Mnras0411 2770
Mnras0411 2770
Mnras0411 2770
Accepted 2010 October 16. Received 2010 August 3; in original form 2010 March 9
We present comprehensive catalogues of hot star candidates in the Milky Way (MW), selected
from Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) far-UV (FUV; 1344–1786 Å) and near-UV (NUV;
1771–2831 Å) imaging. The FUV and NUV photometry allows us to extract the hottest stellar
objects, in particular hot white dwarfs (WD), which are elusive at other wavelengths because of
their high temperatures and faint optical luminosities. We generated catalogues of UV sources
from two GALEX’s surveys: All-Sky Imaging Survey (AIS; depth AB magnitude ∼19.9/
20.8 in FUV/NUV) and Medium-depth Imaging Survey (MIS; depth ∼22.6/22.7 mag). The two
catalogues (from GALEX fifth data release) contain 65.3/12.6 million (AIS/MIS) unique UV
sources with errorNUV 0.5 mag, over 21 435/1579 deg2 . We also constructed subcatalogues
of the UV sources with matched optical photometry from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS;
seventh data release): these contain 0.6/0.9 million (AIS/MIS) sources with errors 0.3 mag
in both FUV and NUV, excluding sources with multiple optical counterparts, over an area
of 7325/1103 deg2 . All catalogues are available online. We then selected 28 319 (AIS)/9028
(MIS) matched sources with FUV − NUV < −0.13; this colour cut corresponds to stellar
T eff hotter than ∼18 000 K (the exact value varying with gravity). An additional colour cut
of NUV−r > 0.1 isolates binaries with largely differing T eff s, and some intruding quasi-
stellar objects (QSOs; more numerous at faint magnitudes). Available spectroscopy for a
subsample indicates that hot-star candidates with NUV−r < 0.1 (mostly ‘single’ hot stars)
have negligible contamination by non-stellar objects. We discuss the distribution of sources
in the catalogues, and the effects of error and colour cuts on the samples. The density of
hot-star candidates increases from high to low Galactic latitudes, but drops on the MW plane
due to dust extinction. Our hot-star counts at all latitudes are better matched by MW models
computed with an initial–final mass relation (IFMR) that favours lower final masses. The
model analysis indicates that the brightest sample is likely composed of WDs located in the
thin disc, at typical distances between 0.15 and 1 kpc, while the fainter sample comprises also
a fraction of thick disc and halo stars. Proper motion distributions, available only for the bright
sample (NUV < 18 mag), are consistent with the kinematics of a thin-disc population.
Key words: catalogues – surveys – stars: evolution – white dwarfs – Galaxy: stellar content
– ultraviolet: stars.
branch (AGB) and planetary nebula (PN) phases, in which they shed
1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
much of their mass. The ejected material enriches the interstellar
The vast majority of stars (initial mass 8 M ) end their lives medium (ISM) with newly synthesized nuclear products (mainly
as white dwarfs (WD), after passing through the asymptotic giant He, C, N and possibly O) to different extents, depending on the
initial stellar mass and exact evolutionary path (e.g. Marigo 2001;
Karakas 2010). Intermediate-mass stars are the main providers of
E-mail: [email protected] carbon and nitrogen, whereas low-mass stars are the most relevant
coverage is provided by the All-Sky Imaging Survey (AIS) and the coverage of the overlap is 7325 (AIS) and 1103 (MIS) deg2 . Details
Medium [depth] Imaging Survey (MIS), that reach typical depths of the area calculation are provided in Section 2.4. The sky coverage
of 19.9/20.8 mag (FUV/NUV) and 22.6/22.7 mag (FUV/NUV), re- of AIS and MIS in the GALEX data release GR5 and its overlap
spectively, in the AB magnitude system. The Nearby Galaxy Survey with SDSS DR7 are shown in Fig. 1.
(NGS; Bianchi et al. 2003; Bianchi 2009; Gil de Paz et al. 2007),
with over 300 fields at MIS depth, targeted nearby, hence fairly
extended, galaxies, therefore it has been excluded in the present 2.2 The catalogue of unique UV sources
work, lest some sources from galaxies ‘shredded’ by the pipeline Here, we describe the procedure used to construct the catalogue of
intrude on our catalogue. See also Bianchi (2009, 2010); Bianchi unique GALEX sources (i.e. eliminating repeated measurements).
et al. (2007a); Bianchi et al. (2010) for a general discussion of the All catalogues described in this paper are made publicly avail-
content of the UV sky surveys. able from our website, and from
In this paper, we use data from the GALEX fifth data release MAST at, and as High-Level Science Products
(GR5) AIS and MIS surveys, which include a total of 28 269 and (, in the ‘Catalogues’ section). There-
2161 fields, respectively. The data are taken from the Multimission fore, we provide here information on how they were constructed that
Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute (MAST) archive. will be relevant for potential users, as well as to others interested in
We restrict the catalogues to sources within the central 1◦ diameter constructing future versions of similar samples.
