DLL Week 8 Science

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School Grade FIVE

Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date WEEK 8 Quarter 2nd QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of how plants understanding of how plants understanding of how plants
reproduce reproduce reproduce
B. Performance The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
Standards create a hypothetical create a hypothetical create a hypothetical
community to show how community to show how community to show how
organisms interact and organisms interact and organisms interact and
reproduce to survive reproduce to survive reproduce to survive
C. Learning Explain the need to protect Explain the need to protect Explain the need to protect
Competencies and and and
conserve estuaries and conserve estuaries and conserve estuaries and
intertidal zones intertidal zones intertidal zones
S5LT-Ii-j-10 S5LT-Ii-j-10 S5LT-Ii-j-10
D. Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the
learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
• identify the abiotic factors in • identify the feeding • identify the biotic and
an intertidal zone and relationships in an intertidal abiotic factors in an intertidal
estuarine ecosystem and estuarine ecosystem; and zone and estuarine ecosystem.
• differentiate food chain and • identify the feeding
food web relationships in an intertidal
and estuarine ecosystem; and
• differentiate food chain and
food web

Protection and Conservation Protection and Conservation Protection and Conservation

II. CONTENT of Estuaries and Intertidal of Estuaries and Intertidal of Estuaries and Intertidal
( Subject Matter) zones zones zones
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials ADM Module ADM Module ADM Module
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures
A. Drill/Reviewing Review: Review: Review:
previous Lesson or Directions: Draw a happy face Direction: Put a check (🗸)
presenting new lesson if the statement tells a way of inside the box if it describes
protecting and the need to protect and
conserving estuaries and conserve estuaries and
intertidal zones. If it does not, intertidal zones. Put a cross
draw a sad face. (X) if it does not describe the
1. I dispose toxic products need to protect and conserve
properly. estuaries and intertidal zones.
2. We will use disposable 1. Estuaries and intertidal
plastic bags rather than zone are home to many plants
reusable ones. and animals that
3. Let us encourage fishermen human’s use as food,
not to engage in dynamite for medicine and other products.
fishing. 2. They serve as a breeding
4. Let your pet’s waste be ground and nursery of young
washed up to waterways. aquatic animals.
5. Respect animals that you 3. Estuaries filters dirt before
find along the seashore. freshwater enters the seas or
4. Their important
commercial value and
resources provide economic
benefits for tourism, fisheries,
and recreational activities.
5. Estuaries and intertidal
zone decrease concentration
of salt in the oceans and seas.
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson

Look at the two pictures.

Which of these pictures show
a healthy body of water and
which shows an unhealthy What can you say about the
one? picture?
What do you think are the
factors that can lead to the
destruction of these bodies of

