Past 5 Board Papers

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2021 IX 27 (E)



Time: 3 Hrs. (12 P11gcs) Max. Marks : 80

Ge11eral /11structio11s:
(i) ~II questions are compu/so,y.
(ii) There are 6 questions divided into two sections.
(iii) .Write answers ofSection-I and Section-II in the same answer book.
(iv) Use o/logarithmic tables is allowed. Use ofcalculator is not allowed.
(v) For l.P.P. graph paper is not necessary. Only rough sketch ofgraph is
(vi) Start answer to each question 011 a new page.
(vii) for each 11111/tiple choice type ofquestion, it is mandatory to write the
answer along with its alphabet eg. (a) ...........:....../ (b) ................/
(c) ...................../ (d) ................ No mark(s) shall be given if "ONLY" the
'correct answer is wriflen. Only the first aflempt will be considered for
Q. 1. (A) Select and write the correct answer ofthe following multiple [12]
choice type of questions ( I mark each) : (6)

f +dx=........
X -9

(a) log·
+c l ,x-31
(b) :;log-+c
., x+3

l ~--3+c
(c) -log· (d) -log·
I ~-3,+c
6 x+3 9 x+3

Io Is Is I I 2 Page 1 P.T.O
(ii) The area of the region bounded by the curve y = 2x + 3, the X-axis
and lines x = 0 and x = 3 is
(a) 18 sq. units (b) 9 sq. units
(c) 27 sq. units (d) 21/4 sq. units
(iii) If ∫0 5x 4 = 32, a Є R, then a =
(a) 2 (b) 1
(c) 2/5 (d) 10
(iv) The conditional statement p → q is equivalent to …….
(a) p ∨ ̴ q (b) ̴ p ∨ q
(c) ̴ p ∧ q (d) q → p
(v) The solution of the differential equation dx = 1 is

(a) y + x = c (b) xy = c
(c) x2 + y2 = c (d) y = x + c
(vi) If y = Ae3x + Be-3x , is the general solution of the differential
equation, then the differential equation is
d2 y d2 y
(a) dx2
= 9y (b) dx2 = 3y
d2 y d2 y
(c) dx2 = -3y (d) dx2 = -9y

B) State whether the following statements are true or false (1 mark

(i) The product of two non-zero matrices cannot be a zero matrix.
(ii) If ∫ ex [x 2 + 2x]dx = x 2 ex + c

Page 2
(iii) The degree ofdifferential equation J:) = dy + x2
is not defi ned.
(C) Fill in the following blanks ( 1 mark each): (3 )

(i) If the function f'(x) = 6x -42x + 36 then the


function}tx) has-minimum at x = .....................

(ii) J 1 �. dx=logl········+lj + c
x+e x '
Where c is the constant of integration.

7 7
dx = •••••••••••....
(iii) J -9


Q. 2. (A) Attempt any TWO of the following (3 marks each): (6) (141
(i) Write negation of each of the following statements:
(a) 'v'n eN; n+l>0
(b) ..fs is an irrational number
(c) pv-q
(ii) If A;;;[-� �], find Kso that A -8A-KI� where

I is unit matrix oforder 2 and '1 is null matrix of order 2 .

(i1'1)' Evaluate : J X dx
(x+2 ) (x+ J)

(8) Attempt any TWO of the following (4 marks each): (8)

(i) Find the values ofx, such that.ff.\°) is increasing function,
f(x) = 2x 3 - t 5x 2 +36x+1

I I sIs1 l
O 2 Page J P.T.O
(ii) Evaluate : Jx e
2 4x dx

(iii) Find the inverse of the matrix

A= I1 21 3]
[2 4 7

Q. 3. (A) Attempt any TWO of the following (3 marks each): (6) 1141

(i) Find dy, if y=(logxt +x10P

d'I: .
(ii) Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola
y2 =4x and the line x = 3.

