nr321803 Foundry Technology

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Code No: NR321803 NR

III B.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, Apr/May 2006

(Metallurgy & Material Technology)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) State and Explain the factors that determine the selection of a casting alloy
and the casing process to be Employed. [8+8]
(b) What are the important sections of a Foundry? Briefly Explain the activities
in each of the sections.

2. Explain in detail the properties desired for a good molding sand. [16]

3. Compare precision investment casting and shell molding processes from the stand
point of process, product and applications. [16]

4. (a) For ease of molding it is decided to replace a spherical riser of diameter 100
mm I by a cylindrical riser. Determine the size of the cylindrical riser that
will have the identical solidification time. (Assume Blind risering).
{Ratio of Height to Radius of Cylinder is 2 : 1} [6+5+5]
(b) Compare the modulus method with that of CAINE’s method for fixing the
riser dimensions.
(c) What are the methods available to a casting designer to increase the casting
yield -Explain them.

5. (a) Derive an expression for critical nucleus size during nucleation. [8+8]
(b) Distinguish between progressive solidification and directional solidification.

6. (a) What is carbon equivalent? How is it computed? If a cast iron has 3 − 4%

carbon and 2% silicon is it hypo or Hyper eutectic cast iron? Why? [7+9]
(b) Explain the significance of the following factors in the operation of cupola.
(i) Coke-bed height (ii) Blast pressure (iii) air flow rate.

7. (a) What are the materials used; what are their specifications that are used in full
mold process. [8+8]
(b) What is vacuum molding. Explain the process in detail.

8. What are the various casting defects that form due to incomplete / improper feed-
ing? Explain them with suitable figures and suggest suitable remedial measures.


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