crystal
of a pure metal by directional solidification becomes an interesting new experiment
#Principal Investig-ator.
in space because convective heat and mass transport will be largely suppressed in
the melt. Many other similar examples exist.
The guiding design requirement for the multipurpose electric furnace system
was to produce an apparatus that provided the widest possible flexibility in apply-
ing predetermined temperature distributions and temperature/time sequences within
the constraints imposed by existing interfaces. Although the Skylab multipurpose
furnace met all expectations of performance and reliability, it was apparent that im-
provement in function could be obtained with some specific modifications for ASTP.
The system consisted of three essential parts: the furnace, a programmable elec-
tronic temperature controller that provided the desired temperatures, and a helium
rapid cooldown system (fig. 22-1).
The design of the ASTP multipurpose furnace was prompted by two major
considerations: the need for higher operating temperatures and the desire for re-
duced power requirements. The variety of materials experiments proposed for the
ASTP mission required temperatures in excess of the approximately 1273K (1000° C)
limit of the Skylab system. Furthermore, the reduced heat dissipation capability of
the ASTP vehicles dictated that these higher temperatures be obtained with no in-
crease in power requirements.
Experience with the Skylab furnace facility indicated that somewhat higher
temperature operation would be possible without any modification; however, the
power requirements would be excessive. Therefore, the initial effort of the rede-
sign was to reduce the intrinsic heat loss. The predicted performance of the rede-
signed system was sufficiently encouraging that even higher temperature operation
appeared feasible if it were compatible with the furnace materials, especially the
heating elements. Accordingly, the high-temperature components of the furnace
were carefully evaluated and, where necessary, materials were changed or assem-
bly techniques modified to provide reliable operation.
Analysis of the Skylab furnace indicated that one significant source of heat
loss was the "piping" of radiation between the heat shields. This loss could be re-
duced by providing a "mitered" closure of the radiation shields at both the cold and
hot ends of the furnace. This type of construction would, in essence, provide a
"nested can" shield configuration in which radiation leaks would occur only through
the necessary clearance gaps in the shields. The efficiency of the shield system
was also inereased by using two interstitial shields of 0.0127-millimeter (0.0005
inch) thick molybdenum foil between adjacent main shields.
Conductive heat loss through the heat leveler support tubes was also reduced.
In the Skylab system, the heat leveler assembly was mechanically supported by
three stainless steel (Type 310) gradient tubes that had outside diameters of 2. 223
centimeters (0. 875 inch) and walls that were 0.040 centimeter (0.016 inch) thick.
These tubes had a combined thermal conductance of approximately 0.15 W-cm/K,
which would result in a conductive loss of approximately 21 watts with a furnace
temperature of 1423 K (1150 ° C). In the modified furnace, the wall thickness of
the support tubes was cut to 0.020 centimeter (0.008 inch), which would reduce
the loss by half.
The design target maximum temperature of 1423 K (1150 ° C) for the heat
leveler necessitated a reexamination of the heater elements. The first character-
istic considered was the specific loading of the heater wires. This parameter con-
trols the temperature difference between the wire and the workpiece; e.g., the
graphite heat leveler. If the loading is too large, then the heater wire may be forced
to run too hot in order to transfer the requisite power to the work. Several varia-
tions of heater design, including single and multiple ribbon heaters, were investi-
gated. It was found, however, that the double, noninductive winding used for the
Skylab furnace was nearly optimum when the additional constraint of heater resist-
ance was imposed. The specific loading of approximately 1 W/era 2 would impose a
wire temperature only approximately 50 K (50 ° C) greater than the heat leveler
The next factor investigated was the suitability of Kanthal A-1 as heater
material. Although this material is suitable for use to 1598 K (1325 ° C) in air, it is
not recommended for use in vacuum at temperatures over 1273 K (1000 ° C). This
warning is based on the rapid evaporation of a component from the alloy and was
verified by tests performed on bare wires in ultrahigh vacuum. Sample filaments
burned out after 2 hours or less at a surface temperature of 1473 K (1200 ° C). The
heater winding, however, is not a bare wire operating in ultrahigh vacuum.
A second test was performed with a Kanthal A-1 heater wound on a salvaged
Skylab heater form. In this configuration, the wire is completely surrounded by
high-purity alumina. In the test facility, this heater form was filled with a graphite
block to simulate the heat leveler and heavily insulated with Fiberfrax to reduce
heat losses. After 144 hours of operation, the windings were still operating; how-
ever, the heater resistances had changed considerably. Examination of the disas-
sembled unit revealed that evaporation of a volatile component had occurred and the
wire was seriously degraded.
Coincident with the requirement for higher temperature operation of the mod-
ified furnace, it became necessary to evaluate the higher temperature suitability of
the structural materials used in the Skylab furnace design. It was immediately
obvious that the only portion of the design that might be doubtful was that part of
the structure in close thermal proximity to the heating element. Furthermore, it
was clear that the limiting condition was that of the combined effects of graphite,
alumina, and stainless steel as they exist at higher temperature in the multipurpose
furnace atmosphere and pressure environment. In the Skylab furnace design, these
materials are in direct physical contact.
Experience disclosed that the seals of the access ports for the Skylab multi-
purpose electric furnace were not suitable for repeated use because of the excessive
force required for removal. No seal leakage was ever detected. Because rotating
and reciprocating seals are used routinely in high-vacuum systems, it appeared
very likely that the problem with the Skylab furnace was not a fault of design prin-
ciple but was rather a fault of design detaildimensions. A new design was developed.
The Skylab furnace was evacuated by evacuating the chamber in which it was
situated. The ASTP furnace was evacuated through a pump line leading from the
furnace through the docking module wall to space. The furnace vacuum connection
was redesigned to allow for this change. The Skylab fitting was replaced by a
2.54-centimeter (1 inch) diameter elbow that terminated in a welded connection to
the docking module pump line.
Helium Package
The Skylab multipurpose furnace was evacuated during the entire time period
required for each experiment. The modified furnace, if evacuated, required as
much as 20 hours of passive cooling to reach the allowed touch temperature. For
the ASTP mission, eooldown periods of such duration would seriously limit the num-
ber of experiments that could be fitted into the permitted time frame. To minimize
this problem, a helium rapid cooldown system was developed. With this system, the
time required for cooldown was reduced to as little as 3 hours.
Rapid cooling may be provided through selective control of the heat loss of
the furnace. For minimum thermal transfer, the heat shields require a high-vacuum
environment, but the thermal transfer will be greatly increased if the vacuum envi-
ronment is replaced by helium. Fortunately, only a very small amount of helium is
required for this purpose; approximately 1.01 kN/m 2 (0.01 atmosphere) approaches
the maximum effectiveness. For the multipurpose furnace, the volume required to
produce 1004.13 kN/m 2 (9.91 atmospheres) is approximately 0.16 cubic centimeter
When eooldown is completed and the allowed touch temperature has been
reached, the experiment cycle is completed. Before the furnace is opened, it should
be pressurized to the same value as the docking module. This is accomplished with
the helium package by momentarily opening valves A and C simultaneously and thus
allowing the docking module atmosphere to flow into the furnace until the pressure
is equilibrated.
Control Package
The control package for the multipurpose electric furnace system (fig. 22-3)
was modified to meet a new set of requirements for the ASTP mission. These modi-
fications included several changes of the system operating functions; mechanical
modifications were also made to meet new interface requirements. A listing of these
modifications and a brief description of each is presented in the following paragraphs.
In addition to these items, a number of minor electronic component changes were
made to provide additional safety margins in circuitry operation.
The operation of the ASTP control package is very similar to the operation of
the Skylab control package described previously.
o 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Z z Z z z z
C'_ O0 cO O0 O0 cO O0
0 _.0 c_ ¢r_ _'_ 0"_ ¢r_ cO
E_ Q; Q;
Q; | I I I I I I
Figure 22-1. - Multipurpose electric furnace system.
[m’q] I
Helium dosage cavity
28 V I
0 " Breaker
I I regulator
Regulated voltages
Shutdown signals
Control thermocouple1
elector Heater
l:[ switch
Output ]
Soak period
1 1
Indication function I circuit
Controlled J'_ selection
Soak period I
- _
§ _
o E _ Shutdown I
E_ -_-
R. E. Reed a
estimated. If there were convective stirring effects due to the surface tension varia-
tions caused by the Au additions, then these effects could also be found by the auto-
radiographic technique used for the diffusion analysis. The role of the two ampoules
will be examined in evaluating the extent of these stirring effects.
The dimensions of the actual specimen are shown in figure 23-2. The total
specimen length was approximately 3 centimeters, and the diameter was approxi-
mately 1 centimeter. The 3-millimeter-thick Pb-0.05 at. %Au alloy disk was
cold-pressure welded to the pure Pb. It should be noted that the total diffusion
distance available was approximately 3 centimeters.
The ampoule used for the specimens described in this report is illustrated in
figure 23-3. In addition to the graphite liner on the interior of this ampoule, quartz
cloth disks were placed at each end to provide somepadding for normal handling
movementsand to adjust the void space in the ampoule.
The temperature-time data monitored on the mission were taken on the heat-
leveler block of the multipurpose furnace. After the flight, another ground-based
test (GBT) was made to duplicate the space-flight (SF) furnace operation because
it varied from the original experimental plan. Thermal characterization analyses
to obtain the temperature-time history for the specimen ampoules from these data
have not been completed. However, it was estimated that the samples were molten
105minutes and 35 to 40 minutes for the hot and cold positions, respectively.
The prototype test data and a thermal analysis of the GBT for the original
experimental plan allowed additional estimates of the thermal history of the speci-
men ampoules. These parameters are shown in table 23-I. It should be noted that,
during the prototype test, thermal arrests due to the heat of fusion were observed
at the melting point. The estimated slope of this arrest is the lower limit of the
heating and cooling rates given in table 23-I.
