Astm D7460-10
Astm D7460-10
Astm D7460-10
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTE 1—Early model shown; the newer model allows free rotation and translation at all four clamps.
FIG. 3 Load and Freedom Characteristics of IPC Fatigue Test Apparatus
specimens as desired for individual beam test results. Labora- erwise, prepare as many specimens as desired for individual
tory prepared mixtures are typically conditioned with a short- beam test results. See Notes 2 and 3. Test at least six replicate
term aging process, such as defined in AASHTO R 30. Test at asphalt concrete beam specimens at different strain levels in
least six replicate asphalt concrete beam specimens at different order to develop a fatigue curve, as shown in Fig. 4. The extra
strain levels in order to develop a fatigue curve, as shown in specimens may also be tested as desired, if the data appears to
Fig. 4. The extra specimens may also be tested as desired, if the include an outlier, or if a beam failure occurs directly at a
data appears to include an outlier, or if a beam failure occurs clamp.
directly at a clamp. A linear relationship on a log-log plot exists
8.3 Roadway Specimens—Obtain compacted asphalt con-
between Nf and the level of strain (µ´, microstrain = strain 3
crete samples from the roadway in accordance with Practice
NOTE 2—The type of compaction device (linear kneading, rolling 8.4 Specimen Trimming—Saw at least 6 mm from all sides
wheel, vibratory) may influence the test results, relative to representing
actual construction. of each compacted specimen to provide smooth, parallel
NOTE 3—Normally test specimens are compacted using a standard (saw-cut) surfaces for mounting the measurement gages. The
compactive effort. However, the standard compactive effort may not final required dimensions of the test specimen, after sawing,
reproduce the air voids of roadway specimens measured according to Test are 380 6 6 mm (14.96 6 0.24 in.) in length, 50 6 2 mm (1.96
Method D3203. If specimens are to be compacted to a target air void 6 0.08 in.) in height, and 63 6 2 mm (2.48 6 0.08 in.) in
content, the compactive effort should be determined experimentally.
width. To minimize specimen variability, it is recommended
8.2 Plant-Mixed, Laboratory Compacted Specimens— that the beams be immediately labeled to ensure consistent
Obtain asphalt concrete samples in accordance with Practice orientation (top and sides) during testing, relative to the
D979. If a complete fatigue curve is desired, prepare nine compaction process.
replicate asphalt concrete beam specimens, from slab(s) or
beam(s) compacted in accordance with AASHTO PP 3. Oth-
8.5 Specimen Storage—The specimens should be stored on show the deformation that can occur due to years of fatigue
a 12.7 mm (1⁄2 in.) steel plate with a flatness of 0.127 mm testing; any shortening of the shaft changes the stroke location.
(0.005 in.) across the surface of the plate from end to end. This If the fixture uses this type of coupler, this initial sensor
flat surface keeps the beam specimens from being pre-strained location should be checked after every seven testing days to
before testing. Limit stacking of specimens to two high on evaluate the condition of the coupler. If the fixture is hard
storage racks. coupled, as with the IPC device, this alignment check can be
performed less frequently.
9. Procedure
9.2 Specimen Measurement—Measure the height and width
9.1 Fixture Alignment—A solid aluminum beam, having of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 mm (3.94 3 10-4 in.) at
dimensions specified in 8.4 with tolerances to a flatness of three or more different points along the middle 100 mm (3.94
0.051 mm (0.002 in.) across the length of the aluminum beam in.) of the specimen length in accordance with applicable
(measured using a straight edge and feeler gauges), is used to sections of Test Method D3549, Determine the average of the
ensure proper alignment of the beam fixture prior to testing. measurements for each dimension and record the averages to
Insert the aluminum beam into the fixture, clamping the side the nearest 0.1 mm (0.004 in).
clamps on the outside frame first. Clamp the top clamps on the
9.3 Attaching the Target to the Neutral Axis of Specimen
outside frames followed by the top clamps on the inside
(Required with the Cox Fixture)—Locate the center of a
frames. Place the actuator in load control and remove the load.
Verify that the clamps are fully seated on the aluminum beam. specimen on one of its 50 mm (1.97 in.) high lengthwise sides
On the Cox frame, apply the side clamps to the inside frames. (i.e., mid-height and mid-length of the beam). Apply cy-
After returning to displacement control, adjust the load to the anoacrylate (super glue) or equivalent in a circle around this
positive side of zero; make a note of the actuator displacement point and place the target on the glue such that the top of the
sensor location and start cycling from this position. Once this target is at the center point of the beam. Allow the glue to cure
zero load position is located and used as a guide, the bottom of before moving the specimen. Fig. 6 illustrates the target
all the clamps will be aligned. If the top and bottom sides of the attached to the neutral axis of the specimen.
beam test specimen are not parallel, it should not be an issue 9.4 Place the specimen on a stiff flat surface in an environ-
with the clamping. The saw cuts are typically straight on all ment holding the desired test temperature for two hours to
sides of the beam even if these are not parallel to each other; ensure that the specimen has equilibrated to the desired test
the top clamps will compensate for the lack of parallelism, temperature prior to beginning the test. Based on past experi-
since the clamps are all independent of each other. The Cox ence, approximately 1.5 to 2 hours is sufficient to equilibrate
fixture is designed to use the 3.175 mm (1⁄8 in.) tensile bar the temperature of a beam that was stored near room tempera-
coupler for facilitating 360° movement without creating an ture to its testing environment. The temperature shall be within
eccentric moment, as shown in Fig. 5. The two spent 3.175 mm 60.5°C (60.9°F) throughout the conditioning and testing
(1⁄8 in.) tensile bars pictured on the right-hand side of Fig. 5 times.
