The Ultraviolet Continuum Slopes of Galaxies at Z 8 16 From JWST and Ground-Based Near-Infrared Imaging
The Ultraviolet Continuum Slopes of Galaxies at Z 8 16 From JWST and Ground-Based Near-Infrared Imaging
The Ultraviolet Continuum Slopes of Galaxies at Z 8 16 From JWST and Ground-Based Near-Infrared Imaging
We study the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) continuum slopes (𝛽) of galaxies at redshifts 8 < 𝑧 < 16 (h𝑧i = 10), using a
combination of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) ERO and ERS NIRCam imaging and ground-based near-infrared imaging
of the COSMOS field. The combination of JWST and ground-based imaging provides a wide baseline in both redshift and
absolute UV magnitude (−22.6 < 𝑀UV < −17.9), sufficient to allow a meaningful comparison to previous results at lower
redshift. Using a power-law fitting technique, we find that our full sample (median 𝑀UV = −19.3 ± 1.3) returns an inverse-
variance weighted mean value of h𝛽i = −2.10 ± 0.05, with a corresponding median value of 𝛽 = −2.29 ± 0.09. These values
imply that the UV colours of galaxies at 𝑧 > 8 are, on average, no bluer than the bluest galaxies in the local Universe (e.g.,
NGC 1705; 𝛽 = −2.46). We find evidence for a 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation, such that brighter UV galaxies display redder UV slopes
(d𝛽/dMUV = −0.17 ± 0.05). Comparing to results at lower redshift, we find that the slope of our 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation is consistent
with the slope observed at 𝑧 ' 5 and that, at a given 𝑀UV , our 8 < 𝑧 < 16 galaxies are bluer than their 𝑧 ' 5 counterparts,
with an inverse-variance weighted mean offset of hΔ𝛽i = −0.38 ± 0.09. We do not find strong evidence that any objects in
our sample display ultra-blue UV continuum slopes (i.e., 𝛽 . −3) that would require their UV emission to be dominated by
ultra-young, dust-free stellar populations with high Lyman-continuum escape fractions. Comparing our results to the predictions
of theoretical galaxy formation models, we find that the galaxies in our sample are consistent with the young, metal-poor and
moderately dust-reddened galaxies expected at 𝑧 > 8.
Key words: galaxies: evolution - galaxies: formation - galaxies: high-redshift - galaxies: starburst - dark ages, reionization, first
some variation between filters). For this work, prior to catalogue 20976_4 JWST 10.45 −18.80 −1.53+0.58
construction, all of the NIRCam imaging was homogenized to the 6647 JWST 10.45 −18.88 −0.23+1.12
point-spread-function (PSF) of the F444W filter. 3710 JWST 10.45 −19.06 +0.54
The JWST catalogues were created by running Source Extrac- +0.74
4063 JWST 10.45 −18.03 −3.13−0.77
tor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996) in dual-image mode. The F200W image +0.38
was used as the detection image to optimise for the selection 𝑧 ≥ 8 30585 JWST 10.56 −19.35 −2.98−0.39
galaxies. The photometry for each JWST target was computed in both
0.5-arcsec and 0.36-arcsec diameter apertures. For the purposes of
Table 1. Continued. EAZY and, after applying a robust selection criteria, we retained a final
sample of 16 galaxies at 𝑧 > 7.5. Absolute rest-frame UV magni-
ID Sample 𝑧phot 𝑀UV 𝛽 tudes were calculated for each object from the best-fitting EAZY SED.