3 K/cm for the hot and cold ampoules, respectively. The heating rates at the melt-
ing point were approximately 2 K/min and 3 K/min for the hot and cold ampoules,
respectively. Similarly, the cooling rates were 4 K/min and approximately 5 K/min.
An estimate for the solidification rate was 2 cm/min.
After removal from the ampouley the specimens were potted in araldite epoxy
for longitudinal sectioning. A high-torque, low-speed diamond blade wheel was
used for the sectioning. The epoxy was then redissolved from the sample. The
sample half with four calibration Pb-Au disks was then remounted in a 5.1-
centimeter-diameter araldite epoxy mount. The entire mount was then metallograph-
ically polished.
The mounts were prepared for irradiation as follows. Two mounts were
irradiated at the same time. A polyethylene ring separator separated the epoxy
specimens when they were placed face to face. The mounts, face to face with the
separator in position, were placed in a 0.24-liter plastic bag, and the bag was
twisted until the mounts were held rigidly secure. The bag was then heat sealed,
and the mounts were placed in a 0.12-liter polyethylene bottle by slitting the side
of the bottle. After the mounts were in place, the side of the bottle was sealed,
using a soldering pencil. The samples were then irradiated in the Bulk Shielding
Reactor East (deuterium oxide) tank. After the irradiation, the sample was allowed
to decay from 4 to 8 hours, and the mounts were then removed from the bottle. The
mounts at this time read approximately 100mrads/hr. This operation was conduct-
ed using plastic gloves in a hood. After about a 24-hour decay, the mounts were
ready for autoradiography.
Autoradiographs were made in complete darkness in the same darkroom in
which the film was processed. The polished face of the mount was placed face down
on Kodak industrial type R X-ray film. This single-emulsion ultrafine-grain film
is suitable for autoradiographs. Exposures were made for 15-, 20-, and 30-minute
durations. In addition, an overexposed autoradiograph of 4 hours 15 minutes was
made to emphasize the penetration of the Au. It should be noted that the film was
recording a _ emission from the Au in the Pb. Also, the Pb has sueh a high cross
section that the Au activity from the very near surface is the only activity seen by
the film. Additional details of the autoradiographic technique can be found in
reference 23-1.
Hot-End Specimens
Specimens from the hot end of the electric furnace were photographed in color
to record the outward appearance. The GBT and SF specimens were directly com-
pared. Figure 23-4 shows the side view of the 17-A GBT specimen and the 11-A SF
specimen. These specimens were solidified from the bottom to the top. The origi-
nal bond interface of the Pb-Au disks can still be seen at the top of each specimen.
The outward surface of the 11-A SF specimen shows indication of cellular structure,
which is especially noticeable at the top of the specimen. The 17-A GBT specimen
shows the expected sharp corners at the bottom; conversely, the SF specimen has
rounded corners at each end of the ingot.
The top ends of the two specimens are shown in figure 23-5. The 17-A GBT
specimen shows evidence of a solidification pipe, whereas the 11-A SF specimen
indicates the cellular or substructure walls typical of a lightly alloyed metal. There
is no evidence of outward high-angle grain boundaries on the surface of either
Figure 23-6 shows the bottom ends of the same two specimens. The ripple
marks seen on the 17-A GBT specimen were caused by an impression of the quartz
spacer cloth. The 11-A SF specimen does not show these ripple marks and ex-
hibits a rounded edge.
Cold-End Specimens
Photographs were also taken of the outside surface of the 14-A GBT specimen
and the 21-A SF specimen, which had been positioned in the cold end of the multi-
purpose electric furnace (fig. 23-11). The same observations will be madeon
these specimens. The original Pb-Au disk bond interface is again evident as the
line near the top of the ingot. The 14-A GBT specimen shows the typical sharp-
cornered bottom and the slightly rounded top. In this particular specimen, there is
no solidification pipe. The 21-A SF specimen shows rounded corners at the bottom
and a highly rounded top. There is no solidification pipe in this ingot either. Evi-
dence of high-angle boundaries is not present on either specimen. A much finer
cellular structure is faintly evident near the top of the 21-A SF specimen.
It is difficult to make any definite conclusions until all the specimens from
the mission have been studied. For example, if the curved Au diffusion interface
is due to a melting effect upon heating, then it may be possible to see a difference
on the reversed specimens that have not been studied yet. However, several con-
clusions can be made from the one flight cartridge that has been studied. (It must
be remembered that no Au concentration-distance data have been obtained yet. )
liquid diffusion profile. However, two features were quite striking: the curved
Au diffusion interface and some evidence of diffusion along the surface of the melt.
3. The GBT specimens also showed an unusual feature, that of increased Au
activity at the bottom half of the ingot. This activity is unexplained by a unidirec-
tional redistribution of Au due to solidification from bottom to top, because the' pre-
dicted equilibrium distribution coefficient is probably _1.
23-1. Reed, R. E.: Progress Report of Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Experiment No.
MA-041 for the Period, Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 1974. ORNL TM-4812, April
-Flight Temperature Type of ampoule wall
cartridge 923 f 10 K 723 f 50 K
1 1-B Wetting (mild steel)
3 r a r a Nonwetting (graphite)
Pb-0.05 at. % Au
Figure 23-1. - Schematic arrangement
of specimens.
,Pb-0.05 at. % Au
, ,I‘ I #
,’ ,,0.015-cm-thick wall 321 stainless steel
Figure 23-6. - Photograph of the bot-
tom ends of the 17-A GBT (left)
and the 11-A SF specimens. Rip-
ple marks evident on the 17-A GBT
specimen bottom are an imprint of
the quartz spacer cloth in the
Figure 23-9 .- Print taken from a delib- Figure 23-10.- Print taken from delib-
erately overexposed (4 hours 15 erately overexposed (4 hours 15
minutes) autoradiograph to empha- minutes) autoradiograph to empha-
size the extent of Au diffusion in the size the extent of Au diffusion in the
11-A SF specimen. Light areas in- 17-A GBT specimen. Light areas
dicate Au activity. Mount was indicate Au activity. Mount was
scratched during neutron irradia- scratched during neutron irradiation;
tion; the scratches show up as line the scratches show up as line mark-
markings. Apparent increase in ings. Apparent increase in the size
diameter of the calibration disks of the calibration disks and sample
with increasing Au content is due to diameter with increasing Au content
long exposure time allowing "side- is due to long exposum time allow-
scatter" activity that also darkens ing "side-scatter" activity that also
the film. darkens the film.
Figure 23-12. - Photograph of the bottom
ends of the 14-A GBT (left) and the
21-A SF specimens. Ripple marks
evident on the 14-A GBT specimen
bottom are an imprint of the quartz
spacer cloth in the ampoule.
The flight test furnace run of the Monotectic and Syntectic Alloys Experiment
was successfully performed during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. All three
experiment cartridges were returned intact. A seeond ground-based test was con-
ducted after the mission to provide one-g samples with an equivalent thermal his-
tory. The examinations of all flight and ground-based cartridges and ampoules have
been completed. Formal characterization of the flight and ground samples began
after the initial postflight quick-look efforts had been completed and a characteriza-
tion plan had been developed. Encouraging results have been obtained in the pre-
liminary analysis of one flight aluminum antimonide sample as compared to ground-
based and prototype-test counterparts. In terms of reduction of the unwanted sec-
ond phase, the low-g sample shows a homogeneity improvement by a factor of 5 to
20. Furthermore, small amounts of the second phase were formed only along parts
of the grain boundaries of the flight sample, whereas the ground-based samples
show major grains of the second phase. Preliminary examination of one lead zinc
flight sample shows a dispersion of lead in the zinc matrix. However, complete
homogenization of the material did not occur. A thermal analysis of flight data
shows that the average soak temperature for the lead zinc ampoules was 20 K
(20 ° C) lower than planned but 35 K (35 ° C) above the published consolute temper-
ature. Further indepth analysis and characterization will be performed to study
lead zinc diffusion and to identify differences between the flight and ground-
processed samples.
This report presents an updated (ref. 24-1) preliminary evaluation of the
returned samples of AISb syntectic compound and PbZn monoteetic immiscible proc-
essed during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. Postflight data have
been used to develop a tentative characterization plan for evaluating the limited
number of available samples. This plan will be modified if new observations at
each stage require specialized analysis.
The PbZn system (ref. 24-2, fig. 24-1) is characterized by the large misci-
bility gap L1 + L2 and the monotectic point at 99.7 atomic percent (at.%) Zn where
the immediate transformation upon solidificationis from one liquid to a second liquid
plus a solid. This system is also characterized by a large density difference be-
tween Pb (11.7 g/cm 3) and Zn (7.14 g/cm3). In the Earth's gravity field, preventing
gravity separation between Pb and Zn upon solidificationis difficult. Negating the
effects of gravity in space processing should lead to a degree of mixing of the two
phases, resulting in a dispersion of fine particles of superconducting Pb in a Zn
matrix. The composition selected for the experiment was 20 at.% Pb and 80 at.%
Zn as shown by the dashed line izlfigure 24-1. This composition is equivalent to a
weight percent of 44.2 Pb and 55.8 Zn or a volume percent of 33.2 Pb and 66.8 Zn.
The A.ISb system (fig. 24-2) has been neglected for many years among the
UI-V semiconducting compounds that are characterized upon solidification by a syn-
tectic transformation of two molten constituents to a constant composition interme-
tallic compound (at. % of 50 A1 and 50 Sb). The reasons for this neglect have been
difficulties (ref. 24-3) in synthesizing a stoichiometrically homogeneous compound
and the problems of high reactivity of the material to moisture. Some reported
properties of A1Sb are given in table 24-I. With an energy gap of 1.62 electr_mvolts,
A1Sb has been theoretically analyzed as a highly efficient solar energy converter
(refs. 24-4 and 24-5). However, because of the aforementioned problems in crystal
synthesis, experimental verification is lacking.
