Classroom Innovation

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Future Space

FSSGE Studies in Geo-Education

E-ISSN 3031-9927
FSSGE Vol. 01 No. 01 (2024)
P-ISSN 3032-6974


Classroom Innovation: A Study on the SPBL Model’s Role in

Fostering Creative Thinking among Humanities Students

Nurul Itsnaini1, ABSTRACT

Purwanto1(), Indonesia's PISA results in 2018 have decreased due to the low ability
Anang Dwi Ujianto2 of students to meet global demands. Creative thinking is one of the
21st-century skill competencies and the profile of Pancasila students.
Universitas Negeri
Malang, Malang, Indonesia
SPBL can improve students' creative thinking skills through its syntax.
State Senior High School 1
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of integrating
Pronojiwo, Lumajang, creative thinking teaching through spatial problem-based learning
Indonesia (SPBL). This quasi-experimental research design used a pretest and
[email protected] posttest control design with a sample of 66 students. The research
instruments were in the form of tests and questionnaires. The essay
Article submitted:
test consists of five questions given at the pretest and posttest. The
research data were analysed by independent sample t-test, which
Revision uploaded: resulted in a significance value of 0.73 > 0.05. The gain score value of
the experimental class (48%) was higher than the control class
Final acceptance: (40.1%). The results showed that the SPBL approach did not have a
significant effect, but it could improve the creative thinking of class
11th IPS students at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo, Lumajang Regency. So,
students must get used to the SPBL model.

SPBL; Creative Thinking Ability; Geography Education

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international
assessment program designed to help countries prepare human resources with
competencies that meet the demands of the international market (OECD, 2018).
The results of the PISA in 2018 stated that Indonesia's ranking decreased
compared to 2015 (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2019). The components
assessed were reading ability (371), mathematics (379), and science performance
(396). The material tested by PISA is the same every three years, except for an
increasing number of countries. According to Pratiwi (2019), Indonesia's
participation in PISA does not have a significant impact on improving Indonesian
education. However, this condition makes the mind open to improving the quality

Itsnaini, N., Purwanto, & Ujianto, A., D. (2024). Classroom Innovation: A Study on the SPBL Model’s Role in Fostering
Creative Thinking among Humanities Students. Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education. 1(1), 31-45
© 2024 by the authors of this article. Published under CC-BY.

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of Indonesian. Education is facing the challenges of the 21st century (Tohir, 2019).
Spatial Problem-based Learning (SPBL) is a spatial problem-based
geography learning model developed according to the needs of 21st-century
learning. The integration of PBL and SBL models is effectively used to explore
students' creativity in solving geosphere phenomena as a learning context
(Fristadi & Bharata, 2015). SPBL syntax consists of spatial problem orientation,
problem formulation, and spatial data collection followed by data analysis; then,
the results are presented (Silviariza & Handoyo, 2020). The advantages of SPBL
include making students work in teams, students can identify and formulate spatial
problems through observation with scientific processes, and students to think
about solving spatial problems contextually and factually. So that learning
becomes more meaningful (Afriani, 2018).
The SPBL model has recently been implemented to improve higher-order
thinking skills, namely critical thinking. As a result, students' critical thinking skills
improved after being given SPBL treatment. In addition to improved test results,
students' behaviour during field activities was actively seeking information.
According to Carriger (2016), critical thinking is convergent; that is, this way of
thinking uses a logical approach that always leads to a single answer.
Furthermore, Richard Elder says that critical people are often represented as
sceptical, negative, focused on trivial mistakes, lacking spontaneity and unable to
imagine (Richard & Elder, 2008). However, solving problems is not always tied to
a single answer. However, in science education, these critical and creative
thinking skills actually complement each other (Wahyudi et al., 2021).
Creative thinking is the opposite of critical thinking. Creative is a divergent
way of thinking (Guilford, 1968). Divergent is an open mind that explores various
possible answers to a question/problem. According to Soesilo (2014), increasing
the ability to think creatively needs to be pursued in facing the problems and
needs of life or even the progress of the nation and, of course, can improve the
results of PISA further. Examples of creative thinking achievements are Japan,
South Korea and other developed countries (Diani, 2014; Leni, 2019; Masunah,
2017). Without imagination and creative ability, it would not be able to become an
industrial country as quickly as it is today. Of course, it starts with observing the
industrial products of other countries, studying them, and creating their own. This
proves that the results of human creativity are not obtained spontaneously but
require a certain process. According to Wallas (1926), the creative thinking
process has four stages, including preparation, incubation, illumination, and
verification (Sari et al., 2017). The four stages are not always carried out
sequentially but depend on each individual when carrying them out.
Individual behaviour that characterises creative thinking, according to
Munandar (2009), includes fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Fluency
thinking, i.e. students can generate many questions or problems with answers,
solutions, or ideas. Flexibility is looking at a problem in a different way. This
indicator is usually the student's conveying a variety of unusual uses of the object
and may consider circumstances different from those that others have conveyed.
In addition, originality is the ability of students to express new and original things
that no one else has ever considered. Individuals who have original thoughts often
question old ways and try to think of new ways. Detailed thinking (elaboration) is
the skill of students to enrich and elaborate an idea. Often, actions that arise to
give consideration and justify from their point of view can be accounted for
(Soesilo, 2014).

