Airah Case Study
Airah Case Study
Airah Case Study
The client Nanay Celidonia has a problem and seeking for a help. Because of the pandemic
before the source of income of his husband get affected, since she was already 60 years old she
ask me to help her to apply for the Senior Citizen membership, through this benefits it will be a big
help for their daily needs.
A. The Client
Nanay Celedonia said that she was a very ordinary person when she was young, they
lived in a simple house in Negros Occidental with her family, she was 2 nd child among her other
siblings when she was a child she likes to play with other children and love to play with them.
According to her on her young age her parents thought her a simple house hold chores so that if she
would have her own family in the future, she simply knows everything.
She said that the destiny brought her here in South Cotabato when she was young, she
remembered that she is 6 years old that time when her mother decided to live here and start a new
Mother Francisca Complex, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
life because they left their town, her father was died because of undefined dieses during that day they
experience difficulty like financial problem. So that they decided to live here in Banga Soith Cotabato,
she started her elementary days and her mother enrolled her in adventist Elementary school.
According to her when she was young, she wants to be a teacher in the future, so that she does her
very best to make it happen. She became an honor student that time, she also a helpful and friendly
one when she was in school.
According to her, she was upset that time because she thought that she could continue studying
high school when her mother force her to stop because she can’t provide the means of her school
needs even if it is a public school but she can’t give her allowance. As a year pass, she remembered
that she finds a job even if she is a minor, she does everything that could give her money to support
her family she sells banana cue and somehow, she does wash a laundry with other people exchange
of 1 kilo rice and 5 pieces egg.
When she was 15 years old, she decided to live in General Santos City in the house of her Aunt the
sister of her mother. Her aunt find her a job she refer her to its friends to work for them as a maid she
is a stay in maid and she work for them for almost 3 months, she decided to stop it and get back
again to Barangay Rizal 3 banga saouth cotabato because the salary that they give to her is very
small amount it can’t pay her other expenses she remembered that exactly 30 pesos per month was
her salary 1 peso per day her salary. So, when she was here in Rizal 3 she sells cigarettes in street
or if there is a lot of people who play billiards. She is 16 years old when she had found her husband a
year after that she was pregnant on their first child, she is 17 years old that time. She and her
husband had 8 children; she is 15 years age gap with her husband. Sadly, her husband died due to
heart attack. 7 years before she met another man that would take care of her and they are now living
B. The Family
Her father names are Julito and her mother’s name is Rosilda they are both originally came from
Negros Occidental according to nanay celidonia, she doesn’t remember about the story of their
parents because she was so young when their father died and their mother don’t tell them about their
story. She had 2 siblings before their father leave them. Their eldest Jose had his own family at the
age of 15, and leave near with their house with his family, somehow, they give some extra money
from his job in the farm. She and her youngest sister had to sell banana que and some kakanin made
by their mother in order to sustain their financial expenses. Her mother sells also coconut wine on
their talipapa so that it could help also.
Because of their situation her eldest brother doesn’t finish his studying because they don’t have
enough income to support their school expenses. Also, her mother force Jose to stop because he is
so very stubborn and doesn’t want to go in school. So, she said that instead that he uses his time in
not so important matter he would help his sibling to sell their banana cue and kakanin. But he doesn’t
listen instead he had impregnated his girlfriend.
Mother Francisca Complex, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
As a year by her mother had her new husband and they have 3 children with him. But she said
that she doesn’t remember what happen during that day. Because she was taken by her mother to
stay here in South Cotabato. Her mother left her on its aunt and came back again to negros
occidental. She grows independently and doesn’t hear about her other siblings. She only knows that
all of them have their own family.
Just like her mother she was left by his husband because of kidney failure, she also said that his
husband was always drunk every night when he was got home. Because of the incident Nanay
Celedonia triple her time just to sustain their family. Since, some of her children have their own family
and some of them have a job they also help their mother to other expenses of their siblings.
Luckily, when she was working on Purok Pag asa, she was a banana cue vendor there, she meets
Tatay Nickanor, this man thought him to be strong and fight again to live. So now, they are 6 years
together and tried to live with their own. They always together, they have a small bicycle with side
guard they collecting plastics and any material that they can sell exchange of money that they can
use to buy 1 whole day meal. They always go somewhere, sometimes they bring to them their
cooking pot so that even if they can’t go home to eat lunch they can cook everywhere. Even life is so
hard they face it together and tried to get happy and contended to what they have Tatay Nickanor
Based on what I have observed during my visit in their house for the interview, my client is living in
an abandon house for almost 3 years together with her partner. Their house was made of
concrete materials but some of it is has a lot of damage, their roof, wall and even their floor have
so many defects, then they don’t have also door and windows to make them secure at night. They
put some bamboo sticks in them just to make it a temporary door and windows. They don’t have
electricity in their house they use lamp during the night.
