Solar Power in Australia: The Basics
Solar Power in Australia: The Basics
Solar Power in Australia: The Basics
For those considering installing a solar power system but aren't sure where to start, Solar Choice has
put together the following 'Solar Power 101' series as a reference intended mainly for our
residential solar PV customers. The below aims to give anyone who is interested a fundamental
understanding of solar photovoltaics (PV) technology itself, as well as the incentives that Australian
Federal and State governments have in place to support its uptake.
hand, is technology which harnesses the sun's energy to heat water. At this point in time, in most
areas of Australia, Solar Choice's services do not cover solar hot water systems, but we may be able to
introduce you to an installer who can help you.
Commercial solar PV vs Residential solar PV
Solar Choice's commercial wing manages tenders for a wide range of large-scale solar power
installations and multi-installation roll-outs. We also have a devoted team of residential solar PV
system brokers, who provide our customers who are looking for smaller systems (generally 1.5 - 10
kilowatts) with free, unbiased advice about their options, as well as free and instant Solar
Quote Comparisons. Our Solar Quote Comparisons will give you a snapshot of the market in your
area, comparing up to 7 different installers who install residential-scale systems in that customer's
Read more: Residential solar PV systems overview
Grid-connected vs Off-grid solar PV systems
The vast majority of new solar system installations in Australia these days are gridconnected systems. Grid-connected systems are for homes that are connected to the electricity grid.
These systems do not require and generally do not have batteries. Off-grid (or 'stand-alone') systems,
on the other hand, are for homes that are not connected to the electricity grid. The bulk of the articles
referenced below were written with grid-connected systems in mind. If you have an off-grid
enquiry, feel free to contact one of the members of our brokerage team directly to discuss
your needs and your options.
How does residential solar power save you money?
For the purposes of a grid-connected residential customer who is likely to be concerned first and
foremost with return on investment (ROI) through electricity bill savings, the most important things to
keep in mind are system yield (output over its lifetime) and the incentives that are on offer to make
going solar more accessible.
-Tilt and orientation for solar panels in Australia: In Australia, ideally panel arrays should face north to
receive optimum sunlight.
-Are east- or west-facing roofs better for solar panels? If you don't have a north-facing roof, should you
site your panels so that they are facing east, west, or both?
-The implications of partial shading: Shadows cast on your solar panels will reduce system output.
What can you do to avoid this problem?
-Should you oversize your inverter for future expansion of your system? As efficiency and production
losses can be significant, Solar Choice does not recommend oversizing inverters unless the customer
plans on adding the additional panels within 6-12 months after having the system installed. However,
this arrangement suits some households.
-Types of inverter efficiency: "Peak efficiency" is not necessarily the most important factor in selecting
your inverter.
Read more: Solar Feed-in Tariffs vs 1-for-1 Solar Buyback schemes vs the absence of a feed-in incentive
Solar power
Solar power installations overview
The Solar Choice network of accredited solar PV system installers
Questions to ask yourself and your solar installer when considering going solar
How solar photovoltaics (PV) works
Solar power glossary
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