SESSION: 2022-2023
B. Tech. (5th Semester)
Q. Particulars Marks
1 (a) Which material used in gas turbine engine? How strength of this [5+5]
material increases with the temperature? Justify with mechanisms.
(b) Discuss various phases those are observed in Ni-based superalloys.
2 (a) Briefly discuss on various steps in ceramic processing. [6+2+2]
(b) Discuss on mass transport mechanism.
(c) Which advanced materials are used in cutting tool materials? Discuss.
3 (a) What will happen with the implanted host, if the material is not [2+8]
(b) Classify biomaterials.
4 (a) Explain various methods and rules that will be followed for the [2+2+6]
fabrication of Bulk metallic glass (BMG).
(b) Why multicomponent system is essential for BMG fabrication?
(c) Explain various fabrication techniques of BMG.
5 (a) What is self-cleaning materials? [2+6+2]
(b) Discuss the three models on wettability for a self-cleaning surface.
(c) What are the factors that supports the superhydrophobic nature of a
6 Write short note on:
a) Processing of superalloys. [5x2]
b) Classification of advanced ceramic materials.
c) NiTi alloys
d) Properties of BMG.
e) Lotus effect of Superhydrophobic materials.
………………………………………………………………Best of Luck……………………………………………………………………