Cool Jobs (Lesson 49 - 64)

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Week 23 Date 26.8.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 49 (Reading 10) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies reading strategies
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words 3.2.4 Use with some support familiar print and
from clues provided by other known words and digital resources to check meaning
by context
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. List out at least 12 occupations without referring to textbook.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Play a dictionary race, where you give pupils words to race to find in the dictionary.
Choose words from the texts in Pupil’s Book, pp.48-49 but not those in the box on page
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils brainstorm and think about different jobs. 3. Tell the pupils the text title (Unusual
Jobs) and show the pictures from the Pupil’s Book pp.48-49.
 Pupils tell their partner what they think the texts will be about.
 Ask pupils if they can think of other unusual jobs.
 Explain to pupils that they will read one of the four texts in the Pupil’s Book.
 Pupils work in pairs. Give each pair a copy of one of the four texts. It is better to use
copies than to have them use the book as they will read the other texts too.
 Ask pupils to read their text and find out which unusual job it talks about – they check
their predictions from Step 3.
 Write the words from the box in the Pupil’s Book, p.48 on the board.
 Pupils will be asked to look in their text and find one or more of the words. They should
try to work out from the context what the words mean.
Main Activities
 Remind pupils they should think about how they worked out the meaning of the words.
 Have pupils write a definition for their word(s) in their notebooks in pairs.
 Hand out the dictionaries and ask pupils to find the word(s) and compare the dictionary
definition with their own.
 They should check their understanding as they do this. If you don’t have access to
enough dictionaries, pupils can refer to the Pupil’s Book, p.137, where the words are
listed and defined.
 Regroup pupils into groups of four to six so that there is at least one pupil with each
text in each group. Pupils peer-teach the new words to their group and tell the group
how they worked out the meaning of the word(s).
 Pupils work either in their new group or in their previous pair. Follow instructions for
Activity 3 in the Teacher’s Book, p.80.
 Pupils read all four texts to do the matching activity
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Play a game to review all the words from this lesson to check that pupils have
understood their meanings from the peer teaching. You could choose a post-lesson
task from Section 3, or you could refer to the Games Bank in the Teacher’s Book
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect with for (e.g. I’ve been Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
a pilot for 12 years) and since (e.g. … Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 48–49 Worksheet
since 2001) Exercise(s): 2–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 80–81
Copies of the pictures from Pupil’s
Book pp.48–49 Cut up copies of the
four texts on Pupil’s Book pp.48–49
Dictionaries (optional)

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 23 Date 27.8.2024 Day Tuesday
Class 6E, 6G, 6A Time 8.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 50 (Writing 10) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
a range of purposes in print and digital media print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
Learning 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
Standard and others of simple longer texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Complete at least five gapped sentences from the worksheet given.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Review jobs vocabulary by asking pupils to tell the class some ‘cool jobs’. Have pupils
Starter justify their answers.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
 Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils practise skim reading to find the information to complete the table.
 Using the worksheets, ask pupils to complete the gapped sentences.
 They can work in pairs or individually. These may be, for example:

Adela is ____ pilot.

Main Activities
Tyler _____ _____ a police officer for eight years.
Jill chose her job _______ it is exciting and challenging.
Derek enjoys _____ as a gardener
 Have pupils, individually, write at least one more gapped sentence for each of the four
people in the texts in their notebooks.
 Pupils exchange their sentences with a partner, who completes them.
4. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
5. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 To review the content of the texts, have pupils do Activity 2 in the Pupil’s Book, p.50
without re-reading the texts.
6. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect with for (e.g. I’ve been Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
a pilot for 12 years) and since (e.g. Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 50 Exercise(s): Worksheet
I’ve worked here since 2001) 1–2
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 82–83
Worksheet: Gapped sentences to
complete information about the four
people in the texts (one sentence per