Combined, our JWST and COSMOS/UltraVISTA samples yielded a
73150 JWST 10.56 −19.07 −3.57+0.95 total of 61 galaxies at 𝑧 ' 8 − 16.
21071_2 JWST 10.68 −19.27 −2.71+0.64
20757 JWST 10.68 −17.88 −0.74+1.02
−1.05 2.3 Measuring the UV continuum slope
6415 JWST 10.79 −19.13 −2.02+1.02
−1.05 A number approaches to determining the UV continuum slope from
120880 JWST 10.79 −19.43 −2.73+0.58
−0.59 broadband photometry have been presented in the literature, includ-
26598 JWST 10.79 −18.47 −3.31+0.80
−0.87 ing single colour measurements (e.g., McLure et al. 2011; Dunlop
61486 JWST 11.15 −19.61 −2.61+0.41
et al. 2012, 2013) and SED template fitting (e.g., Finkelstein et al.
2012; Tacchella et al. 2022). Here we have adopted the power-law
622_4 JWST 11.27 −18.92 −3.38+0.56
−0.58 fitting method advocated by Rogers et al. (2014) in their study of
33593_2 JWST 11.27 −19.58 −2.07+0.28
−0.30 the 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation at 𝑧 ' 5. For each source, the redshift was
77241 JWST 11.27 −19.60 −2.51+0.38
−0.42 fixed to the best-fitting photometric redshift estimated by Donnan
5268_2 JWST 11.40 −19.16 −2.41+0.52
et al. (2022) and the photometry covering rest-frame wavelengths
127682 JWST 11.40 −19.07 −2.73+0.60 𝜆rest ≤ 3000 Å was modelled as a pure power law ( 𝑓𝜆 ∝ 𝜆 𝛽 ), with
IGM absorption at 𝜆 ≤ 1216 Å included using the Inoue et al. (2014)
26409_4 JWST 11.90 −18.84 −3.25+1.02
−1.47 prescription. The only free parameter in this approach is 𝛽, the power-
8347 JWST 11.90 −19.09 −2.93+0.33
−0.38 law spectral index of the UV continuum red-ward of 𝜆 = 1216 Å. We
10566 JWST 12.03 −19.70 −3.44+0.43
allowed 𝛽 to vary over the range −10 ≤ 𝛽 ≤ 10 and used the nested
32395_2 JWST 12.29 −19.89 −3.30+0.25 sampling code dynesty (Speagle 2020) to sample the full posterior
distribution assuming a uniform prior. The derived values of 𝛽 for
1566 JWST 12.29 −18.77 −2.51+0.51
−0.55 our full sample are given in Table 1.
17487 JWST 12.42 −20.89 −2.64+0.26
−0.27 We investigated the effect of redshift uncertainties by running
27535_4 JWST 12.56 −19.42 −1.70+0.44
−0.46 an additional set of fits in which redshift (𝑧) was included as a
93316 JWST 16.39 −21.66 −1.89+0.15
free parameter. For the prior on redshift we assumed a Gaussian
centered on the best-fitting photometric redshift from Donnan et al.
(2022) (𝑧phot ) with 𝜎𝑧 = 1. We find that the effect of fitting for
the present paper, we adopt the 0.5-arcsec apertures to prevent biases redshift on the derived values of 𝛽 is negligible, with a median
in 𝛽 measurements in more extended sources (Rogers et al. 2014). difference across the sample of Δ𝛽 = 0.04, corresponding to a median
However, we have confirmed that adopting the 0.36-arcsec diameter difference in redshift of (𝑧 − 𝑧 phot ) = −0.03. However, we find that
apertures would not change our main results. Redshifts for each ob- marginalizing over a plausible range of redshifts in this way increases
ject were estimated using the photometric redshift fitting code EAZY the typical error on 𝛽 by ' 13%. For the the purposes of this paper,
(Brammer et al. 2008). A thorough selection procedure, described we decided to fix our redshifts to the more-accurate 𝑧phot values
in Donnan et al. (2022), resulted in a final sample of 45 galaxies at presented in Donnan et al. (2022) (i.e., which are derived from fitting
𝑧 > 8.5 across the three fields. to the full rest-frame UV to optical photometry) but increased the
Absolute rest-frame UV magnitudes (𝑀UV ) were calculated for corresponding 𝛽 uncertainties by a factor 1.13.
