Nephchem ASO
Nephchem ASO
Nephchem ASO
(Nephelometry method)
Nephchem - ASO 25 Tests NASO01025T GENUINE BIOSYSTEM
INTRODUCTION Step 1: Insert Test Card to Card reader slot and display will show
Anti Streptosylin O (ASO) is intended for Invitro quantitative promptly add R1 + S (sample)
determination of Anti streptosylin O in human serum. Anti-streptolysin O
(ASO) is the antibody produced in response to streptolysin O, an antigen Step 2: Pipette out 240 μl of R1 into dedicated cuvette and
produced by Lancefild group A streptococci. The World Health add 5 μl of sample (serum) and place the cuvette in the
Organisation recommends the use of ASO to aid the diagnosis of reading chamber
streptococcal infections. ASO titers are elevated in the sera 80 to 85% of
patients with rheumatic fever and in 95% of patients with acute Step 3: After the incubation, the display will show promptly add R2
glomerulonephritis. Raised ASO levels can also occur in other conditions
such as scarlet fever, acute rheumatic arthritis, tonsillitis and various Step 4: Pipette out 60 μl of R2 using sensor pipette with machine
other streptococcal infections. into the cuvette
METHOD PRINCIPLE Step 5: Once the reaction time got over, the result will show in the
The kit utilizes latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetry to measure the ASO display and (if external printer connected then it will get
level in human serum by GB NEPHCHEM (Nephelometry method) print out)
During the test, ASO in the sample binds with the Streptolysin O that is
coated on latex particles to cause agglutination. The turbidity caused by REFERENCE VALUES
agglutination is detected optically by GB NEPHCHEM, analyzer. The
change in absorbance is proportional to the level of ASO in the sample. upto 200.0 IU/ml
The actual concentration is obtained by comparing with a calibration
curve with known concentrations.
It is recommended for each laboratory to establish its own reference
KIT CONTENTS ranges for local population.