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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

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Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications

of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the southern
Great Xingan Mountains, NE China
Wu-Bin Yang a,b, He-Cai Niu a,b,, Li-Ren Cheng c, Qiang Shan a, Ning-Bo Li a,d
Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Mineral Physics and Materials, Guangzhou 510640, China
College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Large-scale Mesozoic volcanisms in the Great Xingan Mountains (GXM), northeastern (NE) China, are
Received 20 June 2014 being extensively interested recently. However, the petrogenesis and geodynamic implications of these
Received in revised form 21 November 2014 volcanic rocks are still on controversy. In this study, geochronology and geochemistry of the intermediate
Accepted 4 December 2014
and felsic volcanic rocks of Late Mesozoic from the southern GXM was investigated. Zircon UPb geochro-
Available online xxxx
nology yields 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 154.3 1.7 Ma to 127.0 2.4 Ma for the eight selected volca-
nic rocks, where the major period of the Mesozoic volcanisms is constrained during the Early Cretaceous.
The presented volcanic rocks are andesitetrachydaciterhyolite and show calc-alkaline to shoshonitic
Mesozoic igneous event
Calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks
features. They have elevated incompatible trace element concentrations and signicantly negative Nb
Subduction-modied lithospheric mantle TaTi and positive Pb anomalies, which display characteristics of typical subduction-related magmas
Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) rather than within-plate magmatic signature. SrNd isotopic data indicate that their magma sources
NE China were mixed with proportions of old crustal components. Geochemical features, therefore, indicate that
the intermediate and felsic shoshonitic magma was plausibly derived from partial melting of the subduc-
tion-modied lithospheric mantle and thickened lower crust, respectively, induced by delamination and/
or asthenosphere upwelling in extensional setting. Combined with the tectonic evolution of the Great
Xingan area, we propose a hypothesis that the large-scale Mesozoic volcanisms in NE China were con-
trolled by the transition of regional stress from southward to westward, which are induced by the
changes of tectonic regimes from the previous MongolOkhotsk subduction to the succeeding paleo-Paci-
c subduction during Late Mesozoic.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction several models has been proposed to interpret this extensive

Mesozoic magmatism, including: mantle plume hypothesis (Lin
Mesozoic volcanisms are widespread throughout northeastern et al., 1998; Ge et al., 1999), post-orogenic diffuse extension after
China and its adjacent areas (Fig. 1a). In the Great Xingan area, the subduction of the MongolOkhotsk Ocean (Fan et al., 2003;
the Mesozoic volcanic rocks cover an area of ca. 100,000 km2 Gao et al., 2005; Guo et al., 2010), thickened lithospheric delami-
(Ying et al., 2010), and mainly distribute along the GXM. Numerous nating induced by the subduction of Pacic plate (Wu et al.,
geological, petrological and geochronological studies were carried 2005; Wang et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2010).
out on these large-scale magmatic activities (Jahn et al., 2001; It has been proposed that partial melting of subducted sedi-
Fan et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2006; Zhang et al., ments could modify the nature of the subcontinental lithospheric
2008a, 2008b, 2010; Guo et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2013), which have mantle (SCLM) and produce vein networks of clinopyroxene/
not resulted in a consensus about the mechanism. There are amphibole/phlogopite minerals within the mantle wedge (Pilet
et al., 2008; Hermann and Rubatto, 2009; Skora and Blundy,
2010; Yang et al., 2014a). Partial melting of those pure vein miner-
Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny,
als will generate ultrapotassic magmas, whereas increasing inter-
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou
510640, China.
action between these veins and the surrounding mantle will
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.-C. Niu). decrease the alkaline component and result in relatively low-K

1367-9120/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
2 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

shoshonitic and calc-alkaline rocks (Avanzinelli et al., 2009; rocks, high-K calc-alkaline rocks, or even to calc-alkaline rocks
Conticelli et al., 2009a, 2009b). This genetic model has been (e.g., Duggen et al., 2005; Altherr et al., 2008; Avanzinelli et al.,
applied to shoshonitic series rocks associated with ultrapotassic 2009; Conticelli et al., 2009a; Yang et al., 2012). On the other hand,

Fig. 1. (a) Simplied tectonic units of northeastern China showing the distribution of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks (after Guo et al. (2010)). The marked ages of Late Mesozoic
volcanic rocks in the GXM are referenced from Wang et al. (2006), Zhang et al. (2008a,b, 2010), Ying et al. (2010) and Li et al. (2013). (b) Geological map and sample locations
of the study area in the southern GXM.

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 3

K-rich shoshonitic magma also can be derived from partial melting

South Great Xingan Range
of the thickened lower crust, following underplating by mantle-
derived magma in a post-collisional extension setting (Kuster Ying et al.,2010 Traditional Formation Thickness
and Harms, 1998; Jiang et al., 2002; Campbell et al., 2014; Liu Early Meiletu 210-830m
et al., 2014). Cretaceous
In NE China, the GXM corresponds to not only a sharp gravity
anomaly and eastwest topographic boundary, but also a boundary Early Baiyingaolao 6601-400m
that penetrates the lithosphere (Zhang et al., 2010 and references
therein). The widespread volcanic rocks in the southern GXM are Late
mainly sub-alkaline and show characteristics of calc-alkaline and Jurassic Manitu 690m
shoshonitic series. Recent geochronological studies indicate the
volcanic rocks in the Great Xingan area were mainly erupted in
the Early Cretaceous (Wu et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2006; Zhang Late Manketouebo 280m
et al., 2010). In this study, we systematically investigate a suite Jurassic
of calc-alkaline and shoshonitic volcanic rocks from the southern Xinmin/Wanbao
GXM on geochronology and geochemistry. The results include high
quality zircon UPb age data, whole rock major and trace element
compositions, and SrNd isotopes. These data allow us to reveals 120

the petrogenesis of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks and its geody-
namic setting. Combined with previously published data from
the adjacent regions, the geochemical and geochronological data TW1 TW2
140 TW8
are then to evaluate the evolution of magmatism in the GXM, TW3 Meiletu
and further NE China. Baiyingaolao
160 TW6
Jurassic Manitu
2. Geological background TW7

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is an accretionary oro- 180

gen that stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Pacic Ocean
(Jahn, 2004). The eastern part of the CAOB is termed as the Xingm-
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic subdivision and age distribution of the Mesozoic volcanic
eng (XinganMongolian) orogenic belt in the Chinese literature. strata in the southern GXM. Data are referred from Ying et al. (2010), Zhang et al.
The Xingmeng orogenic belt represents a collage of four microcon- (2010), Li et al. (2013) and this study.
tinental blocks, in which the Songliao, Xingan and Erguna blocks
were amalgamated in Paleozoic, and the Jiamusi block docked to
the east of Songliao block in Mesozoic (Wu et al., 2002, 2011). include tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and shale. It conformably
The Xingan block comprises the Great Xingan Range and Halar overlies the Manitu formation and in turns unconformably overlain
Basin. The Xingan Block is mostly located in the GXM and is char- by the Meiletu formation. The rhyolite has numerous felsophyric
acterized by voluminous Mesozoic granite and volcanic rocks (Wu textures that are composed of crystalline quartz, K-feldspar, and
et al., 2000, 2011; Jahn et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2006; Guo et al., minor plagioclase. The matrix is composed of andesine and volca-
2010; Yang et al., 2014b). nic glass. The Meiletu formation is composed of basalt, basaltic
The southern segment of the GXM, which extends into Hei- andesite, andesite, trachyte and intercalated volcaniclastic rocks.
longjiang and Jilin Provinces in the east and the Inner Mongolia The andesite is usually porphyritic with plagioclase, amphibole
in the west, was the focus of this study. The volcanic rocks in the and minor pyroxene as phenocrysts. The matrix is volcanic glass.
southern GXM are mainly distributed in several discrete basins,
including the Baoshi, Pingshan and Wudan basins, and have been
subdivided into the Manketouebo, Manitu, Baiyingaolao and Mei- 3. Analytical methods
letu formations (Fig. 2; IMBGMR, 1991; Ying et al., 2010; Zhang
et al., 2010). The Manketouebo formation is widely distributed 3.1. Zircon UPb dating
and mainly composed of rhyolite, dacite, volcaniclastic rock and
rhyolitic tuff. This basal formation unconformably overlie with Zircons were separated from the volcanic rocks using standard
the sedimentary rocks of the Jurassic Xinmin/Wanbao formation. density and magnetic separation techniques and hand-picked
The dacite is porphyritic with quartz, sanidine and plagioclase as under binocular microscope. Representative zircon grains were
phenocrysts. The matrix is mainly composed of volcanic glass. casted in an epoxy mount, and then were polished to near half sec-
The Manitu formation is usually exposed along with the Manke- tions to expose the internal structure for analysis. Polished zircons
touebo formation, but is less extensive than the latter. This forma- in epoxy mount were documented with transmitted and reected
tion mainly consists of andesite, trachydacite and volcaniclastic light micrographs as well as cathodoluminescence (CL) images to
rocks, and conformably underlain by the Manketouebo formation. reveal their internal textures (Fig. 3).
The andesite and trachydacite are porphyritic and hyalopilitic. The Zircon UPb dating of the volcanic rocks was undertaking by
phenocrysts include plagioclase, amphibole, biotite and minor using an Agilent 7500a ICP-MS coupled with a Resonetics RESOlu-
pyroxene. The matrix is composed of andesine and volcanic glass. tion M-50 193 nm laser-ablation system (LA-ICPMS) at the Key
Amygdaloidal structure sometimes occurred in the andesite, with Laboratory of Isotope Geochronology and Geochemistry at the
the calcite and agate lling amygdules. The Baiyingaolao formation Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sci-
is distributed far less extensive than the Manketouebo and Manitu ences (GIGCAS). Details on operating conditions for the laser abla-
formations. It is characterized with the intercalated volcanic rocks tion system and the ICP-MS instrument and data processing are
and sedimentary rocks. The volcanic rocks consist of trachyte, rhy- described by Tu et al. (2011). All analyses were carried out at
olite and rhyolitic volcaniclastic rocks, while the sedimentary rocks energy of 80 mJ, with a beam diameter of 31 lm and a repetition

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
4 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

21 22 11
136 2 Ma
129 2 Ma 128 1 Ma
17 9
124 1 Ma 128  Ma 15
119 2 Ma
122 Ma

11 145 2 Ma
135 2 Ma
132 1 Ma
125 1 Ma 16
140 2 Ma
138 1 Ma
141 2 Ma

163 3 Ma
11 151 3 Ma 3
10 4
140 2 Ma 9
145 2 Ma 147 2 Ma
148 3 Ma
8 7
152 3 Ma


11 146 2 Ma
120 2 Ma 134 2 Ma 14
131 3 Ma
18 17 143 2 Ma
134 2 Ma16
13 126 1 Ma
8 141 2 Ma 15
132 2 Ma 141 2 Ma
127 2 Ma

Fig. 3. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of the presented eight volcanic samples from the southern GXM.

