2001mnras 326 1533K
2001mnras 326 1533K
2001mnras 326 1533K
Marek J. Kukula,1P James S. Dunlop,1 Ross J. McLure,2 Lance Miller,2 Will J. Percival,1
Stefi A. Baum3 and Christopher P. O’Dea3
Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ
Nuclear and Astrophysics Laboratory, University of Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH
Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Accepted 2001 May 23. Received 2001 May 17; in original form 2000 October 4
We present the first results from a major Hubble Space Telescope programme designed to
investigate the cosmological evolution of quasar host galaxies from z . 2 to the present day.
Here we describe J and H-band NICMOS imaging of two quasar samples at redshifts of 0.9
and 1.9 respectively. Each sample contains equal numbers of radio-loud and radio-quiet
quasars, selected to lie within the same narrow range of optical absolute magnitude
ð224 $ M V $ 225Þ. Filter and target selection were designed to ensure that at each redshift
the images sample the same part of the object’s rest-frame spectrum, longwards of 4000 Å,
where starlight from the host galaxy is relatively prominent, but avoiding potential
contamination by [O III ]l5007 and Ha emission lines.
At z . 1 we have been able to establish host-galaxy luminosities and scalelengths with
sufficient accuracy to demonstrate that the hosts of both radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars lie
on the same Kormendy relation described by 3CR radio galaxies at comparable redshift.
Taken at face value the gap between the host luminosities of radio-loud and radio-quiet
objects appears to have widened from only . 0.4 mag at z . 0:2 to . 1 mag at z . 1, a
difference that cannot be a result of emission-line contamination, given the design of our
study. However, within current uncertainties, simple passive stellar evolution is sufficient to
link these galaxies with the elliptical hosts of low-redshift quasars of comparable nuclear
output, implying that the hosts are virtually fully assembled by z , 1.
At z . 2 the hosts have proved harder to characterize accurately, and for only two of the
nine z . 2 quasars observed has it proved possible to properly constrain the scalelength of the
host galaxy. However, the data are of sufficient quality to yield host-galaxy luminosities
accurate to within a factor of . 2. At this redshift the luminosity gap between radio-loud and
radio-quiet quasars appears to have widened further to . 1.5 mag. Thus while the hosts of
radio-loud quasars remain consistent with a formation epoch of z . 3, allowing for passive
evolution implies that the hosts of radio-quiet quasars are . 2–4 times less massive at z . 2
than at z . 0:2.
If the relationship between black hole and spheroid mass is unchanged out to redshift
z . 2, then our results rule out any model of quasar evolution which involves a substantial
component of luminosity evolution. Rather, this study indicates that at z . 2 there is a
substantial increase in the number density of active black holes, along with a moderate
increase in the fuelling efficiency of a typical observed quasar. The fact that this latter effect is
not displayed by the radio-loud objects in our sample might be explained by a selection effect
arising from the fact that powerful radio sources are only produced by the most massive black
Key words: galaxies: active – galaxies: evolution – quasars: general.
E-mail: [email protected]
q 2001 RAS
1534 M. J. Kukula et al.
galaxies. This result is consistent with measurements of the
massive dark objects in the nuclei of nearby inactive galaxies,
Recent years have brought great advances in our understanding of which predict that only the largest spheroidal systems will harbour
the symbiotic relationship between active galactic nuclei (AGN) black holes of the requisite mass to produce luminous quasars
and the galaxies in which they occur. Some of the most impressive (Kormendy & Richstone 1995; Magorrian et al. 1998; van der
advances concern quasars – the most powerful known AGN – as Marel 1999), and also with the discovery by McLeod & Rieke
improvements in ground-based observing techniques and the (1995) of a lower limit to the mass of a quasar host which is
advent of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) have allowed the correlated with the luminosity of the quasar. The implication of
diffuse ‘fuzz’ of the underlying host galaxy to be reliably separated these studies is that massive elliptical galaxies are the parent
from the wings of the bright non-stellar nuclear point spread population of the quasar phenomenon. However, in a ground-based
function (PSF) for the first time. K-band study of luminous ð225 $ M V $ 227Þ RQQs, Percival
The problems inherent in observing quasar host galaxies from et al. (2001) found evidence that, on scales much larger than those
the ground are too well-known to require detailed explanation but, probed in optical HST images, some of the hosts are dominated by
considering the enormous difficulties involved in separating faint, a disc component. Clearly the issue of host morphology has yet to
diffuse galaxy light from the PSF of a bright quasar, it is perhaps be entirely resolved, but the finding that a quasar host requires at
surprising that so much progress has been made to date using the very least a massive spheroidal component seems secure.
