Cicl (Jay)
Cicl (Jay)
Cicl (Jay)
Name : Jay
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Date of Birth : July 12, 2004
Place of Birth : Caloocan City
Educational Attainment/Status : Grade 10 Student
Religious Affiliation : Iglesia ni Cristo (INC)
Present Address : Zone 3 Puro Kawayan, Sitio Bucana Brgy. Iwahig Puerto
Princesa City Palawan
Case Category : Child in Conflict with the Law
Name Relationship to Client Sex Civil Status Age Educational Occupation Monthly
Attainment Income
Jay was referred by the Barangay Council for the Welfare and Protection of Children (BCWPC) for continuous
supervision and further monitoring. This is in line with his involvement in a fist fight incident when he was 16 years
Jay was born on July 12, 2004 in Caloocan City and grow up in Palawan, Puerto Princesa City. He was diagnosed
with tuberculosis after him and his older brother undergo checkup. He is infected by his grandmother who was
diagnosed stage 4 tuberculosis and the client is the only one who got sick among his siblings due to his low
resistance and poor immune system. The client is already under medication for 6 months before he was sent in
Palawan. He was 4 years old when his biological mother sent him in Palawan as no one will take care of him,
usually, his grandmother is the one who takes care of him but unfortunately, she passed away due to her
tuberculosis. Due to this, the client biological mother sent the client in Palawan, leaving the client in her sister’s
care. According to the client’s biological mother, her sister Merlene is the only one she can trust to look after Jay.
The client graduated elementary at Matahimik Bucana Elementary School in Sitio Bucana Barangay Iwahig, and
continues studying grade 7 at Matahimik Bucana High school located at Sitio Bucana Barangay Iwahig, and
currently, a grade 10 graduating student in Junior high school.
The client has positive outlook in life, he loves music, has interest in playing badminton and know how to drive
motorcycle which he learned on his own. His dream is to finish his education, become a navy in the future, and help
the people who helped him growing up, including his own parents.
The client shared that it was 10:00 PM when he and his friends are hanging out in front of a store in Sitio Bucana,
Barangay Iwahig when two men pass by, according to the client, they followed these men, and because of the urge
from his friends and for fun, they punch and kick them resulting to physical injuries, the client mentioned that his
friends is even laughing at the sounds of their pleadings to stop. Halfway during the incident, Jay ran away from the
area because of fear of being caught by the Barangay Tanods. The day after the incident, the victims reported to the
The client’s parents are separated, resulting to the client not seeing his father from childhood. The client’s
mother has 4 children with 3 different fathers. Jay does not have any background information about his biological
father, leaving only an address where he could possibly see his father. The client wants to know his father
whereabouts, but he never asks his aunt or mother about it, because according to him, his mother might get angry
and scold him. But he has plans to meet his father and help him. After being sent to Palawan, the client has not seen
his mother face to face for 14 years, their only mode of communication is chatting via messenger, but for him, it
feels normal not to see his mother since he gets used to it. Currently, the client is under the custody of his aunt
Merlene together with his three cousins, his mother only sent two thousand (2,000) pesos monthly to the client as his
allowance. For Merlene this is not enough for Jay’s needs, but she never complains, since she considers the client as
her own child.
In the family, Merlene has a good relationship with the client and described the client as an industrious
child and vocal in sharing his problems and plans to his aunt, in return, Merlene gives advices and lecture to him.
According to Merlene, she is close and can her worries to the client more than her own children. But their
relationship changed when the client reach adolescent and started to have many friends, the client begins to talk back
when lectured resulting to Marlene hitting the client when he is drunk, trusting his friends more than his aunt, and
keeping thoughts to himself. According to the client, he used to share his problems to his friends, looking for
empathy and support but he has been laughed at and make fun of, deeming his worries unimportant and invalid. This
resulted to the client losing his confidence to share his problems with his friends, as he felt rejected and decided that
whenever he encounter problems in the future, he will keep it private to himself. Client’s relationship with his
cousins is also distant, although they acknowledged and accepted the client as their younger sibling, they are still not
use to share and know each other whereabouts.
Merlene is also worried about the vices of the client which is smoking cigarette as well as drinking alcohol. At 18
years old, she permitted the client in alcohol intake, smoking as exclusion; but casually scolded the client because it
became a daily habit. Despite the fact that she already permits the client in drinking, she is still worried that it could
result to the client getting back his tuberculosis and might affect the client focus in education.
