Determining Fatigue Failure of Compacted Asphalt Concrete Subjected To Repeated Flexural Bending
Determining Fatigue Failure of Compacted Asphalt Concrete Subjected To Repeated Flexural Bending
Determining Fatigue Failure of Compacted Asphalt Concrete Subjected To Repeated Flexural Bending
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 7460 – 08
in.)) between the H-frame contact points on the beam speci- device shall be capable of (1) providing cyclic haversine
men. The level of desired strain is pre-calculated and an input (= SIN2(degrees/2)) loading at a frequency range of 5 to 10 Hz,
for the displacement control. The deflection at the mid-length (2) subjecting specimens to 4-point bending with free rotation
position (L/2) of a beam specimen is regulated by the closed and horizontal translation at all load and reaction points, and
loop control system. (3) forcing the specimen back to its original position (that is,
zero deflection) at the end of each loading cycle. Fig. 1
5. Significance and Use illustrates the haversine waveform. Figs. 2 and 3 show the
5.1 The laboratory fatigue life determined by this standard movements of the Cox and IPC loading devices, respectively;
for beam specimens have been used to estimate the fatigue life the Cox device loads in a downward direction and the IPC
of asphalt concrete pavement layers under repeated traffic loads in an upward direction. The early version of the IPC
loading. Although the field performance of asphalt concrete is device does not have free translation at the inner clamps;
impacted by many factors (traffic variation, speed, and wander; however, the newer model allows free rotation and translation
climate variation; rest periods between loads; aging; etc.), it at all four clamps.
has been more accurately predicted when laboratory properties 6.1.2 Environmental Chamber (Temperature Control
are known along with an estimate of the strain level induced at System)—The environmental chamber shall enclose the entire
the layer depth by the traffic wheel load traveling over the specimen and maintain the specimen at the desired test
pavement. temperature. The temperature shall be within 60.5°C (60.9°F)
NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this standard are
throughout the conditioning and testing times. An environmen-
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing the procedure tal chamber is not required if the temperature of the surround-
and the capability, calibration, and maintenance of the equipment used. ing environment can be maintained within the specified limits.
Agencies that meet the criteria of Specification D 3666 are generally 6.1.3 Control and Data Acquisition System—During each
considered capable of competent and objective testing/sampling/ load cycle the control and data acquisition system shall be
inspection/etc. Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with capable of measuring the displacement of the beam specimen,
Specification D 3666 alone does not completely assure reliable results.
Reliable results depend on many factors; following the suggestions of
and adjusting the load applied by the loading device such that
Specification D 3666 or some similar acceptable guideline provides a the specimen experiences a constant level of displacement on
means of evaluating and controlling some of those factors. each load cycle. In addition, it shall be capable of recording
load cycles, applied loads, beam displacements, and tempera-
6. Apparatus ture while computing and recording the maximum tensile
6.1 Test System—The test system shall consist of a load stress, maximum tensile strain, phase angle, and stiffness at
frame, an environmental chamber (temperature control system) load cycle intervals specified by the user.
and a closed loop control and data acquisition system. The test 6.2 Miscellaneous Apparatus and Materials—For the Cox
system shall meet the minimum requirements specified in device, an aluminum, wedge-shaped target for connecting the
Table 1. This standard specifically describes the systems of two displacement sensor to the neutral axis of the specimen and
primary suppliers (Cox and Sons, Inc. [Cox] and Industrial cyanoacrylate (super glue) or equivalent is needed for attaching
Process Controls, Ltd. [IPC]); however, other similar equip- the target to the specimen. With both the Cox and the IPC
ment could also be used. equipment, an alignment fixture and a solid aluminum beam
6.1.1 Loading Device—The test system shall include a are needed for setting the proper clamp spacing and a saw
closed-loop, computer controlled loading component which, suitable for cutting the beams with parallel faces to the proper
during each load cycle in response to commands from the data tolerance.
processing and control component, adjusts and applies a load
such that the specimen experiences a constant level of displace- 7. Hazards
ment (and resulting strain) during each load cycle. The loading 7.1 Observe standard laboratory safety precautions when
preparing and testing asphalt concrete specimens.