of the field (for good photometry and astrometry, and to exclude We extracted catalogues of GALEX sources from STScI
edge artefacts). With such restriction, and eliminating overlaps, MAST (, at the CASJobs SQL interface
these surveys cover a total unique area of 21 434.8 (AIS) and 1578.6 ( Sources were extracted from the table ‘pho-
(MIS) deg2 (Section 2.4). Section 2.2 describes the construction toobjall’, from the MIS and AIS surveys separately, with the criteria
of the catalogue of unique GALEX sources. In order to separate that the source distance from the field centre had to be 0.◦ 5 and
the UV sources by astrophysical classes, we examine in this work the photometric error less than 0.5 mag in NUV. In other words, we
the portions of the GALEX GR5 AIS and MIS surveys that are initially included in our general GALEX source catalogue all NUV
also included in the footprint of the SDSS DR7, which provides reliable detections, regardless of whether they have also an FUV
five optical magnitudes: u g r i z in addition to the GALEX FUV, detection. For our selection of hot-star candidates, we will eventu-
NUV magnitudes. The overlap between GALEX GR5 and SDSS ally impose the additional criterion of good FUV photometry. The
DR7 includes 10 316/1655 (AIS/MIS) GALEX fields, and the area additional restriction of errFUV < 0.5 mag significantly reduces the
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
400 10000
MIS 8000
Number of fields
300 AIS
Number of UV sources in each field
-50 0 50
Galactic latitude
Figure 2. Top: distribution of FUV exposure times for AIS (10 s bins) and MIS surveys (50 s bins); a few fields have longer exposure times, off the scale of the
plots. Bottom: number of UV sources (all UV detections, not just our selected hot stars) in each GALEX field (1◦ diameter), before merging the catalogues and
removing overlaps. Three shades of blue (light/medium/dark) for AIS indicate exposure times of <120/120–220/>220 s, respectively, and lighter/darker green
for MIS fields indicate FUV exposures less/more than 1200 s. Generally, the number of UV source detections in a field increases with depth of exposure, as
expected, and as seen more distinctly for the AIS at the high latitudes, uncomplicated by dust extinction. A few fields, including some with short exposures, have
overdensities. While the number of MW stars increases towards the MW disc, as shown by the AIS sources, at MIS depth most UV sources are extragalactic,
hence show no correlation with Galactic latitude except for the foreground extinction. The sharp drop in the centre, due to dust extinction, defines the MW dust
number of sources (by a factor of up to 10; see Table 2), with respect The typical exposure time for MIS is 1500 s, which is met or
to the total number of NUV detections, and of course introduces exceeded by the majority of fields. The AIS survey aims at exposure
a bias in the source catalogue, the hottest and bluest sources (the times of the order of ∼100 s. We retained also fields with exposures
subject of this paper) being not affected but the redder sources being shorter than typical. Therefore, while the typical depth of the two
progressively eliminated, as discussed in Sections 2.5 and 3.3. For surveys (AIS and MIS) differ by ∼2 mag, the exposure level is not
more discussions about statistical properties, and biases inherent to strictly homogeneous across each catalogue.
sample selections, see Bianchi et al. (2010). Fig. 2 (bottom panel) shows the number of GALEX sources in
A few observations planned as part of the MIS or AIS surveys each GALEX field. We colour-coded the fields by three ranges of ex-
actually partly failed, and resulted in one of the detectors (most often posure time for the AIS (two for MIS), since the number of sources
FUV) not being exposed (such observations are typically repeated detected above a given error-cut generally increases with exposure
later). The observations with one of the two bands having zero time. This plot is useful to check for fields with overdensities, since
exposure time were eliminated from our catalogue, otherwise they the surveys, the broad AIS in particular, include also some stellar
will bias the statistics of FUV-detection over the total number of clusters. In general, the spread in number of sources per field is just
NUV detections, and the corresponding fields were not counted in about a factor of 2 for MIS. A few AIS fields around latitude −30◦
the area calculation. have an overdensity of almost 1 dex; however the total number of
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of exposure times (FUV is shown, AIS fields in each 10◦ -wide latitude bin (used in our analysis; see
but NUV is generally equal or larger), for the AIS and MIS fields. the next section) is very large, and a few overdensities do not affect
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
as can be expected (e.g. Bianchi 2009). The most restricted sample sen to largely exclude all extragalactic objects, based on colours de-
in the right-panel histograms, the point-like matched sources with rived from canonical templates of QSOs and galaxies (e.g. Bianchi
error 0.3 mag in both FUV and NUV, and FUV−NUV <−0.13, 2009 and references therein; see also Fig. 5).
are the subject of this paper; it contains mostly hot-star candi- As shown by Fig. 5 in this work, and by fig. 7 (lower pan-
dates (Teff > approximately 18 000 K), with some contamination els) of Bianchi et al. (2007a), at AIS depth (∼21th mag) sources
by QSOs at faint magnitudes and red optical colours, discussed in with FUV−NUV <−0.13 have very little contamination by ex-
Section 3.2 (see also Bianchi et al. 2009a). tragalactic objects, but at fainter magnitudes a number of QSOs
The analysis of the hot-star sample with MW models (see later) and galaxies with extremely ‘blue’ FUV-NUV colours is found.
shows that the magnitude limit introduced by our error cut of Bianchi et al. (2009a) have examined the nature of such uncommon
0.3 mag eliminates mostly halo and thick-disc MW stars from the QSOs, and their figs 1 and 2 show the location of these objects
sample (between the green solid and dashed lines on the right-hand in the colour–colour diagrams. These QSOs have extremely ‘blue’
panel). On the other hand, including sources with larger photomet- FUV−NUV (more negative than typical QSOs at any redshift), but
ric errors would introduce significant contamination of the sample optical colours typical of QSOs and galaxies. Therefore, they over-
by non-stellar objects (see Fig. 5). lap, in UV–optical colour–colour diagrams, with the locus of hot
More statistical analysis of the catalogues, and discussion of stars with a cool companion, i.e. hot stars having very blue (i.e.
potential biases in flux-limited sample selection, is given by Bianchi negative) FUV−NUV colour but optical colours redder than what
et al. (2010). their FUV−NUV would imply for a single hot source. We discuss
the QSO contamination in Section 3.2.
