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Contents ExN·dse : I ◄A•

I. R\:l 'IS IOll (Do in your book)

Date ......
2. Number Notation 1. Write in figures :
, Work Sheet - I (Assessment Tool) (a) Six thousand nine hundred forty-five
3. Addition of Numbers (b) Fifty-nine tho usand eight hundred seventy
• Work Sheet - II (Assessment Tool) (c) Ninety-one thousand th ree hundred ninety
4. Subtraction of Numbers (d) Forty-seven thousand four
• Work Sheet - III (Assessment Tool) (e) Twenty thousan d twenty
5. Multiplication '2. Write the number names :
• Work Sheet - IV (Assessment Too l) (a) 85,081
6. Division (b) 55,555
• Work Sheet - V (Assessment Tool) (c) 40,349
7. More About Numbers 13_ Write in the expanded form :
8. H.C.F. and L.C.M. 1· (a) (J,982 -- 7 + _J_ _ + "" +
• Work Sheet - VI (Assessment Tool) E (b) 50,005 + f
9. Fractions (c) 92,106 + + +
10. Dec1111als 9t-' Write in the short form :
• Work Sheet - VJ[ (Assessment Tool ) 13 (a)_ B00Q, +1 800 + 80 ±' .8 = _ __ (b) 70,00 + 70 + 7 =
1l.Money 15
(c) 60000 + 3000 + 200 + 40 + 5 = _1 _ __
• Work Sh t VI 16 d' ·t.
P M .. , ee - If (Assessment Tool) 16 5. Write the place value of underlined 191 m :
- cti,, Measures
• Work Sheet IX ( 16 (a) 42_
~ ~ 2 ➔_ __ _ (b) 89732
13 lJ . -
· n,tary Method Assessn1entTool ) 1s (c) 9BZ6 ➔ (d) 1459]
• \\.ork Sheet _X J86. Write:
l4 · Geo1net1y (Assessment Toof) 18 (a) The smallest number of 4 digits
• Work SI. 18 (b) The largest number of 5 digits
1ect-X1(A -
Iii Perilll
. eter ssessnient Tool) 20 (c) The smallest whole number 0
. T1rne M . , (d) The smallest natura l number ,
17. R easlircnient 20
18 Ol)Jiln Nli!l\bcrs
2.ol (e) Successor of 4569
~ Rev1&1011 Work 21 (f) Predecessor of 9000
WorkSh 2 (g) The greatest number of 4 digits formed by .1, 0, 2
• . t\'l - XII ( 22
An,11 ~1s Assc~sinent Tool) 2J:' (h) The smallest number of 4 digits formed by 2, 0, 3

2Y ---
- -----______,..j ,:ti
7. Observe the pattern and fill in the blanks :
(a) J1.4~, _73§_, 7445 , Y,ill in the blanks :
· (a) 145 45 -= (b) 46 X 20 = (C) 4) 1)
(b) 8001 ,.8002, 8904, 8007 ;
-- (d) 161 + 39 = (P) 20 x 30 fJ CJCJC
8. Write in ascending order : ~
implify (write only an swer) :
(a) 42~6, 38~6. 8546 , 7290, 9009 .._ ,
'_._ ___ , ___ , (a) 456 + 39 149 - (b) 273; 3 X 4
(b) 5621 , 5261,625 1, 6521 , 6512 ,(c) 98 - 121 + 215 - (d)42x10 2
' --' --· --· -- (e) 932 132 + 200 =
9. Write in descending order:
·s. f.ill in the blanks :
/ (a) 7594, 9745, 7495, 9547,9574 . ___ , , _ __ , , ,___
./(a) ___8 5 4 9 (b) 2 9 4
+' 17 .
(c) 3 4 0 9 (d)

(b) 8009, 9008 , 9508 , 8095, 5089

8 9
· - - , - - , - - , __. , -- () 3, 1 9 1 1 1 5 7 8 4 6
10. Write all the possible numbers of 3 digits using the given digits only once ; 6. Express the following as fractions : (b) Ni ne thirteenths
(a) 4,3,5 - -.- ·, _ _ , _ _ , _ _ , _ _ , _· _ _ ' (a) Four sevenths
(c) Five seventeenths (d ) Two nin ths
{b) 9,2,3 ~-•--• __ , _ _ , __ , __
17. Write as mixed fractions :
11 . Write:
(a) 519 -- {b)
n8 =
-- -
(c) 27
(d ) 31 _
(a) the greatest number using 1, 2, 0, 5, 4 only once L(2---+ T 18. Simplify :
{b) the smallest number using 2, 0, 1, 9 , 4 on ly once 6 4 _
8 2 (b) TI - 13 - _ __
(a) 1T +1T
12. Simplify :
17 8 2_ _ 14 11 _
(a) (c) 39+ 39 + 39 - _ _ (d) 29 - 29 - _
+ 12987
(b) 487621
+ 987669
952 1
1VFmin the blanks with>,: or<: 11 11 6
+ 8347 8 · 4 13
+ 92 + .879 (a) 17 (?-) 17 (b) 12 13
+ 89 2 · , 4 9 15
(d) sC 10 19 19
(~ 20. Write in descending order :
40562 (e) 80000 (t)
- 12975 50000 4 6 5 1.Q. ~
- 17294 1 (a ) 13' 13' 13' 13' 13
- --- 16 16 1§_ 1§.. 1§_
(g) 851 (h)
(b) 31' 19'
17' 29 ' 18
504 (i) 803
X 9 21. Write in ascending 0rd er :
X 8 x43
15 11 11. 7 J.1i.
(a) 19' 19' 19' 19 ' 19
(j) 854 -;- 8
(k) 453 ..,.. 5 10 10 10 10 1_Q_
(I) 1928 ..,.. 19
{b ) 11' 17' 13'
19 ' 21
22. Write the fo llowing in numerals :
{a) LV ___ (b) XC (c) CCXC= 32. The cost of a table fan 1st 740 Ra11v bought 40 f;:rns How much
(d) LXXV = _ _ _ (e) CLIV = (f) CXLIV = did the fans cost him?
33. FiU in the blanlks :
(a) 4 m cm
23 . Add the .greatest n umber of 3 digits to the smal lest numb~ of
4..:c1igits . ., (b) 8 km m
(c) 6 kg g
(d) 1 l ml
24. What must be subtracted from 3495 to--get the smallest number (e)5m25cm cm
of 4-digits? - - - ..,, (f) 3 m 3 cm m
(g) 8734 g kg g
(h) 5 kg 25 g g
25 . What must be added to 257_~ to get the lar?est ~mb~r of (i) 809 cm m cm
4-digits? U) 13065 ~ km m

34. Simplify:
(a) m cm (b) m cm (c) km m
26. A number is added to 4257 to get 9283; find the number.
28 29 95 06 39 768
+ 37 98 - 26 47 + 15 673

2 7 . 1426 people v1s1ted a magic show on Monday, 2469 on Tuesday

and 1979 on Wednesday. How many people visited the show (d) l ml (e) m cm {f) kg g
56 265 29 87 45 342
during the three days?
18 905 X 5 X 8
28 . In a book-fair, tota l 9387 books were sold in three days. If 2176
boo ks were sold on the first day and 4509 on the second day, how
many books were sold on the third day? 35. A train covers 54 km 450 m in an hour. How much distance does
jt cover in 7 hours?

