Folate Monobind
Folate Monobind
Folate Monobind
2-8°C. Kit and component stability are identified on the 8.0 REAGENT PREPARATION
native antigen. Upon mixing enzyme-antigen conjugate, label.
biotinylated binding protein and a serum containing the native Note 3: Above reagents are for a single 96-well microplate. 1. Wash Buffer
antigen, a competition reaction results between the native antigen Dilute contents of wash solution to 1000ml with distilled or
and the enzyme-antigen conjugate for a limited number of binding 4.1 Required But Not Provided: deionized water in a suitable storage container. Diluted buffer
sites. The interaction is illustrated by the followed equation: 1. Pipette capable of delivering 0.050ml (50µl) and 0.100ml can be stored at room temperature (2-30°C) for up to 60 days.
ka (100µl) with a precision of better than 1.5%. 2. EXTRACTION AGENT
Enz 2. Dispenser(s) for repetitive deliveries of 0.100ml (100µl) and Add an aliquot of the stabilizing agent in order to prepare a
Ag + Ag + BP Btn AgBP Btn + EnzAgBP Btn
0.350ml (350µl) volumes with a precision of better than 1.5%. 1/40 (stabilizing agent / releasing agent) dilute solution. For
k -a
3. Adjustable volume (200-1000µl) dispenser(s) for conjugate. example, to make 4ml (4000µl), add 0.100ml (100µl) stabilizing
BP Btn = Biotinylated Binding Protein (Constant Quantity)
4. Glass test tubes for calibrator, control, and patient sample agent to 3.9ml (3900µl) releasing agent.
Ag = Native Antigen (Variable Quantity)
Enz preparation. 3. SAMPLE EXTRACTION (See Note 3)
Ag = Enzyme-antigen Conjugate (Constant Quantity)
5. Microplate washer or a squeeze bottle (optional). Obtain enough test tubes for preparation of all patient
BP Btn = Antigen-Binding Protein Complex
Enz 6. Microplate Reader with 450nm and 620nm wavelength samples, controls, and calibrators. Dispense 0.10ml (100µl) of
AgBP Btn = Enzyme-Antigen-Binding Protein Complex
absorbance capability. all samples into individual test tubes. Pipette 0.050ml (50µl) of
k a = Rate Constant of Association
7. Absorbent Paper for blotting the microplate wells. the prepared extraction agent to each test tube, shaking (see
k -a = Rate Constant of Disassociation
8. Plastic wrap or microplate covers for incubation steps. note 3) after each addition. Let the reaction proceed for 15
K = k a / k -a = Equilibrium Constant
9. Vacuum aspirator (optional) for wash steps. min. At end of the 15 min, dispense 0.050 ml (50µl) of the
A simultaneous reaction between the biotin attached to the 10. Timer. neutralizing buffer, vortex (see note 3). After the neutralization
binding protein and the streptavidin immobilized on the microwell 11. Quality control materials. buffer is added and mixed, let the reaction go to completion by
occurs. This effects the separation of the binding protein enzyme waiting an additional 5 min before dispensing into the
Folate Test System bound fraction after decantation or aspiration. 5.0 PRECAUTIONS microwells.
Product Code: 7525-300 AgAb Btn + EnzAgBP Btn + Streptavidin CW ⇒ immobilized complex
For In Vitro Diagnostic Use Note 1: Do not use the working substrate if it looks blue.
Streptavidin CW = Streptavidin immobilized on well
Not for Internal or External Use in Humans or Animals Note 2: Do not use reagents that are contaminated or have
Immobilized complex = sandwich complex bound to the solid surface
1.0 INTRODUCTION bacteria growth.
The enzyme activity in the protein binding protein bound fraction is All products that contain human serum have been found to be Note 3: Use of multiple (3) touch vortex is recommended.
Intended Use: The Quantitative Determination of Folate inversely proportional to the native antigen concentration. By non-reactive for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, HIV 1&2 and HCV Note 4: It is extremely important to accurately dispense the
Concentration in Human Serum by a Microplate Enzyme utilizing several different serum references of known antigen con- Antibodies by FDA required tests. Since no known test can offer correct volume with a calibrated pipette and by adding
Immunoassay, Colorimetric centration, a dose response curve can be generated from which complete assurance that infectious agents are absent, all human near the bottom of the glass tubes at an angle while
the antigen concentration of an unknown can be ascertained. serum products should be handled as potentially hazardous and touching the side of the tubes.
