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Abstract. This research is motivated by the lack of creative thinking skills of students in social studies
learning. This is because learning is still dominated by teachers. This research aims at describing the
Project Based Learning model to encourage creative thinking, the planning of Project Based Learning, the
implementation strategies of Project Based Learning, and the solutions to obstacles in developing creative
thinking. The approach employed in this research was a qualitative approach with descriptive methods.
The data were collected through interviews and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were a
social studies teacher and 25 students in class VII-E. Based on the research results, it could be seen that
1) the implementation of the Project Based Learning model had been able to develop students’ creative
thinking skills, which could be seen from the results of the projects they had done; 2) the planning in
implementing the Project Based Learning model had been well prepared and could develop students’
creative thinking; 3) the process of implementing the Project Based Learning was carried out in accordance
with the syntax of the Project Based Learning model itself, starting from asking basic questions to
evaluating experiences; 4) The obstacles faced were class management, planning learning time, students
who were not able to fathom the aims and objectives to be conveyed, and students who needed to be given
an overview of the example projects they were going to work on.
Correspondence. [email protected]
Article History. Received August 2021, Received in revised September 2021, Accepted October 2021
©2021. International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies. Program Study of Social Studies Education
understand the conditions of the class they theoretically but also through direct practice
were teaching. For example, in dividing in making a work. Therefore, it could
students into groups for project stimulate students to think creatively and
development, they should be divided equally critically, and to work together in
and diversely. This group division had to be completing their projects. There were many
adjusted to the ability of each student examples of projects that could stimulate
himself. Therefore, there was no group students to foster creative thinking such as
whose all of the members were smart or making mind mapping, historical stories,
were lazy. Second, the teacher had to be able infographics, clippings, essays, and many
to manage time to make the teaching not too more.
slow or too fast. Thus, the time allocation By employing the Project-Based
planned before was in accordance with what Learning model in social studies learning in
happened in reality. year seven, especially in class VII E of the
Next are the obstacles faced by the UPI Pilot Laboratory Junior High School,
students. In developing creative thinking and by employing infographics making and
through Project-Based Learning, sometimes mind mapping making as the selected
students could not understand the aims and projects, it was found that students were able
objectives to be conveyed. In addition, to develop their creative thinking through
students needed an overview of the project the work or project that they carried out.
they were going to do. The solution to these
obstacles was that the teacher had to provide ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
a clear understanding of the technical details To the Social Studies Education Study
of the project. The next solution was to Program, Faculty of Social Sciences
provide various examples of the project that Education, Universitas Pendidikan
was going to be carried out so that students Indonesia for the Publication of this article
could be stimulated to think creatively in in the journal IPS Education Studies
working on the project. In this case, as Program
mentioned in the Project-Based Learning
steps, the teacher needed to set up the REFERENCES
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