Adobe Scan 01 Apr 2024
Adobe Scan 01 Apr 2024
Adobe Scan 01 Apr 2024
2Y ---
- -----______,..j ,:ti
7. Observe the pattern and fill in the blanks :
(a) J1.4~, _73§_, 7445 , Y,ill in the blanks :
· (a) 145 45 -= (b) 46 X 20 = (C) 4) 1)
(b) 8001 ,.8002, 8904, 8007 ;
-- (d) 161 + 39 = (P) 20 x 30 fJ CJCJC
8. Write in ascending order : ~
implify (write only an swer) :
(a) 42~6, 38~6. 8546 , 7290, 9009 .._ ,
'_._ ___ , ___ , (a) 456 + 39 149 - (b) 273; 3 X 4
(b) 5621 , 5261,625 1, 6521 , 6512 ,(c) 98 - 121 + 215 - (d)42x10 2
' --' --· --· -- (e) 932 132 + 200 =
9. Write in descending order:
·s. f.ill in the blanks :
/ (a) 7594, 9745, 7495, 9547,9574 . ___ , , _ __ , , ,___
./(a) ___8 5 4 9 (b) 2 9 4
+' 17 .
(c) 3 4 0 9 (d)
34. Simplify:
(a) m cm (b) m cm (c) km m
26. A number is added to 4257 to get 9283; find the number.
28 29 95 06 39 768
+ 37 98 - 26 47 + 15 673
z .&¥t.iiliL,1Ad4•j!, J•1:'7
Class l"es.t-~. . ... ~
38. Find the perimeter of the given figures :
Time On e period] [f
,111 ll11
ti•> 1,1
1. Write sixteen thou sand eigh t hundred seven 1n f1~1ure
2. Write 25046 in words
R 7(m ( M h1111 N
3-. Arrange 2985, 2598, 9825, 9852 and 8952 1n ascending orde r
9 3 5 11 7 · d' d
7. Arrange
16 , 16 , 16 , 16 and 16 1n ascen 1ng or er
'll 12 crn
14. Write all the possible numbers of 3 digits using 3, 4, 5 only once :
(a) An hour has
15. Fill in the blanks :
(b) A day has hoJrs (a) A ray has __ end point. (b) A square has __ es
i, Ii! t• Vi tr.7rnm&ifu}
In th1<, t hapte r, w e shall learn about the numbers of more th ..
uf d ny d 1g1t I<, written in two w ay s on e . I d. an 5 d1g1t s. Any nL.rne
'>Y'>lPm in n ian system and other in lnternat1or The above aba cus shows 6 te n crores + 7 crores
= 60 crores + 7 crores · 67 uores 1r1 crores period
~g 0
C/lQ Cl)
- sixty-seven crore forty-six lakh twelve thousand three hundred twenty fivt'
en ..._o 0
. C/lO
Q) -
.::s:.o C/lO
-g 0 ~ -
..... o co .
cu .c o C CO 0
~ In Internationa l system , the digits are grouped differentl y from the lndt,Hl systE>n> Ir th,
o o_ ~o
n:: 0
00 ...JO
~ ~ o_
co o
C/l o u o c o
Q) ..- C: system the digits are grouped into di fferent period s a nd each period cont w,c.. thrc
Q) 0
. ...JO_
0 0
.c ~~
- c..-
r=- 0
~~ ..- r=- ..- I- '. .c
I places . Th e first pe ri od (from ri ght to left ) is ca lled ONES PERIOD Th e set ond ind tt •
third period s are ca ll ed THOUSANDS and MILLIONS PERIODS res pective ly
The above chart 1s used for groupin g digits in lnd ·ia Th ·t . k Each period has ones , tens and hundreds places . See th e chart given be low
. us , 1 1s nown as The Ind i
Periods Millions Th ousands Ones
Place Value Chart.
H T 0 H T 0 H T
- ()
In this ch a rt the firs t b lock , from right to left, is known as ONES PERIOD It t I
<fl en
t llreP places ones or un it , ten s and hundred s . · con a eno -0
c::: o eno 0 C: 0
en en
C:::0 -0
l h e s e cond bloc k 1s known as THOUSANDS PERIOD It c onta ins tw 0 I
<fl 00 00 eno ro o ro o Co "O
- Cl) c:::o ~ o_ coo ~o Cl) (/)
th o u s c=inds and ten thousands · Paces (.)
ro =-o
0o ~8
0 -
:::::i •
-00 co Q.)
c- ..
0:: 0 0 =O ..c::: 0 ..c:::o o ..- c..- Q) ..-
T h e third b lock a nd the fou rth bloc ks are known as LAKHS a nd CRORES PERIOD Oo Oo 2q f- ..-- I-..-- ..c :J 0
Oo ..-- ..-- ..-- 0 I- :r:
d nd each period conta,ns two places - lakhs and ten lakhs places as well as crore ..--..-- 0 0
a nd te n crores places respectively. Every pe riod is sepa rate d by a comma (, ). ..--
To represent nu mbers on th e abacu s :
Numeral s of a ny digit are a lso rep re sented on the a bacus .