One A1Sb sample and one PbZn sample were to be processed in each of three
flight cartridges. Homogenization (soaking) for 4 hours in the molten state at 1123K
(850° C) for PbZn and 1373K (1100° C) for A1Sbwas originally proposed. The
soaking temperature for A1Sbwas later raised to 1403K (1130° C) because of the
lack of complete melting at 1373K (1100° C) in laboratory tests. Higher tempera-
tures could not be readily obtained in the multipurpose furnace. Serious A1Sb
sample leakage problems that necessitated a reduction of the soaking time to 1 hour
were evidenced during ground-based testing. Including the heatup and eooldown
times for the multipurpose furnace, this adjustment resulted in an estimated effec-
tive soaking time of 1.5 hours for both PbZn and A1Sb.
Starting Materials
The ampoule configurations for PbZn and A1Sb samples are shown in fig-
ure 24-3. The materials were loaded in the graphite crucibles and sealed with
graphite cement in an argon glove box. Before capping and sealing, the A1Sb sam-
ples were premelted at 1423 K (1150 ° C) in uncapped graphite crucibles under argon.
Tungsten inert gas welding of the stainless steel ampoule containers was also com-
pleted in a glove box with approximately 100 000 N/m 2 (1 atmosphere) of ultra-high-
purity argon. Both fabricated A1Sb and PbZn ampoules were further heated for 10
minutes at 1423 K (1150 ° C) and 1123 K (850 ° C), respectively. The AI_ arapoules
were heated by a high-frequency induction furnace, and the thermometry was deter--
mined by an optical pyrometer. The PbZn ampoules were heated in a 30.5-centimeter
hot-zone tube furnace.
used as a control sample. An ampoule might fail the heating test because of either
dimensional distortion or leakage. The control samples were again thermally tested
for 4 hours at the respective temperatures. If a control failed, the entire boatload
was rejected. It should be noted that all PbZn ampoules passed, but one of the five
AISb control ampoules failed. Of the 33 AISb ampoules processed for prototype,
qualification, ground-based, and flight tests and for laboratory studies, 6 failed,
including the control sample. In addition, three good ampoules were rejected be-
cause of the failure of the control sample.
Cartridge" Construction
All required ampoules were fabricated without simulation and prototype test-
ing. When ground-based testing was conducted, two out of three AISb ampoules
failed. The failure mode was determined to be cracking of the graphite crucibles
similar to cracking that occurred during ampoule fabrication and testing. These
failures did not leave sufficient time to introduce and develop changes in crucible
materials or new ampoule designs. The decision was made to adapt the previously
mentioned shortening of the soaking time from 4 hours to 1 hour for the flight test
and to use X-radiography in the selection of flight test cartridges for increased
This experiment was the last furnace test run during the ASTP mission. The
initial heatup was started at 175:30 ground elapsed time (GET), which corresponds
to 14:50 GMT on July 23, 1975. The run was completed (cartridges extracted) on
the morning of July 24, just before the jettison of the docking module (and the
increase the cooling rate. In figure 24-6, the time-temperature profile of the flight
cartridges is compared with a similar profile obtained from the second GBT. As
indicated in figure 24-6, the GBT has essentially duplicated the thermal profile of
the flight sample.
A computer analysis of the thermal histories revealed that the AiSb samples
were in the homogenization region (i .e., in the liquid state) for 1.5 hours and that
the PbZn samples were in the miscible region (i.e., above the consolute tempera-
ture) also for 1.5 hours. During the cooldown period, it is estimated that PbZn was
in the two-liquid phase region (i.e., the miscibility gap)for 3.4 hours.
The flight cartridge and ampoule numbers are identified in table 24-II. Based
on the temperature calibration data obtained in prototype testing and computer anal-
ysis, the AISb ampoule temperature at soak is estimated to be 1399K (1126° C).
Because of thermal lag, the PbZn ampoule temperature at soak was estimated to be
below the specified minimum of 1123 K (850 ° C). The thermal analysis indicated
that indeed the PbZn ampoules were soaked for 1 hour at an average temperature
of 1107 K (834 ° C).
A summary of the postflight evaluation and characterization plan for the re-
turned samples and various ground samples is given in table 24-III. An earlier
report (ref. 24-1) describes efforts performed in tasks 1 and 2 and a quick-look
assessment of some samples (task 3). This report contains a preliminary character-
ization of flight and ground-based samples performed in task 3. The samples char-
acterized to date include one AISb flight sample, one PbZn flight sample, a pair of
GBT-2 counterparts, and one prototype-tested AISb sample. Characterization of
the AISb and PbZn samples has been completed through the scanning electron micro-
scopy (SEM) energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) evaluations.
Figure 24-7 is a photograph of the two AISb and three PbZn flight samples.
Figure 24-8 is a photograph of the GBT-2 samples. Part of the graphite crucible
was left attached to one of the flight and one of the GBT-2 AISb samples so that
later microstrueture analysis could be correlated with potential contamination by
the graphite crucible. Visual observation of the exposed surfaees of the AISb sam-
ples indicated that melting and reerystallization did occur. A macrophotograph
(5×) of one of the AISb samples (A-164) is shown in figure 24-9 where large crys-
tallites of the polycrystalline sample can be seen. Part of the graphite crucible is
shown at the bottom of the sample.
Complete melting also occurred with the three PbZn samples. Macrophoto-
graphs (10×) of the samples are shown in figure 24-10. 'As shown in figure 24-10, an
interface exists between the smaller and larger parts of the samples. This interface
may correspond to the original Pb/Zn interface. Overflow regions can be seen on the
surface of the sample where a liquid phase flowed over the first solidified surfaces.
Each of the samples appears to have solidified first on the cold end (tempera-
ture gradient of 4.5 K/cm) and, because of shrinkage away from the container walls,
part of the remaining liquid then flowed around the solid surface. The topography
of sample B-186 appears to be different from the other two samples. In sample
B-186, the liquid flow appears to be symmetric about the axis of the sample, where-
as an asymmetric flow channel apparently developed on sample B-164. Sample
B-181 also has an asymmetric flow that can be seen in figure 24-11(a), which is a
photograph of its cold end.
Figures 24-16 (a) and 24-16 (b) are photomicrographs of another area of
flight sample A-185 as compared with GBT-2 sample A-141. Major improvements
in microscopic homogeneity are again evident in the flight sample. An EDAX of the
samples reveals that the gray phase is the compound AISb and that the white phase
is an Al-rich phase. An analysis of the area fraction of the second phase for these
two photomicrographs reveals that the flight sample has 1,1 percent of the Al-rich
phase as compared to 25.2 percent for the GBT-2 sample. Thus, for these two se-
lected areas, the Al-rich phase has been reduced by a factor of 23 in the flight
To compare the homogeneity of the flight and the GBT-2 samples on a macro-
scopic scale, a continuous series of photomicrographs (100×) was taken across each
sample. An area analysis for the second phase, obtained from the photomicrographs,
is shown in figure 24-17 as a function of position for the two samples. As indicated in
figure 24-17, the GBT sample contains significantly more of the second phase across
the sample face. It is also interesting to note that, unlike the flight sample, the sec-
ond phase of the GBT sample is maeroscopically inhomogeneously distributed across
the sample.
1. The flight and ground-based tests have essentially the same thermal his-
tory. The combined flight and various ground-based tests have provided low-g and
one-g samples with identical and different thermal histories for indepth scientific
24-1. Ang, Choh-Y. ; and Lacy, Lewis L.: Monotectie and Synteetie Alloys:
ASTP Experiment MA-044. NASA TM X-64956, 1975.
24-4. Rittner, E. S.: Use of p-n Junctions for Solar Energy Conversion. Phys.
Rev., vol. 96, no. 6, Dee. 15, 1954, pp. 1708-1709.
Property Value
Photography X X
Disassembly x X
Photography X X
Radiography X X
Weighing X X
Removal X x
Weighing X X
Microstructure (metallography) X x
Superconductivity (b) X
X-ray diffraction x x
Diffusion analysis x x
Weight percent of Zn
1273 [51 [10] [201 1401 [601 [801 [100]
I I 1
80 (55. 8) ~ 1068 (795), I
A (700)
873 LI + L2
Monotectic point,,
""""'-6 121
99.7 (99.1) ""
592 1318. 2)
"'1.6 10. 51
(200) J L I I I I [ I
0 10 20 30 40 50 6O 70 80 9O 100
Atomic percent of Zn
~1200) Liquid
1P3 to 1353 K (1050"to 1080" C)
904 K 1631" C)
i 873
AlSb plus AI AlSb plus Sb
+ 673 -
(400) n
0 20 40 60 80 100
Atomic percent of Sb
11.9 I
92-1 rnm I
01) Ampoule A . (c) Ampoule B.
(a) Instrumented prototype equipment.
Hot end
1171 423
(9O0) (]5O)
873 373
(6OO) (]00)
Cold end
573 323
(3OO) tSO)
o.. 2731 I I I I I 273
(0) (0)
_1473 473
_ (]2001
I173 423
(9OO) (]5O)
873 373
(6OO) (]00)
P73 _3
(300) (50)
Cold end -_
213 273
I I i I I (0)
(0)0 ] 2 3 4 5
Time, hr
1273 GBTcartridges - 1424K (]151 °C)
(1000) Flight cartridges - 1422K (1149%)
I ...... GBT-2
673 I
(400) I
373 Coldend
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll
Time, hr
Figure 24-6.- A eomparison of the thermal profiles for the flight and
the GBT samples.
A-1115 8-186
8-164 Hot
I- ib 2b sb do sb sb
Figure 24-7. - Photograph of the flight
B -141
A -141
B -142
Figure 24-9. - Macrophotograph (5X)
of AlSb flight sample.
(a) Hot end.
cb) Cold end.
(c) Interface.
Figure 24-12.- SEM photographs of surface features of PbZn flight sample B-181.
(a) Low-g sample (A-185).
