Limited English Proficient - 4-6
Limited English Proficient - 4-6
Limited English Proficient - 4-6
Story Reenactment Include more props for Allow students to read Encourage students to read Assess reading
greater level of context and stories at a lower reading stories at their reading comprehension
Students act out stories after they
comprehension support. level so they may better level, and then act out the Sequencing practice
are heard or read, using language
Read stories to students so access the text. Include story using the academic Language modalities
from the story and props to help
they do not have to read props to aid in student language they have just supported: reading,
provide context.
the stories yet themselves. comprehension. read. listening, speaking
Guided Reading Encourage students who Provide targeted feedback Once students have Develop oral language and
are at the beginning stages specific to students’ reading developed fluency and basic comprehension through
Group students based on reading
of English-language needs. If students are reading comprehension in structured student
level and select a text that can be
acquisition to focus on struggling with vocabulary, English, support their interaction
comprehended with various
decoding; this is a necessary incorporate visuals to continued growth by having Build reading
instructional supports. First,
first step towards reading support. If students are not them extend their comprehension with
encourage students to make
comprehension. Be sure to reading fluently, model for responses both orally and in targeted, individualized
predictions about what they will
provide visual support to them and/or point out writing. Build instructional support
read. Next, allow students to read
help students make errors and correct them. If comprehension through Language modalities
aloud to themselves and coach
meaning out of what they students are having specific writing prompts and supported: reading,
them individually on their fluency
read. difficulty comprehending, targeted discussion writing, listening, speaking
and comprehension.
encourage students to refer questions.
Source: edCount, LLC 2
English | 4-6
Strategies for Differentiation: Limited English Proficient