each object by integrating the best-fitting EAZY spectral energy dis- We note that our approach is similar to the power-law fitting
tribution (SED) through a tophat filter centered on 𝜆rest = 1500 Å method used by Topping et al. (2022), with the main difference being
(Donnan et al. 2022). that our IGM model enables us to include filters encompassing the
Lyman break. However, our results are unchanged if we restrict the
fitting to filters red-ward of 1216 Å. Finally, it is also worth noting
2.2 COSMOS UltraVISTA that we have explicitly assumed that any emission lines present in the
UV spectrum - in particular Ly𝛼 - have a negligible impact on the
Our COSMOS sample was also initially presented in Donnan et al. observed photometry. This assumption appears to be justified based
(2022). The sample was drawn from the UltraVISTA survey (Mc- on the early, low-resolution, JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy of 𝑧 > 9
Cracken et al. 2012) which provides deep 𝑌 𝐽𝐻𝐾 𝑠 near-IR imaging sources (e.g. Curtis-Lake et al. 2022; Roberts-Borsani et al. 2022).
across 1.8 deg2 in the COSMOS field. The deep near-IR imaging is
supplemented with optical imaging in 𝑢 ∗ 𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑧 from the CFHT Legacy
Survey (Hudelot et al. 2012), and the 𝐺 𝑅𝐼 𝑍 𝑦+NB816+NB921 fil-
ters from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-
SSP) DR2 (Aihara et al. 2019). All of the near-infrared and optical In Fig. 1 we plot the 𝛽 values for our full JWST and COS-
imaging in COSMOS was aligned to the GAIA EDR3 reference MOS/UltraVISTA sample versus redshift, 𝑧, and absolute UV mag-
and PSF-homogenised to the UltraVISTA 𝑌 −band. Additionally, the nitude, 𝑀UV . As well as illustrating the typical 𝛽 values in our
COSMOS/UltraVISTA dataset was further augmented by 3.6𝜇m and sample, the plots clearly demonstrate the power of combining JWST
4.5𝜇m photometry from Spitzer/IRAC imaging provided by the Cos- with ground-based surveys to probe a large dynamic range in both
mic Dawn Survey (Euclid Collaboration et al. 2022). 𝑧 and, particularly, 𝑀UV . The first point to note is the large scatter
The COSMOS catalogue was produced from inverse variance in observed 𝛽 values, which increases towards the faint luminosity
weighted stacks of the data in the 𝑌 , 𝐽, 𝐻, and 𝐾 𝑠 −bands as described limit in both samples. This effect is seen most dramatically for the
in Donnan et al. (2022). Photometric redshifts were estimated with JWST sample, where values as extreme as 𝛽 < −4 are recovered at
Table 2. Average 𝛽 values and standard errors derived for our full sample 1
and in two bins of absolute UV magnitude. The first column defines each JWST
sample in terms of 𝑀UV . In the second column we report the inverse-variance COSMOS UltraVISTA
weighted mean and standard error of the individual 𝛽 values. In the third 0
column we report the median and 𝜎MAD of the individual 𝑀UV values, where
𝜎MAD = 1.483 × MAD and MAD refers to the median absolute deviation.
Sample h𝛽 i h𝑀UV i
Full sample (all 𝑀UV ) −2.10 ± 0.05 −19.3 ± 1.3
𝑀UV ≤ −20.5 −1.80 ± 0.08 −21.6 ± 0.6
𝑀UV > −20.5 −2.32 ± 0.07 −18.9 ± 0.6
𝑀UV & −19. However, the large error bars at these faint luminosi-
ties (𝜎𝛽 ' 1 at 𝑀UV > −19) suggests that this is predominantly
a result of observational uncertainties. Indeed, the preference for −5
low-luminosity galaxies to be scattered blue is a well-known effect,
8 10 12 14 16
caused by the fact that if a galaxy’s flux is boosted into the detec-
tion band it will always be biased towards bluer UV slopes (Dunlop
et al. 2013; Rogers et al. 2013). At the brightest UV luminosities in
the JWST sample, where the constraints on individual 𝛽 estimates
improve significantly, the scatter noticeably reduces and fewer ultra- 1
blue (𝛽 < −3) objects are seen. We will discuss implications for the
detection reliability of ultra-blue objects at faint luminosities in more 0
detail in Sections 3.2 and 4.1.
