Bissigand Tosdal 2009

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Petrogenetic and Metallogenetic Relationships in the Eastern Cordillera

Occidental of Central Peru

Article in The Journal of Geology · September 2009

DOI: 10.1086/600862


29 1,243

2 authors:

Thomas Bissig Richard Tosdal

Bissig Geoscience Consulting Independent


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Petrogenetic and Metallogenetic Relationships in the Eastern
Cordillera Occidental of Central Peru

Thomas Bissig and Richard M. Tosdal

Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Mineral Deposit Research Unit, University of British Columbia,
6339 Stores Road, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada
(e-mail: [email protected])

Ore deposits spatially and temporally related to high-K calc-alkaline intrusions or domes are widespread in the central
Peruvian Cordillera Occidental. Geochronology and petrochemistry of intrusive rocks associated with mineralization
reveal that most ore deposits (1) were emplaced in the late Middle to early late Miocene and (2) are related to calc-
alkaline igneous rocks of granodioritic composition with Sm/Yb 1 3 , Sr/Y 1 40 , and Y/Th ! 1.5. The largest deposits
are associated with intrusions with Sm/Yb 1 4 . Strontium isotopic compositions of the igneous rocks vary from
Sr/ 86Sr p 0.7038 to 0.7089, but the 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio values exhibit only a poorly defined overall trend toward increased
crustal contamination through time. Lead isotopic ratios generally correlate with the Sr isotopes and range from
Pb/ 204 Pb p 18.64 to 18.91, from 207 Pb/ 204 Pb p 15.58 to 15.66, and from 208 Pb/ 204 Pb p 38.60 to 39.06. The overall
Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the igneous rocks indicate a generally moderate crustal assimilation of ancient
radiogenic rocks. The Pb isotopic composition of sulfides from 14 polymetallic ore deposits in the study area lie on
parallel arrays between the Pb isotopic compositions of spatially related igneous rocks and higher 208 Pb/ 204 Pb and
Pb/ 204 Pb sources such as Paleozoic and Mesozoic siliciclastic sedimentary rocks or the Carboniferous and older
crystalline basement. The trace element and radiogenic isotope signature of igneous rocks related to mineralization
indicates that these rocks have undergone limited midcrustal and shallow crustal assimilation and reflect melt
equilibration in the lower crust at a crustal thickness of more than 40–45 km under conditions where hornblende
and garnet were stable in the basaltic lower crustal residuum. Mineralization was favored by a change from normal
to flat subduction, resulting in crustal thickening as well as broadening and subsequent cessation of the magmatic
arc. However, some igneous rocks apparently unrelated to mineralization have high Sm/Yb and Sr/Y ratios as well.
Petrographic and Pb isotopic evidence indicates that for some of these rocks, these trace element ratios may be better
explained by shallow crustal hornblende fractionation or assimilation of pelitic material.

Online enhancements: appendix tables, tab-delimited ASCII data file, Excel data file.

Intrusion-related ore deposits are widespread in the with mineralization from barren rocks is of im-
central Peruvian Cordillera Occidental and adja- portance for regional exploration programs.
cent high plains to the east (figs. 1, 2). These de- The geodynamic environment (i.e., the subduc-
posits, while emplaced in shallow crustal environ- tion geometry and subduction of aseismic ridges)
ments, are spatially and temporally related to greatly influences the generation of potentially fer-
calc-alkaline granitoid intrusions or domes. How- tile versus barren magmas, and changes in subduc-
ever, the region also hosts many intrusions with tion parameters are reflected in systematic varia-
no apparent relationship to significant base and pre- tions in style and composition of magmatism
cious metal mineralization. Thus, finding ways to through time (e.g., Kay et al. 1999; Haschke et al.
distinguish igneous rocks potentially associated 2002a, 2002b; Hollings et al. 2005). In central Peru,
data on the geochemical evolution of the Neogene
magmatic arc are still scarce. However, Bissig et al.
Manuscript received November 3, 2008; accepted March 19, (2008) have shown that Neogene magmatism is
2009. widespread in the study region but polymetallic
[The Journal of Geology, 2009, volume 117, p. 499–518] 䉷 2009 by The University of Chicago.
All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2009/11705-0003$15.00. DOI: 10.1086/600862


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500 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

ranging from Paleozoic to Paleogene in age (Bena-

vides 1999). The Mesozoic was dominated by a
Mariana-type subduction system, with the mainly
shallow marine and siliciclastic sedimentary se-
quences being deposited in a back-arc setting (Be-
navides 1999) that persisted until the Aptian in the
study region (Bissig et al. 2008), after which the
opening of the south Atlantic led to a more com-
pressional regime and cessation of back-arc spread-
ing (Mochica tectonic phase; Mégard 1984). Mag-
matism in the Upper Cretaceous is represented by
the 100–60-Ma Coastal Batholith (Cobbing 1973)
and farther east in the study area by 77-Ma calc-
alkaline basaltic rocks (Bissig et al. 2008) intruding
the Upper Cretaceous Casapalca Formation red
The Mesozoic shallow marine and siliciclastic
sedimentary rocks were intensely folded during the
Paleocene to Eocene Incaic Orogenic phase and are
included in the Marañón fold-and-thrust belt
Figure 1. Map of Peru showing the outline of the area
(Benavides 1999). Subsequent contractile defor-
studied and major plate tectonic features. Small-dashed mation up to the middle to late Miocene has been
lines are depth contours of the Wadati-Benioff zone. Light documented in the study area (Farrar and Noble
gray areas indicate the approximate extent of volcanic 1976).
zones (CVZ, Central Volcanic Zone; NVZ, Northern Vol-
canic Zone). Modified from Gutscher et al. (1999).
The Ore Deposits of Central Peru
mineralization was mostly emplaced in the late The central Peruvian cordillera is host to a wide
middle and late Miocene. In this contribution we variety of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits.
present 69 new whole-rock analyses of intrusive Mineralization styles range from Cu-Zn (Mo-)
and volcanic rocks collected between Antamina skarn at Antamina (Love et al. 2004) to shallow
(lat 9⬚32⬘S) and the Huacravilca intrusion (lat cordilleran base metal lode and high-sulfidation
12⬚20⬘S), some 30 km south of Yauricocha (fig. 2). Au-Ag replacement deposits (e.g., Colquijirca and
We discuss the petrochemical characteristics Cerro de Pasco; Bendezú et al. 2004, 2008; Vidal
of intrusions associated with mineralization of and Ligarda 2004; Baumgartner et al. 2008). Silver-
magmatic-hydrothermal origin and compare them rich polymetallic vein deposits include the Uchuc-
with apparently barren intrusions. We also present chacua (Bussell et al. 1990; Petersen et al. 2004) and
new radiogenic Pb and Sr isotope data of plagioclase San Cristóbal (Beuchat et al. 2004) vein systems,
separates from nine unaltered igneous rocks that whereas high-sulfidation epithermal precious
complement the whole-rock geochemical and pub- metal mineralization hosted by volcanic rocks is
lished isotope data. New and published (Gunnesch known from the Carhuacayán and Quicay deposits
et al. 1990; Beuchat 2003) Pb isotope data of ore (table A1, available in the online edition or from
minerals from different deposits allow evaluation the Journal of Geology office). All of these deposits
of the origin of polymetallic mineralization and its are related to igneous rocks. For most it can be
relationship to Cenozoic igneous rocks. readily discerned which of the intrusive rocks are
genetically (e.g., if endoskarn is present) or at least
spatially and temporally related to the minerali-
Geological Setting
zation. At only a few deposits, no igneous rocks
Eocene to Miocene intrusions and isolated volcanic potentially related to the mineralization have been
rocks are emplaced in the Cordillera Occidental recognized; a syngenetic or diagenetic origin has
and adjacent areas up to 70 km east of this conti- been proposed for some (e.g., Cercapuquio; Cedillo
nental divide (Bissig et al. 2008; fig. 2). The rocks and Tejada 1988).
hosting these intrusions consist of a wide spectrum The ore deposits were generally emplaced in the
of marine and continental sedimentary rocks, as middle and late Miocene. Arc volcanism decreased
well as subordinate volcanic and intrusive rocks and finally ceased in the late Miocene, likely be-

