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(Indonesian Journal of Science Education) e-ISSN: 2615-840X p-ISSN: 2338-4379
https://jurnal.usk.ac.id/JPSI/index https://dx.doi.org/10.24815/jpsi.v12i3.38487
Education is a way for humans to develop and improve their intelligence (Spector &
Ma, 2019). Students must participate in educational activities such as the teaching and
learning process to understand and obtain something they have learned. In contemporary
education, students are expected to possess the essential ability of critical thinking, which
proves to be highly advantageous in addressing the challenges in the 21st century (Basri
et al., 2019; Perdanasari et al., 2021; Spector & Ma, 2019; Szabo et al., 2020). The process
614 | Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), 12(3), p.614-627, (2024)
of learning activities can be carried out by students independently without direct teacher
guidance, besides that learning activities can be carried out anywhere and at any time
(Challob, 2021; Untari et al., 2020). This helps students to increase learning motivation
because students can study comfortably.
Biology is a science that studies living creatures and their environment and is one of
the sciences contained in natural sciences. Apart from that, biology is one of the sciences
or subjects that students consider difficult and boring because the learning activities are
filled with memorization activities (Azizah & Alberida, 2021). Based on the results of
interviews and observations at senior high school 4 Muara Teweh, senior high school 4
Yogyakarta, senior high school 7 Yogyakarta, and senior high school 9 Yogyakarta, the
results showed that class X students experienced many problems with biodiversity material
which was considered complex and teachers did not yet have media or teaching materials
that could be used and by the Merdeka curriculum. Aligned with Styers et al. (2021), stated
that biodiversity is a subject matter that is difficult to understand because the material is
very complex. Biodiversity is material that discusses variations in living things with complex
material concepts (Styers et al., 2021; Wiegelmann & Zabel, 2021).
Based on interview data with teachers and observations with students obtained from
four schools, two problems were found in the biodiversity material. The first problem is
that there are 60% of students whose learning motivation is still low. Learning motivation
is an attitude that can encourage students to do something, and this attitude is an
important factor for students participating in learning activities in class (Li et al., 2020).
The first problem can occur due to a lack of variety in the media used in learning activities
on biodiversity material, so students lack focus and concentration when following the
learning process. In addition, the student needs questionnaire revealed that 60% of
students saw learning activities as tedious. Media or teaching materials that are less
interesting cannot increase students' learning motivation to participate in learning activities
in class (Perdanasari et al., 2021). Motivation to learn does not only come from the students
themselves but also can be influenced from outside themselves or the environment. Apart
from that, learning motivation influences the optimal process of learning activities in the
classroom (Kern & Wehmeyer, 2021). Indicators of students who have the motivation to
learn include having the desire to succeed in learning, having desires and needs in learning,
having the desire to achieve goals, having appreciation in learning, having interesting
activities in learning, and having a conducive learning environment (Uno, 2006). The
second problem is that there are 40% of students whose critical thinking is still low. Critical
thinking is a cognitive skill of advanced degree that individuals possess and can utilize to
effectively analyze and evaluate information, enabling them to make informed decisions
and take appropriate actions in problem-solving scenarios (Perdanasari et al., 2021).
According to Szabo et al. (2020), Critical thinking is the capacity to identify and implement
effective resolutions to address a problem. The second issue may arise from the absence
of instructional models, methods for teaching, learning media, and assessment items that
can effectively cultivate and enhance students' capacities for analytical and critical thinking.
Applying learning models and methods to train students to conduct analysis and evaluation
can improve critical thinking (Basri et al., 2019). Moreover, critical thinking needs to be
emphasized in learning activities at an early age to train the ability to analyze and find a
solution to a problem (Spector & Ma, 2019). Critical thinking is needed by students not
only in class but in everyday life (Basri et al., 2019). Critical thinking indicators such as
analysis, evaluation, inference, deduction, induction, formulation of assumptions, and
testing arguments (Anwar & Muti’ah, 2022). Meanwhile, according to Perdanasari et al.
(2021), critical thinking indicators consist of analysis, interpretation, inference, induction,
deduction, and evaluation.
The flipped classroom is a method that invites students to study independently first
so that learning activities in class are more interactive and analysis or evaluation activities
616 | Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), 12(3), p.614-627, (2024)
feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of employing interactive multimedia with a flipped
classroom approach to enhance students' motivation and critical thinking skills in class X.