29 . In a sc hool there are 954 students. Each student donated:~ 5

for a relief-fund How mue,h money was collected in all? 36. 927 kg of wheat was equally packed in 9 bags. Find the weight of
each bag .

th How much does he earn in a

30 _ A man earn~~ 690 in a man .
37. A bu s can cover 120 km in 8 litres of diesel. How much distance
will it cover in 9 litres of diesel?
How many cars does it I
_ A fclctory produces 6036 cars in a year.
produce In one month?

z .&¥t.iiliL,1Ad4•j!, J•1:'7
Class l"es.t-~. . ... ~

38. Find the perimeter of the given figures :


Time On e period] [f
,111 ll11
ti•> 1,1
1. Write sixteen thou sand eigh t hundred seven 1n f1~1ure
2. Write 25046 in words
R 7(m ( M h1111 N
3-. Arrange 2985, 2598, 9825, 9852 and 8952 1n ascending orde r

-4. Simplify : 856 421 + 309 = _ _ _ _ _ _

\d l '-, e)
8 l"ll1
llll 5. In 869 .;- 8; Write Quotient= _ _ _ & Remainder -
I' q < Ill
<J,m 6. Simplify : }~

9 3 5 11 7 · d' d
7. Arrange
16 , 16 , 16 , 16 and 16 1n ascen 1ng or er
'll 12 crn

8. Find: ~ 45.96 + ~ 124.08. 9. Find: ~ 75.25 ~ 2S 15

10. What must be added to 4562 to get 9052.
11. The product of two numbers 1s 918. If one of them is 9, fin d the other
39 . F1rd the radius of a circle of diameter 14 cm .
12. If 15 kg 225 g of nee is needed for a month in a family, how much is requ1 ed for
6 months?
13. Find the perimeter of the adjoining figure ·
40. Find the perimeter of a triangle whose sides a re 9 cm, 12 cm and
14 Clll >• l~-~~'?::
41. Fill in the blanks : \ (

14. Write all the possible numbers of 3 digits using 3, 4, 5 only once :
(a) An hour has
15. Fill in the blanks :
(b) A day has hoJrs (a) A ray has __ end point. (b) A square has __ es

(c) 120 seconds= minutes.

Remarks · M arks obtamed
;d; February had days 1n 2000 .
Guardian Principal Class teacher Tt 1cht>
\ e) The first rionth of a year has days.

i, Ii! t• Vi tr.7rnm&ifu}
In th1<, t hapte r, w e shall learn about the numbers of more th ..
uf d ny d 1g1t I<, written in two w ay s on e . I d. an 5 d1g1t s. Any nL.rne
'>Y'>lPm in n ian system and other in lnternat1or The above aba cus shows 6 te n crores + 7 crores
= 60 crores + 7 crores · 67 uores 1r1 crores period

~r~~ l~:~,~~;1~t~h:u;ae:: ~a~~~a~~:~~;~~~:~i~:~i:~ifficulty, we group th e dig,

1 4 ten lakhs + 6 lakhs = 40 lakh s + 6 lak hs - 46 lc1khc. In l,ikh'> penocJ
1 ten thousand + 2 thousand s
= 10 thousa nds+ 2 thousa nd s= 12 th ous,mrl ir, thou-, 11
3 hundreds + 2 tens + 5 ones - 300 + 20 + 5 - 325 111 ones pPriod
- - Crores Lakhs Thousands Ones - When we write altogether putting the period marks we ge t G1 ,i6. 1 2 2 1l J I J

~g 0
C/lQ Cl)
- sixty-seven crore forty-six lakh twelve thousand three hundred twenty fivt'
en ..._o 0
. C/lO
Q) -
.::s:.o C/lO
-g 0 ~ -
..... o co .
cu .c o C CO 0
~ In Internationa l system , the digits are grouped differentl y from the lndt,Hl systE>n> Ir th,
o o_ ~o
n:: 0
00 ...JO
~ ~ o_
co o
C/l o u o c o
Q) ..- C: system the digits are grouped into di fferent period s a nd each period cont w,c.. thrc
Q) 0
. ...JO_
0 0
.c ~~
- c..-
r=- 0
~~ ..- r=- ..- I- '. .c
I places . Th e first pe ri od (from ri ght to left ) is ca lled ONES PERIOD Th e set ond ind tt •
third period s are ca ll ed THOUSANDS and MILLIONS PERIODS res pective ly

The above chart 1s used for groupin g digits in lnd ·ia Th ·t . k Each period has ones , tens and hundreds places . See th e chart given be low
. us , 1 1s nown as The Ind i
Periods Millions Th ousands Ones
Place Value Chart.
H T 0 H T 0 H T
- ()
In this ch a rt the firs t b lock , from right to left, is known as ONES PERIOD It t I
<fl en
t llreP places ones or un it , ten s and hundred s . · con a eno -0
c::: o eno 0 C: 0
en en
C:::0 -0
l h e s e cond bloc k 1s known as THOUSANDS PERIOD It c onta ins tw 0 I
<fl 00 00 eno ro o ro o Co "O
- Cl) c:::o ~ o_ coo ~o Cl) (/)
th o u s c=inds and ten thousands · Paces (.)
ro =-o
0o ~8
0 -
:::::i •
-00 co Q.)
c- ..
0:: 0 0 =O ..c::: 0 ..c:::o o ..- c..- Q) ..-
T h e third b lock a nd the fou rth bloc ks are known as LAKHS a nd CRORES PERIOD Oo Oo 2q f- ..-- I-..-- ..c :J 0
Oo ..-- ..-- ..-- 0 I- :r:
d nd each period conta,ns two places - lakhs and ten lakhs places as well as crore ..--..-- 0 0
a nd te n crores places respectively. Every pe riod is sepa rate d by a comma (, ). ..--
To represent nu mbers on th e abacu s :
Numeral s of a ny digit are a lso rep re sented on the a bacus .
Lets see th e abacus given be low ·
t:::J~b:::i:::tJ::t:L:t:::L:t:3 ---1:::!:J__;__::t:-} ;---
In the above chart, question (a) shows the numeral 34 ,98 2, 125 which-is -r~~d- a-~ J
four million nine hundred eighty-two thousand one hundred twe nty-five rty
In (b) the numeral 705 ,894 ,109 is read as seven hundred fi ve m ill ion e 19 ht h
four thousand one hundred nine . undrecl n r
How do we separate the periods ?
To separate the periods, we use either of the two methods
= 67,46,12,325 1. We use co mmas(,) or ·
2. We leave a short space between each of th em.
Compmison between Indian and International systems of Numeration :
-Millions Nur11hor ncHTJ('<,
Thou sands
Interna - lNumcr,il:-;
Ones H OnTcjs
tional Millions Thousands T 0 H O
system 2 5 7 6 1 2 543,lb I Two r111ll1011 f Vl' t t,nc1r f f
- -1-----.,.-----,---;-----,----r- - (d) 1t,u11, n1li <,1•v• 11 tn111d1l'
Periods ., H ~- _ O H T O H T O
Sixty lt'tll,">,lfl l
g 88 8 0 0 0 0 (b ) 6 0 0 0 7 O G0,005.070 n11ll10•1 '11(
O ·O ~8 88._8_ 0
0 0
80~8'- 0 ooc:i ·oo o_ 0
.- ~ Eu,·«·i.~«· : 2 4,\~
~ °ci8 :;8 0 .-
0::: o_
s.- ,_.- .- ,-
(Do in your book) Dc1te