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 501

Figure 2. Geological map of central Peru (modified from Instituto Geológico Minero y Metalúrgico 1995; some
Cenozoic intrusions have been added). The dashed line delineates the continental divide represented by the Cordillera
Occidental. The extent of the Paleogene volcanic rocks roughly corresponds to the extent of the Calipuy Supergroup
as mapped in central Peru. Paleogene volcanic rocks west and south of Huancayo correspond to the Astabamba
Formation (A), whereas Neogene rocks correspond to the Herú Formation (H). The ore deposits and locations men-
tioned in the text are indicated.

cause of slab flattening related to the subduction metal deposits of Colquijirca and Cerro de Pasco
of the aseismic Nazca ridge (Noble and McKee are contained within this transect as well, and Bis-
1999; Hampel 2002; Rosenbaum et al. 2005; Bissig sig et al. (2008) suggest an important lineament
et al. 2008). However, some Eocene and Oligocene control on the distribution of these deposits across
ore deposits occur in a broad east-west transect the strike of the Andes (cross-strike discontinuity;
from Uchucchacua to Milpo (Bissig et al. 2008). The Love et al. 2004).
giant middle and late Miocene cordilleran base The principal characteristics and ages of the ore

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502 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

deposits within the study area are summarized in domes west of Cerro de Pasco. At the southern end
table A1. For a further comprehensive collection of of the study area, Eocene intrusions include the
references, see Noble and McKee (1999) and Ro- 39.34 Ⳳ 0.28-Ma granodioritic Huacravilca intru-
senbaum et al. (2005). sion (fig. 2) and a coarsely porphyritic rhyolite dike
(40.14 Ⳳ 0.61 Ma) near Canchayllo, as well as 36.1–
33.1-Ma hornblende phyric diorite bodies west of
The Petrochemical Evolution of the
Chaucha (and north of Yauricocha; fig. 2). All of
Central Peruvian Intrusions
these rocks are subalkaline, belong to the high-K
Data and Analytical Methods. Our database in- calc-alkaline series, and range from andesitic to
cludes 69 whole-rock analyses of igneous rocks rep- dacitic compositions (fig. 3A, 3B). In most samples,
resenting mostly Eocene to late Miocene intrusions the light rare earth elements (LREEs) are enriched,
and volcanic rocks. This database has been com- whereas the heavy rare earth elements (HREEs)
plemented by seven compiled analyses from the have relatively flat patterns in the chondrite-
Domo de Yauli area (lat 11⬚40⬘S, long 76⬚W; Beu- normalized REE plots (fig. 3C, 3D). However, the
chat 2003) and the Bosque de Piedra ignimbrite (So- intrusions west of Chaucha are distinct in that they
ler 1991). Igneous rocks were sampled and analyzed have variable and in some samples strongly frac-
for major elements by lithium metaborate fusion tionated HREE patterns (fig. 3E) with Sm/Yb values
and inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission ranging from 2.4 to 10, the highest ratio from a
spectroscopy, whereas trace elements were deter- hornblende and plagioclase porphyritic dike. This
mined by lithium borate fusion and inductively dike crops out near a large but petrographically sim-
coupled plasma–mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) at the ilar diorite intrusion at Chaucha and is most likely
ALS Chemex laboratories in North Vancouver, related to it. These same intrusions also have more
Canada. Some trace elements, including rare earth variable Sr contents (379–867 ppm) than the other
elements (REEs) and Y, have been analyzed by Eocene igneous rocks. The wide range in Sm/Yb
HF/HNO 3 solution ICP-MS (see Jenner et al. 1990) ratios and Sr content in these intrusions is inter-
at Memorial University at St. John’s, Newfound- preted as the result of fractional crystallization of
land, Canada. Seven samples of igneous rocks from hornblende, plagioclase, and accessory phases dur-
south of Domo de Yauli, plus one from Antamina ing ascent and emplacement of these magmas.
and one from Carhuacayán, have been chosen for Eu/Eu∗ values in Eocene rocks are generally mi-
Sr/ 86Sr and Pb isotopic analyses carried out at the nor, between 0.8 and 1 (fig. 3F), except for rhyolite
Pacific Centre for Isotope research at the University sample PCB600, which has a Eu/Eu∗ value of 0.62.
of British Columbia in Vancouver. The isotopic Considering the low to moderate Sr concentrations
analyses, with exception of one whole-rock anal- (323–551 ppm) of Eocene rocks (excluding the
ysis (2PYB524), were performed on mineral sepa- Chaucha area intrusions), we suggest that some pla-
rates of unaltered plagioclase. The Pb isotopic com- gioclase fractionation probably occurred but that
position was additionally determined for 24 sulfide the magmas were generally oxidized. None of the
samples from 10 different ore deposits in central Eocene rocks analyzed is related to significant poly-
Peru. Pb isotopes were measured on a multicollec- metallic mineralization, but Eocene mineralization
tor ICP-MS system, whereas Sr isotopic analyses is known from the 37.5-Ma (Noble and McKee
were carried out on a Finnigan TRITON thermal 1999) Quicay high-sulfidation epithermal system,
ionization mass spectrometer. The standards used located west of Cerro de Pasco (fig. 2, 7).
were NBS 987 for Sr and NBS 981 for Pb isotopes Early Oligocene Magmatism and Mineralization. A
(for details on analytical methods, see Weis et al. number of mostly small early Oligocene dioritic to
2005, 2006). The analytical data are available in granodioritic porphyry stocks intruded at Milpo
tables A2–A4, available in the online edition or and near Ticlio (fig. 2). Relatively voluminous early
from the Journal of Geology office, and in a data Oligocene extrusive volcanism is manifested in the
file, available as an Excel file or as a tab-delimited 32–31-Ma andesitic to dacitic Astabamba Forma-
ASCII file. Reliable age constraints are available for tion (fig. 2), in the southeastern part of the study
the majority of the analyzed rocks and are, unless area. Important Pb-Zn skarn mineralization was
indicated otherwise, from Bissig et al. (2008). emplaced at approximately 29.3 Ma at Milpo and
Eocene Magmatism and Mineralization. Eocene in- is associated with potassium-feldspar-altered da-
trusions ranging in age from 49 to 33 Ma occur citic porphyry lacking phenocrystic quartz (Milpo
in a variety of locations, including a ∼40-Ma intru- stock; fig. 2, 8). Numerous other quartz-phyric, da-
sion along the access road to Antamina (D. Love, cite porphyry stocks of the area of similar to
2003, pers. comm.) and 33.5- to 37.5-Ma dacitic slightly older age (Soler and Bonhomme 1988;

