-Software is any set of instructions that tells -An operating system (OS) is the program
the hardware what to do and how to do it. that, after being initially loaded into the
Examples of software include web browsers, computer by a boot program, manages all
games, and word processors the other application programs in a computer
Lesson 5: MS Excel Part II: Basics Formulas 2. AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a
and Shortcuts range
Example: =AVERAGE(A1:A5)
Spreadsheet Formulas
What it does: Calculates the average
Formulas are equations that perform
(mean) of the values in the specified
calculations, transformations, or
operations on data within cells. They are
Usage: Helpful for finding the
written directly into a cell and typically
average revenue over a period or the
start with an equals sign (=), signaling
average score in a test
Excel to process the following characters
as a formula rather than plain text.
3. MIN/MAX: Finds the smallest or
Key Components of Excel Formulas largest value
Example: =MIN(A1:A5)
Operators: Symbols that specify the type of
Example: =MAX(A1:A5)
calculation to perform.
Formatting Shortcuts
1. CTRL + B – Bold
2. CTRL + I – Italic
3. CTRL + U – Underline
4. CTRL + 1 – Open format cells dialog
5. ALT + H, O, I – Autofit column width
Worksheet Shortcuts