Solar Guide For Beginners Replenishable Energy
Solar Guide For Beginners Replenishable Energy
Solar Guide For Beginners Replenishable Energy
Solar Panels 6
Inverter Solutions 6
Mounting Systems 7
Batteries 7
Metering your Solar System 7
Measuring how your components perform. The Difference between kW and kW/H 8
Rating your Solar System 8
Additional Tips to Avoid the Solar Sharks and Poor Quality Solar Equipment 16
To help you select and install your solar system, a certified LG installer will guide you
through the process from the moment you first consider solar panels to the planning and
installation phases of your home or business solar system. You can find an installer who will
supply a free detailed quote via the dealer search on the front page of
2. Environmental Benefits – By using electricity generated 5. Energy reliability – High quality solar power systems
from solar panels, we reduce the need to generate are a reliable power source. The sun rises and sets every
electricity from fossil fuels like coal and gas which create day, while the sun shines, solar panels will make electricity.
carbon dioxide (CO2). This can reduce the potential for While the weather and the seasons will vary, the amount
global warming and can create a more sustainable cleaner of electricity that the panels make are predictable. You can
energy mix, as long as the solar panels will last a long time. also increase the financial benefits of your solar system by
changing the times you operate your household appliances.
3. Energy Independence – By owning your own Solar For example, turning your washing machine on as you
system, you have the capacity to create your own leave the home in the morning and avoiding washing your
electricity. This reduces your reliance on the electricity clothes at night allows your solar system to power your
grid and electricity retailers etc and increases your control machine during the day. With the help of lithium-iron
over your future electricity needs, expenses and lifestyle batteries, which are becoming more affordable, one can
especially if you add batteries to your system in the future. also harvest solar power during the day and use it at night.
PV panels are generally fitted on the roof facing an Ask your authorised LG dealer for advice on which of these
northerly, easterly or westerly direction, and tilted at a inverter solutions is the most suitable for your
particular angle to maximise the amount of sunlight circumstances.
that each panel receives.
Today houses with grid-connected solar systems
Suburban homes in Australia and New Zealand are consume solar-generated electricity first, before
connected to the electricity grid via power lines. Our switching to the electricity grid if more electricity is
electricity system uses 240Volt alternating current (AC), required than the solar system was able to create.
but the electricity generated by solar panels consists of
variable direct current (DC). To transform the DC electricity Grid-connected solar systems can also feed electricity
into AC electricity for ordinary household use, grid-connected back to the grid if too much electricity is generated
solar PV systems use inverters attached to each PV panel via the solar system for the immediate needs of
called micro inverters or a single inverter for a string of your home. For information on rebates and rewards
connected PV panels called a central string inverter. associated to feed-back electricity see page 13.
The third possible inverter solutions are power Unless you add storage batteries to your system,
optimisers, which are a variance of the string a grid-connected solar system is unable to
inverter and the micro inverter. All these technical store power in your home for use at night.
solutions can create a great solar system.
5 | Beginners guide to solar |
What makes up a solar system?
A solar system is made up of a number of key components, all of which combine to generate electricity, regulate
and control the flow of the electricity and to connect and mount the solar system to your building. A grid-
connected solar system comprises of panels, a string inverter or micro-inverters or optimisers, a roof mounting
system and electrical accessories including circuit breakers and wires. It is important that each component works
together, with no component compromising the performance, safety or life expectancy of any other component.
Solar PV panels on roofs of
homes and businesses generate
clean electricity by converting
sunlight into usable electricity.
This conversion takes place within
the solar cells and is a process
that requires no moving parts.
A solar inverter is one of the most
important elements of the solar system.
It converts the variable direct current
(DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV)
solar panel into a 240V alternating
current (AC). This AC electricity can
be fed into your home to operate
your household appliances.
Solar systems are mounted to roofs with a mounting system using SYSTEM
various railings, frames and tiles or tin feet. Most mounting systems
are made of aluminium with stainless steel hardware and are designed There are two fundamental steps
to accept a variety of solar modules on a variety of roof types. to take when connecting your
Aluminium rails with clamps attach the solar panels to the rail and solar system to the grid
connection brackets fix the rail to the roof (see diagram below).
