New SJK Year 6 Cefr Unit 4 - Cool Jobs

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Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 31 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Present perfect with for (e.g. I’ve been a pilot for 12 years) and since
Language/ Grammar focus
(e.g. … since 2001)
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided
by other known words and by context
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Complementary texts by using appropriate reading strategies
skill 3.2.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to
Learning Standard
check meaning
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
read and understand 3 out of 5 phrases and sentences
Write list of different jobs in circle map
from linear texts correctly.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
Use dictionary to find the word(s) and compare the
guess the meaning of new words
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share Textbook Circle Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Play a dictionary race and give pupils words in the text tb p. 48-49 to race and to find in
the dictionary.
1. Pupils brainstorm and think about different jobs. Write list in circle map on the board,
2. Refer the text title and show the pictures. Elicits other unusual jobs.
3. Pupils work in pairs. Each pair copy / write of one of the four texts. Pupils guess the
meaning of new words before checking them in the dictionary as necessary.
Lesson Delivery 4. Elicit the words in the box. Pupils find the words in their text and find the meaning.
5. Pupils write a definition for their word(s) in their notebooks in pairs. Use dictionary to
find the word(s) and compare the dictionary definition.
6. Regroup pupils into groups of four to six so that there is at least one pupil with each text
in each group. Pupils peer-teach the new words to their group and tell the group how
they worked out the meaning of the word(s).
Post Lesson 1. Pupils read all four texts to match the two columns. Check the answers in pairs an as a class.
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 48-49, Exercise(s): 2-3, Teacher’s Book: Page(s):
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 32 Focus Listening
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Statements, negatives & questions in present perfect + yet and
Language/ Grammar focus
already. (e.g. Have you…yet? / I haven’t… yet. / I’ve already…)
Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Main skill Learning Standard 1.2.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and
details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar topics
Complementary Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
listen and identify the words or sentences. listen to the dialogue to find the answers
Success Criteria: Pupils can
listen and understand with support the main idea of
Identify sentences for affirmative and negative sentences
simple text.
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Write the letters y – e – t – a – l – r - e – a – d – y on the board, find as many words as
Pre-lesson pupils can using these letters and set a time. Gather their ideas and see how many they
could find.
1. Introduce the vocabulary at the top of the tb, page 52.
2. Activity 1- Elicits the pupils. Play audio track 1.18. Pupils listen to the dialogue to
find the answers. Practice the dialogue in pair.
3. Play the recording again and pupils raise hand when they hear the words ‘yet’ and
4. Read the dialogue and notice the form and meaning of the present perfect, yet
Lesson Delivery and already.
5. Activity 2- Write sentences to practice. Identify tick ( /) sentences for affirmative
(already) and cross (x) for negative sentences (yet)Write in notebook.
6. Activity 3- pair work.Make a list of things to do at a new school eg: at secondary
7.Have a conversation using questions and answers using the target language for
Activity 4.
1. Cooler: It’s 8 o’clock.- Pupils imagine its 8 pm. Try to remember what they,ve already
Post Lesson done today and what they haven’t done yet.
2. Volunteers came in front and tell to the class.
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 52, Exercise(s): 1–4, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 86–
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 33 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Present perfect questions with How long..? and answers with for
Language/ Grammar focus
and since
Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Main skill Learning Standard 2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others

Complementary Content Standard 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

skill Learning Standard 1.2.5 Understand more complex supported questions
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
List out/ brainstorming 5 words/vocabulary Understand present perfect tense for and since
Success Criteria: Pupils can
listen and identify the words or sentences Ask and answer the questions with partner
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Warm-up: Bingo. Distributes bingo grid worksheet to each pupil. Pupils write 9 names of jobs
in each box. Teacher calls out words in random. Pupils cross the same jobs and the one crossed
out all words, wins.