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 23 Date 28.8.2024 Day Wednesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 51 (Listening 10) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Standard contexts contexts
1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
information and details of longer simple texts on questions
a range of familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least 3 sentences of yet and already.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Write the letters y – e – t – a – l – r - e – a – d – y on the board in a random way.
 Pupils will be asked to find as many words as they can using these letters. Set a time
limit (e.g. two minutes).
Starter  Pupils write the words. They could work in pairs or small groups.
 Gather their ideas and see how many they could find. If they do not find yet and
already, point these out to them and write them on the board.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Introduce the vocabulary at the top of the page (Pupil’s Book, p.52) using examples
from your school.
 Pupils listen to the dialogue to find the answers to their questions.
 Play the recording again and have pupils raise their hand when they hear the words.
 Pupils will be asked to read the dialogue and notice the form and meaning of the
Main Activities
present perfect, yet and already.
 Pupils write sentences to practise yet and already.
 Pupils make a list of things to do at a new school.
 You could ask them to imagine their first day at secondary school, if this is appropriate
in your context.
 Pupils have a conversation using questions and answers using the target language.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Statements, negatives & questions in Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
present perfect + yet and already. Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 52 Exercise(s): Worksheet
(e.g. Have you…yet? / I haven’t… yet. 1–4
/ I’ve already…) Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 86–87

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 23 Date 29.8.2024 Day Thursday
Class 6E Time 8.00-9.00 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 52 (Speaking 10) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Standard contexts
Learning 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
Standard and others questions
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least four present perfect questions with How long..? and answers with for and since
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils are introduced to the target language.
 Encourage pupils to think for themselves about the language form and meaning by
asking the questions suggested in the Teacher’s Book instructions.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils will work in pairs to write the questions and answers so that they can support
each other.
 Encourage pupils to do this without writing questions. Have pupils write the questions
Main Activities from their previous activity in their notebooks.
 Then ask them to add more questions, as many as they like (set a time limit).
 Pupils ask and answer their questions in pairs.
 Re-pair pupils or put pairs together into groups of four.
 Pupils tell each other information about their partner from steps four to six.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Present perfect questions with How Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
long..? and answers with for and Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 51 Exercise(s): Worksheet
since 1–3
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 84–85

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 23 Date 30.8.2024 Day Friday
Class 6E, 6G Time 10.20-12.20 Attendance

53 (Language Arts World of

Lesson Topic Cool jobs Theme
10) Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Writing
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
actions or feelings and explain the reasons for in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings and explain the reasons for them.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils take turns guessing letters that spell a place mentioned in Akbar’s Dream before
Starter they run out of tries. Write _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (place) on board. Answer: TAJ MAHAL
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Play a video of a virtual tour of the Taj Mahal.
 In pairs, pupils discuss and describe the scenes as the video is being played a second
time. Pupils will be asked to close their eyes and imagine themselves visiting Taj
Main Activities  Ask questions to elicit responses from pupils on what they can see, hear, smell and feel
if they are actually there.
 Distribute the worksheet from the guidebook (Appendix 2, page 41) to each pupil.
 Pupils complete the worksheet.
 Ask for volunteers to share their answers in complete sentences (e.g. I see many
people. I hear cameras clicking. I feel excited.)
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Use Post-lesson Task 6 (Make A Word Ladder): Pupils practise spelling in teams where
each pupil takes turns writing a word on the board.
 The teacher will choose the topic/category based on today’s lesson (e.g. Things I can
see at the Taj Mahal or How I feel when I’m at the Taj Mahal).
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Nouns: flowers, trees, building; Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford Individual
Adjectives to describe feelings: Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Guidebook Worksheet
happy, excited, tired Page(s): 39 - 41
Taj Mahal, India tour 4rTTLjZZz4