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The urgency of creative thinking must be increased for students because it

is one of the educational skills of the 21st century that faces global challenges and
becomes one of the profiles of Indonesian students, namely Pancasila Students.
Creative thinking in the 21st century is used in dealing with everyday problems.
Framing challenges into opportunities and viewing obstacles as anchors that help
rather than hinder (Ambrose, D. & Sternberg, 2016). Currently, the Indonesian
curriculum seeks to realise the profile of Indonesian students as Pancasila
Students (Irawati et al., 2022). Student creativity is developed to express
themselves, develop themselves, and face various challenges (Nurasiah et al.,
2022). Individuals do not run out of ways to find solutions to the problems at hand.
Furthermore, creativity brings a person to think flexibly, in a balanced way and not
rigidly. Creative individuals are ready to take risks in pursuit of goals and reject
obvious alternatives as they seek to push the boundaries of their knowledge and
abilities (Marzano, 1988).
Previous research on improving creative thinking skills has been extensively
conducted (Ersoy & Başer, 2014; Febrianti et al., 2016; Muhyani et al., 2022;
Ratnah et al., 2022). The result is that students' creativity in thinking increases
after being treated with problem-based learning models. These results can be
seen from tests that have been adjusted to indicators of creative thinking.
However, no research has been conducted on the SPBL model on the ability to
think creatively. Aini et al. (2020) say that visual-spatial learners are often
creatively talented. Therefore, it is important to conduct further research on the
variables of creative thinking ability.
The limitation of this study is that the application of the SPBL model is still
carried out once. This model has not been used to assess students' higher-order
thinking skills other than critical thinking. Meanwhile, the ability to think creatively
is also more widely applied in the field of mathematics (Maskur et al., 2020; Moma,
2017; Ramadhani et al., 2020; Sari et al., 2017; Cape, 2018). This causes limited
reference sources that can be used in the same research in the field of geography.
On the other hand, research by applying SBL and PBL models to geosphere
studies has been carried out by many previous researchers. So, it is necessary to
conduct a recent study on the application of SPBL to students' creative thinking
At the end of 2021, Indonesia was hit by a disaster in the form of a volcanic
eruption. This happens because Indonesia is located in a disaster-prone area
(Christian, 2014). Based on this phenomenon, researchers use disaster mitigation
as material in research through spatial problem-based learning. The SPBL model
is better applied in disaster mitigation materials because it is directly related to
the environment around students through a spatial approach. Previous research
states that the environment can affect students' spatial thinking (Purwanto et al.,
2021). Thus, SPBL model research will be tested at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo with
favourable environmental conditions. Based on this description, the study aims to
determine the influence of the SPBL model on the creative thinking ability of grade
11 social studies students.

This quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental design because there
are variables that are controlled and given treatment to the experimental group
(Sukmadinata, 2015). There are two classes tested, namely experimental and

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control. The study was designed using a pretest-posttest control design

(Sugiyono, 2018).
Before the application of the learning model, the class to be tested is given
a pretest to see the initial ability of students in terms of creative thinking. After
that, the treatment of the SPBL model was done in the experimental class, and
conventional learning was done in the control class. In the last meeting, to find out
the students' learning outcomes after being treated, the two classes were given
post-test questions.
Research Subject
The subject of this study is a grade 11 social studies student in the even
semester of the 2021/2022 academic year at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo, Lumajang
Regency, East Java. The location of the school is close to the eruption disaster of
Semeru Volcano. Based on initial observations with the teacher, each class has
the same level of knowledge. So that the selection of subjects is carried out by
random sampling, meaning that researchers take random samples and do not see
their position in the population (Sugiyono, 2021). The samples used amounted to
66 people, 34 control class people (11 IPS 1) and 32 experimental class people (11
IPS 2).
Instruments and Data Collection
This study uses disaster mitigation material on Basic Competency (KD) 3.7
with cognitive domain C4. Students are asked to break down information into
parts, find hypotheses, distinguish opinions from facts, and find causal
relationships. The case study that will be used is the eruption of Semeru Volcano,
which occurred in December 2021.
The research data was obtained from the results of students' pretest and
posttest scores. This research instrument is in the form of learning tools, including
lesson plans, creative thinking ability tests, and questionnaires to determine
student success in understanding disaster mitigation material through learning the
SPBL model. The test of creative thinking ability is measured based on several
indicators that represent the creativity of thinking skills, such as fluency, flexibility,
originality, and elaboration. This test is given by students in the form of description
answers that can provide a place for students to pour their creativity into
answering questions. This is adjusted to the creative way of thinking, which
emphasises divergent thinking as a form of openness in thinking that explores
various possible answers to a problem/problem. The grid of student test
instruments is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Instrument Grid of Students' Creative Thinking Abilities
No Indicator Description Sub Topics Item
Generate ideas or Location of Semeru Volcano 1
1 Fluency alternative solutions to with residential areas
Generate multiple ideas Factors that determine 2
with many possible damage during eruption
2 Flexibility
approaches The impact of eruptions in a 3
spatial context
Generate new ideas like Comparison between spatial 4
3 Originality
never before locations and their effects
Generate and develop Actions taken against the 5
4 Elaboration answers to his ideas potential eruption of Semeru

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The research instrument carried out a feasibility test first. This test is
intended so that the instrument can be used to measure research variables. The
following validity tests are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Validity Test Results
Question Number rvalue Information
1 0.781 Valid
2 0.439 Valid
3 0.657 Valid
4 0.591 Valid
5 0.502 Valid
The validity of the instrument uses the product-moment correlation test
technique. The question item is said to be valid if > 𝑟ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 with 0.349.𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙
Based on Table 2, the validity test results show that all question items are declared
Table 3. Reliability Test Results
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
0.614 5
Next, reliability tests use alpha coefficients to assess the consistency of
instruments in research. If the alpha value > 0.6, it means that the instrument is
reliable. Based on Table 3, the reliability value of the creative thinking ability test
instrument is 0.614, so the instrument can be declared reliable.
Data Analysis
Analysis of research data was carried out with t-tests to determine the
difference in significance between the control class and the experimenter.
However, researchers conducted prerequisite tests in the form of normality tests
and homogeneity tests first. Normality testing uses Kolmogorov-Smirnov with a
confidence level of 95% (sig. 5%), while homogeneity test (levene's test for
equality variances) with a level of 5%. If the prerequisite test is met, then
hypothesis testing is carried out. This study hypothesises that (1) Ho means that
the SPBL model does not affect the creative thinking ability of grade 11 social
studies students, and (2) Ha means that the SPBL model affects the creative
thinking ability of grade 11 social studies students.
Hypothesis decision-making is a hypothesis accepted if the value of sig. <
0.05 and vice versa. Hypothesis testing was performed using SPSS 25 for
Windows. The increase in students' creative thinking ability was analysed by doing
an average n-gain score with the following formula.
𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 − 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 − 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒
The gain score (<g>) of <g> 0.7; 0.3 ≤ <g> <0.7 and <g> ≤ 0.3 are
categorised into high, medium, and low criteria, respectively.

