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Peripheral Devices

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Peripheral Devices Identifying Computer Software

Peripheral Devices Operating Systems

- Device that connects to a computer to - An operating system is a software package
expand the computer’s functionality. This that enables a computer to function. It
includes devices that enable the user to performs basic tasks such as: recognizing
input, output, store and share data the input from a keyboard, sending the
- Also called external devices, can provide output to a display screen or monitor and
alternative input or output methods or controlling peripheral devices such as disk
additional data storage. drives and printers
- You connect external devices to the system - It creates a user-friendly environment that
unit via cable or wireless connection enables users to use a computer efficiently
- Some devices have their own power source, without having to know the underlying
whereas other draw power form the system technologies.
Input Devices Application Software
- Computer need user input, such as directions - Is a program that provides specific
or commands, and user interaction with the functionality such as word processing,
programs that are included in order to graphics creation or database management.
produce something of use. It is generally written to run on a specific
operating system
Example of Input Devices
- May come pre-installed on a computer
1. Keyboard system or may need to be purchased and
2. Ergonomic Keyboard installed on the system
3. Mouse - Can be designed to run on multiple
4. Trackball platforms
5. Touchpad • Application Software can be classified
6. Trackpoint into 4
7. Stylus 1. Productivity software
8. Joystick 2. Collaboration software
9. Microphone 3. Utility software
10. Scanner 4. Specialized software
11. Webcam
Productivity Software
Output Devices
- Is a broad term that describes applications
- Output devices enable the user to get that range from those to create documents to
information and data out of the computer. those used to manage your projects and
Typical examples include printers, speakers organize your time.
and displays • Types:
1. Word Processing Software
Example of Output Devices
- Used to create and work with typed
1. Headphones documents. Examples include Microsoft
2. Speakers Word and Apple iWork Pages
3. Monitor 2. Spreadsheet Software
4. Printer - Used to calculate and analyze table of
numbers. Examples include Microsoft Excel
Input/Output Devices
and Apple iWork Numbers
- Some devices provide both input and output 3. Database Software
functionality. This includes devices such as - Used to manage large volumes of lists and
fax devices, external storage devices and records. Examples include Microsoft Access
touchscreen devices. and FileMaker Pro
4. PDF Software
Example of Input/Output Devices - Used to view, create and work with PDF
1. Flash Drive documents. Examples include Adobe
2. External Hard Disk Acrobat and Foxit Phantom PDF
3. Memory Card 5. Presentation Software
4. Fax Device
- Used to create and work with slide shows. you maintain equipment and troubleshoot
Examples include Microsoft PowerPoint and issues with the operating system
Apple iWork Keynote • Types
6. Desktop Publishing 1. Antimalware
- Software is used to work with page layouts - Detects and eliminates malicious software
and typography in documents and the resides on a computer. Examples include
publications. Example includes Adobe Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Anti-
InDesign and Microsoft Publisher Malware
7. Personal Information Managers 2. Software Firewalls
- Used to manage your contact and schedules. - Filter incoming or outgoing network traffic
Examples include Windows Contacts and depending on how they are configured.
Google Calendar Examples includes Zone Alarm and Comodo
8. Remote Desktop Internet Security (CIS)
- Used to access another desktop to provide
Specialized Software
troubleshooting assistance. Examples
include Windows Remote Desktop Protocol - Contains all of the other types that do not fit
(RDP) and Virtual Network Computing in the first three. Companies in architectural,
(VNC) engineering, medical and financial fields
require software applications that are
Collaboration Software
specific for the documents and files that they
- Designed to facilitate sharing data and need to create and use
resources between users in a variety of • Types:
locations while using a variety of computing 1. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
devices. - Software is used to create design
• Types: specifications for electronics, mechanical
1. Online Workspace objects, animation and other products.
- Enables users to work with common files in Examples include AutoCAD and SketchUp.
a shared space on the web. Examples 2. Graphic design
include Microsoft SharePoint - Used to create visual representations of
2. Document Storage/Sharing concepts and ideas. Examples include Adobe
- Provides a repository to store and share files Illustrator and CorelDRAW
between users in various locations. 3. Medical
Examples include OneDrive and Dropbox - Used to collect, analyze and present data
3. Screen Sharing related to medical information. Examples
- Enables users to see each other’s desktops include Kareo and Collector
from remote locations. Examples include 4. Scientific
Windows Remote Assistance and - Used to collect, analyze and present data
TeamViewer used in experiment. Examples include
4. Video Conferencing LISREL and Sage
- Enables user to communicate with audio and 5. Financial
video functionality from diverse locations. - Used to keep track of expenses, maintain a
Examples include Skype and Google budget, file taxes, and manage other
Hangouts financial information. Examples include
5. Instant Messaging Quicken and Microsoft Dynamics
- Enables users to exchange short notes, or 6. Gaming
chat, online real time. Examples include - Enables you to purchase, collect and play
Microsoft Lync and AOL Instant Messenger video games on a computer. Examples
(AIM) include Steam and Origin
6. Email 7. Entertainment
- Used to communicate with others. Examples - Enables you to purchase, collect, and
include Microsoft Outlook and Gmail experience entertainment media such as
music and movies on a computer. Examples
Utility Software
include Google Play and iTunes.
- Every operating system comes with a host of
utilities designed to help you diagnose and
troubleshoot problems while simplifying
tasks. Knowledge of these tools will help

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