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 24 Date 2.9.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 54 (Reading 11) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate a range of purposes in print and digital media
reading strategies
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Standard of simple longer texts and others
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Give detailed information about themselves and others
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Introduce the job ‘paramedic’ if pupils did not mention this in Step 1.
 Use the picture in the Pupil’s Book, p.54 to help elicit some ideas about a paramedic’s
job, including positive and negative points relating to it. Make notes on the board.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pupils read the text in the Pupil’s Book, p.54 (Activity 1).
 Pupils check to see whether their ideas are the same as those mentioned in the text.
 Pupils order the questions according to the order in which the answers appear in the
 Have pupils answer the questions in their notebooks. They should do this individually
Main Activities
before checking in pairs.
 Elicit full sentences during feedback on Step 5 and have pupils write the answers in full
in their notebooks if they haven’t already.
 Have pupils plan and write their questions first before asking you.
 Set a homework task – Interview: pupils should ask their questions (from Step 7) to a
family member and make a note of their answers to bring to the next class.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Play ‘Numbers about me’ – write some numbers that are significant to you on the board
(e.g. the number of years you have been a teacher; the number of people living in your
house; the number of pupils you teach, etc.).
 Pupils ask your questions to guess what the numbers represent, e.g. How long have
you been a teacher? / How long have you lived in this town? / How many pets do you
have? etc.)
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Review of question-answer forms Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
(various tenses) Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 54 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 90
Large copy of picture of paramedic
from Pupil’s Book p.54 Prepare your
answers to Activity 2 (see Teacher’s
Book p.90)

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 24 Date 3.9.2024 Day Tuesday
Class 6E, 6G, 6A Time 8.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 55 (Writing 11) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Writing
Content 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media a range of purposes in print and digital media
Learning 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 4.2.4 Describe personality
Standard and others
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. List out at least six adjectives to describe personality (e.g. brave);
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Remind pupils of the post-lesson activity you did in the last lesson (‘Numbers about
 Have pupils do this activity in groups, using information about themselves.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Introduce vocabulary to describe personality (e.g. brave, shy, outgoing) which could
describe people in different jobs.
 Using the word/picture cards, pupils play a game in groups where they match adjectives
and jobs (e.g. Pelmanism, where the cards are all face-down; in turns, pupils turn over
two cards to see if they make a pair) (CCE: Values – Understanding that certain jobs
require different personalities or qualities).
Main Activities  However, pupils work first individually on their writing, basing it on their notes from the
homework interview task (of course, they will have to change the title from ‘My English
teacher’ to e.g. ‘My father’). They should add in a sentence at the end which describes
the personality of the person they interviewed.
 Pupils self-evaluate their writing.
 Have pupils make changes to their writing (second draft) in a different colour.
 In groups, pupils volunteer to read their work to each other.
 Pupils focus on collocations with make and do.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Tenses review; Adjectives to describe Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
personality (e.g. brave); collocations Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 55 Exercise(s): Worksheet
with make and do (e.g. make a noise; 3–4
do your homework). Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 90
Pupils’ homework from Lesson 54
Word or picture flashcards of different
jobs (one set per group) Word cards
of different personality adjectives (one
set per group)

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 24 Date 4.9.2024 Day Wednesday
Class 6A, 6G, 6E Time 9.00-12.50 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 56 (Listening 11) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a
Standard contexts variety of contexts
1.2.1 Understand with little or no support the 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
main idea of longer simple texts on a range of from clues provided by other known words and
familiar topics by context on familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Write at least six sentences of present simple and present perfect.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Review job and personality vocabulary from previous lesson.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils listen for the main idea to see which the speaker thinks are the best job in the
 Ask another gist question before pupils listen, such as Do you think Jean loves his job?
 Draw attention to the words in the box on Pupil’s Book, p.53.
 Ask pupils to listen again. They should try to understand the words in the box based on
the context in which they are used.
 As each word is mentioned in the text, pause the recording and ask pupils to think
about the meaning of the word they just heard. You could guide pupils as a whole class
Main Activities
if your pupils find this strategy challenging.
 Divide the class into two groups. One group looks at Activity 3 (ordering the steps) and
the other group looks at Activity 4 (answering the questions).
 Have pupils try to do the task before they listen for a third time, then play the audio
 Pupils make pairs or small groups of at least one pupil from each of the groups in Step
 They exchange their answers so that all pupils have both activities answered.
 Check answers as a whole class
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Close the lesson with a game to review vocabulary or content, such as the Warm-up:
Physical spelling
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Tenses review – present simple and Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
present perfect Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 53 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 88–89