Table 1
Sample locations of the presented volcanic rocks in the southern GXM.

Location Latitude and longitude Formation Rock type Age (Ma) Period
TW2 Tuliemaodu 45370 4100 N; 120540 0600 E Meiletu Andesite 127.0 2.4 Early Cretaceous
TW1 Tuliemaodu 45310 1000 N; 120440 1100 E Baiyingaolao Rhyolite 127.4 2.1
H13-18 Bayangeer 45270 4800 N; 120280 2500 E Baiyingaolao Rhyolite
TW8 Tuquan 45350 1900 N; 121200 3800 E Manitu Andesite 127.7 2.9
TW3 Tuliemaodu 45350 1700 N; 120550 2300 E Manitu Andesite 129.5 1.9
TW4 Tuquan 45320 1900 N; 121100 5700 E Manitu Trachydacite 138.1 1.9
TW9 Tuquan 45370 5700 N; 121220 5400 E Manitu Trachydacite 142.2 2.8
TW6 Tuquan 45350 4500 N; 121150 1000 E Manketouebo Dacite 146.8 2.0 Late Jurassic
TW7 Tuquan 45380 4200 N; 121150 3000 E Manketouebo Dacite 154.3 1.7

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 5

rate of 10 Hz. Helium was used as a carrier gas to enhance the background and analytical signals, and time-drift correction and
transportation efciency of the ablated material. TEM (417 Ma) quantitative calibration for trace element were undertaken by
was used as zircon standard (Black et al., 2003). An integration of using the GLITTER 4.0 algorithm. The analytical data were reduced,

170 2 Ma
(a) TW1 169 2 Ma
(b) TW2
Rhyolite Andesite
0.022 140
150 134 1 Ma
147 2 Ma
P b / 238U

P b / 8U


206 238
Pb/ U weighted age: 206 238
Pb/ U weighted age:
127.4 2.1 Ma (N=19) 127.0 2.4 Ma (N=14)
100 MSWD=5 MSWD=8

0.014 0.016
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18 0.22
207 235 207
Pb/ U Pb/ 235U

(c) TW3 0.024
(d) TW4
Andesite 150 Trachydacite 150

146 2 Ma
Pb/ U

Pb/ U

0.022 140 0.022 140



130 130
0.020 0.020
206 238 206 238
Pb/ U weighted age: Pb/ U weighted age:
120 129.5 1.9 Ma (N=18) 120 138.1 1.9 Ma (N=24)

0.018 0.018
0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21
207 235 207 235
Pb/ U Pb/ U

0.027 (e) TW6 (f) TW7
Dacite 180
Dacite 0.028 180 3 Ma

0.025 160
P b / 38U

P b / 23 U




0.021 129 4 Ma

0.019 206 238

Pb/ U weighted age: 0.022 140 206 238
Pb/ U weighted age:
120 154.3 1.7 Ma (N=21)
146.8 2.0 Ma (N=23)

0.017 0.020
0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32
207 235 207 235
Pb/ U Pb/ U

(g) TW8 0.027 (h) TW9
Andesite Trachydacite
150 160
Pb/2 U

P b / 23 U



0.015 0.021
206 238 206 238
Pb/ U weighted age: Pb/ U weighted age:
127.7 2.9 Ma (N=21) 142.2 2.8 Ma (N=25)

0.010 0.019
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.28
Pb/ 235U 207
Pb/ 235U

Fig. 4. Zircon LA-ICPMS UPb concordia diagrams of the eight selected volcanic rocks from the southern GXM. The zircon xenocrysts and disconcordia data, that are marked
blue ellipses, are excluded in the age calculation.

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
6 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

calculated and plotted by using the Isoplot 3.0 programs of Ludwig analyses of zircon from dacite TW7 dene a weighted 206Pb/238U
(2003). Individual analysis in the Table 1 and the concordia dia- age of 154.3 1.7 Ma (MSWD = 3), while one zircon grain has a
gram (Fig. 4) are presented with 1r error and uncertainties in much older age of 180 Ma. We interpret the former younger age
weighted mean ages are quoted at 2r (95% condence level). as the crystallization age of the volcanic rock, and zircon grain with
older age as zircon xenocryst. Twenty-three zircon grains from
dacite TW6 yield a concordant age of 146.8 2.0 Ma (MSWD = 4),
3.2. Whole-rock geochemistry analyses
without one grains of disconcordia age of 129 Ma.
Volcanic rocks of the Manitu formation have ages ranging from
Both chemical and isotopic compositions were analyzed at GIG-
125 Ma to 156 Ma (Fig. 2). Four volcanic rock samples were col-
CAS. Unaltered or least-altered samples were selected by optical
lected from this formation for zircon in situ UPb dating. Zircons
microscopy for geochemical analysis. The selected samples were
from samples TW9, TW4, TW3 and TW8 are euhedral with pris-
powdered to less than 200 mesh by using an agate mortar for
matic morphology. Twenty-ve analyses of zircons from trachyte
whole-rock trace elements and isotopes analyses. Major element
TW9 yield a weighted 206Pb/238U age of 142.2 2.8 Ma
oxides were determined using the X-ray uorescence method of
(MSWD = 10). Twenty-four zircon grains from trachyte TW4 yield
Li et al. (2005). Loss-on-ignition was obtained by determining the
a weighted mean age of 138.1 1.9 Ma (MSWD = 6). Eighteen zir-
weight loss of samples ignited in a furnace at 900 C for 2 h and
con grains from andesite TW3 dene a weighted mean age of
allowed to cool in a desiccator to minimize moisture absorption,
129.5 1.9 Ma (MSWD = 7), while one zircon xenocryst has a much
which can be a major source of error in carbonate LOI determina-
older age of 146 Ma. Twenty-one analyses of zircon from andesite
tion. Approximately 50 mg of powdered whole-rock sample was
TW8 yield a weighted mean age of 127.7 2.9 Ma (MSWD = 11).
dissolved in high-pressure Teon bombs with a mixture of
The four weighted mean ages of the volcanic rocks were regard
HF + HNO3. Trace elements were analyzed by inductively coupled
to represent the crystallization ages of the four presented rocks.
plasma mass spectrometry, using a PerkinElmer Sciex ELAN
Ages of the Baiyingaolao formation are ranging from 124 Ma to
6000 instrument following the analytical procedures described
139 Ma (Fig. 2). One rhyolite sample TW1 was collected from this
by Liu et al. (1996). Rhodium was used as an internal standard to
formation, in which zircon grains are euhedral with apparent oscil-
monitor signal drift during counting. Analytical precision for most
latory zonation. Nineteen zircon grains yield a weighted mean age
elements is better than 3%.
of 127.4 2.1 Ma (MSWD = 5), while three zircon xenocrysts have
For SrNd isotope determination, sample powders were rstly
clearly older ages of 147 Ma, 169 Ma and 170 Ma.
dissolved in Teon capsules with HF + HNO3 acid. Strontium and
The Meiletu formation is the uppermost unit of the Mesozoic
REE were separated using cation columns, and then the Nd frac-
volcanic sequences in the southern GXM, and the volcanic activity
tions were further separated using HDEHP-coated Kef columns.
terminated after the eruption of igneous rocks of this formation.
Isotopic measurement was performed on the Micromass Isoprobe
Zircons from one andesite sample TW2 are euhedral with oscilla-
multicollector mass spectrometer at GIGCAS, following analytical
tory zonation. Fourteen zircon grains yield a weighted mean age
procedures described by Wei et al. (2002) and Liang et al. (2003).
of 127.0 2.4 Ma (MSWD = 8), without one grain of disconcordia
Measured 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios were normalized to
86 age of 134 Ma.
Sr/88Sr = 0.1194 and 146Nd/144Nd = 0.7219, respectively. The
reported 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios were respectively
4.2. Geochemistry of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks
adjusted to the NBS SRM 987 standard with an 87Sr/86Sr value of
0.71025 and the Shin Etsu JNdi-1 standard with a 143Nd/144Nd
The major and trace element chemistry for 15 representative
value of 0.512115.
samples of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks are presented in Table 3,
in which nine samples are intermediate and the other six rhyolite
4. Results samples are felsic. The intermediate volcanic rocks have intermedi-
ate SiO2 contents (57.364.4 wt.%) and high Al2O3 (16.2
4.1. Zircon UPb geochronology 17.2 wt.%). They have K2O contents ranging from 1.30 wt.% to
3.81 wt.%, MgO contents ranging from 1.24 wt.% to 3.27 wt.% and
The widespread Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the GXM were doc- K2O/Na2O ratios from 0.29 to 1.01, consistent with the volcanic
umented by numerous previous works (e.g., Wang et al., 2006; rocks being calc-alkaline to shoshonitic based on the criteria of
Zhang et al., 2008a, 2010; Ying et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2011). In Peccerillo and Taylor (1976). On the Na2O + K2O versus SiO2 classi-
the southern GXM, the large-scale volcanisms in the Late Mesozoic cation diagram of Lebas et al. (1986), the intermediate volcanic
were re-evaluated based on the systematic and high precision iso- rocks almost lie within the andesitetrachydacite elds (Fig. 5a).
topic ages (Ying et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2010). Given that, we A plot of K2O versus SiO2 shows that most of the intermediate vol-
need to give a brief summary of the age distributions in this contri- canic rocks in the southern GXM belong to the calc-alkalineshos-
bution for the Mesozoic volcanic strata in the southern GXM honitic magma series (Fig. 5b).
region, as shown in Fig. 2. All zircon crystals from the Mesozoic The felsic volcanic rocks have high SiO2 contents (68.9
volcanic rocks of this study are transparent, light olive brown 70.4 wt.%) and high K2O contents (5.176.32 wt.%). They have high
and prismatic. They are typical magmatic zircons with clear oscil- contents of total alkalis, with Na2O + K2O ranging from 9.33 wt.% to
latory zoning in their CL images (Fig. 3) and high Th/U ratios. The 10.2 wt.%, belong to alkaline rhyolite (Fig. 5a). They have MgO con-
zircon UPb analyzing results are listed in Table 2 and related illus- tents ranging from 0.36 wt.% to 0.46 wt.% and K2O/Na2O ratios
trations are shown in Fig. 4. from 1.25 to 1.69, consistent with the volcanic rocks being K-rich
The Manketouebo formation is the lowest unit of the Mesozoic shoshonitic rocks (Fig. 5b). Both intermediate and felsic volcanic
volcanic rocks in the southern GXM. Ages of this formation are rocks have relatively low Mg-numbers, with values ranging from
ranging from 174 Ma to 120 Ma, as shown in Fig. 2. The age of 38 to 52 and from 20 to 28, respectively (Table 3). LOI values of
174 4 Ma for a rhyolite 05FW060 (Zhang et al., 2010) of the Man- the volcanic rocks usually reect the presence of hydrous mineral
ketouebo formation is the oldest age so far reported, indicating the phases (e.g., amphiboles), carbonates and/or secondary minerals
onset of Mesozoic volcanism in the southern GXM. Zircon grains (e.g., chlorites). The elevated LOI values of 0.682.77 wt.% for both
extracted from two dacite TW6 and TW 7 are euhedral with oscil- intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks show no correlation with La/
latory zonation, suggesting their magmatic origin. Twenty-one Sm ratios, suggesting that alteration did not create signicant