The research methodology employed is research and development (R&D), utilizing
the ADDIE development model. The research process of ADDIE consists of five distinct
stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (Sa’adah &
Wahyu, 2020). The method that was employed is quasi-experimental with an uneven
nonequivalent control group design. The research sample included students from class X
at senior high school 4 Muara Teweh. The sample in this study comprised Classes X.6 and
X.3. The research employs a cluster random sampling tehnique to pick the sample. This
involves selecting the sample based on current classes in the school, which will then be
divided into a control class and an experimental class.
At the onset of the meeting, a research procedure was conducted to assess the initial
disparities between the experimental class and the control class. This involved
administering a pre-test in the form of a learning motivation questionnaire, as well as
critical thinking questions presented in multiple-choice and essay formats to the students.
Subsequently, the learning activities conducted in the experimental class were
implemented through interactive multimedia and various instructional techniques such as
lectures, discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and the flipped classroom method. In
contrast, the control class utilized PowerPoint (PPT) as the primary instructional medium,
which is commonly employed by teachers during their teaching activities. As well as the
same methods as the experimental class. Learning methods in the classroom such as
lectures, discussions, question-and-answer, and flipped classrooms are taught until the
final meeting. Following the lesson, a post-test learning motivation questionnaire and
critical thinking questions, consisting of both multiple choice and essay formats, were
administered to students in both the experimental and control classes to assess the final
state of each class. The pre-test to post-test data from the two classes were analyzed to
ascertain the disparities resulting from the implementation of the treatment (Sugiyono,
The data collection instruments utilized in this study encompassed various tools such
as interview instruments, student needs questionnaire, media expert validation
questionnaire instruments, material expert validation questionnaire instruments, learning
objectives and teaching module flow questionnaire instruments, teacher response
questionnaire instruments, student response questionnaire instruments, learning
motivation questionnaire instruments, and critical thinking test instruments. Data analysis
approaches encompass various types, includes initial study analysis of data, feasible
information analysis, practical information analysis, and effective information analysis.
Table 1 shows the validation results from media expert assessments flipped
classroom based interactive multimedia is very suitable for use in terms of display and
programming aspects with scores of 81.8 and 87.5%, and decent used in terms of linguistic
aspect with a score of 75%. The assessment given by the material expert is known
interactive multimedia based on a flipped classroom is very worthy of use in terms of
aspects of the appropriateness of content and correctness of concept with scores of 98.1
and 100%. Based on the validation results, it is known interactive multimedia based on a
flipped classroom is Very suitable for use with students inside or outside the classroom. In
line with this, research conducted by Roemintoyo et al. (2022); Sartono et al. (2022),
noted that Interactive multimedia has been proven suitable for use in learning activities
with students in the very good category, these results were obtained from the assessment
of media experts, material experts, teachers, and students.
Interactive multimedia can be used with any learning approach, learning model, and
learning method in classroom learning activities. Interactive multimedia can be used with
the project based learning approach and observational learning model and is declared
suitable for use with students in the classroom (Septiani et al., 2020; Untari et al., 2020).
In line with this Priadko et al. (2022); Xia & Liu (2021), state that multimedia and
interactive multimedia can be used in any learning method, even in enhanced learning
methods. Apart from that, the flipped classroom method can be combined with any
electronic media such as videos, online learning platforms, and other media applications
(Aprianto et al., 2020; Leatherman & Cleveland, 2020; Zou et al., 2022).
618 | Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), 12(3), p.614-627, (2024)
Table 2. Practicality of Flipped Classroom Based Interactive Multimedia
Content 98.1 Very Practice 90.4 Very Practice 87.8 Very Practice
Average 93.5 Very Practice 91.8 Very Practice 88.3 Very Practice
Table 2 shows the results of the assessment given by the teacher stating that
interactive multimedia based on the flipped classroom was very practical to use in terms
of aspects of appearance, programming, language, and appropriateness of content with an
average score of 93.5% and 91.8%. The assessment given by the students states that
flipped classroom based interactive multimedia is very practical to use in terms of aspects
of appearance, programming, language, and appropriateness of content with an average
score of 88.3%. Based on these results it is known interactive multimedia based on a
flipped classroom is very practical to use in learning activities with students. This is in line
with the results of research conducted by Brewer et al. (2022); Sartono et al. (2022), who
stated that interactive multimedia can be used practically in learning activities, this is based
on the assessment results of respondents such as teachers and students.
Based on Figure 1 above, it is known that there is an increase in the average value
of students' learning motivation in the experimental class. In the aspect of having the
desire to succeed in learning, there was an increase in score of 34.6%, in the aspect of
having desires and needs in learning there was an increase in score of 26.1%, in the aspect
of having the desire to achieve goals there was an increase in score of 33.9%, in the aspect
of having appreciation in learning there was an increase in score of 24.2%, in the aspect
of having interesting activities in learning there was an increase in score of 29.7%, and in
the aspect of having a conducive learning environment there was an increase in score of
23.1%. A very significant increase occurred in the aspect of having the desire to succeed
in learning. Figure 2 shows the increase in the average value of students' learning
motivation in the control class.
90 73.8
80 72.7
67.2 65.4 66
70 61.6
Have the desire Have a desire and Have the desire Have an Have interesting Have a conducive
to succeed need to learn to be able to appreciation for activities in learning
achieve your learning learning environment
goals in the
Figure 2. Increase in the Average Score of Students Learning Motivation in the Control
620 | Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), 12(3), p.614-627, (2024)
Based on Figure 2, it is known that there is an increase in the average value of
students' learning motivation in the experimental class. In the aspect of having a desire to
succeed in learning, there was an increase in score of 17.8%, in the aspect of having
desires and needs in learning, there was an increase in score of 17%, in the aspect of
having the desire to achieve goals, there was an increase in score of 19.2%, in the aspect
of having appreciation in learning. there was a 15% increase in score, the aspect of having
interesting activities in learning saw a 19.5% increase in score, and the aspect of having a
conducive learning environment saw a score increase of 10.8%. A very significant increase
occurred in the aspect of having interesting activities in learning. In Figure 1 and Figure 2,
it is known that there is an increase in the average value of students' learning motivation
in the experimental and control classes, apart from that there is a significant increase in
the aspect of having the desire to succeed in learning and having interesting activities in
learning. The average critical thinking score of students in the experimental class has
increased, this is presented in Figure 3.
of Testing
Pre-Test Post-Test
Aspects of critical thinking
Figure 3. Increase in the Average Critical Thinking Score of Students in the Experimental
There was an increase in the average critical thinking score of students in the
experimental class, this can be seen in Figure 3. The increase occurred in the analysis
aspect, where there was an increase in score of 27.3%, in evaluation there was an increase
in score of 47.4%, in inference there was an increase in score of 34, 1%, deduction had an
increase in score of 20.2%, induction had an increase in score of 35.3%, formulation of
assumptions had an increase in score of 41.2%, and argumentation testing had an increase
in score of 40.6%. A very significant increase occurred in the evaluation aspect. Figure 4
shows the increase in the average critical thinking score of students in the control class.
Figure 4. Increase in the Average Critical Thinking Score of Students in the Control Class
A statistical test in the form of an independent sample t-test was carried out to
determine whether or not there was a difference in the average score of students from the
experimental class which used interactive multimedia based on the flipped classroom, and
the control class which used PowerPoint in their learning activities (Korban et al., 2021).
In Table 3 below, the results of the independent sample t-test between interactive
multimedia based on flipped classroom and PowerPoint are presented.
Equal variances assumed 0.000
Motivation to
Equal variances not assumed 0.000
Equal variances assumed 0.047
Critical thinking
Equal variances not assumed 0.044
The results of the independent sample t-test show that there is a significant difference
in the post-test results between the experimental class and the control class. This can be
seen from the Sig value. (2-tailed) learning motivation 0.000 < 0.05, and Sig. (2-tailed)
critical thinking 0.047 < 0.05. Based on these results, it is known that the average post-
test score for learning motivation and critical thinking between the experimental class and
the control class is different.
The N-Gain score test was carried out to determine the level of effectiveness of using
interactive multimedia based on flipped classroom and PowerPoint in learning activities
with students (Abdurrahman et al., 2020). The N-Gain score results between interactive
multimedia based on the flipped classroom and PowerPoint will be presented in Table 4.
622 | Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education), 12(3), p.614-627, (2024)
Table 4. N-Gain Score Interactive Multimedia Based on Flipped Classroom and PowerPoint
The utilization of the ADDIE development model in the research resulted in the
creation of an interactive multimedia product based on the method of the flipped
classroom, specifically focusing on the topic of biodiversity. According to the findings of the
feasibility test conducted by material experts and media experts, it has been determined
that interactive media utilizing the flipped classroom approach is highly appropriate for
learning activities. Furthermore, the practicality test conducted by teachers and students
has confirmed that the interactive multimedia based on the Flipped Classroom is highly
practical for use in learning activities. The results of the effectiveness test demonstrated
that the multimedia interactive program based on The Flipping Classroom was successful
in enhancing the learning motivation of pupils, as indicated by a significant (2-tailed) p-
value of 0.000, which is less than the threshold of 0.05. Additionally, the program was
found to be effective in improving the critical thinking ability of pupils, with a significant
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