- -
--TC C TL L TTh Th H T 0 1. Fill in the blanks :
(b) 10000 1s the > d1 JII n J t
(a) 1 more than 9999 1s
Indian Crores Lakhs Thousands Ones (c) A hundred thousand is lakh . (d) The largest 6 d1q1t nur11hw 1~
\ system (f) 2 ten thousc1mJ -, thod~ 1•
(e) 1 thousand= _ _ hundreds.
From the above two pl;:ice value charts we find the following relations (please learn II (g) 10 ten thousands = lakh (h) 1000 - tens
table given below) 1 crore = lc-1kh
(i) 1 lakh = thousands . Ul
10 ones= 1 ten
2. See the abacus. Write its numeral and the number name in the given space·
10 tens = 1 hundred llh II, II I
(a) L Tlh lh II I O (1>1 (J
10 hundreds= 1 thousand
10 thou sa nd s = 1 ten thousand
10 ten thousands = 100 thousands = 1 lakh
10 ten lakhs = 100 lakhs = 1 crore
Also, 100 ones = 1 hundred
100 ten s = 1 thousand
(c) I TC (_ II I I fh 11, II I <> I Id) I, II I, I h II
1 million = 10 lakhs

100 lakhs = 10 millions = 1 crore

10 crores = 100 millions = 1000 lakhs )

IJ I >
Observe some examples given below . H 8 I
(,. I) )

~,;ample.- J. I I 1'

Ones Numerals Number names 3. Write the number names :

{a) 48,72 ,613
C TTh Th H T 0 {b) 72,92,815
l I 6 3 0 7 B 9 26,30,789 Twenty-six lakh thirty thousan,: (c) 82 ,05 ,809
seven hundred eighty-nine
(d ) 7,05,92, 100 -
'J 3 0 B 0 0 4 5 ,03 ,08 ,004 Five crore three lakh eight (e) 4,04 04,004
thousand four
4. Write the numerals :
\J) r oi \y-e,gh\ thousan d nine hundred eighty-se ven. _
_ __ 2. According to the Indian system, leavi ng a short space between th
(b) Seventy one lakh ninety-two thousan d four hundred rewrite the following numerals :
twenty-t wo _
(c) Four crore eight \akh eleven thousan d three hundred e.g. 2576814 = 25 76 8 14
thirty-fiv e _ __
(cl) Fitly -two crore sixty-one \akh ninety-fo ur thousan d eight (a) 812435
hundred four _ (b) 920680 (c) 74()2 14
(e) rifty-s1x crore two lakh seven thousand one hundred
twenty-e ight (e) 287591 (f) 834157 6 (g ) 256817 68
5. Complete the blanks in the given place value charts
: 3. Write the number names :
(a) 78,42,5 12 (b) 9,25,761 (c) 88,379 ('
(i) Crores Lakhs Thousa nds
\ 7
Numerals (e) 56 ,25,100 (f) 92.704 (g) 5,44 61' 1 I~
TC C TL 1 L TTh, Th H T 0 4. Putting the period marks according to the India
\ \ number names :
n pldce value ch Hi wnte the
(a)\ I 2 \ 6 3 7 8 1 4 5 2,63,78 , 145 (a) 18245 (b) 62973 (c) 4582 1 7
(b )I 1 \ 9 \ 4 0 8 1 3 0 9
(e) 1492176 (f) 292875 0
(g) 834976 07
(c )
7,84,20, 105
(d ) 5 5. Write the numerals :
0 2 0 0 7 0 0 9
(P ) (a) Eighty-f our thousan d three hundred twelve .
I 7 0 ,00,70,7 00
(b) Ninety-o ne thousan d six hundred forty.
(i i) I I

Number names Crores Lakhs (c) Sixty thousan d four hundred twenty-f ive .
ands ones
(d) Four lakh seventy -one thousan d three hundred
TC C TL I L TTh Th fi ve
H T 0
(e) Eight lakh nine thousan d six hundred eleven.
(a ) Eight crore ten lakh twelve (f) Seventy -four lakh fifteen thousan d two hund re d
thousan d fifty 8 1 0 1 2 0 5 0 ei ghty-fou r
(g) Ninety-o ne \akh sixty-two thousan d eight hundred
(b ) Seven crore forty-sev en forty f ive
lakh nine thousan d four (h) Thirty-n ine \akh seven thousan d fifty-five .
(C )
7 8 4 1 3 2 9
(d ) Ten crore te n
.=:J Ex(•1·.t>ist• : 2 (II) C 1. In the given place value chart, complete the blanks
(Do in your noteboo k) (a) Millions Thousan ds Ones
Date: ............. .. .. H T -
0 H T 0 H T Numera l
1. Make a place value chart (Indian system) and 0
enter the digits of the folloVI e.g 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 6
(i) 4 5 9 2 24 623 11
numera ls: 1 5 0 8
(ii ) 8 4 3 6 7 0 4 6 7
( 3) 2 5 685 (b) 9,76,304 (iii )
(c) 97,048 (d) 5,85,375 (iv ) 90 4 2.3 f,,
(t l 80 070 (fl 2,70,007 (g) 4,24 ,65,362 (h) 5,50,055 (v ) 21 7 4 1~ \
50 0 7b
- - --- -~
Millions Thousands
(b) Number names - Ones'
H T 0 H T 0 H T .:J 1:u...-i~«· : 2 Utt
eg Six hundred twelve million two hundred 6 1 2 2 4 0 8 ,, (Do :n your 'lOtebooK,
forty thous,md e1qht hundred six
1. Make the international place value chdrt and enter the digit-; oft
(1) Seventy-two million four hundred fifteen numerals :
th ousand one hundred thirty.
(cl) 71 426 876 (b) 92 420 013 (r) fJ 2 f 1
) Four hundred sixty million ninety
thousand seven ty-five . l (e) 20 004 921 (f) 8 076 1~3 'g) '-+ 28lJ 1b I

i) Two hundred seven ty-eight million one 2. Using the International place value , write the number name
thousand five (a) 6856287 (b) 48 38560~ J 80/ f (
(v ) Six hundred million two hundred (e) 208706905 (f) 245304196 ('cl) c.02 1 40
thousand five hundred
3. Write the numerals :
2. Using international place value, rewrite the following numerals with period mc11
(a) Six million four hundred sixty tho...1sand r ire fi...1r ar ' fifty f
and write their number names :
(cl) 89410567 (b) Eighty-six million three hundred twenty-'1ve thoJ., l'ld trv ti 1 1 Jr x• 0,1

(b) 5691078 (c) Ninety-million three hundred forty thousanrJ one t u'ld' rJ twer ty
(c) 57000050 (d) Six hundred seventy-two million nine hundred eighty-six thouc,c1r d c,pvpr h H1 Ir
(d) 500416079 four.
3. Wrrte the numerals : (e) Four hundred seventy-two million six hundred f ve, 1d ''l'f'P ti Jr dr
(a) Sixty million eight hundred forty-four thousand seven hundred
(f) Nine hundred million three hundred seventy-f ve thousdncl f >u '"'u'ld ' I
seven .
(b) N nety-m1ll1on seven hundred sixty-eight thousand four (g) Seventy million seventy thousand seventy
hundred fifty-six.
(h) Five hundred million three hundred thousand eight hurdrPd
(c) Six hundred fo ,1y-five m1!11on eight hundred fifteen thousand
4. The population of India was 95,38 ,82.765 n 1990 Wrrte the_pup...ilation usrnq •t
one hundred two.
International system both in figures and words.
(d) Nrne hundred m1ll1on two hundred thirty-one thousand eight
5. India Airways carry one million six hundred twenty-five thoL..Sdnr~ ttiree 'lundre l •
hundred seventy-nine
seven people per year. Write the figure in the lndran system and wrrte its 'lL..Mber 1
(e) Fo r r hu 1dred t • o rirll1on eighty thousand seven hundred five.
,_____ __ - 6. Write any five sentences having 5, 6 or 7 digrts on the numerals
4. Write any four sentences on the numer,is having 5 or 6 digits.
7. Using each digit only once, write the numeral whrch rep•esents the largest numbt.>
e.g. The largest 5 drg1t nun e•al is 99999.
The position of a digit (in the place value chart) in a number shows its PLACE VALUE
while the numerical value of a digit is its FACE VALUE
(d) - - - - - - - -
Tl1e pl dU' v,1lue o f a d1g1t changes according to its place but its face va lue alwa ys 'Prr~
uncl1 ange d _. __ _ _ _ _ Short Form :
Place value of 0 is always Q_ There is a numeral whi ch co ntains 50 oo ooo + 8 oo oon 1 10 rH' + I f
Now, we have to wnte it in th e short forrn
It Is to he I emembered that the place va lue of a digit is 10 times the va lue of the ne xt pl.
Thu s, 50,00,000 1 8,00,000 , 70 ,000 1 4.000 1 JOO 50
on I\s ngh\ Observe the given examples carefu lly :
l]hn m 1•h- I. Find the place value of each digit in (a) 32,815 (b) 24,07 ,135. 5 X 10,00 ,000 t 8 X 1,00 ,000 7 X 10,000 4 X 1 000 lx 1