Step 1. Your electricity network
Superior mounting systems are manufactured with higher grades of company will specify what type of
aluminium and stainless steel, often resulting in less weight on the meter is required to measure your solar
roof and lower levels of corrosion over longer periods of time. Quality generation and energy consumption.
mounting rails may also feature robust anchoring points and design Your LG dealer will be able to explain
solutions that speed-up the installation time of your solar system. the details to you. You may be required
to pay for the cost of the new solar
Purchasing a strong and well-engineered mounting system is the sensible meter and its installation in addition to
way to protect the investment you have made in your solar system as the cost of your solar system. Prices can
they will be more rigid. It is also advisable to ensure that the warranties on be a few hundred dollars, so you should
your mounting frame match or exceed the warranties of your solar panels make sure that the solar electricity
and their inverter. The standard mounting frame warranty is 10 years. meter supply and connection is included
in the quote for your new solar system.
We recommend you
only use quality panels/
inverter solutions for
long lasting systems
A 1 kW electric pool
pump used for one
hour will consume
1 kWh of electricity
In Australia, a grid-connected solar system will generate the most solar The amount of electricity
electricity when the LG solar panels are facing north at a tilt angle of 15 to generated by your solar
30 degrees. But with the introduction of time of use metering by electricity system directly relates to the
providers in Australia, a north-west or fully western facing solar system may amount of sunlight that your
give a more positive financial outcome. PV panels receive. The more
your solar modules are covered
Time of use metering is when energy retailers charge more for their electricity in shade, the less electricity
(approximately 45 cents per kW/h or more) in peak usage periods, for your system will generate.
example weekdays from 2pm until 8pm. During these times Western facing
panels will produce a greater amount of solar electricity, therefore creating Even a single antenna or a
better savings. chimney shadow on your panels
can affect performance, while
Discuss with your LG Authorised Dealer your electricity usage, so that your the overall effectiveness of your
usage pattern can be matched with your solar panel’s installation direction. solar system is dependent on
where you live. In some areas
of Australia (for example, the
Blue Mountains near Sydney)
DAILY ROUTINE over 20% of homes have
Thinking about your daily routine and your electricity consumption will help reduced suitability for solar
you locate the best possible position for your solar panels. If lots of electricity systems due to extended tree
is used in the morning, an Easterly roof will offer the best benefits. If lots of coverage close to the home.
electricity is used during the middle of the day, we would advise a north roof
Using micro-inverters or power
and if lots of electricity is used in the early and late afternoon a north-west
optimisers on each panel, instead
roof is more likely to offer the best outcome. With multi-string inverters you
of one large string inverter
can also put one group of solar panels (one string) on the East and one on
(where multiple panels are
the West to cover a wider time-span.
connected to one inverter) can
help with shadow issues. With
each individual panel managed to
achieve its maximum electricity
output individually, the losses
associated to shade can be
reduced by as much as 25%.
1-2 People
2kW System
Av. production per day: 8 kWh
2-3 People
3kW System
Av. production per day: 12 kWh
4+ People
5kW System
Av. production per day: 20 kWh
to 32 panels will fit on the roof. That efficient 300W & 330W LG panels
was the old solar. one would need only 34/32 panels.
kWp But with the emergence of battery LG in early 2017 is releasing a 350
storage as a smart way to harvest to 360W most high efficient 60 cell
330W NeON®2 the light during the day and then panel called NeON R, followed by
to use this electricity at night, a 400W panel in future years. This
panel efficiency has become a very means if you can save 8 spots now,
• The Government does not pay you for certificates, nor does it set the price; The value of a FIT is an important
• As of February 2017 a 5kW solar system attracts a rebate aspect to consider as it can influence
ranging from $3200 to $3600, but as a tradeable certificate, the economic outcome of owning
STC value can and does vary over time and is not fixed; a solar system and what the ideal
• The quantity of STCs you may receive for a system varies depending on your size of a system should be in your
location and when you create them; individual case. Good solar installation
• Suppliers who agree to offer you a price for STCs must comply with companies as part of their site visit
certain rules and conditions set out by the Clean Energy Regulator should offer a detailed analysis of what
and only approved companies may register and trade STC’s they expect your self-consumption to
export ratio to be, and what economic
outcome you will be able to achieve.
Consumers also have the option to finance a solar system. Often Naturally if you install batteries with
homeowners redraw on their mortgage to finance the solar and battery your solar system the FIT is less relevant.
system. Your installer can advise you about other available finance options.