ground-based techniques. Although such studies are effectively Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) also provide important
limited to z # 0:3, at these low redshifts a combination of ground- information on the nature of the host galaxies. McLure et al. (1999)
based and HST programmes is beginning to yield a coherent picture and Dunlop et al. (2001) found that the R 2 K colours of their
of the properties of quasar hosts in the local universe. quasar hosts were consistent with normal passively evolving
However, the local universe is not the most representative region elliptical galaxies with ages of , 12 Gyr, implying that the stellar
in which to study the quasar population: arguably the epoch of populations formed at high redshift ðz , 3Þ. Optical off-nuclear
greatest importance to quasar research occurred at redshifts of spectroscopy of the same objects (Hughes et al. 2000; Nolan et al.
z , 2 to 3, when quasars were 2–3 orders of magnitude more 2001) confirms that, longwards of the 4000 Å break in their rest-
numerous than they are today. Although simulations show that it is frame spectra, these hosts are dominated by light from an old, well-
very difficult to derive the properties of quasar hosts at such high z established population of stars. Similar results are obtained for
from the ground with any degree of confidence (Taylor et al. 1996), radio galaxies (e.g. de Vries et al. 2000).
numerous attempts have been made with (not surprisingly)
confusing results. In this paper we present the results of a study
1.2 High-redshift quasar hosts
using the Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer
(NICMOS) on HST to investigate how the luminosities, sizes and The fact that the host galaxies of low-redshift quasars have mature
morphologies of the hosts of both radio-loud and radio-quiet stellar populations and contain a massive bulge component implies
quasars (RLQs and RQQs) have evolved from the ‘golden era’ of that, like local inactive elliptical galaxies, they are arguably
quasar activity to the present day. consistent with the products of successive merger events. This
raises important questions about the potential redshift dependence
of the properties of quasar hosts. The dramatic cosmological
1.1 The host galaxies of low-redshift quasars
evolution exhibited by the quasar population itself, with a
At low redshifts, attention has been focused on determining the comoving number density which peaks at redshifts of 2–3 before
luminosities, scalelengths, morphologies and interaction histories undergoing a rapid decline to its present low value, has been known
of quasar host galaxies, and investigating the extent to which these for many years (e.g. Boyle, Shanks & Peterson 1988; Dunlop &
properties are correlated to the optical and radio luminosity of the Peacock 1990; Warren, Hewett & Osmer 1994) but the extent and
quasar (Véron-Cetty & Woltjer 1990; Dunlop et al. 1993; McLeod form of any evolution affecting quasar hosts remain as largely
& Rieke 1994a,b; Bahcall, Kirhakos & Schneider 1995a,b,1996; unknown quantities. The issue has been given renewed urgency by
Hutchings & Morris 1995; Disney et al. 1995; Taylor et al. 1996; continuing efforts to characterize the star formation history of the
Bahcall et al. 1997; Hooper, Impey & Foltz 1997; Boyce et al. universe, for which the redshift range of z ¼ 2–3 also appears to
1998; Carballo et al. 1998; McLeod, Rieke & Storrie-Lombardi correspond to an important epoch (Madau et al. 1996; Hughes et al.
1999; Schade, Boyle & Letawsky 2000; Hamilton, Casertano & 1998; Steidel et al. 1999).
