Bio Integ

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CHAPTER 6 BIO - Replineshes the single layer to

______________________________________ periderm
- Dermis several sources, but most in the
Integument dermatome
- Composite organ - Somites (segmental epimeres) divide
- Epidermis -> basement membrane producing the sclerotome medially,
(basal lamina and reticular lamina) -> dermomyotome laterally
dermis - In the dermomyotome rearranged into
- Epidermis derived from ectoderm. Myotome for skeletal muscle
Basal lamina - Outside the dermomyotome, spreads out
- Dermis from mesoderm and into dermatome
mesenchyme. Reticular lamina. - Ordered layer called the Stratum
- Transitional subcutaneous region compactum
adipose tissue also the hypodermis, - Neural crest cells originate between
then the superficial fascia dermis and epidermis
______________________________________ - Chromatophores skin pigment (“color”
and “bearing”) in the dermis, scattered
Definition of Integumentary in the hypodermis
- Largest organ - Nerves and blood vessels invade integ to
- 15% of the body weight round structural composition
- Epidermis produce hair, feathers, - Vascularization and innervation
baleen, claws. Etc. scales added, from neural crest
- Dermis produce dermal bones and - Integ, sensory organs, use of stimuli
osteoderms of reptiles from external environment
- Collectively; they both produce teeth, - Invagnation in the Epidermis; exocrine
denticles if ducts, endocrine if they separate from
- Absence of epidermis across the surface and directly into blood vessels
basement membrane, unable to produce ______________________________________
these structures General Features of Integument
- Forms the exoskeleton, resist
mechanical injury Dermis
- Holds shape of the organism - Produce plates of bone by
- Holds feathers for locomotion, hair for intramembranous ossification
insulation, horns for defense - Plates of bone are dermal bone
______________________________________ - Collagen fibers, called plies.
- These plies, like weft thread of cloth
Embryonic Origin fabric, prevents it from sagging. The
- End of neurulation, skin precursors are skin bias, concept of a handkerchief
delineated being stretched.
- Single layered ectoderm -> multilayered - Aquatic animals; have this collagen
epidermis fibers concept. Terrestrial animals; not
- Stratum basale (stratum so much since they rely on limbs less on
germinativum) deep layer of epidermis trunk.
- Produces mucus, moistens skin of water. Make it slippery for predators,
- Terrestrial Vertebrates; have contains toxic
keratinized layer/ cornified layer, the - 2 cells in the Epidermis; epidermal
stratum corneum - address life in cells and unicellular glands
drying environment (help them survive) - Epidermal cells make up stratified
- Stratum corneum - dead cells epidermis
- New epidermal cells are formed by - Epidermal cells of the basal layer are
mitotic division in the deep stratum cuboidal and columnar
basale - Unicellular glands, singular cell.
- New epidermal cells toward the surface - Types of Unicellar glands; club cell,
to self destruct, orderly fashion. granular cell, goblet cell, sacciform
- With this self destruct, keratin is cells
formed, process called keratinization - Again the plies
- The superficial stratum corneum is dead, - Fish dermis rise dermal bone, dermal
reduce water loss in a dry environment. bone rise to dermal scale
- Keratin - class of protein, produced by - Fish scales are coated with enamel
keratinization, and the epidermal cells (epidermal origin, then to “ganoin”), and
that participate are the keratinocytes. deeper dentil (dermal origin, then to
- In sauropsids, 2 types of keratinocytes; “cosmine”)
alpha soft, beta hard ______________________________________
- In synapsids, alpha keratinocytes only Primitive Fishes
- Keratinization and forming stratum - Ostracoderms and placoderms, integ
corneum is due to friction and abrasion. produce bony plates, exoskeleton
(callus) - Tubercles, found in the surface layer
- Keratinizing system, between enamel
epidermis and dermis that produces - Dermal bone supports these tubercles, it
keratinocytes into cornified structures. is lamellar, layered pattern
- Scales, folds in the integ, ossified - Hagfishes and lampreys, no scales, no
dermal bone, dermal scale, epidural dermal bone. It includes thread cells,
fold, epidermal scale. thick cords of mucus
______________________________________ - Again, chromatophore, for pigments, in
Phylogeny the dermis, also in the dermis is slime
Integument of Fishes ______________________________________
- Nonkeratinized, instead is covered by Chondrichthyes
mucus - Cartilaginous fishes, dermal bone absent
- Nonkeratinized except; teeth lining, jaw - Have placoid cells, rough feel
coverings, friction surface. - Placoid cells, from the dermis but
- Epidermis is alive and active on the projects epidermis
body surface, no dead keratinized cells
- Surface cells patterned with
microridges, which also hold mucus ______________________________________
- Mucous coat, mucous cuticle - prevents Bony Fishes
bacteria, and contributes to laminar flow
- Dermis is divided into superficial layer Reptiles