Place valu e = 50 lakhs + 8 lakhs + 70 thou sand s+ 4 thouc,c1nds + ~ hundr d ► t 'l ►

~olution (a) Numeral Place
32 8 15 = 58 lakhs + 74 thousands+ 3 hundreds+ 5 ten., + 1 on(

l[ 5 X 1 (0) 5 = 58,74,351.
1 x 10 (T) 10 Now look at some examples given below :
8 X 100 (H) 800
l1lxnmplc 2 . Write in expanded form : (a) 3,85,926 (b) 40 ,56,869 .
2 x 1000 (Th) 2000
C!olution (a) 3,85 ,926
3 x 10000 (TTh) 30000
3,85,926 = 3 lakhs + 8 ten thousand + 5 thousnnds + 9 ti~i'lrlred ,
(b) Numeral Place Place value + 2 tens + 6 ones
24, 07, ~ = 3x1,00,000+ 8 x 10,000 + 5 x 1,000 + 9 x 100 + 2x
5 X 1 (Q ) 5 = 3,00,000 + 80 ,000 + 5,000 + 900 + 20 + 6.
3 10 (T)
30 (b) 40,56 ,869
1 x 100 (H) 100 = 4 ten lakhs + 0 x lakhs + 5 ten thousands+ 6 ttiou, H
7 x 1000 (Th) 7,000 + 8 hundreds+ 6 ten+ 9 one s
- - - · 0 x 10,000 (TTh) 0 = 4 x 10,00,000 + 0 x 1,00,000 + 5 x 10,000 + 6 x 1 000
+ 8 X 100 + 6 X 10 + 9
4 x 1,00,000 (L) 4,00,000 = 40,00,000 + 0 + 50,000 + 6,0 00 + 800 + 60 + CJ
2 x 10,00,000 (TL) 20,00,000 (The expanded form of a number can be written 1n three wa SJ
We have already learnt to wnte 4 d1g1t numerals in expan ded form and in short form in lllxamplc :J . Write in short form :
6 5
previous class . Now we w ill learn how to w rite 5-di git numera ls o r more th an 5-di 1
(a) 0,000 + ,000 + 700 + 20 + 8.
numerals In both the forms . (b) 50 ,00,000 + 1,00 ,000 + 40,000 + 3,000 + 80 + 6 .
Expanded Form : C!olution (a) 60,000 + 5,000 + 700 + 20 + 8
Let us take a numeral 45628 and put its digits in a place value,_chart. = 6 X 10,000 + 5 X 1,000 + 7 X 100 + 2 X 10 + 8

IT:h I ~; I ~ I ~ I ~ I 11
= 6 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 7 hundreds + 2 1
= 65 ,728 . ens + b ne
Here we see that the numeral contains 4 ten thousands , 5 thousands, 6 hundreds, 2
(b) :0,00,000 + 1,00 ,000 + 40 ,000 + 3,000 + 80 + 6
and 8 ones
- 5 ten lakhs + 1 lakh + 4 ten thousands + 3 th
Th us 45628 = 4 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 6 hundreds + 2 tens + 8 ones + 8 tens + 6 ones ousands .. '1
4x 10 ,000 + 5x 1,000 , 6 x100 + 2x10 + 8 = 51 lakhs + 43 thousands+ o + 86 = 51 .4 3 _
40 ,000 5,000 1 600 20 - 8.
3 Enre·iM· : 2 tU .:J l, unin: 2 41 •
(Do in your book) Date :.
/Do In you r nott•no JK

1. Write the place value of underlined digits : . 1. Fill in th e blanks :

(a) 64§_2813 (b) 91375 (c) 90p 8 j +
(a ) 85 679 - ten thouc Jlld<; t 'houscmd
(b) 92 076 = 9 +2 +0 .. 7 •f
(dH 23 479 (e) 8 Q_ 350 18 (f) ~ 81 39 21(
(c) 9,72 ,853 - _ _ lakhs +- te" tr1o usar de, + Iii J l j .,

+ ten s + on es
2. Write the names of the period in which the underlined digits fall :
(d) 6,25,943 = (6 x 1 00 ,000 ) + (2 x ) I- /5X I- ( I
(a)852.1_683 (b) 9_Q 75208 (c) ~6872 1
(e) 76091 =_ _ +_ _ +_ + +

(d) 35 ~8 76 140 (e) 80 0Q_ 762 (f) 95 132 (f) 4 TTh + 9 Th + 6 H + 9 T + 5 0 =

(g)5 X 1,00000 I 6 X 10,000 + 3 X 1 000 9 X 1')0 X 1(

3. Fill in the blanks : (h) 70,00,000 + 5,00,000 , 40 000 8,000 .. 600 ~ 20

(a) 45 ,626 = __ ten thousands + 5 thousands+ 6 hundred s + _ _ ten s + 6 ones 2. Write the following numerals in expan ded form :
(b) 61.278 = __ ten thousands+ _ _ thousand+ _ _ hundreds+ _ _ tens+ _ (a) 57 ,962 (b) 32 145 (c) 90 ,21 6 (rJ) 42 UI
ones . (f) 8,35,340 (g)31 , 24364 (h ) 80 .06972 l 30 :JO /62 J J
(c)53906= 15 x 10,000)+(3x _ )+(9 x _)+(0 x 10)+(6 x 1) 3. Write the following in short forms :
(d) 45 ,359 = (4 X _ ) + (5 X _ ) + (3 X _ ) + (5 X _ ) + (9 X _ ) (a) 80,000 + 7 ,000 + 200 + 8 + 1
(b) 70 ,000 + 0 + 500 + 40 + 7
(e)2,76 815= (2x _ )+ (7x _ ) + (6 X _ ) + (8 X _ ) + (1 x _ ) + (5 X _
(c) 8,00,000 + 30, 000 + 5000 + 400 + O + 6
(f) 48 576 = 40 000 ... 8,000 + + 70 +
(d) 2,00,000 + 10,000 + 6000 + 40 + 8
4. Write in short form : (e) 50 ,00 ,000 + 4,00,000 + 30 .000 + 2 000 + 800 + 50 + 6
(a) 5000 + 300 + 40 + 2 (f) 50 ,00,000 + 0 + 90 ,000 + 0+ 800 + 0 + 4
(b) 40000 + 3000 + 200 + 30 + 5 (g) 4 ,00,000 + 400 + 4
(h) 70,00,000 + 7000 + 700 + 7
( C) (7 X 10000 ) .. I 8 X 1000 ) t ( 9 X 100 ) 0 4 ( 5 X 1)
4. Write the place value of ea ch dig it in :
(d) 3 ten thousands + 4 thousands+ 6 hundreds+ 8 tens
+ 5 ones (a) 75 ,829 (b) 34 ,569 (c) 7 051 (d\ 7 C5 4o1 (e) 8 2 1
(e) 4.00,000 + 50 000 + 5,000 + 200 + 40 + 7 5. Write the place value an d the face value of the underlined digits in the
given numerals :
5. Fill in the blanks :
(a ) 3_§_678 (b) ~2135 (c) 651.89 (d) 38425 1
(a) In 31974, 9 is at _ _ _ place
(f) 2~ 0240 (g) _§_4 32106 (h) 8Q00760
(b) The place value of 5 in 85 ,076 is _ __
6. Draw the Indian place value cha rt and write the following numerals in the
(c ) 3906 7 has _ _ _ thousands in al l. chart according to their places :
(d) 47598 has _ _ _ ten thousands . (a) 7845731 (b)8031 6 (c)9004 5 1 (d ) 1%2203 (e)61562 '\
(e ) In a 6 -d1git number the 6th digit fall s in _ __ pe riod

rn ®liLllilli ~
rn lllii~llli7m:J t, 1 1: i fj: '7
Successor of Number : (b) (1) D1g1tc, ell ten I 1k Il
(1) D1g1ts at lK l r l ' l
TIH.' number w l)l(,h comes Just aft er a n umber Is called the su ccessor of the numt Pr.
(By adding 1 to a number, we get the successor of the given number.) (111) D1g1ts ell te'l thu rnd pl l f

(1v) D1g1ts Al thou.., H l, place 1rP jff I '

11h II m 1, h• I. Number +1 Su ccessor

Here 4 > 0 at th 1c,,md ~ · 1
(a) 582 16 582 16 + 1 58217
(b) 999999 999999 + 1 8294061 ~ 82Uul4
(The largest number of 6-dig its) (The s m a ll est nu m ber of 7-d191' Asce nd ing a nd Des ce n d ing o rd er : b
IJ!'\.allll)lc ."i. Arrange 216256, 55623 , 1026056,29827 252610 cind lO
Predecessor of a Number :
ascend ing (i ncreasing) order.
The number wh ich comes Just before a number is called the predecessor of the num ~o I u ti
O 11 If we compare th e giver' nu mer ..ii y putt 'lq th
(By subtracting 1 from a number, w e get the predecessor of the numbe r.)
10,26 ,056 Is the greatest and 29 827 Is the smalli"<,I , E T
11hamplt.• 2. Number -1 Predecessor numera ls can be arra nged in ascending order 1

(a) 59240 2, 16,256 , 2,52,6 10 and 10 26,056 If we put the syrnl' ii

59240 - 1 59239
(b) 100000 100000-1 can be written as 29827 < 55623 < 70576 "- 21b2 Jo 25,•>
(And Just the reverse of the given order Is known d~ cle~Ler 1 1
(The small est number of 6-digits) (The largest nu m be r of 5-dig its) r,;.i

Comparison of Numbers : l...!!J'\.lllllf) 1e 6 . Arrange 61209 ; 50775 ; 127305; 9037 ; 29009, and 500073 rn descend11 q
To co mpa re two o r more than two given numerals , the following rul es must be fo ll ow ~olution
By putti ng the peri od marks we fi nd that 5,00,073 1<; the 1re 11
(a ) A number co nta ining more digits is greater than the number containing less d1gil
is the smallest among the given numbers Thus In descenrJ1'1
11!'\.nmJ)k :l. Which is greater: 53617 or 123456? numerals can be arranged as . 5,00,073 1 27 305 G1 20CJ :i
£olution 53617 has 5-digits . 123456 has 6-digits . 9,037 . By putting the symbol (> or <) th ese can he arranged 1~
Thu s, 123456 > 53617 . 500073 > 127305 > 61209 > 50775 > 29009 > 90J7 .
(b ) If two numbers ha ve sa me numb e r of dig its , we start comparing from the left rr
digit. If th e left most digit b e the same then compare by the second left most c
__:J Exf"t·t·ist• : 2 4G • C.
and so on . (D o in your book) D ate
(Please observe th e g iven exa m ples) 1. Write the predecessor and the successor of the given numerals :
Predecessors Numerals Successors
11!'\.~lll ..)lt.• -L (a) Which is smaller: 285912 or 185939?
~) - -- - 434~
(b) Which is greater : 8294061 or 8290942? (b) _ __ _ 52'.783
Clolut ion (a) Let us sta rt from the left most digit. (c ) _ _ _ _ 24 ,896
2 8 5 9 1 (d) ____ 10,000
2 > 1 at lakhs place .
Thu s, 1 < 2
c Q) Q) Q)
c (e ) ____ 2,45 ,625
Q) E E E ai (f) - - - - 9,05 ,670
C1l C1l C1l
:. 185939 < 285912 . tt: (/) (/) (/) :t::
'6 '6 (g) - - - - 32 ,27 ,500
(h) _ __ _ 30 ,00 ,000
1 8 5 9 3
2. Fill in the blanks using '>' '==' or '<' : (b) 2, 0, 9, 3. 5
9999 (c) 30219 3v!:,,- (c) 1, 3. 9. 0, 7, 6
6120 (b) 10000
(a) 5987 (d)8, 2, 0,0 , 7, 4
201500 (f) 24621 136:> 9
677770 (e) 152600 (e) 4, 8, 7 6, 9, 3, 1
(d) 77707
(h) 40002 30985 9. Write any 5 numerals formed by 2, 8, 1, 7 and 9, using each d1g1t only onc.e
(g) 76952 76952
Arrange them in decreasing order :
3. Write the numerals which come between :
Predecessors Numerals Successors
49280 10. Fill in the blanks :
(a) 49278
10634 (a) 456780 comes just after _ _ _ __
{b) 10632
10002 (b) The largest 5-digit number is _ _ _ _ _ of 100000
(c) 10000
125377 (c) Successor of the largest 4 digit number 1s _ _
(d) 125375
200011 (d) The place value of 9 in 19,25,670 1s _ _ __
(e) 200009
(e) The number _ _ _ _ _ is one less than 278000
4. Encircle the smallest number :
(a)56 262. 56162, 5626 1 56.126 (b) 2,40 ,500; 4,20 ,005 ; 2,04,500 . 5 DC ...:11 Exe1·t·ise : 2 411 ► C:::
(Do in your notebook) Date
5. Find the smallest and the largest numbers :
(a) 25,169, 52,916; 52,6 19, 29,620 1. Write the predecessor and the successor of the given numeral s :
smallest number = largest number = _ (a) 49,200 (b) 50,000 (c) 1,00 ,000 (d) 2,90.000 (e) 56,73 385 (f)99<.J9l

(b)2 .05 ,100; 5,02,100 2. 10,500 , 2.00 ,012 2. Write the following numerals in increasing order :
smal lest number = largest number =_ (a) 29,285 ; 28,672; 27,982; 98,527; 82,295
6. Using symbols , arrange the given numerals in ascending order : (b) 5,50,500; 4,40,440 ; 55,555; 1,05, 005 ; 50,00,000
(c) 4,29,785; 94 ,256; 69 ,592 ; 89,235 ; 2,85,734
(a) 26,255; 25.652, 22,565 : 55 ,622; 52 ,652
-- __ __ __
, , , (d) 40 ,049; 1,04,090; 30,905; 90,569; 88 ,888
(e) 26,24,561 ; 62 ,50,007; 90,985; 2,95 ,768 ; 1,00,00.000

__ - - · __ __ - -
(b) 7.20,465; 2,70,654; 6,75 200; 7,04,520; 4 ,70,650
, , ,
3. Using symbols, rewrite the following numerals in decreasing order :
(a) 52,762; 57,622 ; 75,226; 62,752; 72,625
7. Using symbols , rewrite the numerals in descending order :
(b) 40,469; 60 ,940; 50 ,564 ; 29,546; 54 ,926