1. Activity 1- tb p.51 elicits the pupils. Introduce the present perfect tense for and since.
Distributes worksheet or refer workbook p.40.
2. Refer Activity 2- Pupils work in pairs to write the questions and answers.
Lesson Delivery 3. Activity 3- Ask and answer the questions with partner. Do this without writing questions.
4. Pupils write the questions from Activity 3 in notebook and add more questions.
5. Pupils ask and answer their questions in pairs.
6. Re-pair pupils and tell each other information about their partner.
1. Cooler: How long has Lili…? Write the information on the board
Lili…live in Texas 2003 / move to Paris 2006 / study French 2004 / start playing drums 2010
Post Lesson 2. Pupils read and write the sentences in Present Perfect
Eg: Lili has lived in Paris since 2006. / Lili has studies French for 13 years.
3. Get pupils to read out their sentences. / write on the board.
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 51, Exercise(s): 1–3, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 84–
85- workbook page 40.
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 34 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of stories SHORT STORY : AKBAR'S DREAM
Language/ Grammar focus Punctuation: speech marks
Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Main skill Learning Standard 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings
and explain the reasons for them
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in lists, question marks
Learning Standard
and speech marks appropriately at discourse level
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Answer 3 out of 5 questions about the character
read out the speech strips using appropriate intonation
correctly and in and find the words search in pair or
and expression.
group work.
Success Criteria: Pupils can
Review of vocabulary and language from previous
guess the characters and justify their answers
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
 Creativity and
  Communication Flashcards . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Play video to remind students of
speech markers. Find speech marks or spoken words in Akbar's Dream and show a friend.
1. Prepare cut-out speech strips p.57 and put them in a box.
2. Select pupils randomly to pick out a speech strip and read out the speech strips using
appropriate intonation and expression.

Lesson Delivery 3. Other pupils guess the characters and justify their answers by providing evidence from
the text.
4. Distribute worksheets to each pupil then complete the worksheets individually.
5. Pupils check their answers in pairs, then as a whole class. Give feedback on their effort
as much as their answers.
1. Task 11 (Peer Medals and Future Missions): Ask pupils to give feedback on their partner’s
participation in the lesson. Guide the focus of the feedback Pupils prepare notes on two things
Post Lesson
their partner did well (medals) and one thing the partner could improve on (missions) then give
their feedback orally to one another.
Akbar’s Dream by Jane Langford, Akbar’s Dream Teacher’s Guidebook Page(s): 56 – 58, Using
Speech Marks - Basic https://www.youtu d1HWaT6494w
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 35 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Tenses review; Adjectives to describe personality (e.g. brave);
Language/ Grammar focus collocations with make and do (e.g. make a noise; do your
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
Main skill
Learning Standard
4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Complementary Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard 4.2.4 Describe personality
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
listen and describe their personality with an adjective. match adjectives and jobs using the word/picture cards
Success Criteria: Pupils can
read the text and produce a paragraph. self-evaluate their writing
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  Values Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Remind pupils of the post-lesson activity (‘Numbers about me’), pupils do activity in groups and
Pre-lesson using information about themselves.

1. Introduce vocabulary to describe personality. (eg. Brave, shy, outgoing)

2. Pupils play a game in groups, match adjectives and jobs using the word/picture cards.
3. Activity 3- tb p.55. In pairs, pupils write about their family members from homework task
in previous lesson.

Lesson Delivery 4. Activity 4- Discuss using the checklist given. Pupil self-evaluate their writing.
5. Have pupils make changes to their writing (second draft) in a different colour.
6. In groups, pupils volunteer to read their work to each other.
7. Working with words - Pupils look at the picture and read the information. Complete the
phrases focus on collocations with make and do. Check answers as a class. (ans.1.make 4. Make 5. Do 6.make)
Post Lesson 1. In group, pupils match adjectives and jobs using the word/picture cards again.
Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 55, Exercise(s): 3–4, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 90,
Pupils’ homework from Lesson 54
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 36 Focus Speaking
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Language/ Grammar focus Functional language (polite language, e.g. I’m afraid I…)
Content Standard 2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies
Main skill Learning Standard 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by 2.2.1 Keep
interaction going in short exchanges by saying
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Complementary texts by using appropriate reading strategies
skill 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
respond to the sentences in the target language Read the dialogues with different intonation
Success Criteria: Pupils can
role play the dialogue with friends and talk about
create and practise a dialogue
related topic given
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  Values Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Teacher writes on the board – haven’t – I’m – time – I – sorry – had.
2. Pupils race to make a sentence [Answer: I’m sorry, I haven’t had time.]

1. Explain to the pupils that each dialogues have different intonation based on situations.
2. Activity 4 -Pupils act out a dialogue with Robert in pairs again using the phrases in the box.
Lesson Delivery 3. Pupils draw a picture of a robot doing something helpful and give it a name in their
4. Pupils use their robots to create and practise a similar dialogue.