We restricted the catalogue to sources with photometric errors
0.3 mag in both FUV and NUV. Fig. 4, previously discussed, and
The matched GALEX-SDSS sources in our catalogues are shown in Table 2 in this work show the effect of the error cuts on the sample’s
colour–colour diagrams in Fig. 5 as density plots. Model colours for statistics. We additionally use one optical band (r) to separate the
major classes of astrophysical objects are also shown to guide the hot sources in ‘single’ star candidates, having colour NUV−r <
eye in interpreting the distribution of sources. We refer to Bianchi 0.1, and ‘binary’ candidates having NUV−r > 0.1. In more detail,
et al. (2009a) and references therein for other similar figures and the NUV−r boundary between single and binary hot stars has a
description of the model colours. complex dependence on stellar T eff and radii of the binary pair,
We selected hot stellar candidates by extracting the matched which we will address in a different work. For example, a hot
point-like sources with FUV−NUV <−0.13 (in the AB magni- WD with an A-type companion, and pairs with small mass ratios,
tude system), which corresponds to stars hotter than ≈18 000 K, the
precise T eff depending on the stellar gravity, and on the model atmo-
spheres adopted (discussed later).2 This FUV−NUV limit was cho- FUV-NUV colour is basically reddening free. In fact, the higher selective
extinction Aλ /EB−V in the FUV range is approximately equalled by the
effect of the broad 2175 Å feature in the NUV range (see Fig. 2 and Bianchi
2 The measured colours also depend on extinction, however for a MW- 2009). The absorption in each UV band, however, is much higher than in
type dust, with RV = 3.1, and moderate reddening amounts, the GALEX optical bands.
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
will fall in the colour selection of our ‘single’ hot-star sample. binary companion or QSOs, which have redder UV-optical colours,
The adopted value is a useful cut to eliminate most extragalactic will be detectable also in the SDSS imaging. This explains why the
sources contaminating our FUV−NUV <−0.13 sample, as they density of MIS ‘single’ hot matched sources (light-green) drops at
have NUV−r > 0.1, however it is obviously an oversimplification faint magnitudes earlier than the dashed-green histogram, the dif-
for a detailed study of binaries. In sum, our so-called (for simplicity) ference between the two being larger than what can be ascribed to
‘binary’ sample includes stellar pairs with a hot WD and a cooler QSO contamination (Section 3.2).
star, and some QSOs; the ‘single’ sample includes all single stars In order to estimate the incompleteness of faint hot-WD counts
and some binaries. We impose no error cut on the r magnitudes, in in our matched sample, we searched for GALEX MIS sources with
order to not limit the sample of the hottest WDs, which are faint FUV−NUV <−0.13 that are within the SDSS DR7 footprint, but
at optical wavelengths. If the restriction of error 0.3 mag were do not have SDSS counterpart. We found ≈1500 such sources, hav-
imposed to the rband, the density of objects in the MIS sample ing no optical match in our catalogue with a match radius of 3 arcsec
would be reduced by about 30 per cent (GALEX is ‘deeper’ than (Section 2.3). We performed a number of tests to verify if these are
SDSS for very hot stars of low luminosity, see Section 3.1); the loss real sources. We matched them against the SDSS catalogue, extend-
would be much smaller for the brighter AIS sample. ing the match radius to 6 arcsec, and found 399 additional matches,
The density of hot-star candidates is shown in Fig. 6 and will 138 of them are classified as ‘point-like’ sources at the SDSS res-
be discussed later. The magnitude distribution of the total hot-star olution. These mostly appear to be actual sources in the images,
candidate sample (FUV−NUV <−0.13) is shown with shadowed although we note that for faint sources, the SDSS classification
histograms in Fig. 8 and beyond, and the ‘single’ hot-star candi- of ‘extended’ and ‘point like’ is not always reliable, as shown by
dates (FUV−NUV <−0.13 and NUV−r < 0.1) with solid-colour Bianchi et al. (2009a). It is expected that a small number of sources
histograms. may have optical coordinates differing by more than 3 arcsec from
the UV position; sometimes this is due to a nearby source not fully
resolved. For the remaining 1100 UV sources with no SDSS match
3.1 Hot stars not detected by SDSS out to 6 arcsec, visual inspection of random subsamples revealed
While the SDSS depth of 22.3/23.3/23.1/22.3/20.8 AB magnitude in some to be part of extended cirrus emission, many seem likely
u,g,r,i,z provides a fairly complete match to the AIS UV source cata- sources, a few cases are parts of a shredded galaxy. The ‘kron ra-
logue, the hottest, smallest stars detected in the MIS may fall below dius’ from the GALEX pipeline gives an indication of the spatial
the SDSS limit. This can be guessed by comparing in Figs 8, 10, 12 extent of the source: 189 sources have kron radius larger than 3.5,
the green-dashed histogram (matched GALEX-SDSS sources with hence are probably not stellar sources, but visual inspection sug-
FUV−NUV <−0.13) with the light-green filled-colour histogram gests about 75 per cent of them to be real sources. Even visual
(matched sources with FUV−NUV<−0.13 and NUV−r < 0.1, i.e. inspection, however, is not always conclusive, for faint sources or
‘single’ hot stars). The hottest single WDs will be faintest at optical complicated fields, and better resolution or deeper exposures would
wavelengths (e.g. a star with log g = 9 and T eff = 50 000/100 000 K be needed for a final sample. In sum, a very large fraction of the
would have FUV−r = −2.33/−2.61 in AB magnitude, according 1500 objects unmatched within 3 arcsec are actual sources, and an
to our TLUSTY model grids). Therefore, hot WDs still detectable undetermined fraction may be actual hot stars.