Lets see th e abacus given be low ·
t:::J~b:::i:::tJ::t:L:t:::L:t:3 ---1:::!:J__;__::t:-} ;---
In the above chart, question (a) shows the numeral 34 ,98 2, 125 which-is -r~~d- a-~ J
four million nine hundred eighty-two thousand one hundred twe nty-five rty
In (b) the numeral 705 ,894 ,109 is read as seven hundred fi ve m ill ion e 19 ht h
four thousand one hundred nine . undrecl n r
How do we separate the periods ?
To separate the periods, we use either of the two methods
= 67,46,12,325 1. We use co mmas(,) or ·
2. We leave a short space between each of th em.
Compmison between Indian and International systems of Numeration :
-Millions Nur11hor ncHTJ('<,
Thou sands
Interna - lNumcr,il:-;
Ones H OnTcjs
tional Millions Thousands T 0 H O
system 2 5 7 6 1 2 543,lb I Two r111ll1011 f Vl' t t,nc1r f f
- -1-----.,.-----,---;-----,----r- - (d) 1t,u11, n1li <,1•v• 11 tn111d1l'
Periods ., H ~- _ O H T O H T O
Sixty lt'tll,">,lfl l
g 88 8 0 0 0 0 (b ) 6 0 0 0 7 O G0,005.070 n11ll10•1 '11(
O ·O ~8 88._8_ 0
0 0
80~8'- 0 ooc:i ·oo o_ 0
.- ~ Eu,·«·i.~«· : 2 4,\~
~ °ci8 :;8 0 .-
0::: o_
s.- ,_.- .- ,-
(Do in your book) Dc1te
- -
--TC C TL L TTh Th H T 0 1. Fill in the blanks :
(b) 10000 1s the > d1 JII n J t
(a) 1 more than 9999 1s
Indian Crores Lakhs Thousands Ones (c) A hundred thousand is lakh . (d) The largest 6 d1q1t nur11hw 1~
\ system (f) 2 ten thousc1mJ -, thod~ 1•
(e) 1 thousand= _ _ hundreds.
From the above two pl;:ice value charts we find the following relations (please learn II (g) 10 ten thousands = lakh (h) 1000 - tens
table given below) 1 crore = lc-1kh
(i) 1 lakh = thousands . Ul
10 ones= 1 ten
2. See the abacus. Write its numeral and the number name in the given space·
10 tens = 1 hundred llh II, II I
(a) L Tlh lh II I O (1>1 (J
10 hundreds= 1 thousand
10 thou sa nd s = 1 ten thousand
10 ten thousands = 100 thousands = 1 lakh
10 ten lakhs = 100 lakhs = 1 crore
Also, 100 ones = 1 hundred
100 ten s = 1 thousand
(c) I TC (_ II I I fh 11, II I <> I Id) I, II I, I h II
1 million = 10 lakhs
100 lakhs = 10 millions = 1 crore
~,;ample.- J. I I 1'
Number names Crores Lakhs (c) Sixty thousan d four hundred twenty-f ive .
ands ones
(d) Four lakh seventy -one thousan d three hundred
TC C TL I L TTh Th fi ve
H T 0
(e) Eight lakh nine thousan d six hundred eleven.
(a ) Eight crore ten lakh twelve (f) Seventy -four lakh fifteen thousan d two hund re d
thousan d fifty 8 1 0 1 2 0 5 0 ei ghty-fou r
(g) Ninety-o ne \akh sixty-two thousan d eight hundred
(b ) Seven crore forty-sev en forty f ive
lakh nine thousan d four (h) Thirty-n ine \akh seven thousan d fifty-five .
(C )
7 8 4 1 3 2 9
(d ) Ten crore te n
.=:J Ex(•1·.t>ist• : 2 (II) C 1. In the given place value chart, complete the blanks
(Do in your noteboo k) (a) Millions Thousan ds Ones
Date: ............. .. .. H T -
0 H T 0 H T Numera l
1. Make a place value chart (Indian system) and 0
enter the digits of the folloVI e.g 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 6
(i) 4 5 9 2 24 623 11
numera ls: 1 5 0 8
(ii ) 8 4 3 6 7 0 4 6 7
( 3) 2 5 685 (b) 9,76,304 (iii )
(c) 97,048 (d) 5,85,375 (iv ) 90 4 2.3 f,,
(t l 80 070 (fl 2,70,007 (g) 4,24 ,65,362 (h) 5,50,055 (v ) 21 7 4 1~ \
50 0 7b
- - --- -~
Millions Thousands
(b) Number names - Ones'
H T 0 H T 0 H T .:J 1:u...-i~«· : 2 Utt
eg Six hundred twelve million two hundred 6 1 2 2 4 0 8 ,, (Do :n your 'lOtebooK,
forty thous,md e1qht hundred six
1. Make the international place value chdrt and enter the digit-; oft
(1) Seventy-two million four hundred fifteen numerals :
th ousand one hundred thirty.