Quasi-experimental research on the Spatial Problem Based Learning (SPBL)
model was conducted offline at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo. One of the schools is located
in a rural area on the slopes of Semeru volcano. The time allocation for each lesson
hour is 35 minutes. The study was conducted once a week in as many as four

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meetings for 70 minutes (2JP). The control class (11 IPS 1) applied the conventional
learning model, and the experimental class (11 IPS 2) was treated with the SPBL
The results of research activities that have been carried out show that the
SPBL model is effective in improving students' creative thinking skills. Data on the
assessment of creative thinking ability variables are obtained from test scores and
then calculated by gain scores. A comparison of the average value of the pretest,
posttest, and gain score of the experimental class and control class can be seen
in Table 4.
Table 4. Comparison of Pretest, Posttest, and Gain Score Average Scores
Group Pretest Posttest Gain Score
Experiment 49.2 74.5 48%
Control 43.1 67.6 40.1%
Based on Table 4, the average pretest and posttest of both classes have
increased. The experimental class increased by 48%, with an average pretest
score of 49.2 and a posttest of 74.5. Meanwhile, the control class produced an
average pretest score of 43.1 and a posttest score of 67.7, increasing by 40%.
According to the opinion of Hake in Sri Utami et al. (2016), if the gain score is 48%
and 40%, then it is included in the category of less effective. Even so, the
experimental class had a higher gain score than the control class. These results
showed that the increase in students' creative thinking skills in the experimental
class was better than in the control class.

Peningkatan Indikator Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif

80% 65%
60% 50%
gain score

39% 36% 43%

40% 26% 30%
Fluency Flexibility Originality Elaboration
Indicators of Creative Thinking Ability

Eksperimen Kontrol

Figure 1. Diagram of Achievement Results of Creative Thinking Ability Indicators

Figure 1 shows that the gain score for each indicator of creative thinking
ability has increased. This is shown by the acquisition of groups that apply SPBL
higher than groups that apply conventional learning methods. The highest gain
score value is on the smoothness indicator, while the lowest is on the original
indicator. Students of the experimental group were more fluent than the control
group in providing results in solving spatial problems with more than two answers.
Table 5. Student Questionnaire Results
No Indicator Result
1 Basic knowledge of disasters 83%
2 Eruptive characteristics of Semeru Volcano 71%
3 Disaster mitigation 86%
4 Local wisdom and utilisation of the impact of the eruption disaster 85%
5 Student participation in disaster mitigation 68%

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The results of processing questionnaire data on the learning process with

the SPBL model obtained the results of (1) as many as 83% of respondents stated
that they understood basic knowledge of disasters, (2) as many as 71% of
respondents stated that they knew the characteristics of the Semeru volcano
eruption disaster, (3) as many as 86% of respondents stated that they understood
eruption disaster mitigation actions, (4) as many as 85% of respondents
understood local wisdom and the use of disaster impacts, and (5) as many as 68%
of responders were able to participate in disaster mitigation efforts. Student
participation in disaster mitigation is the lowest percentage of results because
students' understanding of the characteristics of the eruption of the Semeru
volcano still needs to be improved. So, students will not only understand the
material for disaster mitigation actions but also be able and dare to implement it
in people's lives. Students' efforts in responding to this questionnaire may foster
an attitude of responsibility and a desire to increase their knowledge of disasters
that occur around them.
Before the hypothesis test, researchers conduct prerequisite tests, including
normality and homogeneity tests. The normality test can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6. Normality Test
Kolmorogov Smirnov
Statistics df Sig.
Experiment 0.143 32 0.96
Control 0.145 34 0.69
The normality gain score of the experimental group was 0.96, and the control
group was 0.69. Both showed a significance value of >0.05, meaning that the
value of students' creative thinking ability in both groups was normally distributed.
Table 7. Homogeneity Test
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
0.989 1 64 0.324
The homogeneity test uses the Levene test with a significance level of 5%.
The result obtained is 0.324, meaning the value of sig. >0.05. So, the variable data
of creative thinking ability in both samples has homogeneous variations.
Next, the independent sample t-test on equal variances is shown in table 8.
Table 8. Independent Sample T-Test result
Group N Mean Std. Dev t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Experiment 32 48.02 0,04333
1.825 64 0.73
Control 34 40.11 0,04312
Based on Table 8, hypothesis testing on the gain score obtained a
significance value (2-tailed) of 0.73 > 0.05. According to Chakkera et al. (2016),
statistical test results of more than 0.05 indicate an insignificant difference. This
result is due to the lack of samples used in the study (Perkasa, 2016; Ramadhani
et al., 2020). Both groups had equally strong creative thinking skills. So, this
research hypothesis decides that Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted, meaning that
the SPBL model does not have a significant effect on the creative thinking ability
of grade 11 social studies students.