Turnshek 2001; Márquez et al. 2001). For example, it has long been It is therefore important to determine how the luminosities,
known that low-luminosity AGN display marked preferences in scalelengths and the degree of morphological disturbance seen in
terms of host type, with (radio-quiet) Seyferts favouring spiral quasar host galaxies varies with cosmological epoch between the
hosts whilst (radio-loud) radio galaxies are exclusively associated peak of quasar activity at z . 2 and the present day, and whether
with massive ellipticals. However, recent studies have demon- the hosts of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars differ in their
strated that this distinction breaks down at the higher redshifts and luminosity or morphological evolution. However, the difficulties
nuclear luminosities typical of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars, involved in such studies are far more formidable than at low z and
and that powerful nuclear activity is predominantly associated with this is reflected in the confusion which surrounds the interpretation
bulge-dominated galaxies, regardless of radio luminosity. of ground-based attempts to observe high-redshift quasar hosts.
In our own HST study of low-redshift ð0:1 # z # 0:25Þ, low- Several groups have attempted such observations from the
luminosity ð223 # M 2 V # 226Þ RLQs and RQQs (McLure ground and have succeeded in detecting extensions around high-
et al. 1999; Dunlop et al. 2001) we found that for quasars brighter redshift quasars (Hintzen, Romanishin & Valdes 1991; Heckman
than M R , 224, the hosts are invariably massive elliptical et al. 1991; Lehnert et al. 1992; Aretxaga, Boyle & Terlevich 1995;
galaxies with L $ 2L*, with typical scalelengths of , 10 kpc, and Rönnback et al. 1996; Aretxaga, Terlevich & Boyle 1998). These
display a Kormendy relation identical to that of brightest cluster studies suggest that the host galaxies of quasars at z . 2 are , 2.5
Figure 1. Left: absolute V magnitude versus redshift for the RQQs (filled circles) and RLQs (open circles) in the current study. The shaded vertical bars
represent the redshift regimes over which the indicated WFPC2 and NICMOS filters remain free from contamination by [O III ]l5007 and Hal6563 emission
lines. Also shown are the quasars from our previous HST imaging study using WFPC2/F675W (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop et al. 2001). This low-z sample
spans almost 3 magnitudes in optical luminosity at a given redshift ðz . 0:2Þ whereas the three samples selected for the current study are confined to only 1 mag
in luminosity but span the bulk of the history of the Universe. Thus these complementary low-z objects provide the baseline against which to measure any
cosmological evolution in the high-z samples. Right: schematic showing typical rest-frame spectra of a quasar (upper panel) and an early-type galaxy (lower
panel). The two vertical lines delineate the region of the host-galaxy spectrum which is targeted by the redshift/filter combinations used in the observations
described in this paper. Note the avoidance of prominent quasar emission lines and the increase in galaxy flux density longwards of the break feature at 4000 Å.
Table 1. Summary of the quasar samples observed in the current NICMOS study. RQQs are derived from the UVX survey by Boyle et al. (1990) (SGP) and the
survey of Marshall et al. (1984) (BVF), and are confirmed as radio quiet ðP5 GHz , 1024:5 W Hz21 sr21 Þ by the Very Large Array (VLA) FIRST and NVSS
surveys. RLQs were selected from the Véron-Cetty & Véron (1993) quasar catalogue, with reported 5-GHz radio luminosities P5 GHz . 1025 W Hz21 sr21 and
steep radio spectra. V-band magnitudes are from various sources, and where necessary have been converted from B-band measurements. For the estimation of
luminosities at both radio and optical wavelengths we have assumed a quasar spectrum of the form f ðnÞ / n 20:5 .
