DLL - Wek1 - LC33-35

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Teaching Dates and Time FEBRUARY 5 – 9, 2024 Quarter THIRD


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing
content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support
the learning of content and competencies and enable
children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of combination and probability.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to use precise counting technique and probability in formulating
conclusions and making decisions.
C. Learning The learner illustrates The learner derives The learner The learner
Competencies/Objectives the permutation of the formula for solves problems solves problems
Write the LC code for objects. finding the number of involving involving
each. (M10SP-IIIa-1) permutations of n permutations permutations.
objects taken r at a (M10SP-IIIb-1) (M10SP-IIIb-1)
a. Illustrate the a. Solve problems
permutation of objects. a.Formulate the a. Solve involving linear
b. List the number of problems permutations
possible ways a permutation of n involving and permutations
certain task or objects taken r at a circular taken r at a time
activity can be time. permutations b. Analyze each
done b. Find the and word problem to
c.Appreciate number of permutations identify the given
permutations as vital permutation of n with information
part of one’s life. objects taken at a repetitions. c. Value
time. b. Analyze each accumulated
C. Appreciate word problem to knowledge as
permutations as a vital identify the given means of new
part of one’s life. information understanding
c. Value
knowledge as
means of new

II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the
content can be tackled
in a week or two.

Illustration of Permutation of n objects Problem Solving Involving Problem Solving

Permutation taken at r time Permutation Involving Permutation


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 248-252 252-255 256 – 257 256 – 257
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 283-285 286-290 283 – 300 283 – 300
3. Textbook pages
Basic Probability and Basic Probability and
Statistics, pp. 120- Statistics, pp. 120-121
121 Elementary Elementary Statistics: A
Statistics: A Step by Step by Step Approach,
Step Approach, pp. 221- pp. 221-223
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Worksheets and power Worksheets and power Worksheets and power
Resource (LR)portal point point presentation point presentation
B. Other Learning Resource
https:// http://
onlinecourses.scie www.mathsisfun.com
nce.psu.edu/stat414/no /data/basic-counting-
d e/29 principle.html
http://www.analyzema http://www.math-
th. play.com/Permutations/
com/statistics/counting. per mutations
ht ml %20millionaire.ht ml

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Think-Pair-Share
presenting the new lesson
Answer the
following with
your seatmate.

1. You have 3
shirts and 4
pants. How
A. Preliminaries many
possible Drill
Activating Prior outfits can
Knowledge you have? The class will be Compute
divided into 4 with
Erna invited her uneven number of the
close friends Chona, members. Each group permutations of the
Mary Grace and will be asked to following mentally.
Emilie to her 18th arrange themselves in
birthday at Patio a circle. In how many 1. P (4,2)
Buendia in Amadeo. ways can this be 2. P (5,2)
She prepared a possible? 3. P (6,1)
special table with 4. P (3,3)
chairs placed in a 5. P (7,4)
row to be occupied
by her three
friends. 2. There are 6
flavors of ice-
1. List all the cream, and 3
possible seating different cones
arrangements. in a grocery
2. How many store. How
ways they can be many orders of
seated in a row? ice cream can
3. Show another you make?
way/s of finding the
answer in item 1.

B. Establishing a purpose for the For personal password Answer the following
lesson in a computer with your seatmate.
account, did you Your task in this
know why a shorter activity is to think on
password is “weak” how many ways the
while the longer following objects can Mr. Calix lost his ATM
password is be arranged.
card which can be
“strong”? Give real-life situations opened with a 4-digit
where circular password.
permutations and Should he be worried
1. permutations with overnight without
repeated elements. reporting the lost of his
card to the bank?


