Course Handout - Project IV 2024

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Course Number: PRJ4904 Course Name: Project IV

Credits: 5-0-0 Contact hours per week = 4 hrs

Instructor-in-charge: Coordinators (s):

Dr. Sukhandeep Kaur
Dr. Nikhil Kumar

Aim of the course:

The aim of Project IV, a 5-credit course, is to serve as the pinnacle of study in pursuit of a Bachelor of
Engineering degree. This course provides students with the opportunity to practically apply and expand upon the
knowledge acquired throughout their academic program. The primary focus lies on fostering student
development in technical proficiency, project management, and presentation abilities. This course challenges
students to conduct thorough investigations within their chosen area, encompassing problem understanding,
identification of gaps in existing research or methodologies, analysis of major challenges, and consideration of
applicability. Students will utilize various tools, libraries, and packages to develop programs or solutions, thereby
gaining valuable hands-on experience.

Course Overview and Context:

1. Perform a literature search to review current knowledge and developments in the chosen technical area.
2. Undertake detailed technical work in the chosen area using one or more of:
a. Product Design
b. Computer simulations/Hardware design/ML Tools
c. Web/Mobile app design
3. Produce progress reports or maintain a professional journal to establish work completed, and to schedule
additional work within the time frame specified for the project.
4. Deliver a detailed Presentation on the area of work being undertaken and specific contributions to that
5. Prepare a formal report describing the work undertaken and results obtained so far; and
6. Present the work in a forum involving poster presentations and demonstrations of operational hardware
and software.
Course Outcomes:
CO1- Understand computer science engineering principles to identify, formulate, and resolve project
challenges effectively. (BL-1)
CO2- Design & Develop a system/interface/database, covering all modules of the project. (BL-2,3)
CO3 -Apply various tools and techniques for the test cases and implement the project modules with
a consolidated project report BL-4,5
CO4- Demonstrate the working project to the end user with the system and user manual. (BL-6)

Your End Semester Presentation will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Project Understanding: Evaluation begins with assessing whether the students have a clear understanding
of the project objectives, scope, and requirements. This includes examining the problem statement,
objectives, and proposed solutions.

Research and Literature Review: Evaluation involves reviewing the depth and breadth of the literature
review conducted by the students. This includes assessing the relevance, currency, and comprehensiveness of
the literature surveyed.

Methodology and Approach: Assessing the appropriateness and rigor of the methodology chosen by the
students is crucial. This includes evaluating the research design, data collection methods, tools, and
techniques utilized.

Implementation and Execution: Evaluators examine the students' ability to implement the proposed
solution effectively. This involves assessing the technical skills demonstrated, the robustness of the
implementation process, and any challenges encountered.

Results and Analysis: The evaluation includes an analysis of the results obtained from the project. This
involves examining the accuracy, validity, and reliability of the findings, as well as the effectiveness of the
data analysis techniques employed.

Innovation and Creativity: Assessing the level of innovation and creativity demonstrated by the students in
addressing the project objectives is important. This includes evaluating novel approaches, solutions, or
insights generated.

Documentation and Presentation: Evaluation encompasses the quality of documentation and presentation of
the project. This includes assessing the clarity, organization, and professionalism of the project report, aswell
as the effectiveness of the oral presentation.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Evaluators assess the students' ability to critically analyze
problems, identify solutions, and make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle.

Teamwork (if applicable): For group projects, evaluation may include assessing the effectiveness of
teamwork, collaboration, and communication among team members.

Overall Contribution and Impact: Finally, evaluation considers the overall contribution of the project to the
field of study or industry, as well as its potential impact and relevance.
Assessment Pattern: The final grade will be based on the marks/ grades obtained in the mid-
semester and end-semester evaluation and other assessments defined in the assessment table. The
relative grading method described in the university’s academic regulations will be followed to grade
the students. The student must secure a minimum of 40% of marks after completing all the
assessments in the following table to become eligible for grading.
Weightage Remarks
Component Duration Evaluation Week

Presentation Participation + Demonstration

-- 20% Continuous
(Internal) +Viva (by the Supervisor)

First/second week-
Mid Semester -- 20% Panel / Grade based
Oct 2024

First Week – Dec Detailed report. The format will

Report -- 10% be shared.
Project Presentation and
End Semester 20-30 Mins Second Week – Dec
50% Demonstration. The component will
Exam (per student) 2024
be evaluated by a panel of experts

Student Responsibilities:
• Attend lectures and do the work Lab Assignments as per instructions.
• Prepare for discussions on the analysis part of Lab Assignments during class every week.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Failure to follow the classes
regularly and adhere to the expected attendance percentage will result in losing quiz/lab marks and
a reduction of the grade as per the University’s grading policy.

Recourse examination policy: As per University policy.

Make-up policy: No make-up work will be given for unexcused absences. The faculty needs to be
informed in advance if the student is going to miss submitting an assignment or taking any evolution
component. It is at the discretion of the faculty to sanction make-up for an evaluation component.

Behavior expectations: No mobile phones and other distractive gadgets are permitted in the class.
Laptops are allowed during the defined course for assignment only.

Academic dishonesty/cheating/plagiarism: Plagiarism and dishonesty in any form in any

evaluation component will lead to appropriate disciplinary action.

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