giving a total of 30 objects. In order to perform a clean comparison the optical luminosity distributions of the two types are well
of the hosts of RLQs and RQQs at each epoch it was important matched. This is not a trivial task. It requires that we select only
to ensure that the RLQs are genuinely radio-loud ðP5 GHz . RQQs which have been observed with the Very Large Array (VLA)
1025 W Hz21 sr21 Þ, that the RQQs are genuinely radio-quiet with high sensitivity but have not been detected, and requires that
ðP5 GHz , 1024:5 W Hz21 sr21 Þ, and that within each redshift bin we confine our RLQ sample to steep-spectrum objects whose
Figure 2. Results of PSF subtraction on the quasar BVF247. The left-hand panel shows the J-band image of the quasar after subtraction of a stellar PSF. Prior to
subtraction the PSF was re-centred and scaled such that the value of the central pixel was 0.84 times that of the corresponding pixel in the quasar image. Using a
larger PSF:quasar ratio leads to an over-subtracted image in which the flux ceases to rise monotonically towards the centre, causing a characteristic dip in the
values of the central few pixels. The image is 1:75 1:75 arcsec2 in size, with grey-scale levels extending from 0 per cent (white) to 25 per cent (black) of the
maximum flux in the image. The central panel shows the NICMOS J-band PSF, with an identical greyscale cut from 0 to 25 per cent of the peak. The PSF is
considerably more compact at the 25 per cent level than the subtracted quasar image, which clearly contains a significant component of extended emission
underlying the quasar point source. The right-hand panel shows a normalised encircled energy diagram for the unsubtracted quasar image. The plot shows the
cumulative flux in a circular aperture of increasing radius (with increments of one pixel), centred on the brightness peak and normalised at the radius at which
the background noise in the quasar image becomes significant (defined here to be the radius beyond which the enclosed flux ceases to increase monotonically).
The solid line shows the quasar point source plus underlying host galaxy whilst the dashed line shows the equivalent curve for a pure (stellar) PSF. The
shallower slope of the quasar profile is further evidence of an underlying extended flux component.
little different to that at J, by selecting objects of the same absolute preference for the smaller, 5-kpc model. Note that, though the
magnitudes as those at lower redshifts the apparent brightness of extended emission in SGP2:36 is clearly visible in the H-band
the targets had of course decreased substantially. image, the small extent of the galaxy relative to the wings of the
These factors, coupled with the wider H-band PSF, meant that H-band PSF was enough to frustrate the modelling software until
clear evidence for an extended component was immediately the number of degrees of freedom was reduced.
apparent in only two of the images (the RQQ SGP2:36 and the For the last four objects, neither model gave a significantly better
RLQ B222156129). In several objects, careful subtraction of a fit to the data, though both gave statistically acceptable results and
scaled PSF does reveal the presence of an underlying extended the flux of the host galaxy remained stable to within ^ 0.75 mag.
component although, as the example shown in Fig. 4 demonstrates, However, in view of the relatively small amount of extended flux, it
very little useful information on the quantity and extent of the seems unlikely that the galaxies are much larger than the FWHM of
emission can be derived from this relatively crude procedure. the NICMOS PSF (0.19 arcsec , 2 kpc). In Table 3 we therefore
In order to carry out a more rigorous search for the presence of adopt a tentative upper limit of 10 kpc.
underlying galaxies, we performed 2D modelling of the H-band
images using the algorithm described in the previous subsection.
As before, we assumed an r 1/4 (de Vaucouleurs) surface brightness
profile for the putative galaxy and used our stellar H-band image to Despite the difficulty in determining morphologies and, at z , 2,
represent the NICMOS PSF. The results of this 2D modelling are scalelengths for the quasar hosts, the information obtained from the
listed in Table 3. NICMOS images allows us to compare the galaxies with other
For two objects, the RLQs B222156129 and 4C45.51, the types of active and inactive galaxies at the same redshifts and to
model rapidly converged on a solution, finding luminous, extended investigate the link between quasar and galaxy evolution. We first
galaxies (half-light radii , 2 arcsec). For the remaining seven discuss the implications of our relatively robust results at z . 1,
objects, in order to obtain an adequate 2D fit to the images, the before considering the implications of our z . 2 results in the
algorithm once again found it necessary to include some extended context of theories of quasar/galaxy evolution.