C. Presenting Permutation The

examples/Instances of the is an arrangement of One of the schools in
new lesson all or parts of a set the province of
arrangements which Your mother made
of objects with can be made out of a pickles, gelatin, leche Cavite will conduct a
proper order. given number of plan, ube jam, sapin- beauty pageant
Permutations can things by taking some sapin and graham. “Search for
be determined by or all at a time are You are to arrange the Binibining
called permutation. side dishes and Kalikasan”. For this
listing, using table,
Let r and n be the desserts in a round year, 10 students
tree diagramming, positive integers such table. Find the circular join on the said
and by using the that 1  r  n. Then the permutation that you can event. In how many
Fundamental numbers of all make. ways can second
permutations of n runner up, first runner
Counting Principle.
things taken at a up and the title
FCP is use to holder be selected?
time is denoted by
calculate the total P(n,r) or nPr.
number of Let 1  r  n. Then
permutations in a the
number of all
given situation. The
permutations of n
principle may not different things taken r
tell what exactly at a time is given by
those permutations P (n,r)=n!
are, but it gives the (n-r)!
exact number of The number of
permutations there permutations of n
things taken r at a
should be. The time is the same as
FCP tells that you the number of
can different ways in
which r

Given: n = 10

multiply the place in a row can be students
filled with n different r = 3 winners
number of ways
each event can
𝑃(10,3) =
The first place can
(10 −
be filled up by any

Illustrative Example 1: one of these n things.
So. Tthere are n ways
Suppose that you
= 720
of filling up the first
secure your bike
using a We are left with
combination lock. (n-1) things. So, there There are 720 ways
Later, you forgot are (n-1) ways of to select top three
filling the second winners.
the 4- digit code.
You can
only remember Now, we are left
that the code with n-2 things. So
Given: n = 6
contains the digits there are n-
Solution: P = (n –
1, 3, 2 ways of filling up
the third place.
4, and 7. = (6 – 1)!
By the
a.List all possible = 5!
fundamental principle = 120
codes out of the of counting, the There are 120 ways to
given digits. number of ways of filling arrange the side dishes
up the first three and desserts in a round
b. How many
places is table.
possible codes are n(n-1)(n-2).
there? Continuing
c. Use the
Fundamental this manner, the rth
place can be filled up
counting principle with any of these n-
to check if the (r-1) things. So there
number of are n-r+1 ways of
permutations is filling up the rth place.
correct. Answer: Thus, the total
a. Possible codes number of ways is
P(n,r) = n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)
containing the four =n(n-1)(n-2)…(n-r+1)((nr)
digits 7, 4, 3, 1: …..3.2.1
(The list must be =
made systematically n!
to ensure r)!

1347 3147 4137 7134

1374 3174 4173 7143

1437 3417 4317 7314

1473 3471 4371 7341

1734 3714 4713 7413

1743 3741 4731 7431

b.There are 24
possible outcomes.
c. Using the
Counting Principle:
1st digit 2nd digit 3rd
digit 4th digit

4 choices × 3
× 2 choices × 1
= 24

Illustrative Example 2:
In how many ways
can Aling Rosa
arrange 6 potted
plants in a row?
Using the
Counting Principle
Let N = number
of possible
arrangements of

the plants
N = (6) (5) (4) (3)

N = 720 because
there are 6 choices
for the 1st position,
5 choices left for
the 2nd position, 4
choices for the 3rd,
and so on.
D. Discussing new concepts and Complete the table Do you want to be a THINK-PAIR-SHARE
practicing new skills # 1 below: Millionaire? Let’s Play!
Permutation Millionaire! How many
arrangements can be
You have to answer made from the word
every question for 10 TAGAYTAY?
seconds. Every correct Solution: THINK-PAIR-SHARE
answer has a let T equals
corresponding point. n1. A Analyze the given
The highest score a equals n2 problem.
student can earn will G equals
be an additional point n3 Y In how many ways can a
to become a equals n4 coach assign the
millionaire. n= n1 = starting positions in a
1. In how many ways n2 = n3 = basketball game to
can three runners line n4 = nine equally qualified
up on the starting men?

𝑃 = 𝑛1!𝑛2!𝑛3!𝑛4!