A reputable solar retail company is more likely to fully All systems installed in Australia have
evaluate your requirements and explain in details what to be signed off by an accredited
needs to be done in order to install your solar system. solar system designer/installer. The
following elements are considered
2 A local diversified company is more likely to be around in the when designing a solar system:
future to service any warranty issues or system upgrades. With
some loud, marketing and price focused solar companies longevity a. The available roof space and optimum
of the company can be an issue. For example, in Australia since panel location;
2011 over 520 solar companies have gone into liquidation*. b. The orientation and pitch of the
If your installer is selling you LG solar panels, then in future roof(s);
years LG is very likely to be able to have a local company c. Impact of shading across all seasons
service your LG panels. If you choose an unknown brand, the and time of day;
manufacturer may go out of business or the importer may
d. The structural soundness of the roof;
stop importing these panels into Australia. It is recommended
to buy branded solar panels from diversified manufacturers e. Sizing the strings of panels for
like LG with warranties that actually have a meaning. the correct voltage of the inverter
4 A reputable solar company will be fully aware of current
f. Ensure the design meets building
electricity supply rules as well as provide you advice on the
codes and electrical standards;
best feed-in-tariff. As a result, well established business
will be able to give you the most up-to date advice. g. Determining the most suitable
location for the inverter and the
If your local installer belongs to the authorised LG installer network, way the cables are run;
then he/she has to install the solar power system to a high standard h. Considering appropriate monitor
and act ethically in their business dealings with you, the customer. options and consider if batteries are
1 What is the estimated monthly and annual 4 What are the responsibilities of each party?
production in kWh of my system in its Include the installer, manufacturer and consumer.
installation position?
Who is responsible for connecting your solar PV
2 What is the estimated solar electricity production system to the electricity grid? Is it the installer or
in the best and worst months? See the LG output another subcontractor? When will it happen?
calculator on
Who is responsible for your meter change?
Who will service and maintain my solar Make sure this is clarified. Quality installation
system? Get an address and contact details, companies usually offer to accommodate
preferably of someone reasonably local. the whole job.
1. Undertake some solar research via and ghetto blasters to consider what 8. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Many
our Frequently Asked Questions the next 25 years may herald and how manufacturers will offer 10 years’
(FAQs) on your home power needs may grow. manufacturing warranty and an 80%
output efficiency warranty at 25 years.
2. Do your research about brands and 5. Solar systems vary in quality and size For a normal consumer it becomes
prices. There are some very cheap and so does the price. Set yourself a difficult to separate the wheat from
offers in the market, but these cheaper budget. As a rule of thumb each kW of the chaff. Companies like LG offer
deals can hide poor quality equipment a quality solar system will cost in the range full parts and labour warranty and a
that are made to appear like quality of $1,500 to $1,700 for a residential replacement warranty. Finally make
products. You are looking for a product system up to 10 kW. You will find a sure that the manufacturer has a
that lasts 25 years so that your financial system for $800 to $1,000 per kW but local legal entity in Australia. Should
investment is repaid over and over. Find you are looking at lower grade systems you have a dispute in years to come, a
out about the company offering the with less output productivity and shorter company with no link and contact in
very cheap deal. For internet research working life. This may cost you more in Australia is hard to communicate with
try Whirlpool – the Green Tech section: the future in repairs and replacements. when it comes to consumer rights. Use your rebate wisely. You are making a
or the facebook group “Crap Solar”. 25 years or longer investment, so please 9. Choose a quality Inverter solution to go
consider quality and real warranty support with quality panels: An inverter is the heart
3. Do not give into pressure selling and over everything else. And remember a of your solar system. It will have a direct
deadlines. It’s one of the oldest sales tricks solar system with a good brand name and impact on the efficiency of conversion
in the book. If the sales person cannot performance at the time you sell your from solar power to usable electric power
give you the time to make a considered home may increase your property value. of your system. The more efficient the
decision, then what are they fearful you inverter solution, the better the energy
will discover about the deal if you spend 6. Panel Types & Certifications: We conversion process will be. The bigger and
some time doing a bit of research? If the recommend the high efficiency mono- more established the manufacturer, the
company has just come into town for crystalline solar panels, as this is the more likely warranty claims or required
a solar deal, they will be gone after the technology used most often in quality repairs will be dealt with smoothly.
install and you will be left to your own solar systems in the world today. It is
devices. Please buy from reputable solar also the most tested technology, as 10. Mounting & Accessories:
companies. In years to come you might mono-crystalline panels have been mass There are building standards for every
need their solar expertise and support. produced since the 1970s. They have a aspect of the mounting and electrical
black appearance and from our point of accessories used in a solar system.