2.0 SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION OF THE TEST capable of transmitting disease. Good laboratory procedures for
4.0 REAGENTS handling blood products can be found in the Center for Disease 9.0 TEST PROCEDURE
Folate supplementation has escalated over recent years with the Control / National Institute of Health, "Biosafety in Microbiological
knowledge of its many benefits. As one of the B vitamins, folate, Materials Provided: and Biomedical Laboratories," 2nd Edition, 1988, HHS Publication Before proceeding with the assay, bring all reagents, calibrators
or Vitamin B9, is involved in many bodily functions and deficiency A. Folate Calibrators – 1.0 ml/vial - Icons A-F No. (CDC) 88-8395. and controls to room temperature (20 - 27°C).
can cause disease in not only the elderly, but infants too. Folate Six (6) vials containing human serum albumin reference for **Test Procedure should be performed by a skilled individual
deficiency is associated with megaloblastic anemia, neural tube Safe Disposal of kit components must be according to local or trained professional**
Folate at concentrations of 0 (A), 1.0 (B), 2.5 (C), 5.0 (D), 10.0 regulatory and statutory requirements.
defects, and cardiovascular dieases. (E), and 25.0 (F) in ng/ml. A preservative has been added.
1. Prepare all samples according to the “Sample Extraction”
Store at 2-8°C.
Folate plays an important role in brain development and therefore 6.0 SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION procedure in section “8.0 Reagent Preparation”; it is
Note: The calibrators, human serum based, were calibrated
is vital during growth. The most common defects resultant from important to wait 5 min before proceeding to allow the
using a highly purified N-methyltetrahydrofolate preparation.
folate deficiencies are neural tube defects. With a vital role in The specimens shall be blood serum in type and taken with the neutralization reaction to go to completion (see above).
nucleic acid synthesis, folate has been found to be beneficial as B. Folate Enzyme Reagent – 7.0 ml/vial – Icon E usual precautions in the collection of venipuncture samples. For 2. Format the microplates’ wells for each calibrator, control and
supplementation during pregnancy and other times of rapid tissue One (1) vial containing Folate (Analog)-horseradish peroxides accurate comparison to establish normal values, a fasting morning patient specimen to be assayed in duplicate. Replace any
growth. Folate also plays a vital role in maintaining proper balance (HRP) conjugate in a protein-stabilizing matrix with dye. Store serum sample should be obtained. The blood should be collected unused microwell strips back into the aluminum bag, seal
of homocysteine, a contributing factor in occurrences of occlusive at 2-8°C. in a redtop (with or without gel additives) venipuncture tube(s). and store at 2-8°C.
C. Folate Biotin Reagent – 7.0 ml/vial - Icon ∇
vascular diseases and stroke. Individuals with susceptibility to Allow the blood to clot for serum samples. Centrifuge the 3. Pipette 0.050 ml (50 µL) of the appropriate extracted folate
heart disease and several forms of cancer may also benefit from specimen to separate the serum or plasma from the cells. calibrator, control or specimen into the assigned well.
One (1) vial containing biotinylated purified folate binding
supplementation. 1,2,4 4. Add 0.050 ml (50 µl) of Folate Enzyme Reagent to all wells
protein conjugate in buffer, dye and preservative. Store at In patients receiving therapy with high biotin doses (i.e. 5. Mix the microplate gently for 20-30 seconds.
Major sources of folate include green leafy vegetables, legumes, 2-8°C. >5mg/day), no sample should be taken until at least 8 hours 6. Add 0.050 ml (50 µl) of the Folate Biotin Reagent to all wells.
beans and fortified cereals. Foods fortified with folate are actually D. Streptavidin Coated Plate – 96 wells –Icon ⇓ after the last biotin administration, preferably overnight to 7. Mix the microplate gently for 20-30 seconds.
fortified with folic acid because of the higher bioavailability for One 96-well microplate coated with streptavidin and packaged ensure fasting sample. 8. Cover and incubate for 45 minutes at room temperature.
absorption by the body. In circulation, folate is present in several in an aluminum bag with a drying agent. Store at 2-8°C. 9. Discard the contents of the microplate by decantation or
different forms, some of which are more stable than others. Folic Samples may be refrigerated at 2-8oC for a maximum period of aspiration. If decanting, blot the plate dry with absorbent
E. Wash Solution Concentrate – 20.0 ml/vial - Icon two (2) days. If the specimen(s) cannot be assayed within this
acid and N-methyltetrahydofolate are two common forms, the paper.
latter being more stable and found in higher concentrations in One (1) vial containing a surfactant in buffered saline. A time, the sample(s) may be stored at temperatures of -20°C for up 10. Add 0.350 ml (350 µl) of wash buffer (see Reagent Preparation
serum. Due to the stability of the molecule, methytetrahydrofolate preservative has been added. Store at 2-8°C. to 7 days. Avoid use of contaminated devices. Avoid repetitive
N Section), decant (tap and blot) or aspirate. Repeat two (2)
is very often used as the form focused on during methods of F. Substrate Reagent – 12.0 ml/vial – Icon S freezing and thawing. When assayed in duplicate, 0.100 ml (100 additional times for a total of three (3) washes. An automatic
analysis.4,5 One (1) vial containing tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) and µl) of the specimen is required. or manual plate washer can be used. Follow the
hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) in buffer. Store at 2-8°C. manufacturer’s instruction for proper usage. If a squeeze
Folate binding proteins are responsible for folate metabolism. Two STOP 7.0 QUALITY CONTROL bottle is employed, fill each well by depressing the
G. Stop Solution – 8.0 ml/vial – Icon
types exist in circulation: one type aids in binding to the cell container (avoiding air bubbles) to dispense the wash.