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 24 Date 5.9.2024 Day Thursday
Class 6A, 6E Time 9.00-12.20 Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 57 (Speaking 11) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Writing
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
Learning 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
Standard and others in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Connect to real jobs with their related vocabulary.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Focus on jobs covered in the unit as well as jobs you think your pupils are interested in
Starter doing in the future
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils will be asked to recalled the listening text from the previous lesson.
 Pupils discuss the questions in pairs.
 Ask pupils to think about what they would like to do in the future.
 Have them write the job name in their notebooks (e.g. lawyer, doctor, cook).
 Monitor and help pupils with vocabulary as necessary and encourage them to use a
dictionary to check the spelling if needed.
 Based on the vocabulary on the board, have pupils write, in a column, three more jobs
they’d quite like to do, in order of preference with the jobs they wrote in Step 3 at the
 Have pupils work in pairs to talk about the jobs they would like to do, giving reasons for
Main Activities their choice and explaining the kind of personality needed for that job (CCE: Values –
thinking about what different jobs require).
 For example, I really want to be a doctor because I want to help people when they are
sick. If I can’t be a doctor, then I want/I’d like to be a firefighter. Firefighters help people
in danger. Doctors and firefighters need to be brave, I think.
 Ask pupils to walk around the classroom to find other pupils who want to do the same
job as them. They should stand in pairs or groups. If some pupils can’t find a partner or
group, have them use a job further down their list or choose a group to go to.
 Pupils work in pairs from their new groups. They write two to three sentences about the
job they have chosen.
 Tell pupils to focus on spelling at this time and remind them to check or ask if they are
not sure.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Review collocations with make and do using word cards.
Plenary  Pupils look at the word cards and divide them according to whether they go with make
or do.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Jobs (e.g. lawyer), and related Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
vocabulary (e.g. help; work) Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 53 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 89
Workbook: Page: 43

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 24 Date 6.9.2024 Day Friday
Class 6E, 6G Time 9.00-12.20 Attendance

58 (Language Arts World of

Lesson Topic Cool jobs Theme
11) Stories
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Writing
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
actions or feelings and explain the reasons for in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings and explain the reasons for them
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Play video to remind pupils how
speech marks are used.
Starter  Get pupils to find speech marks or spoken sentences in their copy of Akbar’s Dream
and share them with a friend.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
 Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Prepare cut-out speech strips from the guidebook (page 57) and put them in a box.
 Select pupils randomly to pick out a speech strip. Pupils read out the speech strips
using appropriate intonation and expression.
 Other pupils guess the characters who said them and justify their answers by providing
Main Activities evidence from the text.
 Distribute worksheets from the guidebook (page 58) to each pupil.
 Pupils complete the worksheets individually.
 Have pupils check their answers in pairs, then as a whole class.
 Monitor and see how pupils manage the worksheets. Give feedback on their effort as
much as their answers
4. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
5. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Use Post-lesson Task 11 (Peer Medals and Future Missions):
 Ask pupils to give feedback on their partner’s participation in the lesson.
 Guide the focus of the feedback (i.e. completion of the worksheet).
 Pupils prepare notes on two things their partner did well (medals) and one thing the
partner could improve on (missions) then give their feedback orally to one another.
 Monitor and see how pupils provide peer feedback.
6. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Punctuation: speech marks Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford Individual
Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Guidebook Worksheet
Page(s): 56 - 58
Using Speech Marks - Basic

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.