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 7

Table 2
Zircon LA-ICPMS UPb results of the eight selected volcanic rocks in the southern GXM.

Spots Th (ppm) U (ppm) Th/U Isotopic ratios 1r Ages 1r (Ma)

207 206 207 235 206 238 207
Pb/ Pb Pb/ U Pb/ U Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/235U 206
Rhyolite sample TW1
TW1-01 570 1406 0.41 0.04362 0.00215 0.12647 0.00853 0.02086 0.00044 90 104 121 8 133 3
TW1-02 576 1011 0.57 0.05234 0.00580 0.14545 0.01854 0.02016 0.00041 300 237 138 16 129 3
TW1-03 1568 2953 0.53 0.05676 0.00205 0.16305 0.00779 0.02062 0.00028 482 78 153 7 132 2
TW1-04 2228 3489 0.64 0.05139 0.00396 0.14335 0.01251 0.02023 0.00026 258 170 136 11 129 2
TW1-05 1206 3191 0.38 0.05231 0.00144 0.15073 0.00564 0.02070 0.00024 299 61 143 5 132 2
TW1-06 1373 1962 0.70 0.04546 0.00163 0.12609 0.00587 0.02028 0.00025 31 70 121 5 129 2
TW1-07 730 1314 0.56 0.05454 0.00201 0.15044 0.00754 0.02021 0.00031 393 81 142 7 129 2
TW1-08 623 1089 0.57 0.05249 0.00216 0.13947 0.00758 0.01953 0.00030 307 92 133 7 125 2
TW1-09 1160 1223 0.95 0.05714 0.00326 0.15876 0.01096 0.01986 0.00027 497 125 150 10 127 2
TW1-10 561 1007 0.56 0.05242 0.00189 0.18869 0.00902 0.02654 0.00036 304 81 176 8 169 2
TW1-11 4320 6172 0.70 0.05028 0.00127 0.13679 0.00505 0.01948 0.00027 208 58 130 5 124 2
TW1-12 903 1749 0.52 0.05052 0.00179 0.14412 0.00680 0.02057 0.00028 219 81 137 6 131 2
TW1-13 2427 4553 0.53 0.05755 0.00130 0.16636 0.00551 0.02087 0.00026 513 49 156 5 133 2
TW1-14 1071 2386 0.45 0.04857 0.00598 0.12710 0.01712 0.01898 0.00026 127 247 121 15 121 2
TW1-15 1180 2317 0.51 0.05639 0.00474 0.14805 0.01422 0.01904 0.00026 468 185 140 13 122 2
TW1-16 477 1108 0.43 0.04877 0.00373 0.13529 0.01202 0.02012 0.00030 137 163 129 11 128 2
TW1-17 3447 8118 0.42 0.05371 0.00114 0.14679 0.00451 0.01947 0.00022 359 47 139 4 124 1
TW1-18 582 1190 0.49 0.05452 0.00222 0.17649 0.00937 0.02304 0.00033 393 90 165 8 147 2
TW1-19 1598 2242 0.71 0.04995 0.00139 0.18467 0.00724 0.02679 0.00036 193 61 172 6 170 2
TW1-20 247 515 0.48 0.06715 0.00619 0.17563 0.01933 0.01897 0.00039 842 185 164 17 121 2
TW1-21 1240 2350 0.53 0.05021 0.00144 0.14930 0.00584 0.02140 0.00026 205 63 141 5 136 2
TW1-22 966 1825 0.53 0.04735 0.00508 0.13154 0.01561 0.02015 0.00030 67 205 125 14 129 2
Andesite sample TW2
TW2-01 1373 2066 0.66 0.05190 0.00457 0.13968 0.01397 0.01952 0.00028 281 186 133 12 125 2
TW2-02 1175 2296 0.51 0.04752 0.00255 0.13130 0.00808 0.02004 0.00020 75 108 125 7 128 1
TW2-03 1136 2472 0.46 0.04563 0.00153 0.12965 0.00555 0.02047 0.00022 22 62 124 5 131 1
TW2-04 1036 2022 0.51 0.04759 0.00432 0.12754 0.01277 0.01944 0.00024 79 179 122 12 124 1
TW2-05 515 1439 0.36 0.04778 0.00272 0.13494 0.00911 0.02048 0.00029 88 120 129 8 131 2
TW2-06 1009 2048 0.49 0.05058 0.00179 0.14403 0.00691 0.02053 0.00030 222 80 137 6 131 2
TW2-07 2542 3944 0.64 0.06654 0.00336 0.19318 0.01153 0.02106 0.00023 823 104 179 10 134 1
TW2-08 713 1457 0.49 0.04650 0.00335 0.13034 0.01067 0.02033 0.00027 23 147 124 10 130 2
TW2-09 1332 1403 0.95 0.04629 0.00683 0.11942 0.01921 0.01871 0.00033 13 262 115 17 119 2
TW2-10 1895 3947 0.48 0.05102 0.00407 0.12969 0.01196 0.01844 0.00028 242 175 124 11 118 2
TW2-11 1107 2731 0.41 0.05207 0.00607 0.14423 0.01822 0.02009 0.00022 288 244 137 16 128 1
TW2-12 529 971 0.54 0.05709 0.01140 0.14991 0.03325 0.01904 0.00049 495 390 142 29 122 3
TW2-13 1499 3569 0.42 0.05209 0.00144 0.14902 0.00561 0.02060 0.00024 289 61 141 5 131 2
TW2-14 782 1980 0.39 0.04785 0.00290 0.13394 0.00958 0.02030 0.00028 92 125 128 9 130 2
TW2-15 890 1864 0.48 0.05559 0.01508 0.14307 0.04147 0.01867 0.00039 436 490 136 37 119 2
Andesite sample TW3
TW3-01 806 1689 0.48 0.04886 0.00155 0.14526 0.00624 0.02142 0.00028 141 71 138 6 137 2
TW3-02 597 1571 0.38 0.05623 0.00373 0.15535 0.01222 0.01998 0.00028 461 142 147 11 128 2
TW3-03 1042 1791 0.58 0.05118 0.00203 0.14606 0.00759 0.02051 0.00029 249 88 138 7 131 2
TW3-04 1113 3497 0.32 0.04918 0.00292 0.13355 0.00918 0.01970 0.00023 156 127 127 8 126 1
TW3-05 1924 6210 0.31 0.05432 0.00175 0.15125 0.00663 0.01994 0.00027 384 69 143 6 127 2
TW3-06 1902 4818 0.39 0.05223 0.00132 0.14189 0.00508 0.01963 0.00024 295 57 135 5 125 2
TW3-07 612 937 0.65 0.04607 0.00249 0.12811 0.00814 0.02017 0.00028 1 109 122 7 129 2
TW3-08 767 1695 0.45 0.04846 0.00207 0.13905 0.00766 0.02112 0.00030 122 95 132 7 135 2
TW3-09 631 1443 0.44 0.04888 0.00172 0.15389 0.00722 0.02293 0.00031 142 80 145 6 146 2
TW3-10 1886 6865 0.27 0.04779 0.00125 0.13028 0.00455 0.01954 0.00020 89 59 124 4 125 1
TW3-11 5699 11606 0.49 0.04932 0.00203 0.14073 0.00694 0.02070 0.00021 163 93 134 6 132 1
TW3-12 868 2026 0.43 0.05275 0.00238 0.15753 0.00885 0.02137 0.00027 318 102 149 8 136 2
TW3-13 1229 3559 0.35 0.05159 0.00233 0.14704 0.00808 0.02067 0.00024 267 103 139 7 132 2
TW3-14 968 2338 0.41 0.04645 0.00126 0.13569 0.00521 0.02113 0.00028 21 54 129 5 135 2
TW3-15 1933 5070 0.38 0.04972 0.00113 0.14985 0.00499 0.02156 0.00027 182 52 142 4 138 2
TW3-16 1283 2025 0.63 0.04429 0.00160 0.12752 0.00600 0.02081 0.00026 56 74 122 5 133 2
TW3-17 1629 6606 0.25 0.05258 0.00271 0.14587 0.00887 0.02012 0.00022 311 116 138 8 128 1
TW3-18 1906 6340 0.30 0.04910 0.00108 0.13703 0.00403 0.02002 0.00017 153 51 130 4 128 1
TW3-19 2324 7539 0.31 0.04920 0.00185 0.14019 0.00665 0.02067 0.00025 157 85 133 6 132 2
Trachyte sample TW4
TW4-01 1075 2555 0.42 0.05140 0.00191 0.14370 0.00701 0.02024 0.00027 259 85 136 6 129 2
TW4-02 1518 3281 0.46 0.05051 0.00259 0.13742 0.00844 0.01973 0.00024 219 115 131 8 126 2
TW4-03 864 1881 0.46 0.04871 0.00174 0.13791 0.00632 0.02070 0.00024 134 81 131 6 132 2
TW4-04 853 2128 0.40 0.04824 0.00162 0.13689 0.00597 0.02056 0.00024 111 75 130 5 131 2
TW4-05 834 2027 0.41 0.04729 0.00174 0.13884 0.00658 0.02143 0.00026 64 78 132 6 137 2
TW4-06 815 1889 0.43 0.05328 0.00172 0.15803 0.00692 0.02162 0.00029 341 72 149 6 138 2
TW4-07 927 2054 0.45 0.05362 0.00160 0.15715 0.00639 0.02156 0.00027 355 67 148 6 138 2
TW4-08 590 1493 0.40 0.05008 0.00216 0.15434 0.00853 0.02239 0.00031 199 96 146 8 143 2
TW4-09 700 1461 0.48 0.04951 0.00184 0.14844 0.00731 0.02210 0.00031 172 82 141 6 141 2
TW4-10 523 1395 0.38 0.05770 0.00257 0.17896 0.01020 0.02223 0.00032 518 94 167 9 142 2
TW4-11 1240 3853 0.32 0.04616 0.00126 0.13741 0.00492 0.02154 0.00021 6 52 131 4 137 1

