Analysis: Simple
Analysis: Simple
Analysis: Simple
Priliminary Tests :
1, Colour
White Cu', Fe' & Mn'
cations may be absent.
2. State
3. Flame test :
Clean the platinumwire by dipping in Colour tlameis not observed CaSr.Ba .CuZn
con.HCland heat it on flame upto no
olour appears. Now, prepare the paste (or) MnPb
of con.HCl+ sali in watch glass, then are absent.
introduce this paste by platinum wire
loop into the tlame.
4, Action of heat :
Asmall quantity of salt is taken in Charateristics smell of vinegar. May be Acetate
adry test tube and strongly heated. (CH CO0 ) ion is
58 : ldentification of Anion
1. Action of dil.HCI :
Asmall quantity of saltis taken ina ColourlesS vapours with smellof May be Acetate
dry test tube and dil.HCI isadded. inegaris evolved and which turns blue (CHCO0) ion is
litmus to red. present.
2. Esterification test :
To the salt solution Conc.H,SO Fruity odour is obtained. Acetate (CH,CO0-)
and CH,OH are added and heated. ion is confimed.
It is poured into water.
Test for Ammoniumn (NH, )ion : smellof
Tothe small quantity of salt is taken in colour gas with pungent Ammonium
less(NH,)is evolvedand givescation maybe pre(NH
a dry testtube a few dropsof Na0H (NH,C)with
solution is added and heated strongly. dense white fumes
dipped in Conc.HCI
glass rod when
Note: 1fAmmoniumi cationisidentificdthen wVrite following table. Do confirmation test of Ammonjium Cator,
Name of the
dnos Group Reagents
ldentification Tests of cations )
Name of the Precipitate Cation
Salt solution + dil. HCI White ppt. PbCI, is not formed. Lead (Ph) absent
SCORER I Salt solution +dil. HCI+H,S gas Black ppt. CuS is not formed. Copper (Cu) abser:
Salt solution +NH Cl salt + White gelatino us ppt.AI/OH), 0s not formed. Aluminium (At') abce
NH,OH solution Dirty Green ppt. Fe(OH), is not formed. Ferrous (Fe**) absert
9440122758Cont :
Salt solution + NH,Cl salt + White ppt. ZnS is not formed. Zinc (Zn) absent
Flesh colour ppt.MnSis not formed. Manganese (Mn) abse:
NH,OH solution +H_S gas Black ppt. Nis is not formed. Nickel (N)) absent
Salt solution + NH,Cl salt + White ppt. CaC0, is not formed. Calcium (Ca) absent
NH,OH solution + White ppt. BaCO, is not formed.
solution (NH),CO, Barium (Ba) absent
White ppt. SrCo, is not formed. Strontium (Sr) absen:
No group reagents
Magnesium (Mg) absent
Report :
The given Cation is
The given Anion is Ammonium (NH")
The given salt is Acetate (CHCO0 )
um Acetate NH, (CH COO)