In the 𝛽 versus 𝑧 plot an increase in the scatter at 𝑧 ' 9 − 11
is apparent for the JWST sample. This is caused by a combination −1
of (i) a larger number of intrinsically faint galaxies being detected
in this redshift range, and (ii) a minimum in the number of filters
covering rest-frame wavelengths 𝜆rest ≤ 3000 Å (typically Nfilt = 3
Formally, 𝜒2 /𝜈 = 1.5 for the best-fit model with respect to the data.
2 Although this definition is somewhat arbitrary, a galaxy with
𝛽 ≤ −3.0 ± 0.2 would represent a & 5𝜎 deviation from the sample aver-
1 Fitting to the two inverse-variance weighted mean values given in age of 𝛽 = −2.1, and a ' 3𝜎 deviation from the UV slope expected for dust
Table 2 returns a formally steeper, but fully consistent, value of free galaxy with a low escape fraction (e.g., 𝛽 ' −2.4; Cullen et al. 2017), and
d𝛽/dMUV = −0.20 ± 0.06. would thus be a strong candidate for an exotic ‘ultra-blue’ stellar population.
6 we recover a inverse-variance weighed mean of h𝛽i = −1.90 ± 0.10
for our JWST sample. In that sense, the rest-frame FUV colors of
4 −20 −19 −18 the Dunlop et al. (2013) sample are fully consistent with our new
MUV JWST sample. However, the addition of longer-wavelength anchors
2 at 𝜆 > 2000Å does favour a bluer h𝛽i.
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−3 −3
−4 Tacchella+(2022)
Vijayan+(2021) FLARES
Bhatawdekar+(2022) Kannan+(2022) THESAN
−5 Dunlop+(2013) −5 SC-SAM Ultra Wide
−23 −22 −21 −20 −19 −18 −23 −22 −21 −20 −19 −18
Figure 5. A comparison of the 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation at 𝑧 > 8 with pre-JWST literature measurements and theoretical galaxy formation models. In the left-hand
panel we show a comparison of our individual data (light grey) and best-fitting relation (black line) to the four pre-JWST studies at 𝑧 ' 9 − 10 indicated in the
legend (Dunlop et al. 2013; Wilkins et al. 2016; Bhatawdekar & Conselice 2021; Tacchella et al. 2022). In general, there is excellent agreement between our new
measurements and the earlier literature data. This comparison also emphasises the power of these new JWST datasets, which have substantially increased the
sample size at faint magnitude (𝑀UV & −20.5). In the right-hand panel we compare our data to three state-of-the-art simulations of galaxy formation: sc-sam
(Yung et al. 2019a), flares (Vijayan et al. 2021) and thesan (Kannan et al. 2022). As discussed in Sec. 4.3, the agreement is is qualitatively very good. The
simulated 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relations have a similar normalization to our data, as well as similar predicted slopes (d𝛽/dMUV ' 0.10 − 0.15). The purple 2D histogram
shows the distribution of ≈ 150, 000 galaxies from sc-sam to illustrate the intrinsic scatter. In this simulation, the predicted intrinsic scatter varies from 𝜎sc = 0.1
at the faint end to 𝜎sc = 0.3 at the bright end, again in reasonable agreement with our estimate of 𝜎sc = 0.35. The good agreement with theoretical predictions
suggests the galaxies in our sample are consistent with the young, metal-poor and moderately dust-reddened population predicted at 𝑧 > 8.