𝑃 =
A. three B. Nine
C. Six D. Five
! ! ! !
2. In how many ways can
4 books be arranged The word TAGAYTAY
in a shelf? can be arranged into
A. 24 B. 12 ways.
C. 8 D. 4

3. In how many ways can
a scoop of chocolate,
a scoop of vanilla and
one of strawberry be
arranged on an ice
cream cone?
A. Six B. Nine
C. Ten D. Three

4. A class has 10
students. How many
choices for a
president and a vice-
president are
A. 90 B. 1000
C. 100 D. 10,000

5. A couch can hold

five people. In how
many ways can five
people sit on a couch?
A. 120 B.125
C. 150 D.100
E. Discussing new concepts and How did you 1. How did you
practicing new skills # 2 determine the find the activity? 1. How did you
different possibilities 2. What concepts find the activity?
Using the numbered of permutations did you
asked for in the 2. What
heads together answer use to solve the
given situations? concepts of
the following. problem?
What mathematics permutations did you
concept or principle 3. How did you use to solve the
Find the number of
did you use to apply the principles of problem?
permutations of the
determine the exact permutation in solving
letters in the word
number of ways the problem? 3. How did you
asked in each 4. Can you cite other apply the principles
activity? real-life problems that of permutation in
How was the can be solved using solving the
principle applied? permutation? problem?
4. Can you cite
other real- life
problems that can be

solved using
F. Developing mastery Solve the following
(leads to Formative Assessment problems individually.
Solve the following
1. In how many Solve the following
ways can you place Answer the problem problems
1. Two raffle
9 different books on individually. tickets are
a shelf if there is 1. In how many
drawn from
enough space for How many ways can 5
20 tickets for
only five books? different plants
permutations does the first and
Give 3 possible be planted in a
each word have? second prizes.
ways. circle?
Find the
2. In how many 2. There are 4
1. KURBADA number of
ways can 5 people copies of
sample points
arrange themselves Mathematics
2. PALIKO in the sample
in a row for picture book, 5 copies
taking? Give 3 of English book
3. TUWID and 3 copies of
possible ways. 2. A teacher
3. An apartment Science book. In
wants to
has 7 different units. how many ways
assign 4
There are seven can they be
different tasks
tenants waiting to be arranged on a
to her 4
assigned. In how shelf?
students. In
many ways can they how many
be assigned to the ways can she
different units? Give do it?
3 possible
G. Finding practical application of Solve the following (The students will be (The students will
concepts and skills in daily living problems individually. Group activity: In working in groups and be working in groups
a worksheet try to will be presenting their and will be presenting
1. In how many answer the following output in class.) their output in class.)
ways can you place using strips of paper.
9 different books on Solve the following Solve the following
a shelf if there is problems. problems.
enough space for Directions: Find 1. In how many ways 1. How many different
only five books? the number of can ways can a president
Give 3 possible permutations. Use 4 students be seated and a vice-
ways. the at around table? president
2. In how many
ways can

5 people arrange formula and concepts be selected for
themselves in a row for you learn from this 2. How many classroom officers
picture taking? Give 3 lesson. arrangements can if there are 30
possible ways. be made from the students in a
3. An apartment 1. MALAYA word class?
has 7 different units. CALCULATOR? 2. How many ways
There are seven can 10 students
tenants waiting to be 3. Find the number of line up in a food
assigned. In how different ways that counter?
many ways can they a family of 6 can 3. In how many
be assigned to the be seated around a different ways
3. MAMA circular table with 6
different units? Give can 5 bicycles be
3 possible ways? chairs. parked if there are
7 available
4. How many parking spaces?
distinguishable 4. In how many
permutations different ways can
are possible with 12 people occupy
all the letters of the 12 seats in a
the word front row of a
ELLIPSES? mini- theater?
H. Making generalizations Permutation with
and abstractions about Remember: Repeated Elements. The Permutation is an
the lesson A permutation is an Permutation is an number of distinct arrangement of n
arrangement of all or arrangement, listing, permutation of n objects taken in a
part of a set of of objects in which objects of which n1 are specific order. Linear
objects with proper the order is one of a kind, n2 of Permutation. The
regard to order. important. second kind, nk of a kth number of
We determine the kind is permutations of n
𝑃𝑛 =
different permutations In general, when we 𝑛! distinct of distinct
by listing. We also are given a problem 𝑛1!𝑛2!𝑛3!…. objects is n!
use table, tree involving Factorial Notation. n! is
diagram and as well permutations, where where n1+ n2+ n3+…. = the product of the
as the Fundamental we are choosing r n first n consecutive
Counting Principle. members from a set natural numbers.
with n members and the Circular Permutation. Permutation of n
order is important, the When things are arranged elements taken r at a
number of in places along a closed time
permutations is given curve