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 503

Figure 3. General geochemical characteristics of Eocene intrusive and volcanic rocks. A, Total alkali versus silica
diagram from LeBas et al. (1986). The samples straddle the border between alkaline and calc-alkaline series. Sample
PYB534 has experienced minor hydrothermal alteration. Note that for simplicity, fields are labeled using the terms
for volcanic rocks only, but data include volcanic and intrusive rocks. B, K2O versus silica diagram after Peccerillo
and Taylor (1976). All rocks are high-K calc-alkaline, but the intrusions at Chaucha have generally slightly elevated
K contents compared with those of the other samples. C–E, Chondrite-normalized spider diagrams for rare earth
elements. Normalization values from Sun and McDonough (1989). F, Europium anomaly (Eu/Eu∗ ) versus Sm/Yb ratios
as a proxy for plagioclase (plag) versus garnet (gt) and/or hornblende (hb) fractionation. No clear overall fractionation
trend is evident.

Bissig et al. 2008) are unrelated to polymetallic at Milpo, minor plagioclase fractionation may have
mineralization. occurred.
As in the Eocene, early Oligocene magmatism Late Oligocene Magmatism. Late Oligocene mag-
was high-K calc-alkaline. The intrusions at Ticlio matism is restricted in the study region but has
and Milpo have high potassium contents (up to been described from the Cordillera Negra to the
11.3% K2O for the Milpo stock) that, on the basis northwest (Noble et al. 1999; Strusievicz et al.
of petrographic observation, can be attributed to 2000). Volcanic rocks mapped as the Calipuy For-
potassic alteration (fig. 4A, 4B). The rocks at Milpo mation (Cobbing 1973) in the wider Uchucchacua
and in the Astabamba Formation are enriched in area were dated at 25 Ma, with similar ages for K-
LREE and exhibit flat to moderately fractionated feldspar-altered intrusions in deep parts of the
HREE (fig. 4C–4E; Sm/Yb p 2.6–3.7). The highest Uchucchacua mine (fig. 2, 5). Crosscutting rela-
Sm/Yb value comes from a dacite dome of the As- tionships indicate that the altered intrusions pre-
tabamba Formation, whereas the Milpo stock has date at least some of the mineralized veins at
a Sm/Yb ratio of 3.38. The two Ticlio samples have Uchucchacua, but the genetic relationship of in-
Sm/Yb values of 3.3 and 4.8. This variation, similar trusive rocks with mineralization in the district
to the Eocene diorites of Chaucha, may be attrib- remains inconclusive (Petersen et al. 2004). A small
uted to hornblende and accessory phase fraction- rhyolite dome and two stocks of dacitic composi-
ation. Eu is slightly depleted in the Milpo intru- tion, dated at 20.5–21 Ma, define an isolated and
sions (Eu/Eu∗ p 0.8) but is not anomalous in the small magmatic province without mineralization
other rocks (Eu/Eu∗ p 0.9–1; fig. 4F). This indicates in the triangle between the towns of Junı́n, Tarma,
that the magmas were relatively oxidized but that and La Oroya.

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504 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

Figure 4. General geochemical characteristics of early Oligocene intrusive and volcanic rocks (see fig. 3 for references
and abbreviations). A, All samples are andesitic to dacitic in composition, but the samples from Milpo, and, to a
lesser extent, those from Ticlio, have experienced hydrothermal alteration. B, Rocks are high-K calc-alkaline. The
sample with the highest potassium content corresponds to the potassically altered Milpo stock. C–E, Chondrite-
normalized spider diagrams for rare earth elements. F, Eu/Eu∗ versus Sm/Yb. No clear overall fractionation trend is