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Creative thinking is one of the competencies in higher-order thinking that
must be possessed by high school students (Ministry of Education and Culture,
2017). This study applies the SPBL model to improve the creative thinking ability
of middle and upper-middle students. Learning based on spatial problem-solving
can encourage students to learn to maximise their thinking ability towards new
things or situations (Silviariza et al., 2021). In line with van Riesen et al. (2018),
experiments can lead students to construct their knowledge to help solve
problems. SPBL model learning makes students more actively involved compared
to conventional models. Therefore, the implementation of research in the
classroom is adjusted to the syntax in the SPBL model. Starting from orienting
spatial problems around students, formulating problems, collecting data, and
discussing together to presenting the results of group discussions.
The results stated that the SPBL model had a significant effect on the ability
to think creatively. This happens because the new SPBL is implemented using
creative thinking. This model was first used in creative thinking, and it turned out
to be a success of 0.73. This will strengthen the research results that the SPBL
model does not have a strong influence on the ability to think creatively because
this model is a newly implemented model to measure creative thinking ability
(Silviariza & Handoyo, 2020). However, students seem enthusiastic about finding
spatial problems around them. In line with the research of Dewi Primayana (2019),
students can find a spatial problem through phenomena that occur around their
residence. So that after finding a real problem, students can provide solutions
based on their knowledge and creativity in answering. Here is one of the
enthusiastic results of students in the form of map products.

Figure 2. Student Map Product Results

The application of SPBL model guides students in researching problem
topics through a spatial approach (Pranawestu & Kharis, 2012; Wijayanto et al.,
2020). At the discussion stage, students and groups make a map of the vulnerable
area (KRB) of Mount Semeru and mark the location of a place, including the
location of houses, schools, and offices. This is a challenge for students in this
learning activity because their spatial thinking skills are honed. The map-making
activity aims to hone students' thoughts regarding the location of a place and its
influence. So as to be able to relate phenomena between spaces.
Furthermore, students' creative thinking process in problem-solving can
increase with the application of SPBL model learning. This is because problem-
based learning has a problem-focused level of interaction, and teachers provide
student facilities in the form of direction (Hanney & Savin-Baden, 2013). In
addition, the syntax of this problem-based learning model is based on

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constructive theory and provides opportunities for students to develop learning

motivation, creative thinking and cognitive results (Saptenno et al., 2019). In line
with the research of Simanjuntak et al. (2021), the creative thinking skills of
students taught with problem-based learning are better than students who are
treated using conventional learning. Figure 1 proves that the learning outcomes of
experimental class students have improved higher than those of the control class.
The increase occurred due to the treatment of the SPBL model in the experimental
The problems given to students are non-routine problems, meaning that the
problems are real and close to the student's environment and not abstract
problems faced by students (Ramadhani et al., 2020). One of them is the problem
of the lack of people's understanding of the existence of activities to protect
themselves from disasters. For example, people are still panicking when an
eruption occurs (panic attack), which is included in the topic of disaster mitigation
in grade 11 geography lessons. Involving learning that thinks creatively to students
on the topic of disaster mitigation will have an impact on students' ability to solve
non-routine problems that students will face when natural disasters occur.
Creativity emphasises divergent thinking (spreading) as a form of open
thinking that explores several possible answers to a problem/problem. Students
can think exploringly and are different from the ability to think of children in
general (Soesilo, 2014). So, the researcher analyses students' answers to find out
the extent of their way of thinking in dealing with a problem.
The ability of students to respond to a problem based on the four signs of
creative thinking is still not fully addressed, according to Figure 1. Gain scores that
show discrepancies in creative thinking capacity prove this. Because students
continue to express what is in their minds, the recognition of spatial objects among
students is still low. This shows that students still need to develop their creative
thinking capacity. Students' spatial thinking can be unlocked with the adoption of
syntax to collect data and information, allowing the intense support needed for
this stage.
Originality is the ability to give birth to new and unique ideas that are not
thought of by others. Genuine thinking is the lowest indicator of students. The
reason is that many students have not been able to express the different
characteristics of a spatial space around them. Researchers assume that this
condition is also seen in the implementation of learning activities, namely, students
having difficulty with the syntax of formulating problems. Although the comparison
was only limited to the group used in the study, some students had different
answers than their peers. Students can answer questions by paying attention to
the history of natural phenomena that are used as case studies for problem-
Fluency is the most superior indicator because students are able to think of
many answers to solve spatial problems. Among the students' answers, it is known
that students can connect essential concepts of geography, such as location,
distance, affordability, and interrelation between spaces, to solve real (not
abstract) problems. In addition, students can also read spatial representation tools
in the form of maps presented, although they cannot explain them in detail.
Different from the research of Ersoy & Başer (2014), problem-based learning does
not significantly affect students' fluency of thinking. So, this study was able to
prove that fluency indicators can also be improved through SPBL.