24-2 1
0 I I I I
80 90 loo 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210
Gray scale
Average flight
e- [] GBT (A-141)
[] Flight (A-185)
Maximum GBT
Maximum flight
o 28
H. C. Gatos at and A. F. Witta
The purpose of the germanium (Ge) crystal growth experiment was to study
quantitatively the basic solidification behavior of high-temperature melts in near-
zero-g conditions. It was specifically designed to establish (i) the growth-rate be-
havior on the microscale, (2) the morphology of the crystal-melt interface and its
changes during solidification, (3) the dopant segregation behavior and its func-
tional dependence on the microscopic growth rate, (4) the absence or presence of
convection phenomena, and (5) the heat-transfer characteristics of a solidification
system in the absence of free convection.
To achieve these objectives, the growth system was equipped for interface
demarcation during solidification through 20-ampere current pulsing (20A) at
4-second intervals. The experiment, involving the growth of gallium (Ga) doped
and antimony (Sb) doped Ge of <111> and <100> orientation, was conducted to per-
mit in all solidified crystals the direct comparison of solidificationbehavior on Earth
with that in near-zero-g conditions.
The data obtained from the experiments were used to assist in establishing a
quantitative framework for solidification and to provide a basis for feasibility studies
of zero-g processing experiments to be conducted in the Space Shuttle. The results
were also intended to establish guidelines for designing space-processing
tprincipal Investigator.
Preliminary analysis of the experiments indicates that the basic objectives
were realized. Further analysis of several phenomena is in progress.
The adverse conditions generated by gravity effects do not permit the experi-
mental establishment of "theoretieal" ideal experimental solidifieation eonditions.
Thus, a gap exists between theory and experiment in erystal growth. This gap
must be bridged if optimization of processing conditions on Earth is to be achieved.
Speeifieally, several approaches have been taken to obtain solutions for the
segregation-controlling diffusion equation
a2eL ae L ae L
ax 2 ax at
for transient and steady-state growth conditions where D is the diffusion coefficient,
eL is the concentration in liquid, R is the speed of advanee of interface, x is the
distance along the crystal, and t is time. The proposed solutions vary, and, be-
eause of convective interference, experimental confirmation of the validity of the
proposed theoretieal approaches has as yet been impossible.
at both ends to 0.8 centimeter to permit the insertion of high-purity graphite cup
electrodes for current flow across the growth system. The graphite electrodes were
in contact with current-carrying platinum wires, 0.1 centimeter in diameter, con-
nected to the pulsing power supply (fig. 25-1). The pulsing unit provided pulses
of 60 milliseconds duration at 4-second intervals. The electrical pulses for interface
demarcation were applied to the three growth ampoules, containing one Ga-doped
<Iii> Ge crystal and one (each) Ga-doped and Sb-doped <i00> Ge crystal, con-
nected in series to the power supply.
The crystals grown in space were subjected to exhaustive growth and segre-
gation analysis based on procedures determined during the ground-based tests.
The primary techniques used in the analysis involve high-resolution etching, Hall-
effect measurements, spreading-resistance measurements, and ion-microprobe
growth, which resulted in the formation of a growth band approximately 300 micro-
meters wide. The growth of this band must have occurred during the thermal soak-
ing period and reflects thermal instability in the form of a slow, irregular, down-
ward temperature drift. This thermal drift is attributed to a slight imbalance of
heat input and heat loss in the growth systems.
2. The microscopic growth-rate behavior observed during the ASTP mission
is identical to behavior encountered during ground-based testing.
Heat-leveler Gradient region Heat-extraction
region region
12.7 cm
I, Hot-end configuration
q 7 , , ...... ,
... ,.
. :i .... .......1.. ......
Figure 25-1. - Schematic diagram of the growth ampoule.
Figure 25-3. - Ge crystal regrown in space.
. . .. . . ... .._-
l2 r
.......... Left
--- Right
Figure 25- 4.- Interface demarcation ~~
1020 _
% 2
._ 1019
1018 I I 1 I
0 1 2 3 4
Distancegrown, cm
D. J. Larson, Jr.
points will be considered in the course of this investigation. 1 The Skylab results
indicate a significantly larger primary crystallite size and a nonuniform chemical
distribution within the primary crystallites. The former result is of critical im-
portance to solution crystal growth in orbit, and the latter is of critical importance
to both solution crystal growth and fundamental solidification theory, if it is actually
a bulk and not just a surface effect. Lastly, investigators will evaluate crystalline
and morphological perfection of directionally solidified eutectics that led to conflict-
ing conclusions within the Skylab copper-aluminum eutectics (M566) and metal and
halide eutectics (M564) experiments 2 (refs. 26-3 and 26-4).
This experiment used the multipurpose furnace facility located in the ASTP
docking module. The experiment used three discretely different thermal zones
(one isothermal and two gradient). The thermal profile of the furnace is shown in
figure 26-3 at three stages of the prototype test, and the data used to make this
drawing are presented in table 26-I. Note that the isothermal region of the furnace
had a slight thermal gradient of 2 to 3 K over the range of solidification of this alloy,
and that the thermal gradients in the gradient regions were, respectively, approxi-
mately 30 K/cm and 50 K/cm. The furnace required approximately 3.25 hours to
reach the soak temperature. It was held at the soak temperature for 0.75 hour and
then cooled passively over a 10.5-hour period._ The measured soak temperature
during the flight was 1348 K (1075 ° C), the helium injection was conducted at 673 K
(400 ° C), and the air quench was performed at approximately 523 K (250 ° C).
Controlled solidification was accomplished during an astronaut sleep period to
minimize vehicular vibration and to avoid control maneuvers.
The three number 1 ampoules (fig. 26-4) contained wetting fluids, each with a
different fill factor; the other factors are assumed constant, The fill factors were
such that one ampoule was anticipated to give a type 1 configuration, one ampoule
a type 2 configuration, and one ampoule a configuration (type 3) somewhere close
to the transition between the two. Unfortunately, the type 2 sample was lost be-
cause of a vibrational failure of the inner ampoule; however, the other ampoules
agreed with theory. The type 1 sample is shown in figure 26-6. The pore has been
revealed by breaking away a portion of the metallic shell surrounding the large pore.
All the ground-based fluids assumed a bottom position with a flattened meniscus that
was due to the dominant gravitational body force.
The number 2 ampoules contained a wetting fluid; however, the fluid was
positionally constrained by the unmelted seed portion of the sample. These samples
all had high fill factors, and cross-sectional analysis is required to define any fine
differences between the samples.
Surface analysis of the internal pore shown in figure 26-6 revealed no primary
Mn particles that could be identified by X-ray energy dispersive analysis. There
appeared to be extremely large MnBi particles that were arrayed in a Bi-IMnBi ma-
trix. The major MnBi particles were few in number and an order of magnitude
greater in extent than those documented within the ground-based samples. Compar-
ison with Skylab samples revealed, unexpectedly, that these results occurred with-
in the Skylab samples but they had not been quantitatively evaluated (ref. 26-2).
The extent of these crystallites was limited by the dimensions of the ampoule.
The X-ray surface analysis of the type 2 samples indicates a single crystal-
line matrix, which is an ideal result. However, no conclusions about the disper-
sion of the secondary particles can be drawn at this time because the necessary
bulk analysis has not yet been performed.
The intent of this program was to study the fluid-static configurations in low-
g by variation of fundamental parameters such as fill factor, diameter to length ratio
of the cylindrical crucible, fluid-crucible wetting angle, and crucible taper. These
goals were accomplished and the results were found to agree well with theory. Of
equal importance was the study of solidification in the low.-g environment. Because
this is a preliminary report, definitive conclusions within the latter area are not
included, but it appears that sufficient data exist to conclude that chemical and mor-
phological distributions are appreciably different in the low-g processed materials.
The following conclusions are made with a high degree of certainty.
26-1. Wilcox, William R.; Yee, James F.; Sen, Sanghamitra; Samra, Kalluri; and
Lin, Mu-Ching: Directional Solidification of InSb-GaSb Alloys. Proceed-
ings of the Third SpaceProcessing Symposium - Skylab Results. NASA
TM X-70252, 1974, pp. 301-373.
26-2. Reger, J. L.: Experiment No. M-557 Immiscible Alloy Compositions.
Proceedings of the Third Space Processing Symposium - Skylab Results.
NASA TM X-70252, 1974, pp. 133-158.
26-3. Hasemeyer, Earl A.; Lovoy, Charles V.; and Lacy, L. L.: Skylab Experi-
ment M566 Copper-Aluminum Eutectic. Proceedings of the Third Space
Processing Symposium - Skylab Results. NASA TM X-70252, 1974,
pp. 457-461.
26-4. Yue, A. S.; and Yu, J. G.: Halide Eutectic Growth. Proceedings of the
Third SpaceProcessing Symposium - Skylab Results. NASA TM X-70252,
1974, pp. 469-489.
26-5. Witt, A. F.; Gatos, H. C.; Lichtensteiger, M. ; Lavine, M. C.; and Herman,
C.J.: Steady State Growth and Segregation Under Zero Gravity: InSb.
Proceedings of the Third Space Processing Symposium - Skylab Results.
NASA TM X-70252, 1974, pp. 275-288.
26-6. Walter, H. U.: Seeded, Containerless Solidification of Indium Antimonide.
Proceedings of the Third SpaceProcessing Symposium - Skylab Results.
NASA TM X-70252, 1974, pp. 257-265.
26-7. Clodfelter, Robert G.; and Lewis, Roger C.: Fluid Studies in a Zero
Gravity Environment. Technical Note 61-84, Wright-Patterson A.F.B.,
June 1961.
26-8. Clodfelter, Robert G.: Fluid Mechanics and Tankage Design for Low
Gravity Environments. ASD-TDR-63-506, Wright-Patterson A.F.B.,
Sept. 1963.
26-9. Clodfelter, Robert Glen: Low Gravity Pool Boiling Heat Transfer. APL-
TDR-64-19, Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Mar. 1964.
26-10. Chalmers, Bruce: Principles of Solidification. John Wiley and Sons, 1964.
26-11. Flemings, Merton C.: Solidification Processing. McGraw-Hill, 1974.