for individual galaxies at 𝑀UV & −20.5 without the assistance of range 0.01 − 1𝑍 . The median mass and metallicity of the simu-
gravitational lensing. lated sample is 𝑀★ ' 108.5 𝑀 and 𝑍★ ' 0.1𝑍 . The mean stellar
age of the sample is ' 100 Myr. We calculated an observed 𝛽 for
each galaxy (i.e., after the application of dust reddening) by fit-
4.3 Comparison with galaxy-formation model predictions ting a power-law to the noise-free mock photometry. The predicted
𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation (observed) is shown in the right-hand panel of Fig.
It is instructive to compare our results to the predictions of state-of- 5, where it can be seen that the overall normalization of the relation
the-are galaxy formation models. As our main comparison, we use is in good agreement with our data. The slope of the sc-sam relation
the Santa Cruz semi-analytic model (sc-sam) for galaxy formation (d𝛽/dMUV ' −0.15) is also fully consistent with our estimate. The
(Somerville et al. 2015, 2021). The sc-sam includes sophisticated 2D histogram in Fig. 5 shows the intrinsic scatter, which increases
prescriptions for cosmological accretion, gas cooling, star-formation, from 𝜎sc = 0.1 at 𝑀UV = −18 to 𝜎sc = 0.3 at 𝑀UV = −22, again in
chemical enrichment and stellar and AGN feedback, and has been reasonable agreement with our estimate of 𝜎sc = 0.35.
shown to successfully reproduce the global properties and scaling
relations of the high-redshift galaxy population out to 𝑧 = 10 (Yung Both the shape and scatter of the 𝛽 − 𝑀UV relation in the sc-sam
et al. 2019a,b). The star-formation and chemical enrichment histories are driven by UV dust attenuation (𝐴UV ). This is unsurprising, as
of the model galaxies are used to generate mock galaxy photometry the intrinsic low-order shape of the UV continuum is not strongly
based on the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) stellar population synthe- metallicity-dependent (Cullen et al. 2019), and at high redshifts the
sis models. Dust attenuation is applied assuming a Calzetti et al. of effect stellar population age is limited by the young age of the
(2000) attenuation law, with the rest-frame 𝑉-band dust attenuation Universe (Tacchella et al. 2022). Across the full range in 𝑀UV , the
calculated based on the surface density and metallicity of cold gas median UV attenuation increases from 𝐴UV = 0.05 to 𝐴UV = 0.64
(Somerville et al. 2012). We refer interested readers to Yung et al. (i.e., galaxies at the bright end in the sc-sam suffer a factor ' 2
(2022b) for a detailed description of the model, including a flowchart decrease in their intrinsic UV flux). The increase in scatter at the
illustrating the full internal workflow of the sc-sam. bright end is also driven by dust, with a larger range of 𝐴UV at
We obtained a sample of ≈ 150, 000 galaxies at 8 < 𝑧 < 10 bright magnitudes. At 𝑀UV = −22, the standard deviation of the 𝐴UV
with dust-attenuated absolute UV magnitudes in the range distribution is 𝜎𝐴UV = 0.4, compared to 𝜎𝐴UV = 0.1 at 𝑀UV = −18.
−23 < 𝑀UV < −18 from the sc-sam ultra-wide lightcone (cover- In the right-hand panel of Fig. 5 we also show 𝛽 − 𝑀UV predictions
ing 2 deg2 ; Yung et al. 2022a)3 . These galaxies have predicted stellar at 𝑧 = 9 from the flares (Lovell et al. 2021; Vijayan et al. 2021) and
masses in the range 107 − 1010 𝑀 and stellar metallicities in the thesan (Kannan et al. 2022; Smith et al. 2022) hydrodymanical sim-
ulations. In both simulations the ISM metallicity is combined with an
assumed dust-to-metal ratio to determine absolute dust attenuation.
3 To compute the wavelength-dependent attenuation, flares employ a
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