(continued on next page)

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
8 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table 2 (continued)

Spots Th (ppm) U (ppm) Th/U Isotopic ratios 1r Ages 1r (Ma)

Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/235U 206
Pb/238U 207
Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/235U 206
TW4-12 835 1832 0.46 0.04837 0.00182 0.14783 0.00713 0.02227 0.00027 117 82 140 6 142 2
TW4-13 814 2263 0.36 0.04331 0.00126 0.13187 0.00523 0.02214 0.00027 107 62 126 5 141 2
TW4-14 1138 3002 0.38 0.04491 0.00128 0.13516 0.00527 0.02190 0.00027 24 54 129 5 140 2
TW4-15 1299 2943 0.44 0.04246 0.00122 0.13267 0.00521 0.02274 0.00028 152 63 126 5 145 2
TW4-16 1538 3247 0.47 0.04162 0.00111 0.12420 0.00446 0.02168 0.00023 198 59 119 4 138 1
TW4-17 496 1057 0.47 0.05162 0.00560 0.15179 0.01865 0.02133 0.00037 269 226 143 16 136 2
TW4-18 1072 1859 0.58 0.04772 0.00217 0.13778 0.00790 0.02115 0.00029 85 95 131 7 135 2
TW4-19 769 1840 0.42 0.04846 0.00156 0.14652 0.00640 0.02191 0.00029 122 71 139 6 140 2
TW4-20 1126 2099 0.54 0.05161 0.00165 0.15514 0.00676 0.02162 0.00029 268 71 146 6 138 2
TW4-21 624 1600 0.39 0.05039 0.00273 0.15180 0.00991 0.02185 0.00029 213 119 144 9 139 2
TW4-22 1069 2351 0.45 0.05162 0.00160 0.15891 0.00654 0.02219 0.00026 269 69 150 6 141 2
TW4-23 867 2051 0.42 0.04965 0.00183 0.15345 0.00737 0.02234 0.00029 179 82 145 6 142 2
TW4-24 601 1493 0.40 0.05006 0.00177 0.16024 0.00764 0.02321 0.00033 198 79 151 7 148 2
Dacite sample TW6
TW6-01 308 769 0.40 0.04824 0.00340 0.15256 0.01269 0.02294 0.00037 111 143 144 11 146 2
TW6-02 327 848 0.39 0.04809 0.00391 0.14944 0.01418 0.02254 0.00041 104 163 141 13 144 3
TW6-03 332 748 0.44 0.05537 0.00248 0.17930 0.01081 0.02378 0.00043 427 94 167 9 152 3
TW6-04 480 892 0.54 0.07287 0.00490 0.23250 0.01900 0.02305 0.00038 1010 130 212 16 147 2
TW6-05 645 1145 0.56 0.05274 0.00239 0.16197 0.00961 0.02214 0.00036 318 97 152 8 141 2
TW6-06 367 887 0.41 0.05595 0.00241 0.17614 0.01026 0.02312 0.00041 450 90 165 9 147 3
TW6-07 480 1075 0.45 0.05269 0.00244 0.16821 0.01029 0.02318 0.00040 315 100 158 9 148 3
TW6-08 344 896 0.38 0.05511 0.00307 0.17478 0.01288 0.02393 0.00050 417 118 164 11 152 3
TW6-09 222 515 0.43 0.05982 0.00350 0.19578 0.01496 0.02367 0.00049 597 120 182 13 151 3
TW6-10 289 682 0.42 0.05276 0.00395 0.16563 0.01456 0.02277 0.00036 318 166 156 13 145 2
TW6-11 398 910 0.44 0.05221 0.00244 0.15924 0.00960 0.02193 0.00034 295 105 150 8 140 2
TW6-12 362 1016 0.36 0.05037 0.00279 0.16937 0.01212 0.02475 0.00046 212 124 159 11 158 3
TW6-13 405 644 0.63 0.09809 0.01875 0.27247 0.05977 0.02015 0.00062 1588 383 245 48 129 4
TW6-14 320 708 0.45 0.04767 0.00356 0.16358 0.01441 0.02489 0.00043 83 156 154 13 158 3
TW6-15 444 1208 0.37 0.04871 0.00305 0.15126 0.01099 0.02252 0.00028 134 135 143 10 144 2
TW6-16 315 697 0.45 0.05292 0.00287 0.15999 0.01099 0.02291 0.00038 325 121 151 10 146 2
TW6-17 611 977 0.63 0.05418 0.00237 0.17226 0.00980 0.02310 0.00035 379 97 161 8 147 2
TW6-18 269 649 0.41 0.05746 0.00319 0.19090 0.01382 0.02419 0.00047 509 121 177 12 154 3
TW6-19 522 1233 0.42 0.04642 0.00219 0.15075 0.00894 0.02366 0.00033 19 96 143 8 151 2
TW6-20 260 584 0.45 0.06700 0.00346 0.20315 0.01420 0.02364 0.00050 838 106 188 12 151 3
TW6-21 268 604 0.44 0.05540 0.00333 0.16783 0.01323 0.02216 0.00048 428 132 158 12 141 3
TW6-22 190 487 0.39 0.06187 0.00286 0.18456 0.01171 0.02240 0.00045 670 97 172 10 143 3
TW6-23 255 602 0.42 0.06649 0.00288 0.20497 0.01223 0.02259 0.00043 822 88 189 10 144 3
TW6-24 300 637 0.47 0.05221 0.00296 0.15627 0.01152 0.02278 0.00045 295 125 147 10 145 3
Dacite sample TW7
TW7-01 400 1051 0.38 0.05192 0.00223 0.17034 0.00958 0.02357 0.00036 282 96 160 8 150 2
TW7-02 278 586 0.47 0.06152 0.00360 0.20146 0.01509 0.02445 0.00046 657 123 186 13 156 3
TW7-03 326 822 0.40 0.05131 0.00255 0.18152 0.01162 0.02557 0.00042 255 111 169 10 163 3
TW7-04 540 1224 0.44 0.04764 0.00299 0.15180 0.01140 0.02311 0.00036 81 130 143 10 147 2
TW7-05 379 941 0.40 0.05223 0.00234 0.17581 0.01033 0.02465 0.00040 295 99 164 9 157 3
TW7-06 359 731 0.49 0.05107 0.00388 0.17287 0.01563 0.02455 0.00043 244 164 162 14 156 3
TW7-07 268 633 0.42 0.05979 0.00460 0.20004 0.01872 0.02426 0.00048 596 164 185 16 155 3
TW7-08 307 1001 0.31 0.05016 0.00361 0.16452 0.01391 0.02379 0.00037 203 153 155 12 152 2
TW7-09 328 741 0.44 0.08184 0.00457 0.28541 0.02113 0.02476 0.00052 1242 106 255 17 158 3
TW7-10 434 1341 0.32 0.04820 0.00282 0.16155 0.01112 0.02431 0.00031 109 121 152 10 155 2
TW7-11 296 646 0.46 0.05742 0.00457 0.18849 0.01773 0.02381 0.00041 508 170 175 15 152 3
TW7-12 275 841 0.33 0.06444 0.00294 0.24593 0.01437 0.02833 0.00042 756 93 223 12 180 3
TW7-13 331 840 0.39 0.05420 0.00477 0.18402 0.01849 0.02462 0.00036 379 190 172 16 157 2
TW7-14 273 881 0.31 0.04895 0.00824 0.16390 0.03041 0.02428 0.00054 146 308 154 27 155 3
TW7-15 227 711 0.32 0.05360 0.00467 0.17457 0.01795 0.02362 0.00044 354 193 163 16 150 3
TW7-16 365 906 0.40 0.05508 0.00387 0.19336 0.01616 0.02546 0.00041 415 156 179 14 162 3
TW7-17 391 935 0.42 0.05296 0.00205 0.17588 0.00920 0.02405 0.00038 327 87 165 8 153 2
TW7-18 414 1034 0.40 0.04839 0.00182 0.16059 0.00845 0.02411 0.00042 118 84 151 7 154 3
TW7-19 879 3525 0.25 0.05007 0.00150 0.17204 0.00660 0.02471 0.00024 198 69 161 6 157 2
TW7-20 365 783 0.47 0.05592 0.00220 0.18351 0.01021 0.02422 0.00046 449 87 171 9 154 3
TW7-21 309 739 0.42 0.06347 0.00417 0.21185 0.01732 0.02403 0.00044 724 139 195 15 153 3
TW7-22 340 812 0.42 0.05300 0.00682 0.17899 0.02627 0.02449 0.00054 329 272 167 23 156 3
Andesite sample TW8
TW8-01 1125 2203 0.51 0.05619 0.00341 0.16326 0.01176 0.02107 0.00028 460 134 154 10 134 2
TW8-02 1019 909 1.12 0.04984 0.01706 0.11710 0.04320 0.01704 0.00052 188 542 112 39 109 3
TW8-03 570 1088 0.52 0.07232 0.00442 0.20447 0.01537 0.02001 0.00032 995 124 189 13 128 2
TW8-04 1582 3329 0.48 0.06681 0.01549 0.16724 0.04185 0.01816 0.00036 832 486 157 36 116 2
TW8-05 4360 3328 1.31 0.04931 0.00434 0.13044 0.01298 0.01918 0.00027 163 186 124 12 122 2
TW8-06 1529 2962 0.52 0.05229 0.00173 0.14603 0.00644 0.02023 0.00026 298 74 138 6 129 2
TW8-07 5300 4777 1.11 0.09986 0.00462 0.26013 0.01521 0.01924 0.00027 1621 84 235 12 123 2
TW8-08 1332 2140 0.62 0.05149 0.00202 0.14112 0.00708 0.01995 0.00025 263 88 134 6 127 2
TW8-09 2602 3713 0.70 0.04858 0.00244 0.13182 0.00779 0.01968 0.00022 128 108 126 7 126 1
TW8-10 884 1722 0.51 0.08699 0.00522 0.25001 0.01818 0.02064 0.00030 1360 114 227 15 132 2