26-12. Hurle, D. T.J.: Mechanisms of Growth of Metal Single Crystals From the
Melt. Pergamon Press, 1962.
26-13. Vezzoli, Gary C.: Electrical Resistance of Liquid Sulfur to 420° C and of
Liquid Selenium to 700° C. American Ceram. Soc. J., vol. 55, no. 2,
Feb. 1972, pp. 65-67.
011 == ao2
2 <90 °
Taper as shown
e,1 • a 2
(1)._(2) 01 = as
Taper o2 shown
>90 °
_/-_ al>a2
NO taper
(I) (2)
al =c_2
NO taper
(1) (2)
al = a2
No taper
(l) (2)
1 _ Vapor
I_ Liquid
1 I I I
2 4 6 8 10 12
e.-..,,.,._ THL
(1000) "1,.%,,, THL "Temperature heat leveler
973 - _. _
-°---.,..., -,,, \
%'.%% %_
(2OO) I I I I I I I I
2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16
Distance from cartridgehot end, cm
Figure 26-6.- Large pore formed by flow
of the wetting fluid over all inner sur-
faces of the ampoule (120X).
Figure 26-8 .- Transition from dendritic to coordinated growth (75X).
The materials were enclosed in evacuated sealed ampoules of fused silica and were
transported in a temperature gradient of the multipurpose electric furnace onboard
the Apollo-Soyuz spacecraft.
tprincipal Investigator.
Basic Theory
The number of different gaseous products formed depends on the particular chemi-
cal system. The vapor speeies migrate in the reaction vessel from the source to the
condensation region, where, at a different temperature, the reverse reaction occurs
with formation of the solid. The necessary concentration gradient is established by
means of a temperature gradient, which yields different equilibrium constants for
the reaction of equation (27-1) and, thus, yields different p_rtial pressures of the
gaseous species in the source and condensation zones of the system. According to
equation (27-1), the solid A is transported by way of the gas phase through a
chemical reaction; this method is distinctly different from transport by sublimation.
Under optimal experimental conditions, well-defined single crystals of the source
material are obtained by the condensation reaction. Depending on the thermo-
dynamic properties of the transport reaction, a chemieal transport can occur from
high to low temperature or from low to high temperature. This aspeet is of practical
importance with respect to the choiee of transport agent and condensation tempera-
ture. The transport reaction is performed in evacuated, sealed ampouies of fused
silica that are conventionally subjected to the desired temperature gradient in a
horizontal, two-zone, tubular resistance furnace.
Transport Properties of Group IV-VI Compounds
Mass transport rate studies on GeTe (ref. 27-3) and GeSe (ref. 27-4) con-
firmed the previously described models. Details of the experimental procedures
and results have been discussed previously (refs. 27-3 and 27-4). The most impor-
tant observation of these studies is the decrease in crystal perfection with increasing
contribution of the convective component to the overall transport process. Trans-
port studies in the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) laboratory on germanium
monosulfide (GeS) using germanium tetrachloride (GeC14)as a transport agent and
different temperature gradients show the diffusion- and convection-controlled trans-
port regimes in agreement with those of the previous systems (refs. 27-3 and 27-4).
In particular, the changes in crystal morphology and habit of GeSas a function of
transport mode reveal the negative effects of convective interference on crystal
quality. The previous ground-based studies and the solution properties of solids
used in these binary systems led to the definition of mixed systems for two of the
three transport experiments performed during the ASTP mission and discussed in
this report. (The third transport ampoule contained GeSand a mixture of GeC14and
argon (Ar)). The chemical composition of the mixed systems is given by the formulas
GeSe0.99Te0.01 (system A) and GeS0.98Se0.02 (system B), respectively. In the
RPI laboratory, quantitative mass transport rate studies in terms of flux as a func-
tion of pressure were performed on these systems in the temperature gradient of
approximately 873-_ 773K (600° -_ 500 ° C). The transport agents used were Gel 4
for system A and GeC14 for system B. The flux is calculated from the quantity of
crystals recovered, the cross section of the ampoule, and the duration of the experi-
ment. The pressure is computed for the mean temperature from the amount of trans-
port agent added, assuming ideal conditions and use of GeI 4 (g) or GeC14 (g),
respectively. The results are illustrated in figure 27-1, together with those for the
system GeS - GeC14 (C). The flux curves of all three systems have the same shape
as those observed earlier (ref. 27-4). The diffusion-controlled region at lower
pressures shows a decrease in flux with increasing pressure. The range of pre-
dominantly convective transport is characterized by an increase in flux with
increasing pressure. The leveling of the flux curve for system A at higher pres-
sures is due to the precipitation of the transport agent and the resultant establish-
ment of a constant saturation pressure in the ampoule. The flux curves in fig-
ure 27-1, determined in the RPI laboratory, serve as a basis for the evaluation of
the space experiments. For the direct comparison of mass transport rates and
crystals obtained on Earth and in space, a set of three ampoules containing the same
amounts of starting materials and transport agent as the corresponding ampoules
used on the ASTP mission was processed in the prototype furnace. This furnace
and the prototype transport conditions were-identical to ,the furnace and conditions
used in space, except for gravity.
The transport ampoules were made of fused silica tubing of 13.7 millimeters
inside diameter and 150 millimeters length. Near the rounded end, the ampoules
contained two thin silica rods to hold the source material in place. The other
ampoule end was sealed after loading at a pressure of 0. 1333 mN/m 2 (10 -6 torr) or
less. Before loading, the cleaned ampoules (refs. 27-3 and 27-4) were outgassed
at a temperature of approximately 1273 K (i000 ° C) and a pressure of 0. 1333 mN/m 2
(10 -6 torr) for 10 hours. The polycrystalline starting materials were synthesized
by the repeated annealing at approximately 873 K (600 ° C) of stoichiometric mixtures
of the binary compounds GeS, GeSe, and GeTe. The compounds were prepared from
high-purity elements (99.999 percent) by annealing and subsequent sublimation of
the product (refs. 27-3 and 27-4). The crystallographic identity of all materials
was established by means of X-ray diffraction techniques. High-purity Gel 4 (99.999
percent) and GeC14 (99.999 percent) were used as transport agents. Ultra-high-
purity Ar was employed as inert gas in one system. The ampoule designated as 3A
in this experiment contained 1.50 grams of GeSe0.99Te0.01 and 123.5 milligrams of
GeI 4. Ampoule 3B was loaded with 1.50 grams of GeS 0.98Se0. 02 and 59.1 milligrams
of GeC14. The third ampoule (3C) contained I. 50 grams of GeS, 61.8 milligrams of
GeCl 4, and 193.53 kN/m 2 (i .91 atmospheres) of Ar at the mean temperature of the
gradient. The ampoules used for the ground-based prototype tests (2A, 2B, and
2C) were of the samedimensions and contents. The ehemical transport reactions
for the binary compounds are shown in the following equations.
The experimental conditions for the ASTP mission are summarized as follows for a
temperature gradient of 877-_ 780K (604° -_ 507° C).
where P indicates component gas pressure. The transport reactions of the mixed
systems are analogous. The total pressures in terms of GeI4(g ) or GeC14(g) are
calculated for the mean temperature of the gradient and for ideal gas conditions.
into the upper section of the cartridge, which was inserted into the lower part of
the cartridge and sealed at the right edge of the wider section (left part) of the
upper cartridge.
A comparison of the data in table 27-I shows that the lattice constants of the
respective systems are in excellent agreement. There is no change in the orientation
of predominant native faces of single crystals. Within the detection limits of X-ray
diffraction techniques, there is no measurable effect of microgravity forces on the
crystallographic parameters of space-grown crystals. These results are expected
in view of the relative magnitude of chemical bonding and gravitational forces.
Mass Transport Rates
The consistency of the flux data (ASTP and Skylab) obtained for different
chemical systems with two transport agents, seven pressures, and three tempera-
ture gradients strongly supports the validity of these observations. The combined
results suggest the existence of non-gravity-caused transport effects in a micro-
gravity environment. These unexpected phenomena could be related to thermochem-
ical effects of gas phase reactions; these effects have not been considered in existing
vapor transport models. A further interpretation of the combined data will be
attempted after completion of the current evaluation. However, it is justifiable to
conclude that the transport phenomena observed on the ASTP and Skylab missions
are of scientific and technological significance. Furthermore, clarification of these
observations is of great practical importance for space-processing applications.
edge length. The slightly smaller sizes of the space material are in agreement with
the lower microgravity transport rates observed for this system (table 27-II).
Similar differences in cleavage and etch patterns were observed for ground-
based (prototype) and space-grown GeS0.98Se0.02 (B) crystals as shown in
figures 27-9 and 27-10. Elongated channels and irregular cleavage of the ground
crystal (fig. 27-9(a), 100×) indicate nearly macroscopic crystallographic imper-
fections for the bulk of the material. Chemical etching of the same crystal
(fig. 27-9 (b)) reveals additional random imperfeetions in other areas of the cleaved
face. This is contrasted by optical photomicrographs (100×) of the native, cleaved,
and etched (001) face of a space-grown crystal platelet (B) in figure 27-10. The
spotty appearance of the native surface (fig. 27-10 (a)) is due to condensation of
residual gas phase on the crystal during the cooldown period of the ASTP furnace.
The cleaved face (fig. 27-10(b)) reveals a high degree of structural quality for the
bulk of the space material. The line pattern is due to cleavage and marks the border
of a series of (001) planes of different depth relative to the native surface. Except
for an isolated area in the lower left corner of the same crystal platelet
(fig. 27-10(c)), the space crystal is practically unaffected by chemical etching, an
indication of considerably improved structural and chemical microhomogeneity of
the crystal relative to the corresponding ground-based material.
been produced, and the transport rates in spacewere rather unexpected. When
the analysis of this experiment has been completed, the combined information avail-
able from the Apollo-Soyuz and Skylab missions will represent the crystal growth
and transport properties in a microgravity environment for a class of technologically
useful materials. These results are of scientific and practical significance for future
space-processing applications.
