Equipment Manual PDF
Equipment Manual PDF
Equipment Manual PDF
Table of Contents
1. LED 2
2. RGB LED 3
3. Breadboards and Mini Breadboard 4
4. General Purpose Solderable Board 5
5. Battery 6
6. Resistor 7
7. Capacitor 8
8. DC Motor 9
9. Servo Motor 10
10. DC Plastic Gear Motor With Wheel 11
11. Diode 12
12. Transistor 13
13. Alligator Connectors 14
14. Battery clips with DC Jack 15
15. Hook-up wires 16
16. Jumper Cable 17
17. Berg strips 18
18. Arduino 19
19. Node MCU 26
20. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ 28
21. 16x2 LCD display 31
22. USB Cables 32
23. Linear Voltage Regulator 33
24. Water Pump Module 34
25. Piezoelectric plate 35
26. 8x8 LED Matrix Module 36
27. Bluetooth Module 37
How to Use
To make a simple connection, we can connect the LED with a battery to make it glow. The positive
lead of the LED needs to be connected to the positive terminal of the battery, and negative lead to
the negative terminal. We need to make sure that the voltage rating matches the battery voltage.
Otherwise, we can use resistors to provide the required voltage.
Common Applicationss
1. To provide light
2. As indicators
Safety Measures
1. Don’t put the LED close to the eyes.
2. Supplying a high voltage might damage the LED.
Important Links
How to Use
Project Tutorial–https://howtomechatronics.
Common Applications
1. Displays
2. Decorative purposes
Safety Measures
1. Supplying a very high voltage might damage the LED.
Important Links
Normal size
It has 800 pins in it to be used for making
connections. It is suitable for making complex
circuit prototypes.
How to Use
To use a breadboard, one should first have an idea regarding which pins are short circuit and which
are open circuit. In a breadboard, usually, when held horizontally, the upper two rows and lower
two rows are divided into 4 short-circuited connections each. The other Rows have pins short-
circuited vertically. Once identified, you can utilise pins of your choice to put components for making
connections, and then test them accordingly. A very simple example could be to connect a LED
light with a battery and switch.
How to Use
Usually a solderable board has one side copper padding, but the copper padding could be on both
sides as well. Put the component you need to join into the hole from the non-copper padding side,
and then bend the wire a bit and cut the excess part of the other end. Then, take the soldering
iron and solder the board from the back (the side with copper padding). Make the connections as
required, and you’re done!
Common Applications
1. Solderable boards are used for nice arrangement and circuit design prototypes of various types.
Safety Measures
1. Avoid using excessive soldering wire as it might ruin the connection.
2. Don’t put the soldering iron in contact with the board for a long time.
Important Links
These batteries once exhausted can be recharged with help of
chargers and be utilised again. The common mobile Li-ion batteries
can be considered as a nice example.
These batteries, once used and exhausted, can’t be recharged again and used. So, basically these batteries
are only meant for one-time usage.
How to Use
To use a battery, attach the device to the terminals of the battery. Some devices might have a port
where it can be directly plugged. Otherwise, wires can be used to make the connection. Make sure
the terminals are connected with the right wires. As a convention, the red wire is positive and the
black wire is negative. After a rechargebale battery is exhausted, which can be known when the
battery isn’t providing any voltage, it should be charged. For charging as well, it depends on different
kinds of batteries. But most commonly, the charger has a holder where the battery needs to be put,
and then turning on the power button would start charging the battery. The indicator light would
give an idea if the battery is charged or being charged. After its done charging, the battery should
be removed from the charger holder.
Important Links
Some Example Tasks
1. Make a series LED connection using 1. Working principle of a battery
battery and see the difference in YouTube Video
intensities YouTube Video (https://www.
2. Connect a small DC motor to the battery
and try rotating it
How to Use
To use a resistor, just select a resistor of appropriate ratings and put it in the circuit. Resistors don’t
have any polarity of terminals so they can be connected either way in the circuit and made to work.
The connections once made can be soldered to keep them intact.
Common Applications
1. Used to restrict the flow of current in almost every circuit.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t touch the open resistor leads while it’s in use.
2. Don’t twist or break the resistors.
Important Links
How to Use
A capacitor can be put in a circuit by connecting its
both terminals to the circuit. One thing to notice is
that unlike resistors, multiple capacitors connected
in series constitute lesser equivalent capacitance
as compared to when they’re connected in parallel.
Common Applications
1. Used in appliances like fans, cameras, etc.
2. Used in many ICs like capacitive touch modules.
3. Providing stability to voltage regulators.
Safety Measures
1. Do not use capacitors on higher current or voltage value than specified
2. Do not discharge it by force.
Important Links
A DC motor majorly has 3 components on
the outside:
1. A rotor which rotates when
power is supplied to the motor.
2. Connecting wires.
3. A motor body enclosing the
functional parts of the motor.
How to Use
To use a motor, take its connecting wires and connect them to the terminals of a battery. That’s all
you need to do. If the connections are proper, the motor should start rotating. To rotate the motor
in the opposite direction, just reverse the polarity of the battery connections.
Common Applications
A Dc motor is used in a lot of appliances such as fans, cars, drill machines, rotary tools, motor pumps,
etc. A DC motor, as suggested through its name, functions on DC voltage.
Safety Measures
1. A motor may get heated up on prolonged use.
Important Links
How to Use
Common Applications
1. In robotic arms
2. In industrial robots because of their smooth switching on and off and accurate positioning.
3. In the aerospace industry to maintain hydraulic fluid in their hydraulic systems.
4. Radio controlled toys.
5. In automobiles to maintain the speed of vehicles
6. Electronic devices such as DVDs or Blue ray Disc players to extend or replay the disc trays.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t manually rotate the rotor of the servo motor beyond its limit.
2. Always use compatible voltage with the servo motor.
Important Links
Common Applications
Fans, robot cars, drill machines, rotary tools,
motor pumps
A diode generally has two terminals, anode
and cathode. It conducts electricity only in
one direction, which means, it acts as an
insulator if current is in a specific direction
or as conductor if the direction of flow of
current is reversed. So, it can be made to use
by connecting to the circuit.
How to Use
A diode has 2 terminals, it can be made to use by connecting in series to the circuit. A LED is also
a type of diode, which we know is connected along the circuit to work. Similarly, we shall connect
other diodes too, to make them work.
A transistor has 3 terminals, namely emitter, base and
collector. The configuration depends on the type of
transistor in use.
Base: This is used to activate the transistor.
Collector: It is the positive lead of the
Emitter: It is the negative lead of the
How to Use
Tutorial–Article Link (
How to Use
To use the alligator connector, we just need to
squeeze it around its rubber tip, and then the
connectors’ jaws open up. Then, we can plug it
with wires or pins to make the connection. It is
as simple as that!
Common Applications
1. Making connections between two devices or wires.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t touch the metallic jaw of the connector when it is being used at a high voltage and is in
ON state.
2. Don’t put the jaws on relatively softer material if you want to avoid marks on it.
Important Links
How to Use
To use a battery clip and DC jack
connector, just fit the clip over the
battery that is supposed to be used
to provide power. The DC jack then
can be plugged into the board or
appliance that requires power.
Common Applications
1. To connect battery to the circuit
Safety Measures
1. Make sure that the voltage compatibility of the device matches with the battery.
2. Don’t use damaged connectors. Disconnect the battery when the cable gets heated
How to Use
It’s very easy to use wires. Strip a small part of
wire from one end by using a wire stripper plier.
Connect it accordingly. Do the same with the other
end of wire, and you’re done with the connection.