, __
(a) 31,083.31 038: 33,108· 18,303 ; 83 ,002
(c) 8,50,025 ; 7,80 ,520 ; 5,87,820 ; 87 ,75 ,805; 78 ,989
(d) 18,20,451; 20, 19,500; 19,70,100; 18 ,50,97 1; 19,80,975
(e) 56,80,325; 65,70,523 ; 3,85,20 ,005 ; 68,75,760 ; 87 ,52, 190
-- __ __
(b) 5,50,500, 55 ,500 ; 5,55 ,000 : 5,00 ,055 , 5,00 ,505
, , 4. Put'>', '='or'<' in the blanks to make the statements correct :
(a) 35168 38156 (b) 192706 99999 (c) 2491 7
8. Using the following d'191·t 5 -- 244
numerals formed : only once, write the smallest and the largest (d) 27685 100000 (e) 50005 ~ 50050 (f) 768321 6 7
(g) 120345 45231 (h) 259037 259037
Digits Smallest numbers Largest numbers
(a) 4. 5. 6, 9 1

• WJ..ilID ~
4. Write the sma llest and the largest numerals of given digits .
Write 'true' or 'false' : I st number of 5-digits
5. f one lakh is the arge Digits Smallest numerals Largest numerals
(a) The predecessor o d . 9999
(b) The successor of 10 thousan s is . (a) 5-digits
(b) 6-digits
(c) Place value of 0 is always zero . h . en number is called the predecesso1
. · more than t e giv (c) 7-digits
(d) The number which is one
(d) 4-digits
the number MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS (e) 8-digits
_,]I Exert·ise : 2 U ► C 5. Using the given digits only once, write the smallest and the largest numeralc,
(Do in your book) Date : ............. . formed:
Digits Smallest numerals Largest numerals
1. Match group 'A' with 'B' : (a) 2 , 1, 4 , 3 , 8
Group 'A' Group'B' (b) 2 , 8, 1 4, 5
(a) 1 million (i) 10 millions (c) 1, 9 , 0 , 4 , 6 , 3
(b) 100 thousands (ii) 10000 thousands (d) 2 , 0, 5, 6, 9, 3
(c) 100 lakhs (iii) 1000 lakhs
(e) 3, 7, 4 , 0, 1, 8 , 9
(d) 10 millions (iv) 10 lakhs
(v) 1 lakh 6. Using the given digits only once, write all possible numerals of 3-digits :
(e) 100 millions
(a) 2, 4 , 6 ➔
2. c omp lete the following columns · (b)4, 3, 5 ➔
100 1,000 5,000 1,00,000 1000 (c) 3, 0 , 5 ➔
more more more more less (d)9, 7 , 2 ➔
(a) 25.456 (e) 8, 0, 6 ➔
(b) 63 995
(c) 2 49 350 7. Using the following digits only once , write all the possible 4-digit numerals :
(a) 1, 7 , 8 and 9 ➔

(d) 36 45 400 -
(e) 72 61 325 ~

( fJ 99 00 000 -
3. Putting the period marks (or short space between the periods), write the follow (b) 2, 3, 5 and 6 ➔
numerals in both the systems :
Numerals Indian system International syS terr
(a) 853216 _ - --
8. Write 5 consecutive numerals just after 58,599.
(b) 189724
(c) 2576084 9. Write 6 consecutive numerals just before 10,000.
(d) 8976281
(e) 987623041 10. Write all the numerals between 50 ,000 and 50,01 o. .
( f) 2005678
(g) 15970003 11. Counting by twos, write all the numerals between 52 253 d
, an 52 ,273.
(h) 20000000

-----~ •$41iiH,t!H UBttffitiicii

37 995 and 38,050.
·te all the numerals between '
2 Counting by fives, wn o d 1 00 000
1 . b tween 99 00 an , , .
f g by hundreds, write all the numerals e ' 1 more than 9999 s
13. Coun m
(a) the smallest number of 5 dig t
Observe the pattern and write the next four numbers :
14. ) 48 560 ' 48.660, 48.760 - (b) the greatest number of 5-d1g1tc:;

{~ ) 90' 546. 89.546: 88.546 (c) the smallest number of 4-digits

8 375
c) 28°,355 28,365 2 . __ __ __ (d) thegreatestnumberof6-d1g ts
(d) 2.72 325. 2 74 325: 2 76,325 -- -- ?

28 71 529 29 71 529; 30,71 ,529 -- -- -- . h 2 . How many zeros does one crore
e) · · · . 1 the smallest and underline t e 1arg1
15. From each of the given sets, circ e (a) 5 =--___) (b) 6 (C-) 7 ll
numerals :
(a) 28.576. 27 .982: 58.205; 48 ,032; 49,789 3. The predecessor of 90000 1s:
(b) 29 .001: 92.000; 19,002: 92,001 ; 29 ,010 (c) 90002 ( J) 8 q l 3
(a) 90001 (___) (b) 90009 (._
(c) 2,45 362 4 24 .362; 5,24 ,236. 3,66 ,544; 2,54,263
Fill in the blanks to make the statements correct: 4 . How many thousand make a million?
1a) 5 thousands+ 6 thousands= ten thousands+ thousands (a) 100 C) (b) 1000 --~ (C) 10000 (dJ Noneofth
(b) 8 ten thousands+ 6 ten thousands= lakh + ten thousands
5. Which of the following groups of numbers are written in ascend nq order?
(c) 100 thousands + 4 ten thousands = lakh + thousands .
(a) 34922; 42932 ; 29432; 32942; 23492 C)
(d) 100 lakhs + 1 lakh = millions+ thousands .
(b) 42932; 24922; 32942 ; 29432 ; 23492 C)
17. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order using symbols:
42932 , 29432 , 3294~2349~34~22 - - --- --- ---
(c) 34922; 42932; 29432; 23492; 32942 C)
18. Arrange the following numbers in descending order using symbols : (d) 23492; 29432 ; 32942; 34922; 42932 C)
50.489: 40,859 ' 80,984; 54 ,980; 45,089 - - - - - - - -
6. Which ofthe following groups of numbers are in descending order?
19. Write the period and place of the underlined digits :
Numerals Period Place (a) 58205; 48032; 49005; 27982 ; 28576 C)
(a) 10987
(b) 84_§70
(b) 58205; 49005; 48032; 28576; 27982 C)
(c) ~42813 (c) 58502 ; 48320 ; 49500; 28657 ; 92782 C)
(d) 9p453 (d) 48320 ; 49302 ; 58502 ; 85609; 92278 C)
(e) ~720694
20. By using all the digits from O to 6 only once , write the smallest and the
largest numeral.
Smallest numeral = _ _ __
Largest numeral = -
(a) 4587529 ~ (b) 45087529 (=
7. Forty five million eighty seven thousand five hundred twenty-nine is written as

(c) 45870529 (d) 450087529

8 . Which of the following is written correct for t h e numeral 25 ·605 ·2877
~ - ddition Ofi Num er.s
(a) Two hundred fifty six million five thousand tow hundred eighty seven .
Addend : The numbers which are added togelhn arP cal/Pd !lie <"' "-'f J
(b) Twenty five million sixty five thousand two hundred eighty seven . Sum The resu lt we get after adding 1s called the sum
(c) Twenty five million six hundred five thousand two hundred eighty seven.
- =hildren! You have lea rnt t he ad dit ion of numbe rs upto four digits without or w th carry r
(d) Twenty five million five hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven .
n the previous cla ss. Here you w ill learn t he add ition of numbers having more tt---an 4 rJ1r t
9 . Predecessor of the smallest number of 6 digits is : -he process of addition is th e sa me as you have learnt in the previous clasc;
)bserve the given examples ca refull y ·
(a) thelargestnumberof5-digits ~
~ 1h.amtlle I. Find: 453217 + 136472
(b) the largest number of 6-digits
:Jolntion L TThTh H T 0
(c) thesmallestnumberof?-digits ~ 4 Ei 3 2 7
(d) none of the above ~ + 1 3 6 4 7 2
5 8 9 6 8 9 Ans. = 589689
1O. How many ten thousand make a lakh?