27-1. Wiedemeier, H.; Klaessig, F. C.; Wey, S. J.; and Irene, E. A.:
Vapor Growth of GeTe Single Crystals in Micro-Gravity. Proceedings
of the Third Space Processing Symposium on Skylab Results, vol. 1,
June 1974, pp. 235-256.
27-2. Schaefer, Harald: Chemical Transport Reactions. Academic Press (New
York), 1964.
27-3. Wiedemeier, H.; Irene, E. A.; and Chaudhuri, A.K.: Crystal Growth by
Vapor Transport of GeSe, GeSe 2 , and GeTe and Transport Mechanism and
Morphology of GeTe. J. Crystal Growth, vol. 13-14, 1972, pp. 393-396.
27-4. Wiedemeier, H.; and Irene, E. A.: The Chemical Transport Rates and
Crystal Morphology of GeSe. Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., vol. 400, 1973,
pp. 59,66.
• 0
o._.... _ _ _"
_ o o o o
o 0
+1 +1 +1 +1
_0 _ "t-I -'kl _ +1 +1
_ _ •
v _4
0 +1 "t-I +1 4"1
0 • _l •
o_ _ o_
Condition Extrapolated
Normal gravity Microgravity mode
.=- I
I I I I I l l
0 40.5 81.1 121.6 162.1 202.6
10.4) (0.8) (1.21 (1.6) (2.0)
Pressure. kNlrn2 latrn)
(a) Ground-based (prototype) .
I (b) Space-grown.
(a) In microgravity environment. (b) Under ground-based conditions.
Figure 27-5 .- Deposition pattern of transport agent Ge14 (A) on ampoule walls.
(a) Ground-based (prototype) . (b) Space-grown .
Figure 27-6.- Representative crystals of GeSO.98Se0,o2 ( B ) .
(a) Cleaved.
(a) Cleaved.
.*. r-
When certain binary eutectic mixtures solidify, one of the two phases can form
fibers or platelets in a matrix of the second phase. For example, when a eutectic
liquid of sodium chloride (NaC1) and sodium fluoride (NaF) solidifies, fibers of NaF
form in a matrix of NaC1. Similarly, when a liquid of NaC1 and lithium fluoride
(LiF) solidifies, LiF will form the fiber phase in the NaC1 matrix.
auniversity of California.
tprincipal Investigator.
strongly anisotropic, which suggests the possibility of exciting device applications.
A Skylab experiment (ref. 28-7) of NaC1-NaFeutectic demonstrated that continuous
oriented fibers of NaF embedded in an NaC1matrix could be grown by the direc-
tional solidification technique in space.
This paper describes (1) the results of the NaC1-LiF eutectic grown in space
during the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), and (2) the measurements of the rele-
vant optical properties of the space-grown and Earth-grown eutectics.
Lithium fluoride was used in this experiment because it has a higher index of
refraction than NaF and because a greater volume of fraction of fibers in the NaC1-
LiF eutectic system may be obtained.
The,NaC1-28.8 weight percent (wt%) LiF eutectie mixtures were made from
99.96-wt% NaC1and 99.99-wt% LiF and were solidified in an induction heating unit
under a protective atmosphere. The ampoule assembly was similar to that used in
the Skylab experiment with the exception that a copper tube was not used.
The experimental results are divided into two parts: (1) the macroscopic and
microscopic examinations of the samples that were grown in space and on Earth,
and (2) the optical property of the NaC1-LiF eutectic.
The appearance of one of the three opened ampoules and the eutectic sample
after completion of the ASTP experiment is shown in figure 28-1. The surfaces of
the stainless steel cylinders were in perfect condition, which indicates that no re-
action occurred between the ampoules and the cartridges. Inspection of the sample
surface revealed no reaction between the NaC1-LiF eutectic and the graphite
the LiF fibers were grown in a direction perpendicular to the growth direction dur-
ing the soaking period. However, the LiF began to aline toward the growth direc-
tion a short distance from the initial solid-liquid interface.
The orientation of the LiF fibers in the NaCl matrix, however, varies along
the length of the sample. Optical metallographic results show that the LiF fibers
are straight and parallel to the growth direction for approximately one-half the total
length of the sample. The LiF fibers in the remaining half of the NaC1-LiF eutectic,
however, change gradually from a parallel direction to a direction that is perpendic-
ular to the growth axis. This change indicates that the direction of heat extraction
during the latter half of the solidification process is normal to the growth direction
in contrast to what was originally designed. Figure 28-6 is a photomicrograph
showing the change of direction of fibers along the length of the sample.
Optical Property
The transmittance result also shows that the sample grown in the prototype furnace
has a lower transmittance over part of the wavelength range than the euteetic sam-
ple grown in the laboratory.
The effect of thickness on the transmission curve is shown in figure 28-10 for
the prototype furnace and the ASTP space-grown samples. In both cases, the thin-
ner the sample, the higher the transmittance for a fixed wavelength. This observa-
tion is in agreement with absorption laws as expected.
28-2. Lemkey, F. D. ; and Thompson, E. R.: Nickel and Cobalt Eutectic Alloys
Reinforced by Refractory Metal Carbides. Met. Trans., vol. 2, no. 6,
June 1971, pp. 1537-1544.
Figure 2 8- 1.- Macrophotograph of
opened ampoule and eutectic
Figure 28-6 .-Photomicrograph show- (a) Space grown.
ing the change of direction of fibers
(2 10x1.
Flight sample...........
_ ,Laboratory sample
_ 3o
I ._./"--"
0 i i I I I
3 4 6 8 10 121416 2025
8O 8O
cm (0._!in.)
7O ,0.048cm (0. 019 in. ) 70 #//SS
: _ 60
6O O.053cm (0. 021 in. ! I
_: 4O
30 /_ sSS __ _
"- 30
s "',,.,,,^_ ...........
_ 20
3 4 6 8 I0 12 1416 2025 4 6 8 I0 ]214162025
Wavelength,I_m Wavelength,
or more materials that differ greatly in density. Similarly, weightlessness is of
interest for manufacturing new metal and semiconducting materials formed of ele-
ments with substantially different densities by careful crystallization from the liquid
Each of the three materials systems selected for this experiment had a differ-
ent objective. Placing tungsten spheres in aluminum powder on the ground and
then melting and solidifying in space was planned to investigate composite materials
with one phase meltable and the second phase heavier and more refractory. The
tungsten spheres for the second phase were carefully distributed in the laboratory
and, presumably, this distribution did not move in space. Ground-based testing
clearly showed the sedimentation of the heavier tungsten spheres. Other important
scientific objectives of this experiment are the actual rate of dissolving solid re-
fractory metals in various liquid systems, the actual rate of metal crystallization
from a liquid phase, and the actual rate for growing new phases from tile melt.
Determination of the actual rates of such processes is not possible on Earth because
of gravity-induced fluid convection. Metallurgical reactions will thus be more con-
trollable with the knowledge of actual rate values.
The Multiple Material Melting Experiment was begun soon after the Apollo and
Soyuz space vehicles joined together. The three materials specimens were in dif-
ferent locations in the cartridge, were contained in their own quartz ampoules, and
were subjected to different temperatures during the furnace heatup, soak, and cool-
down. An outline of the cartridge is shown in figure 29-1. Ampoule 1 contained
the aluminum with tungsten spheres. It was heated to approximately 1325 K
(1050 ° C). Ampoule 2 contained the germanium with silicon and was partly melted
by the furnace heatup. During furnace cooldown, the solid/liquid interface slowly
caused the entire melt to resolidify directionally. This method was selected to yield
monocrystals with improved properties. Ampoule 3 contained the aluminum powder,
and the 973 K (700 ° C) temperature at this cartridge location was sufficient to melt
the sample. The maximum temperature of the hot end of the furnace was maintained
for 1 hour to "soak" the sample. The three-stage cooldown gave the necessary
thermal profile in the cartridge and allowed the experiment to be completed in
approximately 10hours.
Stainless steelcase
•Stainless steelpipe
," ,Insulation
/ i I
l/ /i
,,, ,,Ampoule 3
•l s
M. D. Lind a
The Crystal Growth Experiment assessed a novel process for growing single
crystals of insoluble substances by allowing two or more reactant solutions to
diffuse toward each other through a region of pure solvent in zero g. The experi-
ment was entirely successful and yielded crystals of about the expected size,
quality, and number. Photographs were taken in orbit to record the progress of
the crystal growth.
Because the method of crystal growth used for this experiment is closely
related to gel methods of crystal growth, it is appropriate to present a brief review
of gel methods. Gel methods are particularly applicable to the growth of crystals
that have very small solubility in the solvent (usually water) that is used. In
these methods, two or more reactant solutions, separated by a gel, diffuse slowly
together and react according to a chemical equation of the following type as the
crystal grows:
The three reactions chosen for experiments on the ASTP flight are examples of this
type reaction.
The hypothesis for this experiment was based on the assumption that, in an
environment of sufficiently low gravity, convection and sedimentation become negli-
gible. Therefore, the gel is not needed for suppressing these processes and can be
replaced by a region of pure solvent. Diffusion becomes the predominant mixing
mechanism even with no gel present.
The gel methods of crystal growth, like most aqueous solution growth methods,
are advantageous because crystal growth occurs at ambient (room or spacecraft)
temperature. This minimizes problems of thermally or mechanically induced strain,
phase transformations, volatility of components, contamination by the container,
etc., often inherent in high-temperature growth methods. However, gel methods
also have certain disadvantages, including excessive nucleation that results in small
crystal sizes, contamination of the crystals by gel constituents or impurities in the
gel, and gel instability. The method used for this experiment is expected to over-
come all these disadvantages while retaining the advantages.
Much research has been done concerning gel methods of crystal growth.