The client mentioned that he started to smoke when he was in grade 7 and is in grade 8 when he started to drink
alcohol, influenced by classmates and friends. However, the client insisted that he is not addicted to alcohol, and just
casually drinking whenever there is an occasion or celebration or if he is invited by his friends to hang out and drink,
in this case – daily occurrence of alcohol. He usually smokes after eating breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as in
drinking coffee in the morning. Smoking gets intense if he is drinking, in which he mentions that he consumes 20
cigarettes sticks in maximum and smoking is something that for him is hard to stop.
The client’s environment is a small community that was relocated from one place to another. The residents
came from Barangay Matahimik and relocated to a relocation site in Barangay Iwahig that was later on changed to
Sitio Bucana, Barangay Iwahig. He lived at Zone 3 purok Kawayan Sitio Bucana Barangay Iwahig for more than 6
years already. They have a sari- sari store run by his aunt in a semi- concrete house. The community surrounds by
mangroves and fishing are one of the main sources of income within the area as they lived near the sea.
The community has its own barangay hall, they provide services including giving nets for fishermen,
seminars, and workshops for parents, solo parents, PWD, and vendors. Currently, they offer cash for work for PWD.
Healthcare services are also available in the area, especially for pregnant women for prenatal. They also conduct
feeding programs for every malnourished child. The barangay also has Barangay Council for the Protection of
Children (BCWPC) where there is assigned personnel if there’s an incident involving minors in the area.
The community also has primary and secondary schools, as well as different religious communities; Catholic,
Adventist and Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) in which the client mention that he is active in attending masses, even has few
friends in church.
At night, the youth usually hang around the main road that separates the 4 zones, playing games, and others are
connecting to the internet through PESO NET WIFI, as internet connection is poor in the area. The barangay
implements curfew hours at 10:00 PM, until 5:00 AM. Barangay Tanods are present at night to patrol the area,
ensuring to maintain the rules and policies regarding the existing ordinance. However, youths were still reported of
staying outside beyond curfew hours, connecting to PISO NET WI-FI as the main reason.
Jay shows determination in pursuing his education, as well as being goal-oriented to the plans that he already set to
achieve for himself and for his family. The worker observed that the client has no feeling of remorse towards his
father’s abandonment to him, even mentioning that he wants to see and help him in the future. His willingness to
help his parents and family, especially his father, is one of his positive attitudes. The client also shows strength in his
spiritual aspect, regularly attending masses and has civil relationship with his churchmates.
However, the client is weak to peer pressure, always seeking validation from his friends, and has violent tendencies.
The client also does not admit in his addiction to drinking and smoking at an early age, not understanding the
possible consequences it might cause to his health and mental hygiene. The client’s current relationship with his
aunt is not healthy for the client, their communication is severed, resulting to the client’s refusal to share his feelings
to his aunt.
The client should have good friends with positive influences to him, engage him in youth activities in the
community, providing him opportunity to a positive peer support. His relationship with his cousin and aunt should
mend, they should take time to bond and do activities together, talk with each other and discuss about their concerns,
providing a healthy communication inside the family. The client’s addiction to drinking should stop, he needed an
authoritative figure that will give him important advices in real life situation, these can be his mother and father;
constant communication with his parents in needed in this situation, and if the client still did not stop, extreme
measures such as rehab in relation to addiction can be done.
If the client continues to have friends with negative influences to him, and his relationship with his family is not
mended, along with the absence of his parents in his life, his mental health can suffer, affect his performance in
school and may led to the client’s functioning in his daily life. If also his vices are not attended, this may result to a
risk in the client’s health, getting tuberculosis back or develop a serious illness.
The worker applied the theory of the Hierarchy of Needs, particularly in stage 4 the Esteem Needs, as the
theory states there is a desire for respect from people’s attention, recognition and appreciation if satisfaction of
esteem needs is met it led to personal worth, confidence, and a sense of being useful and necessary in contrast it led
to inferiority, weakness, and helplessness.
General Goal: At the end of January 2023, the client has healthy relationship with his family, lessen his vices and is
a functioning individual of the community.