(cl) 71 426 876 (b) 92 420 013 (r) fJ 2 f 1
) Four hundred sixty million ninety
thousand seven ty-five . l (e) 20 004 921 (f) 8 076 1~3 'g) '-+ 28lJ 1b I
i) Two hundred seven ty-eight million one 2. Using the International place value , write the number name
thousand five (a) 6856287 (b) 48 38560~ J 80/ f (
(v ) Six hundred million two hundred (e) 208706905 (f) 245304196 ('cl) c.02 1 40
thousand five hundred
3. Write the numerals :
2. Using international place value, rewrite the following numerals with period mc11
(a) Six million four hundred sixty tho...1sand r ire fi...1r ar ' fifty f
and write their number names :
(cl) 89410567 (b) Eighty-six million three hundred twenty-'1ve thoJ., l'ld trv ti 1 1 Jr x• 0,1
(b) 5691078 (c) Ninety-million three hundred forty thousanrJ one t u'ld' rJ twer ty
(c) 57000050 (d) Six hundred seventy-two million nine hundred eighty-six thouc,c1r d c,pvpr h H1 Ir
(d) 500416079 four.
3. Wrrte the numerals : (e) Four hundred seventy-two million six hundred f ve, 1d ''l'f'P ti Jr dr
(a) Sixty million eight hundred forty-four thousand seven hundred
(f) Nine hundred million three hundred seventy-f ve thousdncl f >u '"'u'ld ' I
seven .
(b) N nety-m1ll1on seven hundred sixty-eight thousand four (g) Seventy million seventy thousand seventy
hundred fifty-six.
(h) Five hundred million three hundred thousand eight hurdrPd
(c) Six hundred fo ,1y-five m1!11on eight hundred fifteen thousand
4. The population of India was 95,38 ,82.765 n 1990 Wrrte the_pup...ilation usrnq •t
one hundred two.
International system both in figures and words.
(d) Nrne hundred m1ll1on two hundred thirty-one thousand eight
5. India Airways carry one million six hundred twenty-five thoL..Sdnr~ ttiree 'lundre l •
hundred seventy-nine
seven people per year. Write the figure in the lndran system and wrrte its 'lL..Mber 1
(e) Fo r r hu 1dred t • o rirll1on eighty thousand seven hundred five.
,_____ __ - 6. Write any five sentences having 5, 6 or 7 digrts on the numerals
4. Write any four sentences on the numer,is having 5 or 6 digits.
7. Using each digit only once, write the numeral whrch rep•esents the largest numbt.>
e.g. The largest 5 drg1t nun e•al is 99999.
The position of a digit (in the place value chart) in a number shows its PLACE VALUE
while the numerical value of a digit is its FACE VALUE
(d) - - - - - - - -
Tl1e pl dU' v,1lue o f a d1g1t changes according to its place but its face va lue alwa ys 'Prr~
uncl1 ange d _. __ _ _ _ _ Short Form :
Place value of 0 is always Q_ There is a numeral whi ch co ntains 50 oo ooo + 8 oo oon 1 10 rH' + I f
Now, we have to wnte it in th e short forrn
It Is to he I emembered that the place va lue of a digit is 10 times the va lue of the ne xt pl.
Thu s, 50,00,000 1 8,00,000 , 70 ,000 1 4.000 1 JOO 50
on I\s ngh\ Observe the given examples carefu lly :
l]hn m 1•h- I. Find the place value of each digit in (a) 32,815 (b) 24,07 ,135. 5 X 10,00 ,000 t 8 X 1,00 ,000 7 X 10,000 4 X 1 000 lx 1
l[ 5 X 1 (0) 5 = 58,74,351.
1 x 10 (T) 10 Now look at some examples given below :
8 X 100 (H) 800
l1lxnmplc 2 . Write in expanded form : (a) 3,85,926 (b) 40 ,56,869 .