This research has provided much of the background for the design of the ASTP ex-
periment. Information particularly relevant to this experiment can be found in ref-
erences 30-1 to 30-12. The three crystals (calcium tartrate, calcium carbonate, and
lead sulfide) investigated in the ASTP experiments were chosen for the following
2. There has been much investigation of their growth in gel systems so that
growth conditions are well known, and terrestrial results are readily available for
comparison with ASTP results.
Each reactor had three compartments that were separated by valves operated by the
knobs at each end. Each compartment had a separate filling port. The compart-
ments varied in length, as indicated in table 30-I. The reactor covers were fiat and
transparent to permit photographing the progress of diffusion and crystal growth.
The reactors were constructed of Lexan polycarbonate resin with silicone rubber
gaskets and seals, porous high-density polyethylene diaphragms between the com-
partments, and aluminum knobs.
Before delivery of the hardware to the launch facility, the reactors (with the
intercompartment valves in the closed positions) were filled with the various solu-
tions. The reactant solutions were placed in the outer compartments of each reactor,
and the central compartment was filled with water.
The six reactors were mounted in the U-4 locker in the command module.
They were accessible in this location, yet out of the way of other operations.
After the joint phase of the flight, at approximately 109hours ground elapsed
time (GET), a crewman activated the experiments by opening the intercompartment
valves to allow the reactants to begin diffusing toward the center. A wrench (fig.
30-3) that was included as a contingency measure was not required.
Crystals of about the expected size, quality, and number formed in all six
reactors. Figures 30-4 to 30-6 are photographs of the results taken before
postflight analysis. Before opening the reactors, the crystals were examined
thoroughly through the reactor faces by using a microscope. Then, the center
filling port caps were machined out, and representative crystals were removed and
identified by single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. As expected, the X-ray diffrac-
tion data appeared to be identical to that of Earth-grown crystals.
markedly from the prismatic habit usually obtained in gel experiments, but the
reasons for this difference and its significance are unknown at this time. The two
calcium carbonate reactors each produced numerous well-formed clear rhombohedral
crystals as long as 0.5 millimeter on an edge (fig. 30-5). These crystals are very
similar in appearance to Earth-grown calcium carbonate crystals. Although small,
they are large enough to exhibit birefringence. The two lead sulfide experiments
were less successful, but both produced crystals as long as 0.1 millimeter
(fig. 30-6).
The crystals grown during the flight are at least as good in size, quality, and
number as those obtained by gel methods on the surface of the Earth in the same
length of time. All six reactors contained crystals suitable for the planned detailed
postflight analysis. However, nucleation was excessive in all six reactors, which
indicates the need for considerable refinement of the experimental parameters to
suppress nucleation and improve crystal size.
During the flight, the cabin temperature varied more than had been antici-
pated and more than was desirable for solution growth. In designing the experi-
ment, it was decided not to provide temperature control to simplify the hardware.
As part of the experiment results analysis, the effects of the temperature variations
are being considered.
30-1. Henisch, Heinz K.: Crystal Growth in Gels. Pennsylvania State Univ.
Press, 1970.
30-2. Henisch, H. K.; Dennis, J. ; and Hanoka, J. I.: Crystal Growth in Gels.
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 26, no. 3, Mar. 1965, pp. 493-500.
30-3. Niekl, H. J.; and Henisch, H. K.: Growth of Calcite Crystals in Gels.
J. Electrochem. Sot., vol. 116, no. 9, 1969, pp. 1258-1260.
30-4. Barta, Cestmir; and Zemlicka, Jan: Growth of Calcium Carbonate and
Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Crystals in Gels. J. Cryst. Growth, vol. 10,
no. 2, 1971, pp. 158-162.
30-5. Blank, Zvi; and Brenner, Walter: The Growth of Group II-VI Crystals in
Gels. J. Cryst. Growth, vol. 11, no. 3, 1971, pp. 255-259.
30-6. Blank, Zvi; and Brenner, Walter: Research Directed Toward Preparation
of Compound Semiconductors by Controlled Diffusion Mechanism in Gels.
AFCRL-70-0252, Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs., L. G. Hanscom Field,
Mass., Mar. 1970.
30-7. Blank, Zvi; Brenner, Walter; and Okamoto, Yoshiyuki: The Growth of
Lead Sulfide in Silica Gels at Ambient Temperatures - Preliminary
Characterization and Effect of Various Organic Compounds as Sulfide Ion
Donors. Mater. Res. Bull., vol. 3, no. 7, 1968, pp. 555-561.
30-8. Swift, Ernest H. ; and Butler, Eliot A.: Precipitation of Sulfides From
Homogeneous Solutions by Thioacetamide. Anal. Chem., vol. 28, no. 2,
Feb. 1956, pp. 146-153.
30-9. Armington, Alton F. ; DiPietro, Mary A.; and O'Connor, John J.: A Study
of Some Factors Which Influence the Growth of Cuprous Chloride in Silica
Gel. AFCRL-67-0445, Phy. Sci. Res. Paper no. 334, Air Force
Cambridge Res. Labs., L. G. Hanscom Field, Mass., July 1967.
30-10. Armington, Alton F. ; and O'Connor, John J.: Some Factors Influencing the
Growth of Crystals in Gel by the Complex Dilution Method. Mater. Res.
Bull., vol. 3, no. 12, 1968, pp. 923-931.
30-11. Kirov, G. K.: On the Diffusion Method for Growing Crystals. J. Cryst.
Growth, vol. 15, no. 2, 1972, pp. 102-106.
30-12. Torgesen, John L.; and Peiser, Herbert S.: Method and Apparatus for
Growing Single Crystals of Slightly Soluble Substances. U.S. Patent
3,371,036, Feb. 27, 1968.
oO ¢'0 ¢0 cO ¢0 ¢0
oo oO
E _0 _0
0 o_ 0
0 0 "_
0 :=
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Izl "0
r_ o c_
0 ._ a0 0o 0
0 < ,._
o ,_
o _ o ._
o _ _ 0 0 o
' _ _ ,-; ¢q
0 0 _
_4 _4
0 0 0 rO o
iO LO _ i.O
o o c; c;
o _0 oO 0,]
Solution A
; Solution B
Solution A Solution B
*. I
: ,,', r
-..*. : ,,'
j i l i c a hydrogel (Si0 nH 0)
(a) Serial number 006.
Figure 30- 1 . - Typical experimental
arrangements for gel methods of
crystal growth.
Fill port caps (3) ,Open ',,
(a) Serial number 007. (a) Serial number 005.
Three science demonstrations with liquids were performed during the last
part of the ApoUo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. The demonstrations were
chemical foaming, liquid spreading, and capillary wicking, and all dealt with
phenomena that occur at the boundary surface, or interface, between solids,
liquids, and gases. The manner in which one surface 'interacts with another can
be described by intermolecular surface forces that result in adhesion or cohesion
and in wetting or nonwetting conditions. These surface forces cause such well-
known phenomena as the shape of raindrops, the detergent action of soaps, and
the lubrication of complex machinery.
data cannot be obtained relative to the original system. A zero-g environment is
necessary to measure and assess the fundamental interactions in many important
systems. The study of these systems led to the demonstrations proposed for ASTP.
Chemical Foams
The purpose of the chemical foam demonstration was to illustrate the stability
of foams in space and to determine the change in reaction times of certain chemical
mixtures when altered from bulk liquid form to a stable foam. Some foams are of
interest because many chemical and pharmaceutical reactions occur predominantly
in the thin surface layer of a liquid.
of droplets formed). Likewise, test results have indicated that some reactions occur
faster in a foam or froth. However, the precise change taking place at the interface
has not been precisely determined, and definitive theories on the characteristics of
a stable foam in space have not been generated. Nevertheless, it was anticipated
that a chemical reaction dependent on the surface area of the air-to-liquid inter-
faces, such as the one demonstrated, would proceed differently in a foam in a zero-g
environment than would normally occur on Earth.
2. The reaction of sulfite ion and water with formaldehyde yielding OH-
SO3 = + H20 + HCHO _ CH2OHSO 3- + OH- (rate constant = 0.14 liter/mol sec)
Thus, excess OH- becomes available for reaction with the indicator, phenolphthalein,
only after the bisulfite ion has been completely used.
The second portion of the demonstration illustrated the influence of a stable
foam on the reaction time of a chemical solution. The crewmember inserted prepared
solutions of sodium sulfite, sodium metabisulfite, formaldehyde, and phenolphthalein
indicator into a small tube. The tube was then shaken vigorously for approximately
5 seconds to thoroughly mix the reactants and simultaneously produce the foam.
After the tube was held before the camera for 20 to 30 seconds, the colorless foamed
mixture quickly changed to a vivid red.
Demonstrations using two tubes of pink foam and four tubes to illustrate the
color change of foam were performed during the ASTP mission. Because the
16-millimeter motion picture was out of focus, detailed knowledge of foam dissipation
in the pink foam has not been obtained. Although details of the foam structure are
also lacking for the second part of this demonstration, the color change was dramatic
and of unexpected configuration. During zero-g flights in a KC-135 aircraft with
development hardware, uniform color change appeared to occur more rapidly in
zero-g conditions. Reaction timing will not be possible with the ASTP films, but
the color change began between the gas-liquid interface and the polycarbonate tube.
The color change began as a red ring and rapidly spread throughout the liquid
(fig. 31-1).
The results of this demonstration illustrate that foams can be used to change
the rate of particular chemical reactions. It is anticipated that, in the future, such
foams produced under zero-g conditions can be used as .mediafor conducting
chemical reactions, in which not only the rates but possibly also the end products
may be changed.
Liquid Spreading
Liquids, when brought in contact with solid surfaces, have a tendency to spread
over the entire surface if the cohesive forces between the molecules of the liquid are
smaller than the adhesive forces between the molecules of the liquid and the molecules
of the solid. Under the influence of gravity, this wetting action occurs only when the
flow of the liquid along the surface proceeds in a horizontal or downward direction;
the liquid will not be distributed evenly over an object in opposition to gravity.