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 9

Table 2 (continued)

Spots Th (ppm) U (ppm) Th/U Isotopic ratios 1r Ages 1r (Ma)

Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/235U 206
Pb/238U 207
Pb/206Pb 207
Pb/235U 206
TW8-11 403 1120 0.36 0.05133 0.00593 0.13241 0.01748 0.01871 0.00038 255 241 126 16 120 2
TW8-12 327 735 0.44 0.07103 0.00409 0.20122 0.01547 0.02059 0.00046 958 116 186 13 131 3
TW8-13 623 1307 0.48 0.04607 0.00380 0.13120 0.01252 0.02066 0.00040 1 162 125 11 132 3
TW8-14 1807 2568 0.70 0.04660 0.00261 0.13210 0.00859 0.02056 0.00027 29 112 126 8 131 2
TW8-15 427 713 0.60 0.05674 0.00307 0.15016 0.01063 0.01983 0.00038 481 116 142 9 127 2
TW8-16 593 1522 0.39 0.05197 0.00548 0.13746 0.01643 0.01918 0.00032 284 223 131 15 123 2
TW8-17 691 1462 0.47 0.04849 0.00197 0.14405 0.00762 0.02183 0.00031 123 89 137 7 139 2
TW8-18 667 1756 0.38 0.09585 0.00418 0.27422 0.01604 0.02079 0.00036 1545 79 246 13 133 2
TW8-19 348 716 0.49 0.06305 0.00316 0.18313 0.01198 0.02208 0.00039 710 103 171 10 141 2
TW8-20 2341 4672 0.50 0.07166 0.00205 0.20211 0.00825 0.02022 0.00029 976 56 187 7 129 2
TW8-21 740 1435 0.52 0.04921 0.00183 0.13379 0.00653 0.02001 0.00027 158 83 127 6 128 2
Trachyte sample TW9
TW9-01 1303 4031 0.32 0.05142 0.00134 0.18053 0.00638 0.02529 0.00027 260 58 169 5 161 2
TW9-02 892 1840 0.49 0.05693 0.00295 0.17939 0.01168 0.02303 0.00035 489 112 168 10 147 2
TW9-03 2676 3823 0.70 0.05416 0.00295 0.16182 0.01033 0.02167 0.00025 378 119 152 9 138 2
TW9-04 450 1220 0.37 0.05144 0.00459 0.17670 0.01852 0.02491 0.00047 261 193 165 16 159 3
TW9-05 920 2236 0.41 0.04859 0.00260 0.15388 0.00972 0.02297 0.00028 128 115 145 9 146 2
TW9-06 1128 2505 0.45 0.05102 0.00183 0.15322 0.00727 0.02166 0.00029 242 80 145 6 138 2
TW9-07 976 2051 0.48 0.05026 0.00162 0.14764 0.00648 0.02150 0.00029 207 73 140 6 137 2
TW9-08 469 980 0.48 0.05554 0.00224 0.16844 0.00911 0.02202 0.00035 434 86 158 8 140 2
TW9-09 1115 2383 0.47 0.05034 0.00207 0.15618 0.00829 0.02248 0.00031 211 90 147 7 143 2
TW9-10 1885 2584 0.73 0.04985 0.00236 0.14977 0.00901 0.02183 0.00032 188 103 142 8 139 2
TW9-11 643 1136 0.57 0.05161 0.00251 0.16439 0.01010 0.02363 0.00035 268 106 155 9 151 2
TW9-12 756 1533 0.49 0.04349 0.00236 0.14376 0.01002 0.02402 0.00043 97 110 136 9 153 3
TW9-13 734 1535 0.48 0.04989 0.00229 0.15813 0.00946 0.02291 0.00037 190 100 149 8 146 2
TW9-14 2037 3262 0.62 0.05164 0.00194 0.16113 0.00787 0.02237 0.00029 270 82 152 7 143 2
TW9-15 718 1985 0.36 0.04770 0.00186 0.14540 0.00727 0.02206 0.00028 84 82 138 6 141 2
TW9-16 1770 2942 0.60 0.05103 0.00164 0.15674 0.00668 0.02216 0.00027 242 70 148 6 141 2
TW9-17 1460 2725 0.54 0.05007 0.00278 0.14485 0.00952 0.02098 0.00026 198 120 137 8 134 2
TW9-18 1202 2413 0.50 0.05190 0.00158 0.15154 0.00612 0.02103 0.00024 281 67 143 5 134 2
TW9-19 662 1606 0.41 0.05116 0.00182 0.15445 0.00737 0.02206 0.00031 248 78 146 6 141 2
TW9-20 544 1326 0.41 0.04767 0.00389 0.14250 0.01316 0.02168 0.00031 83 165 135 12 138 2
TW9-21 405 1007 0.40 0.06385 0.00512 0.20106 0.02151 0.02454 0.00076 737 164 186 18 156 5
TW9-22 1791 2960 0.61 0.05198 0.00357 0.15283 0.01219 0.02132 0.00029 285 148 144 11 136 2
TW9-23 2372 2762 0.86 0.05115 0.00346 0.15245 0.01184 0.02162 0.00026 247 147 144 10 138 2
TW9-24 877 1930 0.45 0.05259 0.00318 0.16482 0.01283 0.02287 0.00046 311 132 155 11 146 3
TW9-25 815 1501 0.54 0.05603 0.00191 0.16766 0.00758 0.02181 0.00028 454 73 157 7 139 2

