Real-time threat detection-refers to the Incident triage- is the step where you
ability of a cybersecurity system to identify evaluate an incident and decide how to
and respond to potential security threats tackle it.
as they happen. Collect Reports
How Real Time Threat Detection Works Determine Seriousness
Gauge Legal Consequences
User and Attack Behavior Analytics - focus Choose an Investigator
on identifying and responding to threats Make a Timeline
based on the behavior of users and
attackers within an organization's network. Disaster Recovery (DR)-plans, which were
mainly focused on natural disasters.
Create Intruder Traps - Some things are just
too good to pass up. Security teams
understand this tendency,
Hunting Threats - Real time threat
detection doesn't simply sit around and
wait for cybersecurity threats.
Benefits Of Real Time Threat Detection
MODULE 3 -are strategic, high-level blueprints
that guide an Organization’s
Information Security-is a set of rules,
information security program.
policies and procedures designed to ensure
2. Issue-specific policy
all end users and networks within an
-Issue-specific policies build upon
organization meet minimum IT security and
the generic security policy and
data protection security requirements.
provide more concrete guidance on
The importance of information security certain issues relevant to an
policies: organization’s workforce.
3. System-specific policy
1. Guides the implementation of
-A system-specific policy is the most
technical controls.
granular type of IT security policy,
-A security policy doesn’t provide
focusing on a particular type of
specific low-level technical guidance.
system, such as a firewall or web
2. Sets clear expectations
server, or even an individual
-Without a security policy, each
employee or user will be left to his or
her own judgment. Development and Implementation of
3. Helps meet regulatory and Security Policies -Refers to the process of
compliance requirements creating, establishing, and enforcing rules
-Documented security policies are a and guidelines within an organization to
requirement of legislation like HIPAA protect its information systems and data.
and Sarbanes-Oxley, as well as
Writing with Proper Tone-Policy should be
regulations and
written in a way that makes sense to its
standards like PCI-DSS, ISO 27001,
intended audience.
and SOC2.
4. Improves organizational efficiency Be concise
and Don't temper the message
helps meet business objectives Use simple
-A good security policy can enhance Define any term that could potentially
an confuse a reader
organization’s efficiency. Be creative