1225-300 Free T4 AccuBind ELISA Rev 6
1225-300 Free T4 AccuBind ELISA Rev 6
1225-300 Free T4 AccuBind ELISA Rev 6
One (1) bottle containing a strong acid (1N HCl). Store at the clear vial labeled Solution ‘B’. Place the yellow cap on the e
After the completion of the required incubation period, the 2-8°C. clear vial for easy identification. Mix and label accordingly. fT4l Values in ng/dl
antibody bound enzyme-thyroxine conjugate is separated from H. Product Instructions. Store at 2 - 8°C.
the unbound enzyme-thyroxine conjugate via a wash step. The Note1 : Do not use the working substrate if it looks blue.
activity of the enzyme present on the surface of the well is Note 1: Do not use reagents beyond the kit expiration date. Note 2: Do not use reagents that are contaminated or have
quantitated by reaction with a suitable substrate to produce color. Note 2: Opened reagents are stable for sixty (60) days when bacteria growth.
stored at 2-8°C. Opened reagents are stable for sixty (60) 9.0 TEST PROCEDURE EXAMPLE 1
The employment of several serum references of known free days when stored at 2-8°C. Kit and component stability Mean
thyroxine concentration permits construction of a graph of activity are identified on the label. Before proceeding with the assay, bring all reagents, serum Sample Well Abs Value*
and concentration. From comparison to the dose response curve, Note 3: Above reagents are for a 96-well microplate. For other kit references and controls to room temperature (20-27°C). I.D. Number (A) (ng/dl)
an unknown specimen's activity can be correlated with free configurations, please refer to the table at the end of this IFU. **Test Procedure should be performed by a skilled individual
thyroxine concentration. or trained professional** A1 2.658
4.1 Materials Required But Not Provided: Cal A 2.612 0.00
1. Format the microplate wells for each serum reference, control B1 2.566
1. Pipette capable of delivering 50µl & 100µl volumes with a C1 1.919
and patient specimen to be assayed in duplicate. Replace
precision of better than 1.5%. Cal B 1.900 0.45
any unused microwell strips back into the aluminum bag, D1 1.880
2. Dispenser(s) for repetitive deliveries of 0.100ml and 0.350ml
seal and store at 2-8°C E1 1.339
volumes with a precision of better than 1.5%. Cal C 1.306 1.10
F1 1.273
G1 0.769 dilute the sample. TBG variations in different matrices will In order to validate the inter-assay precision of fT4 AccuBind® 8. Midgeley John, “Direct and Indirect Free Thyroxine Assay Methods
Cal D 0.790 2.00 not allow Free T4 hormone to dilute serially. ELISA test system, one duplicate of each of three pooled sera in Theory and Practice”, Clin Chem, 47, 1353-1363 (2001).
H1 0.811
7. Serum free-thyroxine concentration is dependent upon a (low medium and high ranges of the dose response curve) was 9. Bayer MF and McDougall IR, “Radioimmunoassay of free thyroxine
A2 0.396
Cal E 0.400 5.00 multiplicity of factors: thyroid gland function and its regulation, assayed in 10 assays done over a period of six months that in serum: comparison with clinical findings and results of
B2 0.404 conventional thyroid-function tests”, Clin Chem, 26, 1186-1192
C2 0.215 Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) concentration, and the involved five different sets of reagents and three different
Cal F 0.217 7.40 binding of Thyroxine to TBG (3, 4). Thus, free-Thyroxine technicians. An inter-assay precision of 6.01 to 10.81% was (1980).
D2 0.219 10. Anthony GW, Jackson RA etal, “Misleading results from
concentration alone is not sufficient to assess the clinical obtained.
E2 1.827 immunoassays of serum free thyroxine in the presence of
Ctrl 1 1.835 0.50 status. TABLE 3 rheumatoid factor”, Clin Chem, 43, 957-962 (1997).
F2 1.843 8. Serum free-thyroxine values may be elevated under conditions Inter-Assay Precision (in ng/dl) 11. Wosilait WD, “A theoretical analysis of the distribution of thyroxine
G2 0.541 such as pregnancy or administration of oral contraceptives.
Ctrl 2 0.557 2.70 Sample N X σ C.V. among sites on the thyroxine binding globulin, thyroid binding
H2 0.573 9. A decrease in free thyroxine values is found with prealbumin and serum albumin”, Res Comm Chem Pathology-
A3 0.951 protein-wasting diseases, certain liver diseases and Low 10 0.480 0.052 10.81% Pharmacology, 16, 541-548 (1977).