How can we maintain them to

be clean, pristine, and thriving

Why do we need to protect

and conserve these
ecosystems, including our
estuaries and intertidal zones?
C. Presenting examples/ Intertidal zones and estuaries Like other ecosystems, Comprehension Check
instances of the new are important bodies of water estuaries and intertidal zones 1. What is the poem all about?
lesson because they provide a lot of needs to be protected because 2. In the poem, what are the
benefits. of the presence of organisms human activities that can
that are dependent on their harm the environment like
unique conditions. Our intertidal zones and estuaries?
country is rich in different 3. Why do we need to take
forms of ecosystem because good care of our
of the presence of so many environment?
rivers and long shorelines. 4. How can you help protect
and conserve our mother
D. Discussing new Estuaries and Intertidal Like the Manila Bay which Because of its importance, we
concepts and Zones has both intertidal zones and should take care of these
practicing new These areas are home to a lot estuaries, human should do bodies of water. We need to
of plants and animals and actions that will not destroy protect and conserve these
provide food, medicine, and but support the interactions of places. As a youth, you can do
other products. They also the organisms living in the simple things at
serve as a breeding ground area. There are a lot of ways home and in your community
and nursery of young aquatic of taking good care the to help these ecosystems, such
animals. They also protect us environment. as properly disposing and
from big waves, strong winds, segregating our garbage and
and even during storms. They other waste materials. You
also serve as the exit points of can also tell and encourage
water during floods. Estuaries your parents and neighbors to
filter salt from the sea water. use organic fertilizer, grow
These areas also give plants that need less water,
significant contributions to help in the clean-up activities
tourism, agriculture and in your barangays on cleaning
fisheries, and our economy as these places, and encourage
a whole. classmates and friends not to
disturb animals and plants in
their natural habitat. Putting
coconut fiber mat, planting
marsh grass and mussels’ bed
are some activities that can
protect our estuaries and
intertidal zones.
E. Discussing new Intertidal zones and estuaries Draw a smiley face on the There are still other ways we
concepts and are important bodies of water action or activity that helps can do to help our
practicing new skills because they provide a lot of protect environment. Can you think
#2. benefits. These areas are and conserve the estuaries and of some?
home to a lot of plants and intertidal zones. Moreover, sustaining the
animals and _______ 1. planting trees balance of these bodies of
provide food, medicine, and _______ 2. feeding the fish water is also a significant
other products. They also _______ 3. disposing garbage factor that we can do as
serve as a breeding ground properly stewards of Mother Earth. We
and nursery of young aquatic _______ 4. taking a bath with should avoid some practices
animals. They also protect us shampoo that would contribute to the
from big waves, strong winds, _______ 5. restricting fishing destruction of estuaries and
and even during storms. They activities intertidal zones. Industrial
also serve as the exit points of ______ 6. collecting starfish pollution, overharvesting of
water during floods. Estuaries _______7. banning aquatic species, dredging,
filter salt from the sea water. recreational birding draining and paving over
These areas also give ______ 8. removing sea estuarine waterways, oil
significant contributions to urchin spills, and population growth
tourism, agriculture and _______ 9. avoiding oil leaks in coastal watersheds are
fisheries, and our economy as _______ 10. cleaning up the some
a whole. rivers threats to estuaries and
intertidal zones. Thus, in
order to conserve and protect
these, let’s help one another
and do our part as good
citizens and guardians of
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Write True if the Directions: Read the
(Lead to Formative statement is correct and False questions carefully. Write the
Assessment 3) if it is not. Write your answers letter of the correct answer.
on your answer sheet. 1. Why are estuaries
1. Improperly disposed important to our
household chemicals can environment?
harm our water supply. i. They help filter pollutants
2. Homes of vital marine life from the water.
like estuaries should be ii. They provide homes for
treated with carelessness. many wildlife species. • Planting trees or sea grasses.
3. Planting appropriate iii. They are important • Conserving water in your
mangroves improves our nursery areas for a variety of daily life.
estuaries and intertidal zones. aquatic life. • Using dynamite and poison
4. Disposal of solid and liquid A. i and ii B. ii and iii C. i and for fishing.
wastes in rivers and streams iii D. i, ii, and iii • Dumping waste materials on
helps keep estuaries healthy. 2. Why is there a need to bodies of water.
5. Overfishing harms estuaries protect the estuaries and • Encouraging children in
and intertidal zones. intertidal zones? catching young aquatic
A. It is our property. animals.
B. It helps us come up with • Spilling crude oil and other
lessons to discuss in class. substances in the bodies of
C. It provides vital nesting, water.
breeding, and feeding habitats • Following proper disposal
for many species. directions on some of your
D. It is God’s gift to us, thus household
we can do anything to it for materials.
our own benefits. • Increasing the number of
3. Which of the following bacteria or viruses in aquatic
situations DOES NOT show ecosystem.
way of protecting and
conserving estuaries and
intertidal zones?
A. Arnel dumps his wastes in
a proper container.
B. Maggy limits the use of
plastic products.
C. Nico uses synthetic
fertilizer for his crops.
D. Rose recycles old things.
4. Which of the following is
the impact on the environment
if estuaries were
A. There would be drought.
B. There would be organisms
that could be wiped out or
C. There would be decreased
concentration of salt in the
D. There would be less
boating, fishing, and
swimming in local rivers.
5. Which of the following
activities is the MOST
A. Building dams along the
B. Dumping chemicals into
bodies of water
C. Commercially developing
coastal watersheds
D. Restoring coastal
watersheds from damages
G. Finding practical Why do we need to protect How would you show your Direction: Make a poster on
application of concepts our environment? care to our estuaries and how you can help preserve
and skills in daily intertidal zone. and conserve the intertidal
zones and estuaries. Make it
catchy and colorful. Then
write at least 3 sentences
explaining the poster. Use
short bond paper.

Rubrics provided in the


H. Making Give reasons we need to Why do estuaries and How can you protect and
Generalizations and protect and conserve intertidal intertidal zones important to conserve intertidal zones and
Abstraction about the zones and estuaries. living things? estuaries?

I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Draw a happy face Direction: Put a check (🗸)
if the statement tells a way of inside the box if it describes
protecting and the need to protect and
conserving estuaries and conserve estuaries and
intertidal zones. If it does not, intertidal zones. Put a cross
draw a sad face. (X) if it does not describe the
1. I dispose toxic products need to protect and conserve
properly. estuaries and intertidal zones.
2. We will use disposable 1. Estuaries and intertidal
plastic bags rather than zone are home to many plants
reusable ones. and animals that
3. Let us encourage fishermen human’s use as food,
not to engage in dynamite for medicine and other products.
fishing. 2. They serve as a breeding
4. Let your pet’s waste be ground and nursery of young
washed up to waterways. aquatic animals.
5. Respect animals that you 3. Estuaries filters dirt before
find along the seashore. freshwater enters the seas or
4. Their important
commercial value and
resources provide economic
benefits for tourism, fisheries,
and recreational activities.
5. Estuaries and intertidal
zone decrease concentration
of salt in the oceans and seas.
J. Additional Activities Bring ART Material for
for Application or tomorrow’s Activity


A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned
___ of Learners who earned
80% in the evaluation 80% above 80% above 80% above 80% above
80% above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation who scored remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
below 80%

C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught
have caught up with the up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson up the lesson

D.No. of learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? Why well: well: well: well: well:
did these work? __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
__Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension

encounter which my principal __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
or supervisor can help me

G.What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did I __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
use/discover which I wish to __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
share with other teachers?
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

Prepared by: Checked & Noted:

Position Master Teacher 2


Principal IV

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