2 x 1000 (Th) 2000
C!olution (a) 3,85 ,926
3 x 10000 (TTh) 30000
3,85,926 = 3 lakhs + 8 ten thousand + 5 thousnnds + 9 ti~i'lrlred ,
(b) Numeral Place Place value + 2 tens + 6 ones
24, 07, ~ = 3x1,00,000+ 8 x 10,000 + 5 x 1,000 + 9 x 100 + 2x
5 X 1 (Q ) 5 = 3,00,000 + 80 ,000 + 5,000 + 900 + 20 + 6.
3 10 (T)
30 (b) 40,56 ,869
1 x 100 (H) 100 = 4 ten lakhs + 0 x lakhs + 5 ten thousands+ 6 ttiou, H
7 x 1000 (Th) 7,000 + 8 hundreds+ 6 ten+ 9 one s
- - - · 0 x 10,000 (TTh) 0 = 4 x 10,00,000 + 0 x 1,00,000 + 5 x 10,000 + 6 x 1 000
+ 8 X 100 + 6 X 10 + 9
4 x 1,00,000 (L) 4,00,000 = 40,00,000 + 0 + 50,000 + 6,0 00 + 800 + 60 + CJ
2 x 10,00,000 (TL) 20,00,000 (The expanded form of a number can be written 1n three wa SJ
We have already learnt to wnte 4 d1g1t numerals in expan ded form and in short form in lllxamplc :J . Write in short form :
6 5
previous class . Now we w ill learn how to w rite 5-di git numera ls o r more th an 5-di 1
(a) 0,000 + ,000 + 700 + 20 + 8.
numerals In both the forms . (b) 50 ,00,000 + 1,00 ,000 + 40,000 + 3,000 + 80 + 6 .
Expanded Form : C!olution (a) 60,000 + 5,000 + 700 + 20 + 8
Let us take a numeral 45628 and put its digits in a place value,_chart. = 6 X 10,000 + 5 X 1,000 + 7 X 100 + 2 X 10 + 8
IT:h I ~; I ~ I ~ I ~ I 11
= 6 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 7 hundreds + 2 1
= 65 ,728 . ens + b ne
Here we see that the numeral contains 4 ten thousands , 5 thousands, 6 hundreds, 2
(b) :0,00,000 + 1,00 ,000 + 40 ,000 + 3,000 + 80 + 6
and 8 ones
- 5 ten lakhs + 1 lakh + 4 ten thousands + 3 th
Th us 45628 = 4 ten thousands + 5 thousands + 6 hundreds + 2 tens + 8 ones + 8 tens + 6 ones ousands .. '1
4x 10 ,000 + 5x 1,000 , 6 x100 + 2x10 + 8 = 51 lakhs + 43 thousands+ o + 86 = 51 .4 3 _
40 ,000 5,000 1 600 20 - 8.
3 Enre·iM· : 2 tU .:J l, unin: 2 41 •
(Do in your book) Date :.
/Do In you r nott•no JK
+ ten s + on es
2. Write the names of the period in which the underlined digits fall :
(d) 6,25,943 = (6 x 1 00 ,000 ) + (2 x ) I- /5X I- ( I
(a)852.1_683 (b) 9_Q 75208 (c) ~6872 1
(e) 76091 =_ _ +_ _ +_ + +
rn ®liLllilli ~
rn lllii~llli7m:J t, 1 1: i fj: '7
Successor of Number : (b) (1) D1g1tc, ell ten I 1k Il
(1) D1g1ts at lK l r l ' l
TIH.' number w l)l(,h comes Just aft er a n umber Is called the su ccessor of the numt Pr.
(By adding 1 to a number, we get the successor of the given number.) (111) D1g1ts ell te'l thu rnd pl l f
Comparison of Numbers : l...!!J'\.lllllf) 1e 6 . Arrange 61209 ; 50775 ; 127305; 9037 ; 29009, and 500073 rn descend11 q
To co mpa re two o r more than two given numerals , the following rul es must be fo ll ow ~olution
By putti ng the peri od marks we fi nd that 5,00,073 1<; the 1re 11
(a ) A number co nta ining more digits is greater than the number containing less d1gil
is the smallest among the given numbers Thus In descenrJ1'1
11!'\.nmJ)k :l. Which is greater: 53617 or 123456? numerals can be arranged as . 5,00,073 1 27 305 G1 20CJ :i
£olution 53617 has 5-digits . 123456 has 6-digits . 9,037 . By putting the symbol (> or <) th ese can he arranged 1~
Thu s, 123456 > 53617 . 500073 > 127305 > 61209 > 50775 > 29009 > 90J7 .
(b ) If two numbers ha ve sa me numb e r of dig its , we start comparing from the left rr
digit. If th e left most digit b e the same then compare by the second left most c
__:J Exf"t·t·ist• : 2 4G • C.
and so on . (D o in your book) D ate
(Please observe th e g iven exa m ples) 1. Write the predecessor and the successor of the given numerals :
Predecessors Numerals Successors
11!'\.~lll ..)lt.• -L (a) Which is smaller: 285912 or 185939?
~) - -- - 434~
(b) Which is greater : 8294061 or 8290942? (b) _ __ _ 52'.783
Clolut ion (a) Let us sta rt from the left most digit. (c ) _ _ _ _ 24 ,896
2 8 5 9 1 (d) ____ 10,000
2 > 1 at lakhs place .