(a) 10 ~ {b) 100 ~ (c) 1000 ~ {d) 1 ~xamplc 2. Find the sum of 932176 and 46803.
~olution L TTh Th H T 0
11 Using the digits 4, 5, 6, 9, 1 and Oonly once, the smallest numberof6 digits will be : 9 3 2 7 6
(a) 145690 ':=) {b) 104569 C=:) (c) 965410 ~ {d) 140569 + 4 6 8 0 3
9 7 8 9 7 9 Ans. = 978979
12. In 139704; 9 is at the place of :

(a) thousan C::, (b) tenthousand e=:) (c) lakh ~ (d) hundred 1~xample 3. Add: IB321435, 876942 and 34176
13 . How many lakh does a hundred million have? [N.B. : In the process of addition , first arrange the given numerals in
,,,---------. columns according to the periods and places, then start adding
(a) 10 C=:)
...______,,,, {b) 100 (c) 1000 ~ (d) 10000 from ones unit place to tens , hundreds and so on .]
1e above addition can be done as follows :
14 . Using the digits 0, 1 and 2 the smallest numberof6-digits can be written as :

(a) 200001 ~ (b) 210000 C=:) (c) 120000 ~ (d) 100002

fo I ution 1 1 1 1 1 1
TL L TTh Th H T 0
15. Predecessor of a given number is : 8 3 2 1 4 3 5
+ 8 7 6 9 4 2
(a) 1 less than the number C-__) {b) 1 more than the number ( + 3 4 1 7 6
(c) 101essthanthenumber C-) ( 9 2'. 3 2 5 5 3
(d) 1 o more than the number
Students should write the carried digits at the top of the next di ·t d
along with the other digits in that column . gr an a dd rt

___) ½.iiiib;+: ,. ' . "\ ~~

_::-. E.u•1•t·i._•. : :s 4 \J
Wh e n you practise frequently, you a re advised not to wr te (Do in your book)
earned digit at the top or name of the place (i.e ., 0 . T. H. Y
remember the d1gIt being carried to the next column and add 1t ~ Find the sum :
TTh fr H T
T 0 2.
the other digits of that column as well as write the digits of the n 1. TTh Th H 1
2 1 ~ 2
4 5 3
proper periods and pla ces . + fl
+ 5 3 6 5 7
(j,nmplc.• t. Add:394768,2176938 and1469
1 1 2 1 2 4. 3 4 2
C3olntion TL L TTh Th H T 0 3. 1 2 5 6 1
3 9 4 7 6 8 or 394768 4 3 1 0
2 3 4 2 5
2 7 6 9 3 8 + 2176938 + 5 2 6
+ 1 4 0 0 3
1 4 6 9 1469
2 5 7 3 1 7 5 2573175
Witho ut arranging in columns find the sum of 16392, 1463 and 215. 1 6 3 6. 3 1 4 5 6 3 2
5. 1 2 4
Oha 1111• Ic..- :, • 1 5 + 1 4 2 2 6
If you are asked to add in rows then start to add the digits of ones place + 3 2 5 7
Cjolut ion first and write the sum in ones place as usual and then proceed to nex:
digits at tens place and so on . 7. 4 2 1 05 7 3 8. 3 4 0 5 6 0 1
Here, ~ 1 2 7 3 4 1 2 3 4 2 1 7 2
f- , 16i+rr1 8070
1G~9~ Ans.=18070 .
+ 5 0 0 4 + 3 0 2 3
F nd the sum of forty-eight lakh twenty-three thousand one hundred
9. Find the missing digits :
s:venty-eight, one lakh fifty -three thousand nine hundred sixty-four and
eighty-three thousand tour hundred fifteen. (a) DODOO (b) 2 3 4 5 1 0 (c) 2 0 4 5 •

4823 178 +8 7 4 5 6
+DD □□ □□ +40JC01['
+ 153964 9 8 8 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 CJ9 □ 9 6c
+ 83415
557 Ans.= 5060557.
5060 10 - A~d twenty-one lakh forty-five thousand and six hundred
;:d the missing digits : th irty-one to th irty-four lakh twelve thousand forty-five .
4 □ 2 8 5
+ □ 6 □ 2 5
+ 3 9 □□ 11 · Add one hundr d tw
tho d e enty-nine .
• m illion three hundred four
1 4 2 1 9 6 usan seven hundred . t
sixty-one th six o seventy million five hundred
4 W2 8 5 ousand two hundred twelve .
CJol 11 tioll +w
6 G
12. Add the largest and the s .
by using 1, 0, 3 u mber of 6-d1g1ts formed
mall~st n_

~ , 2, 5 and 4 using digits only once.


----:W Exerc·i~w : :1 CD ► C:
(Do in your book)
15. The population of ~olkata 1s 897856 more than that of Delhi If the
population of Delhi rs 17291406, find the population of Kolkata
~ E .u rt·i~t• : :1 f( '• -
Add: TL L TTh Th H T 0
(Do in your notebook)
L TTh Th H T 0 2. 5 6 2 8 9 7 8 Date
4 5 6 3 2 8 +2385432 Add:
+ 8 7 6 3 2 9 87524 2. 29576 3. 45963 4. 75946
+ 13957 + 43758 + 29684 + 42145
549328 6. 3954278
5. ---- ~~]4_
4. 52949527 + 1745283
3. 294975 + 497386
+ 898792 + 74986
+ 28879 + 21345 6. 75963 7. 842567 8. 291056
+ 73532 + ?.§_ 5. 87369
+ 35672 + 8764 + 2874 + 293178 + 274509
875 + 24947
875 + + 539
+ + 6542

10. 852873 11. 4807635 12. 275963

9. 699754
Find the sum (odd in rows) : + 215634 + 3452879 + 174827
8. 2954 + 6382 + 7124 + 294935
+ 45638 + 63975
+ 29484
7. 24529 + 63687
10. 40593 + 3957 + 84
9. 19435 + 2864 + 763 =- 13. 2949752 14. 7095637 15. 3095872
+ 928789 + 3452879 + 695684
11. Find the missing digits : + 6072956 + 3295
□ □ 6 2 + 56732
(b) 7 4 2 + 875 + 284957 + 9
(a) 5 0 8 3 0 9 + 4□ 5 □ 8 □ 4
+0 0 □
16. Write in columns and add the following:
7 6 4 5 + 7 6 5 (a) 28567 and 98706 {b) 34563 and 2878 (c) 56278, 4256 and 978
+420730 1LJ2 3 7 5 6 2 (d) 287943 and 418576 (e) 768321 and 89724 (f) 867312, 57089 and 4873
128 925° (g) 42957, 83451 , 297631 and 837 (h) 3626379, 4280906 , 24907 and 17
. thousand eight hundre 17. Without arranging in columns, find the sum:
(a) 8756 + 2341 (b) 90324 + 13927 (c) 24805 + 762 + 21
12. Add forty-six lakh ninety-one d six hundre
sixty-one to seventy lakh thirty-nine thousan {d) 19234 + 8751 + 36 (e) 8 + 88 + 888 + 8888
ninety-six. 18. Find the missing digits :
(a) 4 5 6 3 2 1 (b) 3 0 0 5 16 (c) □□ ~u
+ ODDO □ □ + 1JO□□□□ + 27984
•ir t O hundred seventy- 589023 7 5 2 6 9
13. Find the sum of thirty-eight m1 ,on . w ·11ion three hund 703928
thousand five hundred four a nd nine mi (d) 50 30 2 (e) n 83 0 61 (f) □ 2 □4 9

forty-one thousand seven hundred twelve . + 0 4 578 + 200970 + 5 □ 804
81 0 3 0 7050 0 0 + 3 4 9 2
14. Add the largest number of 6 digits to the smallest number of
6-digits formed by 1, 2, o, 3 , 5 and 6 using digits only once.