However, in a zero-g environment, a wetting liquid will spread evenly over a
surface irrespective of the orientation. The driving force for the initial spreading
is the solid-liquid-gas surface energies. Further intrinsic spreading of the remain-
ing liquid is produced by liquid-gas interfacial energy. This latter spreading will
be much slower, or may stop completely. No data exist for predicting the intrinsic
bulk spreading rate, but the time required to approach uniform thickness may
exceed the time available to perform the demonstration in space.
The important parameters that characterize the solid-liquid interface are
the contact angle formed at the boundary and the surface tension, which determines
the work required to increase the surface by unit area at constant temperature,
pressure, and composition. A spreading coefficient S can be defined as
S = _SG - aSL - aLG ' where aSG, aSL, and _LG represent the surface tension at
the solid-gas, solid-liquid, and liquid-gas interfaces, respectively. Spreading will
occur if S is greater than or less than zero.
Only one box was photographed during the ASTP mission. The photographs
clearly show that the oil placed at the center of the bottom surface quickly spread
to the corners and climbed the vertical walls. The oil accumulated in the corners of
the cube in a manner that would minimize the exposed surface area. When red water
was added to the oil surface, repulsion of oil and water was followed by an equili-
brated configuration of water droplets surrounded by an oil film (fig. 31-2 (b)).
Data concerning spreading, such as rates and observed mechanisms, are being
compared with results of ground and KC-135 experiments as well as with relevant
The information derived from this demonstration will result in a better under-
standing of the process of liquid spreading. In particular, the demonstration will
contribute to the basis of a fully consistent hydrodynamic theory of liquid spreading
independent of the effects of gravity. Discrepancies in the existing theory of
spreading may also be resolved. Such information is pertinent to various applica-
tions involving the quickness of spreading or the uniformity of liquid layers. These
applications cover a wide range of processes and products including coatings,
soldering, brazing, lubrication, laminated microelectronic circuits, and insecti-
Capillary Wicking
In the absence of gravity, the behavior of fluids is unusual because of the
predominance of surface properties (such as adhesion) over bulk properties (such
as mass). The fluid behavior that is unique to space has been used to advantage;
fluids can be easily maneuvered and maintained in a zero-g environment by passive
devices that do not require spacecraft power. Capillary wicking principles have
been used in spacecraft for containment of fuel/cryogen fluids, separation of liquid-
vapor phases, and expulsion of propellants. Little is known, however, about the
efficiency of transfer and the wicking rate of the stainless steel wicks used during
space missions, and short-duration zero-g tests, such as those performed from
drop towers and during KC-135 flights, have not provided sufficient time to gen-
erate basic design data. Attempts have been made to simulate zero-g conditions
by wicking horizontally in a one-g environment. However, it is impossible in this
simulation to eliminate both the fluid pressure head and the small gravity force.
The effect, called capillarity, is due to surface and interfacial forces acting
on a liquid. If a cylindrical tube with a bore of small cross section is placed ver-
tically in a container of liquid that wets the tube, the liquid will rise within the tube
to a height that varies inversely with the diameter of the bore. Flow up the tube
continues until the pressure difference created by the forces disappears. The
pressure exerted by the column of liquid depends on the weight of the liquid. If
gravity is reduced, the capillary rise will increase.
The use of capillary wicks is an important part of everyday life. The natural
cross-linked weave of most fabrics makes them suitable as wicks for many liquids,
as can be observed with the spreading of wet spots following contact of water on
cloth. Treatments that are available to retard wicking are beneficial. Efficient
wieking is also required to clean up liquid spills in the home. Industry and
research require efficient wicks to absorb and retain oil during tanker spills at
sea, to transfer liquid, for application in heat-pipe technology, and to position
liquids (such as cryogens) in containers.
The apparatus for the wicking demonstration is shown in figure 31-3 (a). The
wicks were attached to an assembly that was affixed to a tetrafluoroethylene base
plate. A small well was cut from the center of the tetrafluoroethylene plate, and
the fluids were inserted into this well. A rough aluminum surface covering the
bottom of the well ensured better retention of the fluid. Early plans to enclose the
entire apparatus in a transparent cover were discarded after zero-g tests onboard
a KC-135 aircraft indicated that the fluid remained within the well despite consid-
erable variation in gravitational forces experienced during the tests. It was also
noted during these tests that the fluid was inserted best into the well with the
syringe held vertically rather than at an angle.
The wicking of both oil and water proceeded much faster during the ASTP
mission than had been anticipated on the basis of ground tests and KC-135 zero-g
experiments. The dominant flow was up the crease between the wick and the tetra-
fluoroethylene post (fig. 31-3 Co)).
31-1. Freundlich, H.: Surface Forces and Chemical Equilibrium. J. Chem. Soc.,
1930, p. 170.
31-2. Lacy, L. L.; and Otto, G.H.: The Stability of Liquid Dispersions in Low
Gravity. Paper No. 74-1242, AIAA/AGU Conference on Scientific Experi-
ments of Skylab (Huntsville, Ala.), Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1974.
(a) During early part of reaction. (b) Later in reaction.
( c ) At completion of reaction.
(a) Spreading oil film in cube. (b) Red water on blue oil in cube.
ac alternating current
ACDR Apollo commander
A-D analog to digital
amu atomic mass unit
ANZUS Australia-New Zealand-United States
ASTP Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
at.% atomic percent
ATS Applications Technology Satellite
ATSR Applications Technology Satellite ranging
BTB bromthymol blue agar
CF cryogenic freezer
CGE Crystal Growth Experiment
CM command module
CMC command module computer
CMMY corn-meal, malt-extract, yeast-extract agar
CMP command module pilot
CN cellulose nitrate
COAS crew optical alinement sight
Co-I Co-Investigator
Con A Concanavalin A
CPM counts per minute
CSM command and service module
CTA cellulose triacetate
D-A digital to analog
DAC data acquisition camera
dc direct current
D/L diameter to length ratio
DM docking module
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DMP docking module pilot
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DTA differential thermal analysis
ECE electrical checkout equipment
ECS environmental control system
EMI electromagnetic interference
EPE Electrophoresis Experiment
EU electrophoresis unit
EUV extreme ultraviolet
FCS fetal calf serum
FOV field of view
FWHM full width, half maximum
GBT ground-based test
GEM Goddard Earth Model
GET ground elapsed time
GMT Greenwich mean time
HDC Hasselblad data camera
HED high-energy deposition
HeG helium glow
HGD helium glow detector
HRC Hasselblad reflex camera
HVPS high-voltage power supply
HZE high-charge energy
ICRP International Commission for Radiation Protection
IF intermediate frequency
IR infrared
ISM interstellar medium
JSC NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
KSC NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center
LaRC NASA Langley Research Center
LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LED light-emitting diode
LeRC NASA Lewis Research Center
LET linear energy transfer
LFE Light Flash Experiment
lidar laser radar
MEM minimum essential medium
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRL Naval Research Laboratory
OM orbital module
PBS phosphate-buffered saline
PGS preliminary Goddard solution
PHA phytohemagglutinin
PI Principal Investigator
PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte
PVA polyvinylalcohol
PWM pokeweed mitogen
QT quantum efficiency and transmission
RBE relative biological effectiveness
RCS reaction control system
RF radiofrequency
RPI Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
SAA South Atlantic Anomaly
SAB Sabouraud's dextrose agar
SAM stratospheric aerosol measurement
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
SAS small astronomy satellite
SCDR Soyuz commander
SD standard deviation
SEM scanning electron microscope
SF space flight
SFE Soyuz flight engineer
SI simulation index
SIM scientific instrument module
SM service module
SRBC sheep red blood cells
SST supersonic transport or satellite-to-satellite tracking
STDN Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network
TE thermoelectric module
TLD thermoluminescence dosimeter
TV thermal vacuum or television
UK urokinase
USB unified S-band
UVA ultraviolet absorption
VCO voltage-controlled oscillator
VHF very high frequency
VTR video tape recorder
WBC white blood cell
wt. % weight percent
XBT expendable bathythermograph
Z atomic number
ZFF zone-forming fungi
SI Base Units
meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second see
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd
Amount of substance mole tool
SI Derived Units
cubic meter m3
Volume -1
hertz s
Frequency Hz 3
Mass density (density) kilogram per cubic meter kg/m
meter per second m/see
Speed, velocity
radian per second rad/sec
Angular velocity
m/sec 2
Acceleration meter per second squared
rad/sec 2
Angular acceleration radian per second squared
Force newton N kg • m/see 2
Pa N/m 2
Pressure (mechanical stress) pascal
SI Supplementary Units
Plane angle
steradian sr
Solid angle radian
Unit Prefixes
mega M 106
kilo k 103
centi C 10 -2
milli -3
m 10
micro _t 10 -6
nano n 10 -9
pico P 10-12
The following table expresses the definitions of units of measure used in the
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Preliminary Science Report as exact numerical multiples
of coherent SI units and provides multiplying factors for converting to SI units.
The first two digits of each numerical entry represent a power of 10. An asterisk
follows eaeh number which expresses an exact definition.
Soft X-ray Observation Experiment and ground-support Bali Brothers Research Corporation
(MA-048) equipment (GSE) Boulder, Colo.
Experiment Equipment supplied Vendor
AR-002 m_
G. R. Taylor, DD7
MA-007 J. R. Bates, TN3
MA-028 C. J. LeBlanc, ED6 J. R. Bates, TN3
MA-031 --B
S. L. Kimzey, DB7
MA-032 S. L. Kimzey, DB7
MA-048 E. L. Weeks, ED6 S. N. Hardee, TN3
MA-059 L. W. McFaden, ED6 S. R. Mansur, TN3
MA-083 J. M. Sanders, ED6 R. R. Baldwin, TN3
MA-088 J. M. Sanders, ED6 R. R. Baldwin, TN3
MA-089 A. R. Cunningham, EE6, P. E. Lafferty, TN3
and J. S. Kelley, EE3
MA-106 J. D. Lem, DE4 R. A. Hoffman, DD6