Common Applications
1. To make electrical connections
Safety Measures
1. Don’t touch the open ends of wire when connected to power
2. Always check if the wires are properly insulated
How to Use
A jumper wire is used when a connection is being made. The male connector of jumper wire can
fit into the breadboard easily by just plugging it in
Common Applications
1. Used to make connections between different components in a breadboard
Safety Measures
1. Don’t poke the sharp ends of jumper cables.
2. Jumper cables do not provide a very high heat resistance, so don’t use it in circuits producing
a lot of heat.
Important Links
How to Use
Take the required berg strip, either male or female, that you need to solder over the circuit board.
The strips could be cut in required size with the use of pliers. Always make sure it is held intact
while cutting, to avoid any sort of cracking. Once cut, place them on the board accordingly, and
solder each pin’s base to the board. Once done, it can then be used to make connections as per
the requirement.
1. Microcontroller – This is the brain of an Arduino, and is the component that we load programs
into. Think of it as a tiny computer, designed to execute only a specific number of things.
2. USB port – used to connect your Arduino board to a computer.
3. USB to Serial chip – the USB to Serial is an important component, as it helps translate data that
comes from e.g. a computer to the onboard microcontroller. This is what makes it possible to
program the Arduino board from your computer.
4. Digital pins – pins that use digital logic (0,1 or LOW/HIGH). Commonly used for switches and
to turn on/off an LED.
5. Analog pins – pins that can read analog values in a 10-bit resolution (0-1023).
6. 5V / 3.3V pins- these pins are used to power external components.
7. GND–also known as ground, negative or simply -, is used to complete a circuit, where the
electrical level is at 0 volts.
8. VIN–stands for Voltage In, where you can connect external power supplies.
Microcontroller ATmega328P – 8-bit AVR family microcontroller
Operating Voltage 5V
Recommended Input Voltage for Vin pin 7-12V
Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)
Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 32 KB (2 KB is used for Bootloader)
Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz
Communication IIC, SPI, USART
Microcontroller ATmega2650
Operating Voltage 5V
Recommended Input Voltage for Vin pin 7-12V
Analog Input Pins 16
Digital I/O Pins 54 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)
DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA
DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA
Flash Memory 256 KB (8 KB is used for Bootloader)
Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 MHz
How to Use
The Arduino Uno is programmed using the Arduino Software (IDE), an Integrated Development
Environment common to all boards and running both online and offline. If you want to program
your Arduino while offline, you need to install the Arduino Desktop IDE. You must have installed the
Arduino Software (IDE) on your PC. Connect your Uno board with an A B USB cable; sometimes,
this cable is called a USB printer cable.
The USB connection with the PC is necessary to program the board and not just to power it up.
The Uno automatically draws power from either the USB or an external power supply. Connect the
board to your computer using the USB cable. The green power LED (labelled PWR) should go on.
A few seconds after the upload finishes, you should see the pin 13 (L) LED on the board start to blink (in
orange). If it does, congratulations! You’ve gotten Arduino up and running.
Common Applications
Arduinos are excellent for beginner and intermediate robotics projects. They are powerful enough to
be able to give the basic commands the robot needs to function while keeping their limited resources
focused on the tasks at hand. This eliminates interference or resource drain from other programs
running in the background. Teachers and students use it to build low-cost scientific instruments, to
prove chemistry and physics principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers
and architects build interactive prototypes, and musicians and artists use it for installations and to
experiment with new musical instruments.
Important Links
2. How to install & use the Arduino IDE–Arduino IDE 2 Tutorials | Arduino
Documentation | Arduino Documentation
Generally, a Node MCU contains 13 GPIO pins, 10
PWM channels, I2C, SPI, ADC, UART, and 1-Wire.
The pinout and ports of the ESP8266 NodeMCU are
listed down:
Microcontroller Tensilica 32-bit RISC CPU Xtensa LX106
Operating Voltage 3.3V
Input Voltage 7-12V
Digital I/O Pins (DIO) 16
Analog Input Pins (ADC) 1
How to Use
Common Applications
1. It is used widely to connect objects and transfer data over the Wi-Fi protocol.
2. IoT Projects
Safety Measures
1. Do not expose to water or moisture, or place on a conductive surface whilst in operation
2. Do not expose to heat from any source.
3. Take care whilst handling to avoid mechanical or electrical damage to the printed circuit board
and connectors.
4. Whilst it is powered, avoid handling the printed circuit board, or only handle it by the edges to
minimise the risk of electrostatic discharge damage.
Important Links
The main components in a Raspberry Pi are:
GPIO is arguably the most important feature of the Raspberry Pi and is the equivalent of GPIO
pins on the Arduino. These pins can be used in programs to read electrical signals from circuits
as well as provide electrical signals for controlling circuits.
2. DSI Display Port
The DSI display port allows the Raspberry Pi to connect to a serial display similar to those used
in tablets.
3. CSI Camera Port
The CSI camera port is a connector that allows the Raspberry Pi to connect to a Raspberry Pi
camera module.
4. MicroSD Slot
This slot is used to house the microSD card that holds the Raspberry Pi operating system.
5. HDMI / USB / Network
These slots are used to connect the Pi to an HDMI screen, USB devices such as mice and
keyboards, and to an ethernet connection for internet access.
6. Micro USB Power
Power to the Raspberry Pi can be provided using either a micro USB lead to the micro USB
connector (recommended) or 5V can be directly fed into the 5V GPIO pin.
Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53
64-bit SoC @ 1.4GHz
How to Use
The setting up and usage process for raspberry pi can be found on their official documentation page
Common Applications
1. Game development
2. Personal Computer
3. Security monitoring
4. Web camera
5. IoT applications
6. Can be used along with sensors to perform various tasks
Safety Measures
1. Do not expose to water or moisture, or place on a conductive surface whilst in operation
Important Links
A LCD display module has 16 pins:-
1. GND (the ground pin)
2. VCC (connected to 5v pin)
3. Vo (for attaching potentiometer)
4. RS (used for selecting if either commands or data is being sent)
5. R/W (toggle between read and write)
6. E (enable pin)
How to Use
Using a USB cable is just
as simple as connecting
both ends of the cable
to the required devices’
Common Applications
1. Used for charging devices when one end is connected to a power adapter.
2. Used for transferring data between devices or boards.
Safety Measures
1. Always make sure to not be in contact with the main supply.
2. Don’t twist the cable beyond its limit
Important Links
A voltage regulator contains 3 pins:- input, output
and ground,
How to Use
Take a voltage regulator, connect its ground and connect the other pins in series with the circuit. A
breadboard can be used to make temporary connections to first test them out.
Common Applications
1. One of the most common examples is the mobile charger. The adapter is supplied with an AC
signal. However, the output voltage signal is a regulated DC signal.
2. Every power supply in the world uses a voltage regulator to provide the desired output voltage.
Computers, televisions, laptops, and all sorts of devices are powered using this concept.
3. Small electronic circuits rely on regulators to operate. Even the slightest fluctuation in voltage
signal can damage the components of a circuit such as ICs.
4. When it comes to power generation systems, voltage regulators play an essential part in their
operation. A solar power plant generates electricity based on the intensity of sunlight. It needs
a regulator to ensure a regulated constant output signal.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t use very high voltage on the
regulator since it gets heated up very
Usually, it has 2 connector pins that are
connected to the circuit board, and a
pump that takes the water through the
inlet and then pumps it through the outlet.
How to Use
Full Tutorial–
Common Applications
1. Used in smart agriculture processes
2. Can be used to automate plant watering.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t use it in the air for a long time since it would get heated up very quickly.
Important Links
How to Use
Take a piezoelectric plate, and connect its terminals in the circuit. Now, when the plate is applied
with force, it’ll generate voltage which can be noticed by putting a LED, motor or by measuring it
through a multimeter.
A LED matrix is just a grid arrangement of
LEDs in the form of an IC with 4 digital pins
required to make the connection.