All the igneous rocks are of high-K calc-alkaline Early Miocene Magmatism and Mineralization.
character; the very-high-K concentrations of the After the extended magmatic quiescence south
Uchucchacua Oligocene intrusive rocks are related of Domo de Yauli, igneous activity resumed at 18.5
to readily identified K-feldspar alteration (fig. 5A, Ma with the intrusion of the magmatic
5B). HREEs are distinctively more fractionated in garnet-bearing and thus peraluminous rhyolite sill
the Uchucchacua volcanic rocks (Sm/Yb p 4.4–5) near Canchayllo (fig. 2). This sill and nearby small
than in the younger rocks to the east of La Oroya intrusions exhibit columnar jointing, indicating a
(Sm/Yb p 1.7–3.8; fig. 5C). However, the intrusive shallow level of emplacement. At 17 Ma a volu-
rocks possibly associated with mineralization at minous granodioritic to tonalitic complex intruded
Uchucchacua exhibit lower Sm/Yb ratios of 2.97 near Vitis in the Cordillera Occidental west of
and 3.36 but HREE concentrations similar to those Yauricocha (fig. 2). The Vitis intrusive phase was
of the Calipuy group volcanic rocks (fig. 5C). The followed by small quartz-monzonitic to granitic in-
Eu/Eu∗ values of the dacitic rocks are moderate, trusions (one dated at 16.2 Ⳳ 0.15 Ma) approxi-
between 0.7 and 0.9 (fig. 5D). The most anomalous mately 15 km northeast of Vitis. Muñoz (1994) de-
samples are the potassically altered intrusions from scribed small-scale skarn mineralization from
the lower parts of the Uchucchacua mine. The these intrusions at Chuquipita, but the most sig-
Santa Sabina rhyolite dome between La Oroya and nificant Zn, Mn, Pb, and Au mineralization was at
Tarma (sample PTB612) has a distinctly deeper Eu Azulcocha, also known as Grán Bretaña (fig. 2, 21;
anomaly and only 110 ppm Sr, which reflects its Muñoz 1994). The Azulcocha orebody was em-
rhyolitic composition and indicates extensive feld- placed in collapse and fault breccias along the Grán
spar fractionation. South of Domo de Yauli, no Late Bretaña fault zone, approximately 5 km east of the
Oligocene magmatism is known. early Miocene Chuquipita intrusions (Muñoz

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 505

Figure 5. General geochemical characteristics of late Oligocene volcanic and intrusive rocks (see fig. 3 for references
and abbreviations). A, Samples range from dacitic to rhyolitic compositions. The two Uchucchacua samples in the
trachydacite field have experienced potassic alteration. B, Rocks are high-K calc-alkaline. Elevated K contents in the
intrusive rocks from Uchucchacua are attributed to potassic alteration. C, D, Chondrite-normalized spider diagram
for rare earth elements. E, Eu/Eu∗ versus Sm/Yb diagram. No clear overall fractionation trend is evident.

1994). North of Domo de Yauli, early Miocene mag- nificant crustal contributions. The trace element
matism has not been confirmed, but at the Pallca signature is in permissive agreement with a sig-
prospect 40 km to the south of Huanzalá, a coarse- nificant melt contribution from a pelitic residue
grained granodiorite porphyry with only a poor Ar where garnet coexisted with plagioclase.
isotope correlation age of 18.7 Ⳳ 2.5 Ma (T. Bissig Middle to Early Late Miocene Magmatism and Min-
and T. D. Ullrich, unpub. data), may be the eralization. In the middle Miocene, widespread
exception. magmatism resumed and is represented by numer-
All rocks are high-K calc-alkaline in composi- ous small stocks and volcanic domes north and
tion, albeit with the granodiorite from Vitis strad- south of Domo de Yauli and the large Cordillera
dling the border to the trachydacite field (fig. 6A, Occidental igneous complex around Cerro Tunshu
6B). Moreover, with the exception of the Vitis ton- (Cerro Tunshu igneous complex; Bissig et al. 2008;
alitic sample, all rocks have more than 68 wt% SiO2 fig. 2). The 15–10-Ma middle to early late Miocene
(fig. 6A, 6B). HREEs are generally not fractionated, is metallogenetically the most significant period,
with Sm/Yb between 2 and 2.7 and variable with emplacement of numerous economic and su-
Eu/Eu∗ ranging from 0.9 to 0.49. This is a reflection beconomic ore deposits related to shallow stocks
of the relatively felsic compositions of the rocks (Bissig et al. 2008). However, economic minerali-
that have undergone feldspar fractionation (fig. 6C, zation occurred exclusively from Domo de Yauli to
6D, 6F). However, two samples differ from the rest: the north and includes (from south to north) the
the coarse porphyritic granodiorite from Pallca that Morococha porphyry Cu mineralization at Ticlio
has moderately fractionated HREEs and (fig. 2, 16), the abandoned skarn deposit of Chungar
Sm/Yb p 3.7 but only a shallow Eu/Eu∗ of 0.82 and (fig. 2, 12), the Colquijirca base metal lode and epi-
the peraluminous Canchayllo sample, with a thermal deposit (fig. 2, 9), the Iskaycruz skarn de-
Sm/Yb ratio of 3.73, a Eu/Eu∗ ratio of 0.58 (fig. 6E, posit (fig. 2, 6), the giant Cerro de Pasco Pb, Zn,
6F), and low Sr concentrations of 165 ppm. The and Cu carbonate replacement deposit (fig. 2, 10),
peraluminous character of this rock indicates sig- and the giant Antamina Cu-Zn skarn deposit (fig.

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506 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

Figure 6. General geochemical characteristics of early Miocene intrusive rocks (see fig. 3 for references and abbre-
viations). A, With the exception of the Tonalite at Vitis, all samples range from dacitic to rhyolitic compositions. B,
Rocks are high-K calc-alkaline, with the granodiorite of Vitis straddling the border to syenite. C–E, Chondrite-
normalized spider diagrams for rare earth elements. F, Eu/Eu∗ versus Sm/Yb. No clear overall fractionation trend is

2, 2). Additional deposits of uncertain age may also servation, whereas rocks of basaltic compositions
have been emplaced in the same period and include are unaltered and in general have high primary al-
the Yauliyacu and Casapalca Pb-Zn-Ag vein depos- kali contents (fig. 7A). Rocks with 170% SiO2 ap-
its (fig. 2, 18), as well as the abandoned Santander pear to be related to skarn at Chungar and north
and Rı́o Pallanga polymetallic deposits (fig. 2, 13, of Uchucchacua.
15, respectively). Minor subeconomic Cu skarn HREE patterns of the middle to early late Mio-
mineralization at Mina Rey Salomón (fig. 2, 20) oc- cene range from flat to steep (fig. 7C–7J). South of
curs at the periphery of a granodioritic intrusion of Domo de Yauli, the rocks from the Cerro Tunshu
the Cerro Tunshu igneous complex. igneous complex generally have low Sm/Yb ratios
The igneous rocks are high-K calc-alkaline rocks from 1.6 to 2.6 and Eu/Eu∗ p 0.73 to 0.94 (avg.
ranging from basaltic to rhyolitic compositions, 0.84). However, the SiO2-richest sample (69.5 wt%)
with intermediate compositions being the most from this complex, a garnet-bearing dacite dike, has
abundant (fig. 7). The most primitive rocks are di- a slightly positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu∗ p 1.1), frac-
orites from the Marcapomacocha intrusion, 25 km tionated HREE (Sm/Yb p 5.5), and a low Sr content
northwest of La Oroya, a monzodiorite from the (242 ppm), which, together with the presence of
Cerro Tunshu intrusive complex, as well as a basalt phenocrystic garnet, suggest assimilation of meta-
from Rı́o de la Vı́rgen, approximately 10 km south- sedimentary material in which garnet and plagio-
west of Chongos Alto. Andesitic rocks form the clase coexisted in the residue.
bulk of the intrusive rocks at Cerro Tunshu and In contrast to the large igneous complexes, the
Laguna Vicecocha south of Domo de Yauli, whereas Rı́o de la Virgen dacite domes and basaltic dike
dacitic stocks are dominant in spatial and/or ge- have distinctly higher Sm/Yb ratios (basalt: 3.72;
netic association with the ore deposits north of dacite: 8.4), higher Sr contents (704 and 706 ppm,
Domo de Yauli (fig. 6A). High potassium contents respectively), and only a very small Eu anomaly
in the Antamina rocks can readily be attributed to (Eu/Eu∗ p 0.88–0.94). These rocks exhibit neither
potassic alteration, on the basis of petrographic ob- petrographic nor chemical evidence for peralumi-

