Ais 3
Ais 3
Ais 3
c. Life Sciences- for biological and Real- World Examples of the IoT of
chemical information. the Future
A. Common IoT Applications
d. Government Services- for • Smart Home Devices
collaboration with civil, military and These are devices or
other agencies. appliances installed in
modern homes which can
e. Engineering Services- for intensive often be remotely
testing of data for the automotive controlled by the owner
and aerospace industries. using a mobile app. These
IoT-based devices can
f. Collaborative Games- for the also operate together with
replacement of single-server online other home devices.
games into multi-player games.
• Wearable Technology
Internet of Things (IoT) - IoT is a These are electronic
network of physical devices that are devices that can be
connected, embedded or equipped worn as accessories,
with sensors, electronics, and other implanted on a user's
transfer mechanisms that enable body, or embedded in
them to connect, communicate and clothinng
exchange data and resources
whether thru wired or wireless • IoT Healthcare Devices
networks These are medical
devices that are made
The IoT brings huge changes in more capable through
methods, their connectivity.
procedures and operations of These devices gather
business. It improves the way patient data and
business collect, gather, store, receive inputs from
medical practitioners. future failure or detect
equipment issues.
• Connected Cars
These are vehicles with access to • Shelf and Warehouse
the Internet or the Cloud. These Management
automobiles allow devices, both Smart shelving is achieved
inside and outside, to with the use of weight-and
communicate with each other. pressure-sensitive shelves
They can also obtain real-time integrated with RFID and
information about traffic and barcode scanning for goods.
conditions, accidents and
weather reports as they can • Warehouse Automation
connect to infrastructure of a and Robotics
smart city. Robotic devices integrated with
IoT Technology and self-
Smart Transportations organizing pallets do more than
It relies on data sent just assemble orders and
between vehicles and facilitate organization; they also
different transportation allow employees to focus on their
infrastructures such as tasks of handling customers.
railways, buses, and airports,
which are collected and • Smart Stores
communicated via satellite With the advent of IoT, where
technology in order to customers would not have to deal
provide real-time with store staff directly and could
information. shop on their own freely is the
concept of smart stores. This also
• Equipment Maintenance involves the following components:
Prognostics >Real-time shopping
Equipment maintenance is > Customer feedback
easier to perform with the > Data Analytics
help of IoT applications. These
applications can predict
IoT Can Change the Financial Services Cyber security is the most important
Industry - IIoT solutions, particularly AI tool for online
in transactions. It is used in banks
financial organizations such among others to ensure
as banks, can simply secure transactions online.
automate trading,
investment opportunities, Machine Learning (ML)
and activities; fully automate -in computer science, is the field that
business transactions; and focuses on program development
facilitate M2M trading thru that
various platforms. allows computers to learn
3 Applications that are Reshaping the without human assistance and
World of Business intervention.
1. Robotics
Robots are being used to help or COMPONENTS OF ML
replace human workers to • Algorithms
increase efficiency, productivity and • Data
quality. • Model
• Training
2. Speech Recognition • Inference
Businesses can use speech
recognition to automate transcription Business Intelligence (BI)
as • According to the Data Warehouse
fast as possible with high accuracy. Institution
With it businesses could (2002), business intelligence (BI)
accurately convert audio and video refers to
into text and automate the processes, technologies, and
processes. tools
required to convert data into
3. Cybersecurity Protection Against information,
Threats information into knowledge, and
into plans that derive profitable
Components of Business
• Data Sources
• ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
• Data Warehouse
• Master Data
• OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
• Data Mining
• Predictive Analytics
• Real-Time Reporting
Decision Making
Some business intelligence
tools and technologies
• Microsoft Excel
• Microsoft Powerpoint
• ETL (Extract, Transform,
Load) tools
BI Application in Businesses
• Analytics
• Enterprise Reporting
• Measurements
• Collaboration Platform
• Knowledge Management