Thu s, 1 < 2
c Q) Q) Q)
c (e ) ____ 2,45 ,625
Q) E E E ai (f) - - - - 9,05 ,670
C1l C1l C1l
:. 185939 < 285912 . tt: (/) (/) (/) :t::
'6 '6 (g) - - - - 32 ,27 ,500
(h) _ __ _ 30 ,00 ,000
1 8 5 9 3
2. Fill in the blanks using '>' '==' or '<' : (b) 2, 0, 9, 3. 5
9999 (c) 30219 3v!:,,- (c) 1, 3. 9. 0, 7, 6
6120 (b) 10000
(a) 5987 (d)8, 2, 0,0 , 7, 4
201500 (f) 24621 136:> 9
677770 (e) 152600 (e) 4, 8, 7 6, 9, 3, 1
(d) 77707
(h) 40002 30985 9. Write any 5 numerals formed by 2, 8, 1, 7 and 9, using each d1g1t only onc.e
(g) 76952 76952
Arrange them in decreasing order :
3. Write the numerals which come between :
Predecessors Numerals Successors
49280 10. Fill in the blanks :
(a) 49278
10634 (a) 456780 comes just after _ _ _ __
{b) 10632
10002 (b) The largest 5-digit number is _ _ _ _ _ of 100000
(c) 10000
125377 (c) Successor of the largest 4 digit number 1s _ _
(d) 125375
200011 (d) The place value of 9 in 19,25,670 1s _ _ __
(e) 200009
(e) The number _ _ _ _ _ is one less than 278000
4. Encircle the smallest number :
(a)56 262. 56162, 5626 1 56.126 (b) 2,40 ,500; 4,20 ,005 ; 2,04,500 . 5 DC ...:11 Exe1·t·ise : 2 411 ► C:::
(Do in your notebook) Date
5. Find the smallest and the largest numbers :
(a) 25,169, 52,916; 52,6 19, 29,620 1. Write the predecessor and the successor of the given numeral s :
smallest number = largest number = _ (a) 49,200 (b) 50,000 (c) 1,00 ,000 (d) 2,90.000 (e) 56,73 385 (f)99<.J9l
(b)2 .05 ,100; 5,02,100 2. 10,500 , 2.00 ,012 2. Write the following numerals in increasing order :
smal lest number = largest number =_ (a) 29,285 ; 28,672; 27,982; 98,527; 82,295
6. Using symbols , arrange the given numerals in ascending order : (b) 5,50,500; 4,40,440 ; 55,555; 1,05, 005 ; 50,00,000
(c) 4,29,785; 94 ,256; 69 ,592 ; 89,235 ; 2,85,734
(a) 26,255; 25.652, 22,565 : 55 ,622; 52 ,652
-- __ __ __
, , , (d) 40 ,049; 1,04,090; 30,905; 90,569; 88 ,888
(e) 26,24,561 ; 62 ,50,007; 90,985; 2,95 ,768 ; 1,00,00.000
__ - - · __ __ - -
(b) 7.20,465; 2,70,654; 6,75 200; 7,04,520; 4 ,70,650
, , ,
3. Using symbols, rewrite the following numerals in decreasing order :
(a) 52,762; 57,622 ; 75,226; 62,752; 72,625
7. Using symbols , rewrite the numerals in descending order :
(b) 40,469; 60 ,940; 50 ,564 ; 29,546; 54 ,926
, __
(a) 31,083.31 038: 33,108· 18,303 ; 83 ,002
(c) 8,50,025 ; 7,80 ,520 ; 5,87,820 ; 87 ,75 ,805; 78 ,989
(d) 18,20,451; 20, 19,500; 19,70,100; 18 ,50,97 1; 19,80,975
(e) 56,80,325; 65,70,523 ; 3,85,20 ,005 ; 68,75,760 ; 87 ,52, 190
-- __ __
(b) 5,50,500, 55 ,500 ; 5,55 ,000 : 5,00 ,055 , 5,00 ,505
, , 4. Put'>', '='or'<' in the blanks to make the statements correct :
(a) 35168 38156 (b) 192706 99999 (c) 2491 7
8. Using the following d'191·t 5 -- 244
numerals formed : only once, write the smallest and the largest (d) 27685 100000 (e) 50005 ~ 50050 (f) 768321 6 7