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 507

Figure 7. General geochemical characteristics of middle to early late Miocene intrusive rocks. A, Basaltic rocks are
unaltered and rich in alkalines, whereas the rocks from Antamina with apparent trachydacite compositions have
suffered potassic alteration. B, Rocks are high-K calc-alkaline, with the exception of one monzodioritic rock from
the Cerro Tunshu intrusive complex. High potassium contents of the rocks from Antamina can be explained by
potassic alteration. C–I, Chondrite-normalized spider diagrams for rare earth elements. J, Eu/Eu∗ versus Sm/Yb di-
agram. The rocks overall follow a garnet/hornblende fractionation trend.

nous character. The REE pattern (fig. 7C) is there- North of Domo de Yauli, rocks of basaltic com-
fore interpreted as evidence for a plagioclase-free position with relatively high Sm/Yb ratios occur at
but garnet-bearing residue of the primitive source Marcapomacocha (Sm/Yb p 3.48; Sr p 679 ppm;
rock in the lower crust. Eu/Eu∗ p 1), again an indication of garnet stability

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508 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

in the lower crustal source rocks. Felsic rocks as- Radiogenic Isotope Signatures
sociated with modest-size polymetallic ore depos-
its at Chungar and Iskaycruz exhibit only minor to
Igneous Rocks. We analyzed nine Cenozoic ig-
moderate middle REE (MREE)/HREE fractionation neous rocks for radiogenic Sr and Pb isotopes (figs.
but low overall MREE and HREE abundances 9, 10) to complement published data from Domo
(Sm/Yb p 2.5–3.2; fig. 7E, 7J), in marked contrast de Yauli (Chiaradia and Fontboté 2002; Beuchat
to rocks associated with the giant deposits of Col- 2003), Atacocha (Gunnesch et al. 1990; Soler and
quijirca, Cerro de Pasco, and Antamina that have Rotach-Toulhoat 1990), Chungar, Calhuacocha,
consistently high Sm/Yb ratios (Colquijirca: 8.3; Bosque de Piedra, and Yanamate southeast of Cerro
Cerro de Pasco: 6.4–12.1; Antamina: 4–7.1) and mi- de Pasco (Soler and Rotach-Toulhoat 1990). Given
nor Eu depletions (Eu/Eu∗ p 0.8–0.85). The rhyo- the relatively young age of our samples coupled
lite dike north of Uchucchacua exhibits a high with the low Rb-Sr ratios inherent to plagioclase,
Sm/Yb ratio of 3.7 combined with a Eu/Eu∗ value the Pb and Sr isotope ratios have not been corrected
of 0.71, with the latter possibly indicating moderate to initial values and are considered to be close to
feldspar fractionation at shallow crustal levels. the original composition. Soler and Rotach-
Late Miocene Magmatism and Mineralization. Late Toulhoat (1990) presented only age-corrected Sr iso-
Miocene magmatism is represented by dikes, topic data for similarly aged whole-rock samples.
domes, small stocks, and, at Yauricocha, intrusions In addition, Pb isotopic compositions for Mesozoic
of considerable size. These igneous rocks are scat- sedimentary rocks (Gunnesch et al. 1990), broad-
tered over the entire study area and include domes scale Pb isotopic fields for the Cretaceous and Ter-
near Chongos Alto (40 km east of Cordillera Oc- tiary Coastal Batholith of Peru (Mukasa 1986), and
cidental) as well as dikes and intrusions along the Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks from the Eastern
axis of the continental divide. Most rocks are of Cordillera of Peru (Macfarlane 1999; Macfarlane et
dacitic to rhyolitic composition, straddling the bor- al. 1999; Haeberlin 2002) are available.
der between trachydacite and dacite in the total The 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios range from 0.7038 for the late
alkali versus silica diagram (fig. 8A). One sample Eocene diorite intrusion at Chaucha to 0.7089 for
from the Anamaray intrusion and a dome of the the middle Miocene garnet-bearing dacite dike near
Cerro Tunshu (fig. 9). An overall increase of
Herú Formation are slightly more primitive and 87
Sr/ 86Sr with younger age is evident, although the
plot as trachyandesite, albeit close to the andesite
initial Sr ratios of similarly aged samples vary
field. Significant polymetallic mineralization oc-
widely. We observed no correlation of elevated Sr
curred in the late Miocene in the vein deposits of
isotopic influence with silica content. The most
Domo de Yauli (San Cristóbal; fig. 2, 17), probably
mafic rock analyzed from the Cerro Tunshu intru-
at Uchucchacua (fig. 2, 5) and at the carbonate re- sive complex (diorite, sample 2PCB607) has a rel-
placement deposits of Yauricocha (fig. 2, 22), as well atively high 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio of 0.7064. This contrasts
as in the nearby mineralized Purisima Concepción with that of the other mafic rocks, including the
area (Alvarez and Noble 1988). Epithermal miner- middle Miocene basalt from Rı́o de la Virgen
alization is known from the abandoned Carhua- (87Sr/ 86Sr p 0.7048; sample 2PYB524), the late Eo-
cayán mine (fig. 2, 14), skarn mineralization from cene Chaucha diorite (87Sr/ 86Sr p 0.7038; sample
Raura (8.2 Ⳳ 0.2 Ma; Noble and McKee 1999; fig. PYB540), and Señal Raco west of Cerro de Pasco
2, 4), and Huanzalá (fig. 2, 3). (87Sr/ 86Sr p 0.70425; Soler and Rotach-Toulhoat
Trace element patterns (fig. 8C–8I) of the late 1990). The Eocene Huacravilca granodiorite intru-
Miocene rocks exhibit little variation. HREEs are sion, the late Miocene Exito granodiorite stock at
generally fractionated, with Sm/Yb ratios between Yauricocha, a dacite dome of the Herú Formation,
3.7 and 7.5. However, Soler (1991) reported a dacite dome at Carhuacayán, and the Taco Por-
Sm/Yb ratios of up to 10.1 for the 5.1-Ma ignimbrite phyry at Antamina all have intermediate 87Sr/ 86Sr
of Bosque de Piedra south of Cerro de Pasco (fig. ratios between 0.7052 and 0.7057, within the same
8H, 8I). In contrast, Sr concentrations are generally range as the ratios from Chungar, Calhuacocha, and
high (600–1055 ppm) and Eu anomalies are rela- Yanamate (fig. 9; Soler and Rotach-Toulhoat 1990).
tively minor (0.79–0.9) for all late Miocene rocks, The more radiogenic Sr ratios occur in the late Mio-
which indicates that residual hornblende and gar- cene Domo de Yauli intrusions (0.7056–0.7065;
net, rather than plagioclase, controlled the trace Beuchat 2003), Atacocha (0.7065; Soler and Rotach-
element patterns of the melt. Toulhoat 1990), and the Cerro Tunshu intrusive