in UV at the depth of our MIS sample (see Fig. 4) may be below In spite of the large uncertainties, we added all these objects to
the SDSS detection limit, while hot WDs with an optically brighter the ‘single’ hot matched sources catalogue, and show the total as
No. of GALEX
Latitude No. of GALEX FUV−NUV No. of matched sources No. of point-like matched sources
range sources <−0.13 errNUV 0.5 errNUV,FUV errNUV,FUV errNUV 0.5 errNUV,FUV errNUV,FUV with FUV−NUV <−0.13
errNUV errFUV,NUV errFUV,NUV Rank0 Rank1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 errNUV,FUV NUV−r <0.1
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 0.5 0.3 0.3
−90 to −85 66 929 16 822 2444 622 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
−85 to −80 177 553 49 043 6304 1540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
−80 to −75 112 394 32 092 4021 971 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
394 332 109 647 12 984 3070 87 456 2708 33 147 1300 15 510 794 17 782 638 2584 211 1158 127 321 91 42
C 2010 RAS
−45 to −40 428 767 89 077 13 169 3620 207 041 10 578 57 421 3948 29 654 2414 61 074 3127 5178 651 2869 413 745 311 157
−40 to −35 538 838 103 347 15 242 4283 211 133 9835 50 373 3174 27 961 1978 83 015 3652 6030 580 3634 349 843 396 228
−35 to −30 323 258 59 584 8370 2715 124 660 8736 27 139 2794 16 141 1929 58 244 3735 3658 607 2374 419 558 303 174
−30 to −25 214 275 31 837 5398 1749 133 209 8714 23 127 2116 11 900 1213 75 788 4697 4076 529 2404 301 656 365 240
−25 to −20 48 433 6190 1035 357 34 035 2638 4825 494 2441 272 22 202 1652 1109 149 646 94 182 93 65
15 to 20 43 887 8626 997 304 26 939 1383 6195 433 3488 279 14 452 716 1297 120 812 81 132 77 51
20 to 25 226 867 47 323 6099 1672 144 508 7255 35 983 2484 18 325 1450 64 767 3040 5810 575 3372 358 635 308 218
25 to 30 403 868 91 523 10 958 2782 281 365 12 461 79 869 4695 39 329 2745 101 054 4591 10 017 974 5594 565 1075 520 346
30 to 35 711 824 152 925 21 310 5682 474 446 18 387 132 915 6920 66 709 4116 155 923 6218 14 995 1263 8182 727 2079 862 488
35 to 40 937 945 203 696 27 963 7589 621 803 24 188 173 805 9065 91 210 5604 200 400 8114 18 511 1602 10 080 971 2720 1094 601
40 to 45 641 846 152 205 21 044 5661 430 026 15 963 133 123 6575 68 076 4018 119 976 4803 12 413 1116 6306 654 1892 744 413
45 to 50 707 063 162 317 21 478 5659 460 636 15 730 139 985 6496 74 669 4238 127 343 4598 12 844 1041 6839 658 1885 639 325
50 to 55 731 762 170 967 20 334 5143 492 531 19 798 149 059 7947 80 742 4944 135 058 5360 13 351 1257 7468 769 1700 641 371
55 to 60 690 921 170 036 20 115 4864 461 420 18 063 146 692 7491 76 642 4663 119 973 4788 12 470 1150 6521 704 1657 528 293
60 to 65 377 644 97 916 11 366 2899 255 057 9001 86 150 4034 45 134 2581 62 828 2388 7169 649 3695 415 912 309 142
65 to 70 99 569 25 651 3073 716 68 009 2407 22 683 1058 10 337 609 13 951 546 1857 151 832 83 238 75 44
70 to 75 23 953 6405 678 136 16 778 537 5757 238 2588 137 3126 137 446 46 198 26 62 20 12
−90 to 90 12 597 912 3020 219 387 881 102 267 5745 511 228 289 1749 821 89 830 923 357 56 409 1711 149 72 728 171 465 15 503 92 915 9547 23 221 9028 4924
−85 to −90 186 959 29 800 6088 1187 2118 66 488 22 137 9 686 24 60 2 21 1 5 0 0
−80 to −85 639 403 107 385 20 863 4235 15 996 448 3458 144 1075 65 4635 152 399 33 177 17 55 28 24
−75 to −80 946 695 157 960 31 268 6157 42 060 1425 9492 431 2998 179 11 306 416 922 79 448 32 134 60 41
−70 to −75 1379 695 220 313 43 504 8513 102 750 4001 23 114 1254 7740 600 28 113 1238 2273 223 1058 116 309 138 97
Hot white dwarfs: UV catalogues
No. of GALEX
Latitude No. of GALEX FUV−NUV No. of matched sources No. of point-like matched sources
range sources <−0.13 errNUV 0.5 errNUV,FUV errNUV,FUV errNUV 0.5 errNUV,FUV errNUV,FUV with FUV−NUV <−0.13
errNUV errFUV,NUV errFUV,NUV Rank0 Rank1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 errNUV,FUV NUV−r <0.1
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 Rank0 Rank1 0.5 0.3 0.3
−65 to −70 1779 025 267 234 53 565 10 329 104 406 3670 24 373 1188 8059 514 28 907 1114 2464 221 1070 102 350 141 99
−60 to −65 1823 298 273 723 54 203 10 650 151 592 6068 34 985 1981 11 556 944 44 240 1714 3466 342 1584 181 489 233 176
L. Bianchi et al.
−55 to −60 2202 425 309 450 62 380 12 610 149 424 6616 29 732 1895 9752 819 50 822 2148 3580 355 1700 168 537 294 214
−50 to −55 2221 574 260 072 55 813 11 764 137 391 6620 21 591 1640 7251 732 56 334 2497 3270 348 1589 154 553 331 234
−45 to −50 2526 007 271 544 59 711 12 805 195 821 10 880 29 085 2665 10 396 1253 81 131 4309 4433 562 2221 277 801 473 338
−40 to −45 2644 017 259 939 59 142 14 759 157 644 12 248 20 715 3038 7274 1400 79 249 5390 3708 680 1808 341 758 441 302
−35 to −40 2824 496 243 813 55 332 13 542 243 682 15 446 28 209 3371 9899 1562 133 778 7605 5717 831 2900 417 1208 725 501
−30 to −35 3022 905 251 126 53 008 14 535 171 132 14 681 14 919 2977 5579 1395 112 514 7969 4148 857 2175 454 938 570 394
−25 to −30 2725 467 171 367 39 306 12 449 219 113 20 491 15 759 3593 6299 1665 159 944 12 263 5423 1154 2978 571 1330 829 611
−20 to −25 2565 319 121 358 29 997 11 039 158 390 19 012 7832 2255 3563 1116 133 521 13 447 4060 922 2233 504 1037 650 476
−15 to −20 2294 738 90 915 21 775 9748 104 999 13 902 4288 1362 2245 739 94 135 10 745 2685 665 1536 384 660 406 291
−10 to −15 1474 126 54 091 11 682 6026 107 441 14 988 4086 1142 2582 762 102 078 12 821 3235 736 2048 511 607 350 231
−5 to −10 468 735 20 256 3196 1719 15 893 2690 834 224 547 147 15 334 2358 707 158 441 102 77 39 22
0 to −5 81 792 5544 338 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 to 0 112 359 9822 673 324 4730 816 364 140 263 120 4577 774 340 133 241 113 37 18 2
10 to 5 896 414 41 563 5055 2532 67 009 10 668 4191 1170 2914 871 64 784 9577 3683 921 2520 682 285 169 86
15 to 10 2209 741 93 883 17 027 7825 133 415 20 698 6792 1979 4160 1267 124 034 17 107 5085 1207 3230 806 758 458 301
20 to 15 2785 094 137 819 28 011 10 512 248 149 22 946 22 199 3385 9760 1708 192 683 16 088 8372 1376 4610 747 1398 892 688
25 to 20 3078 141 180 485 38 516 11 924 482 621 34 646 50 125 5965 19 504 2777 328 234 21 367 14 284 2013 7510 1020 2539 1604 1230
30 to 25 3074 765 199 400 45 162 11 949 565 885 34 039 59 037 6033 20 866 2622 336 893 18 763 14 374 1854 7217 885 2777 1683 1308
35 to 30 3068 226 221 555 50 831 11 949 770 294 40 366 91 294 7455 30 887 3131 420 587 20 138 18 413 1879 9082 840 3615 2135 1714
40 to 35 2827 184 215 451 50 937 10 501 911 569 43 682 109 497 8095 35 498 3333 459 207 20 279 19 905 1846 9697 822 3899 2278 1774
45 to 40 2867 019 241 576 57 082 10 742 1149 694 53 336 144 002 10 172 45 305 4158 490 863 21 484 21 555 2157 10 284 980 4171 2345 1858
50 to 45 2589 087 237 387 55 351 9692 1187 271 53 682 158 334 10 737 47 012 4333 455 468 19 957 21 918 2243 10 131 1013 4017 2139 1679
55 to 50 2183 650 219 294 49 511 8631 1135 384 51 155 165 181 11 031 48 979 4336 414 632 18 158 21 966 2136 9994 973 3845 1979 1556
60 to 55 2031 169 227 445 49 608 8489 1207 517 55 161 187 254 12 923 56 759 5317 390 611 17 457 21 534 2264 9850 1071 3576 1838 1410
65 to 60 1617 230 193 927 41 370 7220 1058 375 50 788 173 459 12 127 52 661 5039 332 166 15 743 19 066 2203 8630 1048 3063 1531 1197
70 to 65 1419 335 168 945 36 062 6064 927 973 42 934 151 376 10 316 44 148 4136 278 120 12 937 16 547 1808 7447 822 2578 1325 1022
75 to 70 1204 662 135 513 29 867 4605 792 486 37 015 121 558 8221 34 147 3190 227 147 10 912 13 190 1494 5749 675 2127 1033 792
80 to 75 860 091 88 480 19 796 2865 563 957 27 906 78 969 5847 21 026 2238 155 680 8158 8642 1069 3668 475 1370 645 512
85 to 80 471 126 59 667 12 490 1978 310 436 15 381 53 200 3836 14 757 1510 87 185 4318 5673 638 2445 290 842 401 307
90 to 85 164 322 20 454 4760 795 107 786 5417 18 269 1330 5094 523 27 164 1384 1682 212 754 102 267 138 119