Reflection Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities
were given to non-achievers
Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.
Week 25 Date 9.9.2024 Day Monday
Class 6A, 6G Time 8.00-10.00 Attendance

World of
Lesson 59 (Reading 12) Topic Cool jobs Theme
Skills Main: Reading Complementary: Writing
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
print and digital texts by using appropriate form and style for a range of purposes in print
reading strategies and digital media
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
Standard of simple longer texts in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Spell common words.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Introduce pupils to the topic of codes by playing ‘Fizz-Bump’:
 Pupils stand in a circle (more than one circle if you have a large class) to play a
counting game.
 In turns, going around the circle, they begin counting from 1.
 When a number can be divided by 3, pupils say fizz instead of the number; when
divisible by 5, say bump. E.g.:
(1) one – (2) two – (3) fizz – (4) four – (5) bump – (6) fizz (because 2x3=6) – (7)
seven – (8) eight – (9) fizz (because 3x3=9) – (10) bump (because 2x5=10) and so
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils should try to read words using a code.
 Note that this kind of code breaking supports pupils’ spelling.
Main Activities  Pupils read and answer the questions.
 Pupils use the code to decode the message.
 Pupils create their own code in pairs.
 Pupils write a message for their partner using the code.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils write words beginning with the letters in their names.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Spelling of common words, e.g. Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
played, love, football Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 57 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 94–95
A recording of a popular song in

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 25 Date 10.9.2024 Day Tuesday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 60 (Writing 12) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Writing Complementary: Reading
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
Content 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for
print and digital texts by using appropriate
Standard a range of purposes in print and digital media
reading strategies
Learning 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
4.2.2 Describe future plans or events
Standard of simple longer texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Complete and make sentences that has will & won’t for predictions.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Review the topic of codes by having pupils work with a code (one from the previous
lesson) to write sentences.
 The sentences should be a model of language for this lesson in negative and positive
sentences, e.g. I think I will be a waiter when I grow up. / I don’t think I will be a
footballer when I grow up.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Put the flashcards on the board and elicit the job vocabulary.
 Ask pupils to say what they would like to be when they grow up.
 Explain that sometimes we can’t do a job we’d really like
o when we are young (e.g. children who want to become professional sports or
pop stars).
o Ask them, Do you think you will be a …? and elicit sentences similar to those
in the warmer.
 Encourage them to say why/why not, using personality adjectives or other answers.
 Have pupils write two or three sentences about what they think they want to be, what
they will and won’t be when they grow up (e.g. I want to be a footballer, but I think I will
be a sports teacher. I won’t be a doctor [because I don’t like blood!]).
Main Activities  You may want to model this language specifically on the board before pupils begin
 Have pupils talk to their partner about their .
 Elicit the process for a job application, starting with job advert, application, interview etc.
 Refer pupils back to the job advert in the Pupil’s Book, p.43.
 Tell pupils they will see a job advert and should answer some MCQs (multiple-choice
questions). Ask pupils to do the tasks on the worksheet individually first, then they can
check with their partner.
 Review the answers and ask pupils how they approached the task, e.g. read the job
advert and highlight the key information; read the questions and answers; and eliminate
the answers which are clearly wrong.
 Ask pupils to imagine they have applied for this job. They talk to their partner: Will you
get the job? Why? Why not?
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Future: will & won’t for predictions Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
(e.g. I think I will be a doctor) Pupil’s Book: Page: 43 Flashcards Worksheet
(pictures if possible) of various jobs.
Worksheet: A short job advertisement
for a computer programmer.

Reflection Choose an item.

Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 25 Date 11.9.2024 Day Wednesday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 61 (Listening 12) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a
Standard contexts variety of contexts
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words
Learning 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported
from clues provided by other known words and
Standard questions
by context on familiar topics
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Use the correct function of functional language (polite language, e.g. I’m afraid I…)
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Introduce Robert the robot using the picture in the Pupil’s Book, p.56.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Have pupils guess the meaning of the words in the box in the Pupil’s Book, p.56.
 They should then check the meanings in the dictionary at the back of the book.
 Pupils form questions to act out a dialogue with Robert.
Main Activities
 Pupils listen for questions and answers in the dialogue. Focus on polite language after
pupils listen.
 Pupils work in pairs to reinforce polite language by completing the gap-fill activity
(Activity 1) in the Workbook, p.46.
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils answer a simple quiz with the guidance of the teacher.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Functional language (polite language, Academy Stars Year 6 Pupil’s Book: Individual
e.g. I’m afraid I…) Page(s): 56 Exercise(s): 1–3 Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 92
Workbook: Page: 46 Exercise: 1

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 25 Date 12.9.2024 Day Thursday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
Lesson 62 (Speaking 12) Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Reading
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear
print and digital texts by using appropriate
reading strategies
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details
by checking understanding of what a speaker is of simple longer texts
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Use the correct function of functional language.
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Write on the board: haven’t - I’m - time - I - sorry - had - . - , Pupils race to make a
sentence [Answer: I’m sorry, I haven’t had time.]
 Repeat with another phrase from the previous lesson.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils act out a dialogue with Robert.
 Hand out the worksheets and have pupils look at the dialogue and choose the most
appropriate ways to complete it.
 They should work with expressions from this lesson at this stage, including polite
Main Activities
language and interaction strategies.
 In their notebooks, pupils draw a picture of a robot, and give it a name.
 The picture should show the robot doing something helpful (See Pupil’s Book, p.56 for a
5. Pupils use their robots to create and practise a similar dialogue to Step 3.
6. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
7. Pupils carry out post lesson activity with guidance.
 Have volunteers come to the front of the class to perform their dialogue.
Plenary  Give positive feedback on their efforts and draw attention in feedback to the use of
interaction strategies (Main Leaning Standard).
8. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Functional language (polite language, Academy Stars Year 6 Individual
e.g. I’m afraid I…) Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 56 Exercise(s): Worksheet
Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 93
Worksheet: A dialogue building task,
including expressions from this

Choose an item.
Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 25 Date 13.9.2024 Day Friday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
63 (Language Arts
Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
Skills Main: Language Arts Complementary: Writing
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language
form and style for a range of purposes in print
and digital media
5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately
actions or feelings and explain the reasons for in independent writing
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
1. Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings and explain the reasons for them
Learning Outlines
1. Pupils carry out warm-up activity.
 Pupils look at the picture in the poem and describe what they can see in the picture.
2. Pupils listen to the teacher's explanation of the lesson objectives and success criteria to be
achieved and their relevance to the topic of the lesson.
3. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation of the learning content.
4. Pupils carry out activity with guidance.
 Pupils recite the poem aloud.
 Elicit responses from pupils: · How would you feel if the girl in the poem were your
Main Activities sister? · How would you react if food were to be thrown all over the place and on you? ·
Would you dislike your sister? Why? Why not?
 Pupils describe how their younger brother /sister eats by filling in the Bubble Map (Refer
to guidebook).
5. Pupils complete the exercise based on the topic that has been discussed.
6. Pupils present their Bubble Map to the class.
7. Pupils listen to teacher’s conclusion and summaries from the whole of today’s learning.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation
Adjectives Anthology of Poems for Year 4,5, and Individual
6 Worksheet
My Sister’s Eating Porridge by John
Coldwell Page: 31
Contemporary Children’s Literature
Teaching Guidebook (BPK) -poetry

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.
Week 1 Date 20.3.2023 Day Monday
Class Time Attendance

World of Self,
64 (Language
Awareness 4)
Topic Cool jobs Theme Family and
By the end of the lesson most pupils will be able to:
Learning Outlines
Starter 1.
Main Activities 2.
Plenary 3.
Language/Grammar Focus Teaching Aids Assessment and Evaluation

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Choose an item.
Remarks Choose an item.

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