One (1) vial containing a strong acid (0.5M H 2 SO 4 ). Store at
surface and the other soluble form exists in circulation. These Each laboratory should assay controls at levels in the low, normal Decant the wash and repeat two (2) additional times.
folate binding proteins also have the capability of binding several and high range for monitoring assay performance. These controls 11. Add 0.100 ml (100 µl) of substrate reagent to all wells. Always
different folate derivatives including folic acid and N- H. Releasing Agent – 14.0 ml/vial – Icon should be treated as unknowns and values determined in every add reagents in the same order to minimize reaction time
methytetrahydrofolate. The interaction between folic acid and One (1) vial containing a strong base (sodium hydroxide) and test procedure performed. Quality control charts should be differences between wells.
folate binding protein is greater than methyltetrahydrofolate. potassium cyanide. Store 2-8°C. maintained to follow the performance of the supplied reagents. DO NOT SHAKE THE PLATE AFTER SUBSTRATE ADDITION
Current assays on the market require an extraction step to release Pertinent statistical methods should be employed to ascertain
5,6 I. Stabilizing Agent – 0.7 ml/ vial – Icon 12. Incubate at room temperature for twenty (20) minutes.
the folate derivatives from the folate binding protein. trends. The individual laboratory should set acceptable assay
One (1) vial containing tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP) 13. Add 0.050 ml (50 µl) of stop solution to each well and gently
solution. Store at 2-8°C. performance limits. In addition, maximum absorbance should be
In the past, folate has been quantified in samples using such consistent with past experience. Significant deviation from mix for 15-20 seconds. Always add reagents in the same
methods as microbiological assays, bio-specific procedures and J. Neutralizing Buffer – 7.0 ml/ vial – Icon established performance can indicate unnoticed change in order to minimize reaction time differences between wells.
HPLC-MS techniques. Overall, this rapid rise in knowledge of One (1) vial containing buffer with dye that reduces the pH of experimental conditions or degradation of kit reagents. Fresh 14. Read the absorbance in each well at 450nm (using a reference
folate, its importance, and subsequently folate supplementation sample extraction. Store at 2-8°C. reagents should be used to determine the reason for the wavelength of 620-630nm. The results should be read
has caused a higher demand for improved testing methods.4 K. Product Insert variations. within thirty (30) minutes of adding the stop solution.
3.0 PRINCIPLE Note 1: Do not use reagents beyond the kit expiration date. Note: Dilute the samples suspected of concentrations higher than
Note 2: Avoid extended exposure to heat and light. Opened 25ng/ml 1:5 and Folate ‘0’ ng/ml calibrator and re-assay.
Competitive Binding Protein Assay (TYPE 8): reagents are stable for sixty (60) days when stored at
The essential reagents required for a competitive binding assay
10.0 CALCULATION OF RESULTS 3. Highly lipemic, hemolyzed or grossly contaminated 14.0 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Effective Date: 2019-Jul-16 Rev. 2 DCO: 1353
specimen(s) should not be used. MP7525 Product Code: 7525-300
A dose response curve is used to ascertain the concentration of 4. If more than one (1) plate is used, it is recommended to repeat 14.1 Precision
Folate in unknown specimens. the dose response curve. The within and between assay precision of the Folate AccuBind® Size 96(A) 192(B)
1. Record the absorbance obtained from the printout of the 5. The addition of substrate solution initiates a kinetic reaction, ELISA Test System were determined by analyses on three A) 1.0 ml set 1.0 ml set
microplate reader as outlined in Example 1. which is terminated by the addition of the stop solution. different levels of pool control sera. The number, mean values, B) 1 (7 ml) 2 (7 ml)
2. Plot the absorbance for each duplicate calibrator versus the Therefore, the substrate and stop solution should be added in standard deviation and coefficient of variation for each of these
the same sequence to eliminate any time-deviation during C) 1 (7 ml) 2 (7 ml)
corresponding Folate concentration in ng/ml on linear graph control sera are presented in Table 2 and Table 3.
