Lesson 1 Reviewer IAS1
Lesson 1 Reviewer IAS1
Lesson 1 Reviewer IAS1
Personal Information
- Name; Address; Place of Work; Contact
Information; Gender; Location at a particular
time; IP Address; Birthdate and Birthplace;
Sensitive Personal Information
- Race, Ethnicity; Marital Status, Sexual Life; Age;
Product Quality Model Characteristics (ISO 25010:2011)
Health; Philosophical and Religious Affiliation;
1. Function Suitability
Education; Genetics; Social Security Number;
2. Reliability
Banking Information…..
3. Performance Efficiency
Privileged Information
4. Useability
- Data or information received within the context
5. Security
of a protected relationship.
6. Compatibility
- Husband and wife; attorney and client; priest and
7. Maintainability
penitent; doctor and patient.
8. Portability
1. Function Suitability 4. Usability
- Refers to how well a product or system is able to - Refers to how well a product or system can be
provide functions that meet the stated and used to achieved specified goals effectively,
implied needs. efficiently, and satisfactorily.
- Functional Completeness - Appropriateness Recognizability
o Refers to the set of functions that covers o How well you can recognize whether a
all of the specified tasks and user product or system is appropriate for your
objectives. needs.
- Functional Correctness - Learnability
o Refers to how well a product or system o How easy it is to learn how to use a
provided the correct results with the product or system.
needed degree of precision. - Operability
- Functional Appropriateness o Whether a product or system has
o Refers to how well functions are able to attributes that make it easy to operate
accomplish specified tasks and and control.
objectives. - User Error Protection
Examples: o How well a system protects users against
- The platform was able to cover all user’s needed making errors.
features for selling and buying agricultural - User Interface Aesthetics
products. o Whether a user interface is pleasing
- The platform provides an accurate result with - Accessibility
respect to its functions and features. o How well a product or system can be
- The platform provides functions and features used with the widest range of
that are able to accomplish the specified task and characteristics and capabilities.
objectives. Example:
- The platform provides clear and concise
2. Reliability instructions and information, making it easy for
- Refers to how well a system, product, or its users to recognize whether it is appropriate
component is able to meet your needs for for their needs.
- Maturity 5. Security
o Refers to how well a system or product, - Refers to how well a product or system protects
or components is able to meet your information and data from security
needs for reliability. vulnerabilities.
- Availability - Confidentiality
o Refers to whether a system, product or o How well a product or system is able to
component is operational and ensure that data is only accessible to
accessible. those who have authorized access.
- Fault Tolerance - Integrity
o Refers to whether a system, product or o How well a system, product, or
component operates despite hardware component is able to prevent
and/or software faults. unauthorized access and modification to
- Recoverability computer programs and/or data.
o Refers to whether a product or system - Non-repudiation
can recover data in the event of an o How well actions or events can be
interruption or failure. proven to have taken place.
- Accountability
3. Performance Efficiency o Actions of an unauthorized user can be
- Refers to the performance related to the amount trace back to them.
of resources used. - Authenticity
- Time Behavior o How well the identity of a subject or
o Refers to the response and processing resource can be proven.
times, and throughput rates of a product
or system while it’s performing its 6. Compatibility
functions. - Refers to how well a product, system, or
- Resource Utilization component can exchange information as well as
o Refers to the amounts and types of perform its required functions while sharing the
resources used by a product or system same hardware or software environment.
while performing its functions. - Co-existence
- Capacity o How well a product can perform its
o Refers to the maximum limits of a required functions efficiently while
product or system parameter. sharing a common environment and
resources with products, without o Data and processing activities in physical
negatively impacting any other product. space
- Interoperability - Infrastructure
o How well two or more systems, products o Information and data manipulation
or components are able to exchange abilities in cyberspace.
information and use that information. - Perceptual
o Knowledge and understanding in human
7. Maintainability decision space.
- Refers to how well a product or system can be
modified to improv, correct, or adapt to changes
in the environment as well as requirements.
- Modularity
o Refers to whether the components of a
system or program can be changes with
minimal impact on the other
- Reusability
o How well an asset can be used in more
than one system.
- Analysability
o Effectiveness of an impact assessment
on intended changes.
- Modifiability
o How well a product or system can be
modified without introducing defects or
degrading existing product quality.
- Testability
o How effective the test criteria is for a
8. Portability
- Refers to how well a system product, or
component can be transferred from one
environment to another.
- Adaptability
o How well a product or system can be
adapted for different or evolving
hardware, software, or other usage
- Installability
o How successfully a product or system
can be installed and/or uninstalled.
- Replaceability
o How well a product can replace another
comparable product.