Persons Time Frame Expected
Objective(s) Activity (ies) Actual Outcome Remarks
Involved Outcome
To be able to Life skills session I: Worker November The client will The client provided Accomplished
provide General Client 11, 2022 share his
CONFIDENTIAL testimony that in
enlightenment enlightenment focus thoughts about drinking he used to
and awareness on his vices of January 19, his vices and stop but in smoking
the client about cigarette smoking 2023 how he was he still on processed
the negative and drinking influence to do working on it.
impact and alcohol. January 23, it.
consequences of 2023 The client realized
cigarette smoking Life skills session II: The client will that smoking is too
and drinking Sakit karamdaman be aware and dangerous in all
alcohol. at epekto sayo enlighten to its aspect of health
batang kabatan ng effect and especially at young
sigarilyo at disease cause by age also brought him
paninigarilyo. cigarette fear to different
(Showing power smoking. cancerous diseases
point presentation cause by cigarette
and video clip) The client shall smoking.
have prior
Life skills session knowledge to The client further
III: Inoming alak, what’s the understands the
ano nga bang epekto effect of importance and
nito sa Kalusugan drinking alcohol essence of the
mo? to our health. session for him to be
(Showing power aware and to share
point presentation awareness among his
and video clip) friends though he
mentioned he rarely
drink alcohol if there
is an occasion.
To be able to Life skills session I: Worker January 19, The client will The client stated that Accomplished
help the client in Focuses particularly Client 2023 be able to he already started
identifying and cigarette stick identify the lessening and used
defining own consumable per day. January 23, amount of his own alternative
ways and 2023 cigarette stick ways to lessen the
strategies to Life skills session II: he consumes in cigarette stick
lessen cigarette Focuses on Drinking a daily basis consumable per day.
smoking and alcohol either and provide his
drinking alcohol. occasional or non- strategies to The client stated he
occasional events. lessen the used to say no and
number of follow his feelings of
cigarettes stick willingness if his
per day. body wanted to drink
or not.
The client will
be able to
define the usual
engagement in
drinking alcohol
and provide
ways on how to
manage himself
from attending
or joining to a
To be able to Coordination with Worker December The worker will The client’s aunt saw Accomplished
encourage the the client’s aunt. Client’s 06, 2022 be able to the possibility of
client’s aunt to Focuses on her aunt encourage the positive result to the
stand in her decision to employ client’s aunt to client if she will start
ground in to see change with support the to disapprove the
providing the client. client in his client vices every
disapproval vices through time, she sees the
whenever he saw disapproval and client doing so.
the client with his objection of
vices. doing so.
To be able to Counseling: Worker January 20, The client will The client realized to Accomplished
encourage the Decision making Client 2023 be able to be responsible youth
client not to be management. understand and be a role model not
with friends who be aware what to have a bad
will lead him into danger he can impression in the
trouble and get if he joins or community.
danger. engage to
To be able to Counseling: focus Worker January 26, The client will The client realized Accomplished
help the client on differentiation of Client 2023 be able to and understands the
identify and good and bad traits provide the list he should be with
distinguish good of his friends. of good friends who can
and bad influence influence and influence him
among his bad influence he positively and doing
friends. could acquire the right things.
among his
To be able to Counseling: focuses Worker January 17, The The client will Accomplished
help the client in on defining what he Client 2023 Worker will be choose to share his
restore his trust meant for friendship able to help the problems to those
towards his and its role as a client knowing people whom he will
friends allowing friend. it’s ways to be acknowledged
him to be bring back the and comforted.
comfortable in trust for his
sharing problems. friends.
To be able to Encouragement to Worker December 9, The client will The client is the one Accomplished
develop the client join in PYA-Iwahig Client 2022 encourage who informed the
social skills group and be PYAP himself to worker to join and be
through associates with other Group join and be one a member of the
engagement in youths. of the members group for his
different social of socialization with
activities offer by PYA-Iwahig. other youths
the PYAP. especially his friends
are members already.
The client is being participative during scheduled home visitation and life skills session conducted to him.
He is always present and show willingness to participate, to acquire new knowledge and information about the topic
that are being discussed, he even provided examples and explanation with his answers. In addition, the worker seen
that client is now aware about his vices. He already lessens the cigarette he consumes per day, from twenty cigarette
sticks, he managed to reduce it to six cigarette sticks per day, which is a good indicator of his commitment to
changes. Currently, he avoids alcohol intake. His aunt also mention that their family is in the process of
communicating with the client’s parents.