1. Volunteers come to the front of the class to perform their dialogue. Give positive feedback on
Post Lesson
their efforts and draw attention in feedback to the use of interaction strategies.
Reference Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 56, Exercise(s): 4, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 93

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 37 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of knowledge UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Spelling of common words, e.g.
Language/ Grammar focus
played, love, football
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Main skill
Learning Standard 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
read and answer at least 3 out of 5 questions solve the sum and find secret code
Success Criteria: Pupils can
complete the task given in pair or group work write in new code one or two sentences
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
Pre-lesson 1. Introduce pupils to the topic of codes by playing ‘Fizz-Bump’.
1. Cooler: Numbers and letters. Write on the board ( 10 R 7B 4T 9I 3A). Then write following
sum- (8+2 2+1 4+3 2+5 3+3+3 2+1+1) Pupils work in pairs to solve the sum and find
secret code (rabbit).
2. Pupils read and answer the questions in Activity 1 tb p.57.
Lesson Delivery 3. Pupils in pairs use the code to decode the message in Activity 2.
4. Pupils refer Activity 3 and create their own code in pairs.
5. Activity 4 - Pupils write a message for their partner using the code.
6. Musical learners – play a popular song with a simple lyrics and pupils write in new code
one or two sentences.
1.Acronyms - Pupils write words beginning with the letters in their names.
Post Lesson Eg: CYNDI -Calm Young Nice Delightful Interesting

Academy Stars Year 6, Pupil’s Book: Page(s): 57, Exercise(s): 1–4, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 94–
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >
‘Fizz-Bump’:Pupils stand in a circle (more than one circle if you have a large class) to play a counting game. In turns, going
around the circle, they begin counting from 1. When a number can be divided by 3, pupils say fizz instead of the number;
when divisible by 5, say bump. E.g.: (1) one – (2) two – (3) fizz – (4) four – (5) bump – (6) fizz (because 2x3=6) – (7) seven –
(8) eight – (9) fizz (because 3x3=9) – (10) bump (because 2x5=10) and so on

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 38 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends POETRY : MY SISTER'S EATING PORRIDGE
Language/ Grammar focus Adjectives
Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Main skill Learning Standard 5.2.1 Describe in simple language a character’s actions or feelings
and explain the reasons for them
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Content Standard
Complementary range of purposes in print and digital media
skill 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent
Learning Standard
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
Answer the questions based on the poem and write in
recite the poem in group
Success Criteria: Pupils can
present and tell to the class. filling in the Bubble Map
21st Century Activities &   Assessment
Resources CCE / EE
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
 Creativity and
  Communication Flashcards . Observation 
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1. Pupils look at the picture in the poem and describe what they can see in the picture.

1. Pupils recite the poem aloud.

2. Elicit responses from pupils:
How would you feel if the girl in the poem were your sister?
Lesson Delivery
How would you react if food were to be thrown all over the place and on you?
Would you dislike your sister? Why? Why not?
3. Pupils describe how their younger brother /sister eats by filling in the Bubble Map.
Post Lesson 1. Pupils present their Bubble Map to the class.
Anthology of Poems for Year 4,5, and 6, My Sister’s Eating Porridge by John Coldwell
Page: 31
Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Week CLICK ----> Class  6 Time  

Day Choose an item. Attendance      
Date  21-Mar-22 Lesson 39 Focus Language Awareness
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS
Language/ Grammar focus
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
Content Standard
Main skill texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standard 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple longer texts
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Complementary Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standard 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
read and understand 3 out of 5 phrases and sentences write the words or phrases they learn in this unit in
from linear texts correctly bubble map
Success Criteria: Pupils can
fill in the blanks 4 out of 5 correctly and appropriately read true sentences about themselves
21st Century Activities &
Resources   CCE / EE Assessment
Think-Pair-Share worksheets Bubble Map  Language Questions 
  Communication Flashcards .  . Observation 
Learning Outline
1. Warm-up: Bingo. Distributes bingo grid worksheet to each pupil. Pupils write 9 names of
Pre-lesson jobs in each box. Teacher calls out words in random. Pupils cross the same jobs and the
one crossed out all words, wins.

1. On the board, teacher write words cool jobs in a circle and elicits the pupils to take turn
and write the words or phrases they learn in this unit. Make a bubble map.
Lesson Delivery 2. Pupils identify the words and the meaning. Get some pupils to explain to the class.
3. Distributes worksheet and pupils fill in the blanks based on previous lesson in the unit.
4. Discuss the answers in pairs and the by a class.

1.Volunteers come to the front of the class to read true sentences about themselves.
Post Lesson
Academy Stars Year 6, Teacher’s Book: Page(s): 75, Workbook: Page(s): 36–37.

Most pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to : Click and choose reason here >

Refer worksheet in PPT -Lesson materials.

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