DLD Questions

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(a) With logic diagram and truth table explain the working of 3 to 8 line decoder. 07
(b) With logic diagram and truth table explain the working JK Flipflop.Also obtain its
characteristic equation. How JK flip-flop is the refinement of RS flip-flop?

1. With logic diagram and function table explain the operation of 4 to 1 line
2.What is the function of shift register? With the help of simple diagram explain its
working. With block diagram and timing diagram explain the serial transfer of
information from register A to register B.
Design a 4 bit binary to BCD code converter
Design a full adder circuit using decoder and multiplexer
Convert SR flip-flop into JK flip-flop
convert decimal 8620 into BCD, excess-3 code and Gray code.
Design a combinational circuit whose input is four bit binary number and
output is the 2’s complement of the input binary number.

Design a full-adder with two half-adders and an OR gate

Design a BCD to decimal decoder

What is multiplexer? Implement the following function with a multiplexer:

F(A,B,C,D) = Σ(0 , 1 , 3 , 4 , 8 , 9 ,15 )

Design the Combinational Circuits for Binary to Gray Code Conversion.

Construct 4*16 Decoder with help of 2*4 Decoder.

Explain Master Slave Flip Flop through J.K Flip Flop

Design Sequential Circuit with J.K. Flip Flops to satisfy the following state
A( t + 1 ) =A′ B′ CD + A′ B′ C + ACD +AC′ D′
B(t+1)= A′ C + CD′ + A′ BC′
C(t + 1) = B
D(t +1)=D′

Explain 4 bit Magnitude Comparator

Explain 4bit binary ripple counter.

Design a combinational circuit that accepts a three bit binary
number and generates an output binary number equal to the square
of the input number.

Design a combinational circuit that generates the 9′ complement of a

BCD digit,

Represent the decimal number 8620 in BCD , Excess-3 , and Gray code

Design BCD to Excess-3 code converter using minimum number (08)

of NAND gates

Construct 4x16 decoder with two 3x8 decoders.

Design and implement BCD to excess 3 code converter.

Design a sequential with JK flip-flops to satisfy the following state equations:

A(t+1) =AˊBˊCD+AˊBˊC+ACD+ACˊDˊ
B(t+1) = AˊC +CDˊ+AˊBCˊ
C(t+1) = B
D(t+1) = Dˊ

Design a sequential circuit using JK Flip-Flops and two states Q0 and Q1 such
that ,
1. It moves to the next state for input 0. (00 to 01, 01 to 10,…, 11 to 00)
2. It moves to the previous state for input 1. (reverse from the above mentioned

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