(g) 120345 45231 (h) 259037 259037
Digits Smallest numbers Largest numbers
(a) 4. 5. 6, 9 1
• WJ..ilID ~
4. Write the sma llest and the largest numerals of given digits .
Write 'true' or 'false' : I st number of 5-digits
5. f one lakh is the arge Digits Smallest numerals Largest numerals
(a) The predecessor o d . 9999
(b) The successor of 10 thousan s is . (a) 5-digits
(b) 6-digits
(c) Place value of 0 is always zero . h . en number is called the predecesso1
. · more than t e giv (c) 7-digits
(d) The number which is one
(d) 4-digits
the number MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS (e) 8-digits
_,]I Exert·ise : 2 U ► C 5. Using the given digits only once, write the smallest and the largest numeralc,
(Do in your book) Date : ............. . formed:
Digits Smallest numerals Largest numerals
1. Match group 'A' with 'B' : (a) 2 , 1, 4 , 3 , 8
Group 'A' Group'B' (b) 2 , 8, 1 4, 5
(a) 1 million (i) 10 millions (c) 1, 9 , 0 , 4 , 6 , 3
(b) 100 thousands (ii) 10000 thousands (d) 2 , 0, 5, 6, 9, 3
(c) 100 lakhs (iii) 1000 lakhs
(e) 3, 7, 4 , 0, 1, 8 , 9
(d) 10 millions (iv) 10 lakhs
(v) 1 lakh 6. Using the given digits only once, write all possible numerals of 3-digits :
(e) 100 millions
(a) 2, 4 , 6 ➔
2. c omp lete the following columns · (b)4, 3, 5 ➔
100 1,000 5,000 1,00,000 1000 (c) 3, 0 , 5 ➔
more more more more less (d)9, 7 , 2 ➔
(a) 25.456 (e) 8, 0, 6 ➔
(b) 63 995
(c) 2 49 350 7. Using the following digits only once , write all the possible 4-digit numerals :
(a) 1, 7 , 8 and 9 ➔
(d) 36 45 400 -
(e) 72 61 325 ~
( fJ 99 00 000 -
3. Putting the period marks (or short space between the periods), write the follow (b) 2, 3, 5 and 6 ➔
numerals in both the systems :
Numerals Indian system International syS terr
(a) 853216 _ - --
8. Write 5 consecutive numerals just after 58,599.
(b) 189724
(c) 2576084 9. Write 6 consecutive numerals just before 10,000.
(d) 8976281
(e) 987623041 10. Write all the numerals between 50 ,000 and 50,01 o. .
( f) 2005678
(g) 15970003 11. Counting by twos, write all the numerals between 52 253 d
, an 52 ,273.
(h) 20000000
28 71 529 29 71 529; 30,71 ,529 -- -- -- . h 2 . How many zeros does one crore
e) · · · . 1 the smallest and underline t e 1arg1
15. From each of the given sets, circ e (a) 5 =--___) (b) 6 (C-) 7 ll
numerals :
(a) 28.576. 27 .982: 58.205; 48 ,032; 49,789 3. The predecessor of 90000 1s:
(b) 29 .001: 92.000; 19,002: 92,001 ; 29 ,010 (c) 90002 ( J) 8 q l 3
(a) 90001 (___) (b) 90009 (._
(c) 2,45 362 4 24 .362; 5,24 ,236. 3,66 ,544; 2,54,263
Fill in the blanks to make the statements correct: 4 . How many thousand make a million?
1a) 5 thousands+ 6 thousands= ten thousands+ thousands (a) 100 C) (b) 1000 --~ (C) 10000 (dJ Noneofth
(b) 8 ten thousands+ 6 ten thousands= lakh + ten thousands
5. Which of the following groups of numbers are written in ascend nq order?
(c) 100 thousands + 4 ten thousands = lakh + thousands .
(a) 34922; 42932 ; 29432; 32942; 23492 C)
(d) 100 lakhs + 1 lakh = millions+ thousands .
(b) 42932; 24922; 32942 ; 29432 ; 23492 C)
17. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order using symbols:
42932 , 29432 , 3294~2349~34~22 - - --- --- ---
(c) 34922; 42932; 29432; 23492; 32942 C)
18. Arrange the following numbers in descending order using symbols : (d) 23492; 29432 ; 32942; 34922; 42932 C)
50.489: 40,859 ' 80,984; 54 ,980; 45,089 - - - - - - - -
6. Which ofthe following groups of numbers are in descending order?
19. Write the period and place of the underlined digits :
Numerals Period Place (a) 58205; 48032; 49005; 27982 ; 28576 C)
(a) 10987
(b) 84_§70
(b) 58205; 49005; 48032; 28576; 27982 C)
(c) ~42813 (c) 58502 ; 48320 ; 49500; 28657 ; 92782 C)
(d) 9p453 (d) 48320 ; 49302 ; 58502 ; 85609; 92278 C)
(e) ~720694
20. By using all the digits from O to 6 only once , write the smallest and the
largest numeral.
Smallest numeral = _ _ __
Largest numeral = -
(a) 4587529 ~ (b) 45087529 (=
7. Forty five million eighty seven thousand five hundred twenty-nine is written as
8 . Which of the following is written correct for t h e numeral 25 ·605 ·2877
~ - ddition Ofi Num er.s
(a) Two hundred fifty six million five thousand tow hundred eighty seven .