−90 to 90 65266 291 5808 556 1253 280 290 790 13 704 403 753 888 1868 061 149 944 590 692 64 510 5926 762 340 811 286 779 35 621 13 9046 17 696 51 012 28 319 21 606
Note: The columns ‘rank0’ give the number of UV sources with one SDSS counterpart (within the match radius of 3 arcsec), and ‘rank1’ of those with multiple optical matches. UV sources with multiple matches
may have composite UV colours, therefore are excluded from the analysis sample; their exclusion is accounted for by correcting the density of sources by (rank1/(rank0+rank1)). The fraction from Columns 16–17
(from which our analysis sample is extracted) is plotted in Fig. 3. Numbers in Columns 18, 19 and 20 include only ‘rank0’ sources.
Model predictions for sample Galactic latitudes are shown in Therefore, the mismatch between model predictions computed
Fig. 8, computed with default TRILEGAL parameters for the with TRILEGAL’s default parameters and observed stellar counts
MW geometry and the default IFMR from MG07, as well as the (Fig. 8, top-left panel), also previously noted by Bianchi et al.
Weidemann (2000) (hereafter W2000) IFMR. We show the thin- (2009b), prompted us to explore different IFMRs in TRILEGAL.
disc, thick-disc, and halo stellar components, as well as the total Although other factors, such as the WD birthrate, or the assumed
predicted counts. The IFMR from MG07 largely overpredicts faint MW extinction model, or a different geometry may also affect
star counts, while the W2000 IFMR produces an overall better match model predictions, the IFMR is a most critical aspect for modelling
with the observed counts, at all Galactic latitudes (see also Fig. 10), hot-WD counts, and was therefore explored in this first analysis.
and was therefore adopted in all our calculations that follow. Given The geometry is better constrained by low-mass stars (e.g. Girardi
the relevance of the IFMR in the context of stellar evolution, we ex- et al. 2005), which are more numerous, and their counts based on
plain in the next section how it affects the hot-star count predictions, optical-IR bands are less affected by extinction than a UV-based
which can be tested by our data. catalogue. The right-hand panels of Fig. 8 show that the W2000
IFMR produces a better match of the model calculations with the
observed stellar counts than the MG07 IFMR, and this trend is seen
at all Galactic latitudes.
4.2 The initial–final mass relation These two IFMRs are illustrated in Fig. 9, together with additional
While the MW geometry has been derived by previous studies of IFMRs recently derived by Ferrario et al. (2005) and Kalirai et al.
low-mass stars, the IMFR is one of the least constrained factors (2008) from extensive high signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopy of
in our understanding of stellar evolution, in spite of its importance WDs in Galactic open clusters. Despite the uncertainties related
for determining the yield of chemical elements, and ultimately the to the age-dating of the clusters, their field contamination, and the
Galaxy chemical evolution. The reasons for this uncertainty in- possible dependences on metallicity, they are somewhat similar to
clude insufficient statistics of post-AGB stars. The final WD mass the W2000 semi-empirical IFMR. The MG07 IFMR, instead, is
is confined to a very small range (∼0.5–1.0 M ) compared to the derived from theoretical evolutionary tracks and, as shown in the
∼0.8–8 M range of their main-sequence initial masses, and the figure, yields significantly higher final masses for all M ini < 2 M .
