Weekly Lesson Plan W16

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WEEK / TUẦN: 16 25/11/2024 -29/11/2024

Class / Lớp: C10-1

Homeroom Teacher/ Giáo viên Chủ nhiệm: International Co-Homeroom Teacher/ Giáo viên đồng chủ nhiệm: Contact email/ Hòm thư liên lạc:
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Vân Jack Taylor [email protected]

Science (Khoa học): Jack Taylor,

English (Tiếng Anh): Kendal Rolley Business: Daniel Brown Art&design: : Roisin Patricia Keown
Subject teacher Nguyễn Thị Hồng Vân
Giáo viên bộ môn
Computer Science (Khoa học máy tính): ESL (tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai):
Math (Toán): Justin Paul Hendricks Economic: Daniel Brown PE: Trịnh Văn Hùng
Nguyễn Hằng Phương Trần Thị Ngọc

Monday / Thứ Hai Tuesday / Thứ Ba Wednesday / Thứ Tư Thursday / Thứ Năm Friday / Thứ Sáu
Math Science/Life English GP Science/Life
Unit test - Chapter 15 To review the concept and action of (INDIVIDUAL REPORT) Students are To explore variation through the example
Period 1 electrolysis reminded of structure of individual report. of blood types.
Tiết 1 Begin teaching elements of good writing

Math Science/Life Science/Life Math

9. Sequences, surds and sets To practice exam style questions on To use monohybrid crosses to predict 14. Further solving equations and
electrolysis inherited traits. inequalities
Period 2
To explore recessive genetic disorders. To
Tiết 2
recognise genetic disorders from pedigree

I-Eco/CS/AD English GP Science/Life Business

ECO: Understand the reasons for taxation (READING / WRITING) Students review To explain variation within a population. Understand how technology has changed
CS: (Creating a maintainable program) results from Mock RW test To define continuous and discontinuous and is changing
AD:In this lesson, students will prepare variation. production methods
Period 3
Tiết 3 their prep-sheets for Decembers EOT
assessment (AO4)

I-Eco/CS/AD English GP English GP Business

ECO: Understand the reasons for taxation (EXAM PREP) Students are given a mock (GP EXAM) Students practice the longest, Review Chapter 15 'Production of Goods
CS:(Creating a maintainable program) exam for ET1 20 point queston and Services'
AD:In this lesson, students will prepare
their prep-sheets for Decembers EOT
assessment (AO4)

Period 4
Tiết 4

Sport Day
Sport Day

I-Eco/CS/AD Business Math I-Eco/CS/AD

ECO: Understand the different types of Recommend and justify an appropriate 15. Scale drawings, bearings and ECO: Understand the different types of
taxes. production method for a given situation trigonometry taxes.
CS: (One-dimensional arrays) CS: (Use of 1D arrays)
AD: In this lesson, students will prepare AD: In this lesson, students will work
Period 5
their prep-sheets for Decembers EOT towards Developing (AO3) ideas &
Tiết 5
assessment (AO4) Presenting (AO4) work

Business Business Math I-Eco/CS/AD

Recommend and justify an appropriate Understand how technology has changed 20. Histograms and cummulative ECO:Understand the principles of taxation
production method for a given situation and is changing frequency diagrams CS: (two-dimensional arrays)
production methods AD: In this lesson, studnets will reflect on
Period 6 their work and set goals for the December
Tiết 6 assessment

English GP Science/Life LHR Club

(TEAM PROJECT) Students are reminded of To write half equations for redox reactions. ESL language support Students will take part in the club.
the various components of the Team Self-study in the library
Period 7 project
Tiết 7

L.O: Lesson Objectives (Mục tiêu của bài học)

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