TABLE 1 Test System Minimum Requirements
Load Measurement and Control Range: 0 to 5 kN (0 to 1124 lbf) 8. Sampling and Test Specimen Preparation
Resolution: 2.5 N (0.56 lbf)
Accuracy: 5 N (1 lbf) 8.1 Laboratory-Mixed and Compacted Specimens—Sample
asphalt binder in accordance with Practice D 140 and sample
Displacement Measurement and Control Range: 0 to 5 mm (0 to 0.2 in.)
Resolution: 2.5 µm (9.8 3 105 in.) aggregate in accordance with Practice D 75. If a complete
Accuracy: 5 µm (2.0 3 104 in.) fatigue curve is desired, prepare nine replicate asphalt concrete
beam specimens, from slab(s) or beam(s) compacted in accor-
Frequency Measurement and Control Range: 5 to 10 Hz
Resolution: 0.005 Hz dance with AASHTO PP 3. Otherwise, prepare as many
Accuracy: 0.01 Hz specimens as desired for individual beam test results. Labora-
tory prepared mixtures are typically conditioned with a short-
Temperature Measurement and Control Resolution: 60.25°C (60.45°F)
Accuracy: 60.5°C (60.9°F) term aging process, such as defined in AASHTO R 30. Test at
least six replicate asphalt concrete beam specimens at different
Displacement Sensor Linear Variable Differential strain levels in order to develop a fatigue curve, as shown in
Transducer (LVDT), Extensometer,
or similar device Fig. 4. The extra specimens may also be tested as desired, if the
data appears to include an outlier, or if a beam failure occurs
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NOTE 1—Early model shown; the newer model allows free rotation and translation at all four clamps.
FIG. 3 Load and Freedom Characteristics of IPC Fatigue Test Apparatus
D 7460 – 08
directly at a clamp. A linear relationship on a log-log plot exists all the clamps will be aligned. If the top and bottom sides of the
between Nf and the level of strain (µ´, microstrain = strain 3 beam test specimen are not parallel, it should not be an issue
106). with the clamping. The saw cuts are typically straight on all
sides of the beam even if these are not parallel to each other;
NOTE 2—The type of compaction device (linear kneading, rolling
wheel, vibratory) may influence the test results, relative to representing the top clamps will compensate for the lack of parallelism,
actual construction. since the clamps are all independent of each other. The Cox
NOTE 3—Normally test specimens are compacted using a standard fixture is designed to use the 3.175 mm (1⁄8 in.) tensile bar
compactive effort. However, the standard compactive effort may not coupler for facilitating 360° movement without creating an
reproduce the air voids of roadway specimens measured according to Test eccentric moment, as shown in Fig. 5. The two spent 3.175 mm
Method D 3203. If specimens are to be compacted to a target air void (1⁄8 in.) tensile bars pictured on the right-hand side of Fig. 5
content, the compactive effort should be determined experimentally.
show the deformation that can occur due to years of fatigue
8.2 Plant-Mixed, Laboratory Compacted Specimens— testing; any shortening of the shaft changes the stroke location.
Obtain asphalt concrete samples in accordance with Practice If the fixture uses this type of coupler, this initial sensor
D 979. If a complete fatigue curve is desired, prepare nine location should be checked after every seven testing days to
replicate asphalt concrete beam specimens, from slab(s) or evaluate the condition of the coupler. If the fixture is hard
beam(s) compacted in accordance with AASHTO PP 3. Oth- coupled, as with the IPC device, this alignment check can be
erwise, prepare as many specimens as desired for individual performed less frequently.
beam test results. See Notes 2 and 3. Test at least six replicate 9.2 Specimen Measurement—Measure the height and width
asphalt concrete beam specimens at different strain levels in of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 mm (3.94 3 10-4 in.) at
order to develop a fatigue curve, as shown in Fig. 4. The extra three or more different points along the middle 100 mm (3.94
specimens may also be tested as desired, if the data appears to in.) of the specimen length in accordance with applicable
include an outlier, or if a beam failure occurs directly at a sections of Test Method D 3549, Determine the average of the