According to the client the owner of the house is a Doctor who is now in abroad. She said that
they allow them to stay there just to make the surroundings always clean for the mean time until
now one will buy the said property.
V. Assessment Statement
Nanay Celedonia has so many experiences in life since she was young, until now that she is
old, she has experience different difficulties on her life. Nanay Celedonia has a big dream about
for herself and for her family when she was young. She thought no problems that it couldn’t be
resolve if we have the determination and the guts that she would be the reason that could make
her family stable if she had finished her degree and become a professional teacher. She wants to
Mother Francisca Complex, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
pursue that goals in life because she wants to be the instrument that no one would be left behind.
She said that there are a lot of children on their town in Negros Occidental that hasn’t have the
opportunity to have their education. So, when she has finished her elementary days, she was so
very devastated that her mother informs her that she couldn’t continue her studies because no
one could support her through financial.
Because of that all of her dreams fade away, she rises at her very young age to the obligation
that it should not for her, and it was to work together with her mother for the needs of their family.
Until such time that she needs to work apart from her family, when her mother sent her to General
Santos City to work as full-time maid, she accepts it even she doesn’t want to. She works there for
almost three months, she does all of the household chores, even taking care of one child. But she
said, they haven’t pay what she has work for. They pay her for 30 pesos per month that could be 1
peso per day.
She decided to go home as she came back again here in Banga south cotabato, she found a
man that can understand her and promise her to love and to take care of her. She said that she
was so happy that time, at least there is one person well be there for her. She is 16 years old
when they have their first child, when they are new to the marriage life everything was okay, until
their have another child, every two years they have new babies until they have 8 children.
Somehow, her husband gives them they need but the only thing that she doesn’t want is it always
going home late plus drunk.
Because of early death of her husband, she was in deep sorrow, she thinks that no one could
help her to support the means of their family. Since she was young, she only thinks about the
feelings and what would be good for others. Even if it exchanges of her own happiness, she
doesn’t think about it. She has so many potentials if she had finished her studies. She was
intelligent since she was an honor student before. She thinks that if she can get back the time and
have some opportunity, she would make a way just to finish her studies. She also said that she
couldn’t get the time back, she said that she accepts what life she had been right now. According
to Tatay Nickanor, “bahala na si lord sa tanan, ang importante, ano man ka pigado wala nya
gyapun ta gina” they said that we just follow the flow of life in order to live. Even if some
of her children have their own work, she can’t relay their daily expenses to them because almost
of them have their own family to feed on.
As I observed, in the theory of classical and neoclassical it is stated that every person has their
big responsibility to make their own destiny it’s up to use if we choose to be rich or poor in the
future. In this case nanay celedonia chose the path that she had experience when she was young,
because according to her that time she had no one to relay on. Even if she wanted to have a
better life but there is something that stop her to do it and also because of lack of opportunity open
Mother Francisca Complex, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
for her. In the theory of Abraham Maslow which is the Hierarchy of Needs he stated that human
motivated to fulfill their needs in hierarchal order just to fulfill their unmet needs. She knows that
since then, most of her dreams and goals in life have not enough time to fulfill it since she was old
enough. But she said that in order to fulfill her self-needs for now she always tells to herself that
there is a lot of reason to live for, even if life is so hard for her she is motivated every day to woke
up start her day happy and contented for what she have together with her husband.
The interview with Nanay Celedonia was ended telling all of her positive hopes in life, she
cheerfully said that she would glad that there is someone who are there to listen her.
Goal: At the end of the establishment commitment to the client from November 16, 2024 until
December 11, 2024, she would able to get her benefits so that she could start a small business that
would help them for their daily expenses, she could use these benefits to resolve her problems.
This case study will make a way that the client will get this kind of benefits and privileges
that help her to surpass to all of the problems and difficulties that she has experience. This would be
a better start for them to enhance their living. In addition, this recommendation aims to accomplish all
the activities cited above that will improve their social functioning in any aspects of life.
Mother Francisca Complex, Alunan Avenue, Koronadal City
Prepared by:
Social Work Intern
Checked by: