Unit 2: Requirement Concept
Unit 2: Requirement Concept
Unit 2: Requirement Concept
What are stakeholders? Each interested parties in system such as developers; users, clients
Ex: hotel reservation stakeholders: hotel owners, receptionists, customers and anyone access to make reservation
What are categories of problems? Late delivery, expensive, does not deliver user needs, System is unreliable (error).
What are reasons of problems in Software Products? A lack of understanding, a lack of clear agreement
Why specification of requirements is not an easy task?
- It is not stable (keep changing within time) - Stakeholders do not have the same view or priorities.
3. Consistent: should not contradict each other. 4. Verifiable: possible to check that is implemented.
5. Non-ambiguous & realistic 6.Independent of design.
3. Activities:
a) Requirements elicitation: consulting stakeholders, reading documents, understanding domain.
Requirements dependencies: it conflict with each other (small screen size – scrolling text) portability conflicts usability
Requirement specification: translating information into a document that defines set of requirements;
It includes two types of requirements: User requirements software requirements.
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
Functional Requirements: (FR) describes the behavior of the system- (essential, core requirements)
Not a quality – for example, ‘fast’ is quality so it not functional requirements (adjectives).
Actions the product must take (check, calculate, record). "Verbs are functions"(fundamental purpose).
FR help a developer to identify minimum cost & time that are needed, FR should be prioritized.
Types of functional requirements:
a. Business requirement: (tasks that system should do, not how).
b. Technical solution requirements: a constraint on product due to technology of solution.
2. X must check a user’s password: Functional, technical solution requirement (access to the system can be
achieved in many ways: passwords are just one mechanism.
Natural language "NL" sources of ambiguity: Using pronouns (it, their, etc.) - a word may have multiple meanings
How to solve ambiguity? Avoid pronouns, record abbreviations & definitions for technical meaning words
Non-Functional Requirements (NFR): is a requirement about a quality that product must have. Examples of NFR:
- X must validate user’s identity and password within 3 seconds.
- X must be usable by users with limited dexterity (expertise).
"The system shall accept a credit card number from a client." This is a functional requirement.
"Need for the function to be done securely and within a given amount of time" Associated NFR.
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
NFR Types
1. Look-and-feel requirements –appearance, (Product match with the user-interface guidelines (user needs).
2. Usability requirements: ease of use, easy to learn (reservation websites, "nuclear control").
3. Performance requirements: how fast, safe and accurate, (speed, capacity, Accuracy, reliability).
4. Operational requirements: (factors external to the product) environment, Involves installation needs.
To find operational requirements Investigate product boundary, consider the needs of adjacent system
Computer security is detection and prevention of unauthorized actions by users of a system
5. Maintainability & portability requirements: expected changes, time allowed making them.
Intruders: People, who try to read, change or delete the data that is stored in. They may:
Maintainability A. Keeping
o Hackers who product
test theirupdated B. fixing product when it fails.
skills against.
Portabilityoconcern need to try
porttosoftware to new hardware environments at some later stage.
Competitors: gain access to commercially secret information.
6. Cultural andopolitical–due
Fraudsters to
trypeople involved
to obtain in development,
financial gain. operation usually arise when:
Company sells a product in a different country with different culture & language.
How to protect your own PC by physical means?
7. Legal requirements –It concern
o Providing withtothe
authority law and the
individuals standards
to do that apply to the product.
specific tasks
8. Security requirements:
o Providingcovers confidentiality,
user name integrity,
and password concerned
for accessing with threats against assets
a. Confidentiality protection
o Placing of data
computer in from unauthorized
a room access
to which only andpeople
certain disclosure.
have (physical) access.
b. Integrity refers to consistency of data. c. Availability refers to access by authorized users.
Performance requirements deal with internal factors related to a product such as: security, speed, and size.
Operational requirements concern about external factors related to product "environment of operation".
1. The product use only two colors, lots of animation, large range of exciting sounds.
2. University graduate should be able to learn to use 50% of functionality of product in 2 hours. (Usability)
3. 90% of population should be able to place an order from a web interface within 5 minutes. (Usability)
4. The product shall calculate a guest’s bill in 2 seconds. (performance)
5. The product shall handle up to 10 users simultaneously. (performance)
6. The product shall report wind speeds within 5 miles per hour of the actual speed. (performance)
7. The product shall, on average, operate without failure for 20 days. (performance)
8. Product usable at altitudes up to 1500 m, in icy and wet conditions, and in darkness. (operational)
9. Product used in a standard office environment, except high levels of background noise. (operational)
10. Product needs to be installed at 58 locations of race in 2 days by 3 semi-skilled workers. (operational)
11. Product able to be modified to deal with a new class of a user, with minor changes to European law.
(Maintainability & portability)
12. Product shall be portable to all of operating systems currently used in our Slough office. (Cultural and political)
13. Language used in the interface should be formal polite. (Cultural and political)
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
Example for security: the university used a distributed computing LMS, we have following security problems:
14. Disclosure of personal information, educational materials not paid for, assignment solutions.
b. In an external network, communications will pass through third-party with unknown security measures.
1. Disclosure (of confidential information), read messages, steal credit card information.
2. Modification unauthorized alteration of data. (change messages), loss of integrity
3. Denial of use or service, denial of network service to its authorized (legitimate) users.
4. Repudiation, user claims that they did not send or receive a message that was sent or received
Ecommerce: distributed system where commercial transactions take place (online), sale of goods or
services or banking services, so that security is a major issue.
Firewall is a software used to protect networks (may be hardware).
Threats and attacks against assets: to ensure that all resources (assets) are accessed and used as
intended, if you can prevent misuse, the computing system is secure.
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
Fit Criteria: a quantification or measurement of a requirement that fits the requirement
Criteria added to FR and NFR to make it measurable and testable, if they meet users’ need. Known as fir-criteria.
Define some other quality that the system must possess if it is to meet the requirement.
What are benefits of attaching fit-criteria to requirements?
Developers use the fit criteria to develop the product to meet those criteria.
Testers use fit criteria to determine if the delivered product meets original requirements.
Clients use the fit criteria as acceptance criteria for the product.
A fit criterion for FR: specifies completion of the function that is specified by functional requirement.
Then fit criterion is: A valid credit card number has been stored in the system.
A fit criterion for NFR: specifies a value or values, on a particular scale of measurement, that must be attained by the
property or quality with which the requirement is concerned.
Then a fit criterion is: credit card number should be revealed to a third party in less than 0.0001% of cases.
Example 2: NFR fit criteria
If NFR is: the credit card number should be accepted within five seconds.
Then a fit criterion is: statement contains its own fit criterion, as it is already expressed in terms of the quantity time.
Example 3: Usability requirement
For a public information kiosk at a railway station, the usability requirement is as follows.
Description: The kiosk shall be usable by a member of the public who may not speak or read English.
One possible fit criterion is as follows. Fit criterion: 15 out of 20 non-English speakers able to use kiosk without either
referring to online help or walking away without the desired information.
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
Volere template is organized into five main sections, each including a number of requirements categories.
- Project drivers
- Project constraints
- Functional requirements
- Non-functional requirements
- Project issues
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]
Kuwait – Salmiya – Salem Al-Mubarak St. North Salmiya Market Complex 2nd floor.
(965) 2572 6686 - 2571 4343 (965) 2571 0775 [email protected]