the expression or circle, in which any 𝑃(𝑛, 𝑟) = 𝑛𝑃𝑟 =
place may be regarded as where 0
P =n · (n - 1) · (n - 2)
n r the first or last place,
·… they form a circular ≤r≤n
·(n - r + 2) · (n - r + permutation. Thus with
1). n distinguishable
objects we have (n-1)!

𝑃𝑐 = (𝑛 − 1)!
The first factor Arrangements. In symbol,
indicates we can
choose the first
member in n ways,
the second factor
indicates we can
choose the second
member in n - 1 ways
once the first member
has been chosen, and
so on.
I. Evaluating learning Study the following Quiz Solve the following Solve the following
situations. Identify Answer each problems. problems.
which situations permutation problem
illustrate completely. 1. A man flips ten 1. A store
permutation. Then 1. In how many coins among his ten manager wishes
give an example of ways can 10 children. The coins are to display 8
possible people line up two one-centavo coins, different brands
arrangements. at a ticket three five-centavo of shampoo in a
window of a coins, and five twenty- row. How many
1. Determining cinema hall? five centavo coins. If ways can this be
the top three 2. Seven each item is to get done?
winners in a students are one coin, in how many 2. Mar, Marlon,
Mathematics Quiz contesting ways can the children Marvin, Martin
Bee. election for share the coins? and Marco
2. Choosing five the president decided to go to
group mates for of the student 2. A bracelet needs SM Dasmarinas.
your Mathematics union. In how 10 chains of different Each of them has
project. many ways colors. In how many their own
3. Three people can their ways can the motorcycle.
posing for a names be chains be arranged or Upon arriving at
picture. listed on the the parking lot,
4. Assigning 4 ballot paper? there are 7
practice teachers
to 4 different

grade levels. 3. There are 3 joined to form a bracelet? available parking
5. Picking 2 questions blue balls, 4 spaces. In how many
from a bowl. red balls and 5 different ways can
green balls. In their motorcycle
how many ways be parked?
can they be
arranged in a
J. Additional activities for 1.Follow-up
application or remediation It is in international
summits that major
1. Follow-up
world decisions happen.
Suppose that you were
In how many ways
the overall in charge of
can a jack, a queen and
the seating in an
a king be chosen
from a deck of 52
1. Follow-up: How convention wherein
A. Follow-up. cards?
many numbers 12 country-
Find the
consisting of 3 digits representatives were
permutation of the 2. Study :
can be made from 1, invited. They are the
following. Circular
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 if prime
1. PACKAGE Permutation
a. Repetitio ministers/presidents of
n is allowed the countries of Canada,
3. SCOUT Permutation
b. Repetition is China, France,
not allowed with
B. Study Germany, India,
permutation Japan, Libya,
2. Study a. Give the
with repetition. Malaysia, Philippines,
permutation of n formula for circular
South Korea, USA, and
objects taken r at a permutation and
United Kingdom.
time. permutation with
1. If the seating
arrangement is to be
circular, how many b. Give real-life
seating arrangements situations where
are possible? circular

2. Study : permutation and
Combination permutation with
a. Differentiate repetition can
combination from be applied.
c. Give real-life
situations where
combination can

be applied.
A. No. of learners who earned
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Noted by:


SST-II HT III – Mathematics Department

Checked by: Approved by:

MT I – Mathematics Department PRINCIPAL IV


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