Health Wellness 3 - Fitness Training
Health Wellness 3 - Fitness Training
Health Wellness 3 - Fitness Training
• Aerobic exercise is exercise requiring the continual use of
oxygen or any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be
maintained continuously, and is rhythmic in nature.
• Bicycling, skipping, skating, fitness walking, jumping rope,
running, stair climbing, and swimming.
• The individual should be able to carry on a conversation
while performing aerobic exercise.
• Duration: Aerobic fitness levels can improve with as little as
10 minutes duration of aerobic exercise, as long as exercise
is performed often (2 to 3 times a day, 5 days a week),30
minutes is optimal for many people.
• Benefits: cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength
endurance, body composition ,mental fitness. cardiac muscle
lean body mass, reduces fatty tissue better sleep, less
depression and improved mood.
• Anaerobic exercise is performed in the absence of a
continual oxygen source.
• Anaerobic activities are short in duration and high
in intensity, involving short bursts of exertion
followed by periods of rest.
• E.g. downhill skiing, weight lifting, sprinting,
softball, soccer, and football.
• The benefits of anaerobic exercise include
increased calorie consumption, increased
metabolism, shorter workouts, improved brain
function, and increased lean muscle tissue.
Isometric exercise
• Isometric exercise is active exercise performed against stable
resistance without change in the muscle length.
• Strength can be increased if sustained for 6 to 8 seconds;
• will only increase muscle strength at one joint angle.
• If an individual has cardiac disease or high blood pressure, isometric
exercises can pose problems.
• Due to the Valsalva effect.
• This increase in intrathoracic pressure is combined with the arterial
pressure caused by the weight of the specific lift, blood pressure can
rise quite dramatically.
• Arterial hypertension produced during heavy weight lifting with the
Valsalva effect is extreme.
• The resultant elevated blood pressure may be dramatically reduced
when the exercise is performed with an open glottis, facilitated by
proper breathing during heavy resistance isometric exercises.
Isotonic exercise
• Isotonic exercise involves muscle shortening to
generate force.
• Isotonic training provides a broad variety of
movements, allowing the individual to exercise all
major muscle groups.
• The disadvantages include uneven forces
throughout the range of movement and unequal
muscle tension for muscle groups.
Isokinetic exercise
• Isokinetic exercise is constant-velocity muscle actions that
may be either concentric (muscle tension is
generated as the muscle length decreases or shortens) or
eccentric (muscle tension is generated as the muscle length
increases or lengthens).
• Isokinetic exercise provides muscular overload at a
constant speed while the muscle mobilizes its force
through the full range of motion.
• Isokinetic exercise machines include the Cybex and Biodex
machines, both designed to vary the resistance to muscle
contraction throughout the range of motion.
Sports exercise
• Sports exercise is any type of exercise involving
physical games and competition.
• Regular physical activity and playing sports are
among the best forms of preventive medicine.
• combating obesity and osteoporosis, as well as
enhancing cardiovascular fitness.
• Psychological benefits of sports include the
development of a positive self-image.
Therapeutic exercise
• designed to use bodily movements to restore normal
function in diseased or injured tissues and to maintain well-
• enabling or improving ambulation; releasing contracted
muscles, tendons, [and fasciae; mobilizing joints; improving
circulation; enhancing respiratory capacity; improving
coordination; reducing rigidity; increasing balance;
promoting relaxation; increasing muscle strength; and
improving exercise performance and functional capacity.
Active exercise
• AAROM or PROM exercises are provided to those
who are out of action by injury or illness.
Exercise Prescription: The FITTE Formula