post-AGB evolutionary time-scale varies steeply within the small In order to understand why the model-predicted hot-WD counts
WD mass range. The luminosity remains constant over a large range depend on the IFMR, let us first consider the distribution of WD
of T eff (up to >100 000 K), and again depends on the remnant mass, masses in present-day surveys of the solar neighbourhood. Em-
making it much harder to establish their distance and absolute lu- pirical determinations have always concluded that the WD mass
minosity than for main-sequence stars. distribution presents a strong peak at low masses, with a maximum
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
close to 0.55 or 0.65 M and a well-defined tail of more mas- The WD lifetime τ WD18k , defined as the total time after the AGB
sive WDs, as well as a faint low-mass tail believed to be either in which the star will be hotter than 18 000 K, is longer for WDs
observational errors or the result of binary evolution (e.g. Berg- of higher mass, because, although they evolve much faster in the
eron, Saffer & Liebert 1992; Bragaglia, Renzini & Bergeron 1995; constant-luminosity phase, they reach higher T eff than lower-mass
Madej, Należyty & Althaus 2004; Liebert, Bergeron & Holberg WDs, and spend a longer time in their WD cooling track before
2005; Kepler et al. 2007; Hu, Wu & Wu 2007; Holberg et al. 2008). fading below the T eff = 18 000 K limit. Models using different
The origin of this peaked mass distribution can be readily derived IFMRs simply associate the final masses, hence also these τ WD18k
from basic population synthesis theory (see Marigo 2001; Ferrario lifetimes, to different initial masses, without affecting the WD pro-
et al. 2005). Given a volume-limited sample containing stellar pop- duction rate. The end result in terms of mass distribution N(M ini )
ulations of all ages between T = 0 and T = 10 Gyr, the distribution (see equation 4) is that smaller WD masses will weigh the dis-
of WD initial masses will be given by tribution towards shorter τ WD , hence decreasing the numbers of
N(Mini ) ∝ φM (Mini ) ψ[T − τH (Mini )] τWD (Mini ) , (3) observed WDs with T eff > 18 000 K. This effect explains the higher
number of hot WDs predicted by the MG07 IFMR wit respect to
where φ M is the IMF, ψ[T − τ H ] is the star formation rate at the W2000 IFMR (Fig. 8). In fact, as can be inferred from Fig. 9,
the time of stellar birth T − τ H , and τ H and τ WD are the main the W2000 IFMR gives significantly lower WD final masses (hence
sequence and WD lifetimes, respectively. The first two terms in the shorter τ WD18k ) for the interval of initial masses between 0.6 and
right-hand side of this equation represent the production rate (or, ∼2 M . Because of the IFM being skewed towards lower masses,
alternatively, the ‘death rate’) of evolved stars with different masses, these objects represent numerically the majority within the whole
in number of stars per unit time. Considering a Salpeter (1955) IMF, mass range.
φM ∝ Mini , and a reasonably constant star formation rate ψ over Fig. 9 (right-hand panel) shows the distribution of initial and final
the galaxy history; the equation above indicates a marked peak of WD masses derived from TRILEGAL for a sample latitude, using
the production rate at the minimum initial mass for the formation either the MG07 or W2000 IFMR. It shows that most of the hot
of a WD, which is about 1 M for a galaxy age of T = 10 Gyr. For WDs observed by GALEX are expected to derive from low-mass
higher initial masses, the production rate should fall as Mini . This stars, with initial masses below ∼2 M . Moreover, it indicates
behaviour will be shared by any galaxy model with nearly constant that the bulk of observed WDs have low masses, typically 0.55
star formation, independently of its IFMR. M WD 0.6 M in the case of the W2000 IFMR. There is no direct
Assuming a constant and monotonic IFMR, M WD (M ini ), the WD confirmation of this particular prediction, although it is in line with
mass distribution is given by WD mass determinations derived from spectroscopic surveys of
dMWD −1 more limited samples (e.g. Bergeron et al. 1992; Bragaglia et al.
N(MWD ) ∝ N(Mini ) , (4) 1995; Madej et al. 2004; Liebert et al. 2005; Kepler et al. 2007; Hu
therefore, for almost-linear and linear IFMRs like the W2000, Fer- et al. 2007; Holberg et al. 2008).
In the calculations with MG07 IFMR the distribution of predicted
rario et al. (2005), and Kalirai et al. (2008) ones, the WD produc-
WD masses is quite different from the W2000 case, with a broad
tion rate is still expected to behave like a power law peaked at the
smallest masses. This smallest mass corresponds to a WD mass of mass distribution extending from 0.55 to 0.65 M , followed by a
sort of gap, and a second peak of WD masses located slightly above
∼0.55 M (see Fig. 9).
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
Figure 10. Density of hot stars, separated in 10◦ ranges of Galactic latitude. The area coverage for AIS and MIS, indicated on each panel, varies significantly Downloaded from by Indian Institute of Astrophysics user on 08 May 2022
among latitudes, and the statistics are better where the coverage is large. TRILEGAL model counts, computed with W2000 IFMR, are shown with lines for
thin disc (dotted), thick disc (dash–dotted) and halo (dashed), as well as total (solid line). The black lines are model stars selected by T eff > 18 000 K (upper
line: total, lower line: single model stars); the red lines are stars selected from the same models by colour cut (FUV−NUV <−0.13) as explained in Fig. 8. The
match is good overall, at bright magnitudes, but better at Northern high latitudes and Southern low latitudes (except for |b| < 20◦ ). The dashed green-outlined
histograms include both single and binary MIS hot-star candidates (the latter including also QSOs at faint magnitudes). The solid-colour histograms are the
‘single’ hot-star candidates (NUV−r < 0.1). The models were computed covering the centres of the GALEX MIS fields in each latitude strip, except for the
lowest latitudes (|b| < 20) where the TRILEGAL models are computed following the distribution of the AIS fields, because MIS has little or no coverage.
