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This is a framework for designing speaking lessons. It is not the only one, but is
effective for helping create lessons that are organized, coherent, and lead to a
clear lesson objective.

The stages of a speaking lesson organized in this way are:

 Present - During this phase, Ss understand the context being used, the
form, meaning and use of the vocabulary, function(s), pronunciation point
or grammar, and/or the speaking skills (stating an opinion, pausing while
speaking, interrupting, etc.), which are the focus of the lesson.
 Practice - Ss practice the speaking skills and/or the language component of
the lesson by doing tasks which
 are designed to help Ss increase their accuracy or correctness
 move from Ss’ having no choice of what to say (repetition or drills)
to more, but still limited, choice of the form, meaning, or use of the
skill or language they use in the activity. (Accuracy)
 Use - Students use the language or skill to complete a communicative task
similar to an activity they will or may do outside the classroom. (Fluency)

Stage Rationale Sample activities

Present Students need to be  Brainstorming/eliciting vocabulary
exposed to new  Analyzing/noticing language in a text
language and skills in  Using people and things in the classroom
an authentic way by the  Learning a dialogue
teacher, their peers, or  Watch and follow a model
a listening or reading  Elicitation from students of vocabulary
text. they already know

Practice Students need time and  Gapfill

practice to remember  Matching
the new language or  Cloze
skill and to explore the  Selecting the correct answer
limits of its form,  Substitution or transformation drills
meaning, and use.  Listening/Reading and repeating/saying
 Finding and correcting errors
 Question and Answer (Q&A)
 Completing a sentence or question starter
 Sorting
 Word prompts
 Information gap

Use Students need a chance  Guessing

to personalize and use  Categorizing
the new language or  Ranking
skill, to do something  Comparing/Making Connections
they are likely to do  Interpreting
outside class; fluency  Problem-solving
tasks also help Ss  Ordering
remember the language
 Sharing Personal Information

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or skill, and give the T  Sharing General Information
a chance to assess Ss’  Creative project
learning.  Role-play
 Retell
 Structured Discussion

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