emission in addition to the quasar PSF. However, the algorithm
experienced difficulty in converging on a unique solution for the
5.1 Comparison of RLQ and RQQ hosts at z . 1
underlying galaxy. The problem was identified as an inability to
determine the luminosity and scalelength of the galaxy In our study of low-redshift ðz , 0:2Þ radio-loud and radio-quiet
simultaneously, as a result of the fact that the amount of extended quasars (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop et al. 2001; Hughes et al.
flux was generally low, and its distribution lay well within the 2000; Nolan et al. 2001), for quasars with M V # 224 we found no
wings of the H-band point spread function. statistically significant differences between the host galaxies of the
In order to encourage the algorithm to converge on a unique two types of quasar. Both RLQs and RQQs seem to lie in large
solution, we reduced the number of free parameters by using a ðr 1=2 , 10 kpcÞ, luminous ðL . L*Þ elliptical galaxies with colours
circular galaxy model and fixing the scalelength at either 5 or and ages consistent with those of inactive massive elliptical
10 kpc. By comparing the quality of the resulting fits, we could galaxies at the same redshift.
assess whether the ‘small’ or ‘large’ galaxy model gave a better At z , 1, although, we are unable to determine the morphology
match. In three cases, the RQQ SGP2:36 and the RLQs of the galaxies with confidence, we find that once again the
PKS1524-14 and PKS2204-20, this produced a significant properties of the radio-loud and radio-quiet hosts are statistically
Figure 3. Examples of azimuthally averaged surface-brightness profiles for three members of the z , 1 quasar sample observed through the F110M filter (from
left to right: the RQQs BVF247 and BVF262, and the RLQ PKS0938118). In each case the upper (solid) line shows the best-fitting model (galaxy plus quasar),
whilst the lower, dotted line shows the contribution from the nuclear (quasar) component only. In all cases the fit was obtained by assigning a de Vaucouleurs
(r 1/4) law to the host galaxy. Model parameters for each object are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Results from the two-dimensional modelling of the z . 0:9 quasar sample.
The table gives the fits achieved using an r 1/4 (de Vaucouleurs) model for the galaxy’s
surface brightness profile, and assuming a cosmology with H 0 ¼ 50 km s21 Mpc and
Vm ¼ 1:0, VL ¼ 0:0. Column 3 lists the half-light radius, r1/2, of the host and column
4 the surface brightness, m1/2, at this radius (J mag arcsec22). Columns 5, 6 and 7 list
the apparent host and nuclear J-band magnitudes (with associated uncertainties of
, 0.4 and , 0.3 magnitudes respectively) and the ratio of nuclear to host-galaxy
luminosity, whilst column 8 gives the axial ratio of the host.
Radio-Quiet Quasars
SGP5:46 0.955 3.9 21.65 20.10 19.46 1.79 1.14
SGP2:47 0.830 – – – – – –
BVF225 0.910 17.1 23.78 20.11 17.91 7.61 3.20
BVF247 0.890 11.9 22.83 18.88 20.14 0.31 1.20
BVF262 0.970 4.6 21.56 19.85 19.24 1.76 1.36
Radio-Loud Quasars
PKS0440 2 00 0.844 13.0 22.71 18.84 18.47 1.41 1.64
PKS0938118 0.943 4.3 21.10 19.49 19.81 2.29 1.33
3C422 0.942 17.0 22.88 18.29 17.90 1.43 1.33
MC21121172 0.878 17.4 23.14 18.18 18.97 0.48 1.02
4C02.54 0.976 10.4 21.62 19.32 17.61 4.82 4.08
consistent with one another, although there is some evidence of a index (Taylor et al. 1996). This enabled us to compare the
trend towards a larger luminosity difference than was found at properties of the three main types of powerful active galaxy in the
z . 0:2. The mean J-band magnitude for the RLQ hosts is 18:8 ^ local universe, and to test models which claim to unify RLQs and
0:3 and that of the RQQs is 19:7 ^ 0:3, whilst the mean radio galaxies via viewing angle effects. We found that the radio
scalelengths are 12:4 ^ 2:4 kpc and 9:4 ^ 3:2 kpc respectively. A galaxies were indistinguishable from the hosts of RLQs and
similar tendency towards somewhat less massive hosts for RQQs luminous RQQs, having similar sizes, colours and luminosities and
was also seen in the z . 0:2 sample (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop following a Kormendy relation identical to that of normal, inactive
et al. 2001), although once again the difference was not statistically massive elliptical galaxies (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop et al.