4. How big is your roof and how big view will aesthetically blend in more to Quality systems are certified. Ensure that
a solar system can it fit? Try our roof your roof and neighbourhood than the the installer uses the certified product
size calculator to work out how big your blue multi-crystalline solar panel variety. by getting the products used in your
solar system can be on your specific roof. system listed as part of the quote.
To check the calculator results contact 7. Solar systems attract government
your local LG dealer. Remember to allow rebates if they have been registered 11. Quotes & Buying: Do not get
some reserve space for when you install with the Clean Energy Council. You pressured by sales persons to sign a
a solar storage battery for night time should check with the install companies deal then and there. Avoid the traveling
solar power use, and then again for more if the offered panels are registered band of solar installers hitting town
battery storage capacity to charge up an (most are nowadays). All LG panels and then disappearing, never to be seen
electric car in future years. Your quality are registered and have completed again. Use reputable and established
solar system is built to last 25+ years. extensive fire resistance testing, a latest business to install your solar system.
Go back 25 years to the days of ‘brick’ requirement (introduced in mid-2013)
mobile phones, dot matrix printers in the Australian Solar standards. Happy Solar research.
LG Electronics Australia
16 | Beginners guide to solar | 2 Wonderland Drive, Eastern Creek NSW 2766
About Replenishable Energy
Replenishable Energy is a Cairns-based company creating customised solar solutions for rural, commercial and residential customers,
located across Tropical North Queensland and the state. We’re passionate about exceeding our customers’ expectations, by providing
quality service and top brand products which deliver superior solar power production and performance, at the very best price. We
are Cairns’ solar PV specialists. We’re committed to staying at the front of industry innovation, technology and service, by constantly
engaging in research and development, working with our power partners to deliver outstanding solar solutions for our customers.
Replenishable Energy is a member of the Australian Solar Council and Clean Energy Council. We offer our customers solar expertise
and experience, encompassing design, installation and maintenance.
Superior solutions for solar PV systems, energy storage, management and monitoring. We believe in total transparency and in providing
our customers with as much information as they need, to make an informed solar decision. We strive to engage, understand and
deliver. Free site inspections are an essential part of our process, where we learn about your power consumption levels and trends. We
ask questions, to understand what you want to achieve. We inspect your roof and property, to tailor a system to suit your needs and
location. We take aspect, shade and your requirements into consideration, when developing a customised solar solution. We offer
• Grid Connect Systems
• Off Grid Solar\
• Energy Storage Systems
• Hybrid Solar
Help reduce greenhouse emissions and provide environmentally friendly electricity for generations to come, by
contacting us to arrange an obligation free site inspection and quote on your solar system.
Why LG panels
lead the pack
4 Maximising roof space for future expansions (More power per square Metre)
LG Mono® X Plus and NeON® 2 panels are rated at 300W and 330W per panel, whereas many conventional panels
achieve only a 260W rating. This equates to 15% more power from LG Mono® X plus and 26% more for the NeON®
2 panel than many 260W panels that are the same physical size.
YOUR BENEFIT: You use less roof space for a given system capacity and/or have room for future system
expansions for batteries and even electric car charging in years to come.
LG Electronics $49.96bn
First Solar $3.57bn
Trina Solar $3.035bn
Yingli Solar $1.539bn
SolarWorld $0.76bn
10yrs +2yrs
21 | Beginners guide to solar |
LG invests heavily into solar research.
Environmental leadership
Queensland Victoria
23 Terrace Place, Murarrie, QLD 4172 3 John Deere Court, Derrimut, VIC 3030
New Zealand
60 Highbrook Drive, Highbrook Business Park, East Tamaki, AKL 2013
2 Wonderland Drive, Eastern Creek, NSW 2766
Email: [email protected]
Enquiries: 02 8805 4000 (Australia)