clamp. measurements for each dimension and record the averages to
8.3 Roadway Specimens—Obtain compacted asphalt con- the nearest 0.1 mm (0.004 in).
crete samples from the roadway in accordance with Practice 9.3 Attaching the Target to the Neutral Axis of Specimen
D 5361. (Required with the Cox Fixture)—Locate the center of a
8.4 Specimen Trimming—Saw at least 6 mm from all sides specimen on one of its 50 mm (1.97 in.) high lengthwise sides
of each compacted specimen to provide smooth, parallel (i.e., mid-height and mid-length of the beam). Apply cy-
(saw-cut) surfaces for mounting the measurement gages. The anoacrylate (super glue) or equivalent in a circle around this
final required dimensions of the test specimen, after sawing, point and place the target on the glue such that the top of the
are 380 6 6 mm (14.96 6 0.24 in.) in length, 50 6 2 mm (1.96 target is at the center point of the beam. Allow the glue to cure
6 0.08 in.) in height, and 63 6 2 mm (2.48 6 0.08 in.) in before moving the specimen. Fig. 6 illustrates the target
width. To minimize specimen variability, it is recommended attached to the neutral axis of the specimen.
that the beams be immediately labeled to ensure consistent 9.4 Place the specimen on a stiff flat surface in an environ-
orientation (top and sides) during testing, relative to the ment holding the desired test temperature for two hours to
compaction process. ensure that the specimen has equilibrated to the desired test
8.5 Specimen Storage—The specimens should be stored on temperature prior to beginning the test. Based on past experi-
a 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) steel plate with a flatness of 0.127 mm ence, approximately 1.5 to 2 hours is sufficient to equilibrate
(0.005 in.) across the surface of the plate from end to end. This the temperature of a beam that was stored near room tempera-
flat surface keeps the beam specimens from being pre-strained ture to its testing environment. The temperature shall be within
before testing. Limit stacking of specimens to two high on 60.5°C (60.9°F) throughout the conditioning and testing
storage racks. times.
9. Procedure NOTE 4—A common temperature used for this test method is 20°C
(68°F), since it is near the critical temperature level for most of the U.S.
9.1 Fixture Alignment—A solid aluminum beam, having
Another method that has been used to determine the effective test
dimensions specified in 8.4 with tolerances to a flatness of temperature for equivalent pavement fatigue damage is the following
0.051 mm (0.002 in.) across the length of the aluminum beam equation developed during the Strategic Highway Research Program
(measured using a straight edge and feeler gauges), is used to (SHRP):
ensure proper alignment of the beam fixture prior to testing.
Teff.Fatigue 5 0.8~MAPT! – 2.7 (1)
Insert the aluminum beam into the fixture, clamping the side
clamps on the outside frame first. Clamp the top clamps on the where:
outside frames followed by the top clamps on the inside MAPT = mean annual pavement temperature (°C),
frames. Place the actuator in load control and remove the load. MAPT = T20mm 5 Tair – 0.00618~lat2! 1 0.2289~lat!
Verify that the clamps are fully seated on the aluminum beam. 1 42.2~0.9545! – 17.78, (2)
On the Cox frame, apply the side clamps to the inside frames. T20mm = temperature at 20 mm depth from pavement surface (°C),
Tair = mean annual air temperature (°C), and
After returning to displacement control, adjust the load to the
lat = latitude of project location (degrees).
positive side of zero; make a note of the actuator displacement
sensor location and start cycling from this position. Once this 9.5 Open the clamps and slide the specimen into position
zero load position is located and used as a guide, the bottom of (Figs. 7-10). With both the Cox and the IPC equipment, use the
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FIG. 5 Tensile Bar Coupler Connecting the Actuator to the H-frame (Inner Clamps)
FIG. 6 Target Attached to the Beam Neutral Axis (Mid-Height, Mid-Length) (Cox)
D 7460 – 08
FIG. 8 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, Side View
alignment fixture to ensure proper horizontal spacing of the top clamps to the inside frames. With the Cox, apply the side
clamps, (Cox: 119 mm (4.69 in.); IPC: 1 18.5 mm (4.66 in.)) clamps of the inside frames. Check for adequate clamping
center-to-center. When the specimen and clamps are in the pressure by toggling (lightly shaking) each frame with the
proper positions, apply the side clamps to the outside frames, spacing fixture in place and make sure that all clamps are
then apply the top clamps to the outside frames. Next, apply the seated properly, flat against the specimen.
D 7460 – 08
FIG. 9 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, Top View
FIG. 10 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, End View
9.6 Set the displacement amplitude to the desired strain rate With the IPC fixture (Figs. 11 and 12), the beam displacement
by manually adjusting the sensor and the parameters in the test is measured on the tensile reaction side (top) of the beam.
control software while lowering the displacement sensor onto Clamp the displacement sensor into position so that it rests on
the proper specimen contact position. Fig. 8 illustrates the Cox top of the flat surface of the contact position and check that the
fixture with the displacement sensor resting on the target, such displacement sensor will not over extend its designed length of
that beam displacement will be measured at the neutral axis. travel.