significant. McLure et al. speculate that this might indicate that the 2001).
low-z RQQs contain smaller black holes than their radio-loud As a result of scheduling pressures it was not practical to include
counterparts, but are accreting gas with greater efficiency, to a comparison sample of radio galaxies in the current NICMOS
produce comparable luminosities. Larger samples will be required study. However, by utilizing the data in the HST archive we are able
at both redshifts in order to determine whether this apparently to construct a post hoc sample of radio galaxies which is roughly
small but persistent difference is in fact real. matched to the quasars at z , 0:9.
Of all the radio galaxy images in the archive the most useful in
terms of redshift, radio luminosity and observing waveband are the
5.2 Comparison of quasar hosts and radio galaxies at z . 1
I-band images of 3CR radio galaxies made with WFPC2 by Best,
In our previous HST study of quasar hosts at z , 0:2, as well as Longair & Röttgering (1997, 1998). These images have been
radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars we also included a sample of reanalysed by McLure & Dunlop (2000) with the same 2D
FRII radio galaxies which was carefully matched to the RLQ modelling software used to analyse the current NICMOS images.
sample in terms of extended 5-GHz luminosity and radio spectral By assuming an I 2 J colour of 0.8 for elliptical galaxies at z , 1
Figure 4. Results of PSF subtraction on the quasar SGP2:36. The left-hand panel shows the H-band image of the quasar after subtraction of a stellar PSF. Prior
to subtraction, the PSF was re-centred and scaled such that the value of the central pixel was 0.8 times that of the corresponding pixel in the quasar image. Using
a larger PSF:quasar ratio results in an over-subtracted image. The image is 1:1 1:1 arcsec2 in size, with grey-scale levels extending from 0 per cent (white) to
25 per cent (black) of the maximum flux in the image. The central panel shows the NICMOS H-band PSF, with an identical greyscale cut from 0 to 25 per cent
of the peak. Although the difference is less marked than in the J-band example of Fig. 2, the residual flux in the subtracted image is more extended than the PSF
and cannot be accounted for by a point source. The right-hand panel shows a normalized encircled energy diagram for the unsubtracted quasar image. The plot
shows the cumulative flux in a circular aperture of increasing radius (with increments of one pixel), centred on the brightness peak and normalized at the radius
at which the background noise in the quasar image becomes significant (defined here to be the radius beyond which the enclosed flux ceases to increase
monotonically). The solid line shows the quasar point source plus underlying host galaxy, whilst the dashed line shows the equivalent curve for a pure (stellar)
PSF. The slope of the quasar curve is less steep than that for the pure PSF, providing further evidence for an extended component of emission underlying the
quasar point source.
Radio-Quiet Quasars
SGP2:11 1.976 ? (,10) 20.65 18.97 4.70 –
SGP2:25 1.868 ? (,10) 19.89 19.60 1.31 –
SGP2:36 1.756 ,5 19.74 19.98 0.80 –
SGP3:39 1.964 ? (,10) 19.77 19.55 1.16 –
SGP4:39 1.716 ? (,10) 21.60 18.86 12.43 –
Radio-Loud Quasars
PKS1524 2 13 1.687 ,5 19.36 18.10 3.22 –
B2 2 2156 1 29 1.753 16.0 17.87 17.97 0.91 1.77
PKS2204 2 20 1.923 ,5 20.66 18.57 6.87 –
4C45.51 1.992 17.9 17.86 17.48 1.42 1.23
(Fasano et al. 1998) it becomes possible to make a comparison compatible, without the need to make surface-brightness correc-
between the quasar hosts imaged in J-band with NICMOS and the tions. Once again, we can convert the NICMOS J magnitudes for
I-band radio galaxy images. the quasars to I-band values by assuming an I 2 J colour of 0.8.
