Practice Questions

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1. Draw logic diagram of full adder using K-map simplification and write truth table.

2. Draw logic diagram of full subtractor using K-map simplification and write truth table.
3. Draw block diagram and truth table of 8:1 multiplexer.
4. Implement 16:1 multiplexer using 4:1 multiplexer.
5. Draw block diagram and truth table of 1:8 demultiplexer.
6. Obtain a 1:8 demultiplexer using two 1:4 demultiplexer.
7. Explain with block diagram and truth table 3 to 8 line decoder.
8. Explain with block diagram and truth table decimal to BCD encoder.
9. Describe the working of S-R flip flop with its truth table using NAND gate only.
10. Draw logic symbol, circuit diagram and truth table of D flip flop.
11. Draw logic symbol, circuit diagram and truth table of T flip flop.
12. Describe the working of JK flip flop with its circuit diagram and truth table.
13. Describe the working of master slave JK flip flop with its circuit diagram and truth table.
14. Define shift registers and its types.
15. Describe the operation of 4 bit serial in serial out shift register.
16. Describe the operation of 4 bit serial in parallel out shift register.
17. Explain the 4 bit asynchronous up counter with its truth table and timing diagram.
18. Design decade asynchronous up counter.
19. Explain the 4 bit asynchronous down counter with its truth table and timing diagram.
20. Explain the 4 bit synchronous up counter using T flip flop with its truth table and timing diagram.
21. Design 3 bit up down synchronous counter.
22. Describe the working of ring counter using D flip flop with diagram, truth table and wave form.
23. Describe the working of Johnson’s counter using JK flip flop with diagram, truth table and wave form.
24. List the types of DAC.
25. Explain Binary weighted resistor DAC with proper circuit diagram.
26. Explain R-2R ladder DAC with proper circuit diagram.
27. Calculate the analog output of a 4- bit DAC if the digital input is 1100. Assume V FS = 5V.
28. State two specifications of DAC.
29. Explain with proper circuit diagram 3bit successive approximation ADC.
30. Explain with proper circuit diagram dual slope integrator ADC.
31. Give classification of memories.
32. Compare volatile and non volatile memory.
33. Compare RAM and ROM

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