D 7460 – 08
FIG. 11 Schematic and Photo of IPC Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus (newer model), Side View
9.7 Select the desired initial strain (50 to 3000 µ´; typically the strain up and down on additional replicate beams to
200 to 800 µ´ for conventional asphalt concrete; 70 to 150 µ´ evaluate performance of the material over a range of strain
for evaluating severely high-repetition but low strain condi- levels.
tions; 1500 to 3000 µ´ for some interlayer materials) and 9.10 After selecting the appropriate test parameters, begin
loading frequency, and the load cycle intervals at which test the test. Activate the control and data acquisition system so that
results are to be recorded and computed. The load cycle the test results at the selected load cycle intervals are monitored
intervals to be recorded are typically spread out to adequately and recorded, ensuring that the test system is operating
cover each decade on a log scale (that is, 100, 200, 300, 400,
properly. Ideally, the test should be terminated some time after
500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 cycles) for the entire
the peak value has been achieved on a graphical plot of
expected length of test. Enter these values into the specific
normalized complex modulus 3 cycles versus cycles, as
template for this testing program in the Control and Data
Acquisition System. Typically, the loading frequency is set shown in Fig. 13. To extend beyond this failure point, it is
within a range of 5 to 10 Hz (10 Hz is the most commonly used suggested that the test be terminated after the beam flexural
frequency) for simulating highway repetitive loading condi- stiffness reduces to about 40 percent of the initial beam
tions. stiffness. With low-strain testing, it may be impractical to reach
this desired failure point; in this case, the failure point may be
NOTE 5—Selection of load cycle intervals at which test results are estimated using the extrapolation procedure described in
computed and recorded may be limited by the amount of memory
available for storing data. 10.1.7.
9.8 Within the load cycles to be recorded, include an NOTE 6—The point of failure can also be continually evaluated by
interval near the point of 50 cycles. Determine the specimen monitoring the cyclic stress versus strain plot on the scope for the point at
which the hysteresis loop (continuous plot of stress versus strain during
stiffness at the 50th load cycle; this stiffness is the recom-
loading) collapses, loses its shape, appears horizontal, or combinations
mended estimate of the initial beam stiffness.
9.9 Select a displacement level (strain level) near the
mid-range initially for the specific material based on trial and 10. Calculation or Interpretation of Results
error or experience, such that the specimen will undergo a
minimum of 10 000 load cycles prior to failure. A minimum of 10.1 Perform the following calculations at the operator-
10 000 load cycles ensures that the specimen does not decrease specified load cycle intervals:
in stiffness too rapidly. For establishing a fatigue curve, adjust 10.1.1 Maximum Tensile Stress (Pa):
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FIG. 12 Displacement in the IPC Apparatus (early model shown) is Measured With a Sensor Located on Top of Specimen
D 7460 – 08
33a3P TABLE 2 Beam Fatigue Data Processing
st 5 (3)
b 3 h2 Beam Normalized
Curve Fit
Cycle Normalized
Modulus Modulus
where: Number Modulus
(ksi) 3 Cycles
3 Cycles
a = center to center spacing between clamps (Cox:
0.1190 m; IPC: 0.1185 m), 49 412.73 1.00 1.00
59 407.27 1.19 1.19
P = load applied by actuator (N), 69 403.93 1.38 1.38
b = average specimen width (m), and 79 400.86 1.57 1.56
h = average specimen height (m). 89 398.86 1.76 1.72
99 397.13 1.94 1.94
10.1.2 Maximum Tensile Strain (m/m): 199 377.02 3.71 3.71
12 3 d 3 h 299 365.21 5.40 5.40
´t 5 (4) 399 355.95 7.02 7.04
~ 3 3 L2 ! – ~ 4 3 a2 ! – – – –
639,999 179.15 5669.41 5739.15
where: 659,999 180.16 5879.60 5939.54
