Integumentary System

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Integumentary System 2.

Stratum Spinosum
- Consists of skin and its accessory - Stratum gervinate/malpi
structures like the hair, nails, sweat - irregular
3. Stratum Granulosum
Integument - Contains granules
- Waterproof covering protecting the - Contains 2-5 layers
deeper tissues of the body by keeping out
foreign materials 4. Stratum Lucidum
- Prevents loss of body fluids, helps to - Can only be found where the skin is thick
regulate body temperature and provides
an extensive area for receiving sensations 5. Stratum Corneum
such as touch, pain, and temp. - Consists of keratinized, flattened, dead
(37 Degree Celsius normal body temp) cells about to cast off
- The palms and the soles have the thick
Skin corneum
- Largest organ of the body - Corns and calluses are mechanically
- Acts as an excretory organ whereby the induced thickening of the stratums
sweat and sebaceous glands discharge corneum
their produce on the body surface
- Serves as a site for Vitamin D synthesis Stratum Germinativum (Malpighian Layer)
- Contains melanocytes
Epidermis - Specialized pigment
- Composed of a superficial epithelial part - Producing cells that produces melanin

Dermis Dermis
- Deeper connective tissue part - Lies beneath the epidermis and consist
- Corium of dense
*Papillary Layer
Superficial Fascia *Reticular Layer
- Beneath the dermis subcutaneous layer
which anchors the skin Papillary Layer
- Finger-like papillae projecting upward
Fingerprint under the epidermis
- The surface of the skin shows tiny ridges
and grooves, well-developed in the palms Reticular Layer
for providing friction - Coarse collagenous and elastic fibers,
arranged parallel to the surface
- Made up of a stratified squamous Apandages of the Skin
epithelium which contains the protein
“keratin” in its upper layer Hair
- Present over the entire surface of the
5 Layers of Epidermis skin except to the palms, soles, lips
- Vary in thickness and number per unit
1. Stratum Basale area
- Base cell division - Acts as a protection in regulation body
- Most mitotich activity occurs temperature and sensory reception such
- Lower most layer as touch
- An irregular, wavy layer of columnar cells - Each hair is composed of an outer article,
an inner cortex with pigments
- Composed of shaft above the surface of - Each nail consist of a proximal hidden
the epidermis. The root is enclosed part (the root), distal exposed part (the
within a tube-like hair follide lined by body)
epidermal cells - The root is covered by a curved fold of
- Ploriferating skin called eponychium (cuticle)
- Arrector Pili Muscle (contracts and
causes the hair to elevate) Hyponychium
- Attached to the underside of the nail

Sebacceous Glands Hypodermis

- Associated with the hairs and hair a. Cells
follicles b. Fibroblast
- Have sebaceous glands except in the c. Fat cells
palms and soles and the dorsum of the d. Lymphocytes
distal segment of the digits e. Macrophages
- Lips, corner of the mouth, adjacent f. Mast cells
mucosa, glams penis, labia, clitosa
- The galnds from 0.2 to 2mm in diameter - Variable thickness depending on location
- Largest exist on the sala of the nose and nutritional status
- The secretory segment is flask-shaped - Loose CT containing fat cells
- Renewed in the production of its oily
secretion which is known as sebum. Fat
- Insulation
Acne - Can be used for energy when the intake
- Is an infection of the sebaceous glands of nutrients
- When the outlet is plugged, a blackhead
(comedo) result
- If plugiging is permanent, a sebaceous The Rule of 9
cyst (wen)
Head and neck 9%
Anterior trunk 18%
Sweat Glands Posterior trunk 18%
- Numerous in palms and soles Upper extremity 18% (9x2)
- The secretory part is coiled and found in Lower extremity 36% (18x2)
the subcutaneous layer Perineum 1%
- Bacterial contamination (the odor
commonly associated with these glands
is not inheret in the secretion products) 2 Types of Cutaneous Nerves

Afferent Somatic Fibers

Ceraminous Glands - Sensations such as pain, touch,
- Found in the external ear pressure,heat and cold

Mammary Glands
- Derivatives of sweat glands Efferent Autonomic (sympathetic) Fiber
- Supplying the smooth muscle of the
Nails blood vessels
- Consist of a cornified nail plate

Nail Bed
- Germinative layer
- Functions mainly for protection of the
upper part

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