Addend : The numbers which are added togelhn arP cal/Pd !lie <"' "-'f J
(b) Twenty five million sixty five thousand two hundred eighty seven . Sum The resu lt we get after adding 1s called the sum
(c) Twenty five million six hundred five thousand two hundred eighty seven.
- =hildren! You have lea rnt t he ad dit ion of numbe rs upto four digits without or w th carry r
(d) Twenty five million five hundred six thousand two hundred eighty seven .
n the previous cla ss. Here you w ill learn t he add ition of numbers having more tt---an 4 rJ1r t
9 . Predecessor of the smallest number of 6 digits is : -he process of addition is th e sa me as you have learnt in the previous clasc;
)bserve the given examples ca refull y ·
(a) thelargestnumberof5-digits ~
~ 1h.amtlle I. Find: 453217 + 136472
(b) the largest number of 6-digits
:Jolntion L TThTh H T 0
(c) thesmallestnumberof?-digits ~ 4 Ei 3 2 7
(d) none of the above ~ + 1 3 6 4 7 2
5 8 9 6 8 9 Ans. = 589689
1O. How many ten thousand make a lakh?
(a) 10 ~ {b) 100 ~ (c) 1000 ~ {d) 1 ~xamplc 2. Find the sum of 932176 and 46803.
~olution L TTh Th H T 0
11 Using the digits 4, 5, 6, 9, 1 and Oonly once, the smallest numberof6 digits will be : 9 3 2 7 6
(a) 145690 ':=) {b) 104569 C=:) (c) 965410 ~ {d) 140569 + 4 6 8 0 3
9 7 8 9 7 9 Ans. = 978979
12. In 139704; 9 is at the place of :
(a) thousan C::, (b) tenthousand e=:) (c) lakh ~ (d) hundred 1~xample 3. Add: IB321435, 876942 and 34176
13 . How many lakh does a hundred million have? [N.B. : In the process of addition , first arrange the given numerals in
,,,---------. columns according to the periods and places, then start adding
(a) 10 C=:)
...______,,,, {b) 100 (c) 1000 ~ (d) 10000 from ones unit place to tens , hundreds and so on .]
1e above addition can be done as follows :
14 . Using the digits 0, 1 and 2 the smallest numberof6-digits can be written as :
4823 178 +8 7 4 5 6
+DD □□ □□ +40JC01['
+ 153964 9 8 8 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 CJ9 □ 9 6c
+ 83415
557 Ans.= 5060557.
5060 10 - A~d twenty-one lakh forty-five thousand and six hundred
;:d the missing digits : th irty-one to th irty-four lakh twelve thousand forty-five .
4 □ 2 8 5
+ □ 6 □ 2 5
+ 3 9 □□ 11 · Add one hundr d tw
tho d e enty-nine .
• m illion three hundred four
1 4 2 1 9 6 usan seven hundred . t
sixty-one th six o seventy million five hundred
4 W2 8 5 ousand two hundred twelve .
CJol 11 tioll +w
6 G
12. Add the largest and the s .
by using 1, 0, 3 u mber of 6-d1g1ts formed
mall~st n_
----:W Exerc·i~w : :1 CD ► C:
(Do in your book)
15. The population of ~olkata 1s 897856 more than that of Delhi If the
population of Delhi rs 17291406, find the population of Kolkata
~ E .u rt·i~t• : :1 f( '• -
Add: TL L TTh Th H T 0
(Do in your notebook)
L TTh Th H T 0 2. 5 6 2 8 9 7 8 Date
4 5 6 3 2 8 +2385432 Add:
+ 8 7 6 3 2 9 87524 2. 29576 3. 45963 4. 75946
+ 13957 + 43758 + 29684 + 42145
549328 6. 3954278
5. ---- ~~]4_
4. 52949527 + 1745283
3. 294975 + 497386
+ 898792 + 74986
+ 28879 + 21345 6. 75963 7. 842567 8. 291056
+ 73532 + ?.§_ 5. 87369
+ 35672 + 8764 + 2874 + 293178 + 274509
875 + 24947
875 + + 539
+ + 6542
forty-one thousand seven hundred twelve . + 0 4 578 + 200970 + 5 □ 804
81 0 3 0 7050 0 0 + 3 4 9 2
14. Add the largest number of 6 digits to the smallest number of
6-digits formed by 1, 2, o, 3 , 5 and 6 using digits only once.
rn ™ ~
---- ~-~ 3
_ f ,nd u,e c.u rn of the largest numbers of 4-, 5- and 6-d,g,ts
19 - ",)Clf-,l (el 27945 t-
(c) 957321 + _ = 957'321 'dl 0 t
20. If a number 1s 489792 more than the number 248782 , fin d the number
(f) 732145 + 29346 + 45932 - + 1 J214~ t 29146
2. Find the sum of 7621, 8215 and 1032 in 6 different ways:
(],ampk I. Add 2567 + 0. (c)
(a) + ......... ... .. (b) +
~olution 2567 + ......... ..