Patient 0.964 1.65 administration of testosterone, diphenylhydantoin or Medium 10 1.410 0.085 6.01%
B3 0.976 Revision: 6 Date: 2022-MAY-01 DCO: 1557
salicylates. A table of interfering drugs and conditions, which High 10 3.490 0.279 7.90%
Note 1: Computer data reduction software designed for ELISA Cat #: 1225-300
affect free Thyroxine values, has been compiled by the
assays may also be used for the data reduction. If such 14.2 Sensitivity
Journal of the American Association of Clinical Chemists. Size 96(A) 192(B) 480(D) 960(E)
software is utilized, the validation of the software should be The Free T4 AccuBind® ELISA test system has a sensitivity of
10. The interpretation of Free T4 is complicated by a variety of A) 1ml set 1ml set 2ml set 2ml set x2
ascertained. 0.162 ng/dl. The sensitivity was ascertained by determining the
drugs that can affect the binding of T4 to the thyroid hormone B) 1 (13ml) 2 (13ml) 1(60ml) 2 (60ml)
variability of the 0 ng/dl serum calibrator and using the 2σ (95%
Reagent (fill)
11.0 Q.C. PARAMETERS carrier proteins or interfere in its metabolism to T3. In severe
certainty) statistics to calculate the minimum dose. C) 1 plate 2 plates 5 plates 10 plates
In order for the assay results to be considered valid the non-thyroidal illness (NTI) the assessment of thyroid becomes
following criteria should be met: 14.3 Accuracy D) 1 (20ml) 1 (20ml) 1 (60ml) 2 (60ml)
especially difficult. Since the patients in this category may
1. The absorbance (OD) of calibrator 0 ng/dl should be > 1.3. The Free T4 AccuBind® ELISA test system was compared with a E) 1 (7ml) 2 (7ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
suffer from concomitant primary hypothyroidism or from
2. Four out of six quality control pools should be within the compensatory secondary hypothyroidism. In cases like these coated tube radioimmunoassay (RIA) method. Biological F) 1 (7ml) 2 (7ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
established ranges. a sensitive TSH evaluation of the patient may be specimens from hypothyroid, euthyroid and hyperthyroid G) 1 (8ml) 2 (8ml) 1 (30ml) 2 (30ml)
12.0 RISK ANALYSIS recommended. Please see Monobind Cat# 325-300. populations were used (The values ranged from 0.1ng/dl –
The MSDS and Risk Analysis Form for this product is available on 11. In rare conditions associated with extreme variations in 8ng/dl). The total number of such specimens was 197. The least
request from Monobind Inc. albumin binding capacity for T4- such as familial square regression equation and the correlation coefficient were
12.1 Assay Performance dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia (FDH) – direct assessment computed for this Free T4 AccuBind® ELISA method in
1. It is important that the time of reaction in each well is held of Free T4 may be misleading. comparison with the predicate method (Table 4).
constant to achieve reproducible results. 12. Circulating antibodies to T4 and hormone binding inhibitors TABLE 4
2. Pipetting of samples should not extend beyond ten (10) may interfere in the performance of the assay. Linear Regression Analysis
minutes to avoid assay drift. 13. Heparin is reported to have in vivo and in vitro effects on free Mean Correlation
3. Highly lipemic, hemolyzed or grossly contaminated T4 levels. Samples from patients undergoing heparin therapy Method (x) Equation Coefficient
specimen(s) should not be used. should be collected well before the administration of the Monobind 1.56 y = 0.1034 + 0.9525x 0.920
4. If more than one (1) plate is used, it is recommended to repeat anticoagulant. EIA “X”
the dose response curve. "NOT INTENDED FOR NEWBORN SCREENING" Predicate 1.59
5. The addition of substrate solution initiates a kinetic reaction, 13.0 EXPECTED RANGES OF VALUES RIA “Y”
which is terminated by the addition of the stop solution. A study of euthyroid adult population was undertaken to
Therefore, the substrate and stop solution should be added in determine expected values for the Free T4 AccuBind® ELISA test Only slight amounts of bias between this method and the
the same sequence to eliminate any time-deviation during system. The mean (X) values, standard deviations (σ) and reference method are indicated by the closeness of the mean
reaction. expected ranges (±2σ) are presented in Table 1. values.
6. Plate readers measure vertically. Do not touch the bottom of TABLE 1 14.4 Specificity:
the wells. The cross-reactivity of the thyroxine antibody used for Free T4
Expected Values for Free T4 ELISA Test System (in ng/dl)
7. Failure to remove adhering solution adequately in the AccuBind® ELISA to selected substances was evaluated by
Adult Pregnancy
aspiration or decantation wash step(s) may result in poor adding massive amounts of the interfering substance to a serum
replication and spurious results. Number of Specimens 89 31 matrix. The cross-reactivity was calculated by deriving a ratio
8. Use components from the same lot. No intermixing of reagents Mean (X) 1.40 1.50 between doses of interfering substance to dose of thyroxine
from different batches. Standard Deviation (σ) 0.30 0.37 needed to displace the same amount of the conjugate.