d = maximum deflection at center of beam (m), 679,999 178.50 6001.87 6083.25
a = space between inside clamps, L/3, (Cox: 0.1190 m; 699,999 177.06 612&54 6197.14
719,999 177.61 6323.17 6282.33
IPC: 0.1185 m); and 739,999 176.89 6472.51 6525.92
L = length of beam between outside clamps, (Cox: 759,999 174.40 6553.89 6626.00
0.3570 m; IPC: 0.3555 m). 779,999 173.77 6701.97 6777.35
799,999 172.62 6828.41 6904.06
10.1.3 Flexural Beam Stiffness (Pa): 819,999 170.03 6894.02 6982.29
st 839,999 169.63 7045.86 7009.76
S5´ (5) 859,999 167.49 7122.23 7211.63
t 879,999 165.77 7213.18 7279.26
10.1.4 Phase Angle (deg): 899,999 164.84 7335.90 7413.91
919,999 163.25 7426.54 7503.34
f 5 360 3 f 3 s (6) 939,999 160.63 7466.30 7559.20
959,999 161.29 7656.28 7750.53
where: 979,999 158.85 7697.81 7684.28
999,999 155.35 7681.79 7796.08
f = load frequency (Hz), and 1,019,999 152.23 7677.64 7821.54
s = time lag between Pmax and dmax, (s). 1,039,999 148.90 7657.07 7759.67
1,059,999 142.75 7482.08 7642.30
NOTE 7—When automated testing software is used in the control and 1,079,999 137.59 7347.61 7491.58
data acquisition system, f is approximated by an algorithm contained in 1,099,999 129.99 7070.20 7102.10
the automated testing software. 1,119,999 117.63 6514.41 6736.92
1,139,999 105.11 5924.85 6232.63
10.1.5 Normalized Modulus 3 Cycles (Pa/Pa)—See Refs 1,159,999 89.61 5139.73 5487.98
S i 3 Ni
NM 5 S 3 N (7)
o o
obtained especially at low strain levels, where the peak value
where: of the Normalized Modulus 3 Cycles when plotted versus
NM = normalized modulus 3 cycles, Number of Cycles exceeds the duration of the test. This
Si = flexural beam stiffness at cycle i (Pa), procedure, per Tsai, Harvey, and Monismith (4, 5), uses the
Ni = cycle i, following equation:
So = initial flexural beam stiffness (Pa), estimated at Ln~–Ln~SR!! 5 g 3 Ln~N! 1 Ln~l! (8)
approximately 50 cycles, and
No = actual cycle number where initial flexural beam where:
stiffness is estimated. Ln(–Ln(SR)) = the natural logarithm of the negative of the
10.1.6 Failure Point (Nf, Number of Cycles to Failure)— natural logarithm of SR,
Occurs at the maximum or peak value of Normalized Modulus SR = flexural beam stiffness ratio, beam stiffness
3 Cycles (Fig. 13) when plotted versus Number of Cycles at cycle i / initial beam stiffness,
(1-3). A portion of the data is shown in Table 2 to show how the N = number of cycles,
beam fatigue data is processed. The approximate maximum g = the slope of the linear regression (Fig. 14)
value can be easily read from the calculated data in the table. of the Ln(–Ln(SR)) versus Ln(N), and
In addition, the raw calculated Normalized Modulus data can Ln (l) = the intercept of the linear regression of the
also be fit statistically to a best-fit polynomial curve, for more Ln(–Ln(SR)) versus Ln(N).
easily selecting the peak of the curve and determining Nf; The failure point is estimated by solving this
mathematically, the peak is found where the second-order equation for the value of N where SR is equal to 0.500
differential of the curve equation is equal to zero. In this [Ln(–Ln(SR)) = –0.3675], or 50 % initial beam stiffness.
example, the beam failure point is determined to be approxi-
mately 1 000 000 cycles. 11. Report
10.1.7 Extrapolating a Failure Point (based on One-Stage 11.1 Asphalt Concrete Description—Report the binder type,
Weibull Survivor Function)—Used for those fatigue test results binder content, aggregate gradation, and air void percentage.
D 7460 – 08
11.2 Specimen Dimensions—Report the specimen length, strain level (ranging from 200 to 2000 µ´), and eleven different
average specimen height, and average specimen width in types of mixture specimens. Therefore, the results of two
meters, to four significant digits. properly conducted tests by the same operator on similar
replicate beam specimens in the same equipment at the same
NOTE 8—See Practice E 29 for information on determination of signifi-
cant figures in calculations. strain level should not differ by more than 0.787 on a log scale.