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Figure 8. General geochemical characteristics of late Miocene intrusive and volcanic rocks. The analytical data for
the samples from the Domo de Yauli and Ticlio areas are from Beuchat (2003), and those for Bosque de Piedra are
from Soler (1991; see fig. 3 for references and abbreviations). A, Low alkali concentrations can be attributed to argillic
and advanced argillic alteration at San Cristóbal and Morococha (Ticlio area). B, Rocks are high-K calc-alkaline. C–
H, Chondrite-normalized spider diagrams for rare earth elements. I, Eu/Eu∗ versus Sm/Yb. The rocks overall follow
a garnet/hornblende fractionation trend.

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510 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

topic spectrum, with the highest 206 Pb/ 204 Pb from

the garnet-bearing dacite dike; these values are con-
sistent with the elevated Sr isotopic compositions.
The Atacocha quartz diorite from 130 km north of
Cerro Tunshu (Gunnesch et al. 1990) occupies a
similar position in 207 Pb/ 204 Pb versus 206 Pb/ 204 Pb
space, whereas the Domo de Yauli Miocene intru-
sions have an intermediate range, albeit with some-
what higher 207 Pb/ 204 Pb. Compared with those for
Cenozoic igneous rocks, the lead compositions for
Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks from
the Domo de Yauli and Milpo Atacocha area occupy
a much wider Pb isotopic compositional range
(Gunnesch et al. 1990) that extends to significantly
higher 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios than the Cenozoic igneous
rocks, and these rocks are more similar to the Pa-
leozoic and older rocks in the Eastern Cordillera
(fig. 10), from which some of their detritus must
have been derived (Benavides 1999).
The overall Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of
the igneous rocks indicate a generally moderate
Figure 9. Evolution of the Sr isotopic composition from crustal assimilation of ancient radiogenic rocks, po-
the Eocene to the late Miocene. Data sources as tentially similar to upper crustal sources such as
the sedimentary rock units hosting the Cenozoic
intrusions or the Paleozoic and older crystalline
basement. There is no systematic increase of such
complex (0.7064–0.7089), ca. 20 km southwest of assimilation toward the east or at specific time in-
Domo de Yauli. tervals, as igneous rocks with widely varying iso-
Lead isotopes in general correlate with the Sr iso- topic signatures have been emplaced in different
topes. The lowest 207 Pb/ 204 Pb igneous rocks are the locations.
Rı́o de la Virgen basalt and the Chaucha diorite Ore Lead. Lead isotopic compositions of sulfide
intrusion, which in the 207 Pb/ 204 Pb versus minerals from magmatic-related ore deposits have
Pb/ 204 Pb isotope diagram (fig. 10B) are the only widely been used as a proxy for Pb isotopic com-
samples that fall below the average crustal growth positions of associated igneous rocks (Macfarlane
curve of Stacey and Kramers (1975). Albeit younger, 1999; Tosdal et al. 1999). Ore lead isotopic data
these rocks were largely derived from a source sim- from 14 different polymetallic deposits or prospects
ilar to that of the Cretaceous and early Tertiary are available (Gunnesch et al. 1990; Fontboté and
coastal batholith (Mukasa and Tilton 1985), to the Bendezú 2001; Chiaradia and Fontboté 2002; Beu-
immediate west of the study area. This source is chat 2003; Baumgartner 2007; this study). The data,
generally assumed to be an enriched mantle or overall, lie on an array between the range of Pb
melting assimilation storage homogenization en- isotopic compositions of the igneous rocks and a
vironment at the base of the crust (Macfarlane higher 208 Pb/ 204 Pb and 207 Pb/ 204 Pb source (fig. 11).
1999; Chiaradia and Fontboté 2002). In contrast, the The latter best matches the compositions for Pa-
other samples and published analyses (Chiaradia leozoic and Mesozoic siliciclastic sedimentary
and Fontboté 2002) plot above the average crustal rocks or the Carboniferous and older crystalline
growth curve and overlap the fields for sedimentary basement (fig. 11; Gunnesch et al. 1990; Macfarlane
rocks reported herein, as well as for Carboniferous 1999; Macfarlane et al. 1999) from which the sili-
granitoids and pre-Carboniferous metamorphic ciclastic rocks were derived. The mixing trend is
rocks (fig. 10) that formed part of the Paleozoic well recognized throughout the central Andes in
Gondwanan margin. Tertiary ore deposits and defines the Province II Pb
In contrast to the Sr isotope systematics, the Pb isotopic compositions (Macfarlane et al. 1990; Mac-
isotopes indicate that the Rı́o de la Virgen basalt farlane 1999; Tosdal et al. 1999; Tosdal and Mun-
has somewhat lower 206 Pb/ 204 Pb than the Chaucha izaga 2003). It is most clearly shown by the
diorite. Two Cerro Tunshu intrusive complex sam- Atacocha-Milpo districts, as well as by the Cerca-
ples are at the high 206 Pb/ 204 Pb end of the Pb iso- puquio deposit (see also Macfarlane 1999). The

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 511

Atacocha-Milpo array is parallel to the Cercapu-

quio array but shifted to higher 206 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios,
which is consistent with the Pb isotopic compo-
sitions of the intrusions at Atacocha (Gunnesch et
al. 1990) compared with the Pb isotopic composi-
tion of the Huacravilca intrusion at 4 km from Cer-
capuquio (sample 2PYB518).
The deposits can be loosely grouped into two
populations with respect to their Pb isotopic com-
positions. Group 1 includes Milpo, Atacocha,
Uchucchacua, Iskaycruz, Cercapuquio, Casapalca,
and Pallca and is characterized by a range of Pb
isotopic compositions varying from 206 Pb/ 204 Pb p
18.680 to 18.940, from 207 Pb/ 204 Pb p 15.612 to
15.724, and from 208 Pb/ 204 Pb p 38.667 to 39.219
(fig. 11). These ore lead isotopic ratios extend from
values similar to those of Neogene igneous rocks
to those of more radiogenic upper crustal Paleozoic
rocks. Group 2 includes Antamina, Huanzalá, Con-
tonga, Colquijirca, and Yauricocha and is charac-
terized by overall lead compositions close to those
of the compositional field for Neogene igneous
rocks, not exceeding 206 Pb/ 204 Pb values of 18.753,
Pb/ 204 Pb values of 15.675, and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb values
of 38.854. The Morococha, San Cristóbal, and Cerro
de Pasco deposits may be transitional between
groups 1 and 2 on the basis of their Pb isotope sig-
nature. Within group 2, where data exist (Yauri-
cocha, Antamina), ore lead isotopic values are sim-
ilar to the Pb isotope values of plagioclase in the
cogenetic igneous rocks. However, caution must be
exercised with the interpretation of the group 2
data, as it is unclear whether the differences in
group 1 represent contrasting Pb source(s) or
whether they are an artifact of the limited sampling
of group 2 deposits.

The Geochemical Evolution with Time. Sm/Yb val-
ues show an overall increase with younger age (fig.
12). A clear trend from low ratios in the Eocene to
values ranging from 3 to 10 in the late Miocene is
apparent. A similar trend is seen with Sr/Y ratios,
where the values for Eocene rocks are mostly below

de Yauli Miocene intrusions: Beuchat (2003); all others:

this study. A, Uranogenic Pb isotope diagram. S/K p
Figure 10. Pb and Sr isotopic data for igneous rocks from Crustal evolution curve from Stacey and Kramers (1975).
central Peru. Data sources are as follows: all host rocks B, Thorogenic Pb isotope diagram. C, 87Sr/86Sr versus
and Atacocha intrusion: Gunnesch et al. (1990); Domo Pb/204Pb isotopes. UR p uniform reservoir.

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512 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L

Figure 11. Pb isotopic compositions for ore minerals from central Peru relative to igneous rocks and basement units
(see fig. 10 for more detail). Note: all data define a sulfide compositional field, but only data from this study are
plotted as individual points. Data sources are as follows: Casaplaca, Cercapuquio, Atacocha: Gunnesch et al. (1990);
San Cristobal: Gunnesch et al. (1990), Beuchat (2003); Morococha: Gunnesch et al. (1990), this study; Milpo: mostly
Gunnesch et al. (1990), two data points from this study; remaining samples: this study. A, Uranogenic diagram showing
ore lead compositions relative to different reference fields. S/K p crustal evolution curve from Stacey and Kramers
(1975). B, Enlargement of A, showing compositional trends in the sulfide lead data. C, D, Thorogenic diagram,
equivalent to A and B.

40 but range from 40 to 110 in the late Miocene. to 130, whereas low Sm/Yb ratios are absent only
Rather than a general increase of Sm/Yb and Sr/Y in the late Miocene (fig. 12). The pattern of Sr/Y
ratios, a wider spreading of values with younger age ratios is similar. The unusually low values for the
can be observed (fig. 12). Middle Miocene rocks Chumpe intrusion (San Cristobal; Beuchat 2003)
range from Sm/Yb p 1.5 to 9 and from Sr/Y p 10 are readily explained by hydrothermal alteration of

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 513

fractional crystallization of hornblende may have

Middle Miocene intrusions near the Cordillera
Occidental have generally lower Sm/Yb ratios com-
pared with those of domes and intrusions farther
east. South of Domo de Yauli, generally low
La/Yb, Sm/Yb, and Sr/Y trace element ratios occur
in the Cerro Tunshu igneous complex and nearby
intrusions, whereas middle Miocene dacite domes
and Rı́o de la Virgen basalt exhibit higher values.
North of Domo de Yauli intrusions, high Sm/Yb
and Sr/Y ratios are the rule except for Chungar,
with Sr/Y p 33.6 and Sm/Yb p 2.52. The low
MREE and HREE abundances at Chungar indicate
that hornblende Ⳳ garnet probably was present in
the source. If we assume that garnet in the resid-
uum played a major role in the rocks with Sr/Y 1
40 and Sm/Yb 1 3, the trace element signature may
be used as a proxy for crustal thickness (e.g., Hil-
dreth and Moorbath 1988; Kay et al. 1991). One
may speculate that the crust beneath the Cordillera
Occidental was, in the middle Miocene, thinner
than 45 km, in contrast to areas 20–50 km east of
the continental divide at the same time. However,
the Sr and Pb isotope signatures of the Cerro Tun-
shu intrusive complex rocks and some Domo de
Yauli intrusions indicate that these rocks have ex-
perienced more crustal assimilation or have inter-
acted with more ancient crustal rocks than the ig-
neous rocks elsewhere in the Cordillera Occidental.
This may be attributed to a more compressive tec-
tonic regime that may have favored crustal assim-
Figure 12. Trace element compositional evolution with ilation in this area or the local age and composition
time. A, Sm/Yb ratios, representing heavy rare earth el-
of the crust. Thus, REE and trace element ratios of
ement fractionation, versus age. “High-P” versus “nor-
mal arc” boundary is drawn on the basis of empiric re-
Eocene and Neogene igneous rocks in central Peru
lationships in the Chilean flat slab segment (Kay et al. are not controlled by crustal thickness alone but
1999; Bissig et al. 2003). Igneous rocks spatially and tem- in some cases also by melting, assimilation, and
porally related to mineralization at Chuquipita, Chungar, fractionation processes during the ascent of the
and Iskaycruz fall into the normal arc field, whereas all magmas through a heterogeneous crust.
other deposits are associated with magmas that have Metallogenetic Relationships. The majority of
been generated under high pressures. hf p samples ex- rocks spatially and temporally related with the
hibiting evidence for hornblende fractionation; pgf p known ore deposits of the central Peruvian cordil-
samples exhibiting evidence for assimilation of pelitic lera exhibit a relatively low Y content but elevated
material. B, Sr/Y ratios versus age. Boundaries separating Sr/Y, Sm/Yb, and La n /Ybn ratios (fig. 13A–13F),
normal arc, transitional, and adakite fields are from De-
whereas rocks apparently unrelated to minerali-
fant and Drummond (1993). Note that Chungar, Iskay-
cruz, and Chuquipita fall in the transitional field. The
zation exhibit a wide compositional range with re-
low Sr/Y ratios for Milpo and Chumpe (Domo de Yauli; spect to these trace element ratios. Figure 13G
Beuchat 2003) are due to hydrothermal alteration. shows Th versus Y, both normalized to TiO2. Th
is enriched and Y depleted in apparently fertile ig-
neous rocks. Th is extremely incompatible in a
the analyzed sample (fig. 12). The general trend to- garnet-bearing high-pressure residue (Blundy and
ward greater spreading of Sm/Yb and Sr/Y ratios Wood 2003), whereas Y would be compatible in
with younger age is also apparent after disregarding such an environment. Y and Th combined hence
samples where significant assimilation of midcrus- indicate that potentially fertile magmas were gen-
tal material (possibly pelite derived) or important erated under high pressures. With exception of

