Physiotherapy: by Ayugi Winnyfred Patience Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
Physiotherapy: by Ayugi Winnyfred Patience Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
Physiotherapy: by Ayugi Winnyfred Patience Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
Ayugi Winnyfred Patience
Bachelor of science in midwifery
• Define physiotherapy
• Types of exercise
• Benefits of exercise.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury, disease or d
eformity by physical methods such as massage, heat
therapy and exercise rather than the use of drugs or s
Types of physiotherapy
• Neurological physiotherapy –
• Neurological conditions lead to extreme muscle we
akness, loss of balance and coordination, muscle sp
asm,loss of function, and decreased sensation. Neu
rological physiotherapy aims at establishing mobilit
y and treating functional disorders which originate f
rom nervous and neuromuscular system such as str
oke, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, m
ultiple sclerosis, sciatica, aneurysm, and Parkinson’s
Orthopedic/ musculoskeletal
physiotherapy –
This sub-specialty deals with repairing the deformitie
s and treating the ailments related to human muscul
oskeletal system, which include correcting the muscl
es, ligaments, bones, joints, and tendons. The main ai
m is to alleviate pain, increase mobilization, and to re
ctify the skeletal injury.
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy – This sub-specialty t
reats the patients who suffer from cardiopulmonary
disorders such as cardiac arrest and chronic obstructi
ve pulmonary disease. Physiotherapists run cardiac r
ehabilitation centers and educate the patients about
certain forms of exercises and resistance training tec
hniques which can help them improve their overall q
uality of life.
Pediatric physiotherapy
– Pediatric physiotherapists help in improving acute i
njuries, defects which are present at the time of birth
, delayed physical growth, or certain genetic defects s
uch as cerebral palsy (a condition which restricts the
overall movement and coordination). Physiotherapist
s use various therapeutic exercises in children, which
can aid in strengthening the affected parts; thereby i
mproving the precise and overall movement of those
Geriatric physiotherapy
– This sub-specialty deals with certain age-related I
medical conditions such as arthritis (pain in the joint
s), osteoporosis (fragile and brittle bones). Geriatric p
hysiotherapists guide elderly about restricting certain
movements which can aggravate pain, provide their
patients with gait aides to improve overall mobility a
nd to minimize pain by employing various techniques
and exercises.
• Exercise involves engaging in physical activity and in
creasing the heart rate beyond resting levels.
• It is an important part of preserving physical and m
ental health.
Types of exercise.
• aerobic
• anaerobic
• Balancing
• Strength training
• Stretching
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise aims to improve how the body uses oxygen.
An aerobic exercise session involves warming up, exercising for at least 20 minu
tes, and then cooling down. Aerobic exercise mostly uses large muscle groups.
• Aerobic exercise provides the following benefits: