Introductory Statistics With R

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Introductory Statistics with R

Sabah Kadri, Ph.D.

• Brief introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
• Brief introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
Installation of R and RStudio!
• Install R on your computer!


• Install RStudio IDE (an R Integrated

Development Environment tool) !!

RStudio layout!
Create new R script file in RStudio!
Run R script file in RStudio!
Getting help in R!
• documentation on “mean”!

– ?mean !
– help(mean) !
• returns a character vector giving the names of all
objects in the search list matching!
– apropos('mean')!
Installing and load non-base

Installs ‘package’!
Loads the functions and data in ‘package’!
Bioconductor provides tools for analysis of high
throughput genomic data!
!biocLite(package) e.g. DESeq, limma!
Getting and setting your working

Get the current working directory:!

Change the working directory:!
!setwd(“<absolute path>”)!
! !eg. setwd(“/Users/john/Documents”)!
! ! ! !setwd(“C:/MyDocuments/”)!
!setwd(“<relative path>”)!
! !eg. !setwd(“../MyFiles/”)!
One dimensional collection of character strings, numbers,

logical values etc.!

> my_vector = c(1,2,5,10,13) ! !OR!
> my_vector <- c(1,2,5,10,13)!
> my_vector! Note: = and <- can
[1] 1 2 5 10 13! be used for
> c(1:10)! assignment
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10! interchangeably!
Data Frames!
• A dataframe is a list containing multiple named

vectors of same length – similar to a spreadsheet!

> name <- c("Mike Jones","John Smith","Sarah Adler")!
> Gender <- c("M","M","F")!
> Age <- c(47,38,52)!
> Height <- c(5.9,5.7,5.4)!
> patient_info = data.frame (name, gender, age, height)!
> patient_info!
name gender age height!
1 Mike Jones M 47 5.9!
2 John Smith M 38 5.7!
3 Sarah Adler F 52 5.4!
Data Frames!
• An alternative way to declare the dataframe!

> patient_info <- data.frame(!
name=c("Mike Jones","John Smith","Sarah Adler"),
gender=c("M","M","F"), !
age=c(47,38,52), !
> patient_info!
name gender age height!
1 Mike Jones M 47 5.9!
2 John Smith M 38 5.7!
3 Sarah Adler F 52 5.4!
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
Summary statistics for a single

• Find the number of elements in the vector!

> my_vector = c(1,2,5,10,13)!
> length(my_vector)!
[1] 5!

• Sum up the elements of the vector!

> sum(my_vector)!
[1] 31!
Descriptive statistics!
> my_vector = c(1,2,5,10,13)!

• Other descriptive statistics!

> mean(my_vector)! Average

[1] 6.2!
> median(my_vector)! Median
[1] 5!
> min(my_vector)! Minimum
[1] 1!
> max(my_vector)! Maximum
[1] 13!
> var(my_vector)! Variance
[1] 26.7!
> sd(my_vector)! Standard Deviation
[1] 5.167204!
Random sampling!
> big_vector <- 1:10000!

> x=sample(big_vector, 100)!

> x!
[1] 1965 2420 6545 7272 2260 2333 9275 5366 3469 1010 7403 8748 7519 7345 1883 691 1087!
[18] 4905 5870 6923 1470 7666 809 711 4910 1857 520 2019 3776 598 8498 1396 3338 2725!
[35] 1141 5401 697 5636 6475 6252 2488 1166 7438 3931 1695 7584 8373 2223 9434 3674 3256!
[52] 266 7606 1384 8551 6984 5816 2849 2397 2789 2392 8776 5995 7534 3135 709 5888 1542!
[69] 8460 148 8814 9953 5900 5404 6877 2715 9892 8598 882 9115 2987 7404 3557 2634 3918!
[86] 9910 9372 6326 3609 6843 5082 7323 4340 9258 9979 1996 4010 9737 4941 731!
Challenge 1: For x, find the !
(i) minimum value!
(ii) median value !
(iii) the 50th percentile value!
Challenge 1!
Challenge 1: For x, find the !

(i) minimum value!

(ii) median value !
(iii) the 50th percentile value!
> min(x)!
[1] 148!
> median(x)!
[1] 4622.5!
> quantile(x, 0.5)!
50% !
4622.5 !
> quantile(x)!

0% 25% 50% 75% 100% !

148.00 2172.00 4622.50 7403.25 9979.00 !
> quantile(x,0.5)! 50th percentile!
50% !
4622.5 !
> quantile(x,0.3)!
30th percentile!
30% !
Operation on a vector!
> summary(x)!

Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. !

148 2172 4622 4768 7403 9979 !
** Take a subset of the data **!
> x[1:10]!
[1] 1965 2420 6545 7272 2260 2333 9275 5366 3469 1010!
** Scalar operation on the subset **!
> x[1:10]/100!
[1] 24.20 65.45 72.72 22.60 23.33 92.75 53.66 34.69 10.10!
** Scalar operation on the subset **!
> x[1:10] + x[11:20]!
[1] 9368 11168 14064 14617 4143 3024 10362 10271 9339 7933!
Plotting a vector/distribution!
> big_vector <- (1:10000)!

> X = sample(big_vector,100)!
> x!
[1] 1965 2420 6545 7272 2260 2333 9275 5366 3469 1010 7403 8748 7519 7345 1883 691 1087!
[18] 4905 5870 6923 1470 7666 809 711 4910 1857 520 2019 3776 598 8498 1396 3338 2725!
[35] 1141 5401 697 5636 6475 6252 2488 1166 7438 3931 1695 7584 8373 2223 9434 3674 3256!
[52] 266 7606 1384 8551 6984 5816 2849 2397 2789 2392 8776 5995 7534 3135 709 5888 1542!
[69] 8460 148 8814 9953 5900 5404 6877 2715 9892 8598 882 9115 2987 7404 3557 2634 3918!
[86] 9910 9372 6326 3609 6843 5082 7323 4340 9258 9979 1996 4010 9737 4941 731!
> plot(x)!
Properties of plot()!
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))! par(mfrow=c(rows,columns))!
> plot(x, pch=20, col="red”)!
Properties of plot()!
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))! par(mfrow=c(rows,columns))!
> plot(x,pch=20,col="red")!

> plot(x,col="red",type="l”)!
Properties of plot()!
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))! par(mfrow=c(rows,columns))!
> plot(x,pch=20,col="red")!

> plot(x,col="red",type="l")!

> plot(x,col="red",type="l",main="Plotting x",xlab="This is the x-

axis",ylab="Values of x")!
Plotting two vectors/distributions
against each other!
> Y = log(x)!
> y!
[1] 7.583248 7.791523 8.786457 8.891787 7.723120 7.754910 9.135078 8.587838 8.151622!

[10] 6.917706 8.909641 9.076580 8.925188 8.901775 7.540622 6.538140 6.991177 8.498010!
[19] 8.677610 8.842604 7.293018 8.944550 6.695799 6.566672 8.499029 7.526718 6.253829!
[28] 7.610358 8.236421 6.393591 9.047586 7.241366 8.113127 7.910224 7.039660 8.594339!
[37] 6.546785 8.636930 8.775704 8.740657 7.819234 7.061334 8.914357 8.276649 7.435438!
[46] 8.933796 9.032768 7.706613 9.152075 8.209036 8.088255 5.583496 8.936693 7.232733!
[55] 9.053804 8.851377 8.668368 7.954723 7.781973 7.933438 7.779885 9.079776 8.698681!
[64] 8.927181 8.050384 6.563856 8.680672 7.340836 9.043104 4.997212 9.084097 9.205629!
[73] 8.682708 8.594895 8.835938 7.906547 9.199482 9.059285 6.782192 9.117677 8.002025!
[82] 8.909776 8.176673 7.876259 8.273337 9.201300 9.145482 8.752423 8.191186 8.830982!
[91] 8.533460 8.898775 8.375630 9.133243 9.208238 7.598900 8.296547 9.183688 8.505323!
[100] 6.594413!
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!
> plot(x,y)!
> plot(y,x)!

More on
Plotting on the same plot !
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))!
> Z = rnorm(10)!

> z!
[1] 0.8451165 -0.1134582 -1.9549015 -0.8338934 -0.8977647 -0.6833283
-0.3236706 -0.7055102!
[9] 1.2461166 0.9404709!
sort(z) sorts the vector in
> plot(z,type="l",col="blue")!
> sorted_z=sort(z)!
ascending order
> sorted_z!
[1] -1.9549015 -0.8977647 -0.8338934 -0.7055102 -0.6833283 -0.3236706
-0.1134582 0.8451165!
[9] 0.9404709 1.2461166!
> lines(sorted_z,col="red")!
> points(sorted_z,col="black")!
> barplot(z)!

Challenge 2: Plot barplots !
for z and sorted_z one !
below the other!
Challenge 2!
Challenge 2: Plot barplots for z!

and sorted_z one !

below the other!
> par(mfrow=c(2,1))!
> barplot(z)!
> barplot(sorted_z)!
Graphical display of distributions:
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))!

> hist(x)! ! ! ! ! ! ! !> hist(x,breaks=50)!

> dat <- rnorm(10) !

> dat2 <- c(dat, 10, 10.5, 30 ) !

> par( mfrow=c(1,2) ) !
> boxplot(dat) !
> boxplot(dat2) !


Any data
observation which
lies more than!
1.5*IQR lower than
the first quartile is!
considered an
Variance, Standard deviation &
data spread!
What is the difference between the following

Variance, Standard deviation &
data spread!
What is the difference between the following

Different variances of the data.!
Variance, Standard deviation &
data spread! Note:
xlim=c(min,max) !
> par(mfrow=c(1,3))! !
> X = rnorm(100,sd=1)!! sets the limits on

> hist(x,xlim=c(-100,100))! the x-axis!

> Y = rnorm(100,sd=10) !!
> hist(y,xlim=c(-100,100))!
> Z = rnorm(100,sd=100)!
> hist(z, xlim=c(-100,100))!
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
Reading a table!
Please download the following table:!

Reading a table!
> tab = read.table("GSE47561.txt")!
> head(tab)!
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5!

1 ID_REF GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076!

2 1007_s_at 9.32636963 9.50907773 9.470700565 9.579381316!
3 1053_at 5.770975829 6.871806536 4.8116242 5.896438495!
4 117_at 4.837099985 4.100548813 3.025137107 3.930648404!
5 121_at 5.320876995 5.263375928 5.132676878 5.14460312!
6 1255_g_at 2.221334895 2.221334895 2.221334895 2.221334895!
> tab = read.table("GSE47561.txt",header=T)! Note: head(tab)
> head(tab)! returns the first 6 rows of
ID_REF GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076!
1 1007_s_at 9.326370 9.509078 9.470701 9.579381! the table. This is a good
2 1053_at 5.770976 6.871807 4.811624 5.896438! way to get a snapshot of
3 117_at 4.837100 4.100549 3.025137 3.930648!
4 121_at 5.320877 5.263376 5.132677 5.144603!
your data.!
5 1255_g_at 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335!
6 1294_at 4.727786 4.673524 5.425090 4.765807!
> tab = read.table("GSE47561.txt",header=T,row.names=1)!
> head(tab)!
GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076!
1007_s_at 9.326370 9.509078 9.470701 9.579381!
1053_at 5.770976 6.871807 4.811624 5.896438!
117_at 4.837100 4.100549 3.025137 3.930648!
121_at 5.320877 5.263376 5.132677 5.144603!
1255_g_at 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335!
1294_at 4.727786 4.673524 5.425090 4.765807!
Properties of the table!
> colnames(tab)!

[1] "GSM107072" "GSM107073" "GSM107075"

• Challenge 3:!
1. Get the row names of the table !
2. Display the first 10 row names.!
Challenge 3: Row names!
• Challenge 3:!

1. Get the row names of the table !
> row.names(tab) OR rownames(tab)!
2. Display the first 10 row names.!
> row.names(tab)[1:10]!
[1] "1007_s_at" "1053_at" "117_at"
"121_at" "1255_g_at" "1294_at" "1316_at" !
[8] "1320_at" "1405_i_at" "1431_at" !
Summary statistics!
Get the means of the colums!

> colMeans(tab)!
GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076 !
9.943704 9.907088 9.740273 9.883658 !
> colSums(tab)!
GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076 !
1968.853 1961.603 1928.574 1956.964 !
The same operations can be done on the rows:!
Graphics for grouped data:
> boxplot(tab,col="yellow",border="darkred")!

Note: colors() !
Shows all
available color
Graphics for grouped data:
Plotting histograms of the first 2 columns of tab!

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!
> hist(tab[,1],col="white",main="First column")!
> hist(tab[,2],col="grey",main="Second column")!
You can also refer to the columns
by the column name!
Plotting histograms of the first 2 columns of tab!

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!
> hist(tab$GSM107072,col="white",main="First column")!
> hist(tab$GSM107073,col="grey",main="Second column")!
Graphics for grouped data:Barplots!
> caff.marital <-

> caff.marital!
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]!
[1,] 652 1537 598 242!
[2,] 36 46 38 21!
[3,] 218 327 106 67!
> colnames(caff.marital) <- c("0","1-150","151-300",">300")!
> caff.marital!
0 1-150 151-300 >300!
[1,] 652 1537 598 242! Note: Assign
[2,] 36 46 38 21!
the column
[3,] 218 327 106 67!
Graphics for grouped data:Barplots!
> rownames(caff.marital) <- c("Married","Prev.married","Single")!

> caff.marital!
0 1-150 151-300 >300!
Married 652 1537 598 242!
Prev.married 36 46 38 21!
Single 218 327 106 67! Note: t(table)
> t(caff.marital)! transposes the
Married Prev.married Single! table.!
0 652 36 218!
1-150 1537 46 327!
151-300 598 38 106!
>300 242 21 67!
Graphics for grouped data:Barplots!
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))!
> barplot(caff.marital, col="white")!

! ! ! ! !0 1-150 151-300 >300!
Married 652 1537 598 242!
Prev.married 36 46 38 21!
Single 218 327 106 67  
Graphics for grouped data:Barplots!
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))!
> barplot(caff.marital, col="white")!

> barplot(t(caff.marital), col="white”)!

Note: t(table)
! ! !Married Prev.married Single! transposes the
0 652 36 218! table.!
1-150 1537 46 327!
151-300 598 38 106!
>300 242 21 67!
Graphics for grouped data:Barplots!
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))!
> barplot(caff.marital, col="white")!

> barplot(t(caff.marital), col="white")!

> barplot(t(caff.marital), col="white", beside=T)!
> barplot(prop.table(t(caff.marital),2), col="white", beside=T)!
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))!
> par(mfrow=c(1,1))!
> barplot(t(caff.marital),beside=T,!

You can also use a separate function to display legends!

> legend("top", colnames(caff.marital),

You can use !
“top”, “bottom”, !
“topleft”,”topright”, etc.!
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
Built-in distributions in R!
The common standard distributions have been built into R , and it can

completely replace traditional statistical tables. !

Four fundamental items can be calculated for a statistical distribution:!
1. Density or point probability!
2. Cumulated probability, distribution function!
3. Quantiles!
4. Pseudo-random numbers!
For all distributions implemented in R , there is a function for each of
the four items listed above. For example, for the normal distribution,
these are named dnorm , pnorm , qnorm , and rnorm (density,
probability, quantile, and random, respectively).!
Continuous distribution: Normal
(Gaussian) - Densities !
 The  density  for  a  con7nuous  distribu7on  is  a  measure  of  the  rela7ve  probability  of  

“ge=ng  a  value  close  to  x  ”.  The  probability  of  ge=ng  a  value  in  a  par7cular  interval  is  
the  area  under  the  corresponding  part  of  the  curve.!
> x <- seq(-4,4,0.1)!
> x!
[1] -4.0 -3.9 -3.8 -3.7 -3.6 -3.5 -3.4 -3.3 -3.2 -3.1 -3.0 -2.9 -2.8 -2.7!
[15] -2.6 -2.5 -2.4 -2.3 -2.2 -2.1 -2.0 -1.9 -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 -1.5 -1.4 -1.3!
[29] -1.2 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1!
[43] 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5!
[57] 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9!
[71] 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0!

> plot(x,dnorm(x),type="l")!
Normal (Gaussian): cumulative
probability !

The cumulative distribution function describes the probability of “hitting” x or

less in a given distribution.!
A normal distribution with a mean of 132 and a standard deviation of 13. Then,
if one has a value of 160:!
> 1-pnorm(160,mean=132,sd=13)!
[1] 0.01562612!
Meaning: 1.5% of the general population, that has that value or higher.!
pnorm returns the probability of getting a value smaller than its first argument in
a normal distribution with the given mean and standard deviation. !!
Normal (Gaussian): quantile!

The quantile function is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. The
p-quantile is the value with the property that there is probability p of getting a
value less than or equal to it.!
> qnorm(0.025)!
[1] -1.959964!
> qnorm(0.01)!
[1] -2.326348!
Normal (Gaussian) – Random

The use of the functions that generate random numbers is straightforward. The first
argument specifies the number of random numbers to compute, and the subsequent
arguments are similar to those for other functions related to the same distributions.!
> rnorm(10)!
[1] -0.2996466 -0.1718510 -0.1955634 1.2280843 -2.6074190!
[6] -0.2999453 -0.4655102 -1.5680666 1.2545876 -1.8028839!
> rnorm(10)!
[1] 1.7082495 0.1432875 -1.0271750 -0.9246647 0.6402383!
[6] 0.7201677 -0.3071239 1.2090712 0.8699669 0.5882753!
> rnorm(10,mean=7,sd=5)!
[1] 8.934983 8.611855 4.675578 3.670129 4.223117 5.484290!
[7] 12.141946 8.057541 -2.893164 13.590586!
> rbinom(10,size=20,prob=.5)!
[1] 12 11 10 8 11 8 11 8 8 13!
Try it yourself: Distributions!
Function! Distribution!

pnorm(x,mean,sd) ! Normal!
plnorm(x,mean,sd) ! Lognormal!
pt(x,df) ! Student’s t!
pf(x,n1,n2) ! F distribution!
pchisq(x,df)! Chi-square!
pbinom(x,n,p)! Binomial!
ppois(x,lambda) ! Poisson!
punif(x,min,max) ! Uniform!
pexp(x,rate) ! Exponential!
pgamma(x,shape,scale) ! Gamma!
pbeta(x,a,b)! Beta!
Discrete distribution: Binomial!
> x <- 0:50!

> plot(x,dbinom(x,size=50,prob=.33),type="h")!
In addition to x, you have to specify the number of trials n and the probability parameter
Binomial distribution!
Twenty patients are given two treatments each (blindly and in

randomized order) and then asked whether treatment A or B worked

better. It turned out that 16 patients liked A better. If there was no
difference between the two treatments, then we would expect the
number of people favouring treatment A to be binomially distributed with
p = 0.5 and n = 20. How (im)probable would it then be to obtain what
we have observed?!
> 1-pbinom(15,size=20,prob=.5)!
[1] 0.005908966!
What we need is the probability of the observed or more extreme, and
pbinom is giving the probability of 16 or less. We need to use “15 or
less” instead.!
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
Plotting Normal distribution!
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!

> plot(x,dnorm(x),type="l",main="dnorm")!
> plot(x,pnorm(x),type="l",main="pnorm")!
Plotting Binomial distribution!
> x <- 0:50!

Challenge 4: Plot the Binomial density and
cumulative distributions for x (n=50, p=0.33)!
Challenge 4: Binomial distribution!
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!

> plot(x,dbinom(x,size=50,prob=.33),type="h")!
> plot(x,pbinom(x,size=50,prob=.33),type="h")!
Empirical cumulative distribution
One purpose of calculating the empirical cumulative

distribution function (c.d.f.) is to see whether data can be

assumed normally distributed – or distributed according to
some other distribution!
> x <- rnorm(50)!
> plot(ecdf(x),main="Empirical CDF")!
Empirical cumulative distribution
> x <- rnorm(50)!

> plot(ecdf(x),main="Empirical CDF")!

Empirical cumulative distribution
> x <- rnorm(50)!

> plot(ecdf(x),main="Empirical CDF”,cex=0.2)!

Reduce the size of the

points with the “cex”
qqnorm : Is the data normally

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!
> x <- rnorm(50)!
> y=seq(-4,4,0.1)!
> qqnorm(x)!
> abline(0,1)!
> qqnorm(y)!
> abline(0,1)!
QQPlots: Are the datasets sampled
from the same distribution?!

> par(mfrow=c(1,2))!
> x <- rnorm(50)!
> y=seq(-4,4,0.1)!
> z=rnorm(100)!
> qqplot(x,y)!
> abline(0,1)!
> qqplot(x,z)!
> abline(0,1)!
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
One sample t-test!
Following is data for women’s daily energy intake:!

> daily.intake <- c(5260,5470,5640,6180,6390,6515,
> quantile(daily.intake)!
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%!
5260 5910 6515 7515 8770!
QUESTION: You might wish to investigate whether the women’s energy intake
deviates systematically from a recommended value of 7725 kJ. Assuming that
data come from a normal distribution, the objective is to test whether this
distribution might have mean μ = 7725. This is done with t.test() as follows:!
One sample t-test!

QUESTION: You might wish to investigate whether the women’s energy intake deviates
systematically from a recommended value of 7725 kJ. Assuming that data come from a
normal distribution, the objective is to test whether this distribution might have mean μ =
7725. This is done with t.test() as follows:!
> t.test(daily.intake,mu=7725)!
!One Sample t-test!
data: daily.intake!
t = -2.8208, df = 10, p-value = 0.01814!
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 7725!
95 percent confidence interval:!
5986.348 7520.925!
sample estimates:!
mean of x !
6753.636 !
One sample t-test!

> t.test(daily.intake,mu=7725)!
!One Sample t-test!
data: daily.intake!
t = -2.8208, df = 10, p-value = 0.01814!
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 7725!
95 percent confidence interval:!
5986.348 7520.925!
sample estimates:!
mean of x !
6753.636 !
Wilcoxon signed ranked test!
Non-Parametric test:!

> wilcox.test(daily.intake, mu=7725)!
!Wilcoxon signed rank test with continuity correction!
data: daily.intake!
V = 8, p-value = 0.0293!
alternative hypothesis: true location is not equal to 7725!
Warning message:!
In wilcox.test.default(daily.intake, mu = 7725) :!
cannot compute exact p-value with ties!
There is not as much output as from t.test as there is no parameter estimate in a
nonparametric test and therefore no confidence limits, etc., either.!
Paired t-test!
Paired tests are used when there are two measurements on the same

experimental unit. The theory is essentially based on taking differences and

thus reducing the problem to that of a one-sample test!
Remember the table we read?!
> tab = read.table("GSE47561.txt", header=T, row.names=1)!
> head(tab)!
GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076!
1007_s_at 9.326370 9.509078 9.470701 9.579381!
1053_at 5.770976 6.871807 4.811624 5.896438!
117_at 4.837100 4.100549 3.025137 3.930648!
121_at 5.320877 5.263376 5.132677 5.144603!
1255_g_at 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335 2.221335!
1294_at 4.727786 4.673524 5.425090 4.765807!

Challenge 5: Assuming that column 1(GSM107072) is the gene expression of

PatientA before treatment and column 2 (GSM107073) is the gene expression
of the same patient after treatment, was there any difference in gene
expression of the patient after treatment?!
Challenge 5!
> t.test(tab[,1], tab[,2])!
!Welch Two Sample t-test!

data: tab[, 1] and tab[, 2]!
t = 0.1349, df = 394, p-value = 0.8927!
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0!
95 percent confidence interval:!
-0.4969145 0.5701452!
sample estimates:!
mean of x mean of y !
9.943704 9.907088 !
You have to specify paired=T explicitly in
! the call, indicating that you want a paired
> t.test(tab[,1], tab[,2], paired = T)! test!
!Paired t-test!
data: tab[, 1] and tab[, 2]!
t = 0.8597, df = 197, p-value = 0.391!
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0!
95 percent confidence interval:!
-0.04737259 0.12060331!
sample estimates:!
mean of the differences !
0.03661536 !
• Brief Introduction to R!

• Statistics on vectors!
• Statistics on tables!
• Built-in probability distributions!
• Plotting distributions in R!
• Significance testing!
• Correlation and regression!
• A correlation coefficient is a symmetric, scale-invariant measure of

association between two random variables. !

• It ranges from −1 to +1, where the extremes indicate perfect
correlation and 0 means no correlation. !
• The sign is negative when large values of one variable are
associated with small values of the other and positive if both
variables tend to be large or small simultaneously.!
Function for correlation in R:!
cor() !
Challenge 6: Use the “GSE47561.txt” table and calculate:!

1. Pearson correlation between the first 2 columns!

2. Spearman correlation between the first 2 column!
3. Pearson correlation between all pairs of columns.!
> tab = read.table("GSE47561.txt", header=T, row.names=1)!

1. Pearson correlation between the first 2 columns!
Correlation of 2 columns at a time,!
> cor(tab[,1], tab[,2])!
[1] 0.9753716!
2. Spearman correlation between the first 2 column!
> cor(tab[,1], tab[,2], method="spearman")!
[1] 0.9602081!
NOTE: Method can be "pearson” OR "kendall” OR "spearman”. Pearson is be default!
3. Pearson correlation between all pairs of columns.!

Correlation of the entire table!
> cor(tab)!
GSM107072 GSM107073 GSM107075 GSM107076!
GSM107072 1.0000000 0.9753716 0.9533168 0.9829057!
GSM107073 0.9753716 1.0000000 0.9363837 0.9634629!
GSM107075 0.9533168 0.9363837 1.0000000 0.9751666!
GSM107076 0.9829057 0.9634629 0.9751666 1.0000000!
Plot the correlations!
> tab=read.table("GSE47561.txt",header=T,row.names=1)!

> plot(tab[,1],tab[,2],pch=20,col="darkred”)!
Add the linear regression line!
> abline(lm(tab[,2] ~ tab[,1]))!

> lm(tab[,2] ~ tab[,1])!

lm(formula = tab[, 2] ~ tab[, 1])!
(Intercept) tab[, 1] !
0.2079 0.9754 !
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