DLL Week 7 Science

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School Grade FIVE

Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date WEEK 7 Quarter 2nd QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of how plants understanding of how plants understanding of how plants understanding of how plants understanding of how plants
reproduce reproduce reproduce reproduce reproduce
B. Performance The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to The learners should be able to
Standards create a hypothetical create a hypothetical create a hypothetical create a hypothetical create a hypothetical
community to show how community to show how community to show how community to show how community to show how
organisms interact and organisms interact and organisms interact and organisms interact and organisms interact and
reproduce to survive reproduce to survive reproduce to survive reproduce to survive reproduce to survive
C. Learning Discuss the interactions among Discuss the interactions among Discuss the interactions among Discuss the interactions among Discuss the interactions among
Competencies living things and non-living living things and non-living living things and non-living living things and non-living living things and non-living
things in estuaries and intertidal things in estuaries and intertidal things in estuaries and intertidal things in estuaries and intertidal things in estuaries and intertidal
zones zones zones zones zones
S5LT-IIh-8 S5LT-IIh-8 S5LT-IIh-8 S5LT-IIh-8 S5LT-IIh-8
D. Learning Objectives At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the At the end of this lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the
learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to: learners are able to:
• identify the biotic and abiotic • identify the biotic factors in an • identify the abiotic factors in • identify the feeding • identify the biotic and abiotic
components in estuaries and intertidal zone and estuarine an intertidal zone and estuarine relationships in an intertidal and factors in an intertidal zone and
intertidal zones ecosystem. ecosystem estuarine ecosystem; and estuarine ecosystem.
• differentiate food chain and • identify the feeding
food web relationships in an intertidal and
estuarine ecosystem; and
• differentiate food chain and
food web

Interactions Among Living Things Interactions Among Living Things Interactions Among Living Things Feeding Relationships in an Interactions Among Living Things
II. CONTENT and Non-living Things in and Non-living Things in and Non-living Things in Intertidal Zone and Estuarine and Non-living Things in
( Subject Matter) Estuaries and in Intertidal Zones Estuaries and in Intertidal Zones Estuaries and in Intertidal Zones Ecosystem Estuaries and in Intertidal Zones
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC K to 12 MELC
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials ADM Module ADM Module ADM Module ADM Module ADM Module
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures PowerPoint, Pictures
A. Drill/Reviewing Review: Review: Review: Review:
previous Lesson or
presenting new lesson What are the two types of
What are the two types of
Asexual Reproduction methods?

B. Establishing a purpose Look at the picture below. Read the poem below and Read the short paragraph.
for the lesson answer the guide question. One early morning, Van went to
an estuary near their house. He
saw a tall cattail plant grew on
the water. He remembered her
Grade V teacher saying that
plants use the energy coming
from the sun to make their own
food. He noticed that some parts
of the plant withered and fell into
the water. As he looked closely,
Where do you think the picture
there were dead plants and
aquatic animals that became
part of the estuary. There are
Are there any living things found
clams who filter detritus. While
in the area?
he noticed that big clams were
being eaten by seagull. This
How about nonliving things?
seagull also fed its young. After
some time, Van saw an eagle
who fly magnificently.
Several later, he saw the little
seagull at the beak of the bald

Guide Questions:
1. What are the organisms found
by Van in the estuary?
2. What happen to the following
3. What is the source of energy?

C. Presenting examples/ The biotic factors are living The biotic and abiotic factors or What are the biotic factors and The Earth is a huge ecosystem
instances of the new things which include plants, components of estuarine abiotic factors stated in the that consists of living things and
lesson animals, and ecosystems interact in such poem? nonliving things. Of all nonliving
microorganisms, while abiotic a unique way, thus make some things (factors), the most
factors are the non-living things organisms choose to reproduce important is the light from the
found in the ecosystem. in these areas. sun which is serve as the source
of energy for the whole
ecosystem. The energy is
passed from one organism to
D. Discussing new Estuarine ecosystem has a great Biotic factors in an ecosystem Both intertidal zones and Living things in any ecosystem
concepts and practicing diversity of plants and animals such as an intertidal zone and estuaries provide habitats consist of the producers,
that live there. estuary are composed of all for many organisms. These consumers, and decomposers.
new skills.#1
plants, animals and habitats have a lot of abiotic Energy and nutrients are
When an organism of the same microorganisms living in it. factors that affect the transferred from the producers
kind live together, they form a organisms thriving in them. to decomposers through their
group called population. feeding relationships.
The feeding relationships in an
intertidal zone and Estuarine

Community = when a
population interacts with other
populations. The abiotic factors set the
condition in the intertidal zone
Biotic Factors also have an effect and estuarine. These factors
to the ecosystem. These dictate whether a certain
organisms live in different organism will be able to live in
habitats found in intertidal zones the environment or not. Any
and estuaries. These includes small change to the abiotic
Ecosystem = when community coral reefs, salt marshes, mud factors will create an impact to
interacts with air, water, soil, flats, rocky shore, and mangrove the organisms inside the
sunlight, and other nonliving forests. ecosystem.
things in its surroundings.

= it is the
relationship between biotic
factors and abiotic factors.
Biotic factors are the living
components in an ecosystem.
Examples: trees, birds, fish and

Abiotic factors are non-living

components in the ecosystem.
Examples: rocks, sunlight, water
E. Discussing new Biotic Factors in an Intertidal
concepts and practicing Zone and Estuarine
new skills #2. Ecosystem.

Which biotic factor or living thing

acted as producer?

Answer: The grass

Which biotic factor or living thing

acted as consumers?

What will happen to the living

things if the producers will be
removed in a particular

The consumers or living things

will starve and will move to
another place in search of food.
F. Developing Mastery Match the description in column
A with the items in column B.
(Lead to Formative
Column A Column B
Assessment 3)
1. Organisms A.
that can Carnivores
make their
own food
2. Organisms B. Food
that eat Chain
plants only
3. Organisms C. Food
that eat Web
animals only
4. A series of D.
organisms Herbivores
that feed on
each other
5. Consists of E.
two or more Producers
food chains
G. Finding practical Is water considered as abiotic? How mangroves are able to Directions: Draw an estuary or
application of concepts adapt and live in salt water? an intertidal zone on a short
Is it essential to living organisms bond paper. Label the biotic and
and skills in daily living
or biotic factors? The mangroves have broad, abiotic factors found in your
sturdy roots which prop the tree drawing.
on the soft soil. These roots also
filter the water going into the
plant. It does not allow salt to be
taken in with the water. The
leaves of the mangrove are also
able to excrete salt from plants.

H. Making Generalizations What do you mean by Biotic and What are the different biotic How do the abiotic factors affect What is Food Chain?
and Abstraction about Abiotic? factors in an intertidal zone and the intertidal zone and estuarine
estuarine ecosystem? ecosystems? What is Food Web?
the Lesson.
Why do you think estuaries are
called the “nurseries of the sea”? The abiotic factors set the How do they differ to each other?
condition in the intertidal zone
It is because estuaries serve as and estuarine. These factors The difference of a food chain
the breeding ground of many dictate whether a certain and food web lies on the size of
kinds of organisms. organism will be able to live in the linked networks of organisms
the environment or not. Any which feed on each other.
small change to the abiotic
factors will create an impact to
the organisms inside the
I. Evaluating Learning Observe the picture below: Identify the following organism it
is a producer, consumer, or
decomposer. If the organism is a
consumer, identify if it is
carnivore, herbivore, or
Shrimp = Consumer –
1. Human
2. Seaweed
Identify some living things and 3. Snail
non-living things found in the 4. Fungi
picture. Write your answer inside 5. Tilapia
the table.
Biotic Factors Abiotic Using the diagram, differentiate
(Living Factors the two feeding relationships of
Things) (Nonliving organisms
Feeding Relationship
of Organisms

Food Chain Food Web

J. Additional Activities for Bring art materials tomorrow

Application or


A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
80% in the evaluation above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above above above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation who scored below remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

C.Did the remedial lessons work? ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
No. of learners who have caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
up with the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
to require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation

E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why did __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
these work? __Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension

encounter which my principal or __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
supervisor can help me solve?

G.What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
which I wish to share with other __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

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