changes of REE distribution patterns (e.g., Labanieh et al., 2012; formation are presented in Table 4. The samples are characterized
Yang et al., 2014a). by a limited range of initial isotope ratios with no correlation with
Chondrite-normalized REE patterns (Fig. 6a) and primitive man- rock type. The felsic rhyolites from the southern GXM have ele-
tle-normalized incompatible element diagrams (Fig. 6b) for the vated radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.7050360.709641) and low
intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks show similar patterns, with (143Nd/144Nd)i (0.5124950.512586) relative to Bulk Earth
strong incompatible element enrichment. All the volcanic rocks are (Table 4), with eNd(t) values ranging from 0.30 to 2.08. Compared
characterized by enriched light REE (LREE), relatively at heavy with previous SrNd isotopic data of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks
REE (HREE) proles (chondrite-normalized La/Yb and Dy/Yb ratios from both southern and northern GXM, most of the Mesozoic vol-
are 7.0311.5 and 1.051.36, respectively) and slightly negative Eu canic rocks show the trend of lithospheric mantle melting, except
anomalies. They have total REE of the volcanic rocks ranging from the initial 87Sr/86Sr value of sample H13 that was affected by the
100 to 170 ppm, with La/Sm and La/Yb ratios ranging from 3.93 to mixing of old crustal components (Fig. 7a). Similarly, the eNd(t) val-
6.72 and from 9.80 to 16.1, respectively (Table 3). Trace element ues of the volcanic rocks also show a trend of mixing between
concentrations range from several times primitive mantle for juvenile crust and old crust components, as well as the Phanerozoic
heavy REE and Ti, to several hundred times for large ion lithophile A-type granitoids in NE China (Fig. 7b; Wu et al., 2002).
elements (LILE) such as Rb, Ba, Th, U and Pb (Fig. 6b). The mantle-
normalized incompatible trace element patterns are distinguished
by negative NbTaTi and positive Pb anomalies, which are fea- 5. Discussion
tures of magma derived from suprasubduction zones (e.g., Boari
et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2014a). Exceptionally, the felsic volcanic 5.1. Timing of the large-scale volcanism
rocks have relatively high Rb and Pb concentrations and show
more signicant Sr and Ti depletion, indicating the variation of The volcanic rocks of all four volcanic formations in the south-
their mantle sources. With increasing SiO2 contents, the lack of ern segment of GXM were traditionally considered to be Late Juras-
decrease in Ni and Cr concentrations as well as the MgO contents sic to Early Cretaceous, in which the Manketouebo, Manitu and
decreasing from intermediate to felsic rocks indicates that the Baiyingaolao formations are Late Jurassic and the Meiletu forma-
intermediate and felsic volcanic rocks from the southern GXM tion is Early Cretaceous (Zhao et al., 1989; IMBGMR, 1991; Lin
were probably derived from different source regions. et al., 1998). In contrast, recent studies show that the majority of
Measured and calculated initial (t = 127 Ma) Sr and Nd isotopic the dated volcanic rocks erupted in the Early Cretaceous, with
compositions of four felsic volcanic rocks from the Baiyingaolao the basal Manketouebo formation erupted in the Late Jurassic

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
Table 3

southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the

Major oxides (in wt.%) and trace element (in ppm) compositions of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the southern GXM.

Sample TW2-1 TW2-2 TW3-1 TW3-2 TW4-1 TW4-2 TW4-3 TW9-1 TW9-2 H13 H14 H15 H16 H17 H18
Lithology Andesite Andesite Andesite Andesite Trachydacite Trachydacite Trachydacite Trachydacite Trachydacite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite Rhyolite
SiO2 61.28 61.25 57.29 57.35 64.39 64.39 64.18 63.69 64.36 70.39 69.94 69.86 68.92 69.62 69.85
TiO2 0.76 0.77 0.99 0.98 0.61 0.62 0.62 0.76 0.74 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.28 0.26
Al2O3 16.94 16.91 17.23 17.18 16.19 16.22 16.35 16.66 16.53 14.50 14.83 14.95 15.52 14.91 13.84
Fe2O3T 5.63 5.65 7.07 7.03 4.87 4.83 4.86 5.06 4.75 3.03 2.72 2.81 3.01 3.26 3.26
MnO 0.10 0.10 0.13 0.13 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06
MgO 1.89 1.91 3.17 3.27 1.71 1.69 1.70 1.44 1.24 0.43 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.36
CaO 4.55 4.51 5.11 5.25 3.79 3.81 3.80 3.08 3.06 0.59 0.60 0.74 0.54 0.56 1.61
Na2O 3.79 3.80 4.58 4.42 4.22 4.22 4.30 4.28 4.24 3.87 3.74 3.69 4.44 3.70 4.15
K2O 3.81 3.80 1.37 1.30 3.27 3.24 3.24 2.91 2.93 5.99 6.32 6.22 5.76 6.06 5.17
P2O5 0.25 0.26 0.30 0.31 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.26 0.26 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.06
LOI 0.99 1.03 2.74 2.77 0.68 0.70 0.68 1.79 1.81 0.80 0.96 0.85 0.90 1.02 1.37
ToTal 99.52 99.34 99.66 99.59 99.56 99.31 100.00 99.94 99.69 99.95 99.94 99.92 99.94 99.94 99.94
Sc 15.52 15.72 19.60 20.33 10.05 7.48 9.83 8.24 10.91 7.53 7.42 7.99 8.17 7.07 6.77
Ti 4637 4651 6035 6054 3678 3642 3737 4148 4594 1415 1435 1515 1654 1414 1381

W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx
V 79.97 80.31 136.10 135.00 81.74 86.69 72.77 61.87 69.58 24.44 19.56 21.78 21.99 18.18 19.74
Cr 49.39 47.32 36.38 34.14 31.74 29.16 30.12 19.74 25.32 16.00 10.64 10.39 12.41 13.71 14.52
Mn 770 757 953 1011 612 600 591 387 478 468 433 536 480 485 379
Co 8.97 8.94 17.01 17.26 10.05 9.77 9.97 7.36 9.03 2.25 1.70 1.81 1.93 2.04 2.28
Ni 4.91 2.93 4.16 5.82 3.48 3.40 3.51 2.06 2.89 5.38 3.50 3.64 4.09 6.06 5.92
Cu 7.50 7.28 16.74 11.12 7.26 8.22 8.13 8.98 11.72 9.79 7.27 6.63 9.40 9.72 12.46
Zn 73.87 74.38 95.23 88.04 68.91 65.87 68.39 74.44 84.16 59.31 57.12 55.38 52.72 51.93 73.13
Ga 20.26 20.37 20.72 20.98 20.13 19.46 20.24 19.21 20.56 19.79 18.91 19.58 20.22 17.59 23.09
Ge 2.07 2.08 2.17 2.20 1.99 1.87 1.90 1.02 1.96 1.49 1.59 1.84 1.61 1.61 1.38
Rb 98.39 98.23 44.68 44.03 110.90 39.10 111.00 69.85 80.36 216 225 244 211 231 214
Sr 522 520 744 754 483 349 485 425 432 116 119 127 133 122 140
Y 22.12 22.37 18.75 19.01 16.04 14.12 15.66 15.21 16.62 21.60 20.96 22.27 22.47 20.36 20.16
Zr 252 251 132 137 198 217 171 225 255 229 266 247 263 234 216
Nb 8.15 8.20 6.21 6.31 6.18 6.31 6.28 5.04 5.68 9.15 9.40 9.29 10.31 8.85 8.43
Cs 3.22 3.13 5.82 6.10 5.68 4.62 5.65 5.88 6.58 n n n n n n
Ba 898 915 609 620 547 380 550 799 784 849 916 954 848 879 974
La 27.39 27.62 20.17 19.77 27.88 16.95 27.94 21.78 22.94 35.33 36.79 35.87 37.03 34.57 34.74
Ce 56.70 56.89 43.83 43.43 55.69 40.86 55.91 45.88 48.19 66.51 70.45 68.40 70.63 64.16 67.35
Pr 7.16 7.23 5.79 5.76 6.66 5.17 6.56 5.92 6.25 8.34 8.79 8.83 9.07 8.13 8.34
Nd 28.24 28.44 24.02 24.01 24.50 20.12 24.21 23.64 24.83 30.54 31.67 32.25 32.92 29.52 30.98
Sm 5.54 5.55 5.00 5.03 4.52 4.01 4.42 4.52 4.82 5.38 5.50 5.66 5.83 5.15 5.18
Eu 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.03 0.93 1.02 1.22 1.30 0.75 0.74 0.79 0.82 0.73 0.70
Gd 4.88 4.94 4.48 4.50 3.87 3.46 3.78 3.85 4.18 4.85 4.37 4.62 4.92 4.44 4.04
Tb 0.73 0.74 0.67 0.68 0.55 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.61 0.76 0.68 0.72 0.74 0.69 0.61
Dy 4.24 4.23 3.87 3.90 3.18 2.97 3.07 3.19 3.45 4.18 4.12 4.32 4.24 3.97 3.44
Ho 0.88 0.88 0.78 0.78 0.64 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.69 0.85 0.82 0.87 0.85 0.80 0.71
Er 2.41 2.41 2.06 2.05 1.74 1.66 1.68 1.70 1.84 2.43 2.35 2.45 2.39 2.27 2.04
Tm 0.36 0.36 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.27 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.35 0.32
Yb 2.38 2.37 1.91 1.92 1.77 1.73 1.74 1.61 1.74 2.53 2.52 2.51 2.60 2.36 2.19
Lu 0.37 0.38 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.25 0.27 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.37 0.34
Hf 6.38 6.36 3.73 3.80 5.35 5.95 4.77 5.65 6.39 6.25 7.34 6.80 7.25 6.36 6.03
Ta 0.64 0.63 0.51 0.52 0.80 0.84 0.80 0.43 0.48 0.70 0.74 0.75 0.80 0.70 0.69
Pb 16.84 16.44 12.64 12.46 17.35 15.71 17.41 15.27 13.61 31.70 26.71 32.94 36.28 31.48 26.37
Th 8.72 8.71 5.67 5.69 18.90 14.41 17.97 6.88 7.27 12.44 12.29 12.90 13.12 12.22 10.85
U 2.54 2.46 1.79 1.77 2.60 2.33 2.32 2.38 2.64 3.48 3.40 3.53 3.67 3.32 2.66
Mg# 43.90 44.11 51.09 52.05 44.96 44.92 44.91 39.88 37.88 24.85 28.27 27.18 25.84 24.34 20.47
Eu 0.78 0.77 0.86 0.85 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.89 0.88 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47
K2O + Na2O 7.60 7.61 5.95 5.71 7.49 7.46 7.54 7.19 7.17 9.86 10.07 9.92 10.21 9.77 9.33
K2O/Na2O 1.01 1.00 0.30 0.29 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.68 0.69 1.55 1.69 1.69 1.30 1.64 1.25