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Flexibility is a flexible thinking skill that can produce varied answers by

looking at problems from different perspectives. When solving geographical
problems, students focus not only on basic concepts but also on geographical
approaches and related geosphere phenomena. Students' flexible thinking helps
them deal with unexpected situations and fosters motivation and positive thinking.
Furthermore, the indicator that must provide detailed answers to the
problems faced is elaboration (43%). However, students' answers vary and are
able to relate the knowledge they have to solve problems. However, students still
can't explain the answer in detail. This is likely because the discussion time in SPBL
learning is limited. So, only know the points that need to be remembered. In
addition, according to Torrance (1974), creativity focuses on perseverance and
hard work and does not depend on the emergence of inspiration. Creativity
requires a fairly long process and is not stopped by the emergence of mere
inspiration. In line with the research of Su et al. (2021), students' creative thinking
increased after the application of the learning model for 16 weeks.
The next research finding is that other influences cannot be controlled by
researchers, such as the environment and learning settings of students that
greatly affect their thinking skills. SMAN 1 Pronojiwo, as a place to experiment, is
one of the academic institutions that has characteristics of a rural environment.
This finding is in line with the opinion of Purwanto et al. (2021) that students in
schools with urban environmental characteristics are better when compared to
students in schools with rural environmental characteristics. Meanwhile, students'
learning arrangements, especially the implementation study period, are very short
and tight, with students' preparation for grade advancement exams causing their
focus to split. This results in the application of the SPBL model being less than
optimal in influencing students' creative thinking.
Finally, researchers distributed questionnaires to students who were given
the SPBL model treatment. This questionnaire shows that most students have
understood the content of the material studied, ranging from basic knowledge of
disasters, characteristics of volcanic eruptions, disaster mitigation efforts, local
wisdom and utilisation of impacts caused by eruptions, and students can
participate in community life for disaster mitigation. This research implies that
students can more easily develop spatial concepts, so they can have a deep
understanding by studying spatial issues while learning geography for disaster
mitigation by utilising SPBL models and real-world experience.
Learning with the Spatial Problem Based Learning (SPBL) model is an
interesting and new experience for students. The use of the SPBL model is not yet
commonly done by students, so at the beginning of the learning process, they
have difficulty finding and formulating spatial problems. For this reason, students
need teacher assistance in the process of implementing syntax. On the other
hand, students strive to be active in participating in learning activities. This causes
the need for additional time so that the implementation of the SPBL model can be
achieved optimally.

Based on the results of hypothesis testing and research conducted, it shows
that the SPBL model does not have a significant effect on the creative thinking
ability of grade 11 social studies students at SMAN 1 Pronojiwo. This happens
because the significance value is greater than 0.05, which is 0.73. However, in
fact, it has an effect even though it is low, as evidenced by the posttest results of

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students who have improved and students understand the material studied based
on case studies of spatial problems.
Fluency is the best predictor of students' creative thinking. Originality,
however, is a factor that needs to be improved again. The average variation in
student responses is the same. Therefore, students are still unable to come up
with original ideas. Thus, students are able to solve spatial problems using various
solutions based on the information they have learned before.
Based on the results of this study, students need to practice the use of the
SPBL model to improve their creative thinking skills. Furthermore, researchers can
continue in more depth regarding the application of the SPBL model to students'
higher-order thinking skills.

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Nurul Itsnaini, an alumnus of the Geography Education undergraduate

program, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia (email [email protected]).

Purwanto is a professor at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Social

Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia. He has expertise in the
field of Geography learning. As a lecturer, he has participated in research and

44 Future Space: Studies in Geo-Education

Classroom Innovation: A Study …

community service activities, as seen from the number of articles, books,

copyrights, and others (email [email protected]).

Anang Dwi Ujianto is a teacher at Senior High School 1 Pronojiwo, Lumajang,

Indonesia (email [email protected]).

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