Reagent (fill)
paper (do not average the duplicates of the calibrators before reaction. D) 1 plate 2 plates
plotting). 6. Plate readers measure vertically. Do not touch the bottom of TABLE 2 E) 1 (20 ml) 2 (20 ml)
3. Connect the points with a best-fit curve. the wells. Within Assay Precision (Values in ng/ml) F) 1 (12 ml) 2 (12 ml)
4. To determine the concentration of Folate for an unknown, 7. Failure to remove adhering solution adequately in the Sample N X σ C.V. G) 1 (8 ml) 2 (8 ml)
locate the average absorbance of the duplicates for each aspiration or decantation wash step(s) may result in poor Level 1 24 3.72 0.31 8.3 H) 1 (14 ml) 2 (14 ml)
unknown on the vertical axis of the graph, find the intersecting replication and spurious results. Level 2 24 9.26 0.53 5.7
8. Use components from the same lot. No intermixing of reagents I) 1 (0.7 ml) 2 (0.7 ml)
point on the curve, and read the concentration (in ng/ml) from Level 3 24 13.71 0.83 6.1
the horizontal axis of the graph (the duplicates of the unknown from different batches. J) 1 (7 ml) 2 (7 ml)
may be averaged as indicated). In the following example, the 9. Accurate and precise pipetting, as well as following the exact TABLE 3
average absorbance (1.021) intersects the dose response time and temperature requirements prescribed are essential. Between Assay Precision (Values in ng/ml)
curve at 11.9 ng/ml Folate concentration (See Figure 1). Any deviation from Monobind’s IFU may yield inaccurate
Sample N X σ C.V.
Note: Computer data reduction software designed for ELISA 10. All applicable national standards, regulations and laws, Level 1 12 3.32 0.32 9.6
assay may also be used for the data reduction. If such including, but not limited to, good laboratory procedures, must Level 2 12 8.85 0.68 7.7
software is utilized, the validation of the software should be be strictly followed to ensure compliance and proper device Level 3 12 12.85 1.15 8.9
ascertained. usage. *As measured in ten experiments in duplicate over a ten day
11. It is important to calibrate all the equipment e.g. Pipettes, period.
EXAMPLE 1 Readers, Washers and/or the automated instruments used
with this device, and to perform routine preventative 14.2 Sensitivity
Sample Well Mean Value The Folate AccuBind® ELISA Test System has a sensitivity of
Abs (A) maintenance.
I.D. Number Abs (B) (ng/ml) 0.52ng/ml. The sensitivity was ascertained by determining the
12. Risk Analysis- as required by CE Mark IVD Directive 98/79/EC -
A1 2.812 for this and other devices, made by Monobind, can be variability of the 0 ng/ml serum calibrator and using the 2σ (95%
Cal A 2.839 0 requested via email from [email protected]. certainty) statistic to calculate the minimum dose.
B1 2.865
C1 2.437 14.3 Accuracy
Cal B 2.455 1 12.2 Interpretation
D1 2.473 1. Measurements and interpretation of results must be The Folate AccuBind® ELISA Test System was compared with a
E1 2.058 performed by a skilled individual or trained professional. reference method. Biological specimens were used with values
Cal C 2.055 2.5 that ranged from 3.2ng/ml – 13.7ng/ml. The total number of such
F1 2.051 2. Laboratory results alone are only one aspect for determining
G1 1.542 patient care and should not be the sole basis for therapy, specimens was 30. The least square regression equation and the
Cal D 1.518 5 correlation coefficient were computed for this Folate ELISA in
H1 1.494 particularly if the results conflict with other determinants.
3. The reagents for the test system procedure have been comparison with the reference method. The data obtained is
A2 1.003
Cal E 1.015 10 formulated to eliminate maximal interference; however, displayed in Table 4.
B2 1.027
potential interaction between rare serum specimens and test
C2 0.453 TABLE 4
Cal F 0.485 25 reagents can cause erroneous results. Heterophilic antibodies
D2 0.516 often cause these interactions and have been known to be Method Mean (x) Least Square Correlation
E2 1.004 problems for all kinds of immunoassays (Boscato LM Stuart Regression Analysis Coefficient
Sample 1.021 11.9
F2 1.038 MC. ‘Heterophilic antibodies: a problem for all immunoassays’ This Method (Y) 7.76 Y= 0.162 +1.07(X) 0.984
Clin.Chem. 1988:3427-33). For diagnostic purposes, the Reference (X) 8.46
Figure 1 results from this assay should be used in combination with
3 clinical examination, patient’s history and, all other clinical Only slight amounts of bias between this method and the
2.5 findings. reference method are indicated by the closeness of the mean
4. For valid test results, adequate controls and other parameters values. The least square regression equation and correlation
2 coefficient indicates excellent method agreement.