We find that the I-band properties of the quasar hosts are very The two sets of data are shown in Fig. 5, where it can be seen that
similar to those of the radio galaxies: mean scalelengths (with the Kormendy relations for both quasars and radio galaxies are
standard errors) are 12:6 ^ 2:3 (RGs) and 11:0 ^ 1:8 (quasar statistically indistinguishable. A least-squares fit to all the data
hosts), whilst the mean absolute I magnitudes are 224:62 ^ 0:13 points produces the relationship m1=2 ¼ 3:23^0:42 log r 1=2 1
(RGs) and 224:59 ^ 0:21 (quasar hosts). 19:82^0:4 (for the radio galaxies alone the fit has a slope of 3.5;
Given that the redshift distributions of the 10-object 3CR galaxy McLure & Dunlop 2000). Thus at these redshifts both the quasar
subsample and the new z , 1 quasar sample are similar, it is also hosts and radio galaxies appear to be derived from the same parent
possible to investigate whether their Kormendy relations are population. This result is consistent with the unification of RLQs
Figure 6. Host galaxy versus quasar (nuclear) absolute magnitudes at redshifts of 0.4, 1 and 2. The dashed line shows the value of LQ V for galaxies in the local
universe. The small grey points are the simulated data from the semi-analytic model of Kauffmann & Haehnelt (2000), showing the predicted evolution of the
relationship between MV of the host and MB of the active nucleus, and assuming the same cosmology used in the current paper. The large symbols show the
results of the current NICMOS study, with filled circles representing RQQs and open circles RLQs. As we currently lack data for objects at z ¼ 0:4, in the left-
hand panel we plot the subset of RLQs and RQQs with 224 $ M V ðtotalÞ $ 225 from our WFPC2 study of quasars at z , 0:2 (McLure et al. 1999; Dunlop
et al. 2001). The triangle in the left hand panel shows the locus of the quasar sample of McLeod et al. (1999). As at each redshift our chosen filter corresponds to
rest-frame V-band, the absolute V-band magnitudes can be calculated directly from the observed R, J and H magnitudes without the need to assume any
particular spectral shape for the hosts. For the quasars we have converted from MV to MB using a colour index of B 2 V ¼ 0:4 [equivalent to a spectrum of the
form f ðnÞ / n 20:2 . [Figure adapted from fig. 12 of Kauffmann & Haehnelt (2000).]
Figure 7. Mean absolute V-band magnitude versus mean redshift for the host galaxies of the RLQs (open circles) and RQQs (filled circles) in the current
NICMOS study. Also shown is the subset of five RLQs and seven RQQs from our WFPC2 study of quasars at z , 0:2 which have total ðhost 1 nuclearÞ
luminosities in the same range as the high-redshift samples ð224 $ M V $ 225Þ. Error bars show the standard error on the mean. The dotted lines show the
luminosity evolution of present day L*, 2L* and 4L* elliptical galaxies, assuming a formation epoch of z ¼ 5 with a single rapid burst of star formation
followed by passive evolution thereafter. Left-hand panel: assuming a cosmology with H 0 ¼ 50 km s21 Mpc21 , Vm ¼ 1:0 and VL ¼ 0:0. Right-hand panel:
H 0 ¼ 65 km s21 Mpc21 , Vm ¼ 0:3 and VL ¼ 0:7.