+O + ..... ........ .
~ Ans.= 2567.
(e) (f)
(d) +
+ ...... ...... .. + +
m,ampll' ~. Add 25967 and 12379. +
+ ........ .. ... .
Cjolution (1) 25967 or (ii) 12379
+ 12379 + 25967 3. Which number is :
38346 Ans.= 38346 . 38346 Ans. = 3834; (a) 500 more than 61373? (b) 2562 more than 41058? (c) 7629 more than 98935?
m ™1ran:rn™
~ - - - - - -- a-1
3 Is ou,~ ol hbr<1ry there ure 15 924 books ,n English 987~ . ,",a_.---~:-----~-------------- ~--~~
books In othPr languages How many books are In the library? ., nd and 2~ 1
\\ ,., , ,, r ✓ 1 th,·c,,,.,.,,,·1 u11s11·,·1
4. In our town thPre are 38,975 men, 36 125 women and 51, 980 ch,dren Wh
total population of the town? at I\ 1. 500 more than 61563 Is ·
s. The TATA compa ny manufa ctured 50 760 vehicles in 1998; 70 .978 vehicles in 1 , (a) 61063 \ (b) 62063 ( ) blfJb I
75.979 vel11cle 1n 2000 How many vehicles did it manufacture durin g th·ee years?
2 . 64 thousand+ 37 ten s+ 59 ones=?
6. In an election, the loser got 135657 votes while the winner won by a margin of5g•
votes How many votes did the winner get? (a) 64429 0 (b) 64329 ( (c) 6403159 d1 N
7. A number is 25676 more than 57290, find the number. 3. If 25967 is subtracted from a number the result is 36857 The nun1ber
8. Among four towns the population of 3 towns are 39256 ; 370882 and 71 2930 respecl1,
If the population of the fourth town is 39190 more than the total population of the at (a) 10890 Q (b) 62824 (__ (c) 76289 (cl) rion ff
three towns , find the population of the fourth town . 4. 189 thousand+ 811 thousand= L ] m1ll1on
9. In a fnctory,238375 electric bulbs were produced in a year. The produ ction of tube liJ
was 149500 more than the bulbs . Find the number of tube lights produ ced and:
(a) 1 0 (b) 10 ( ) (c) 100 ( 1 100 l
total produ ction of bulbs and tube lights of the year. 5. 185 thousand+ 15 thousand= [ J Iakh .
10. If 90254 1s subtracted from a number, result is 85349 . Find the number. (a) 1 0 (b) 10 (_j (c) 2 (dJ 20
11 . Add 246 million 394 thousand 879 and 89 million 560 thousand 345 . Write the sun·
6. The sum of the largest number of 4 , 5 and 6 digits number is
Indian system
, If forty five lakh eighty-nine thousand seven hundred twenty-nine is added to fifty 011
(a) 1109997 Q (b) 109997 l) (c) 990099 (cJ) •o 1q9q/
ree hundred seventeen thousand four hundred fifty-six , what will the sum be expresi 7. The sum of the largest and the smallest numbers of 6 d1g1ts formed by 1,2 0 3 5 d'ld 6
in International numeral? using digits only once .
- A number is eighty-nine million one hundred five thousand six hundred forty-nine ni:
(a) 755566 Q (b) 776666 (') (c) 507656 (d) None of thes
an forty-eight lakhs ninety-four thousand nine hundred seventeen . How will th e nuni-
8. If zero is added to a number, the sum is :
be expressed in either system of numeration .
14. Fill in the blanks : (a) the number itself Q (b) zero
(a) 8567 + 2839 + 761 + 284 = .. .. .... .. (c) tenthousand Q (d) noneofthese
(b) 189 thousands + 811 thousands = .... . million . 9. Anumber43278 is added to the smallest number of 5 digits. The sum is
(c) 185 thousands + 15 thousands = ... lakh .
(d) 19456 + 17345 = 36000 + . (e) 20566 + 35125 = 55691 + • (a) 43279 Q (b) 53278 C (c) 44378 (d) 83432
15. Find the missing digits :
10. 57893 + 82576 = 82576 + ~ ·
(a) 2 5 6 (b) 6 6
+ 8 7 2 4 +
4 0 8 1
7 (a) 82576 Q (b) 130469 (_:) (c) 57893 \d) 230469
+ 5 4 6 + 3 4 6
8 3 1 5 l 7
11 3 0 6 5 [_J
D 15 6 1 4 0