How to Use
Full Tutorial–https://how2electronics.
c o m / 8 x 8 - l e d - m a t r i x- m a x 7 2 1 9 -
Common Applications
It is used in a lot of projects like:-
1. Pixel gaming
2. Bar graph displays
3. Character design
Arrangement of LEDs in circuit
Safety Measures
1. Don’t use it on a higher voltage rating than required.
Important Links
Common Applications
Microcontroller projects
Communicate with Laptop, Desktops and mobile phones
Data Logging application
Consumer applications
Wireless Robots
Industrial control
Home Automation
Important Links
2. HC05 Datasheet
A 7 segment display contains 10 pins in total. They’re arrange as shown below:
1. Pin 1–e: The first pin1 connects with the left bottom LED of the
2. Pin 2–d: Pin2 helps to light up the bottom-most led.
3. Pin 3–com: This pin will be common with ground/power. It depends
on the type of the 7-segment either it is the common cathode or
4. Pin 4–c: Pin4 light up the bottom right led to the display
5. Pin 5–DP: There is a decimal point on the 7-segment which uses the
pin5 to light up.
6. Pin 6–b: It controls the right top led light.
7. Pin 7–a: The top led of the 7-segments is at pin7.
8. Pin 8–com: Pin8 is a second common ground pin, works the same
as pin3.
9. Pin 9–f: Top-left led lights up through pin9.
10. Pin 10–g: Power input on pin10 lights up the middle led.
How to Use
Common Applications
Digital clocks
Electronic metres
Basic calculators
Safety Measures
1. The maximum current rating and the connections inside different 7-segment displays may be
different, and not using the devices correctly can “burn out” an LED (it is unlikely that the
7-segment will actually become hot, but the LED inside the segment can become unusable)
Important Links
The module hardware consists of a
GSM module, voltage level shifter,
SIM circuit and Atmega328P
microcontroller. Microcontroller
provides control for sending,
receiving and AT command
processing to the GSM module.
The firmware is responsible for
handling tasks related to communication between device and host server. It processes all incoming SMS,
extract, and store new configuration from Host, transmits alert/notification SMS when the radiation data
reach/exceed threshold value, and transmits SMS data at every fixed interval according to configuration.
Integration of this module with radiation survey/monitoring device will create mobile and wireless radiation
monitoring systems with prompt emergency alert at high-level radiation.
How to Use
Tutorial -
Common Applications
1. Connect onto any global GSM network with any 2G SIM
2. Make and receive voice calls using an external earphone & electret microphone
3. Send and receive SMS messages
4. Send and receive radio transmission data
Safety Measures
1. Only use compatible SIM card with GSM module.
Important Links
A GPS module consists of 4 pins:-
1. VCC: Positive power pin
2. RX: UART receive pin
3. TX: UART transmit pin
4. GND: Ground
Other than that, a GPS module has
1. NEO-6M GPS Chip
It is responsible for tracking satellites to get location.
2. 3.3V LDO Regulator
The operating voltage of the NEO-6M chip is from 2.7 to 3.6V. But, the module comes with
MIC5205 ultra-low dropout 3V3 regulator from MICREL. The logic pins are also 5-volt tolerant,
so we can easily connect it to an Arduino or any 5V logic microcontroller without using any
logic level converter.
3. Position Fix LED Indicator
There is an LED on the NEO-6M GPS Module which indicates the status of Position Fix. It’ll blink
at various rates depending on what state it’s in.
4. Battery & EEPROM
An EEPROM together with a battery helps retain the battery backed RAM (BBR).
How to Use
Safety Measures
1. Make sure that the connections are made right and wait for the LED to start blinking to ensure
that it’s working.
Important Links
There are times when we want to use laser lights in our projects. These lights are theoretically perfectly
parallel and the intensity remains concentrated in the axis of traversal of light. A laser module is very easy
to use, you can use Arduino control, do controllable laser pointer, theft detection, etc. interesting application
devices. The laser head is composed of a light-emitting tube, condenser lens and adjustable copper sleeve
and it is assembled when delivered, the focal length of the lens is adjusted by a strong glue stick, which
can work directly after connecting to a 5V DC power supply.
LDR (light dependent resistor) module is a sensor module which is used to detect the presence of light or
to measure its intensity. It is simply a resistor which potentiates with the intensity of light. The output of
the module becomes higher and higher as the presence of light increases and vice versa. The sensitivity of
the signal can be adjusted using a potentiometer.
A LDR module has 4 pins:-
1. VCC: +5 v power supply Input Pin
2. GND: Ground (-) power supply Input Pin
3. DO: Digital Output Pin
4. AO: Analog Output Pin
Other than pins, it has the following components:-
1. Light Dependent Resistor
This is the part of the module which does the actual work of detecting the intensity of light
and working as a resistor.
2. Variable Resistor (Trim pot)
This part is used to vary the sensitivity of the LDR.
3. Power LED
This indicates if the power is reaching the LDR module or not.
4. Output LED
When the LDR sensor detects the light, the output LED is turned on. When the LDR sensor detects
darkness, the output LED is turned off.
Common Applications
1. Used to detect the intensity of light.
2. Used to design automatic ON/OFF systems.
Safety Measures
1. Do not use a Sensor in an environment where there are explosive or inflammable gases.
2. Do not use the Sensor in environments where the cables may become immersed in oil or other
liquids or where liquids may penetrate the Sensor. Doing so may result in damage from burning
and fire, particularly if the liquid is flammable.
Important Links
Many times, we are required to put inputs to our microcontroller based projects, that is when a 4 x 4 matrix
keypad comes into play. It has 16 keys in total that acts as input keys for specific characters/digits. Beneath
each key is a membrane switch. Each switch in a row is connected to the other switches in the row by a
conductive trace underneath the pad. Each switch in a column is connected the same way – one side of
the switch is connected to all of the other switches in that column by a conductive trace. Each row and
column is brought out to a single pin, for a total of 8 pins on a 4X4 keypad:
Common Applications
1. To take inputs from users.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t press the keys on the keypad with excessive pressure.
2. Make sure that it is not placed in a circuit that’s producing excess heat.
Important Links
3. Drones
Important Links
Some Example Tasks
1. Make a mouse for PC using a joystick 1. How Joysticks work
Tutorial Link (https://projecthub.arduino.
cc/shubhamsantosh99/bcc64b66- 2. Connecting a joystick module
5c86-4232-97a2-1294fc8216f6 ) with arduino uno YouTube
2. Arduino Marble Maze Labyrinth–https:// Video
marble-maze-labyrinth-bd9ea6 3. Evolution of controllers
How to Use
If your buzzer has a sticker on top of it, pull it off. Connect one pin (it doesn’t matter which one)
to the Arduino’s ground (Gnd) and the other end to digital pin 10. From the Arduino, you can make
sounds with a buzzer by using tone function of Arduino .
Common Applications
1. Siren in security locks
2. Alarm devices
3. Any project where sound needs to be produced
Safety Measures
1. Do not insert foreign objects into the sound-emitting hole or open hole.
2. Do not use this product in an atmosphere containing chlorine gas, sulfidizing gas, acid, or other
corrosive substances.
Important Links
2. Understand Piezoelectricity
How to Use
Common Applications
A motor driver is necessary because the microcontroller
requires lower-level voltage than the motors. Due
to this, we cannot supply power directly from the
microcontroller to the motor. We need a motor
driver in between these electrical components at
this point. The driver steps up the current from the
microprocessor to match the motor current.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t overload the motor driver with motors rated at higher voltages than the specified values.