FIG. 5 Tensile Bar Coupler Connecting the Actuator to the H-frame (Inner Clamps)
FIG. 6 Target Attached to the Beam Neutral Axis (Mid-Height, Mid-Length) (Cox)
NOTE 4—A common temperature used for this test method is 20°C (68°F), since it is near the critical temperature level for most of the U.S.
FIG. 8 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, Side View
FIG. 9 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, Top View
9.9 Select a displacement level (strain level) near the the strain up and down on additional replicate beams to
mid-range initially for the specific material based on trial and evaluate performance of the material over a range of strain
error or experience, such that the specimen will undergo a levels.
minimum of 10 000 load cycles prior to failure. A minimum of 9.10 After selecting the appropriate test parameters, begin
10 000 load cycles ensures that the specimen does not decrease the test. Activate the control and data acquisition system so that
in stiffness too rapidly. For establishing a fatigue curve, adjust the test results at the selected load cycle intervals are monitored
FIG. 10 Schematic of Cox Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus, End View
FIG. 11 Schematic and Photo of IPC Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Apparatus (newer model), Side View
and recorded, ensuring that the test system is operating normalized complex modulus 3 cycles versus cycles, as
properly. Ideally, the test should be terminated some time after shown in Fig. 13. To extend beyond this failure point, it is
the peak value has been achieved on a graphical plot of
suggested that the test be terminated after the beam flexural
FIG. 12 Displacement in the IPC Apparatus (early model shown) is Measured With a Sensor Located on Top of Specimen
NOTE 7—When automated testing software is used in the control and 819,999 1,172.30 (170.03) 6894.02 6982.29
839,999 1,169.54 (169.63) 7045.86 7009.76
data acquisition system, f is approximated by an algorithm contained in
859,999 1,154.78 (167.49) 7122.23 7211.63
the automated testing software. 879,999 1,142.93 (165.77) 7213.18 7279.26
899,999 1,136.51 (164.84) 7335.90 7413.91
10.1.5 Normalized Modulus 3 Cycles (Pa/Pa)—See Refs 919,999 1,125.55 (163.25) 7426.54 7503.34
(1-3): 939,999 1,107.49 (160.63) 7466.30 7559.20
959,999 1,112.04 (161.29) 7656.28 7750.53
S i 3 Ni 979,999 1,095.22 (158.85) 7697.81 7684.28
NM 5 S 3 N (7)
o o 999,999 1,071.08 (155.35) 7681.79 7796.08
1,019,999 1,049.57 (152.23) 7677.64 7821.54
where: 1,039,999 1,026.61 (148.90) 7657.07 7759.67
NM = normalized modulus 3 cycles, 1,059,999 984.21 (142.75) 7482.08 7642.30
1,079,999 948.63 (137.59) 7347.61 7491.58
Si = flexural beam stiffness at cycle i (Pa), 1,099,999 896.24 (129.99) 7070.20 7102.10
Ni = cycle i, 1,119,999 811.02 (117.63) 6514.41 6736.92
So = initial flexural beam stiffness (Pa), estimated at 1,139,999 724.70 (105.11) 5924.85 6232.63
1,159,999 617.83 (89.61) 5139.73 5487.98
approximately 50 cycles, and
(1) Rowe, G. M., and Bouldin, M. G., “Improved Techniques to Evaluate (4) Tsai, Bor-Wen, Harvey, J. T., and Monismith, C. L., “High Tempera-
the Fatigue Resistance of Asphaltic Mixtures,” Proceedings of 2nd ture Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Process of Aggregate-Asphalt
Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2000. Mixes,” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
(2) Rowe, G. M., “Performance of Asphalt Mixtures in the Trapezoidal Vol 71, 2002, pp. 345–385.
Fatigue Test,” Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving Technolo- (5) Tsai, Bor-Wen, Harvey, J. T., and Monismith, C. L., “High Tempera-
gists, Volume 62, 1992.
ture Fatigue and Fatigue Damage Process of Aggregate-Asphalt
(3) Hopman, P. C., Kunst, P. A., and Pronk, A. C., “A Renewed
Mixes,” Transportation Research Record 1832, 2003.
Interpretation Method for Fatigue Measurements, Verification of
Miner’s Rule,” 4th Eurobitume Symposium, Madrid, Spain, Volume
1, 1989.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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