proposed by Haehnelt & Rees 1993) which can successfully cannot be explained away simply as the effect of the two unusually
reproduce the approximate luminosity evolution that is observed luminous RLQs in the z . 2 sample. [The V magnitudes quoted in
(Boyle et al. 2000). Within this framework, quasars of a given the Véron-Cetty & Véron (1993) catalogue are often merely
luminosity are powered by progressively lower-mass black holes extrapolations based on data in other wavebands, so it is perhaps
with increasing redshift. Hence if black hole mass is indeed related unsurprising that our sample should turn out to contain two objects
to the mass of the dark halo, as might be implied from the slightly more luminous than our nominal upper limit of
correlations between black hole mass and galaxy bulge luminosity M V ðtotalÞ ¼ 225: Even when these two objects are excluded,
(Kormendy & Richstone 1995; Magorrian et al. 1998; van der the remaining RLQ hosts at z . 2 show no evidence for a drop in
Marel 1999) and between black hole mass and galaxy velocity luminosity with redshift, and a tendency towards increasing
dispersion (Ferrarese & Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000), the luminosity is clearly already present at z . 1.
Kauffmann & Haehnelt (2000) model predicts that quasars of a To clarify the trend of host luminosity with redshift seen in our
given luminosity should, on average, be found in progressively sample, we plot mean MV versus redshift in Fig. 7, for two
less-massive host galaxies with increasing redshift. In fact, alternative cosmologies, overlaid with the predictions for a
provided that a relationship between black hole mass and host passively evolving galaxy formed in a short-lived burst at high-
galaxy mass exists at all redshifts, then any luminosity-evolution redshift ðz ¼ 5Þ. Passive evolution commencing at high redshift
model will predict such an effect, and this prediction can now be appears to be the most reasonable starformation history to adopt,
tested. given the evidence from Nolan et al. (2001) and de Vries et al.
To date, ground-based studies have not strongly supported such a (2000) that low-z quasar hosts and radio galaxies are dominated by
picture, finding evidence for very luminous hosts around quasars at stellar populations of age . 12 Gyr.
redshifts of , 2.5. However, these observations have concentrated These plots demonstrate a number of potentially important
on the most luminous quasars, for which there are no counterparts points. It is clear that in either cosmology the hosts of RLQs
at low redshifts. Our current HST study thus offers the prospect of brighten with redshift in a manner which is perfectly consistent
the first, proper, unbiased view of how host-galaxy luminosity with pure passive evolution. Basically, the typical host of an RLQ
varies with redshift, in a manner which offers a direct and appears to be a passively evolving (present-day) 4 L* elliptical.
transparent test of theoretical predictions. This is not only because This result agrees well with what has been found for high-redshift
we have studied quasars of similar luminosity at z . 0:2, 1 and 2, radio galaxies. Specifically, if we compare our z . 2 results
but also because we have observed all the hosts at the same rest directly with H-band observations of radio galaxies at comparable
wavelength (removing the need for k-corrections), and because redshift, the average H-band magnitude for radio galaxies in the
host-galaxy luminosities have been derived using an identical redshift band 1:7–2:1 discussed by Lacy, Bunker & Ridgway
modelling technique at all redshifts. (2000) is 19:2 ^ 0:3, while the average H-band magnitude for the
In Fig. 6 we show the best-fitting host and nuclear luminosities RLQ hosts in our z . 1:9 sample is 18:9 ^ 0:7. Our results for
for our quasar samples at z . 0:2, 1 and 2, superimposed on to RLQ hosts are also consistent with the findings of a recent ground-
the scatterplot predictions for quasars/hosts at z . 0:4, 1 and 2 based imaging study of three RLQs at z , 1:5 by Falomo,
produced by Kauffmann & Haehnelt (2000). As can be seen, the Kotilainen & Treves (2001). Taken together, these results therefore
agreement between observation and prediction is excellent for the provide further support for a picture in which the formation of
low-redshift sample, but becomes progressively less convincing ellipticals with sufficiently massive black holes to support radio
within the higher redshift bins as the model predictions recede, activity (see McLure et al. 1999), is essentially complete before
while our derived host luminosities remain either roughly constant z . 2.
(in the case of the RQQs) or actually increase with redshift (in the The trend displayed by the hosts of RQQs does appear to be
case of the RLQs). We note that the behaviour of the RLQ hosts somewhat different however. While the error bars have also grown,