of loose connective tissue and deep - Keratinization is much more extensive,
dense layer skin glands fewer
- Chromatophore still in the dermis - Scales present, but not dermal scale,
- In the dermis, there is scale their scale lack bony undersupport
- Dermal scales close to surface, but did - They have an epidermal scale, fold in
not pierce through the epidermis the epidermis
- Epidermal cells, undergo cytoplasmic - Hinge, adjacent epidermal scales
transformation, but not keratinized - Scute, large and platelike scale
- Cosmoid cells - in primitive bony - They have gastralia, bone in the
fishes, one layer vascular and other abdominal area
lamellar. - layer of dentin (cosmine) - Osteoderms, dermal bones support
- Ganoid cell - layer of enamel (ganoin), epidermis - crocodiles
dermal bone foundation. They are shiny - Epidermis 3 regions; stratum basale,
- Teleost cell - lacks enamel, dentin, and stratum granulosum, stratum corneum
vascular bone layer. 2 types; cycloid - Molting or ecdysis - shedding of
scale and ctenoid scale cornified layer
______________________________________ - Stratum intermedium, temporary
Integ of Tetrapods layer, been attacked by white blood
- Keratinization, major feature of integ. cells, it promotes separation and loss of
- Extensive keratinization, produces of the old skin
stratum corneum - Integ glands restricted; femoral glands
- Multicellular glands are common, and scent glands
usually in the dermis ______________________________________
- Stratum corneum protects, and release Birds
of secretions to the surface - Basic structure, feathers as elaborate
______________________________________ reptilian scales
Amphibians - Dermis of bird skin, esp near feather,
- Respiratory surface, gas exchange have rich blood vessels, sensory
occurs endings, smooth muscles.
- Cutaneous respiration - Brood patch - in the breast become
- They have leydig cells vascularised, cs warm blood come close
- Nuptial pads, calluses of cornified to incubated eggs
epidermis, help in mating - Epidermis, stratum basale and stratum
- Mucous and poison glands; both glands corneum, between, transitional layer
in the dermis that becomes keratinized surface of
- Mucous gland - release product to a corneum
common duct (smaller) - They have few glands; uropygial gland
- Poison gland - contain stored - base of the tail, secretes lipids and
secretions, poison, in the lumen (larger) protein
- Capillary beds for respiration usually in - Preening - makes birds feathers water
the dermis, amphibians have it in the repellent
- Other glands; salt gland - in marine - Contour feathers - aerodynamically
birds, excrete excess salt when birds shape
ingest marine foods seawater - Down feathers - thermal insulation
______________________________________ - Filoplumes - for display
Feathers in Birds - Chromatophores are in the feathers to
- Nonvascular and nonnervous give color, in the epidermis
- Pterylae, tracts of the feathers ______________________________________
- Feathers from rachis - tubular central Evolution of Feathers
shaft, in its either side there is vane, in - Primarily for surface insulation - holds
the vane, there are series of barbs, in heat and protects body from taking up
which makes interlocking connections heat
called barbules - Were endothermic, conserve internally
- With these rachis and vanes attached, produced body heat
results a spathe - Aerodynamics come later
- Rachis continues proximally, the - Different view, aid in gliding then to
barbless calamus/quill, - it anchors flight
feathers to body ______________________________________
- Flight feathers, contour feathers down/ Aerodynamic Principles
plumulaceous feathers - Modified from reptilian scales
- Flight feathers - long and vanes - Center pressure, have something to do
asymmetrical, on the wings (remiges, with the feather structure, downstroke
sing remix), on the tail (rectrices, sing position
rectrix) - In the upstroke position, center pressure
- Contour feathers - cover the body and is across the topside
symmetrical vanes - Feathers twist in flight in order for
- Down feathers - fluffy, important in flying to be possible
insulation, no rachis ______________________________________
______________________________________ Mammals
- They from, feather follicles, - 2 main layers; epidermis and dermis,
invagination in the epidermis beneath the hypodermis and the
- Old feather (molt) new feather (blood superficial fascia
feather or pin) - Epidermis - hair, nails, glands. Still
- New epidermal tissues; supportive have the cornified layer
tissue, is around growing feather: main - During Keratinization layers occur;
feather tissue: pulp caps tissues, protect stratum spinosum, stratum
temporary dermal core granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum
- Feathers are sheet of mature, dead corneum
keratinocytes, full of slits - Keratinocytes most prominent in the
- Dermal muscles, act to erect mobile epidermis
feathers - Langerhans cells - in the stratum
- Patterning zone - making of the spinosum, cell-mediated actions of the
feathers immune system
______________________________________ - Merkel cells - from neural crest,
Functions of Feathers sensory nerves for tactile stimulation
- Again, chromatophores, found anywhere Glands in Mammals
in the body - 3 types; sebaceous, eccrine, apocrine
- They have melanin - Sebaceous - saclike, globular in shape
- Skin color - combination of yellow - Eccrine & apocrine - long,
stratum corneum, red blood vessels, invagination in the epidermis, continues
dark granules in the surface even thru cornified
______________________________________ stratum corneum
Dermis in Mammals ______________________________________
- Double layered Glands in Mammals
- Dermal papillae, papillary layer that Sebaceous glands
has fingerlike projections - Oily secretion, sebum
- Reticular layer, irreg connective tissue - Released in hair follicles
- Produces dermal bone - skull and - Help waterproof fur
pectoral girdle, rarely dermal scale - Absent in palms, hands, soles of feet
- Irreg fibrous connective tissue - Present in mouth, penis, vagina and
______________________________________ mammary nipples even without hair, for
Hair in Mammals lubrication
- Slender, keratinous Wax glands
- Base is root - Secrete ear wax
- Length Depends on the living shaft Meibomian glands
- Outer layer of shaft, cuticle - Derived from sebaceous gland
- Beneath cuticle, hair cortex, and core is - Oil in the eyeballs
hair medulla Eccrine glands
- Produced within the epidermal follicle, - Thin, watery fluids, no hair follicles
rooted in the dermis - In the soles and tails
- Hair papilla, small tuft of the dermis, it - Before puberty
stimulates matrix cells Apocrine glands
- Tiny clump of matrix cells starts of - Lipid containing fluid, with hair follicles
keratinization (this is for hair only) - During puberty
- They degenerate - For chemical signaling
- Arrector pili muscle - make hair erect - Sometimes termed “sweat glands” but
- Fur/pelage, have guard hair, course not cs not all mammals have these
- Underfur- beneath guard hair, thinner - Humans, sweat glands are from eccrine
- Both are insulators glands
- Specialized hairs - like whiskers Scent glands
(vibrissae), much sensitive, majorly for - From apocrine glands
sensory not for insulation - Almost anywhere of the body
______________________________________ - Use to mark territory, identify
Evolution of Hairs in Mammals individual, and communicate courtship
- Initially for surface insulation, for Mammary glands
endotherms - Produce milk
- Hinges between scales, as tactile devices - Lactation - release of milk through
- Still a sensory function suckling
______________________________________ - Only in females
______________________________________ - Antler growth depends on hormonal
Specializations of the Integ control, thus during winter, deers have
Nails, Claws, Hooves no antlers
Nails Among mammals
- Compacted cornified epithelial cells - True horns found among Bovidae
- Fingers and toes - Male and female have but larger in male
- Product of keratinzation - Horns are keratinized sheaths
- Nail matrix, replacing an old nail to ______________________________________
new *Baleen
Claws/ Talons - In whales
- Curved - Act as strainers to extract krill
- Keratinized projections - “Whale bone”
- Seen in amphibians - NO BONE
Hooves - Keratinized plates
- Enlarged keratinization ______________________________________
- Hoof wall - U-shaped, open in heel. *Scales
Have stratum externa (=tectorium) - - Have many functions
shiny surface layer. Have stratum - For protection
medium - thicker, tubular channels. ______________________________________
Have stratum internum (=lamellatum) *Dermal Armor
within the dermis, =corium - Armor of ostracoderm and placoderms
- Hoof walls is from base, matrix cells - Like the armor in the turtle, hard shell
(germinal region), not from dermis. - Carapace, dorsal half of the turtle shell
- 6mm per month - Plastron, ventral half. Fused bones
- Bottom of hoof, wedge-shaped frog - along the belly
fills opening in the heel of the hoof ______________________________________
- Sole - consist epidermis and thickened *Mucus
dermis (corium of sole) - Inhibits entrance of pathogens
- Digital cushion/pad - deep to the sole - Keep skin moist
______________________________________ - Help in aquatic locomotion, as a surface
*Horn and Antlers coat
- “Horned” lizards, behind head that look ______________________________________
horns *Color
- Skin and underlying bone make horns - Changes in blood supply can change
and antlers color
- In horns - fits over the bony core, not - Differential scattering of light can also
branched change color
- In antlers - have “velvet.” is shaped and - Iridescent colors, made possible by
branched. Only in deer, elk, moose. interference phenomena, different
Males only wave-lengths of light produce iridescent
- Have main beam, short branch called colors
tines or points - Melanophore - have pigment melanin
- Main beam is compressed and palmate - Melanosomes - house these melanin
- Iridophore - light reflecting
- Xanthophore - yellow pigments
- Erythophore - red pigments
- SUNLIGHT affects
- Dermal melanophore - change color fast
like camouflage
- Epidermal melanophore - can’t change
fast, thus most vertebrates

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