Note: Major element oxide contents are normalized to 100 wt.% on a volatile-free basis. Mg# (Mg-number) = molar Mg  100/(Mg + Fe2+), calculated assuming FeO/(FeO + Fe2O3) = 0.85. Fe2O3T = total Fe is given as Fe2O3. LOI = Loss
on ignition. Eu is the ratio of chondrite-normalized Eu content to the expected concentration of Eu assuming no anomaly of Eu. The normalization factor for the calculation is from Sun and McDonough (1989).
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 11

14 Phonolite
(a) (a)
12 Tephriphonolite Trachyte 100
N a 2O + K 2O ( w t . % )

Foidite (Q<20%)

10 Trachy Trachydacite
Phonotephrite andesite (Q>20%)

8 10
6 Trachy
(Ol>10%) 1
4 Andesite Dacite


al Mesozoic volcanic


2 A Basaltic rocks from south


andesite Great Xingan Range


(N=148) 0.1

0 La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
35 45 55 65 75
SiO 2 (wt.%) 1000

Rock / Primitive Mantle

K 2O ( w t . % )

6 ultrapotassic

O = shoshonitic
N a 2
O/ Ba U Ta Ce Pr Nd Hf Eu Gd Dy Ho Tm Lu
2 K2
Rb Th Nb La Pb Sr Zr Sm Ti Tb Y Er Yb
a 2O = 0
K 2O /N calc-alkaline
Fig. 6. (a) REE distribution pattern and (b) trace element spider diagrams of the
0 Mesozoic volcanic rocks from the southern GXM. The primary mantle and chondrite
0 1 2 3 4 5
normalized data are from Sun and McDonough (1989).
Na 2O (wt.%)

Fig. 5. (a) TAS diagram and (b) relationship between SiO2 and K2O content of the
135 2 Ma (Table 2), consistent with the age distribution of the
volcanic rocks from the southern GXM. Data are referred from literatures (Gao et al.,
2005; Ge et al., 2000, 1999; Guo et al., 2001; Li et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2003; Zhang, giant igneous event in the whole GXM (Fig. 8). However, the age
2009) and this study. data indicate that Jurassic volcanic rocks form a relatively subordi-
nate proportion of the giant igneous event, although erosion prior
to eruption of the Early Cretaceous rocks may have contributed to
this. Therefore, the extensive volcanism in the southern GXM is an
(Zhang et al., 2010 and references therein). Recently high precise
important component of the giant Cretaceous igneous event in NE
age data show large range in crystallization age for the four volca-
China (Wu et al., 2005).
nic formations, indicating that the subdivision and correlation of
these volcanic strata needs to be re-evaluated (Wang et al., 2006;
Ying et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2010). According to our data and 5.2. Petrogenesis of the calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks
compilation in Fig. 2, volcanic rocks from the lowermost Manke-
touebo Formation, show a large age range from 174 4 Ma to 5.2.1. Subduction-modied mantle source
120 5 Ma, the overlying Manitu Formation from 156 1 Ma to Mantle metasomatism and partial melting are important geo-
125 1 Ma, the succeeding Baiyingaolao Formation from logical processes in the deep Earth, whereas partial melting of sub-
139 2 Ma to 124 1 Ma and the uppermost Meiletu Formation ducted crustal components is the most important agent for
from 136 2 Ma to 122 2 Ma. This is clearly impossible in a rea- generating mantle metasomatism (Zhang, 2005; Sun et al.,
sonable stratigraphic sequence and indicates that previous correla- 2013a). Many studies have documented that the metasomatism
tions across the area are incorrect (Zhang et al., 2010). Only the of mantle source by subduction is predominantly constrained slab
upper Meiletu Formation shows a consistent range of younger melting and/or slab devolatization (Turner and Hawkesworth,
ages. Nevertheless, the large rang in crystallization age of the vol- 1997; Gorman et al., 2006; Labanieh et al., 2012; Yang et al.,
canic rocks in the four volcanic formations show a climax in the 2014a). The presented chemical compositions of the calc-alkaline
Early Cretaceous, consistent with the giant igneous event recog- and shoshonitic rocks from the southern GXM are consistent with
nized in other parts of NE China (Jahn, 2004; Wu et al., 2005; a mantle source affected by slab dehydration rather than melting
Yang and Li, 2008; Yang et al., 2014b). of subducted sediments.
Compared with the volcanic strata in the southern segment of Dehydration of subducted slab will occur before melting due to
GXM, the volcanic rocks in the northern region have relatively high their PT proles (Syracuse and Abers, 2006; Syracuse et al., 2010),
contents of alkalis and much more mac in compositional for the and the resulting uids will play a critical role in the fertilization
basalt and basaltic andesite of the Tamulangou Formation (Zhang and melting of the mantle wedge (Kogiso et al., 1997; Gorman
et al., 2008a). The initiation of volcanism across both the northern et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2007; Sun et al., 2014). The relative immo-
and southern regions of GXM was considered to be synchronous in bility of some incompatible elements (e.g., HFSE) in aqueous uids
the Late Jurassic (Zhang et al., 2008a, 2010). The presented 127 has long been used to distinguish between the roles of melts and
analyses of eight samples in this study yield zircon UPb ages rang- uids as metasomatising agents (Labanieh et al., 2012; Yang
ing from 163 3 Ma to 109 3 Ma with a weighted mean at et al., 2014a). The Th budget in subduction-related volcanic rocks

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
12 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table 4
Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the felsic shoshonite in the southern GXM.
Sample Rb/86Sr 87
Sr/86Sr 2r (87Sr/86Sr)i 147
Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd 2r (143Nd/144Nd)i eNd(t) TDM,2(Ma)
H13 5.3765 0.719040 0.000016 0.709641 0.1065 0.512581 0.000011 0.512495 0.30 892
H14 5.4901 0.714633 0.000020 0.705036 0.1049 0.512670 0.000008 0.512586 2.08 747
H16 4.5950 0.714733 0.000013 0.706700 0.1071 0.512605 0.000013 0.512519 0.76 854
H18 4.4364 0.713007 0.000016 0.705252 0.1012 0.512662 0.000007 0.512581 1.98 755

Note: Initial values were calculated by using the age of 127 Ma.

As (a)
me the
Pacific MORB
ltin nos Atlantic MORB 25
g ph Indian MORB
10 ic Hegenshan ophiolitic complex
Northern GXM
172 analyses of
Southern GXM
20 eight samples
Felsic shoshonite of this study (Mean=135  0D )

Nd ( t )


0 10
her Relative probability
ic m 5
-5 ant
le m
-10 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0.702 0.704 0.706 0.708 0.710
Age (Ma)
86 87
initial Sr/ Sr

20 Post-collisional MongolOkhotsk
15 MongolOkhotsk subduction related
(b) PaleoPacific
10 Juvenile crust 16 subduction related

A-type granites 12

80 in NE China
0 70
Nd ( t )

Xi Ujimqin
Volcanic rocks
-5 50 8
andesite (N=95 samples)
30 Granitoids
-10 20
10 4 (N=55 samples)
Old crust
-20 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Age (Ma)
T DM,2 (Ma)
Fig. 8. (a) Age distribution for 127 analyses of the eight selected volcanic rocks from
Fig. 7. (a) eNd(t) vs. initial 87Sr/86Sr diagram of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the the southern GXM. (b) Compilation of age data of volcanic rocks and granites from
southern GXM, compared with MORBs from the PETDB database (http://www. the whole GXM (modied after Zhang et al. (2010)).
earthchem.org/petdb) and Mesozoic volcanic rocks in both Northern Great Xingan
Mountains (NGXM) and Southern Great Xingan Mountains (SGXM) in literature
(Guo et al., 2010). (b) eNd(t) vs. TDM2 (two-stage model ages) diagram of the
inuence of aqueous uids formed by slab dehydration, whereas,
Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the southern GXM. The curve represents the mixing
proportions between the Juvenile crust and old crust components, according to Wu the lavas with low Ba/Th and 143Nd/144Nd ratios and high La/Sm
et al. (2002). Symbol size is larger than analytical error (2r). and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are attributed to the inuence of hydrous melts
by melting of slab sediments. In the southern GXM, the volcanic
rocks show the characteristics of magma from the active continen-
tal margin, with high Ba/Th ratios and low 87Sr/86Sr and La/Sm
is usually considered to be controlled by sediment recycling (Plank ratios (Figs. 7 and 9), suggesting that the mantle source are pre-
and Langmuir, 1998). High Th concentrations, Th/Nb and La/Sm dominately inuenced by slab dehydration rather than melting of
ratios in subduction-related lavas have been interpreted to have sediments.
been caused by the incorporation of recycled sediments
(Avanzinelli et al., 2009; Labanieh et al., 2012). In contrast, subduc-
tion-related uids are generally considered enriched in elements 5.2.2. Origin of the intermediate calc-alkaline and shoshonitic magma
such as Ba, Pb, Rb, U and Sr and depleted in Th, Nb, Ta, Hf, Ti and K-rich igneous rocks are usually considered to have formed
REE (Brenan et al., 1995; Ayers et al., 1997; Kessel et al., 2005), from the partial melting of amphibole/phlogopite veins or their
which are consistent with the trace elements distribution patterns host mantle wedge, with their K concentrations controlled by the
for the volcanic rocks in the southern GXM (Fig. 6b). Labanieh et al. abundance of amphibole/phlogopite in the vein network, the
(2012) attributed the high Ba/Th and 143Nd/144Nd ratios and low amounts of mantle component involved, and the degree of partial
La/Sm and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in arc lavas on Martinique to the melting (Avanzinelli et al., 2009; Conticelli et al., 2009a, 2009b;

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx 13

10 Active continental (a) Garnetlherzolite 0.05

margins t
en 0.1
SH hm 0.05
CA 0.1 0.001
ion 0.3 0.01 lherzolite
s let 0.7
lt De
p PM
ce a
d ur as 0.01

h e o b N-MORB 0.05
1 Oceanic ic e s te 1 Garnetlherzolite
nr tl la DM 0.3 0.05
island arcs E an a-p 0.7 0.1
m tr 0.3 Spinellherzolite

CA in


d r S
0.1 te ou
p le le s
e t
D an RB F 0.1
m O 0.1 1 10 100
Average M
N-MORB La (ppm)

0.01 0.1 1 10 20
Ta/Yb (b)

140 F=0.1

(b) 15 F=0.06

t lherz


100 10
80 dehydration

5 F=0.06
60 F=0.2 F=0.1

Sediment melting Spinellherzolite

0 1 2 3 4
Yb (ppm)

0 Fig. 10. (a) La/Sm versus La and (b) La/Yb versus Yb diagrams, showing the source
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
and fractionation characteristics of the intermediate volcanic rocks from the
La/Sm southern GXM (after Zhu et al. (2009) and Yang et al. (2012)).

