Assignment 3 DSD
Assignment 3 DSD
Assignment 3 DSD
13. Construct the excitation table, transition table and state diagram for the Moore sequential circuit
given below.
14. Compare Moore and Mealy models. Explain the Mealy model of a clocked synchronous sequential
15. A sequential circuit has one input and one output state diagram is as shown in Fig.
16. A sequential circuit has two flip-flops A and B, two inputs x and y, and an output z. The flip-flop input
functions and the circuit output functions are as follows: Obtain the logic diagram, state table and state
equations, also state diagram.
17. Construct a mealy state diagram that will detect a serial sequence of 10110 when the input poltroon
has been detected cause an output Z to be asserted high.
18. Design a clocked sequential circuit for the given state diagram using D-flipflop.
20. Give output function, excitation table, transition table, state table and state diagram by analyzing the sequential
circuit shown in FIG.
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