(iii) Solve the differential equation x: +2y =x logx

(8) Attempt any ONE of the following : (4)

1 9 16
If x y =(x+ y) , then show that dx =;
dy Y

(ii) Prepare the truth table for thestatement pattern

(pA-q) B p). Also interpret the result.
(C) Attempt any ONE of the following questions (Activity) : (4)
(i) The rate of growth of bacteria is propC?rtional to the
number present. If initially, there were 1000 bacteria
and the number doubles in 1 hour; complete the
following activity to find the number of bacteria after
2 hours (Given = l .414)
Solution : Let N be the number of bacteria present at
time 't'. Since growth of bacteria is proportional to
the number present, the differential equation can be
written as

Page .i
Where K is constnnt or pro1,orlio1111lity.
log N=I l+e..................(1)
(i) When t = 0 ; N :-: I000
from equntion (I)
log 1000 = 0 -~ c
:. c = log 1000
(ii) When l = I ; N "' 2000
from equation (I)
K=I.__ ,
(iii) WI1cn t =
2 I1ours
(ii) If the demand !'unction is D=50-3P-P 2. where Pis
the unit price. Complete the following activity to lind
the elasticity of demuml nt (a) P = 5, (b) P = 2.
Solution: The demand function is D=50-3P- P 2
Elasticity or demnnd is,
-P c/D
D dP
(a) When P =5, Tl =I...._ _

:. Demand is ._I_ ____.I for P = 5.

(b) When P = 2,

:. Demand is l.__ __.l for P = 2.

1'111:r 5 l'.T.O
Q. 4. (A) Select and write the correct answer ofthe following multiple 1121
choice type of questions ( I mark each) : (6)
(i) The car worth t 10,00,000 insured for~ 7,00,000 is
damaged to the extent of? 5,00,000 in an accident,
then the amount of compensation that can be claimed
under the policy is? .....
(a) 3,50,000 (b) 7,00,000
(c) 2,50,000 (d) 5,00,000
(ii) The date on which the period of. the btll expires is
called ............. .
(a) Legal due date (b) Grace date
(c) Nominal due date (d) Date of drawing
(iii) If P01 (L) = 90 P (P) = 40 then P (F) = ..........
01 00
(a) 3600 (b) 60
(c) 65 ·(d) 90
(iv) The following trend line equation was developed for
annual sales from 1984 to 1990 with 1984 as base year,
y = 500 + 60x, (in 1000 ?). The estimated sales for
1984 (in 1000 f) is ............
(a) 500 (b) 560
(c) 1040 (d) llOO
(v) If X denotes the number of heads obtained when an
unbiased coin is tossed twice then the expected value
ofX is .......... .
(a) I (b) 0.5
(c) 1.5 (d) 2

lolslsj2I Pugc 6
(vi) The processing times required for four jobs A,
B, C
and Don Machine M are S, 8, l 0 and 7 hours, and on
Mac hine M , it requ ires 7, 4, 3 and 6 hou rs
respectively. The jobs are processed in the order M
M2 . The sequeRce that minimizes total elapsed time is1

(a) ABCD (b) BCDA

(c) ADBC (d) ABDC
(B) Sta~e whether the following statements are true or
false : (3)
(l markeach)
(i) In the regression equation of Yon X, b represen
slope of the line.. xy
(Ii) The quantity index number according to weig
:Eq ,~
aggregate method is given by L w x 1OO
(iii) Irregular variation is not a random component
of time
(C) Fill in the blanks (1 mark each ):
(i) The present worth of a sum of 0,920 due six mon
hence at 8% p.a. Simple interest is .............. .
(ti) The ~arshall-Edgeworth 's Price index number
is given
by ............... .
Year 1991 1992 1993
Production 2 3 4
From the above data, the trend value usin g 3 yearly
moving average is ;.............. .

Q. 5. (A) Attempt any TWO of the following questions

(3 marks each ): (6) (141
(i) Find the rate of interest compounded annually,
immediate annuity off 20,000 per year amounts to
f 2,60,000 in'3 years.

P11gc 7
(ii) A com1>nny mm1ulhclures two types ol' che1nicnls A
n11tl 13. Ench chemicnl requires iwo typos of ruw
mnterinls P 111ul Q. The tnble below shows number or
• units of P uml Q required to mnnulilcture one unit ofA
mut one unit urn.
n w A n Avuilnbilily
t l ~ 'he111ic11l
111nterinls1 -•
p .., 120
(,.) 2 s 160
The co111pnny gets pro lits or~ JS0/- untl , 400/- hy
selling one unit or A und one unit or 13 respectively.
Fonnutnh.l the problem us L.P.P. to mnximize the prolit.
(iii) On n pnrtinl ly destroyed lnbomlory record ofnn nnnlysis
of regression dntn, the following dntn nrc legible:
Regression equntions nro
8.,·- toy+ 66 ° o und 40.,·- l8y =214
Find on the basis of nbove inlbrmnt,ion
(u} The meun vnlues ofX nncl l'
(b) Correlation coenicicnt between Xnnd Y
(13) Attempt nny TWO of the following questions : (8)
(4 murks each)
(i) Mr. Pavan is paid n fixed weekly snlnry plus
commission bnsed on percentage llf' sn~es made by
him .. lf on the snte oft 68,000 and , 73,000 in two
successive weeks, he recievcd in nil t 9·,sso nnd
, I0, 180, lind !1is weekly salary und rate ofcommission
paid to him.
(ii) The publisher produces 5 books on Mnthemntics. The
books huve to go through composing, printing und
binding done by 3 mnehincs A, B~ C in the order ABC.
The ti111c schedule for the entirl) tusk in proper unit is
ns follows:

1'11,:,• H
• I II 111 IV V
') H (1 s
M11chi11c 11
Mnchlnc <
5 <, 2 J
H lO (1 7 II "
Determine the lolnl clnpucd lime 11ml idfe lime for
mnchlne:1 A, I\ nnd C.
(iii) II' 11 thir coin i:i lo:mcd 6 times find the probabilily of
(11)cxuclly '1 hends
(b) nth:nst '1 lu.:mls
(c) ntmosl 2 heud:i

Q. 6. (A) Allemr,l nny 'f'WOof'thc lhllowingqucslions (3 marks each): (6) I14)

(i) lfX-P(m)withm 0 3undc- 3 =0.0497, lhcnfind
(n) P(X""3)
(b) P(Xt!2)
(ii) Solve the following L.P.P.
Minimi:1..c z c 7x + y
Subject lo
Sx + y~ S
x~ 0, y~O
(iii)-. The following is the p.d.l'. of n r.v.X,

.:.; O<x<4
.(( X ) = 8
{ 0; otherwise
Find: (n) I' ( X < I .S)
(b) P ( I < X < 2)
(c) P (X > 2)

l'n~e •J r.T.O
(B> Ac.c:-;pt:i:i;.-OSEofthc:ol!o-"'i:i~~or---s: (.!)
ti) From the ciluof20 ;:t3:rsof ..?tionsoo Xand Y.
fol!o-~ing ~Its a:e obui.'ttd:
; = 199 y = 9J. l:{ .r, _; ,: = 1200
- ., - -
~ty,-y )- =300. '.'::(r,-x) fy,-y )=-250
,~_, The line of ~sit':? Yon X
(b) Estimate Y "n~ X = 21 i
f o, Follov.ir11 tab!e shov,-s th~ a=noont ofsugzr ~uctioo
( in lakh tonnes) for year i 93 i to 19.!2 :
,car Production I Ye?: P.ockction
1931 0 I i937 I ...•
1932 l I i938 5
19331 2 I 19::;9 I 6
1934 3 I 19.!0 7
1935 1 11~1 • 'T

1936 3 I 1942 s
Obtain the trend values using 4 ye:irly centred moving
(C) Attempt any O~E ofthe following questions (Acthity): (~)
fi) In the following table, Laspeyrc's and P3:15Che·s price
index numbers are equal. Complete the follo\\ing
acti\'ity to find ;r:
Commodity Baseyear Current year
Price Qw.ntity Price Quantity
A 2 10 1 5
., 5 .T
Solution: P01 (L)=P01 (P)

l:piqo xl00= DxlOO

l:poqo rpoq,
Pa:r 10
:?Ot-5.,· D
- ><100

..., -
(ii) A plunt mnnager hns four s11honlin111es nml lour lusks
to perform. The s11hurdin111cs tli Iler in eflidency nn<l
lusks diner in lhcir in1rinsic dilliculty. Es1inm1es of the
times s11hol'<lin111cs would lnkc h> perlorm tusks arc
given in 1t1e matrix below:
I 1G Ill IV
A J 11 10 N
l' .l ,I
I) •I 15 •I
I) "
Complete the following uctivity lo ullocnte tasks to
subordinntes to 111inimi1.e the tntnl time.
Step I : Subtract 1he smnllesl clement of each row
from every clement of 1hal row.
A (I N 7 5
B It I) IO 0
C 2 J 5 0
I) 0 II () 5
Step JI : Since all column minimums ure zero, no
need to sub1r:1ct anything from columns.
Step Ill : Draw the minimum numberoflines to
cover ull the zeros.
13 II I 10 (I
C 11
D III '~
l'agl' 11 P.T.O
minimum 1111111hct']0 [Order of' lhc]
[ of line!! 111111rlx
:. Optimnl :mlution hm1 hccn rc11chcd
:. Optimnl n!i:lig11111c11111chc<lulc In,

C-> IV
:. Totnl minimum time ::,I.._ ---'i hours.

l'11ae 12
2023 26 1100

(9 pages)

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