rn ™ ~
---- ~-~ 3
_ f ,nd u,e c.u rn of the largest numbers of 4-, 5- and 6-d,g,ts
19 - ",)Clf-,l (el 27945 t-
(c) 957321 + _ = 957'321 'dl 0 t
20. If a number 1s 489792 more than the number 248782 , fin d the number
(f) 732145 + 29346 + 45932 - + 1 J214~ t 29146
2. Find the sum of 7621, 8215 and 1032 in 6 different ways:
(],ampk I. Add 2567 + 0. (c)
(a) + ......... ... .. (b) +
~olution 2567 + ......... ..
+O + ..... ........ .
~ Ans.= 2567.
(e) (f)
(d) +
+ ...... ...... .. + +
m,ampll' ~. Add 25967 and 12379. +
+ ........ .. ... .
Cjolution (1) 25967 or (ii) 12379
+ 12379 + 25967 3. Which number is :
38346 Ans.= 38346 . 38346 Ans. = 3834; (a) 500 more than 61373? (b) 2562 more than 41058? (c) 7629 more than 98935?

4. Find the sum :

m,amplt• :J. Add 42934, 25670 and 13456. (a) 25 thousands + 15 hundreds + 19 tens

~olution or (iii) 25670 (b) 25 hundreds + 17 tens + 18 ones

(1) 42934 or (ii) 42934
+ 13456 (c) 64 thousands+ 37 tens+ 59 ones
+ 25670 + 13456 + 42934
+ 13456 + 25670 82060 (d) 30 thousands + 29 hundreds + 7 tens + 4 ones
82060 82060 5. In a village, the population of female is 9478 less than the male population . If the femalf'
Ans.= 82060 .
Ans. =82060. Ans. = 82060 . population is 7874 , find the male population.


or (iv) 25670 or (v) 13456 or
+ 25670 In a town, there are 28,345 men, 21,382 women and 36 ,974 children
+42934 +42934
+13456 + 25670 ~
l]lxample I. find the total population of the town.
82060 82060 Clolution Men = 28345
Ans. = 82060 . Women =+ 21382
Ans. =82060 . Ans.= 82060 . Children =+ 36974
Total population = 86701 Ans. = 86701
From the above solutions we find that
1 If zero IS add e ct to a number. the sum is the number itself. . :Ill Ex.-rt"iSf" : 3 4E •
2. While dd th m is a1wa, (Do in your notebook) Date
a mg . we can change the order of addends in any way but e su
th e same 1. In a Board Examination , 96,372 boys and 75 ,980 girls appeared in the exarrinat1ori
How many students appeared in the examination ?
3 E.xt· ■·t·ist• : :J CD ► C.: Date : .. .. ... .... · 2. In a one day cricket match , 36,975 men and 24,876 women were present 1n t
(Do in your notebook) stad ium to see the match . What was the total number of spectators in •he stdJ rr
1. Fill in the blanks :
378 == 29378 + 42(
fa) 578C\3 + 46321 = 46321 + (b)-+

m ™1ran:rn™
~ - - - - - -- a-1
3 Is ou,~ ol hbr<1ry there ure 15 924 books ,n English 987~ . ,",a_.---~:-----~-------------- ~--~~
books In othPr languages How many books are In the library? ., nd and 2~ 1
\\ ,., , ,, r ✓ 1 th,·c,,,.,.,,,·1 u11s11·,·1
4. In our town thPre are 38,975 men, 36 125 women and 51, 980 ch,dren Wh
total population of the town? at I\ 1. 500 more than 61563 Is ·
s. The TATA compa ny manufa ctured 50 760 vehicles in 1998; 70 .978 vehicles in 1 , (a) 61063 \ (b) 62063 ( ) blfJb I
75.979 vel11cle 1n 2000 How many vehicles did it manufacture durin g th·ee years?
2 . 64 thousand+ 37 ten s+ 59 ones=?
6. In an election, the loser got 135657 votes while the winner won by a margin of5g•
votes How many votes did the winner get? (a) 64429 0 (b) 64329 ( (c) 6403159 d1 N
7. A number is 25676 more than 57290, find the number. 3. If 25967 is subtracted from a number the result is 36857 The nun1ber
8. Among four towns the population of 3 towns are 39256 ; 370882 and 71 2930 respecl1,
If the population of the fourth town is 39190 more than the total population of the at (a) 10890 Q (b) 62824 (__ (c) 76289 (cl) rion ff

three towns , find the population of the fourth town . 4. 189 thousand+ 811 thousand= L ] m1ll1on
9. In a fnctory,238375 electric bulbs were produced in a year. The produ ction of tube liJ
was 149500 more than the bulbs . Find the number of tube lights produ ced and:
(a) 1 0 (b) 10 ( ) (c) 100 ( 1 100 l

total produ ction of bulbs and tube lights of the year. 5. 185 thousand+ 15 thousand= [ J Iakh .
10. If 90254 1s subtracted from a number, result is 85349 . Find the number. (a) 1 0 (b) 10 (_j (c) 2 (dJ 20
11 . Add 246 million 394 thousand 879 and 89 million 560 thousand 345 . Write the sun·
6. The sum of the largest number of 4 , 5 and 6 digits number is
Indian system
, If forty five lakh eighty-nine thousand seven hundred twenty-nine is added to fifty 011
(a) 1109997 Q (b) 109997 l) (c) 990099 (cJ) •o 1q9q/
ree hundred seventeen thousand four hundred fifty-six , what will the sum be expresi 7. The sum of the largest and the smallest numbers of 6 d1g1ts formed by 1,2 0 3 5 d'ld 6
in International numeral? using digits only once .
- A number is eighty-nine million one hundred five thousand six hundred forty-nine ni:
(a) 755566 Q (b) 776666 (') (c) 507656 (d) None of thes
an forty-eight lakhs ninety-four thousand nine hundred seventeen . How will th e nuni-
8. If zero is added to a number, the sum is :
be expressed in either system of numeration .
14. Fill in the blanks : (a) the number itself Q (b) zero
(a) 8567 + 2839 + 761 + 284 = .. .. .... .. (c) tenthousand Q (d) noneofthese
(b) 189 thousands + 811 thousands = .... . million . 9. Anumber43278 is added to the smallest number of 5 digits. The sum is
(c) 185 thousands + 15 thousands = ... lakh .
(d) 19456 + 17345 = 36000 + . (e) 20566 + 35125 = 55691 + • (a) 43279 Q (b) 53278 C (c) 44378 (d) 83432
15. Find the missing digits :
10. 57893 + 82576 = 82576 + ~ ·
(a) 2 5 6 (b) 6 6
+ 8 7 2 4 +
4 0 8 1
7 (a) 82576 Q (b) 130469 (_:) (c) 57893 \d) 230469
+ 5 4 6 + 3 4 6
8 3 1 5 l 7
11 3 0 6 5 [_J
D 15 6 1 4 0

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