9. Accurate and precise pipetting, as well as following the exact Expected Ranges (±2 σ) 0.8 – 2.0 0.76 – 2.24
Substance Cross Concentratio
time and temperature requirements prescribed are essential.
It is important to keep in mind that establishment of a range of Reactivity n
Any deviation from Monobind’s IFU may yield inaccurate
values which can be expected to be found by a given method for l–Thyroxine 1.0000 ----
a population of "normal"-persons is dependent upon a multiplicity d-Thyroxine 0.9800 10µg/dl
10. All applicable national standards, regulations and laws,
of factors: the specificity of the method, the population tested and d-Triiodothyronine 0.0150 100µg/dl
including, but not limited to, good laboratory procedures, must
the precision of the method in the hands of the analyst. For these l–Triiodothyronine 0.0300 100µg/dl
be strictly followed to ensure compliance and proper device
reasons each laboratory should depend upon the range of lodothyrosine 0.0001 100µg/ml
expected values established by the manufacturer only until an Diiodotyrosine 0.0001 100µg/ml
11. It is important to calibrate all the equipment e.g. Pipettes,
in-house range can be determined by the analysts using the Diiodothyronine 0.0001 100µg/ml
Readers, Washers and/or the automated instruments used
method with a population indigenous to the area in which the TBG N/D 40 µg/ml
with this device, and to perform routine preventative
laboratory is located. Albumin N/D 40 mg/ml
12. Risk Analysis- as required by CE Mark IVD Directive 98/79/EC Phenylbutazone N/D 10 µg/ml
14.1 Precision
- for this and other devices, made by Monobind, can be Phenytoin N/D 40 µg/ml
The inter and intra assay precisions of the Free T4 AccuBind®
requested via email from [email protected]. Salicylates N/D 500 µg/ml
ELISA test system were determined by analyses on three different
12.2 Interpretation
levels of pooled patient sera. The number (n), mean values (x),
1. Measurements and interpretation of results must be 15.0 REFERENCES
standard deviation (σ) and coefficient of variation (C.V.) for each 1. Barker SB, "Determination of Protein Bound Iodine, Journal
performed by a skilled individual or trained professional.
of these control sera are presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Biological Chemistry, 173, 175 (1948).
2. Laboratory results alone are only one aspect for determining
patient care and should not be the sole basis for therapy, 2. Chopra IJ, Solomon DH, and Ho RS, "A Radioimmunoassay of
In order to validate the intra-assay precision of the Free T4 Thyroxine", J Clinical Endocrinol, 33, 865 (1971).
particularly if the results conflict with other determinants. AccuBind® ELISA test system, twenty replicates of each of three
3. For valid test results, adequate controls and other parameters 3. Young DS, Pestaner L, and Gilberman U, "Effects of Drugs on
pooled sera (low medium and high ranges of the dose response Clinical Laboratory Tests", Clinical Chemistry, 21, 3660 (1975).
must be within the listed ranges and assay requirements. curve) were assayed in the same assay. An intra-assay precision 4. Sterling L, “Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Disease”, CRC
4. If test kits are altered, such as by mixing parts of different kits, of 3.25 to 10.98% was obtained. Press, 19-51 (1975).
which could produce false test results, or if results are 5. Halpern EP and Bordens RW, “Microencapsulated antibodies in
incorrectly interpreted, Monobind shall have no liability. TABLE 2
radioimmunoassay: Determination of free Thyroxine”, Clinical
5. If computer controlled data reduction is used to interpret the Intra-Assay Precision (in ng/dl)
Chemistry, 25, 1561-1563 (1979).
results of the test, it is imperative that the predicted values for Sample N X σ C.V. 6. Stjernholm MR, Alsever RN and Rudolph MC, “Thyroid function
the calibrators fall within 10% of the assigned concentrations. Low 20 0.550 0.061 10.98% tests in diphenylhydantoin-treated patients”, Clin Chem, 21, 1388
6. If a patient, for some reason, reads higher than the highest Medium 20 1.740 0.074 4.26% (1977).
calibrator report as such (e.g. > 7.4 ng/dl). Do not try to High 20 3.250 0.106 3.25% 7. Nelson J.C. and Wilcox, RB. “Analytical performance of Free and
Total thyroxine assays”. Clin. Chem. Vol. 42, 146-154 (1996).