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PEF 000

•This P.E course is designed to assist students in learning the principles
and techniques that are essential in developing flexibility, muscular
strength, endurance, and over-all fitness. It aims to show students the
concept and the different benefits of different exercises to health-related
fitness.  The course will also re-introduce students to the muscular
system of the human body and its functions.   These will aid students in
understanding the different training techniques and learn safety
protocols which are crucial in their development of a fitness plan based
on their personal fitness goals.  In addition, guided instruction of fitness
test will be provided to assess students’ fitness level. 
•     The course provides a variety of student-centered instructional
activities that will equip each student with the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes necessary to enjoy and sustain a physically active and healthy
• Fitness training- evolving dynamically in accordance
to the needs of people.
• Exercises undertaken to improve or maintain one’s
physical fitness and health.
• Physical Exercise-
the activity of exerting your muscles in various 
ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended reg
ular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the p
hysical exertion required by his work kept him fi
•.     Heart Rate Monitoring (Resting, Target, and
Maximum Heart Rate)
•Physical Fitness
     – Ability of the individual to meet physical demands of
everyday living and respond positively to increased physical
demands under stressful conditions.
•Regular physical activities provide a wealth of benefits
including improved physical, mental, and emotional health.
•It keeps your physical body fit and strong and makes your
brain alert.  Exercise engagement also releases chemicals
like endorphins and serotonin which improves your mood.
 This helps you to reduce any feelings of loneliness and
isolation and put you in touch with other people.
•Two Components of Physical Fitness
•1.  Health-Related Fitness
•  - It primarily focuses on the individual’s over-all well-
being which is also linked to prevention of diseases. 
Regular physical activity participation helps control
weight, prevents illness, reduces onset of chronic
diseases, enhances mood, boosts energy, and promotes
better sleep.
•2.  Skill-Related Fitness
•   - It is comprised of aspects of fitness which forms a vital
basis for successful sports involvement.
•Aspects of Health-Related Fitness
•1.  Cardio-respiratory Endurance
•  - It is also known as cardiovascular endurance or aerobic fitness.
 It refers to your body's ability to efficiently and effectively circulate
and transport oxygen and nutrients to your tissues by way of the
heart, lungs, and circulatory system. 
•   - To develop your cardio-respiratory endurance, you need to
engage in regular exercise that challenges your heart and lungs to
keep them strong and healthy as this will:
•              1.  Efficiently maintain or enhance delivery and uptake of
oxygen to your body's systems
•              2.  Enhance cellular metabolism
•              3.  Alleviate physical challenges of everyday life
2.  Muscular Endurance
Amount of force a muscle can exert during contraction.
•- Amount of force a muscle can exert during contraction
•   - It is the ability of muscle or group of muscles to exert
force repetitively and continuously for a certain time.
•   - You can develop high levels of endurance in some
muscle groups (like cyclists building endurance in their
legs) without necessarily developing the same level of
endurance in other muscle groups.  Likewise, the extent
to which one choose to focus on muscular endurance
should be directly related to his own health or fitness
goals.  It's important to realize that muscular endurance is
muscle group-specific.

• FREQUENCY –the number of repetition per cycle.

• INTENSITY –the degree of difficulty per cycle.
• TIME –the number of sessions per week or months
• TYPE - the kind of physical activity to exert.
• SPECIFICATION – isolate the muscles to be strengthened.

• STABILIZATION – carryout the correct motion fully in a smooth and

controlled manner without other muscles compensating.

• RANGE OF MOTION – exercise a joint to its full ROM.

•3.  Muscular Strength
•    - It refers to the one-time all-out effort of force
produced by a muscle group.
•  - It is essential to maintain muscular strength to be able
to perform daily responsibilities including simple
movements like pushing, pulling, lifting, or carrying.
• Body weights
• Free weights
• Resistance Bands
• Water Resistance
• Air Resistance
4.  Flexibility
    - It is the ability to effectively move joints through a full
range of motion.
   - Flexibility is important for all ages. It plays a role in the
fluidity of movement and can affect your balance,
coordination, and agility.  Maintaining a full range of
motion can reduce the probability of injury and enhance
athletic performance.
    - Flexibility affects your quality of life.  If you are not
flexible, it will be quite a challenge to perform daily
activities such as tying your shoes, reaching books on the
top shelves, or simply recovering to catch your balance
when you start to fall.
• Range of motion (ROM) in a joint or group of joints or the ability to move
joints freely.
• Range of motion is the distance and direction your joints can move.
• It is complimenting to mobility of your muscles.
• MOBILITY is the ability to move without restriction.
Benefits of Flexibility
1. Fewer injuries
2. Less pain
3. Improve posture and balance
4. Relaxed state of mind
5. Improve physical performance.
Flexibility Training includes stretching exercises to lengthen the muscles.
Muscles of the body according to segments

• Chest muscle – upper back muscle
• Abdominal muscles – lower back muscles

• Bicep – Tricep
• Deltoid
• Flexor – Extensor

• Quads – hamstring
• Glute
• Inner thigh – outer thigh
• Calf muscles
Stretching is a form of physical exercise in which a specific
skeletal muscle is deliberately elongated to its fullest length in
order to improve the muscle’s felt elasticity and reaffirm
comfortable muscle tone.
STATIC – moving into a position that lengthens a target muscle
and hold for 15 -60 sec.
BALLISTIC – moving joint through complete ROM, holding the
endpoint only briefly , then return to
starting point and repeat.
DYNAMIC – involves active movements that help get your
muscles warmed up and ready for exercise.
•5.  Body Composition
•     - It is the relative percentage of body fat
compared to lean body mass. 
•   - High levels of fat are associated with negative
health outcomes, such as heart disease and type II
•     - An improved body composition is generally a
result of improving the other aspects of health-
related fitness.
• Body Mass Index (BMI)
• Body Adiposity (BAI)
• Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WTHR)

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