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Figure 13. Discrimination diagrams for identifying igneous rocks where garnet and/or hornblende fractionation
occurred. Igneous rocks spatially, temporally, and genetically related to ore deposits (right) generally fall into the
fields for adakites as defined by Defant and Drummond (1993) and Martin (1999). G, Further discrimination diagram
on the basis of Y versus Th, normalized by TiO2. Boundary between prospective and unprospective fields is based
empirically on the data set presented herein.

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Journal of Geology E A S T E R N C O R D I L L E R A O C C I D E N TA L O F C E N T R A L P E R U 515

Milpo, all igneous rocks associated with mineral- Concluding Remarks

ization exhibit Y/Th ≤ 1.5.
The general association of mineralization with Central Peruvian polymetallic ore deposits are as-
melts generated under high pressures has been sociated with high-K calc-alkaline igneous rocks
widely recognized around the Pacific (e.g., Thieble- that have undergone variable degrees of crustal as-
mont et al. 1997; Sajona and Maury 1998; Kay and similation during their ascent through a hetero-
Mpodozis 2001; Bissig et al. 2003). There are, how- geneous continental crust. Despite the heteroge-
ever, igneous rocks associated with ore deposits neity, if the igneous rocks are evaluated on a
that do not conform well to a high-P residue: most mineral district scale and care is taken to under-
notably at Milpo, Chungar, and Iskaycruz. The stand the geologic relationships as well as the pet-
mineralization at Milpo occurred in the early Ol- rogenesis, whole-rock geochemistry can be a val-
igocene when the crust may have been thinner than uable tool for mineral exploration. On the basis of
in the Miocene and melts evolved from a garnet- the data presented herein and geochronological
free residuum, whereas Chungar and Iskaycruz constraints from Bissig et al. (2008), the following
were emplaced in the middle and early late Mio- relationships are proposed: magmatic rocks poten-
cene in the Cordillera Occidental when the con- tially associated with a large polymetallic ore de-
tinental crust in central Peru probably was 145 km posit in central Peru are (1) middle and late Mio-
thick. The apparent contradiction between the ob- cene in age or located in the Uchucchacua-Milpo
served trace element patterns and inferred crustal transect and (2) dacitic in composition with high
thickness is attributed to extensive middle and up- (14) Sm/Yb and low (≤1.5) Y/Th ratios and only
per crustal interaction of the ascending magmas. In limited crustal contamination. Pb isotopes of ore
this context, Pb isotopes on ores from throughout minerals indicate a largely magmatic fluid source
the study area may represent a useful tool to un- for the large Miocene deposits of Antamina, Cerro
derstand the trace element chemistry of igneous de Pasco, and Colquijirca. Some generally smaller
rocks associated with the deposits. The ore deposits ore deposits may also be associated with magmas
associated with igneous rocks with relatively low with moderate Sm/Yb ratios (2.7–4), especially if
Sm/Yb ratios from 2.97 to 4.3 for deposits where they are located in the Uchucchacua-Milpo tran-
Pb isotopic constraints are available (i.e., Milpo, sect and are Oligocene or older in age. Magmas as-
Iskaycruz, Uchucchacua) exhibit 206 Pb/ 204 Pb, sociated with these deposits may have undergone
Pb/ 204 Pb, and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios ranging from more significant crustal contamination. Rocks
compositions typical for Eocene to Miocene igne- with high Sm/Yb ratios are not necessarily pro-
spective and have to be evaluated critically for
ous rocks to relatively radiogenic values indicative
shallow-level hornblende fractionation or exten-
of a potential derivation of some lead from the Me-
sive assimilation of pelitic crustal material.
sozoic and older upper crustal sedimentary, igne-
ous, and metamorphic rocks. The deposits (i.e., An-
tamina, Colquijirca, Yauricocha) associated with
lower 207 Pb/ 204 Pb and 208 Pb/ 204 Pb ratios similar to
the Pb isotopic composition of Cenozoic igneous Financial and logistical support was provided by
rocks are related to igneous rocks with generally Anglo American, Exploration, Companı́a de Minas
higher Sm/Yb ratios, ranging from 4.2 to 8.3. This Buenaventura, Companı́a Minera Antamina, BHP
general association of trace element chemistry with Billiton, Falconbridge, Phelps Dodge, and Teck
lead isotopes, although possibly an artifact of the Cominco, as well as by the Natural Science and
limited database, may indicate an important con- Engineering Research Council of Canada. T. Bissig
trol of the degree of crustal assimilation on the fer- would also like to thank the Swiss National Sci-
tility of igneous systems. It is apparent that large ence Foundation for a stipend. D. Weis is thanked
deposits such as Antamina, Colquijirca, and Yaur- for radiogenic isotope analysis and comments on
icocha are related to magmas with limited inter- earlier versions of the manuscript, P. Pariguana for
action with the middle and upper crust and were field assistance, and L. Jofré for the drafting of one
largely mineralized by fluids of magmatic origin. figure. P. Hollings and one anonymous reviewer are
Other generally smaller deposits including Milpo, acknowledged for their comments and suggestions,
Uchucchacua, and Iskaycruz are associated with which helped to improve and shorten this article.
magmas that have interacted to a more significant This is Mineral Deposit Research Unit contribu-
degree with the crust. tion 233.

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516 T. B I S S I G A N D R . M . T O S D A L


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