Autoplant PW Manual
Autoplant PW Manual
Autoplant PW Manual
Module Overview
This chapter provides a high level description of how ProjectWise and AutoPLANT
can be configured to work together.
Module Prerequisites
AutoPLANT Project Creation and Administration
Knowledge of ProjectWise Administration
Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
AutoPLANT and ProjectWise lntegration.
Scenarios to implement Work sharing.
Software Requirements.
Schema Requirements.
AutoPLANT and ProjectWise requirements.
Mar-10 5 lntroduction
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
lntroduction to AutoPLANT Projects
lntroduction to AutoPLANT Projects
AutoPLANT is a complete set of fully integrated Functional, Physical Design and
Modeling applications based on the concept of common framework and using
AutoCAD as primary CAD engine.
AutoPLANT projects are created using the Project Administrator application
which is included in the set of tools delivered with every AutoPLANT application.
Project Administrator provides options to:
Manage and edit Project Schema, configurations and tag types.
Control system administration functions for creating users, assigning users to
Paths for document/data storage.
Mapping Settings.
Report Generation Settings.
ProjectWise Support.
Supported Databases:
Four data base types are supported for AutoPLANT V8i projects:
MS Access (2000, 2002, and 2003): Not supported for projects to be
integrated with ProjectWise
MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine): A tened down version of
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 which is free for non-commercial use as well as
certain limited commercial use. lt has a limit of 2GB data bases. lt is not
recommended for Projects to be integrated with ProjectWise
SQL Server (2000 and 2005)
Oracle (9i and lOG)
6 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
lntroduction to AutoPLANT Projects
Project Modes:
AutoPLANTcan be configured to support a scalable set of modes that control how
the data base is accessed. These options allow AutoPLANT to be tailored to the
needs of each situation. These modes can be divided in three main categories:
Disconnected vs. Project Mode
o In disconnected mode (Briefcase mode for PDW, Interna! Project mode for
PID) AutoPLANT files can be moved, copied or edited individually. This
provides the simplest operation without regard for data bases. Bentley
recommends this mode for small projects with no data base administration or
where disconnected operation (copy files to work in a field trailer, etc) is the
primary concern.
o In project mode multiple files are grouped together around a common
schema. This provides powerful integration such as a shared list of documents
and tags, a long with powerful project wide reporting. Bentley recommends
this mode when two or more designers work together as a tea m and benefit
from sharing information.
Central vs. Distributed Mode
This option only applies to AutoPLANT in a project mode as described above.
When a project is configured to use a "Central" mode then aii3D models store
their data in a common table in a central schema. Projects using "Distributed"
mode maintain ene MS Access data base for each 3D model file (AutoCAD DWG
file). Bentley recommends avoiding the Distributed type projects when using
Oracle or SQL Server data bases since this mode provides limited reporting and
complex file handling and essentially offers no benefit (other than support for
Access data bases).
Single Project vs. Multi Project Mode
This option only applies to AutoPLANT in a project mode as described above. The
right mode of operation depends the needs of each site or enterprise as follows:
Single Project: Each AutoPLANT project uses ene Oracle schema (schema is
dedicated to ene AutoPLANT project only). Single project offer the best
performance and provide the administrator with control at the project level for
Oracle Schema format, security and utility like backup and restare. Bentley
recommends this approach for large projects or where performance and security
are the primary concern.
7 lntroduction
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
lntroduction to AutoPLANT Projects
Multi Project: Several AutoPLANT projects share a single common Oracle
schema. You should note that there is a performance penalty in using multi
project mode beca use of multiple projects querying one schema. Multi project
mode offer the administrator a simpler project creation process since they
typically append new projects without the need to create new schema. Bentley
recommends this approach when many small projects are managed and time
required for project creation tasks are a concern.
8 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
ProjectWise- AutoPLANT lntegration
ProjectWise - AutoPLANT lntegration
AutoPLANT projects can integrate with ProjectWise, enabling ProjectWise to
manage and share content within an office or across multiple sites. Once an
AutoPLANT project is integrated with ProjectWise, project documents (20/30)
should be created and managed using ProjectWise Explorer. User access to the
project is also managed by ProjectWise.
An AutoPLANT project and a ProjectWise datasource are required to complete
the integration. First the AutoPLANT Project Administrator utility is used to create
the AutoPLANT project.
Note: AutoPLANT projects must use a 'Central' mode since 'Oistributed' mode
projects are not supported when integrating with ProjectWise.
The schema used by ProjectWise is also referred toas a Oatasource. The
ProjectWise datasource is created on the ProjectWise 1 ntegration Server using
ProjectWise Administrator. lt contains a record for every document in
ProjectWise. These records store information about the document, such as the
file associated with the record, the storage location for that file, who created the
file and when it was created. The attributes describing each documentare
collectively referred toas metadata. The ProjectWise datasource does not
contain the files themselves, just the descriptive metadata. The actual files are
stored by ProjectWise in a separate location known as a Storage Area.
Based on component types defined in the AutoPLANT project, the Component
lndexing tree is populated in ProjectWise Explorer during the integration process.
Component lndexing enables users to identify on which documenta tag resides,
and which tags exist on particular document.
9 lntroduction
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
ProjectWise - AutoPLANT lntegration
Once a user has created the Datasource and the AutoPLANT project, integration
can be achieved using AutoPLANT Project Administrator. The overall picture of
the AutoPLANT ProjectWise integration is shown below:
lntegrat ion ach ieved by AutoPLANT
Project Admin istrator
ProjectWise Datasource created
using ProjectWise Administrator
AutoPLANT Projects created using
AutoPLANT Project Administrator.
Databa se link established us ing
Databa se U ser Authent icat ion.
This picture gives a basic block diagram of how a single AutoPLANT project
integrates with ProjectWise datasource.
Multiple AutoPLANT projects can be integrated with one ProjectWise datasource
by creating multiple ProjectWise Project folders. Using the AutoPLANT Project
Administrator, multiple projects can be created using one oracle schema utilizing
a Multi project approach. Using the Multi AutoPLANT project approach, the user
10 Mar-10
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
ProjectWise- AutoPLANT lntegration
cannot create mixed mode projects (i.e. if the first project is created in Central
mode) then subsequent projects must be created in the same mode.
AutoPLANT Projects l ntegrated
with Project W ise Projects using
AutoPLANT Project Administr a t or
Pr ojectB
AutoPLANT Project A
PROJI D = 0001
AutoPLANT Project B
PROJID = 0002
T Projects c r eated using
T Project Admin is t r ator.
ink established usi ng V Data base l
Da ta ba se U ser Aut hent ication.
AutoPLANT Project
~ AUTOPLANT S CHE M :.......
f- PROJI D = 0001
0001 ........
0002 ........
f---- PROJI D = 0002
1- PROJI D = N
11 lntroduction
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Bentley Software Requirements
Bentley Software Requirements
Bentley recommends using the Primary Version in arder to get the most out of
the software. Primary Versions include enhancements and corrections to the
Secan da ry Versions.
Note: Sorne functionality presented in this manual may not be available when using
the Alternate Versions of the software.
Application Primary Version Secondary Version
Microstation V8 XM Edition Software
Prerequisite Pack
ProjectWise Navigator XM Edition
Prerequisites for Bentley Desktop
Bentley View V8i
ProjectWise Explorer V8i 08.11.0S.63 08.11.0S.16
ProjectWise Administrator V8i 08.11.0S.63 08.11.0S.16
Bentley AutoPLANT P&ID V8i 08.11.0S.09
Bentley Process & lnstrumentation 08.11.0S.23
Bentley AutoPLANT Plant Design V8i
ProSteel V8i AutoCAD
lntroduction 12 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Schema Requirements
Schema Requirements
Oracle lOG R2
Enterprise or Standard Editions
Number of Schemas
One or more Oracle schemas will be required for the creation of the AutoPLANT
project and the ProjectWise datasource. The AutoPLANT project and the
ProjectWise datasource can use the same Oracle schema. lf component indexing
is required while using separate schemas, the Oracle schemas must exist within
the same Data base instance.
Schema User Permissions
Users created for AutoPLANT Schemas must have Connect and Resource roles.
Resource role must have Create View privilege.
Users for ProjectWise Schemas must have Connect and Resource roles. Resource
role must also have Create View and Select Any Table privileges.
13 lntroduction
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Workstation lnstallation Process
Workstation lnstallation Process
IRStall P.rooess &.
lnmD Au:aPI.ANT
I>&ID '4i
AutoPLANT Project Requirements
AutoPLANT Project Requirements
Mapped Orives or UNC Paths
lf only ene office will be working on the project, then UNC paths can be used.
Example- \ \PLANT-SRVl \Projects\AutoPLANT\Integrated
Mapped drives can also be used in a single office implementation. However, if
multiple offices will work share the same AutoPLANT project (see lntegration
with Replicated data base) a common mapped drive is a requirement.
Example - P:\Projects \AutoPLANnlntegrated
Single Project or Multi Project Mode
o lf Single Project Mode is used for AutoPLANT projects that will integrate with
ProjectWise, it means that a ProjectWise datasource must be created for each
AutoPLANT project. The impact ofthis is more administrative hours since
each ProjectWise datasource must be configured prior to project startup.
o lf Multi Project Mode is used for AutoPLANT projects that will integrate with
ProjectWise, it means that several AutoPLANT projects can be integrated with
a single ProjectWise datasource. This is accomplished by associating the
AutoPLANT project toa project folder within the ProjectWise datasource. All
the AutoPLANT projects integrated with a ProjectWise datasource must exist
in the same AutoPLANT Project Root directory.
Note: This approach minimizes the administration of ProjectWise. However,
backup and restare tasks are made more difficult.
lntegration Assumptions
o Oracle lOG Server has been installed/configured and is functioning correctly.
o ProjectWise lntegration Server and ProjectWise Administrator have been
installed on the server and are functioning correctly.
o ProjectWise Administrator and ProjectWise Explorer, including iDesktop
integration for AutoCAD, have been installed on the workstation and are
functioning correctly.
15 lntroduction
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
AutoPLANT Project Requirements
o All required AutoPLANT modules have been installed on the workstation and
are functioning correctly.
lntegration Checklist
Things to Decide:
o Use a single schema or separate schemas.
o Have single or multiple projects in one datasource.
o Use UNC path ora mapped drive to access the AutoPLANT project.
Things to Do:
o lnstall required software on workstations.
o Create Schema(s).
o Assign User roles and permissions.
o Create the schemas in the same Data base instance.
o Create a ProjectWise datasource.
o Create a mapped drive to access the AutoPLANT project (if required).
o Create an AutoPLANT project.
o Configure the ProjectWise datasource.
o Create required projects and folders.
o lntegrate the AutoPLANT project with the ProjectWise datasource.
o Setup mapping for document location.
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Module Review
Module Review
Now that you have completed this module, let's measure what yo u have learned.
1 What is the difference between a single project and a multi project?
2 Which AutoPLANT project mode is not supported by ProjectWise?
3 Would you use mapped drives for projects used in one office?
1 The difference between a single project anda multi project is that a single
project uses one project per Schema anda multi project uses several
projects in one Schema.
2 The AutoPLANT project mode not supported by ProjectWise is the
Distributed mode.
3 Yo u would not use mapped drives for projects in one office, you would
use UNC paths.
17 lntroduction
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Module Review
lntroduction 18 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Single Project lntegration
Module Overview
This chapter is about integrating a ProjectWise datasource with a single
AutoPLANT project. You will use an AutoPLANT project and ProjectWise
datasource with the default folder structure created when a user integrates the
Module Prerequisites
Creating required Schemas.
Experience with Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
Module Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Create a ProjectWise datasource.
Create an AutoPLANT project.
lntegrate an AutoPLANT project with a ProjectWise datasource.
Detect changes in an AutoPLANT project and ProjectWise datasource.
Mar-10 21 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Schema Requirements
Schema Requirements
Create a new Oracle user for AutoPLANT Schema
Username = APDB1
Password = 123
Create a new Oracle User for ProjectWise Schema
User N ame = PWDB1
Password = 123
Assign Roles and Privileges to Oracle Users
Note: Refer to Appendix A for steps to create Oracle users.
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
Befo re creating a ProjectWise datasource, it is first necessary to create an ODBC
Data Source on the ProjectWise lntegration Server. The ODBC Data Source should
use the Oracle username and password. This ODBC Data Source will be selected
when creating the ProjectWise datasource.
Single ProJecllntegraUon Oat a.source .create d ng Proj ecftWis.e Admi ni or
Proje d Wi$e:
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
-+ Exercise 1: Creating the ODBC Data Source
1 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data
Sources (ODBC).
2 Select the System DSN tab.
3 ClickAdd.
f C ~ ODBC Data So urce Administrator ll]['g]
U ser D S N S _ystem D S N 1 File D S N 1 Drivers 1 T r acing 1 Connection Pooling 1 About 1
.2,ystem Data S ources:
Name 1 Driver 1
Microsoft dBase Driver C.dbf)
MS Access for AutoPLJ..NT Microsoft Access Driver C.mdb)
Visual F oxPro D atabase Microsoft Visual F oxPro Driver
Visual F oxPro T ables Microsoft Visual F oxPro Driver
,Configure ...
An O D B C S _ystem data source stores information about how to connect to 1
the indicated data provider. A S _ystem data source is visible to all users
on this machine, including NT services.
4 Select Oracle driver.
5 Click Finish.
DK Cancel Appll' Help
C reate New Data So u ,;e ['gJ
2 elect a driver for which _you want to set up a data source.
N ame
Microsoft Parado:-: Driver C.db)
Microsoft Paradox-Treiber C.db)
Microsoft T ext Driver C.txt; x.csv)
Microsoft T ext-T reiber C. txt; x_ csv)
Microsoft Visual F oxPro Driver
Microsoft Visual F oxPro-T reiber
Oracle in Ora1 Og
S Q L N alive Clienl
SQL Server
]lack Finish Cancel
6 Type ORAPWDBl in the Data Source Name field.
7 Select the TNS Service Name and enter Oracle User ID and Password.
23 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
Note: lt is recommended tona me the ODBC Data Source in such a way that
the associated Schema can be easily distinguished.
O rae le ODBC Driver Configuration
Data S ource N ame IORAPWOB1
D escription 1
T N S S ervice N ame
Test Connection 1
U ser ID
Application 1 O r acle 1 \N orkarounds 1 S Q LS erver M igr ation 1
E nable R esult S ets W' E nable Q uery T imeout f7 R ead-0 nl_y Connection r
E nable Closing Cursors r E nable Thread S afety (7
Batch Autocommit M o de 1 Commit onl_y if all statements succeed
N umeric S ettings j U se O r acle N LS settings
8 Click Test Connection.
A confirmation dialog will appear confirming the connection with Oracle.
Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration
Dala Source N ame IORAPWDB1
Description r---------------
T N S S ervice N ame
U ser ID
Testing Connection ~
Application J O r acle 1 Workarounds
Connection successful
E nable R esult S ets P' En
Enable Closing Cursors r Enable Thread Safety P'
Batch Autocommit M ode
N umeric S ettings
9 ClickOK.
10 Click OK.
1 Commit only if all statements succeed
1 Use Jacle NLS settings
nly Connection r
Test Connection 1
To close the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog.
-+ Exercise 2: Creating the ProjectWise datasource
The working unit of ProjectWise is a datasource. A ProjectWise datasource is
created on a ProjectWise lntegration server using ProjectWise Administrator.
There is no limitation to how many ProjectWise datasources can be created on
one ProjectWise lntegration Server. For every new ProjectWise datasource a new
Oracle Schema andan ODBC Data Source are required.
Single Project lntegration 24 Mar-10
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
1 Select Start > All Programs > Bentley > ProjectWise V8i > ProjectWise
2 Expand ProjectWise V8i > Servers > {server_name}.
3 Right-click on Datasources.
4 Select New Datasource.
5 Click Next.
T his wizard will guide _you through the datasource creation
Click N ext to proceed, or click Cancel to exit this wizard.
< !1_ack !:! exl > ...... jJ 1 Cancel 1
6 SelectA datasource that is located on {server_name}.
7 Click Next.
New Datasource Wizard
Choo:s:ing data:s:ource type
\1./hat kind of datasource would _you like to create ?
Project\1./ise 1 ntegr ation S erver can publish a datasource that is located on the same server or it
can publish a link to a datasource that is located on different Project\1./ise 1 ntegr ation S erver.
\1./hat would _you like to create?
O A jink to a datasource that is located on another server
< 8ack JI Nexl > 1 Cancel 1
8 Type TrainingDatasourcel in the Datasource name field.
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Single Project lntegration
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
9 Click Next.
N aming the data:s:ource
\1./hat name would _you like to give the datasource ?
D -tasource name:
j T r ainingD atasource 1
1 f would like the data-;-ource to be -;-een clienb without the -;-erver na me, enter a
name here:
1 1
< B ack 111 N exl > Cancel
10 Select ORAPWDBl from the list.
11 Click Next.
Datasource Wizard
S pecifying O D B C connection detail:s:
\1./hat o D Be datasource do .YOU plan to use ?
U sing O D B C interface requires that _you set up a S _ystem O D B C datasource on YM N U -PI\1./8939'
using ODBC Administrator.
Elease specif_y O D B C datasource _you plan to use for the new datasource:
dB ase liles lor AutoPLAN T
M S Access lor AutoPLAN T
Visual F oxPro D atabase
Visual F oxPro T ables
< Back Nexl > i [ Cancel
12 Type PWDBl in the User na me field.
13 Type 123 in the Password field.
Single Project lntegration 26
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
14 Click Next.
New Datasource Wizard l8J
S pecifying databa:s:e u ser account for client connection:s:
\1./hat database user account would _you like to use for client connections ?
Project\1./ise 1 ntegr ation S erver needs to know a database u ser account to be able to connect to
the database .
.!:!.ser name:
1 1
1 1
< Back ~ ~ Nexl > 1 Cancel 1
15 Type pwadmin in the Administrator na me field.
16 Type 123 in the Administrator password field.
17 Click Next.
New Datasource W- iz-a-rd_______________ - l8J
Specifying admini:s:trator account ~
\1./hat would _you like to na me the administr ator account for the new datasource ? El
Project\1./ise 1 ntegr ation S erver will create an initial administr ator account for the new datasource
using the information below.
dministr ator name:
Administr ator .Qassword:
B et_ype password:
1 1
< Back ~ ~ Nexl > 1 Cancel 1
Note: This user name and password does not have to be the same as the
Oracle user na me. Remember the user na me and password beca use it
will be used to login to the Datasource.
18 Clear Create Datasource data from template.
27 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
19 Click Finish.
N ew D atasource \1./izard is read_y to create a datasource on
VM N U -PIW8939' using database 'S Q LPWD 81 '
After this wizard completes _you will be prompted to confirm
creation of database tables.
S electing the check -box below willlaunch the D atasource
Data 1 mport wizard to allow for importing initial def ault
settings for this datasource.
Click Finish to complete datasource creation.
< 8ack Jj Finish J [ Cancel
20 Set Enable "Create" Button.
21 Click Create.
Do _you want Project\1./ise to create tables in the database?
T o create tables, _you must be logged in as a database administrator.
M ake sur e _your log in def aults to the correct database and tablespace.
Create ,Cancel
22 Type C:\pwstoragearea\TrainingDatasourcel in the Path field.
23 Type 123 in the Password field.
24 Click OK.
Single Project lntegration
Create Administrator and Storage l8J
Administr ator Group
roup Name: 1 Administr ator
Description: 1 Administr ator
[iame: 1 Stor age
1 Storage Q.escription:
Administr ator U ser
!:,!ser Name:
1 VMNU-PJW8939 11 ,
C:\pwstoragearea\TrainingDatasc [ Btowse. ,,
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
25 Verify that the table creation was completed.
26 Click Close.
Creating Tables
Creating table amsg_ def ... Done.
Creating table amsg_recp ... Done.
Creating table amsg_ wflst ... Done.
Creating table amsg_ do e ... Done.
Creating table amsg_ text ... Done.
T ables creation completed. Press ''Clase'' button to exit.
27 Close ProjectWise Administrator.
28 Select Start > All Programs > Bentley > ProjectWise V8i > ProjectWise
29 Right-click on TrainingDatasourcel.
30 Select Login.
31 Type pwadmin in the User Name field.
32 Type 123 in the Password field.
33 Click Log in.
34 Create a new folder C:\PWworking\TrainingDatasourcel\ pwadmin.
35 Select pwadmin.
36 Click OK.
Browse For Folder L1JL8J
Select working directory
Bentley Pl ant V8i Configur ati ons
Progr a m Files
[J pwstor agearea
El TrainingDatasource l
.. ______ 1!111111
__ l _t
[ Make New Folder 1l OK 1l [ Cancel
37 Expand Documents.
Notice that the template created folders and imported files into the
38 Close ProjectWise Explorer.
29 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the ProjectWise datasource
Note: Launch Oracle Enterprise Management Console and observe the tables
created in the Schema PWDBl by expanding the nade Schema >
PWDBl> Tables.
Single Project lntegration 30 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Creatlng the AutoPLANT Project
Creating the AutoPLANT Project
AutoPLANT projects are created using the Project Administrator application.
Several configuration decisions will need to be made during the project creation
process. These include:
The data base type (Microsoft Access, Oracle or SQL Server).
The Project Mode (Central or Distributed).
The Base project template.
The 3D modeling units (Imperial, Metric, Mixed Metric).
AutoPLANTProje-cts crea,ted using
Aut.oP A N T P rojed Admi n i.strator.
Dal!abase link esta.blished using
Databas:e User Authent i-cation ..
-+ Exercise 1: Creating the AutoPLANT Project
The Project Administrator provides a wizard driven interface to create new
projects. The New Project Wizord will display a series of dialogs that provide a
step-by-step guide to the process of creating a new project.
Cl t Select Start > All Prosrams > Bentley > Plant VIl > Project Tools > Project
l Select File > Add Root ....
3 In the Browse For Folder dialog, select C:\Bentley Training Project.
4 ClickOK.
5 Right-click on C:\Bentley Training Project.
Single ProJecllntegratlon
Creating the AutoPLANT Project
6 Select New ....
7 Select Oracle for Database Type.
8 Select Access in the Project Schema Location field.
9 Click Next.
O r acle Prov1der=O r a O LE D B O r acle 1
D Use Multi Project Mode: Several projects data will be stored in one project
database (S Q L S erver and O r acle providers O N L Y).
Project S chema Location
Select location available for current provider:
1 Access database
< Back Next > Cancel
10 Select Standard Base Template in the Base Schematic Template field.
11 Select Imperial in the Units field.
12 Set Use Central Project Mode.
13 Click Next.
Single Project lntegration
S elect Base template and 3D modelling settings.
Click the H elp button below for a description of selecting Base template and
3D settings.
G elect the D ose G chemotic T emplote:
~ U se Central Project M o de: All dr awing data will be stored in project
database (not supported for Access provider).
< Back ] l, Nexl > Cancel
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the AutoPLANT Project
14 Click Next.
< Back 1 [
RO O T %\S landards\
%PR OJ E CT _RO O T %\E/ectrical\0 rawings\
%PR OJ E CT _RO O T %\S landards\E leclrical..
tPR OJ E CT _RO O T %11 nslrumenlalron\0 r a .. .
%PR OJE CT _RO O T %\S landards\1 nslrume .. .
%PR OJ E CT RO O T%\S landards\1 nslrume .. .
%PR OJ E CT =RO O T %\S landards\1 nslrume .. .
tPR OJE CT _RO O T%\R aceways\D r awrngs\
%PR OJ E CT _RO O T %10 alaS heets\
%PR OJ E CT _RO O T %10 alaS heets\S pecili ...
%PROJECT ROOT%\Hookuos\ ~ ~
Next > Cancel
15 Type Training in the Project Name field.
16 Click Finish.
Fill project details. Project name is required.
Click the H elp button below for a description of project
Project N umber
Client N umber
< Back 1 [1 Finish
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Single Project lntegration
Creating the AutoPLANT Project
17 Select or type {server name}.
18 Select Use a specific user name and password.
19 Type APDBl in the User na me field.
20 Type 123 in the Password field.
21 Set Allow Saving Password.
22 Click OK.
!l9 Pro ject Database Pro pe rties l8J
Conneclion 1 Advanced 11 All 1
S pecif_y the following to connect to this data:
1. Enter the data source and/or location of the data:
Qata Source: 1 ~ 1 = = = = = = = = = ~ 1
1ocalion: 1'------------------'1
2. E nter information to log on to the server:
U se Y{indows N T 1 ntegr ated secur1t_y
0 1!.se a specific u ser na me and password:
U ser .oame: 1 1
Eassword: 1 1
D ,alank password D Allow ,1aving password
3. E nter the jnitial catalog to use:
[ I est Connection ]
OK J 1 Cancel 1 1 Help
23 Type SupeNisor in the User Name field.
24 Type SupeNisor in the Password field.
25 Click OK.
Single Project lntegration
$! Login lo Pro ject l8J
U ser Name: j Supervisor
Password: ~ " " : : : : ' " = " " " = " " = " ==========
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
D S ave P assword
l1 Hide Delails << J OK 1 1 Cancel 1 1 Help
Project R oot: f C: \B entle_y T r aining Project\
Project N ame: 1 T r aining
~ = = = = = = = = = = = =
D escription: 1 B entle_y T r aining Project
ProjeciiD: LO O::..: Oc_ 1 _________ __j
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Creating the AutoPLANT Project
26 In Project Administrator, expand Training > ProjectWise.
:;:JEJ C: \B entle_y T r aining Project
i EJ. Q Training
: Projecl
! !! _ D atabase
1 $ D
B Proect\l/1se
i i = @) Configure
: : .
; 11 .. Map2DT o3D
i lmport-Export
: Syslem
R elationships
: Model
B .. t!! Piping
i lsometrics
:J 4j E quipment
II 1 sogen
i R eports
: ti7 R ec_ycled Projects
Note: A ProjectWise node will only be displayed in the navigation tree if
ProjectWise Administrator and ProjectWise Explorer were installed
before the AutoPLANT applications.
Keep Project Administrator open.
35 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Datasource - Project lntegration
Datasource- Project lntegration
Before integrating the AutoPLANT project with the ProjectWise datasource,
ensure that the following items are true.
The Schemas used for the AutoPLANT project and the ProjectWise datasource
are defined with proper roles and privileges.
The AutoPLANT project root was created using a mapped drive.
Only required when being used by multiple offices.
The ProjectWise datasource has been created and configured.
Folders should be created in the ProjectWise datasource if not
applying a ProjectWise template during integration.
Below is an overall picture of what is achieved after integrating the AutoPLANT
project with the ProjectWise datasource.
ProjectWise Datasource created
using ProjectWise Admini stra tor
Single Project lntegration
lnt egration ach ieved by AutoPLANT
Project Admini strator
AutoPLANT Projects created using
AutoPLANT Project Admin istrator .
Data ba se linkesta blished using
Databa se U ser Authent ication.
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
-+ Exercisel: Datasource- Project lntegration
1 Expand ProjectWise >Configure.
Datasource- Project lntegration
Note: lf ProjectWise > Configure is grayed out, the project may have been
created in
0istributed' mode instead of /Central' mode. Use the Project
Conversion Wizard in Project Administrator to change the project type.
2 Set ProjectWise Support Enabled.
3 Set New Project in the Project State gro u p.
4 Set lnstall ProjectWise Template.
5 Select Default Plant Template from the list.
Note: Selecting a template allows the building of a folder structure,
environment, etc. in the ProjectWise datasource during the integration
process. This checkbox must be set if Component lndexing functionality
is required.
Note: Choose
ICOS/QRYS Only' to install only the necessary files for
Component lndexing. Selecting a template from the list to install either
a pre-defined list of ProjectWise folders (Default Plant Template) oran
existing user-defined ProjectWise template (.aam file) will also install
the necessary files for Component lndexing.
6 Set lnstall Component lndexing.
C: \B entle_y T r aining Project\ T r aining\Project\1./ise\Configure
~ Project\1./ise S upport E nabled
Project S tate
(!) N ew Project
O E xisting Project F older M apping ...
~ 1 nstall Project\1./ise T emplate
T emplate O ptions:
1 D ef ault Plant T emplate
Component 1 ndexing
~ 1 nstall Component 1 ndexing
Current Data S ource:
Current Project\1./ise Project:
[ E nable Project\1./ise S upport. ..
_J 7 Click Browse next to Current Data Source.
Mar-10 37 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Datasource - Project lntegration
8 Select TrainingDatasourcel in the Datasource field.
9 Type pwadmin in the User Name field.
10 Type 123 in the Password field.
11 Click Log in.
C: \B entle_y T r aining Project\ T r aining\Project\1./ise\Configure
~ Project\1./ise S upport E nabled
Project S tate
0 N ew Project
O E xisting Project F older M apprng .
Current Data S ource:
Current Project\1./ise Project:
[ E nable Project\1./ise S upport. ..
12 Click Enable ProjectWise Support ....
A progress dialog will be displayed indicating step 1 of 2 and step 2 of 2 to
be completed for integration.
Bentley Plan! Schema lnstallation Step 1 of 2
1 nstalling Project\1./ise F olders to VM N U -PI\1./8939: T r ainingD atasource 1. Hit
Bentley Plan! Schema lnstallation Step 2 of 2
1 nstalling Comp. T re e S tructure. Hit Cancel to Stop.
13 Click OK.
Bentley Plan! Schema 1'8]
Bentley Plant Schema Installed Successfully.
14 Close Project Administrator.
Single Project lntegration 38 Mar-10
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Changes to the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
Changes to the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
In this section we will observe what changes too k place as a result of ProjectWise
- AutoPLANT lntegration. Also, we will make changes to the project to prevent
ProjectWise Explorer
Launch ProjectWise Explorer and login to the ProjectWise datasource. Note that a
new folder structure was installed during the integration process. This is beca use
the default Plant template was selected as ene of the integration options. lf a
custom folder structure is desired, the folder structure is first created in the
ProjectWise datasource. When integrating the AutoPLANT project with the
ProjectWise datasource select ICOS/QRYS Only instead of Default Plant
Template. This will install all necessary files needed for Component lndexing but
will not create any folders.
Project.ini Modifications
[ProjectWise] Section
After integration, there is now a [ProjectWise] section in the Project.ini that will
look similar to the ene below.
DSN={PW _Server}:{PW _Datasource}
PWTemplate=Default Plant Template
DSN- Points to the ProjectWise lntegration Server and datase urce for the project.
PWLogin - Tells AutoPLANT to use ProjectWise for user authentication.
O=Disabled, l=Enabled
ProjectType- lndicates whether it was a New or Existing project.
39 Single Project lntegration
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Changes lo the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
O=New, l=Existing
SrvName- lndicates which Oracle Data base is used for the project. This value is
used to look up the connection string in the AP _PROP table of the ProjectWise
Schema -lndicates that the AutoPLANT schema has been installed to the
ProjectWise datasource. This means that folders and/or files from an .aam file
has been imported into the datasource.
O=Not lnstalled, l=lnstalled
PWTemplate- lndicates what template, if any, was used during the integration
There are also optional variables that can be manually added to the
[ProjectWise] section.
LeaveCopy- Setting this value to 1 will remove "leave current document" in the
working directory u pon check in. This setting is only used when using Vision. lf
not manually set, AutoPLANT assumes the value is O.
Components- Setting this value toO will disable the Component lndexing update
for ProjectWise u pon check in. This will speed up the check in of AutoPLANT
documents. However, no document links will be available in Component
lndexing. lf not manually set, AutoPLANT assumes the value is l.
PreventEdit- Setting this value to 1 will prevent the user from editing any
document from Vision until the document is checked in to ProjectWise. This adds
an additional step in creating a document from Vision, but it increases the
security for creating documents. lf not manually set, AutoPLANT assumes the
value is O.
[ProjectWise-FoldersMapping] Section
This section stores the mappings between AutoPLANT paths and ProjectWise
folders. The format is in the form:
Single Project lntegration
AP _Path_Variable=PW_Folder_#
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Changes to the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
Datasheets\1 nstr=62
Note: Mapping is required for PDF reports to be published from Data Manager.
Note: lf integrating a New Project and not using the Default Plant Template, this
section will not be created. lt must be created manually by modifying the
Project.ini file in a text editor.
Additional Entries
An additional entry needs to be made to the Project.ini ifwork sharing will be
done among multiple offices utilizing the lnstrumentation & Wiring application.
Add the following line to the end of the [General] section:
This will ensure that the Process and lnstrumentation Workgroup application will
only use the LAST_ID table when assigning keytags.
Make Project.ini File Read Only
lt is recommended that the Project.ini file be made Read-Only after the
AutoPLANT project is integrated with ProjectWise. This will ensure that no
additions are made to the [Paths] section and that nothing can corrupt the file
AP _PROP Table
Open the AP _PROP table in the ProjectWise schema (PWDBl) using Oracle
Enterprise Manager Console. This table is created during lntegration. An example
41 Single Project lntegration
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
Changes to the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
of the contents of the AP _PROP table is shown below. The order of the records
ENCRYPT- lndicates if the encryption of the Oracle username and password is
enabled. The example connection string in the table above contains an encrypted
username and password
O=Not Enabled, l=Enabled
CONNECTSTRING- Populated with the connection string for the AutoPLANT
project. However, this value is not used by AutoPLANT.
PROJID- (Single Project Mode Only) - Project ID number for the AutoPLANT
project within the AutoPLANT project root directory.
PROJECTROOT- Path to the AutoPLANT project root directory. This will most
likely be a mapped drive, but could also contain a UNC path.
ISACTIVE - (Single Project Mode Only) - lndicates if the integration between
AutoPLANT and ProjectWise is enabled.
O=Disabled, l=Enabled
DBORAlOG- Oracle Server lnstance under which the AutoPLANT Schema is
located. This na me equates to the SrvName variable in the Project.ini. The
connection string to the right of DBORAlOG is the connection string that
AutoPLANT will use to connect to the data base.
VIEWS- lndicates if the queries for Component lndexing were successfully
created in the ProjectWise Schema.
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
Changes to the AutoPLANT Project and ProjectWise Datasource
O=Failed, l=Succeeded
Cl- indicates if Component lndexing was enabled for the project
O=Not Enabled, l=Enabled
VIEWS in ProjectWise Schema
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, expand Views under the PWDBl
Schema. Observe the Views that are created. These views are used to populate
Component lndex in ProjectWise Explorer. They are created during the
integration process.
Val id
t i ~
Val id
Val id
a. Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
Val id
lntegrating an existing project may require that the at_prods.dbf file be replaced.
This is beca use three additional fields have been added to the file. Older project
roots (pre-XM Editions) will not include these fields. To check the file, open it
43 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
ProjectWise Applications
using Microsoft Excel. Make sure the file contains the DOCCLASS, DOCPVDR and
APPNAME fields.
-- ----
;l,.NI l.vtol'..;u" 1 ,., A.,..,.;..,IT .. .U tfOcors "# OO.-lt::O.. !.,_!Oodor. oc:s1' DOeod"" '"""''-"',(11
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e" t., , "1
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P-. l.l)o--- PO... -- ....... WC-loM ,., ._.
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Note: The value in the APPNAME column must match the Application na me in
ProjectWise in order for the integration with AutoPLANT to work correctly.
ProjectWise Applications
An tem defined in ProjectWise Administrator, is used to represent a physical
application that users have installed on their computers. ProjectWise applications
generally consist of a na me and the file extensions typically associated with the
physical application.
In ProjectWise Explorer, documents are associated to ProjectWise applications so
that they always open in the correct physical application when the document is
selected to be opened, quick viewed, redlined, or printed.
There are six (6) applications for AutoPLANT in ProjectWise.
AutoPLANT Equipment
AutoPLANT lsometrics
AutoPLANT Piping
AutoPLANT Raceways
AutoPLANT Structural (or Bentley ProSteel)
The settings for each application should be checked to verify that they are setup
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
ProjectWise Appllcatlons
-+ Exerclse 1: Verlfy AutoPLANT Appllcatlon Settlns
!!e 1 Select Start > All Prosrams > Bentley > ProjectWise VIl > ProjectWise
Z Expand Datasources.
3 Right-click on TrainingDatasource1.
4 Select Login.
The ProjectWise Login dialog opens.
5 Type pwadmin in the User Name field.
6 Type 123 in the Passwordfield.
7 Click Log in.
8 In ProjectWise Administrator, expand TrainingDatasource1.
9 Select Appllcatlons.
10 From the right pane, right-click on AutoPLANT Equipment.
11 Select Properties.
The AutoPLANT Equipment Properties dialog opens.
u Select the Actlons tab.
Verify that the correct version of AutoCAD is setas the default.
13 Select the default version of AutoCAD.
14 Click Modlfy.
AutoPLANT fquipmenl Properties [1J(RI
l Ji:.:i
Prn Berlleov MicroStabon
i'Too""' oiOoen 2008)
erooram dan name:
En41>1e-i<egaticn No
Comm&nd" tha1 vAb! used to mtt applic.atioo:
Single ProJecllntegratlon
ProjectWise Applications
15 Verify the Program class name using the data from the following tables:
Single ProJecllntegraUon
Modify Properties of Open Action (AutoCAD 20 ... [Rl
Command .,.,_
0 EMI>Ielogaey ,...,....,
For AutoCAD 2006:
Application Name Progam Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment AutoCAD Application.16.2
AutoPLANT lsometrics AutoCAD Application.16.2
AutoPLANT P&ID AutoCAD Drawin.PW.16.2
AutoPLANT Pipin AutoCAD Application.16.2
AutoPLANT Raceways AutoCAD Application.16.2
AutoPLANT Structural (or AutoCAD Drawln.PW.16.2
Bentley ProSteel)
For AutoCAD 2007:
Appllcatlon Name PI'Oif8m Class Name
AutoPLANT Equlpment AutoCAD Appllcatlon.17 .O
AutoPLANT lsometrlcs AutoCAD Appllcatlon.17 .O
AutoPLANT PitiO AutoCAD Drawln.PW.17.0
AutoPLANT Plplns AutoCAD Appllcatlon.17 .O
AutoPLANT Raceways AutoCAD Appllcatlon.17 .O
AutoPLANT Structural (or AutoCAD Drawin.PW.17.0
Bentley ProSteel)
ProjectWise Applications
For AutoCAD 2008:
Application Name Proll'am Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment AutoCAD Application.17.1
AutoPLANT lsometrics AutoCAD Application.17.1
AutoPLANT P&ID AutoCAD Drawing.PW.17.1
AutoPLANT Piping AutoCAD Application.17.1
AutoPLANT Raceways AutoCAD Application.17.1
AutoPLANT Structural (or AutoCAD Drawing.PW.17.1
Bentley ProSteel)
For AutoCAD 2009:
Application Name Proaram Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment AutoCAD Application.17.2
AutoPLANT lsometrics AutoCAD Application.17.2
AutoPLANT P&ID AutoCAD Drawing.PW.17.2
AutoPLANT Piping AutoCAD Application.17.2
AutoPLANT Raceways AutoCAD Application.17.2
AutoPLANT Structural (or AutoCAD Drawing.PW.17.2
Bentley ProSteel)
16 From the Modify Properties of Open Action dialog, verify the Command
line arguments using the data from the following tables:
For AutoCAD 2006:
Application Name Proaram Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2006.arg
AutoPLANT lsometrics ... \AutoPLANT_IS0_2006.arg
AutoPLANT P&ID ... \AutoPLANT_2006.arg
AutoPLANT Piping ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2006.arg
47 Single Project lntegration
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
ProjectWise Applications
Application Name Proaram Class Name
AutoPLANT Raceways ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2006.arg
AutoPLANT Structural (or ... \AutoPLANT_STR_2006.arg
Bentley ProSteel)
For AutoCAD 2007:
Application Name Proaram Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment .. \AutoPLANT_PDW_2007.arg
AutoPLANT lsometrics .. \AutoPLANT_IS0_2007.arg
AutoPLANT P&ID ... \AutoPLANT_2007.arg
AutoPLANT Piping ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2007.arg
AutoPLANT Raceways ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2007.arg
AutoPLANT Structural (or ... \ProSteeiV8iACAD _5001_ 409.arg
Bentley ProSteel) ... \ProStructureACAD _5001_ 409.arg
For AutoCAD 2008:
Application Name ProiP'am Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment .. \AutoPLANT_PDW_2008.arg
AutoPLANT lsometrics .. \AutoPLANT_IS0_2008.arg
AutoPLANT P&ID .. \AutoPLANT_2008.arg
AutoPLANT Piping .. \AutoPLANT_PDW_2008.arg
AutoPLANT Raceways .. \AutoPLANT_PDW_2008.arg
AutoPLANT Structural (or .. \ProSteeiVSiACAD _6001_ 409.arg
Bentley ProSteel)
Single Project lntegration 48 Mar-10
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
ProjectWise Applications
For AutoCAD 2009:
Application Name Proll'am Class Name
AutoPLANT Equipment ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2009.arg
AutoPLANT lsometrics ... \AutoPLANT_IS0_2009.arg
AutoPLANT P&ID ... \AutoPLANT_2009.arg
AutoPLANT Piping ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2009.arg
AutoPLANT Raceways ... \AutoPLANT_PDW_2009.arg
AutoPLANT Structural (or ... \ProSteeiACAD_7001_ 409.arg
Bentley ProSteel) ... \ProStructureACAD _7001_ 409.arg
17 ClickOK.
In the Modify Properties of Open Action dialog.
18 ClickOK.
In the AutoPLANT Equipment Properties dialog.
19 Repeat steps 11-18 for the remaining AutoPLANT Applications.
-+ Exercise 2: Changing an AutoPLANT Application Name
1 In ProjectWise Administrator, right-click on AutoPLANT Structural.
2 Select Properties.
3 Type Bentley ProSteel in the Name field.
In the AutoPLANT Structural Properties dialog.
4 Click OK.
5 Open the at_prodsVSi.dbf file for the project.
6 In theAT_STRUCTrecord, type Bentley ProSteel in the DESCRIPTfield and
type Bentley ProSteel in the APPNAME field.
49 Single Project lntegration
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted
ProjectWise Applications
7 Save and close the file.
----:iii:f JLAl)(}I.10 DOUI..I.SS ...........
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, .. _-oor.,s. rlu<tp ll:l fQt.fQOQd-t'fY'(H.&rC>t"l>xWt ' ot:l
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L;: F! &.vw-F lFOoa ...,._Dr -f E
O 1 f'i'!'S:tHe #i. D llt;tftt.SQu''-
t!:!OI 1lY"Jc1 if11u .,...n: !.101 !!thc er a f lltdu ! auamlllll
( ..-.p :o O.... -
Note: Microsoft Excel 2007 and Microsoft Access 2007 cannot edit the
at_prodsV8i.dbf file. Microsoft Office 2003 and earlier versions can be
Note: DBF Explorer by Pablo Software Solutions is a freeware editor that can
be used to modify the at_prodsV8i.dbf file. However; it does not run
correctly on Windows Vista. lt is available for download at: http://
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
AutaPLANT Seturfty
In tn lnti!IM211 eiWiroMient PI'DjeWWse alllllefltlca!2S aaer aa:s to t11e
'"'!ecl'Niaedllmoura! and lile AWIPIANI" prqect. In orderfor Pl'll{ectWise
LMnl to ........ tha AutoPI.ANT project. any wet JGupo that aist in PIDjo<l\VM
mur.t budded toAWJPIANI". can be done usln1 '"'!ectAdmlnlmatar.
-+ Earr:lll 1: CI"Mtfnl HtM u-In PIDjel:lWiae
1 Select Start :o All'rallnml :o IIIIM!er :o PraJeclYo'll8 1111 :o l'nljel:&e
.ldlnlr ... lriiiOi.
:a Elqlend .,.___
J RIJtlt-clkt o111Ninl.....,._ua1.
4 Select l.alln.
5 Type the Uter Nornefteld.
1 Oidtl.alln.
1 E'lqlendlN!ni.....,._IIIDI.
!1 RIJtlt-clltt GIIIJMN.
10 Select HtM:. Uler.
11 Type PMIIInthe Namefleld.
U Type W In the
........ - 1
AutoPLANT Security
13 ClickOK.
New User Properties LlJ[g)
Managed Workspace
Personal Workspace
Settings 11 Member 01
Audit Trail
N ame:
1 1
1 1
!J>pe: Yiindows domain:
j Logical vj
1 1
fassword: Y:erify password:
1 1 1 1
O A;count is disabled
il l
Note: lf you do not enter password for the user, the password will be the
same as the username.
-+ Exerclse 2: Creatlna a New Group In ProjectWise
1 Right-click on Groups.
l Select New > Group.
3 Type APusers in the Name field.
4 Type AutoPLANT Users in the Description field.
5 Select the Members tab.
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
6 ClickAdd ...
New Group Properties 12JrEJ
Gene al 1 Membe1s 11 Membe1 01 11 Managed Wo1kspace 1
!AutoPLANT Use1s
!J>pe: Yiindows domain:
________ IL-__________ __JI
7 Select pwuser.
8 ClickOK.
Select Users
List items of type: hh $
N ame
!J pwuser
m(i D 1 Cancel 1 Apply j
1 >1
OK Cancel
AutoPLANT Securlty
Single ProJecllntegratlon
AutoPLANT Security
9 ClickOK.
New Group Properties 12JrEJ
Membe1s 1 Membe1 Of 11 ManagedWo1kspacel
N ame
1[ Agd... ) B.emove
OK 11 Cancel 11 Appfy 1
10 Close ProjectWise Administrator.
-+ Exerclse 3: Addln the ProjectWise Group to the AutoPlANT Project
1 Select Start > All ProiJI'ams > Bentley > Plant Vli > Data Manacer.
Z Type pwuser in the User Name field.
3 Type 123 in the Passwordfield.
4 ClickOK.
5 ClickOK.
- - ------------
Login Error [8]
11 a:
6 Click No.
P1ojccl Login
7 Select Start > All Programs > Bentley > Plant VIl > Project Tools > Project
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
8 Select the Tralnlng project.
9 Type pwadmln in the User Name field.
10 Type 123 in the Passwordfield.
11 ClickOK.
12 Expand the Tralnlng > Project node.
13 Select Main.
14 Click Users Conflguratlon.
AutoPLANT Securlty
- --------- ----------------------- -
Bentley Project Administrator V Si
E.ile Iools t!elp
!! Standard Configurations
$ ,ii U ser Configurations
cb D C:\Bcntlcy Pkant VBi Projc
S D C:\Bentley T raining Projer
. BQ Training
Project ;
00 Datasheets
00 ProjectWise
_i_l l _l
C:\ Bentley T raining Project\ T raining\Project\Main
Project N ame
Project ID
l rraining
Project Description 1 Bentley T raining Project
Project Folder lc:\Bentley Training Project\Training\
Users Configuration 1 1 Application Security .___:..:_ __ ____:_____)
15 Select the Groups tab.
16 Click Add.
!5 User Configuration
N ame
1 Func Access 1 Level Access 1 Default T ype 1
FFFF FFFF Supervisor
0004 0004 User
0000 0000 Read Dnly
0007 0004 User
0007 0001 Supervisor
0007 003A User
FFFF FFFF Supervisor
Close 1 1 Help
17 Type APusers in the Group Name field.
18 Select User for Group Default Access Type.
Single ProJecllntegratlon
AutoPLANT Security
19 ClickOK.
lO Click Close.
'8 ( reate Group r8J
GrOt.ODefdA.coe:n: Twe: L ..,
[So ll Select Start > All ProiJI'ams > Bentley > Plant Vli > Data Man8Jer.
ll Type pwuser in the User Name field.
l3 Type 123 in the Passwordfield.
l4 ClickOK.
Observe that members of the APusers group can now successfully login to
the AutoPLANT project.
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
AutoPLANT Project Configuration
AutoPLANT Project Configuration
-+ Exercise 1: Publish lsogen Drawings to ProjectWise
lsogen drawings generated from AutoPLANT Piping can automatically be
published to the ProjectWise datasource.
1 In Project Administrator, select the Training project.
2 Expand lsogen >Post Process.
3 Set Publish to Project.
4 Click Browse.
5 Select the desired folder.
6 ClickOK.
C:\ll.utoPLJ..NT Multi Process
Ard-i veOptiom
D Menage File D DXF File
D PCF D M al:erial Ld
Archive 1 C:\ll.uloPLJ:..NT Mulb Proects\Baytown Chem\ConfiQ\1 1 O
Application ID
Criteri.... jAREA; LINENUMBER j E:E[J
Narring Rule I ''ISO"+<AREA>+""+<LINENUMBER>
Oul:put Form.... t
Convert DXF to DWG
D Script r::c Vc;;;>c;ciSc-p>O--c ,ll-,,., - .,-, cr 1 .
NeV'I' AutoCAD Session lor lsogen Procesa.g
Publim to Project j JApl atltCMproj1 !Orawings/lwmetrics/Final j CJ
O O ver Write exding
0 Create new Ver:o:iorw of OOcurnerlb
SelectStyle: '--I FIN.ll.L ___ --'="J vl [ Create j [ Remove ]
7 Select Over Write existing files or Create new Versions of documents.
Over Write existing files: Subsequent generation of an lsogen drawing
will overwrite the previous version of the drawing.
Create new Versions of documents: Subsequent generation of an
lsogen drawing will generate a new version of the drawing. The
previous version will be retained.
Note: These settings are specific toa particular style. Therefore, depending on
the requirement, Create Versions can be enabled for one style while
opting to Overwrite Existing Files in another.
8 Select File > Save.
57 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
AutoPLANT Project Configuration
-+ Exerclse 2: Publlsh PXF Files to ProjectWise
PXF files generated from AutoPLANT Piping, Equipment or lsometrics can
automatically be published to the ProjectWise datasource.
1 Select the Training project.
Z Expand the navigational tree to lmport-Export > PXF.
3 Set Publlsh To Project .
.=1 4 Click Browse.
5 Select the desired folder.
6 ClickOK.
C:\Bentley T Project\ T raining\IMport-E
it] Publish T o Proiect
7 Select File> Save.
Single ProJecllntegraUon Mar-10
AutoPLANT Project Configuration
Merge 3D Changes at Check In
This option is available in Project Administrator from the Data base> Data bases
When enabled: Changes made toa document checked out of ProjectWise are
saved toa local temporary data base. The changes get published to other people
only when the user decides to check in the document.
When disabled (Default): Changes made toa document checked out of
ProjectWise, the database changes are saved to the project schema in
ProjectWise and the drawing data is saved locally.
C:V..utcf'LANT Ml-llti
1 Ecit T ables
SQLSE Password C:\to.utoPLANT
SCHEMA ACCESS Data Sour C:\to.utoPLANT Add ...
D Merge 3D ct.ange:;: al check-in in ProjedWise Projed:;:
59 Single Project lntegration
Copyright 2010 Bentley Systems, Incorporated
Module Review
Module Review
Now that you have completed this module, let's measure what yo u have learned.
1 Does the username and password for the datasource have to be the same
as the Oracle username?
2 Are folders created in the datasource if a template is not used during
3 T/F: Microsoft 2007 can be used to open the at_prodsV8i.dbf file?
1 The username and password for a datasource does not have to be the
same as the Oracle username.
2 Folders must be added manually if a template is not used during
3 False, an earlier version of Microsoft must be used to open the
at_prodsV8i.dbf file.
Single Project lntegration 60
Copyright C 201 O Bendey Systems, Incorpomted