Important Links
Pin Function
VCC DC 2.4-5.5V
GND Ground
How to Use
Common Applications
1. Security Systems
2. Accident voice recordings
3. Record message during collisions
Safety Measures
1. The module contains delicate parts so it should be handled with care.
Important Links
How to Use
To use the motor, connect the wires of the motor in a circuit with a battery. Attach some sort of a
toggle switch to turn it ON or OFF. That is it, the motor should then rotate when ON and produce
Common Applications
1. Mobile Phones
2. Joysticks
Safety Measures
1. The rotor of the motor shouldn’t be put in contact with delicate materials as it can damage them.
2. Avoid using a vibrating motor for longer durations as it may get heated up.
Important Links
1. Video Tutorial
How to Use
Tutorial–YouTube Video ( )
Common Applications
1. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) & PPM (Pulse Position Modulation)
2. Duty Cycle Oscillator
3. To generate Pulse, Waveform, and square wave.
Important Links
How to Use
Tutorial–Article Link (
Common Applications
1. To turn ON and OFF the flow of current in a circuit
2. Buttons are used in calculators, push button phones, etc.
Important Links
Its amazing that we just touch our mobile screens and they work like magic and do things. Now it is very
common so we might not feel very awed about it. But, if you think, that’s a great invention and leap of
technology, where a simple touch can be used as an input in devices to perform actions. The module which
is responsible for carrying it out is the capacitive touch module.
A MPR121 module features 20 pins, as follows:
Pin Function
IRQ Open Collector Interrupt Output Pin, active low
SCL I2C clock
SDA I2C data
I2C Address Select Input Pin. Connect the ADDR pin to the VSS,
ADDR VDD, SDA or SCL line, the resulting I2C addresses are 0x5A, 0x5B,
0x5C and 0x5D respectively
Common Applications
1. Mobile phones.
2. Touch pads, touch slide bars, etc.
Safety Measures
Do not put anything liquid with the interface of the module.
Don’t apply excess pressure to the sensor part as it may get damaged.
Important Links
A capacitive touch switch module (TTP223) is a touch pad detector integrated circuit which works as a
single tactile button, which means, it can be used to sense touch inputs as switch buttons and do the work
accordingly. This touch detection IC is designed for replacing traditional direct button keys with diverse pad
sizes. The touch plate of the sensor is present in the opposite face of the pins.
There are two bridges in the TTP223 module. It has 3 modes, depending upon which bridge is soldered.
How to Use
Safety Measures
Do not put anything liquid with the interface of the module.
Don’t apply excess pressure to the sensor part as it may get damaged.
Important Links
How to Use
Step by step tutorial–YouTube Video (
Common Applications
1. In obstacle avoider robots.
2. In aids for visually impaired.
Safety Measures
1. Avoid using or storing the sensor under direct sunlight.
2. Avoid using it in regions with chemical or gaseous exposures.
Important Links
2. Working of an IR sensor
How to Use
Common Applications
1. Used to detect orientation of mobile phones.
2. Used in digital compasses.
Safety Measures
1. Any sort of external magnetic force would distort the readings of the magnetometer.
Important Links
MQ Series are a set of gas sensors that are used to identify different types of gases. They are very useful
in measuring the gas concentration and can be used in sensitive areas such as chemical industries. Each
type of MQ sensor is designed to detect specific gases. We’ve a lot of MQ sensors. Some most commonly
used ones are:
How to Use
Common Applications
1. Used in factories to monitor chemical exposure level.
2. Used in smoke detectors.
3. Used to check alcohol levels.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t release poisonous gases in excess just for the sake of testing them.
Important Links
How to Use
Common Applications
1. In Tv remote and Ac remotes.
2. For simple remote controlling applications & small data transfers.
Safety Measures
1. The module contains delicate parts so it should be handled with care. Be careful to not bend
the LEDs
Important Links
This is the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. This economical sensor provides 2cm to 400cm of non-
contact measurement functionality with a ranging accuracy that can reach up to 3mm. Each HC-SR04
module includes an ultrasonic transmitter, a receiver and a control circuit. It is used to measure the
distance of the obstacle in front of it. An ultrasonic wave is sent from the transmitter of the module,
and then the wave is reflected back and received at the receiver.
The module consists of 4 pins:-
1. VCC–Power
VCC supplies power to the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. You can connect it to the 5V output
from your Arduino.
2. Trigger
Trig (Trigger) pin is used to trigger ultrasonic sound pulses. By setting this pin to HIGH for 10µs,
the sensor initiates an ultrasonic burst.
3. Echo
Echo pin goes high when the ultrasonic burst is transmitted and remains high until the sensor
receives an echo, after which it goes low. By measuring the time the Echo pin stays high, the
distance can be calculated.
4. GND–Ground
It is the ground pin.
Common Applications
1. To measure speed as well as the direction between two objects
2. Depth measurement
Safety Measures
1. The module contains delicate parts so it should be handled with care
2. Do not use a voltage in excess of the operation voltage range.
Important Links
Safety Measures
Common Applications
1. The module contains delicate parts so
1. To measure vehicle acceleration. it should be handled with care and
2. To measure vibration on cars, machines, overheating needs to be avoided
buildings, and etc. 2. The module should be properly
3. Smartphones and Gaming Consoles calibrated before use
PIR sensors allow you to sense motion & to detect whether a human has moved in or out of the sensor’s
range. They are small, inexpensive, low-power, easy to use and don’t wear out. PIRs are basically made of
a pyroelectric sensor, which can detect levels of infrared radiation. PIR sensors use a pair of pyroelectric
sensors to detect heat energy in the surrounding environment. These two sensors sit beside each other, and
when the signal differential between the two sensors changes (if a person enters the room, for example), the
sensor will engage. That may mean it triggers an alarm, notifies authorities, or maybe turns on a floodlight.
IR radiation focuses on each of the two pyroelectric sensors using a series of lenses constructed as the
sensor’s housing. The detection range is generally between 5 meters and 12 meters.
How to Use
Tutorial –
Common Applications
1. Lighting Controls.
2. Thermostats And HVAC Systems.
3. Smart Home And IoT.
4. IP Cameras And Surveillance Systems.
Safety Measures
1. The module contains delicate parts so it should be handled with care
2. The module should be properly calibrated before use
Important Links
Common Applications
1. To control circuits such as a lamp.
2. In complex appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners.
Safety Measures
1. Do not touch the terminal section (charged section) of the Relay while power is being supplied.
2. Do not drop or disassemble Relays. Doing so may reduce Relay characteristics and may result
in damage, electric shock, or burning.
3. Working with relay should be done under expert supervision.
Important Links
How to Use
A step-by-step tutorial –
YouTube Video (https://
Common Applications
1. Used in smart agriculture.
2. Can be used to automate the plant watering process.
Safety Measures
1. Ensure that the probes are put correctly into the soil.
2. Try to avoid exposure to water for prolonged periods of time.
Important Links
This sensor is used to detect touches. It emits a signal if the front metal tip of the sensor is touched.
The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by means of a controller. It is ideally suited for threshold
measurement. This means that the sensor emits a digital high signal as soon as a threshold value set by the
user is exceeded. However, this also means that the analog measured values are not suitable for conversions,
as the analog signal is also influenced by the rotary potentiometer.
The KY-036 sensor module has a power LED, a touch detection LED, touch sensor plate, and 4 pins. The
pins are as follows:
1. GND
2. VCC
3. AO (analog output)
4. DO (digital output)
Common Applications
Safety Measures
1. Alarm Devices
1. Do not put excessive or sharp force on
the sensor part as it may get damaged.
How to Use
A flex sensor basically works with varying resistance as the flexible material is bent.
Common Applications
1. Gaming gloves.
2. Security systems.
Safety Measures
1. Do not bend the sensor beyond its limit and along different axes.
2. Do not connect it to very high current as it may get damaged.
Important Links
How to Use
Common Applications
1. To measure the temperature of the
Safety Measures
1. Do not test the sensor in an environment beyond its limits.
How to Use
Common Applications
1. To measure the humidity of surroundings.
2. To measure the temperature.
Safety Measures
1. Consider Time Drift and Temperature Drift errors while measuring the values.
Important Links
How to Use
Common Applications
1. To measure frictional forces between surfaces.
2. For fluid monitoring applications, dialysis machines, etc.
Safety Measures
1. Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating.
2. Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied directly to the sensor cable joint.
Important Links
How to Use
Tutorial–YouTube Video (
Common Applications
1. In scanners to distinguish coded markings
2. In manufacturing industries.
Safety Measures
1. Avoid the interference of external light during colour recognition, otherwise it will affect the
result of colour.
Important Links
How to Use
Here is a step-by-step tutorial of How to
Use a water flow sensor to detect the
flow rate YouTube Video (
Common Applications
1. Agriculture sector systems.
2. Food processing.
3. Water management.
Safety Measures
1. Do not use a voltage that exceeds the power supply voltage range.
2. Mount the Sensor appropriately.
Important Links
Ever wanted to make something that could be controlled with sound? Like, controlling the ON/OFF state
of a LED by clapping, or changing the turn direction of a remote controlled car by producing sound. Well,
all of this is possible through this amazing sensor. A sound detector module is used to detect sounds and
use them as inputs to carry out specific functionalities. This module consists of a sensitive capacitance
microphone for detecting sound and an amplifier circuit. The output of this module is both analog and
digital. The digital output acts as a key, and it activates when sound intensity has reached a certain threshold.
The sensitivity threshold can be adjusted via the potentiometer on the sensor. The analog output voltage
changes with the intensity of sound received by the microphone. You can connect this output to Arduino
analog pins and process the output voltage.
A sound sensor consists of a voltage comparator IC, power LED, sound detect LED, microphone and a 10k
pot. It has 4 pins, namely:-
1. VCC–Power
2. GND–Ground
3. D0–Digital Output
4. A0–Analog Output
1. Operating voltage: 3.5V
2. Operating current: 4~5 mA
3. voltage gain: 26 dB
4. sensitivity of the microphone: 52 to 48 dB
5. impedance of the microphone: 2.2k Ohm
Common Applications
1. Used in sound control remote control cars.
2. Used in home automation.
3. Used in general sound detection.
Safety Measures
1. The sensor might not work properly in noisy areas. For that, selective sound proofing can be
done depending on the environment.
Important Links
How to Use
Tutorial- (
INP/ )
Common Applications
To build line following robots.
Safety Measures
1. Do not use a Sensor in an environment where there are explosive or inflammable gases.
2. Do not use the Sensor in environments where the cables may become immersed in oil or other
liquids or where liquids may penetrate the Sensor.
Important Links
How to Use
To use a power bank, just connect a USB connector to the charging port of the power bank and
the other end to the device that needs to be powered. To a power bank, use a DC power adapter
with a USB cable and connect it with the input port of the power bank.
Common Applications
1. For charging devices such as mobile phones.
2. Powering Raspberry Pi , Arduino boards and other projects
Safety Measures
1. Don’t overcharge the powerbank
2. Don’t try to charge it with undefined ways.
3. Power banks are electronic devices, and therefore they do not like water, or even moisture.
One key piece of advice when using power banks is to keep them dry at all times.
Important Links
Inventory management.
Important Links
Asset tracking and equipment tracking.
Inventory control.
1. Different types of RF modules
Cargo and supply chain logistics. YouTube Video
watch?v=Gtu-kZ24O0oehicle tracking. 2. How does RF modules work
YouTube Video
There are many places where we need to perform rotary work but with very high precision, like in
manufacturing units, the robotic arms need to work very precisely in order to achieve the goal. That is
when a stepper motor comes into play, which got its name from the fact that it rotates in steps.
We also use a motor board while using the stepper motor. The board has a connector that mates the motor
wires perfectly which makes it very easy to connect the motor to the board. There are also connections for
four control inputs as well as power supply connections.
The motor board for 2 channels consists of 6 pins, namely:-
1. A1
2. A2
3. VCC
4. GND
5. B1
6. B2
The stepper motor has a motor with connector pins to make the connections.
Common Applications
1. Most commonly motors in 3D printers
2. Devices like Disk drives, scanners, computer printers, plotters, slot machines, image scanners,etc
Safety Measures
1. Do not use the driver or the motor under conditions that exceed the specification values.
2. Make all connections as small as possible
Important Links
A servo motor tester, as the name suggests, is used to test servo motors. It is a small device with input and
output pins, a knob for adjusting the values and light indicators. Although, servos can be tested through
arduino boards, but its not always feasible. That is when servo motor testers come in play.
How to Use
The servo tester first needs to be connected to the DC voltage source through the pin in its input
header. Once done, the light indicator of one of the modes would be ON. Then, you can connect
at most 3 servo motors together. The motors should be connected to the horizontally lined up pins.
Then, there are three modes of testing that could be toggled by pressing the mode selection switch.
The modes are as follows:
1. Automatic
This mode makes the motor rotate to and fro on its own. It can be used to check if the motor
is rotating to its complete potential or not.
2. Manual
In this mode, the user can rotate the motor according to their choice by adjusting the knob.
This also serves the same purpose as the automatic mode, except the fact that this is manual
3. Neutral
This mode brings the servo motor to its neutral position, which can be used to determine if its
alignment is proper in neutral position.
Common Applications
The major application of servo motor testers is to test servo motors to see if they’re working desirably.
Safety Measures
1. Only use compatible voltage supply with the tester.
Let’s now look at some components of a 3D Printer and learn in detail about them
A common printer has these major parts:-
Printer frame
A printer frame is essential to provide support to all the components that carry out the printing process.
It is the part of the 3D printer which extrudes the filament. It heats the cartridge and melts the filament,
which is then used to start the printing process.
Printing bed
A 3D printer bed is a flat surface on which a 3D printer builds the model. It is required to keep the surface
flat and on horizontal level for printing the model successfully.
Display screen
A small display screen is a multipurpose screen present in 3D printers to show all the relevant information
that might be required to be shown to the users
The motherboard on 3D printer, just like on every electronic device serves as the brain of the device, and
all the components of the 3D printer are connected with the motherboard to coordinate the task
How to Use
1. Prepare your design for 3D printing
First of all, to get a 3D model printed, you’ll need to have a 3D model. There are two ways to get
it. You can either use some free model available on the internet and print it, or you can make your
model. Some free models can be found on websites such as Thingiverse, Free3D (https://free3d.
com/) and Sketchfab ( Or, if you want to make your
own models, there are many cool software and websites such as Tinkercad (https://www.tinkercad.
com/) and Blender (
Common Applications
1. Printing 3D models for education and research
2. Printing synthesised organs and micro equipment for medical sciences
3. Automotive industry
4. Construction, home development
5. Art and Jewellery
6. Printing designs for decorative purposes.
Safety Measures
1. Never obstruct the flow of printing with mechanical force.
2. Ensure that there is a constant power supply throughout the printer’s usage.
3. Ensure that the environment in which you’re using the printer isn’t very hot.
7. Free3D
8. Sketchfab
How to Use
Plug in the 3D printer to the UPS and the UPS to power supply and you’re done!
Common Applications
UPS are used for power backup purposes in case of power cuts.
Important Links
How to Use
Open the loose end of the filament, and cut a very small part to make sure that the end is plain
and angled. Then, push the filament straightly into the hole that takes it towards the nozzle. Once
the filament reaches the nozzle, it’ll start oozing out a bit. Pull off the extra part of the filament and
done, the filament is now loaded into the printer.
Safety Measures
1. Keep the filament away from hot or humid environments.
2. Make sure that the filament is not twisted to ensure smooth flow.
Important Links
How to Use
The usage is very simple. Just put the filament holder with the filament inside the storage box. If
the storage box has an opening for filament, It can directly be used to feed the printer. Take a small
part out from the opening and use it whenever required.
Important Links
Hacksaw Frame
The part of the hacksaw which had a handle to be held
by the craftsperson and a frame to hold the blade is
called the Hacksaw frame.
Hacksaw Blade
The other part is what serves the main purpose of cutting materials. It’s a specialised blade which can be fit
onto the Hacksaw frame and once done, make sure that the fittings are tight enough, and you’re good to go!
Then again, there are two different kinds of Hacksaws, used for different tasks and purposes:-
Normal Hacksaw
It is designed in a way such that the length of the blade is 12 inches, or 300 mm. It provides a greater
cutting edge.
Mini Hacksaw
It is designed in a way such that the length of the blade is 6 inches, or 150 mm. It is mostly useful if you
need to carry out lighter operations and if the space is compact.
How to Use
Using a hacksaw is very straightforward, just make sure that the usage is safe and correct. First
of all, it is important to attach the blade to the frame. To do this, first loosen the wing nut a little
bit by rotating it counter-clockwise such that the blade is easily insertable. Make sure that the
sharp teeth side of the blade is facing outwards to deliver the proper desired impact. After that,
put in the blade and attach it to the hooks on both sides, and tighten it by rotating the wing nut
in clockwise direction. Ensure that the connection is tight enough. After enough usage, the blade
will become blunt and would need to be replaced. The procedure is the same. First loosen the
wing nut, remove the old blade, put the new blade, tighten the wing nut, and yay, you’re done!
While using the hacksaw to cut any material, the handle should be held with the dominant hand.
The other hand should hold the surface or the material to make sure it doesn’t slip while applying
force. Thereafter, start cutting the material by applying almost horizontal push and pull force. Make
sure to use the maximum length of the blade to cut the material for feasibility. Once done, wipe off
the filings from the blade if any.
Common Applications
1. To cut and shape their prototypes properly.
2. To cut PVC pipes of right length if the project is utilising them
Basically, anything related with cutting pieces of plastic, metal or wood, Hacksaw comes into play
Important Links
2. Basics of Force
How to Use
All types of pliers are used in a similar fashion. They are meant to be used with one hand, your
dominant hand preferably. Hold the plier handles with your hand, and grip it tightly. Put the jaws in
between the material that you want to twist/cut/flatten out, and then hold it tightly. Now, depending
on the type of plier, you can perform various operations.
Safety Measures
While using pliers with some electrical components, always make sure that you’re not touching the
metal part.
Hold a strong grip on the plier so that it doesn’t slip which might be hazardous.
Common Applicationss
There are potentially a lot of things that pliers can be used for:-
To strip wires for making connections
To tighten nut bolts.
For cutting wires, as well as for twisting them together.
Important Links
The tweezer set should have at least these 6 types of tweezers in it:-
1. ESD 10–120 mm ESD safe straight tip single
2. ESD 11–140 mm straight tip single
3. ESD 12–135 mm straight tip single
4. ESD 13–120 mm spade tip single
5. ESD 14–120 mm super fine straight single
6. ESD 15–120 mm curved tweezers
How to Use
Hold the tweezer frame with fingers on each side, applying a very small pressure to keep it in grip,
then use its tip to hold small pieces, apply further pressure to just hold it enough, and then use it
to transfer pieces and do whatever is needed to be done.
Common Applicationss
To take out small pcb and microcontroller parts that are difficult to be handled by hand.
For makeup purposes and also in medical procedures.
Safety Measures
Avoid using tweezers that have gained magnetic properties.
Handle tweezers with care and make sure you don’t poke it on your skin.
Important Links
How to Use
The hammer should be held tightly with one hand on its handle, gripping the handle firmly. Then,
the head part is used for putting the impact. For striking purposes, the head of the hammer should
be struck upon the material that needs to be striked. It can also be used with a chisel to care for
shapes by striking the chisel which is held over the material. For putting nails, The opening of the
claw should be put on the nail through its neck, and then the hammer should be pulled and twisted
with power to get the nail out from the surface.
How to Use
Put the material (wood/metal pieces) between the jaws. A small piece of wood can be used as
a buffer to protect the main wood piece from getting marks of the C-Clamp. After putting them,
tighten the jaws to make sure that the grip is firm and it is tightened well. After that, the material
can be cut or welded accordingly with other tools such as a hacksaw and welding machine.
Common Applicationss
For holding metal for cutting/welding
To hold wood materials for carpentry
Safety Measures
Remove clamps as soon as the job is finished. Clamps serve only as temporary devices for holding
work securely in place.
Keep all moving parts of clamps lightly oiled and keep tools clean to prevent slippage.
Store C-clamps by clamping them in a rack, not in a drawer.
Important Links
1/16 inch 91 mm 15 mm
3/32 inch 112 mm 19 mm
7/64 inch 119 mm 20 mm
1/8 inch 123 mm 21 mm
9/64 inch 130 mm 22 mm
5/32 inch 137 mm 27 mm
3/16 inch 154 mm 34 mm
1/4 inch 185 mm 34 mm
5/16 inch 195 mm 37 mm
3/8 inch 224 mm 42 mm
How to Use
Take the allen key, and put its face into the screw that needs to be tightened or loosened. To tighten
it, rotate the allen key clockwise till the point it becomes tight, and similarly to loosen it, rotate the
allen key counter clockwise till it becomes loose and comes out.
Common Applicationss
Tightening and loosening internal hex bolts.
Important Links
How to Use
A drill machine usually has two modes to select from, one for drilling into wood/metal and other
for concrete materials. Select a drill bit of required size and tightened it using the key. Once done,
make sure the fitting is tight enough. Then take the material you need to drill into. Point the bit
towards it and press the red button. The rotational speed of the bit would depend on the strength
with which the button is pressed. Slowly, put the drill bit into the surface of the material, don’t put
a lot of force, just enough force to keep the drill bit intact.
Common Applicationss
To make holes in walls for screws.
To make holes in other materials such as metal and wood.
Important Links
How to Use
The Drilling workstation has a drill press which takes the drill holder downwards to easily carry out
the drilling process without having to exert much pressure. The rotary tool or drill machine can be
attached to the setup, with their drilling points facing downwards. Once done, a drill bit can be
attached to it and can be used to get it to work.
Common Applicationss
Making holes in comparatively small and mobile materials like a block of wood.
Safety Measures
It uses very high power devices, so a socket with appropriate voltage and current ratings should
be used.
Don’t put your hands near the drill bit while it’s in use.
Important Links
Many times we require to tighten or loosen nuts and bolts for opening or closing the parts of devices for
various purposes such as repairing, modification and more. This is where spanners come in handy. A spanner
is a tool made of hard metal or alloys such as steel which has a shaped jaw designed to tighten or loosen
nuts and bolts. A spanner set contains spanners with different sizes of jaws to use on different nuts and bolts.
A universal wrench is a tool, pretty much like the spanner, but with movable jaws, to avoid using multiple
different tools for different bolt sizes. It is used to loosen or tighten bolts and to hold grip over them. The
space between the jaws can be changed by using the worm screw.
How to Use
To use the spanner, find the correct size of spanner required for the specific bolt. Put the spanner’s
jaw over the bolt, making sure that it fits well and is interlocked. Then, to fasten it, rotate the spanner
clockwise, and to loosen it, rotate the spanner in counter clockwise direction.
To use a wrench effectively, loosen its jaws a bit by rotating the worm screw, put the wrench over
the bolt, and then tighten the jaws to make them fit. Once fit, rotate the wrench in the clockwise
direction for tightening it, and in the counter clockwise direction for loosening it.
Common Applicationss
Tightening or loosening bolts.
Safety Measures
Do not use a bent or damaged spanner.
Don’t apply excessive force as it might break the material on which the bolt is tied.
Important Links
How to Use
To use a vice, it is advised to first install it on a bench with enough space around it. For installation,
the screws need to be tightened into the bench. Once done, the vice is ready to be used. For using
it, take the workpiece, wood or metal, and put it between the jaws. Then, tighten the jaws and make
sure that the workpiece is held firmly. Now, you can go ahead and perform the task on the wood.
Common Applicationss
Used for holding wood pieces for cutting with hacksaws.
Used for holding metal for performing welding.
Safety Measures
Do not use a bent or damaged spanner.
Don’t apply excessive force as it might break the material on which the bolt is tied.
Important Links
Electric screwdriver
It is an electric tool which is used when power is required to loosen or tighten the screws. It looks like a
drill machine and makes the process of screwing/unscrewing almost effortless.
How to Use
For using a screwdriver, it should be held with the handle. Choose a screwdriver with the desired
shaft tip based on the screw that needs to be tightened or loosened. Then, fit the tip into the screw,
and rotate it clockwise to fasten it, and anti-clockwise to loosen it. Electric screw works in the same
way, just that it has a button which needs to be pressed for rotating the shaft.
Common Applicationss
Dismantling some electronic devices for repair purposes.
Changing old rusted screws.
Safety Measures
Do not use a bent or damaged screwdriver.
Don’t apply excessive pressure while turning the screws.
Important Links
A rotary tool with adjustable rotation speed till 30,000 and voltage/current range of 8-10V, 0-2A is preferred.
How to Use
Attach the bit that you would need to use for your purpose. Put the plug into the socket and turn
it on. Set the speed at which you want the rotation through the regulator present in the multitool.
Once done, you can switch the button and start working with it. The rotational speed is very high
so only a small impact should be made while using it.
Common Applicationss
Tto make the surfaces polished.
A grinding blade attached to a rotary tool makes it work like a grinder for cutting wood, metal pieces.
Important Links
How to Use
Plug in the air blower into the socket and power it on. There’s a speed regulator attached to blowers
which controls the amount of air that should come out from the blower. Then, there’s a push button
which is used to blow the air. It should be pressed and held to blow air out of the machine. There’s
also a small lock which when pressed would keep the blower button ON and would supply air
continuously. Once done with the blowing, turn the button off, and turn off the power supply as well.
Common Applicationss
1. Cleaning hard to reach places at home.
2. Cleaning dust from surfaces.
Safety Measures
1. Never point the blower over anyone or near the face.
2. Wear proper safety equipment such as goggles and safety mask before using it in dusty areas.
3. Make sure that the cable of the blower is not damaged.
Important Links
How to Use
A file is usually used with both hands. Put one hand on the handle, and the other one softly on
the edge. Then, push and pull it across the surface horizontally, creating maximum friction. Do this
repeatedly and you’ll start seeing the desired result.
Common Applicationss
to make corners of materials rounded for safety.
to make the surface smoother and shinier.
Safety Measures
Hold the file properly and securely while using.
Don’t use a file if its teeth become dull.
Important Links
A A3 size mat (18 inches x 12 inches) with markings is preferred to be used.
How to Use
Whenever doing some work with a rotary multitool, use this flexible mat beneath to protect the
flooring surface.
Safety Measures
Don’t roll the mat even when not in use.
Clean the mat periodically to ensure it’s longevity.
Important Links
The pegboard should at least be 24x24 inches to accommodate all the required materials.
How to Use
Just hang the pegboard on a wall using screws and you’re good to go! Attach the hooks in the
holes you want to and then you can start putting tools over it.
Common Applicationss
Storing and organising tools.
Safety Measures
Make sure to install the pegboard on the wall safely.
Don’t overload the pegboard with tools exceeding its holding capacity.
Important Links
Glue guns compatible with standard 0.5 inch glue
sticks and with a temperature range of around
230-280 degree celsius is preferred.
How to Use
Insert glue stick into the glue gun and make sure that it’s properly fit inside. Then, turn on the glue
gun power supply and let it run for about a minute. Then, take the glue gun and press its trigger
to get the hot glue out for usage. Once the adhesive comes out, it can be put on any surface that
needs to be stuck. After putting, put another material over it and press for a while. After a few
minutes, the adhesive would solidify and provide a hard bond.
Common Applicationss
Sticking materials together while making prototype projects
Safety Measures
Ensure that you don’t touch the hot part of the gun while it’s ON.
Don’t put hot glue adhesive on things that are fragile and might deform due to heat.
Important Links
How to Use
Tutorial–YouTube Video
Common Applicationss
Analysing the nature of electronic waveforms.
See visual representation of the variation of voltage over time.
Safety Measures
Use only shielded probes and never touch the metal part of the probes while in use.
Avoid operating an oscilloscope in an environment with a significant magnetic field as it can distort
the results.
Important Links
How to Use
Take the soldering iron, turn it ON. Then take it near the metal that needs to be soldered. Put it on
the tip, and put the soldering wire’s tip at the point as well. As soon as it melts a bit, take off the
soldering iron quickly. This is the best way to do soldering as it makes the soldering wire material
stick the best. Rosin core soldering wire is most famously used for electronics.
Common Applicationss
Making connections on microcontroller boards.
Safety Measures
Never touch the element or tip of soldering iron when in use.
Always return the soldering iron to its stand when not in use. Never put it down on the workbench.
Important Links
1. Basics of soldering
How to Use
1. Plug in the adapter into the power socket.
2. Plug in the DC connector into the device that requires the power
3. Turn ON the switch from main power.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t touch the DC jack connector while the main power is ON.
2. Don’t put the adapters in devices that are not rated to be used with the specifications of that
Important Links
How to Use
To use a heat gun, put the plug into the socket and turn it on. Now, on the switch, you’ll see two
modes, higher power and lower power, switch to any mode based on needs and then the heated
air would start blowing. Point the air towards whatever material you need to use it, and rotate the
material to provide equal heat on all sides if required.
Common Applicationss
1. A much less powerful version of heat guns is what we call hair dryers, used to make hair dry
after shower.
2. It can be used to mould PVC pipes.
3. Heat guns can also be used to mould glass materials.
Safety Measures
1. Never put your hand or any part of your body in front of a heat gun while it’s on.
2. Never point it to objects that are not intended to be heated, as it can prove hazardous.
Important Links
How to Use
Using a measuring tape is simple. It has a hook slot which can be pulled to get the required amount
of measuring tape out. The ideal way is to place the hook slot at one end of whatever material needs
to be measured, and then pull the tape in the opposite direction. The thumb lock can be used to
lock the tape position, which otherwise goes into the case if left as it is.
Common Applicationss
1. It is used to measure materials such as bench, plywood, pvc pipes and more.
Safety Measures
1. Don’t pull the tape further after it has reached its limit,
2. Don’t abruptly lose its grip as its hook can hit you and cause harm.
Important Links
A ruler is a very common stationary and industrial essential which is used for taking measurements and
drawing lines along them. A common stainless steel ruler has two measurements written on it, in inches
and centimetres. On one side you can find the measurements in inches, and on the other side they’re in
How to Use
Using a ruler is very easy. Just put it on the surface of whose length you want to measure or create
lines, and then just go on with your task.
Common Applicationss
1. Drawing straight lines
2. Measuring exact lengths and mark points accordingly.
Safety Measures
1. The ruler is pointed at edges, so carry and use it safely.
2. Make sure you’re watching the scale normally to avoid parallax errors in measurements.
How to Use
There are 3 ways you can measure things using vernier callipers, it depends on what you are
measuring. Let’s take a simple example of a beaker. First of all, turn on the button to start measuring
and put the calliper to zero. If it shows a non zero value, then press the absolute zero button
to correct zero error, and now it’s set to be used. If the internal diameter of the beaker is to be
measured, the vernier calliper would be put into it with the internal jaws touching the ends of the
beaker, and then the value can be read. Now, suppose if you want to measure its outer diameter,
you can use the external jaws and put the beaker between it and then read the LCD display values.
Thirdly, If the depth of the beaker needs to be measured, you can just put the depth measuring
blade inside and then read the values.
Common Applicationss
1. To measure the diameter of a pendulum bob.
2. To measure the dimensions of the beaker.
Safety Measures
1. Make sure that you don’t put excess pressure on the calliper while measuring.
2. Make sure that you eradicate the zero error in final readings.
Important Links
How to Use
Put the spirit level on the surface for checking. If the bubble is not in the centre, that means that
the level isn’t perfectly horizontal or vertical. Thereafter, relevant changes can be made to make
the surface levelled.
Common Applicationss
1. To check if a surface is levelled
Safety Measures
1. Make sure that the tube isn’t broken.
2. Ensure that you’re viewing it in such a way that parallax is negligible.
Important Links
How to Use
To use a tester, it should be held in hand. Then, the tip should be touched with the wire line or
socket or any other thing you’re testing it on. If it’s an electric tester, it’ll display the voltage of the
display if any. Otherwise, if it’s a manual one, you once need to touch the metal touch screw on
the top, and then if the light glows, it indicates the presence of voltage. One thing to make sure is
that one should never touch the metal part of the head which is in contact with the testing material.
Common Applicationss
1. Repairing electronic devices.
2. Testing the voltage on devices.
Safety Measures
1. Never touch the head part of the tester which is in contact with the voltage line.
Important Links
How to Use
First of all, put one probe into the jack named COM. After that, you need to point the dial on the
property that you are measuring. If you are measuring direct current for example, point the dial
towards the A label. After that, put another probe into the jack with label A. The other ends of the
probes should be connected to the wire. If all the setup is correct, you should see the readings on
the LCD display.
Common Applicationss
1. to measure the electrical properties of appliances.
Safety Measures
1. Put the probes correctly in the multimeter input jacks.
2. Don’t touch any open ends while measuring values..
Important Links
Magnification 140X
Resolution ~2 micron
Back focal length ~0.5 mm
Depth of field ~0.01 mm
Field of view ~0.5 mm (diagonal radius)
How to Use
The setup of the microscope will be mentioned in their manual. Alternatively, users can go through
this video YouTube video (
Common Applicationss
To observe microcomponents with much clarity and zoom to understand and study them better.
Important Links
How to Use
Common Applicationss
1. To see far off things
2. In astronomy
Important Links
A sewing kit is a kit which contains devices and materials to carry out the sewing process. The kit should
have one semi automatic sewing machine, few sets of assorted needles and few colour spools. Sewing
machine is the most complex part of the kit. It has many components such as:-
1. Feed dog
2. Pattern selector
3. Machine body
4. Bobbin winder stopper
It requires a work of precision and aesthetics to make beautiful things.
How to Use
Tutorial–( )
Common Applicationss
1. Sewing clothes
2. Sewing covers for Air-Conditioners or microwaves.
While using a hot glue gun for sticking materials, glue sticks are an essential component. They serve as a
refill and should always be there attached while using hot glue guns. Glue sticks are made of polymers such
as ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), polyolefins and polyamides.
How to Use
Insert the glue stick into the glue gun and make sure that it’s properly fit inside. Then, turn on the
glue gun power supply and let it run for about a minute. Then, take the glue gun and press its
trigger to get the hot glue out for usage.
Important Links
Types of screws
How to Use
Nuts and bolts are held together by a combination of friction of their thread, a slight stretch of the
bolt, & compression of the part to join together. For nuts and bolts, they should be kept apart first,
then the bolt should be inserted into the materials that need to be fastened. Thereafter, the bolt
should be inserted from the other end and should be tightened with the bolt. The nuts come with
a separate locking mechanism that prevents machine parts from loosening due to the vibration of
the parts or parts that they joined. The nut has internal threads so that it can be tightened easily
on the bolt. Screws can directly be impacted upon a surface and then tightened enough to ensure
they’re fixed properly. The parts connected with the screw have less strength than the bolt.
Important Links
How to Use
Take a cable tie, wind it around the materials you want to wrap together, and then fasten the cable
tie. Once fastened, you can cut the excess part if required.
Common Applications
1. Locking food items bag
2. Fastening group of cables in servers
3. Group together things in an organiser
Important Links
2. Video Tutorial to use a Cable Tie - How To Use A Zip Tie-With A Bonus Zip Tie
How to Use
Hold the sandpaper from the plain side, and then run the other side on the material that you want to
make smooth. Rub and change its position accordingly to give the shape and smoothness as required.
Common Applications
1. Polish rough surfaces
2. Smoothen the finish of a 3D printed objects
Important Links
How to Use
Using a Power strip adapter is very easy. Just plug in the power plug to the socket, power it on and
there you go! Now you have multiple sockets to utilise.
How to Use
The holder should be placed in the right spot, ensuring that the wires are not getting twisted and
that they’re insulated throughout. If they are not insulated at some parts, make sure to provide
insulation first and then move on to the next step. Thereafter, take the bulb and place it in the holder.
For doing so, find the entry points in the holder on the edge, push the bulb barely, and then rotate
it to lock it there. After doing this, you can put the plug in the socket and turn on the power. The
bulb should start glowing!
How to Use
Connect the ends of wires to components/wires. Twist or solder them as required, and ensure that
nothing carrying high voltage should be open. If there is anything with high voltage, it should be
adequately insulated. Once the connections are made, ensure they’re strong enough, and yay, you’re
Important Links
A USB to DC jack cable is very useful as it enables powering DC devices through the standard USB 2,0
ports present in laptops or power adapters. On one end, the cable has a USB 2.0 type connector; on the
other, it has a DC jack.
How to Use
Plug the USB connector of the wire into your laptop or power adapter. Plug the DC Jack into your
device that you want to power through the cable, and you’re done!
How to Use
The most important part is to identify what equipment from the first aid kits should be used to
treat and provide medical care in case of emergencies. Then, make sure that the usage is correct
and safe and always try to do that in a safe and secure place.
Important Links
How to Use
Fire extinguisher should be used if and only if there’s a case of fire. Always follow the acronym
P.A.S.S (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep):-
1. Pull the pin to unlock the fire extinguisher to be used.
2. Aim the extinguisher discharge nozzle towards the fire from at least 6-8 feets away.
3. Squeeze the discharging lever to discharge the content of the extinguisher.
4. Sweep the nozzle back and forth to cover a larger area until the extinguisher empties out.
Important Links
While cutting pieces of ply, plastic, PVC and similar things, dust is released in the air that might enter in
your eyes causing irritations and in some cases permanent damage. But with the proper care, it can be
easily avoided using safety goggles. Wearing them before performing any sort of cutting, grinding or filing
protects the eyes from dust.
How to Use
Before starting the cutting/grinding process, the goggles should be worn such that the eyes are
completely covered. Ensure that the visibility is proper and you can see things correctly. In case of
any uneasiness, the task should be aborted.
Important Links
How to Use
The gloves should be worn on hand like normal gloves. Always ensure that you wear gloves before
coming in contact with abrasive or corrosive materials. Also, some people might have a latex allergy.
It is strictly advised not to use gloves if you’re allergic to latex, and ask your teammate or teacher
to help you out with your work.
Important Links
How to Use
Before starting the cutting/grinding process, the mask should be worn such that the nose and mouth
portion is totally covered. Ensure that you are not running short of breath while wearing it. In case
of uneasiness, the task should be aborted.
Important Links