Fig. 9. (a) Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb diagram (after Pearce (1983)), with SH, shoshonitic
basalt; CA, calc-alkaline basalts; TH, tholeiitic basalt; S, subduction zone enrich- melting between the spinel and garnet stability elds of an amphi-
ment; C, crustal contamination; W, within plate enrichment; F, fractional crystal-
lization. (b) Ba/Th vs. La/Sm diagram (after Labanieh et al. (2012)), showing the
bole- and/or phlogopite-bearing lherzolite (Duggen et al., 2005;
source nature of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the southern GXM. Jiang et al., 2009). Partial melting in the garnet stability eld gen-
erally leads to high Dy/Yb ratios (>2.5), whereas melting in the spi-
nel stability eld would produce melts with low Dy/Yb ratios
Yang et al., 2014a). Amphiboles from mantle xenoliths display rel- (<1.5). The presented volcanic rocks have intermediate Dy/Yb
atively high abundances of K, Sr, LREE, HFSE, and Ba in some cases, ratios ranging from 1.58 to 2.03, which implies that the source
but very low abundances of Rb and Th (Ionov and Hofmann, 1995; mantle contains both garnet-facies and spinel-facies lherzolite
Chazot et al., 1996). In contrast, phlogopites are rich in K, Sr, Ba, (e.g., Duggen et al., 2005). The La/Yb ratios of igneous rocks are
and Rb, but have very low concentrations of REE, HFSE and Th. sensitive to basalt source mineralogy, because Yb is typically more
The K/Rb ratios of phlogopites vary from 40 to 400, whereas those compatible in garnet than in clinopyroxene or spinel (Luhr et al.,
of amphiboles and amphibole-bearing melt are generally greater 1995). The Yb concentrations and La/Yb ratios suggest that the
than 1100 (Hart and Aldrich, 1967; Chakrabarti et al., 2009). The mineral ratios of garnet/spinel in the source region are all less than
volcanic rocks in the southern GXM have relatively low K/Rb ratios 0.25. In the La/Yb vs. Yb modal diagram, all volcanic rocks plot in
(203693), as well as relatively low REE and HFSE abundances, the spinelgarnet lherzolite eld (Fig. 10b). Consequently the
indicating that phlogopites are the dominant hydrous minerals in magma source of the volcanic rocks could be produced by rela-
the source region. Besides, the variations in both lithology and tively low degree partial melting (F < 0.1) of garnetspinel lherzo-
composition for the intermediate volcanic rocks of calc-alkaline lite (Fig. 10b). Thus, all volcanic rocks from the GXM were likely to
and shoshonitic were induced by fractionation crystallization of derive from partial melting of the garnetspinel lherzolite transi-
plagioclase in majority and clinopyroxene in minority. tional eld (<27 kbar, Klemme and ONeill, 2000).
In addition, the La/Sm and La/Yb ratios of the volcanic rocks are
3.936.72 and 9.8016.1, respectively, which demonstrate that all
the calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks were originated by the 5.2.3. Origin of the felsic shoshonitic magma
batch partial melting of spinel and garnet peridotite (e.g., Genc It is generally accepted that direct melting of the mantle could
and Tuysuz, 2010; Yang et al., 2012). The partial melting curves not have produced the felsic members (Campbell et al., 2014 and
that coincide with the compositions of the volcanic rocks imply references therein). In addition, the lack of decrease in Ni and Cr
<10% partial melting of an enriched mantle source based upon La concentrations with increasing SiO2 and decreasing MgO contents
abundance and La/Sm ratios (Fig. 10a). Furthermore, the Dy/Yb from intermediate to felsic rocks in the southern GXM precludes
ratio is an important geochemical index for distinguishing partial the possibility that the felsic members were derived by fractional

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
14 W.-B. Yang et al. / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xxx (2015) xxxxxx

crystallization from the intermediate members (Table 3). It is sug- GXM, Late Mesozoic igneous rocks are also widespread in other
gested that, therefore, the felsic shoshonite in the southern GXM parts of NE China (Fig. 1a), including the Lesser Xingan Mountains,
probably have different source regions from the associated man- the eastern part of the JilinHeilongjiang Provinces, the Songliao
tle-derived intermediate volcanic rocks. Basin, the Zhangguangcai Range, and the Jiamusi Massif (Wu
The felsic rhyolite are also documented closely associated with et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2010). However, it is
the widely distributed A-type and I-type granites in NE China (Wu a contentious issue that these intensively magmatic activities in
et al., 2002 and references therein), including the Cretaceous Bae- Late Mesozoic were predominantly controlled by whether the
rzhe alkaline granite (Jahn et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2014b). Base on MongolOkhotsk tectonic system or the western-Pacic tectonic
the similar Sr/Nd isotopic characteristics, Wu et al. (2002) proposed system (Fan et al., 2003; Gao et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2006; Guo
that both the A-type and I-type granites are derived from the same et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2010). The generation of the calc-alkaline
mixed source with proportions of juvenile and ancient crustal com- and shoshonitic rocks reported here favors an explanation by par-
ponents. If assumed underplated mac crust has a concentration of tial melting of thickened lithospheric mantle and lower crust in
Nd about 15 ppm according to Wu et al. (2002), the two-component extensional setting induced by tectonic regime transition rather
mixing model suggest that the rhyolite along with the A-type gran- than mantle plume activity or some other intraplate process.
ites in NE China are dominated by new, mantle-derived juvenile The question remains as to what can cause such a tectonic tran-
material (Fig. 7b). In this respect, the Hegenshan ophiolitic complex sition to induce the large-scale igneous event in NE China. Previous
represents a juvenile source and the Xi Ujimqin andesite represents paleomagnetic reconstructions indicated that the MongolOkhotsk
a predominantly old crustal source (Fig. 7b), so far reported in the Ocean was still not closed completely before the end of the Juras-
southern GXM (Guo et al., 2010). Therefore, the felsic shoshonitic sic, and that the scissors-like closure was considered to be from
magma in the southern GXM is plausibly crustal derived. It is consis- west to east (Enkin et al., 1992; Metelkin et al., 2010). During the
tent with some previous documentation that felsic shoshonite can gradual closure, the western part of this ocean was at the Early/
be derived by partial melting of the lower crust, following under- Middle Jurassic boundary (Zorin, 1999), whereas, the nal collision
plating by mantle-derived magma, e.g., post-collisional shoshonitic of the eastern part was occurred in the Early Cretaceous (Metelkin
rocks from the East African Orogen (Kuster and Harms, 1998) and et al., 2010), and then led to the complete collision of Siberia and
the Kunlun Orogenic Belt (Jiang et al., 2002). MongoliaChina blocks (Fig. 11). Subsequent crustal shortening
and thickening was resulted from the subduction and demission
5.3. Geodynamic implications of the MongolOkhotsk Ocean. Partial melting of the thickened
lower crust and underlying lithospheric mantle induced by con-
NE China is the eastern part of the CAOB that formed by the vecting asthenosphere or delamination was proposed critical to
amalgamation of multiple micro-continental blocks and arcs in the generation of high-Mg andesitic magma at 136 2 Ma (Li
Paleozoic (Li, 2006 and references therein). During the Late Paleo- et al., 2013). After that, large-scale volcanism was erupted in NE
zoicEarly Mesozoic, the nal closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean China during Early Cretaceous with a peak of about 125 Ma
indicated the completion of the CAOB evolutionary (Xiao et al., (Fig. 7b), which was consistent with the time of lithospheric thin-
2003; Jahn, 2004; Chen et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2015). After that, ning in the eastern North China Craton that resulting in the
the whole NE Asia was subsequent in the MongolOkhotsk removal of >120 km of lithosphere induced by the subduction of
tectonic system and circum-Pacic tectonic system in the Late the paleo-Pacic ocean plate (Menzies et al., 1993; Meng, 2003;
Mesozoic (Metelkin et al., 2010; Sun et al., 2013b). Besides the Wu et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2008).

(a) (b)

Fig. 11. Late Mesozoic paleoreconstruction of Asian blocks and adjacent Siberia (after Enkin et al. (1992)), showing the dominantly regional principle stress directions (the
dark arrows) that transferred from southward (a) to westward (b). Abbreviations refer to major tectonic divisions: EUR, Europe; INC, Indo-China; IND, India; JUN, Junggar;
KAZ, Kazakhstan; LH, Lhasa; MON, Mongolian; NCB, north China; QA, Qiadam; QI, Qiangtang; SCB, south China; SH, Shan Thai; SIB, Siberian; and TAR, Tarim.

Please cite this article in press as: Yang, W.-B., et al. Geochronology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the
southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002
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southern Great Xingan Mountains, NE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.12.002

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