Table 3 shows a summary of the data used to generate the
11.3 Report the average test temperature to the nearest within-laboratory standard deviation. This estimate of preci-
0.2°C (0.36°F). sion is a combination of both replicate specimen preparation
11.4 Report the following test results for each load cycle variability and testing variability. The between-laboratory re-
interval selected by the operator to three significant figures: producibility of this test method is being determined and will
Applied Load (N), Beam Deflection (m), Tensile Stress (Pa), be available on or before June 2013. Therefore, this test
Tensile Strain (m/m), Flexural Stiffness (MPa), and Normal- method should not be used for acceptance or rejection of a
ized Modulus 3 Cycles (MPa). material for purchasing purposes.
11.5 Report the initial flexural stiffness (MPa). 12.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
11.6 Report the measured or estimated cycles to failure. this method for measuring fatigue life because this is a
11.7 Prepare a plot of Normalized Complex Modulus 3 destructive test and no material having an accepted reference
Cycles versus Cycles as shown in Fig. 13. value is available.
12. Precision and Bias 13. Keywords
12.1 Precision—The within-laboratory repeatability stan- 13.1 asphalt concrete fatigue; asphalt concrete flexural test-
dard deviation on log scale has been determined to be 0.278, ing; asphalt concrete stiffness; asphalt concrete tensile testing;
based on testing in one laboratory, three test replicates at each fatigue life; flexural bending
D 7460 – 08
TABLE 3 Single Laboratory Precision Data
Asphalt Log Deviation
Controlled Number of Deviation
Concrete Number of Log
Strain Cycles Number of
Mixture Cycles Number of
(micro) to Failure Cycles
ID to Failure Cycles
to Failure
to Failure
1 300 85 790 4.933
300 165 560 5.219
300 54 682 57 191 4.738 0.242
2 300 39 392 4.595
300 197 160 5.295
300 241 360 106 172 5.383 0.431
200 805 800 5.906
200 1 190 120 6.076
200 408 320 390 918 5.611 0.235
3 300 192 480 5.284
300 24 278 4.385
300 48 176 91 001 4.683 0.458
200 966 160 5.985
200 1 105 600 6.044
200 306 759 426 693 5.487 0.306
4 300 75 670 4.879
300 12 290 4.090
300 43 782 31 690 4.641 0.405
200 287 000 5.458
200 456 200 5.659
200 179 833 139 339 5.255 0.202
5 800 21 310 4.329
800 8780 3.943
800 20 674 7058 4.315 0.219
400 250 960 5.400
400 36 656 4.564
400 105 440 109 418 5.023 0.418
6 350 222 920 5.348
350 555 240 5.744
350 582 440 200 180 5.765 0.235
7 2000 417 039 5.620
2000 294 039 5.468
2000 556 799 131 469 5.746 0.139
8 2000 437 999 5.641
2000 218 839 5.340
2000 181 479 138 582 5.259 0.202
9 2000 482 559 5.684
2000 487 719 5.688
2000 281 600 117 542 5.450 0.136
10 2000 186 439 5.271
2000 32 737 4.515
2000 52 479 83 625 4.720 0.391
11 2000 115 359 5.062
2000 210 839 5.324
2000 112 299 56 030 5.050 0.155
Average: 139 127 0.278
(1) Rowe, G. M., and Bouldin, M. G., “Improved Techniques to Evaluate (4) Tsai, Bor-Wen, Harvey, J. T., and Monismith, C. L., “High Tempera-
the Fatigue Resistance of Asphaltic Mixtures,” Proceedings of 2nd ture Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Process of Aggregate-Asphalt
Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2000. Mixes,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
(2) Rowe, G. M., “Performance of Asphalt Mixtures in the Trapezoidal Vol 71, 2002, pp. 345–385.
Fatigue Test,” Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, (5) Tsai, Bor-Wen, Harvey, J. T., and Monismith, C. L., “High Tempera-
Volume 62, 1992.
ture Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Process of Aggregate-Asphalt
(3) Hopman, P. C., Kunst, P. A., and Pronk, A. C., “A Renewed
Mixes,” Transportation Research Record 1832, 2003.
Interpretation Method for Fatigue Measurements, Verification of
Miner’s Rule,” 4th Eurobitume Symposium, Madrid, Spain, Volume 1,
D 7460 – 08
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