The large difference between North and South 20◦ –30◦ latitudes, seen both in observations and predictions, is due to the MIS-SDSS overlap including more
directions towards the Galactic centre in the South, and away from it in the North; the longitude dependence is illustrated in Fig. 11.
distant stars. Moreover, we do not simulate measurement errors in NUV <18 mag. There is quite a good agreement both in the num-
the proper motions. More details will be given elsewhere. bers and distributions of proper motions. The agreement in the
The upper panel of Fig. 13 (right) compares the observed numbers derives from the fact that the photometry is quite com-
and model distributions for a bright WD sample, with a cut at plete, and just 4 per cent of this bright subsample does not have a
Figure 14. Distribution of velocities (left) from the SDSS spectroscopic pipeline for the subsample of MIS hot stars with spectra. The comparison is
inconclusive because of the large errors (often larger than the values) in the pipeline velocity measurements, shown in the right-hand panel.
extracted catalogues of hot-star candidates (FUV−NUV <−0.13), area-limited surveys). We explored in this work different thin-disc
mostly comprising hot WDs. Over 38 000 such sources with photo- geometries and different IFMR. GALEX provides an unprecedented
metric error 0.3 mag have SDSS photometry (∼74 000 with UV census of the evolved descendants of 0.8–8 M stars, and the anal-
photometric error 0.5 mag), excluding UV sources with multiple ysis of our current hot-WD sample places some constraints on the
optical matches, that are between ∼8 to 30 per cent of the total. IFMR, one of the crucial ingredients to understand the chemical
The GALEX surveys AIS and MIS cover different latitudes at their enrichment of the ISM.
respective depths (∼21 and ∼23 AB magnitude), enabling a first The brightest (and complete) sample is likely made of hot WDs
quantitative analysis of the hot-WD stellar population with MW located in the thin disc at typical distances between 0.15 and 1 kpc.
models. Current descriptions of MW stellar components (halo, thin The faintest samples could instead contain a significant fraction
and thick disc) are mostly based on stellar counts of low-mass of stars at distances larger than 2 kpc, comprising also hot WDs
(<0.8 M ) stars (2MASS, shallow but all-sky, plus a few deep but in the thick disc and halo. This work is based on the analysis of
(see dark-green histograms in Figs 8 and 10, and Section 3.1), cool-bottom process (Boothroyd & Sackmann 1999) or thermo-
and will be investigated in a future work with deeper optical haline mixing (Charbonnel & Zahn 2007) operating during the
data. RGB, as no subsequent dredge-up events take place on the AGB
Model predictions of hot-star counts at different latitudes, com- according to the standard stellar evolution theory. For these low-
puted with currently accepted MW geometry, and assuming W2000 mass stars, the AGB yield, defined by equation (5), simplifies as
IFMR, match the data quite well at intermediate latitudes and bright MyAGB (k) = [XkRGB − Xk0 ]
MAGB , where XkRGB is the surface abun-
M dredge = λ
M c, TP , where λ is the classical efficiency param-
lower λ) during the third dredge-up (see e.g. Karakas, Lattanzio
eter, and
M c, TP denotes the mass growth of the core during the
& Pols 2002). In sum, a higher mass expelled does not directly
preceeding interpulse period.
imply that such material is relatively more enriched of processed
In the extreme case where λ ∼ 1, no increment of the C–O core
is predicted. As a consequence, for low-mass stars not experiencing
An IFMR similar to Weidemann (2000) weighs the final masses
the third dredge-up (λ = 0, M < Mmin dredge
), the remnant mass scales
towards lower values than e.g. the IFRM of MG07 in the range
directly with the duration of the TP-AGB lifetime, while for stars
M initial 3.0 M , while the two relations essentially agree at higher
in which the third dredge-up takes place (λ > 0, M ≥ Mmin dredge
M initial . For Minitial Mmin dredge
, forcing the theoretical IFMR to con-
this simple proportionality is replaced by a more complex interplay
verge on a W2000-type IFMR by assuming a higher mass loss would
between core growth, dredge-up and mass loss. For such more mas-
produce a modest increase of the chemical yields from these ob-
sive stars (M ≥ Mmin dredge
, where Mmin
≈ 1.0–1.5M , depending
jects (because more mass is ejected), compared to the MG07 IMFR
on metallicity and model details) the final mass and the chemical
case. As for the initial mass range Mmin dredge
≤ Minitial ≤ 3.0 M , a
yields are related as we will briefly discuss below (see Marigo &
higher mass loss (necessary to reach a smaller final mass, as sug-
Girardi 2001 for more details).
gested by our WD counts) may reduce the number of dredge-up
For the generic element k, the corresponding AGB yield is defined
episodes on the TP-AGB and this may lead to a lower yield of pro-
cessed material. In other words, constraining the IFMR translates
into constraining the total mass lost in the AGB phase. The chem-
MyAGB (k) = [Xk (t) − Xk0 ]Ṁ(t) dt, (5)
τAGB ical composition of the ejecta from these stars, however, is also
critically sensitive to the depth of the third dredge-up, which can be
where Xi0 is the initial abundance at the epoch of star forma- calibrated by measurements of abundances in PNe (Marigo et al.
tion, Xi (t) is the value at time t and Ṁ(t) is the current mass-loss 2003) and by a better estimate of the duration of the AGB phase at
rate. different metallicity (Marigo et al., in preparation).
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791
C 2010 The Authors, MNRAS 411, 2770–2791